SQL Server 2014 :: Error - O2SS0245 / The Conversion Of Cursors In Return Statements Is Not Supported
Jun 25, 2015
fix the below SP which is having cursor output with an alternate logic which can make the SP work.(may be using temp table or any other option)
* SSMA warning messages:
* O2SS0356: Conversion from NUMBER datatype can cause data loss.
@p_uid float(53),
@return_value_argument varchar(8000) OUTPUT
Below is the error I get when trying to convert a Visual FoxPro memo field to a DT_WSTR (4000 ) in a SQL table. It does not let me convert a DT_TEXT to a DT_WSTR.
The component is not in a valid state. The validation errors are: Error at NMF [Data Conversion [6328]]: Conversion from "DT_TEXT" to "DT_WSTR" is not supported.
Do you want the component to fix these errors automatically?
I have a DTS that pulls data in from a table in MysQL and inserts it into a tablle in SQL Server. it's failing when I run the step with the "requestd conversion is not supported" error, but when testing each single column copy in the Data Transformation step, it passes.
I just want an exact copy of the data.
the source MySQL table is....
CREATE TABLE `entry` ( `web_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `web_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', `web_email` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `web_cli` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `web_pu_id` varchar(60) default NULL, `web_answer` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `web_ddi` varchar(30) default NULL, `web_time_entered` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `web_ip_address` varchar(20) default NULL, `web_entry_status` set('failed','success') NOT NULL default '', `web_polled` enum('true','false') default 'false', PRIMARY KEY (`web_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
and the SQl Server destination is....
CREATE TABLE [entry] ( [web_id] [int] NOT NULL , [web_name] [varchar] (23) NOT NULL , [web_email] [varchar] (37) NOT NULL , [web_cli] [varchar] (15) NOT NULL , [web_pu_id] [varchar] (15) NULL , [web_answer] [text] NOT NULL , [web_ddi] [varchar] (11) NULL , [web_time_entered] [datetime] NOT NULL , [web_ip_address] [varchar] (15) NULL , [web_entry_status] [varchar] (15) , [web_polled] [varchar] (15) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO
I would like to know if there is any option to Restrict DML statements in SSMS for a user where the same user should be able to perform these actions through application on particular database.
One process ( a service ) inserts data into this table , as well as updates certain fields of the table periodically.
Another process ( SQL Job ) updates the table with certain defaults and rules that are unknown to the service - to deal with some calculations and removal of null values where we can estimate the values etc.
These 2 processes have started to deadlock each other horribly.
The SQL Job calls one stored procedure that has around 10 statements in it. This stored proc runs every minute. Most of them are of the form below - the idea being that once this has corrected the data - the update will not affect these rows again. I guess there are read locks on the selecting part of this query - but usually it updates 0 rows - so I am wondering if there are still locks taken ?
UPDATE s SET equivQty = Qty * ISNULL(p.Factor,4.5) / 4.5 FROM Stock s LEFT OUTER JOIN Pack p on s.Product = p.ProductId AND s.Pack = p.PackId WHERE ISNULL(equivQty,0) <> Qty * ISNULL(p.Factor,4.5) / 4.5
The deadlocks are always between these statements from the stored procedure - and the service updating rows. I can't really see how the deadlocks occur but they do.
Another suggestion has been to try and use an exists before the update as below
IF EXISTS( SELECT based on above criteria ) ( UPDATE as before )
Does this reduce the locking at all ? I don't know how to test the theory - i added this code to some of the statements, and it didn't seem to make much difference ?
Is there a way to make a process ( in my case the stored procedure ) - give up if it can't aquire the locks rather than being deadlocked - which leads to job failures and emails etc ?
We are currently trying to filter down the data that is updated to be only the last few months - to reduce the amount of rows even analyzed - as the deadlocking does seem to be impacted by the number of rows in the tables.
I want to get Email address from sql database. But whenever I executed stored procedure I get an error message "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'xxxxxx@xxxxxx' to data type int" If I want some numeric ID it is worked.
I also change my SP like this but results same.
ALTER procedure [dbo].[findConsultantMail]
@PerID nvarchar(18),
@perMail nvarchar(100) OUTPUT
SELECT @perMail=PerMail FROM Personel
WHERE (PerID =cast(@PerID as numeric(18,0)))
return cast(@perMail as nvarchar(100))
How can I get a string value form stored procedure.
I have a query with huge number of case statements. Basically I need to short this query with getting rid of these hundreds of CASE statements.
Because of the nature of the application I am not allowed to use a function, and just wondering if there is a possible way to rewrite this with COALESCE().
SELECT CASE WHEN A.[COL_1] LIKE '%cricket%' THEN 'ck' + ',' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN A.[COL_1] LIKE '%soccer%' THEN 'sc' + ',' ELSE '' END + .... CASE WHEN A.[RESIUTIL_DESC] LIKE '%base%ball' THEN 'BB' + ',' ELSE '' END FROM TableName A
I have a script contains multiple statements to update multiple tables. How can I make sure that either all statements get executed successfully or no changes apply to the tables (in case one or more errors occur)? I've been searching on Internet and it seems like I need to use Rollback and begin transaction.
The database for our software stores dates and times in clarion format. I'm trying to write some custom reports in T-SQL and I need to convert these dates but it's giving me a lot of trouble. How do I query the dates and times and have the results shown as a "regular" date/time? Below is what I have so far which is really the very beginnings of this report. Basically on the results/output I need the ClarionDate and ClarionTime to be shown as typical date/time columns. I did some research on my own but I'm having a hard time grasping this. I believe they have to be pulled into a temp table and then converted?
SELECT A1.DATEOFACCESS ClarionDate, A1.TIMEOFACCESS ClarionTime, A2.NAME Event FROM dbo.History A1 JOIN dbo.SysEvents A2 ON A1.RSVD_Action = A2.RSVD_EVENTTYPE
As part of an ETL conversion I have dataflow task created that copies data from one table to another, we use it as a way to rename fields and change data types. What is strange is that the OLE DB SQL destination has not issue if I copy data from an int to smallint and in another case from an int to a numeric field and it runs fine. So I decided to test using a SQL Server Destination as I heard it may be faste that using OLE Db.
No I am getting the following error
Error: 0xC02020F5 at Insert into TRANSACTION, SQL Server Destination [32]: The column "ID" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_I4 and DT_NUMERIC is not supported. Error: 0xC02020F5 at Insert into TRANSACTION, SQL Server Destination [32]: The column "ID1" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_I4 and DT_I2 is not supported.
I do understand the error but not why it runs fine using the OLE DB but when running it through SQL Server Destination I get this error.
I'm not a DBA but I'm doing what is turning into way too much work... Yes I understand you want to do memory intensive data conversions and SQL server is not tolerant, etc....
But, I have to get my data from a flat source into a table in SQL server. I know DT_I1 is a 1 byte signed integer, I see System.Byte, but surprise, NONE of the TYPES in defining my table in SQL Server Management Studio correspond to any type that it accepts.
What am I doing wrong?
I have a table in SQL Server. I know DT_I8 is Bigint, I know DT_I4 is Int. Bigint and Int, for example, are two types I have access to when I'm building my table. But what on EARTH is DT_I1? It is NOT a TYPE that I can dropdown and choose.
My SSIS package has a Flat File Source that points to my comma delimeted file on my PC, it has a Data Conversion element that seems to do nothing..., and of course a SQL Server Destination which is my table.
I would rather just have the SSIS package create the right table on the fly.
DTS was much easier, I know, not as efficient for 1,000,000 rows, but guess what, there are still small to medium size businesses that don't need that efficiency to get in 1MM rows +, we just need to get our jobs done.
P.S. I'm creating the SSIS in MS Visual Studio Professional.
I created an Integration Services Package that runs fine from my local computer using BIDS. However when I imported into our SQL Server and try to run it from there I get the following error:
DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "Data Conversion"
We are running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition 64-bit.
We have integration services installed on the server. Is data conversion something that is not supported on Standard Edition?
Also have a similar message for "Send Mail Task."
Is there anywhere that outlines what features are supported on each version?
Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [14]]: The column "Opened On" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_DATE and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.
Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "SQL Server Destination" (14)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
I tried using Data Conversion and Derived column, still this error prevails. Any help ????
and coupled it to a Flat File Source. The Flat File Source suggested that the type was DT-I1.
Next I created a €œSQL Server Destination task and connected the output of the Flat File to the Sql Destination. In the Destination editor I created a table, whose one column was declared to be a sql smallint.
Here€™s the problem: the Sql Server Destination now displays a red circle with a white €œx€?. The tooltip says that: €œThe column €œColumn 0€? can€™t be inserted because the conversion between types DT_I1 and DT_I2 is not supported€?
Can anyone explain why the conversion is not supported?
P.S. It's not kidding! When I changed the Flat File Source type to DT-I2 everything worked fine.
I am using a monitoring system where I can monitor a numeric SQL result assuming the result is one field and one row.I would like to do this to say monitor the free available space or percentage on say the Master database. DBCC SQLPERF gives me a few columns and results for all databases on the server.
I'm trying to migrate to the 2005 JDBC driver against SQL Server 2000, but I'm getting the following exception: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The statement did not return a result set. This is similar problem to a past thread: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=413019&SiteID=1 The difference is that my stored procedure uses cursors. This same stored procedure works fine with the 2000 JDBC driver.
Does anybody have any ideas how to resolve this problem?
When I get result from .NET console app, I get correct answer "JungleSektor". However, when SQL Server executes this code, it gives me "NT ServiceMSSQL $ SQL2014". How to get correct result?
why the statement "where WD.WRKD_WORK_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD(DD, -6, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()) = 0' is successful, but "WD.WRKD_WORK_DATE BETWEEN (DATEADD(DD, -16, GETDATE())) AND (DATEADD(DD, -3, GETDATE()))" is an invalid statement? I've tried a lot of different syntax variations of this statement and cannot get to work between two lookback dates.
I created a simple procedure in SQL Server Management Studio 2014. When I run it I see my query results but not my return value. Do I have to change settings to see the return value?
Are Measure Expressions Supported in SSAS 2014 Standard Edition?In 2005 SSAS, I remember that Measure Expressions were not supported in the Standard Edition, only Enterprise Edition.
Hey, I changed the database name in the initial cataloge in the web.config conncetion string so that it now connects to other databas that contains same tables as the old one,but now i am getting that error at the update stmt ! thank u in advance Hiba
I am using the QRCode4CS class [URL] .... to generate QR codes.
I can use the following code to successfully return a bitmap image to a picturebox in a Windows Form Application.
public class CreateQRCodeClass { public static Image CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString) { QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString)); qrcode.Make(); [Code] ....
In trying to adapt the same code (below) to display a QR code in an SSRS report I get the error "There is an error on line 1 of custom code: [BC30311] Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Byte.'
Here is the custom code I am using.
Public Function QRCode(ByVal RetailerId As String) as Byte() Return QRCode4CSCreateQRCode.CreateQRCodeClass.CreateQRCodeImage(RetailerId) End Function
Here is the revised custom assembly.
public class CreateQRCodeClass { public static byte[] CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString) { QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString)); qrcode.Make(); Image canvas = new Bitmap(86, 86);
[Code] ....
What data type can I successfully return to SSRS to display the image?
When viewing an estimated query plan for a stored procedure with multiple query statements, two things stand out to me and I wanted to get confirmation if I'm correct.
1. Under <ParameterList><ColumnReference... does the xml attribute "ParameterCompiledValue" represent the value used when the query plan was generated?
2. Does each query statement that makes up the execution plan for the stored procedure have it's own execution plan? And meaning the stored procedure is made up of multiple query plans that could have been generated at a different time to another part of that stored procedure?
I've run into a bit of a database connection problem. I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server database. It compiles okay, but then while IE is loading, I get an exception error pointing out in the code saying 'Keyword not supported: 'provider'.
Hi all,At this moment I'm trying to get database mail working. According tosome people it should be easy. Well...that is not the case for me.I'm having the following error:The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail serverfailure. (Sending Mail using Account 2 (2006-11-24T08:48:15). ExceptionMessage: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Command not implemented.The server response was: Command not Supported).)SQL Server 2005 is installed on a separate server and the SMTP Serveris Lotus Notes. connecting with port 25.Start and stopping the SQL Server and SQL Server agent i tried already.i tried sysmail_stop_sp and sysmail_start_sp.Sometimes when starting or stopping the Mail with the followingcommands :exec sysmail_stop_spGOexec sysmail_start_spGOI will get the following error:Msg 233, Level 20, State 0, Line 0A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to theserver. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is onthe other end of the pipe.)So any help would be appreciated.Hennie
Hello. I a SP with 2 select statements. If the first returns no results it does the second select. This works fine if I test it on the sql server. But when I try it in a webform using a sqldatasource it only returns a result if the first Select returns rows. If not It is an empty set (where I know it should not be. It returned resultrs on the SQL server). This is the code:1 ALTER PROCEDURE [SPName] 2 3 @SearchFor varchar(150) -- search string to compare with 4 5 AS 6 7 SELECT p.UserName, 8 9 (Select ImageName from ProfileImages Where IsMainImage = 1 And ProfileID = p.ProfileID) as ImageName, 10 11 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM auditions WHERE UserID = p.ProfileID) AS AuditionCount 12 13 FROM Profiles p WHERE UserName = @SearchFor 14 15 IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) 16 17 Begin 18 19 SELECT p.UserName, 20 21 (Select ImageName from ProfileImages Where IsMainImage = 1 And ProfileID = p.ProfileID) as ImageName, 22 23 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM auditions WHERE UserID = p.ProfileID) AS AuditionCount, 24 25 DIFFERENCE(p.UserName, @SearchFor) as Similarity 26 27 FROM profiles p WHERE SOUNDEX(p.UserName) = SOUNDEX( @SearchFor ) 28 29 ORDER BY Similarity 30 31 END 32 33 RETURN Now If i change the SP to test it to the code below, it does work in both the webform and on the sql server: 1 ALTER PROCEDURE [SPName] 2 3 @SearchFor varchar(150) -- search string to compare with 4 5 AS 6 7 DECLARE @RowCount int 8 SET @RowCount = 0 9 10 IF (@ROWCOUNT = 0) 11 12 Begin 13 14 SELECT p.UserName, 15 16 (Select ImageName from ProfileImages Where IsMainImage = 1 And ProfileID = p.ProfileID) as ImageName, 17 18 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM auditions WHERE UserID = p.ProfileID) AS AuditionCount, 19 20 DIFFERENCE(p.UserName, @SearchFor) as Similarity 21 22 FROM profiles p WHERE SOUNDEX(p.UserName) = SOUNDEX( @SearchFor ) 23 24 ORDER BY Similarity 25 26 END 27 28 RETURNOnce again, Everything works as it should (for both versions), if I am testing it directly on the SQL server. Can anyone Help me on this? I am stumped and cannot find any answers about this.
Code Snippet SELECT Account.New_DistributorAccountNumber, Account.New_NameonBill, ActivityPointer.Subject, ActivityPointer.CreatedOn AS ExprX FROM Account INNER JOIN ActivityPointer ON Account.AccountId = ActivityPointer.RegardingObjectId UNION SELECT Account_1.New_DistributorAccountNumber AS Expr1, Account_1.New_NameonBill AS Expr2, ActivityPointer_1.CreatedOn AS Expr19, ActivityPointer_1.Subject AS Expr20 FROM Account AS Account_1 INNER JOIN Contact AS Contact_1 ON Account_1.AccountId = Contact_1.AccountId INNER JOIN ActivityPointer AS ActivityPointer_1 ON Contact_1.ContactId = ActivityPointer_1.RegardingObjectId
gives the error mentioned above. Each select statement, when run separately, works fine. Any clues?
I'm trying to create a SQL server 2000 function that returns a scalar value, but I keep getting the error "Return statements in scalar valued functions must include an argument". Online clarification of this error message is no help at all.I've tried all sorts of combinations of the following, without much luck. Can someone point out my dim-witted mistake, please?ALTER FUNCTION dbo.intCoursesPublic (@intCatID as int) RETURNS intASBEGIN RETURN SELECT COUNT(intCourseID) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.tbl_guru_course_list WHERE (intCatID = @intCatID)END