SQL Server 2014 :: List Of Institutes More Than Half Of Accepted Applicants?

Jan 28, 2015

I have 2 tables:

tbl1: InstituteID, name
tbl2 ApplicantID, InstituteID ,Applicant_Name, address, city, state, status *

* Status field contains value A for acceptance or R for rejected

listing Institute names where more than half of applicants were accepted.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Backup Half Of DBs From A Server On C Drive And Other Half On D Drive

Jan 16, 2015

How to backup half of dbs from a server on C drive and the other half on D drive and vice versa, first half on D drive and other half On C drive using only one job and one stored procedure??

Using scheduling from job add 2 schedules to the job so first schedule backup first half to C and second half to D , the second schedule backup first half to D and second half to D.

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSIS SharePoint List Destination?

Mar 24, 2015

We are just looking to move to SSIS 2014 from 2008R2 however we have a number of packages which write to Sharepoint lists. The SHarepointDestination doesn't seem to work in VS 2013, any solution other than buying a third party connector.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To List The Target Servers Associated With A Master Server

Sep 9, 2015

I'm looking for a way to list the target servers associated with a master server. The reason is that we're moving to another master server, and I'd prefer not to move the targets manually.

I've got most of the T-SQL already (sp_msx_enlist, sp_add_jobserver), but I'd like a scripted solution instead of a wizard.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Columns List With And Without Identity Column In A Table?

Feb 24, 2015

I have the following 2 Query's - case when Table has no Identity Column and other with identity Column . I am planning to make it to single Query .

Query 1:
SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE object_id =
SELECT sys.objects.object_id
FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing1' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'

SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE is_identity != 1 AND object_id =
(SELECT sys.objects.object_id FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing2' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: List Of Users That Accessed A Table

Jul 22, 2015

I'm trying to find out what tables are being used in a Database.

I don't want the last User but the User and the Dates.

I have a script that return the last user but that is not going to work.

The following script returns the last user but not all users and the Login Name:

ITH LastActivity (ObjectID, LastAction) AS
SELECT object_id AS TableName,
last_user_seek as LastAction
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats u
WHERE database_id = db_id(db_name())

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Systematically Manage Big List Of Queries And Tables

Sep 12, 2015

Suppose someone has to work on a lot of different SQL Server Databases which have got a lot of Tables and Queries / Views inside them.

After a period of time, it becomes very difficult to remember exactly what kind of columns are present within a given Table and View.

Any method by which one can keep a systematic list of all the Tables and Views that are present within a SQL Server Database, along with the columns that are present within them.

Are there any Add-on products or services etc. available in making this type of work systematic?

Currently I add comments to each queries inside SQL Server to remind me of what this query is doing, but this method is not great.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: List All Databases In Instance That Are Not Accessed Before Given Date

Jan 10, 2015

Looking for query that lists all databases, in an instance, that are not accessed before a given date (e.g., not accessed before December 31, 2014)?

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Hyderabad DBA Institutes

Oct 31, 2006

Dear Friends,
i'm working for a development company, as Junior DBA.
for oracle concepts,Wilshire and SQL * are very famous in hyderabad.
is there any Good DBA training institute in hyderabad? sorry if the question should not post here.

thank you very much


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Job Password Not Accepted.

Oct 25, 2007

I have been trying to open a job properties and then step where its executing sql server 2005 integration services package and when I try to look at the configuration of that package in the job step properties window it asks for the password used to secure the package configuration and even on entering right password its not accpted. Is it a bug or what?

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Performance Testing Accepted Value

Mar 4, 2008

Measurement min ave max
% Disk Time (PhysicalDisk _Total): 0.053 1.863 63.109
% Processor Time (Processor _Total): 0.0 37.543 98.84
Average Latch Wait Time (ms) (SQLServer|Latches): 0.0 1.537 16
Average Wait Time (ms) (SQLServer|Locks _Total): 0.0 0.193 16
Current Disk Queue Length (PhysicalDisk _Total): 0.0 0.365 67
Log Growths (SQLServer|Databases _Total): 0.0 0.0 0.0
Page Faults/sec (Memory): 9.206 172.064 8612.257
Pages/sec (Memory): 0.0 7.313 815.411
Pool Nonpaged Bytes (Memory): 38195200 38352765.277 38547456
Private Bytes (Process _Total): 1516933120 1663239600.632 1785290752
Processor Queue Length (System): 0.0 0.489 17
Threads (Objects): 922 938.353 950

can anyone tell me what is the accepted value for performance on sql server 2005
this report is generated from mercury load runner

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Transact SQL :: Getting List Of Clustered Column-store Index In A Database In 2014?

Sep 17, 2015

How can we get the list of clustered columnstore index in a database in sql server 2014

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Service Account Details Not Accepted

Aug 8, 2015

just trying to run the install and cant get passed the service account page as unsure of the details.

im using the Clustered Instance lab/guide where it says that the account details are as follows:

SQL2K8WKSSQL2K8R2SVC for database agent
SQL2K8WKSSQLAgent2K8R2SVC for agent

but get errors when use these.

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2014 Sharepoint List Source And Destination Missing From Toolbox

Jun 22, 2015

I am using SSIS 2014 and installed adapter for sharepoint list source and destination and when I refresh the toolbox I don't see them. Is there a way to manually add them?

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Returnvalue Not Accepted In Update / Delete Command

Dec 13, 2005

I tried to use the RETURN_VALUE of a stored procedure in updata / delete commands with a sql-datasource and a stored procedure.
The thing works fine with the insert command.But it fails with "too many arguments..." in delete / update.
I also tried to handle the updating event like this:
protected void sqldsReportSelect_Updating(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e) {   SqlParameter sqP = new SqlParameter("RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int);   sqP.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;   e.Command.Parameters.Add(sqP);}
It brings the same error.
Do I make something wrong or is this a bug?

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Accepted Practice To Query The Built-in Aspnet Membership Tables ?

Jul 17, 2007

I'm a relative newbie to ASP.NET development (web development in general) so please forgive the ignorance. ;-)
Ok, I'm using VWD to design and test my application and I'm using the standard membership provider system.  I've read in various places not to muck around with the aspnet_* tables as it can cause havoc hehe.  Therefore, I've created my own Member table to accommodate more fields that the aspnet_Users table does not have (since I don't want to mess around with that table) such as address, city, town, zip, birth date, etc.  Obviously, I have a field in Member that corresponds to the userId primary key in aspnet_Users.  Now, there are times when I need to display the username of a person's profile on a page.
SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName<br>FROM aspnet_Users, Member<br>WHERE querystringid=Member.memberId AND Member.userId = aspnet_Users.UserId
Now, this seems fine and dandy when there are few entries in the aspnet_Users table, but what if I tried that query when aspnet_Users grew to a hypothetical one million entries??  Does anyone know if those fields in aspnet_Users are properly indexed?  I can't seem to determine one way or another with VWD's database explorer.  I don't want to run the risk of a full table scan.  But if those fields aren't indexed, I don't know if I should modify that table in any way.
What to do?

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Splitting A Table In Half

Jul 30, 2007

Hi all,
I am trying to create a table of counts but it is running too long and would be a waste of paper so in essence I want the table to wrap at the 50% mark. As far as I understand theres no way to do that with just one table in RS so Im planning on using two tables and filtering them somehow.

I have been looking at the top % and bottom % filters but they dont seem to work for my purposes.

Heres what I got:


Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

Program 4

Program 5

Program 6

Program 7
Heres what I want to do:


Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

Program 4


Program 5

Program 6

Program 7

gte 50%
lt 50%
Does anyone know an easy way to split a data set by group at the 50% mark?


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All The Records Update Or Just Half?

May 26, 2008

update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2

like the subject, all or half? thanks

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Get Data From Half-Variable Table Name

Apr 17, 2004

Im really new to this and Im really bad.

but im trying to get the userID From a table,

but the table is named "Table"+the productID

ie Table23
or Table54

has 2 columns, UnitId and UserID

heres my code

CREATE Procedure UserDetail
@UnitId int,
@ProductID int,
@UserID int OUTPUT

declare @TSQL varchar(1000)

SET @TSQL= 'SELECT @UnitId , @ProductID , @UserID ' +
'FROM Table'+CAST(@ProductID AS char(20))+
' WHERE UnitId=@UnitId '


and i get this error

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the variable '@UnitId'

anyhelp would be aprciated,. thanks so much

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Is A Half A Million Record Database Table OK?

Apr 6, 2007

I don't work much with the back end of software development so there is a lot about SQL Server I do not know.
We are building a database. The database will have about 10 tables in it. 3 of these tables will probably have a huge amount of data in them. Specifically each one of the 3 tables will each have about a half a million database records in it. Each record is about 100 characters max in length.(Im am including numbers as characters and summing the individual columns/fields to come up with 100).
Will a SQL server database table with A half a million records in it be possible? We have tried to normalize the database to cut down on the size of the table but it all comes out to about a half a million records per table.
Any help is deeply appreciated.

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DTS Only Brings In Half Of Text File Records

Apr 19, 2007

All rows of a 1500+ record text file we have at work should be 512 spaces. Some are not and seem to be causing problems. I get half the records I should be getting on an import. When the DTS task comes across one of these records it takes it and appends them together and makes two rows one row. Any ideas? I tried making a table with one field of datatype char(1000) and tried to import into this table. I figured this would add any missing trailing spaces but no go.


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Adding Half Hour Intervals To Time

Oct 6, 2014

I have data that looks like the following.

ID Date Time Length Interval_Num
1 10/11/2014 9:00 420 14

Basically, length represents the # of minutes a person is scheduled for. We have 30 minute intervals. Interval_Num = (Length/30). I need the data to show each interval. For the above example it should only be 14 intervals.For the above example the solution should look like....

ID Date Time Length
1 10/11/2014 9:00 30
1 10/11/2014 9:30 30
1 10/11/2014 10:00 30
1 10/11/2014 10:30 30

for 14 intervals up until 16:00

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Transact SQL :: Convert 1/2 Into Half Day Or 4 Hours Format

Sep 21, 2015

I'm developing one leave application form in that I've declared "No of days"column as nvarchar type..If the user taking half(1/2) day leave then have to covert that 1/2 into 4  hours itseems..since I'm trying to display the table data on datagridview while displaying that half day in gridview again it has to conver 4 hours into 1.2 format..

My Table design:
 Create table Leave_Form
  Employee_id int primary key,
  Emp_Date date,
  Emp_name nvarchar(50),

[Code] ....

Windows form:

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How To Convert A Time-stamp To Half-hour?

Nov 16, 2007

I would like to make a function to convert a datetime to half-hour. E.g. If the timestamp is 1:23:05 then converts to 1:30:00, if 1:35:27 then converts to 2:00:00.

Anyone has any idea? Thanks.

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Are There Any Sql Data Types That Allocate In Half Bytes?

Mar 24, 2008

do all sql data types consume whole numbers of bytes? We have an app that might be best suited to bit manipulation at the nibble rather than byte level.

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Moving Clustered Index On Half Billion Rows?

Feb 29, 2012

So I just got an email from Production Support saying an hour and a half downtime is unacceptable to move a half billion rows between 2 partitions because I am moving a clustered index and space is a consideration.

I can not use partition switching because the clustered index is changing.

This is what I am doing...

1. I am creating a new table with the new cluster on a new partiton
2. I am moving the records in 5K set based batches by doing a range search on the existing clustered index on the existing table.
3. I then reapply all of the nonclustered index from the original table to the new one.
4. I do a sp_rename swap out.

The same way I have done this many times before. Is there some new secret special sauce (other than partition switching) I can use?

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Transact SQL :: Split Half Hour In Number From String

Jun 11, 2015

How I can split the half hour in number from this string?
20130329070000 (it's varchar)
Easy for the date
cast (left(20130329070000,8)as date)

I can achieve even the Half Hour


But what I need is the Half Hour in numeric format, so 00:00

should be 1, 00:30 should be 22, 01:00
should be 3, 01.30 should be 4......23:30 should be 24.

I already did but I can't find the piece of code I used.

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What's The Accepted Way To Retrieve Records In A SQL Table With Null Values Using A Visual Studio 2005 Table Adapter?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm using an ObjectDataSource in Visual Studio to retrieve records from a SQL Server 2005 database.
 I have a very simple dilemma.  In a table I have fields FirstName, Surname, Address1, Address2, Address3 etc. None of these are mandatory fields.
It is quite common for the user not to enter data in Address2, Address3, so the values are <null> in the SQL table.
In Visual Studio 2005 I have an aspx form where users can pass search parameters to the ObjectDataSource and the results are returned according to the passed in parameters.
The WHERE clause in my Table Adapter is:WHERE (Address1 LIKE @Address1 + '%') AND (Address2 LIKE @Address2 + '%') AND   (Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%') AND (FirstName LIKE @FirstName + '%') AND (Surname LIKE @Surname + '%')
If, for example, I simply want to search WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘R’, this does not return any results if the value of Address3 is <null>
My query is this: Could someone please show me the best way in Visual Studio 2005 to return records even if one of the Address fields is <null>.
For reference, I have tried: Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%' OR IS NULLThis does work, however itsimply returns every instance where Address3 is <null>  (accounting for about 95% of the records in the database). Thanks in advance Simon

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table With 3 Million Plus Records Taking Half A Minute?

Aug 6, 2015

I have a table that I need to do some computations on all the data but first I need to remove the duplicate records and insert the results into a destination table. Here's the example below. My table has 3.1 million rows. I have tried using the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY but both ways to select the data takes about half a minute to run. I'm wondering if there is a way to increase performance. Users are ok with this time since the process runs overnight but improving it won't hurt. I do have a clustered index on these fields but that doesn't seem to improve any.

SELECTDateYear ,
DateMonth ,
Nbr ,
Nbr1 ,
Nbr2 ,
Datafield1 ,


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After Set New_broker, It Works For Half Hour And Don;t Work Anymore, Please Advise, Thanks!

Sep 10, 2006

I use ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL 2005, the SQLCacheDependency didn't work stable for me, it usually works and after a while, it stops working. Recently, It doesn't work. Today I reset service broker by

Alter DB set new_broker

It seems all work, but too early to be happy, it doesn't work now anymore. I don't see any record in


And I don't see new entries in

sys.dm_qn_subscriptions neither when I modify a record which bind to SQLCacheDependy.

I see some errors in log like

The query notification dialog on conversation handle '{8F8CC642-6340-DB11-8F09-0014227B7B80}.' closed due to the following error: '<?xml version="1.0"?><Error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/Error"><Code>-8490</Code><Description>Cannot find the remote service &apos;SqlQueryNotificationService-f79776f7-9ca5-4c5f-8a66-0d81f7673683&apos; because it does not exist.</Description></Error>'.

Any idea how to find out the problem?


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Transact SQL :: Cumulative Values Quarter And Half Yearly Wise

Nov 23, 2015

Having table like below. Here want to cumulative the values quarter and half yearly wise...

declare @table table 
(month varchar(10),
value int)
insert into @table values('apr' ,100 )
insert into @table values('may' ,200 )
insert into @table values('jun' ,300 )

[Code] ....

Like wise the data should added...

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SQL 2012 :: List All Different Values That Go With Single CAS ID To Appear As Comma Separate List

Jun 15, 2015

So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function

So the output would look like :


dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0


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Report Designer: Need To List Fields From Multiple Result Rows As Comma Seperated List (like A JOIN On Parameters)

Apr 9, 2008

I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.

However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).

For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).

Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac

How can I accomplish this?

I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.

Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?

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