SQL Server 2014 :: Entity Framework And Infinity
Feb 19, 2015
Working in a project using Entity Framework (Code First)...
Until now the project has been connected to a (generated) SQL Server Compact 4.0 database,
but now we want to connect to a SQL Server (at least 2008R2 since we will use FILESTREAM...)
Our problem right now is the possibility to enter Infinity values into REAL columns in the DB...
It works in the SQL Server Compact but we have not been able to get it to work in 2008R2 or 2014
The insertion of Infinity values is constructed by the Entity Framework (from using float.PositiveInfinity in C#) automatically so I mainly wonder if it at all is possible in a "real" database. Maybe there are some configurations possible to get it to work?
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Mar 23, 2014
I have a datagridview bound to a table that is part of an Entity Framework model. A user can edit data in the datagridview and save the changes back to SQL. But, there is a stored procedure that can also change the data, in SQL, not in the datagridview. When I try to "refresh" the datagridview the linq query always returned the older cached data. Here's the code that I have tried using to force EF to pull retrieve new data:
// now refresh the maintenance datagridview data source
using (var context = new spdwEntities())
var maintData =
from o in spdwContext.MR_EquipmentCheck
where o.ProdDate == editDate
orderby o.Caster, o.Strand
select o;
mnt_DGV.DataSource = maintData;
When I debug, I can see that the SQL table has the updated data in it, but when this snippet of code runs, maintData has the old data in it.
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May 23, 2008
I tried the Beta 1 of the service pack 1 to .net 3.5. If I try to add an entity (and try to save this), I get the Exception "No support for server-generated keys and server-generated values".
How can I add entities to my Sqlce- database?
I tried to give the id- column (primary key) in the database an identity, another time without identity, only primary key --> none of them worked. I always get the same error.
What do I have to change to make successfully a SaveChanges()?
Thanks for your help,
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Oct 16, 2015
I was able to view the MDS entity through web interface. But now when i click on web interface I am not able to view it from internet explorer and Mozilla firefox. However when I try it from a different laptop with my login I am able to see the MDS entities. I tried reinstalling the Microsoft silver light but am still facing the same issue.I also have all the required access for viewing the entities..Is there any settings that I have to do for the explorer so that I will be able to view the entitites .
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Apr 5, 2008
Hi! I tried to save some image data, but it get truncated at 8000 (the table column is defined as Image). I then wrote a converter to try ntext-datatype instead, but it gets truncated at 4000.
Error message:
System.Data.SqlServerCe: @3 : String truncation: max=4000, len=4168
The code uses only ADO entity framework for database access. Is there a way to store binary data larger than 8000 bytes? I am running SQL Compact 3.5 sp 1 BETA.
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Nov 1, 2014
I have rather simple CLR function:
[SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, DataAccess = DataAccessKind.None)]
public static SqlString GetUserName()
return (SqlString)WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
When I get result from .NET console app, I get correct answer "JungleSektor". However, when SQL Server executes this code, it gives me "NT ServiceMSSQL $ SQL2014". How to get correct result?
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May 8, 2007
I am trying to create an opportunity report that includes notes from the notes entity. Unfortunatly, when I pull the fields from the notes entity into my reports, it seems there is no way to tie the notes to specific opportunities or accounts that they are associated with and I get all notes under the first item listed on my report. Is there a way to link data sets like Access lets you link tables?
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Sep 17, 2015
I have a very strange problem when I try to install SQL Express 2014 on 1 PC on my network.
The setup is blocking on the step "rules of functionnality" (I hope it is the good translation ...).
I ha ve a message that indicates that there is a problem the following checking : "It exists a Internet connection with the download center for Microsoft Framework 4.0". At the beginning I had Framework 3.5 and 4.5 installed on the PC.
When I tried to install manually Framework 4.0 I had a message that indicated that the setup was not possible because there was a Superior version. So I uninstall v4.5 and install v4.0 normally.
I run again SQL 2014 Express setup but I have always the same error. I take a look on Internet to look for the same problem but I found nothing.
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Sep 22, 2007
Can anybody help me with the following problem:
I have Vista Ultimate installed and within Vista .NET Framework 3.0 is installed as a part of the operating system so I can't remove 3.0
Now for MS SQL Server 2005 Express I need .NET Framework 2.0 and the SQL Server 2005 doesn't work with .NET Framework 3.0
Can't install 2.0, get the message that 3.0 is already installed.
Please help me!!
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Nov 17, 2006
Hi all,
Is there a way to get SQL Server 2005 to store NaN and Positive and Negative infinity values for double precision floats? It used to work fine under SQL 2000 and works great under MS Access, but we are updating our scientific application, and really need to be able to store this information efficiently under SQL Server 2005. We really want to dump Access because of database storage limitations.
It really amazes me that there is not more support for this as the limitation really makes it hard to store a lot of our simulation data. I guess SQL Server is more geared for financial data then scientific data. I know that Oracle supports this but we rather stick with SQL Server if we can.
We really want to avoid having to have an extra column to store this, that would be disastrous. NaN could be stored as null values. And, no, we cannot map +/- Infinity to Min and Max double values. We definitely need the distinction there.
Another post I read talked about custom user types€¦ but I€™m not sure how well that will work with our analysts pulling the data into other tools, like Excel.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. It just boggles the mind that SQL Server does not seem to handle true IEEE 754 doubles. How is Microsoft going to deal with C# 3.0 and DLinq support? The issue must show up there.
Thanks much.
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May 14, 2008
I have three fields in my detail row. The third of them divide the first two by passing them to a function:
=code.TestDivide(Fields!ThisYearPrice.Value, Fields!PriorYearPrice.Value)
Public Function TestDivide(Numerator as double, Divisor as double)
dim retVal
if Divisor = 0 then
retVal = 1
end if
if Numerator = 0 then
retVal = Numerator/Divisor
elseif Numerator< = 0 then
retVal= 0
retval =Numerator/Divisor
end if
return retVal
End Function
When Both Numerator and Divisor are 0, I get NaN
When the Divisor is 0, I get infinity.
I am trying this approach because I read about it in so many posts on this and other forums, but still having problems. What am I doing wrong?
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Apr 2, 2007
help... I have a field called PercentVar_P4 which really is budget - actuals... I need to create an expression that will that the
PercentVar_P4/budget.. when I do I get Infinity and nan... I want to see the negative number.. I have read through all the blogs and nothing seems to fit..
Please HELP!!
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Apr 24, 2008
I've made a MDX calculation in SSAS and it works fine, but when i look at my report (which is based on my cube), the same calculation gives "infinity".
Anybody who has some experience with this?
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Jul 30, 2014
How to export data from MDS 2012 entity to SQL 2012 user database table ?
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Mar 13, 2008
The title, I think, accurately illustrates the situation in my report.
Naturally, this result is unwanted.
How do I get the avg-function to ignore empty cells in the column?
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 4, 2007
We have SQL Server 2000 on a machine that also runs our BlackBerry server. The machine has the .Net framework v. 1.1 upgraded to 2.0. BlackBerry tells us it must have all versions of the framework uninstalled and only v. 1.1 reinstalled for certain elements to function properly.
Will this affect SQL Server at all? If so, how can we accomplish the reinstall safely?
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Nov 21, 2007
I have Visual studio 2003 with .NET Framework 1.1 installed on it. I need to interface it with SQL Server 2005. But SQL server 2005 installs .NET Framework 2.0. And Visual Studio .NET 2003 cannot use the .NET Framework 2.0 assemblies.
So I need help on whether I can interface visual studio 2003 with .NET Framework 1.1 with SQL Server 2005 ?
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Jan 7, 2008
Is it possible to use the visual studio 2008 to create SQL server SP having .net framwork 3.5 to run on SQL Server 2005?
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Jul 3, 2006
Does anyone know if there are any issues with .Net Framework 2.0 and SQL Server 2005?
Here is my problem .....
I have a web application running on a Windows 2003 Server SE with IIS 6.0. We recently migrated all of our databases to SQL Server 2005 and now we are getting an exception when retrieving data from the DB (Exception Below). We have switched our databases back to Sql Server 2000 and the problem does not occur. Any Help would be much appreciated.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5000
Date: 7/3/2006
Time: 10:15:46 AM
User: N/A
Computer: WEBSERVER12
EventType clr20r3, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.1830, P3 42435be1, P4 system.data, P5, P6 4333aea2, P7 1946, P8 25, P9 system.invalidoperationexception, P10 NIL.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
0000: 63 00 6c 00 72 00 32 00 c.l.r.2.
0008: 30 00 72 00 33 00 2c 00 0.r.3.,.
0010: 20 00 77 00 33 00 77 00 .w.3.w.
0018: 70 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 p...e.x.
0020: 65 00 2c 00 20 00 36 00 e.,. .6.
0028: 2e 00 30 00 2e 00 33 00 ..0...3.
0030: 37 00 39 00 30 00 2e 00 7.9.0...
0038: 31 00 38 00 33 00 30 00
0040: 2c 00 20 00 34 00 32 00 ,. .4.2.
0048: 34 00 33 00 35 00 62 00 4.3.5.b.
0050: 65 00 31 00 2c 00 20 00 e.1.,. .
0058: 73 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 s.y.s.t.
0060: 65 00 6d 00 2e 00 64 00 e.m...d.
0068: 61 00 74 00 61 00 2c 00 a.t.a.,.
0070: 20 00 32 00 2e 00 30 00 .2...0.
0078: 2e 00 30 00 2e 00 30 00 ..0...0.
0080: 2c 00 20 00 34 00 33 00 ,. .4.3.
0088: 33 00 33 00 61 00 65 00 3.3.a.e.
0090: 61 00 32 00 2c 00 20 00 a.2.,. .
0098: 31 00 39 00 34 00 36 00
00a0: 2c 00 20 00 32 00 35 00 ,. .2.5.
00a8: 2c 00 20 00 73 00 79 00 ,. .s.y.
00b0: 73 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 s.t.e.m.
00b8: 2e 00 69 00 6e 00 76 00 ..i.n.v.
00c0: 61 00 6c 00 69 00 64 00 a.l.i.d.
00c8: 6f 00 70 00 65 00 72 00 o.p.e.r.
00d0: 61 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 a.t.i.o.
00d8: 6e 00 65 00 78 00 63 00 n.e.x.c.
00e0: 65 00 70 00 74 00 69 00 e.p.t.i.
00e8: 6f 00 6e 00 20 00 4e 00 o.n. .N.
00f0: 49 00 4c 00 0d 00 0a 00 I.L.....
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Jul 9, 2015
Generating different types of letter (PDF formats) from SQL server?
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Jul 8, 2006
I am running VS.NET 2003 on my computer and wish to try to install the *free* SQL server express 2005 .
The problem is I can't install SQL express as it asks me to install .NET framework 2.0 first.
I wonder if I do so, will I be able to work with VS.NET 2003?
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Aug 10, 2006
I have to do an impact analysis for migrating a .Net web based application. The current and desired scenarios are mentioned below.
The current environment:
OS - Windows 2000, SP4
Framework - .Net 1.1
SQL Server - MSSQL Server 2000
Desired Environment:
OS - Windows 2003, SP1 / Windows 2003 R2
Framework - .Net 1.1
SQL Server - MSSQL Server 2005
Please let me know
1. If any changes need to be done in the application when migrating the database from 2000 to 2005?
2. Any relevant document which will help me in the same.
Regards, Venkat
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Sep 17, 2007
Hi all. I am using Microsoft Visual Basic .Net 2002 with .NET Framework 1.0. I want to install free SQL Server database. I want to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition but it requires .NET Framework 2.0. If I installed MSDE 2000, it doesnt have that Enterprise Manager.So, how is this possible for me to use the free SQL Server with that Enterprise Manager ? Thanks in advance.
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Dec 1, 2007
I confirm, You ca resolve this problem if use a good copy of dotnefx.exe package.
You can find this here:
Nino Crudele
blog; http://blogs.ugidotnet.org/Biztalk
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Apr 25, 2008
Please make this sticky or put it into the faq:
Note: Using Windows Vista Ultimate
SQL Server 2008 Express Edition download page says in big letters, "You Must Install .Net Framework 2.0." The link provided to .Net framework -- framework/ take me to a page that only lists .Net Framework 3.0, with a notice that 3.5 redistributable has been released. What is the correct version of .Net Framework to install SQL Server 2008 Express Edition - 2.0, 3.0, 3.0 + 3.5, or just 3.5?
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Jul 20, 2015
I am trying to create a CLR project in my Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2012. I can build my empty project succesfully, but if I try to deploy it, I get such an error...Beginning deployment of assembly SimpleCLRIntegrationNew.dll to server xxxxxxxxx : di_test
C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0TeamDataMicrosoft.Data.Schema.SqlClr.targets(96,5): error : Could not connect to server "xxxxxxxxxx: di_test": Login failed for user 'di_test'..
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Sep 22, 2007
Can anybody help me with the following problem:
I have Vista Ultimate installed and within Vista .NET Framework 3.0 is installed as a part of the operating system so I can't remove 3.0
Now for MS SQL Server 2005 Express I need .NET Framework 2.0 and the SQL Server 2005 doesn't work with .NET Framework 3.0
Can't install 2.0, get the message that 3.0 is already installed.
Is there another version of SQL Server that works with .NET Framework 3.0 and runs under Vista Ultimate?
Please help me!!
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Mar 14, 2008
I have two instances of SQL Server on the same PC:
Default instance: SQL Server 2000
Named instance with name €śMS2005€?: SQL Server 2005.
Also I have another SQL Server 2005 on another PC.
I created a .NET 2.0 Compact Framework application that connects to the database and executes simple query. This application can connect to any instance of the SQL Server when it is executed on the PC (not on the server). But the problem is that when I try to execute the application from the windows CE 5.0 device, the application can only connect to the default instance (SQL 2000 and 2005) and can not connect to the named instance (Name: MS2005).
Is it some kind of limitation of the SqlClient library for the compact framework?
Below are the code and connection strings:
string connectionString = €śServer=;Database=DB1;Uid=sa;Pwd=€?
string connectionString = €śServer=\MS2005;Database=DB1;Uid=sa;Pwd=€?
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
connection.Open(); //This is the point where exception is generated
using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "select count(*) from users";
object result = command.ExecuteScalar();
Console.WriteLine("Result: [{0}]", result);
Thank you for your time and advice.
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Oct 28, 2015
How the code inserted works.....I am trying to do the same thing with
So I want to insert into a table the results of all the processes on a server and determine if a process/service is running.......
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
[Code] .....
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Aug 13, 2007
We are developing Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0 Merge Replication Using .NET Compact Framework. There is need of sinhronizations between SQL 2005 Mobile Edition witch resides on Barcode terminal (Windows CE) and SQL 2005 Developer Edition (on Windows XP). Everything is done by the book. There is few lines of code that we are using:
public bool Replicate()
{ bool ret = true;
SqlCeReplication repl = null;
try {
// Instantiate and configure
SqlCeReplication object repl = new SqlCeReplication();
string dbFile = ........
repl.InternetUrl = this.InternetUrl;
repl.InternetLogin = this.InternetLogin;
repl.InternetPassword = this.InternetPassword;
repl.Publisher = this.Publisher;
repl.PublisherDatabase = this.PublisherDatabase;
repl.PublisherLogin = this.PublisherLogin;
repl.PublisherPassword = this.PublisherPassword;
repl.Publication = this.Publication;
repl.Subscriber = this.Subscriber;
repl.SubscriberConnectionString ="Data Source=" +dbFile;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile))
{ repl.AddSubscription(AddOption.CreateDatabase);
IIS is configured, but in log on the server we've got this error:
2007/08/09 15:33:02 Hr=80004005 ACK:Error for DistributorSessionID = 58 2007/08/09 15:33:02 Hr=80004005 The SQL statement failed to execute. [,,,SQL statement,,] 28560 Please give us posible solution of this problem, we have searched on forums but with no result. p.s. I'ts urgent
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Oct 15, 2007
We've deployed an assembly to a new production sql server 2005 instance, and have been having periodic restarts of sql server. The sql server service appears to be stopping and restarting on it's own since the assembly was deployed.
We've narrowed it down to a decryption method. We haven't been able to produce the issue on a consistant basis. Even if we put a ton of load on the stored procedure calls.
The error is below we receive (I cut out some, so it would fit in the thread), we also have mdmp files, that I've attempted to debug with Visual Studio 2005 and Windbg with no success. I have all the symbols (I'm pretty sure), but I don't have much experience with WinDbg, so it's been slow going.
Here's a little about the environment.
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 SP2
Microsoft SQL Server version 9.00.3042.00 SP2
16 MB physical memory
Quad 3.2 GHz Xeon
3 sets of raid drives.
c: OS
e: sql data
e: sql logs
All Sql and windows patches are up to date.
Only thing I can figure is this is something to do with the .NET libraries. When the assembly was compiled it was set to compile for any CPU. We even tried compiling on the 64 bit OS with no luck still.
If anyone has had a similar issue, it would be most helpful, thanks,
MemoryLoad = 9%
Total Physical = 16382 MB
Available Physical = 14760 MB
Total Page File = 32159 MB
Available Page File = 30633 MB
Total Virtual = 8388607 MB
Available Virtual = 8365517 MB
**Dump thread - spid = 56, PSS = 0x0000000092BDFE90, EC = 0x0000000092BDFEA0
***Stack Dump being sent to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0067.txt
* *******************************************************************************
* 10/14/07 15:49:11 spid 56
* A fatal error occurred in .NET Framework runtime.
* Input Buffer 62 bytes -
* u t i l s . d b 17 00 75 00 74 00 69 00 6c 00 73 00 2e 00 64 00 62 00
* o . d e c r y p t 6f 00 2e 00 64 00 65 00 63 00 72 00 79 00 70 00 74 00
* B a s e 6 4 §@ 42 00 61 00 73 00 65 00 36 00 34 00 00 00 00 01 a7 40
* Ă? 4 1f 09 04 d0 00 34 00 00
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
0000000077D67D8D Module(kernel32+0000000000027D8D)
0000000001D345DE Module(sqlservr+0000000000D345DE)
0000000001D3F3A9 Module(sqlservr+0000000000D3F3A9)
0000000002156D83 Module(sqlservr+0000000001156D83)
00000000021571C2 Module(sqlservr+00000000011571C2)
000006427F8F5FFD Module(mscorwks+00000000005C5FFD)
000006427FA4855B Module(mscorwks+000000000071855B)
000006427F888C4B Module(mscorwks+0000000000558C4B)
000006427F5D51C8 Module(mscorwks+00000000002A51C8)
000006427F5D5113 Module(mscorwks+00000000002A5113)
000006427F453A5A Module(mscorwks+0000000000123A5A)
0000000077F251EC Module(ntdll+00000000000651EC)
0000000077EE5F36 Module(ntdll+0000000000025F36)
0000000077EF31DD Module(ntdll+00000000000331DD)
000006427FA5089B Module(mscorwks+000000000072089B)
000006427806C7F8 Module(mscorlib.ni+000000000006C7F8)
000006427806B564 Module(mscorlib.ni+000000000006B564)
000006428029CBB7 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000642788A6088 Module(mscorlib.ni+00000000008A6088)
000000000818E8F0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E7D0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E090 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F60 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F90 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FC0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FD8 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A63B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000019 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000000841EC050 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F60 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F90 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FC0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FD8 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6180 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A63B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000001900000409 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E7D0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E200 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E200 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000064280400218 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E250 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E230 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000001C52423 Module(sqlservr+0000000000C52423)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000001900000409 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E340 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000080D262B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000006428029C31E Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000004 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000006427F5B3B52 Module(mscorwks+0000000000283B52)
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Jul 6, 2015
I have a database with deployed CLR assembly on SQL 2008. I recently took a backup for the database and restored it on SQL 2012 server. Everything worked fine except very strange working of CLR assemblies functions.The result of the function is very odd. It manipulates the numeric string and return the result. It is returning very strange result on SQL 2012 as compared to SQL 2008.Example SQL 2008 ManipulateString('1234') returns 2345 On SQL 2012 the same call returns 1155.I am also trying to deploy the same assembly to SQL 2012 server database. I have successfully register the assembly, but the database do not list the exposed methods.
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Aug 17, 2011
We have few C# binaries that contains definition of CLR functions, and one stored procedure to install / create them in our database. Recently when dropping and recreating the CLR function using our stored procedure, it failed with below error:
Error/info returned: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]This server is Information Protection configured. Only the sql server web application can be used for this function. ([URL])[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
Basically our stored procedure has standard steps to create asymmetric key for each of our C# binary and create login for that key and then grant unsafe assembly permissions to those logins.
It sets show advanced options, clr enabled, and ole automation procedures options. It then using create assembly (for each c# binary with permission_set = unsafe) and create function constructs to create clr functions in SQL server.
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