SQL Server 2014 :: Call SSRS Snapshot Report Dynamically
Oct 2, 2014
We are setting up a new reporting environment for our client and as part of the deliverable I need to achieve the following two things.
1. Most of our reports are snapshot reports and all the data needed gets populated into transaction DB tables from a batch program. Some of batches run monthly and others on request, we use a scheduling tool to run these batches. For monthly running batches since I know when they run, I have scheduled snapshot report for the respective dates. But the batch that run on request have no fixed schedule so my question : Is there a way I can invoke or kick off a particular SSRS snapshot Report as soon as the batch completes running. For example if a on-request batch program finishes running today at 6PM , I would like to create a snapshot report as soon as the batch finishes running. Is this achievable ?!
2. As I mentioned above most of the reports are snapshot reports and client wants Report history of 10yrs. We have about 170 reports on the whole which run monthly/daily/yearly. Is there a best practice known in maintaining all the reports and where to store them?
We are using MS SQL Server Reporting Services 2014.
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Mar 17, 2015
I have a Javascript Function provided by our .NET Developer Team.
This code has to be used in a "Text Box" and in Text Box "Action Property" this will be added in the "Go To URL" section.
But Since i have no understanding of Javascript i am not been able to add it.I tried a method of adding this code in the expression section, but it gives error of "End of statement" in Preview section.
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Dec 11, 2013
I am using the QRCode4CS class [URL] .... to generate QR codes.
I can use the following code to successfully return a bitmap image to a picturebox in a Windows Form Application.
public class CreateQRCodeClass
public static Image CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString)
QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString));
[Code] ....
In trying to adapt the same code (below) to display a QR code in an SSRS report I get the error "There is an error on line 1 of custom code: [BC30311] Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Byte.'
Here is the custom code I am using.
Public Function QRCode(ByVal RetailerId As String) as Byte()
Return QRCode4CSCreateQRCode.CreateQRCodeClass.CreateQRCodeImage(RetailerId)
End Function
Here is the revised custom assembly.
public class CreateQRCodeClass
public static byte[] CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString)
QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString));
Image canvas = new Bitmap(86, 86);
[Code] ....
What data type can I successfully return to SSRS to display the image?
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Oct 5, 2015
I have to display three months name as column name in ssrs reports. These month column will be dynamically. So i have to display the column dynamically.
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Jun 28, 2015
I have a requirement to display the count of project data by their status (On Hold, In Progress, Pre-concept and Closed) for the current FY and Last FY based on column 'Financial Year' and 'Project Status'.
Financial Year column has a value in the following format (FY2011-12, FY2012-13, FY2013-14,FY2014-15, FY2015-16,FY2019-20 ,FY2020-21,FY2021-22)
I need to set the financial year value dynamically in above format for the last and current year (FY2013-14, FY2014-15) based on today's date and Financial Year is from July to Jun. For example,
When today's date is 28-06-2015 then it should set the current FY as FY2014-15 and Last Financial Year as FY2013-14When today's date is 28-06-2021 then it should set current FY as FY2020-21 and Last Financial Year as FY2019-20
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Nov 11, 2015
I developed a SSRS report, the problem is i dont have data in DEV server. So i dont know how to adjust the column lengths in ssrs report. is there any property so that the column length can be adjusted dynamically based on the data length whenever data is available in production.
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Dec 10, 2014
I have several databases set to read committed snapshot isolation level. Tempdb is configured according to best practices, but I don't see it's used much.
The application uses EF6, and it calls the stored procedures in the following way
Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("exec dbo.spSync_MatchesByTenant @MatchesGroup, @TenantId", parameter, licenseIDParam);
Is it possible the code does not use the read committed snapshot isolation level of the database?
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Jun 4, 2015
Is there any way to get SSRS 2014 report viewer to run in standards mode? We currently host SSRS report viewer in a standards mode IFrame. Seems to work fine for all browsers but IE8. In IE8, the report detail is missing.
I'm guessing that SSRS Viewer on IE 8 requires Quirks mode.
I noticed this article which states that SSRS 2014 Viewer only works in quirks mode.
Rendering issues with SQL Server Reporting Services reports in Internet Explorer
How do you get the SSRS viewer to run on IE8 in standards mode?
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Jul 2, 2015
I have 2 databases on the same server
One has a function, the other has the tables and views
using dba
select dbo.function(t.column) as x from dbb.dbo.table as t
gives m an invalid object name of dbo.table
using dba
select top 1 * from dbb.dbo.table works fine.
also if i create the function on the same db it works.
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Oct 16, 2014
I have a requirement where in I have to concatenate the fields based on their sequence given in another table along with respect to their lengths. eg..
Input 1:
Table A: (below are the fields and their respective values, not all fields will have values)
Table BIt contains the same fields as in table A and will have sequence number in which the concatenation should happen. The length field(LEN) will have corresponding field lengths(pipe delimited) should be considered in concatenation)
KUNNR--> 1
LIFRE -->4
Expected Result:
Note: If the field length given in Table B doesn't match with actual size of the fields then, the field should be filled with 2 left spaces while concatenation.. Eg. In above example say LIFNR value = 88390234(len =icon_cool.gif then after concat the value should be like below:
12345678904355325363a234 88390234
Note:The fields are not constant..I have around 40 fields like that in which any combination of fields can be possible...eg..
MATNR -->2
KUNNR--> 4
LIFRE --> 3
I am not sure which field has the value 1, 2 etc.. and how many fields are forming the combination..It can be sometimes 3/40 fields or it can be 10/40 fields...I have to dynamically get those values and concat...
I can have any number of fields for concatenation..above example is just for 4...it should be dynamic enough to handle any number of fields..
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Jul 30, 2015
I have 3 SSRS 2014 (Dev, UAT and Prod). I would like to change background colors of each environment and customize the title 'SQL Server Reporting Services' to ' SSRS Development'.
I prefer to implement both, a background color change and a title change. The reason for this is to clarify to end users which environment they are working with.
Where can I make those minimal changes in SSRS 2014.
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Jul 16, 2015
I would like to know how to split the phone number into two columns based on - symbol Dynamically.
for example
Phone Number
so output should be
code number
123 12323
1234 1222
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Jul 8, 2015
I have a sproc that will generate a dynamic call (and this must be done in a stored procedure),... Anyway the dynamic call I am having problems with is that I need to dynamically create a statement to backup a database. It works as long as the database is on the same server / instance as the stored procedure. I want to be able to from server/instance A create a command that does a backup of a database that is on server B. I just can't figure out the syntax for a database backup where the database is on another server.
Trying something like [ServerName].[DatabaseName] does not work...
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Feb 5, 2007
The current way I have my asp.net 2.0 web app running reports is, based on an
interface the user selects the criteria for a report. The .RDL file is created
dynamically based on the user's selections.
I then need to SOAP the dynamically created report to the report server and
then the report runs fine.
BUT it requires Adminstrative rights to do this. Can this be accomplished
without giving the local machine admin rights. I am sorry if this question
has been answered before but i have not been up here in a while.
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Jul 23, 2014
I have created a stored procedure with dynamic query and using sp_executesql . stored procedure is work fine.
Now i want to call stored procedure in select statement because stored procedure return a single value.
I search on google and i find openrowset but this generate a meta data error
So how i can resolve it ???
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Jan 25, 2008
hi, I have a question regarding calling sql table columns dynamically? workflow would go as:1. user enters search term into a textbox2. user checks a checkbox to search by column in sqldb (eg.. firstname or surname) pseudo sql would go like......SELECT +%column1(checkbox1.value)%+ OR +%column2(checkbox2.value)%+ OR +%column3(checkbox3.value)%+WHERE column1 = +%TextBox.Text%+ OR column2 = +%TextBox.Text%+ 3. display results in gridview my sql needs to improve greatly so any code insight(good book or link) would be terrific . thanks
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Jun 23, 2015
I am playing around in a test environment with SQL Server 2014. I have a question about the default location of the report server databases when you have multiple report server instances installed on one server.
I did a very simple install of SQL Server 2014 with the database and Reporting Services in Native Mode (install only) features selected. Accepting the default locations, I ended up with the following locations as you would expect:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS12.MSSQLSERVER
Running the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, I created the Report Server database. After creating the Report Server database, the related files will be located below in the SQL folder as I would expect.
Next I installed another instance, which I called Test, of SQL Server 2014 like I did above. I now have the following folder structure the Test instance as I expect.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.TEST
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS12.TEST
Running the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, I select the Test instance and create the Report Server Test instance database.
My first thought would be that the Test instance Report Server database would be in the following location:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.TESTMSSQLDATA
Instead this database is located with the default instance Report Server database:
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Feb 6, 2008
Hello All,
How to assign the DataSource to Server Report which is stored in the remote machine. Now i need to work on it. If you have any solution please pass on it to me.
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Nov 28, 2014
I need to create a website which has login details and then shows a list of reports for my clients?
Clients are external so would be website based with a login screen.
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Sep 4, 2015
Ive successfully cloned an SSRS VM Server within a scale out deployment to REPLACE a current physical machine. This wasn't too difficult.
The issue im having now is in creating a new SQL 2014 Environment with 3 SSRS nodes. Ive taken the time to build one up. Changed all my config files, installed all components etc & tweaks needed within my company...
I have now hit a brick wall though. Ive cloned this first server twice to give me 3 nodes. This is a new environment so the issue I have is that the rsreportserver.config files all now have the same InstallationID. I dont have any existing nodes to overwrite these files with. So when I attach the nodes to the database they will update the keys table with the same InstallationID as the first node and none will work.
Any way to force the SSRS setup to re-generate an installation ID - by repair maybe? Or is this something I can manually just make up?
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Sep 5, 2007
I'm having problems navigating from one report to another one if the second report has a multi-valued report parameter. When I navigate to the second report, I don't pass any parameters, but I get an error "parameter is missing a value" for the multi-valued report parameter. I have it setup as allow "multi-value" and "blank value". Any idea what the issue might be?
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Sep 16, 2015
I need to grab the value of the ReportFolder built-in global filed to a particular report on Report Manager, i.e., the full path to a particular report, when the user runs/executes the particular report, SSRS. Once I get this I need to process the path and get the Parent folder to the report and pass that to a stored procedure to do some business logic.
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Oct 21, 2015
I have a report which works fine with visual studio but when i uploaded the same into report server and tries to access it through IE or chrome or anything its dam slow.
how to get rid of this issue?
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Dec 18, 2007
I have a report which have multiple parameters. By default all the parameters are selected. Now I am scheduling a Cache with Report Execution Snapshot. Now if I try to view the report, it disables the prompt selection. It means user cant change the selection. Is it the expeceted behaviour of the exectuion snapshot?
S Suresh
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May 28, 2015
We have an application that can spit out our Facility Structure into the following format. However, we have a need to take that data and feed it into another system. However, as you can see it is organized in a PARENT / CHILD structure.
Indent Level Key:
3Service Line
If you notice, each additional row is the child row to its parent above it as long as the Indent Level Key continues to increment. Once we start going back up the structure we essentially have a new Division/Service Line/or Facility depending on how far back we jump on the Indent Level for that next row. Here is some sample data.
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Test_Data','U') IS NOT NULL
--===== Create the test table with
[Code] .....
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Nov 19, 2007
I have a sproc that returns somevalues and everything is working fine... and in my reports i am assigning the header data (in a detail column) based on the some feilds in the sproc... and there around 20 feilds that i want to show... but at a given time i am pretty sure that there wont be more than 10 fields that will have data.
So is it possible that show only the columns that have data in it and sometimes if there is less that 5 - 6 fields.. i want to realign the widths in those tables..
any help is appreciated..
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May 8, 2015
Is there any way to find Report server database name using T-SQL?
I have SQL server report server instance and authentication credentials.
I can use sys.databases but in case of user had changed ReportDb name at the time of configuration this approach will not work then How I can find?
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Oct 18, 2015
I have a report that gets a Customer_Number parameter and sends a mail with that customer's data.I want my users to be able to get this report's results by sending an email to a certain email address with a customer number in the topic.
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Apr 14, 2015
I got into confusion while working on DB Growth report for 2012 databases which has compression on.I am analyzing the DB Growth based on MSDB..dbo.backupset table which stores the backup information.
But here it gets tricky, In Previous versions we use "backup_size" column to get actual backup size and estimate the db growth based on the previous all backup file info. But now since compression is on in 2012 the "backup_size" colmuns gives a compressed file size(If i am right) so how do you know the actual backup size to estimate the db growth over a period of time??
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Oct 8, 2015
how to call javascript function in SSRS Reports?
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Sep 23, 2015
How to call a table valued functions from SSRS reports ?
Is there a way to call by selecting Dataset properties> Query >Stored Procedure radio button, If not then why our object type function is visible under this list.
MS SQL Server 2008 R2
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Jul 25, 2014
We have reports in SharePoint integrated mode which are really slow when compared to native mode. I have been asked to research and give info on what exactly causes the delays.
Any articles which give me information as to what happens when a report is run from SharePoint server and where does it log.
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May 16, 2015
I have SSRS report that has around 80+ columns. I have requirement where in dynamically hideshow columns in report based on user selection. I could able to do it by setting expression for "Visiblity" property and having report parameter thro' which columns to display can be choosen.
My problem is 2 points
1. fox example if columns 2 and 4 to be hidden, then there is an empty column between 1 and 3 and 5 columns. How to avoid this
2. When i export to PDF / Excel these spaces prevail.
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