SQL Server 2014 :: Metadata About Current Query

Oct 21, 2015

I'm curious if there is a way to gather any metadata about a query that was just ran, or about a dynamic query passed in as a parameter, such as being able to "dynamically" return a list of columns in the query, along the lines of:

SELECT * FROM [myTable];
SELECT @@COLUMNS --Expecting this to return a recordset of columns for the previously run query

I'm not talking about querying metadata about the tables themselves, I'm really looking for what "metadata" might be available about the query itself.

This would be useful for me to dynamically generate some code for ad-hoc queries with a stored procedure call, or to simply return a list of just column names only without the data.

Is this at all possible in SQL Server?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How A New Partition Function Apply For Current Data

Apr 15, 2015

I have a heavy database , More than 100 GB only for six month .every Query on it takes me along time and I dont have enough space to add more indexes.by a way I decided to do partitioning. I create a partition function , on date filed and all Data records per month was appointed to a separate file.And is partitioning only for Future data entry?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Loop And Query CSV Files In Folder Using Union All Query To Form Resultant Table On Server?

Jun 27, 2014

I am trying to run a UNION ALL query in SQL SERVER 2014 on multiple large CSV files - the result of which i want to get into a table in SQL Server. below is the query which works in MSAccess but not on SQL Server 2014:

'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0' , 'Text;Database=D:DownloadsCSV;HDR=YES',
'SELECT t.*, (substring(t.[week],3,4))*1 as iYEAR,
''SPAIN'' as [sCOUNTRY], ''EURO'' as [sCHAR],

[Code] ....

What i need is:

1] to create the resultant tbl_ALLCOMBINED table

2] transform this table using PIVOT command with following transformation as shown below:

PAGEFIELD: set on Level = 'Item'
COLUMNFIELD: Sale_Week (showing 1 to 52 numbers for columns)
DATAFIELD: 'Sale Value with Innovation'

3] Can the transformed form show columnfields >255 columns i.e. if i want to show all KPI values in datafield?

P.S: the CSV's contain the same number of columns and datatype but the columns are >100, so i dont think it will be feasible to use a stored proc to create a table specifying that number of columns.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Estimated Query Plan For A Stored Procedure With Multiple Query Statements

Oct 30, 2015

When viewing an estimated query plan for a stored procedure with multiple query statements, two things stand out to me and I wanted to get confirmation if I'm correct.

1. Under <ParameterList><ColumnReference... does the xml attribute "ParameterCompiledValue" represent the value used when the query plan was generated?

<ColumnReference Column="@Measure" ParameterCompiledValue="'all'" />

2. Does each query statement that makes up the execution plan for the stored procedure have it's own execution plan? And meaning the stored procedure is made up of multiple query plans that could have been generated at a different time to another part of that stored procedure?

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Metadata Query - Navigate Without Data

Mar 5, 2005

Greetings, I'm interested in learning how to create queries against a cubes metadata. Specifically I'm interested in writing a aquery, using VB, to return a collection of bottom level members relative to a given member name.

Using the MDX Sample appication I can execute the query:

Descendants([Customer].[All Customer].[Canada],,leaves) on columns
from Sales

to get the members, however, the query appears to attempt to bring back data, thus is probably an expensive method.

It would be great to understand how to implement a meta data query without have to resort to recursion,


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Problem In SQL Query Writting For Cube Metadata

Aug 24, 2006

Hi Friends,
I am trying to write SQL statement for getting information about Cube metadata.
When we create any table in MSSQL server, we can trace out its information from system tables in master database by querying tables like sysobjects, syscolumns etc.
Like that I have created a cube using MS Analysis services and I can see Metadata (like Creation Date, Processed on etc) on 'Metadata' tab of cube. But I want to access its contents by writting SQL statement. For this I could not locate any system level table where this information gets stored.
Could any one help me for writting htis system table level query for accessing metadata info of cube?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Recursive Query Using CTE

Sep 14, 2015

sql recursive query, for example purpose i m providing sample table with insert script

parentid varchar(10), DetailComponent varchar(10) , DetailLevel int)

SELECT '','7419-01',0 union all
SELECT '7419-01','44342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','45342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','46342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','47342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','48342-00',1 union all
SELECT '7419-01','49342-00',1 union all


From the above table data i want a search query , for example if I search data with "52342-00" I want output to be below format using CTE.


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Can I Query Metadata To Find Table The Owns Field?

Mar 9, 2008

I have to write some reports for a database I am not familiar with. Is there a query I can use to find a table name if I know the field name?

example: Select table_name from database where field_name = 'my_field'


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SQL Server 2014 :: Need A Query On Group By Condition

Oct 11, 2013

I have one table which contines 3 columns they are


in that table i am having 6 rows like below.

emp monthyear amount
1 102013 1000
2 102013 1000
1 112013 1000
1 112013 1000
2 122013 1000
2 122013 0000

i want a total on group by condition on each employee. which will have the data from NOV to dec 2013 only.

out put should be like this
1 2000
2 1000

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SQL Server 2014 :: Select Query With 5 WHEREs

Jan 23, 2015

create table [where] ([where] char(5))
insert into [where] ([where]) values ('where')
select [where] from [where] where [where] = 'where'
drop table [where]

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query To Get Cumulative Package

Feb 6, 2014

Query to get CU# of sql server Instance ?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Truncates When Attaching Query Results

Jul 6, 2014

Installed SQL Server 2014 CU1. While testing sp_send_dbmail I noticed the query results, when attached are cut off or truncated. Max file size has been 64k -65k. I set the max file size to 104857600 and set @query_no_truncate = 1.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Error In Adding Condition In Query

Apr 4, 2015

Following is a working code

declare @dte as datetime='2015-04-01'
declare @StDt as Datetime = DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,@dte), 0)
declare @EnDt as datetime = DATEADD( DD, -1, DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,@dte) + 1, 0));
create table #bus_master(bus_id int,bus_name varchar(50),uname varchar(50))
insert into #bus_master values(100,'A','lekshmi')

[Code] ...

I am getting the output correctly. My requirement is i want to write a condition here
JOIN busdetails b ON m.bus_id = b.bus_id

I want to write this statement as
JOIN busdetails b ON m.bus_id = b.bus_id and m.uname='lekshmi'

When I tried this code I am getting error.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query Store Folder Not Visible

Jul 16, 2015

As SQL Server 2016 category is not created so I am posting this query in SQL Server 2014 window.

I have enabled Query Store in SQL Server 2016 using ALTER DATABASE and later tried with Properties of Database too. But I am not able to see the Query Store subfolder under database.

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Replication Problem After Running For 24 Hours With Action Msg Could Not Query Row Metadata At The 'Subscriber'

Sep 9, 2006

We are currently using a Merged replication and Push subscriber to replicate the databse from DB1 to DB2 every hours. The replication process successed for first 20 hours but we found that the replication process cannot be completed after 20 hours with the following error codes:

Action Code Last Action Msg

4 The process could not query row metadata at the 'Subscriber'

363 The process could not deliver insert(s) at the 'Subscriber'.

Thanks million for your kindly help!!!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query Multiple Servers With A Scheduled Job Using CMS?

Mar 13, 2014

I can easily query multiple servers using the multi-server query function in Central Management Server and write some of the results to logging tables. I would like to be able to do this via a scheduled job. So far I am finding that even setting up Master/Target Servers this may not work and the only workaround is either using SSIS, SQLCMD (by basically hard coding the servername) and possibly Powershell.

tell me if they have been successful just using standard jobs and querying against multiple servers?

If I can't save the results to a 'central' database/table (I can do this when in SSMS), but can still query against multiple servers I was thinking I could write the results to a CSV file that a SSIS job picks up.

I have attempted using SSIS to iterate through servers and have been plagued with intermittent connection issues when using a For...Loop container.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Execute Dynamic Query 1 As A Transaction

Feb 7, 2015

I have this command :

Exec 'update .... insert ..... delete ..... insert ...'

I Execute these command in one execution.
exec ('...')

Are these commands act as a transaction? If one of them create error , another commands run or rull backed?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query To Combine Two Tables Based Third Table

Feb 18, 2015

I have three tables A, B, C respectively. Table C is used to map table A and B. Three tables are below:

Table A:

Table B:

Table C:

So what query do I need write to have table like below?

Table D

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query Plan For Partitioned Views Not Running As They Should

Mar 29, 2015

I've been using partitioned views in the past and used the check constraint in the source tables to make sure the only the table with the condition in the where clause on the view was used. In SQL Server 2012 this was working just fine (I had to do some tricks to suppress parameter sniffing, but it was working correct after doing that). Now I've been installing SQL Server 2014 Developer and used exactly the same logic and in the actual query plan it is still using the other tables. I've tried the following things to avoid this:

- Using dynamic SQL to pass the parameter value as a static string to avoid sniffing.

To explain wat I'm doing is this:

1. I have 3 servers with the same source tables, the only difference in the tables is one column with the server name.
2. I've created a CHECK CONSTRAINT on the server name column on each server.
3. On one of the three server (in my case server 3) I've setup linked server connections to Server 1 and 2.
4. On Server 3 I've created a partioned view that is build up like this:

SELECT * FROM [server1].[database].[dbo].[table]
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [server2].[database].[dbo].[table]
UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [server3].[database].[dbo].[table]5. To query the partioned view I use a query like this:

FROM [database].[dbo].[partioned_view_name]
WHERE [server_name] = 'Server2'

Now when I look at the execution plan on the 2014 environment it is still using all the servers instead of just Server2 like it should be. The strange thing is that SQL 2008 and 2012 are working just fine but 2014 seems not to use the correct plan.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using Newly Created Column For Doing Further Calculations In SAME Query

Apr 12, 2015

I am new to SQL Programming. I am learning the basics. I am trying to create a simple query like this -

10*Column_1 AS Column_4,
10*Column_2 AS Column_5,

-- I am not being able to understand how to do this particular step Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6

FROM Table_1
First 3 Columns are available within the Original Table_1
The Column_4 and Column_5 have been created by me, by doing some Calculations related to the original columns.

Now, when I try to do FURTHER CALCULATION on these newly created columns, then SQL Server does not allows that.

I was hoping that I will be able to use the Newly Created Columns 4 and 5 within this same query to do further more calculations, but that does not seems to be the case, or am I doing something wrong here ?

If I have to create a new column by the name of Column_6, which is actually a multiplication of Original Column_1 and Newly Created Column_5 "I tried this - Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6", then what is the possible solution for me ?

I have tried to present my problem in the simplest possible manner. The actual query has many original columns from Table_1 and many Calculated columns that are created by me. And now I have to do various calculations that involve making use of both these type of columns.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Writing A Cross Join Query With One Table?

Jul 19, 2015

writing a cross join query with one table:

Cities(City_name, X_coordinate, Y_coordinate)

the result should be all combinations without reverse column returns

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Cities] as P1
Cross JOIN [dbo].[cities] as p2
where (p1.City_name != p2.City_name) and ???

for example if there are three Cities as A,B,C the result should be: A->B, A->C, B->C (without the returns B->A, C->A, C->B)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AlwaysOn Query Which Would Tell Failover Time

Jul 27, 2015

Is there any single TSQL query which provides below info.When did my AlwaysOn Availability group failed over and from which node it failed to which new node(i.e. replica)?

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Print State Of Running Query To Output

Sep 21, 2015

I want print state of running query to output, because my query need long time to run.But print statement dos not work correctly!

Note: I cannot use "go" in my query!

/* My query */
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 is Running...'
insert into @T1
select x,y,z
from Table1
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 Done.'


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SQL Server 2014 :: Query To Split String As Rows And Columns

Oct 19, 2015

I have a string that contains series of parameters with separators.i need to split the parameters and its values as rows and columns.e.g string = "Param1 =3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;..etc" here the paramerter can be anything and in any number not fixed parameters.
Currently am using the below function and getting the parameters by each in select statement as mentioned below.

select [dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]('Param1=3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;','param1=',';') as param1,
[dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]('Param1=3;param2=4,param4=testval;param6=11;','param2=',';') as param2
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[rvlf_fn_GetParamValueWithIndex]
@CustomProp varchar(max),


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SQL Server 2014 :: Indexes And Views - Manage Date Filtering Within A Query?

May 21, 2014

I have a dynamic SQL query that uses various indexes and views.

When a user wants to filter records based on last one day, last one week, last 30 days ...etc.. i use the following code:

@date is an integer.

begindate is datetime format.

begindate > cast(((select dateadd(d,@Date,GETDATE()))) as varchar(20))

The above code slows my query performance by at least 400%!

Would it be faster to add a computed column to my table, using the suggested method in the link below?

[URL] ....

Then i could add an indexed view to improve performance, or can this be done another way?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Passing Multiple Columns Values From Query To One Variable?

Aug 10, 2014

Is it possible to assign multiple columns from a SQL query to one variable. In the below query I have different variable (email, fname, month_last_taken) from same query being assigned to different columns, can i pass all columns to one variable only and then extract that column out of that variable later? This way I just need to write the query once in the complete block.

DECLARE @email varchar(500)
,@intFlag INT


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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Select Query To Get 2014-08-09 11:13:03 From Original Date Records?

Aug 18, 2014

I have date field in table and data contain 2014-08-09 11:13:03.340

when I use smalldatefield I am getting 2014-08-09 11:13:00 I should have got 2014-08-09 11:13:03

Why the 03 is trimming in smalldatefield.

how do I use select query to get 2014-08-09 11:13:03 from original Date records

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query To Display Unique Comments Based On Certain Conditions

Jul 1, 2015


Column NameComments


211XYZ 123


211XYZ 123

Records should be filtered by

1.Display only Unique Comments from Customer Table for all the customers,
2.If Comments are same then display the row which has maximum SequenceNo

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Print State Of Running Query To Output

Sep 21, 2015

I want print state of running query to output, because my query need long time to run. But print statement dos not work correctly!!

Note: I cannot use "go" in my query!

/* My Query */
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 is Running...'
insert into @T1
select x,y,z
from Table1
print 'Fetch Data From Table1 Done.'

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Best Isolation Level To Use In A Long Delete Insert Query?

Sep 23, 2015

i use a single stored procedure to update many tables in sql server 2014 database, using defalut transaction isolation level we got random performance issues.

maybe it would better to use read uncommitted isolation level?

what's happens ,in the both cases( read committed, uncommitted) if the sp is called at the same time passing the same @key parameter?

this is a sample to show of the real stored procedure works:

@Key int,
@Values1 Values1 readonly,
@Values2 Values2 readonly,
@Values3 Values3 readonly


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cursor Stop Query At Specific Time

Oct 29, 2015

This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.

I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.

'This is a executable query'
FROM table_1
DECLARE @table_2

[Code] ....

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query To Get User Database Startup DateTime When It Started?

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to find Query to retrieve User DataBase Startup Time from SQL server that we see in the Sql Server Log.

I was able to find the Server Startup Time but not the individual Databases .

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Change The Message Text In Management Studio In Query Result

Apr 26, 2014

I have two records...is having pid=10


then i executed the below query..

update Child set pid=10 where id in (101,102)

the sql server showing message like

(2 row(s) affected) but as per data no records updated so i need to change this message type

if i ran the above update query the the result should be like

(0 row(s) affected)

is there any way to change this...

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