SQL Server 2014 :: Gathering Stored Procedure Execution Time In Real Time?

Jun 11, 2015

Is there a way to keep track in real time on how long a stored procedure is running for? So what I want to do is fire off a trace in a stored procedure if that stored procedure is running for over like 5 minutes.

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Execution Time Gap Between Simple Tsql And Stored Procedure In SQl Server 2005

Oct 16, 2007

Hi ,

I ma using sql server 2005.I have a bunch of statements of sql and i have created a stored procedure for those. When i execute i found that there is lot's of difference between execution time of stored procedure and direct sql in query windows.

can anyone help me to optimize the execution time for stored prcedure even stored prcedure is very simple.
I have used sql server 2000 and i am new in sql server 2005.

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Stored Procedure Execution Time

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,I have a problem with a stored procedure.This stored procedure inserts around bout 500,000 records but when it is executed it takes about 15-16 hours to do so.The stored procedure is using a temporary table to do this and is also calling a function.Please let me know if there is a way to reduce the execution time.will a cursor help?

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How To Catch Stored Procedure Execution Time?

Dec 6, 2007

Hello, everyone:

For performance issue, I need to catch the stored procedure execution time. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Get Number Of Execution In Specific Time - Not From First

Apr 7, 2015

I have this query

SELECT top 100 Ltrim([text]),objectid,total_rows,total_logical_reads , execution_count
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS a
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) AS b
where last_execution_time >= '2015-04-07 10:01:01.01'
ORDER BY execution_count DESC

But the result of execution count is from the first. I want to know it only one day.

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Execution Time For Stored Procedure Vs. Query Analyzer

Feb 21, 2002

I have an interesting situation. I have created a stored procedure which has a select union query and it accepts some parameters. When I execute this procedure it takes 8 minutes. When I copy the script in stored procedure and run it directly in Query Analyzer it takes 2 1/2 minutes?? Same numbers of rows are returned either way in the result set with about 13,000.

I cannot figure this out and it is almost the same thing except that in Query Analyzer I declare the parameters variables and its values?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance...

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Stored Procedure Vs SQL Huge Difference In Execution Time

Jul 23, 2005

I have a Stored Procedure (SP) that creates the data required for areport that I show on a web page. The SP does all the work and justreturns back a results set that I dump in an ASP.NET DataGrid. The SPtakes a product area and a start and end date as parameters.Here are the basics of the SP.1.Create temp table to store report results, all columns are createdthat will be needed at this point.2.Select products and general product data into the temp table.3.Create a cursor that loops through all the products in the temptable, running a more complex query with each individual product.4.The results of that query are updated on the temp table based on thecurrent product of the cursor.5.A complex "totals" query is run and the results from that areinserted into the temp table as the last 3 rows.In all we are talking about 120 rows in the temp table with 8 columnsthat are mostly numbers.I originally wrote this report SP about a month ago and it worked fine,ran in about 10 - 20 seconds based on server traffic and amount ofdata in the temp table. For the example I'm running there are the120 products.Just yesterday the (SP started timing out and when I ran the SPmanually from Query Analyzer (QA) (exec SP_NAME ... ) with the sameparameters as it was getting in the code it took 6 minutes to complete.I was floored. I immediately copied the SQL out of the SP and pastedinto another QA window, changed the variables to be hard coded valuesand ran it. It completed in 10 seconds.I'm really confused now. I ran a Profiler on the 2 when I ran themagain. The SQL code in QA executed again in ~10 seconds with 65,000reads. When the SP finished some 6 minutes later it had completed witthe right results but it needed 150,000,000 reads to do its job.How can the exact same SQL code produce such different results (time,disk reads) based on whether its in a SP or just run from QA but stillgive me the exact same output. The reports both look correct and havethe same numbers of rows.I asked my Sys Admin if he had done anything to anything and he saidno.I've been reading about recompiles and temp table indexes and allkinds of other stuff that could possibly be affecting it but havegotten nowhere.Any ideas are appreciated.

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Time In Sql Server Is Not The Real Time

Apr 18, 2007

Hi,when i create a new user in a .MDF file, the hour of creation in the field "createdate" of table "membership" is exactly 2 hours less than the time of my computer. Probably something to do with different hours between Europe and UK or ...How can i set the creation hour to exact the same hour of my computer?ThanksTartuffe

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Execution Time Anomaly In Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2005

Dec 3, 2006

Background: We have SQL Server 2005 x64 running on a quad-core (dual dual-core) machine with 16GB of RAM. The database is about 10GB in size and we execute around a million stored procedures a day on it. Our application uses about 1000 different stored procedures on this machine. The application is a transactional B2B web-app with about 2000 users.
The problem we have is a really odd one that I can't seem to find much information on. We have a small number (3-4) of stored procedures that's exibiting this problem.
The stored proc in question takes on average 100ms CPU time to execute. It's a fairly complex stored proc, about 300 lines long, 6-7 select statements and it uses temp tables. No updates / inserts except for on the temp tables. It's executed about 5000 times per day. About once a week, though, execution times will suddenly jump up to 3000 ms average. This happens randomly during the day, although it seems to happen more often on Monday mornings (the DB is mostly unutilized over the weekend)
To fix this, I force the DB to recalculate the execution plan by adding / removing (depending what I did last time around) the line 'set arithabort on' at the top of the stored procedure. I have no idea why this works, but it does. Within seconds of changing it, the stored proc execution time will go back to it's normal range of 60-150ms.
I've tried setting the execution plan of the stored procedure but I can't get it to work - the execution plan is very long and I don't know how to debug the error I get.
What is happening? This happens with a couple of stored procedures - usually the more complex ones. Has anyone seen anything like this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Proc Execution Time Diff Between Environments

Jul 3, 2015

I have a stored proc that is executing in 2 sec on production and test database. It is taking more than a min on dev environment.

I have verified sqlserver version is same on both of the server.Prod is running on 2012Sp1 however dev don't have sp1. I am downloading it.

Both are 64bit, has same collation and compatibility level.I have confirmed that sp on both servers has same execution plan. I have reset and import stats from prod too.

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How To Convert Time From Int To Real-time

Oct 28, 2007

Hi all.

I have posted this question in another forum but no one has so far been able to provide a solution to the problem. Since I know Database Journal always has very informative and enlightening posts, I figured I'd post the question here in hopes that some guru can provide an answer.

If you're running SQL 2000 and have any jobs that have been executed, you could perform a query as such:

select last_run_time from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps

and receive returned values that contain the last time a job was executed "stored in integer datatype" columns. See ->
sp_help sysjobsteps.

In SQL 2005 I believe the concept is the same. I think the intent of Microsoft had it mind for doing this was to store the date separate from the time values which won't work using the datetime datatype and I have read this in documentation in the past.

The challenge is to convert that data into a humanly legible 12 or 24 hour time format like 11:00 AM or 02:45:39.

Does anyone have any suggestions or clues to assist in resolving this problem??? :(


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SQL Server For Real Time

Apr 12, 2007


We currently have a propriety in memory DB that is used to store the latest transactions in the system and we have a service that copies the data to a SQL Server every couple of seconds - For historical reporting purpose.

We would like to move into a more standard DB as our real time DB, since we have scalability and availability issues. We taught about using SQL Server since this is the DB we know, but I'm not sure it's built to handle real time data.

Does someone has any experience in using SQL Server for "Real Time" applications?

Does someone has any experience in storing the data files on RAM?

Does MS has a solution similar to Oracle's TimesTen, which is their real time DB?


Avi G..

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Is There A Way To Find The Last Procedure Execution Time If Procedure Updates The Existing Table And There Is No Flags/triggers?

Aug 21, 2007

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Viewing Commands Being Executed On Sql Server In Real Time

Sep 19, 2006

I saw a presentation last week where the speaker created some sorta sql server "watch window" (in Sql Server Management Studio I think) where he could watch all the commands being executed on his sql server database in real-time. For example he could navigate to web pages (that hit the database) and as he pressed buttons you could see the sql commands execute in this "watch window."  If other users hit the database at the same time you could see those sql queries execute as well.  I didn't think at the time to ask how he did it - does anyone know how to set this up?  I have a problem with my sql server right now and it would be useful to see which sql queries (etc) are being executed when.  Thanks in advance,J. Shane Kunklejkunkle@vt.edu

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Retrieving Server Time Using Stored Procedure

Jul 21, 2000

Hello all,

We have a domain where all computers are on GMT(Greenwitch Mean Time). We have an access front end that timestamps certain fields according to the client time that the program is running on, but we will be moving our client workstations off of GMT time and keep our SQL Server on GMT time, and want to keep the timestamps GMT.

So, I wanted to know if it was possible to create a stored procedure that gets the Server's time and returns it to the Access frontend for entry into the timestamp fields?

Or, if anyone has a better idea of how to get the time from the server to use on the clients, I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Kevin Kraus

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Is Logging The Execution Time Of Stored Procedures With Standard Settings Possible?

Oct 13, 2005

Dear group,is it possible in SQL-Server to see when a stored procedure wasexecuted ?I would say it is only possible with some traces but not with thestandard settings.For a short answer on that matter i'd be thankful.RegardsUli

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Gathering Authors In A Stored Procedure

Mar 18, 2014

My stored procedure is now close to finished. The only thing left is that it prints out the "Authors" on several lines. So if a ID has several authors, it will print several lines instead of one. Can i resolve this in a Group By statement, or something else? And where should i put it?

How it is shortly showed(not with all the other stuff):

18.01.2014, Author 1, ItemID1
18.01.2014, Author 3, ItemID1
How it should be:

18.01.2014, Author 1, Author 3, ItemID1

@year INT,
@report_source NVARCHAR(255),
@is_primary INT


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Gathering Results From Extended Events Trace

Jun 16, 2015

I need to find any stored procedures that have not been used over a certain time period.

I have set up an extended events session to gather sp_statement_starting and _completed.

The trace returns the object_id's of many stored procedures. I then query the sys.procedures and plug in the object_id to return the stored proc name.

Do I have to repeat this process for every different object_id or is there a way I can query the trace results, using the object_id as my search criteria as one query ?

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Set A Variable To Datetime And Time To Exact Milliseconds In SQL Server In Stored Procedure AS A Single String

Nov 1, 2007

I need to set a variable to datetime and time to exact milliseconds in SQL server in stored procedure.
set  MyUniqueNumber = 20071101190708733
ie. MyUniqueNumber contains yyyymmddhhminsecms
Please help, i tried  the following:
1. SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ////// shows up with - & : , I want single string as in above example.2.
select cast(datepart(YYYY,getdate()) as varchar(4))+cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2))+convert(varchar(2),datepart(dd,getdate()),101 )+cast(datepart(hh,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(mi,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ss,getdate()) as char(2))+cast(datepart(ms,getdate()) as char(4))
This one doesnot display day correctly, it should show 01 but shows 1

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSAS Stored Procs (CLR) - Identify Real Data Type Of MDX Value Returned From Expression

Feb 13, 2015

I have a SSAS stored procedure with a signature:

public Set DoSomthing(Set toBeProcessed, Set measuresToWorkWith)The set measurseToWorkWith is passed as {[Measures].[Measure1], [Measures].[Measure2] ...}

with the measures being real or query-scoped calculated members.

To get the value of the measure for each tuple in the set toBeProcessed, I create an Expression for each tuple (measure) in the set measuresToWorkWith then for each tuple in toBeProcessed call expression.Calculate(tuple) which returns a MDXValue.

My problem is that in order to make the code generic I need to get the real (.NET) data type of the MDXValue. The class only has explicit conversion methods ToInt16() etc which implies that the data type is known at design time.

However, if one of the measures is a query-scoped calculation then it could return a .NET double, int, bool or string.

If the measure is real then I can look up its metadata. However, it appears that if it is a formula (scoped member) then are all bets are off?

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Real Time Data

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have an application which retrieves stats from a SQL database that are updated throughout the day. My application updates every 3 seconds to retrieve these stats but I found that it's quite expensive to the server's CPU when there are several clients running my application. Are there any other methods for extracting the data that won't require so much CPU. The fact that the database is being hit so much isn't good either. I have already written a webservice hoping that this would improve things but I'm not sure it has.

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SQL Real Time Replication

May 6, 2001

We are using SQL 7 at 2 different locations, on 2 different Domains that are connected via a T1 line.

We need to have our 2 SQL servers be identical at all times, meaning when a change is made on one server, it is immediately replicated to the other. The problem is that both servers are always being used, so there is no primary/backup server scenario.

Does anyone know if there is a third party software available, or if this is even possible to do, given the fact that the databases are always open ?


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Real Time Synchronisation

Oct 24, 2000


Can anyone guide me. which is the best method for real time synchronisation of my production server. Is it Transactional Replication or Stand By Server?

Thanks In Advance


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Real Time Replication

Apr 24, 2008

I have two database, one is for production and another for reporting database, in this Scenario we need to transfer the real time data to reporting database, which replication we need to use and what at the bottelnecks in this..can any one give some suggesstions or give some links...

Thanks in advance

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Synchronize DB In Real Time

Mar 22, 2007

i have 2 DB in 2 different servers.
db1 and db2

db1 gets 150k records every hour. db2 is like the backup of db1. db2 is used to retrieve records to create reports using reporting services.
what is the best way to synchronize db2 with db1?
is it to create a dts package and set up a job that runs every hour?

off topic question.
what kind of language does reporting services use to create the reports?

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Is There Anyone Wih Real Time Exp In Sql2005

Nov 12, 2007

hi guyz ...i m new to sql server so is there anyone who could guide me abt sql server 2005 ....i need some info abt ssis ,ssas ...i have got a proj n have sme ques regd tat so plz let me know ur no or mail id so that i could contact u ..plz its urgent


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Is There Anyone Wih Real Time Exp In Sql2005

Nov 12, 2007

hi guyz ...i m new to sql server so is there anyone who could guide me abt sql server 2005 ....i need some info abt ssis ,ssas ...i have got a proj n have sme ques regd tat so plz let me know ur no or mail id so that i could contact u ..plz its urgent


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Real-time Databinding

Sep 18, 2007

Does anybody know a good way to get a (near) live view of a sqlce database that doesn't involve ResultSets? I tried to use a resultset with the Sensitive option set, but it doesn't like the joins that I have to do in order to have the data make sense to the user.


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Real Time Progress Bar

Sep 2, 2006

The ETL processing for my project will be deployed as part of a larger application which is operated by non-technical users. Therefore I want to provide real-time feedback to the user on progress, errors, etc., using windows standard GUI interface objects and style- for example a progress bar. The "designer" of course does some of this but there won't be any designer in our deployed application (and SSIS designer is neither intended to be used by, nor appropriate for, non-technical users anyway).

Now that I have the ETL logic working, it's time to tackle this UI requirement. I am thinking one way to do this is to start a script task to run in parallel with the main ETL processing, open a winform in that task that has various GUI objects whose "state" is based on package scoped variables, update the package level variables via the "on progress" event (or other events as needed) of various SSIS tasks and components, and refresh the winform's display regularly via a timer event.

Does this approach seem like it would be effective? Has anyone tried maintaining an open winform via a script task and updating it's objects via package variables in parrallel with the package is running other tasks?



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Real Time Replication With Ms Sql

Jun 28, 2007


I want to create real time replication of my databaser server.I have two database srevers,one is master which having real time data and another slave,where i want to replicate data from master .

plz help me to configure solution


Chetan S. Raut.

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SQL Server - Script Execution Time

Nov 23, 2005

Hello All.We have tested following SQL script from query analyzer:-- Script beginDECLARE @I int;SET @I = 1;WHILE @I < 10000000 BEGINSET @I = @I + 1;END-- Script endThe script was tested on the folowing PCs with following results:PC 1:Pentium 4:CPU: 1.6 MhzRAM: 256 MbHDD: 80 Gb (IDE)OS: Windows Advanced Server SP4SQL: Developer Edition SP4Result: Script execution time - 0:54PC 2:IBM X445, 4 XEON 3.0 Ghz, 4 Mb L3 CacheRAM: 8 GbRAID 5 with (SCSI) 15k disksOS: Windows 2000 Advanced server SP4SQL: Enterprise Edition SP 4 + FixResult: Script execution time - 2:19PC 3:DELL Power edge 1600, 2 XEON 2.40 Ghz,RAM: 1 GbRAID 1 with (SCSI) 10k disksOS: Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1SQL: Enterprise Edition SP 4 + FixResult: Script execution time - 1:16NOTE 1:All PCs have latest hardware updatesNOTE 2:PC 1 - is local pc, with no external connectionsPC 2 - is server with some number of other, external connections;PC 3 - is server with a few external connections;I have following question: Is the above mentioned execution time isnormal for such script ?Also it would be very nice of You to run the script on Your SQL serversand inform me about execution time resultsThank You beforehand

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How To Protect A Frequently Real Time DB

Jul 2, 2001

Hi Everybody:

We have a table which needs to be updated 2 million times per day. It hosts all real time transaction. There are 200K records in this table. Would you please to share your experience with me about how to protect/save such table in SQL 2000 from any possible damage?

We plan to use point-in-time backup (every 5 minutes). It still takes at half an hour to recover the whole database. Any new technology from Microsoft or SQL 2000 you can recommend?

Thank you very much.


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Table Data To A TXT In Real-time

Oct 8, 2007

I´m a SysAdmin and I´m implementing ASSP (anti-spam) to use with an email server.
But the ASSP requires a txt file with all domains hosted in the server that are in a SQL Table of the server.
My questions is: Is there anything to make a real time TXT file with all the domains ?
maybe use trigger I dont know..

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