SQL Server 2014 :: Convert 6 Digit Letter To Month And Year
Feb 27, 2015How to convert 6 digit number to mm/yyyy.
View 5 RepliesHow to convert 6 digit number to mm/yyyy.
View 5 RepliesThis is my table and data
CVID | WorkExperience
I need to convert into this result
CVID | WorkExperience
283873 years
681818 years 5 months
9656812 years 2 months
1135484 months
Hi.. can you please supply a SQL statement which will convert a datetime value to a Month Year format?
2001-07-17 14:32:20.763 ---> July 2001
thankyou !
Using SQL 2000. I need to select rows based on a date range. Both thebeginning date and ending date of the range will be entered in themm/dd/yy format. There are 2 columns in the table called MonthOfEvaland YearOfEval, both varchar(9) and both with data like "August" and"2005-2006". I think I need to use these 2 columns to create a date inthe mm/dd/yy format, then use that newly created date to see if it'swithin the date range. How would I go about doing this or is there abetter way?Thanks for any help or advice.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I return a 2 digit month into a variable for the months Jan thru September
SELECT DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) ---> returns 9 for September.. I need 09 returned in order to properly build my target file name...
i have some classes that I want to group by month/year (note:i dont need the day of the month)
how do i wirte my sql so it only gives me the dictinct groups month/year of the classes I have so that it comes out like so..
i try with my sql below but i cant get the groups th come out in order. i dont think it sees it as a date value.
dbo.classgiven.classdate date of the class.thank you all
SELECT DISTINCT { fn MONTH(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } " + "/" + "{ fn YEAR(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } AS monthyear,{ fn MONTH(dbo.classgiven.classdate) } AS monthcode FROM dbo.classT INNER JOIN dbo.classgiven ON dbo.classT.classcode = dbo.classgiven.classcode WHERE (dbo.classT.discount = '-1') AND (dbo.classT.coned IS NOT NULL)", conNorthwind )
Does anyone know of a way to use a funtion for returning records based on fiscal reporting periods like Quickbooks uses for example "This Month", "Last Month", "This Quarter", "Last Quarter", "This Year", "Last Year". While I realize that I can create a very long date time parsing routine for this but it is not very elegant or useful. I thought there might be a way to do this already with an existing function.I have created a stored procedure that I pass a @ViewRange Parameter to and it returns the records that I want but I need this ability in several procedures and wanted to turn it into a stored procedure.IF @ViewRange = 'This Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE (MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) AND (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC;IF @ViewRange = 'Last Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE(MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - 1) And (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC; Any ideas?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have run into something really annoying.
If I run the following SQL into SQL Server via SSMS it will load "31-DEC-49" as 2049-12-31.
INTO Stg_StockProductCostPrice
VALUES (0,9999,0.99,'15-NOV-75','31-DEC-49')
But if I have the same data in a file and load it via SSIS it is loading into the database as 1949-12-31, instead of 2049-12-31.
I know there is a property called "Two Digit Year Cutoff" against the server. It is defaulted to 2049. Is there anything similar within SSIS?
I am sure this will be an easy one for you pros, but I am having a case of the Mondays. I am trying to retrieve a date in the format 2007.01.01. In trying to do this I either end up with 1 or null when trying to create the 01 part. Below is some test code for the month portion.
SET @tst = DATEPART(Month, '1/1/2008')
SET @tst1 = '00'
--SET @tst = right(@tst1 + @tst, 2)
Select @tst, @tst1, @tst1 + @tst, right(@tst +tst, 2)
Result Set:
1 00 001 [blank]
What am I doing wrong here?
I want to build a string that contains today's date (without the time).
For example, if select GETDATE() returns 2008-04-28 14:18:34.180, I want to end up with either
(1) 2008-04-28
(2) 20080428. (I always want the month to be represented by a 2 digit number)
Is there a datepart parameter that will give me (1) in one shot? I don't think so, since datepart returns an integer and (1) is not in the form of an integer.
So, I was trying to build (2) by using the yyyy, mm, and dd parameters to extract out the appropriate parts and casting them to a string and contatentating them. However, when I do the month portion, (using mm) it gives me the integer that represents the month, and this number can be 1 or 2 digits depending on the month. I always want it to be a 2 digit number. For example, if I'm in Apr, I want to end up with "04", not "4". This would also apply to the day portion. (although the date that I'm writing this post is on the 28th so I'm not certain what GETDATE() will return on dates that are 1 digit.)
The only way I can get the single digit month to write out as a 2 digit month is by doing a LEN() function on the string and if it is a length 1, then concatenate a "0" in front of it. I started doing this and the expression became too crazy, so I wanted to first check to see if someone can come up with something cleaner.
Thanks for looking.
I have the following script that calculates Sales by month and current year.
We run a Fiscal year from April 1st thru March 31st.
So April 2012 sales are considered Fiscal Year 2013.
Is there a way I can alter this script to get Fiscal Year Totals?
select ClassificationId, YEAR(inv_dt) as Year, cus_no,
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 4 then salesamt end),0) as 'Apr',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 5 then salesamt end),0) as 'May',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 6 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jun',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 7 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jul',
[Code] ....
Data returned looks like the following.
ClassificationID Year Cus_no Apr May June ....
100 2012 100 $23 $30 $400
100 2013 100 $40 $45 $600
What I would need is anything greater than or equal to April to show in the next years row.
I have three web form controls, a ddl that contains the day, another ddl that contains the month and a textbox that contains the current year. To send the date chosen by the user to the database, I join the three web form control values so that the resultant string is ‘day/month/year’ thus:
CmdInsert.Parameters("@Date").Value = day.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + month.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + year.Text()
And the resultant string is: dd/mm/yyyy, for example 30/08/2004.
But the problem is if the user does not select any day or any day and month, then the resultant string is for example; 00/08/2004 or 00/00/2004, but the problem is the database does not accept this format as datetime. How can I do it?
I want the user has the possibility to chose as well only the month and year, and as well only the year. Is it possible to send to the database the datetime format with only the month and year, or only the year?
Thank you,
I have system database and user database file are present in G,H and W drive.The process is going to be - copy data from G to S, H to T, W to U. Rename G to X, H to Y and W to Z. Rename S to G, T to H and U to W. Reboot the servers. The original G, H and W will then be X, Y and Z. The old S will be the new G, old T will be H and old U will be W. My question is that after doing this whether my SQL server will start or not
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm using a file Task to rename files to include a Month and Year in the FIle. Part of the requirement in the file name is a two digit month. I have the following query built which will return a two digit month regardless if it's a one or two digit month.
This works perfect when running in T-SQL, but when attempting to define a variable in the expression
REPLACE(STR(MONTH(DATEADD("Month", -1,GETDATE())), 2), ' ', '0') expression keeps failing the evaluation?
Anyone run into a simliar issue or have a suggested work around?
I'm using PHP with SQLServer2k to create a page containing monthly counts of episodes at a facility occurring between two user selected month/year combinations. For instance, the user could select 10/2003 and 2/2004 and facility X and get a line for each month showing the count of episodes occuring in that month.
The problem is that the episode date is stored in three integer fields (epiday, epimonth, epiyear) and I'm having a terrible time getting them into a format where I can use them in a between statement.
I've tried evaluating the parts of the episode date seperately like:
(epimonth>=10 and epiyear=2003)
(epimonth<=2 and epiyear=2004)
and that works, but what happens when someone wants to see from 10/2002 to 2/2004?
Any suggestions on the best way to do this?
I am trying to get my db to return a date in the format day/month/year but its returning the american version month/day/year.
I'm using a DatePart function that converts my date:
( @fDate datetime )
RETURNS varchar(10)
RETURN ( CONVERT(varchar(10),@fDate,101) )
This returns te american version, can anyone help me to get this to convert the UK way.
In SQL SERVER 2000,I had built a function that retrieved absolute day, month, and year between two dates.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a field in a table that contains ten digit value representing a datetime. Is there any way to convert it to default datetime formatThanks--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com
View 2 Replies View Related--find day,month,year
--for day select datediff(d,'01 may 2008',getdate())
-- --for month select datediff(m,'01 jun 2006',getdate())
-- --for year select datediff(year,'01 jun 2006',getdate())
above working fine but suppose difference is 1 year 4 month and 2 month 15 days then It's giving 1 year and 2 month respectively.
but I want completely so I can use this in case of expired user in my project.
User can be expired in 1 month,3 month and 1 year. So I'm not able to recognize.
What's the best way to calculate a customers age and value by month and year?
I need to be able to calculate customer value by month and year, and then to calculate their age at each month in time. I've found a way of grouping sales by month and year that includes age for a particular contact like this:
select fh.contact_number
, concat(year(fh.transaction_date), '-', month(fh.transaction_date)) as transaction_month_year
, cast(fh.transaction_date as date) as transaction_date
, sum(fh.amount) as ttl_amount_in_month
[Code] .....
It seems to work, but any better way to achieve this?
This is what I have for a query but i would like to take the year off. is there a way i can just have the month and day without the year attached?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to convert a date to the format as Month name and year(2 digits).
For e.g.- Jan 14, Feb 14......Mar 15
I have a table with Month , Year as varchar. I realized it was a big mistake. Since its getting too complicated to query this way.
Year Month Productname
2013 11 ACB
2013 11 CDE
I would now like to add another column called date and store these Year Month as a date to my existing table
Year Month ProductName Date
2013 11 ACB 2013-11-01
2013 11 CDE 2013-11-01
Is there a way I can do it for all the columns of the existing table ??
I need to build a report that compares a count on a certain day of the week by month by year by stacks. That is,for first Monday in October 2012 against first Monday in October 2013 for stack DM1 against first Monday in October 2014 stack DM1, same for second Monday, first Tuesday, second Tuesday, ect. Attached is a sample dataset and what I want to achieve.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHi all!This is the problem:User enters student name, in the database, only the 1st letter is uppercase and the rest is in Lower case.So, I want to fix this so as it is not case sensitive, i.e. the user can enter a name and it will return the recordwhether they enter it in upper or lower case.My Code:CvtUpperCase.Text = UCase(Content.Text) //stores user's input
Select Case OptionChoice
Case "Student_FirstName" MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("select * from [qryStudentDetails] where [qryStudentDetails].[Student_FirstName] like '" & CvtUpperCase.Text & "'" , myConnection)
....Any ideas??
Does anyone know how I can get last day of month
if I pass a function a given month and and given year.
@Month = 2
@Year = 2004
The result I would need is 29 because there are 29 in
the month of February in the 2004.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
I like to create an SQL view to divide amount 300,000 between 12 month starting from Month July 2014 to June 2015 as shown below
Amount Month Year
25,000 July 2014
25,000 August 2014
25,000 September 2014
25,000 October 2014
25,000 November 2014
25,000 December 2014
25,000 January 2015
25,000 February 2015
25,000 June 2015
I have a table as below.
Timestamp SourceIdChannelIdValue
2015-11-01 16:45:59.95311223,4923
2015-11-01 16:46:00.12712224,9357 *
2015-11-01 16:46:00.32713227,4183 *
2015-11-01 16:46:00.52714221,025 *
2015-11-01 13:17:14.17711223,0304 *
I only want the first value per channel in a new table ( the values marked with *)
I tried with sql below without succes.
set nocount on;
declare @today date;
Select * into new_table from (
select @today as 'Now', dateadd(day, -(day(@today)) + 1, @today) as 'FirstOfMonth, Timestamp, SourceId,
[Code] ....
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable
--===== Create the test table with
Title varchar(50),
I am new to this level of coding in SQL SERVER 2012, but I am looking to update the TITLE_YEAR field in the temp table with the Year the employee is in that title. For example for employee 11127 the data should look like this:
3 Senior Consultant 2009-01-01 00:00:00.0001
3 Director 2010-01-01 00:00:00.0001
3 Director 2011-01-01 00:00:00.0002
3 Director 2012-01-01 00:00:00.0003
3 Director 2013-01-01 00:00:00.0004
3 Senior Director 2014-01-01 00:00:00.0001
Hi every one,
I have a database table and currently users may retrieve records for a specified date range by providing the start and end dates and then records between those dates provided are retrieved. For example if users wanted to view all records entered in april, they would have to select 04/01/2007 as the start date and then 04/30/2007 as the end date. The records for april would then be displayed in a gridview.
How can configure my sql query such that instead the user selectes a month from a dropdownlist of 12 months. I would love a user to just select the desired month from a list instead of selecting start and end dates. Eg if they are intrested in a report for june, then they should just select june from the list instead of specifying the start and stop dates. HOW can i achieve this.
I would like to know how to find fifth workingday* of a given month and year.
workingday - working day is just any day apart from saturday and sunday. no need to consider any other holidays.
ex: I would just give month number and year as input and i would like to know date and day of the fifth working day.
Input : 10/2013
Output : 7th October 2013, Monday.
Sample Data
USE tempdb;
CREATE TABLE CheckRegistry (
CheckNumber smallint,
How can I get the result orderd by the month number?
I am planning to take one full backup and Transactional Log backups for every month ..as i will be making the changes in database only once in a month .
And I am aware of that in case of disaster i need to restore database with all the Transactional Log backups . My Plan is to have Transactional log backups for 5 Years and after 5 years i would be taking a full backup .
So should I need to take any other precautions or concerns with this approach.?