SQL Server 7 On Win 98 Machine Will Not Let Me Make A Connection.

Jun 24, 2001

Installed SQL Server 7 on Win 98 machine, keep getting errors:Unable to connect to server servername:

Server: msg 11, Level 16, State 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network error. Check your network documentation.

Did the troubleshooter on M$ Knowledgebase, still did not work.
Still get the above and this error:
General network error. Check your network documentation.
ConnectionOpen (connect())

Went to install SP3, and now It won't let me continue without an sa password.
I never had a password to begin with.

Oh, the fun of it all! :)

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.


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Connection Pool Leak In Production Machine (in Other Machine It Runs Well)

Nov 16, 2006

Hi to everyone,
I'm facing a problem that drives me crazy. I've a web application that has the following problem. When I test the application on my developement machine all runs fine, but when I put into production server there is a problem in connection pooling. Look at the following image, the blue line is the number of connection in the pool and the violet line is the number of connection reclaimed. From the image it is clear that connection are returned on the pool only in block, maybe when the garbage collection pass and reclaim the object. The strange thing is that on my developement machine all is good, and also I'm using Enterprise Library and the connection are managed internally.- Thanks to everyone for any help.   

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How To Make A SQL Server Connection With ASP.NET

Jan 18, 2006

Hi.Working with ASP this connection works:stringMyConn = "dsn=foo.com.bar;uid=john;pwd=xxxx;"set myConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") myConn.open stringMyConn But it doesn't with ASP.NETDim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("dsn=foo.com.bar;uid=john;pwd=xxxx;")myConn.OpenWhat am I doing wrong? Thank you very much.

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What Is Requirement To Make Remote Access To Other Machine ?

Jun 14, 2007

What is requirement to make remote access to other machine ?

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Connection Problem MSSQL SERVER && PWS Same Machine

Jun 14, 2004

Im getting an error when i try to connect to my MS SQL database

0x80040e21 .... multiple-step ole db operation generated errors ....check each ole db status value

this code works connecting to database via web hosting, only things i changed was to replace the server with "(local)" [also tried ip no joy there either] and add integrated security to the connection string

ms sql server and IIS, personal web server all on same laptop, i can access the same database with same details no problem to login it gives up on the subsequent login

code (generally)

Set objconn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objconn.ConnectionString="SERVER=(local);Database=blah;uid=blah1;pwd=blah2;Integrated Security=true;"


can anybody help

ta, b

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Setting Up Remote Connection To Server From Local Machine

Sep 17, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2014 installation on a server (CHRIS-PCCHRISSQL).I have SQL Server 2014 management studio installed on local server called Pootle.I have gone through the configuration on server (CHRIS-PCCHRISSQL) inc the following:

(1) I have set up a user on CHRIS-PCCHRISSQL called sqladminuser at server level with the Server Roles of 'Public' and 'SysAdmin'

(2) The computers are both on the same homegroup.

(3) On Chris-PC , I have opened up the firewall port 1433 as Inbound Rule

(4) On Chris-PC, Within SQL Server Configuration Manager,the 'SQL Server Network Configuration for Protocols for CHRISSQL' have been set up as follows:

- The TCP protocol is enabled
- I have set up IP2
as follows:

Active: Yes
Enabled: No
IP Addres:

However when I try to connect from SQL Server Management Studio 2014 on my local machine Pootle to Chris-PCCHRISSQL using SQL Server Authentication with the user sqladminuser

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)how to set up a remote connection from SQL Server Management Studio
on my local machine Pootle to CHRIS-PCCHRISSQL

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Mirror Monitor Error: Server Replication Requires The Actual Server Name To Make A Connection

Oct 17, 2007

I'm getting the following error when launching the database mirroring monitor and attempt to connect to my database.

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to dborat01.hs.pitt.edu.


SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'xxxxxx'. (Replication.Utilities)



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Connection Failure To SQL Server 2000 In Remote Machine From Application In Windows Server 2003

Dec 25, 2007


I'moving my asp application to a new hosting server.

So when i tried the setup locally with the live DB & application in my test machine...
The DB access is denied when application tries to hit the DB.

DB is in seperate machine with SQL Server 2000 & application(ASP) is in Windows server 2003.....
Kindly help me with your suggestions....on what went wrong?

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Can't Make A Connection To SQL Express As Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied...

Aug 9, 2006


I have recently downloaded SQL Server Express which I have installed using Windows authentication mode. I cannot seem to be able to make a connection to SQL Server from Dreamweaver or Microsoft Visual Web Developer as I am getting an error Server does not exist or access is denied....

I am relatively new to all of this, so would appreciate any advice....

When I installed SQL Server Express I chose Windows Authentication. When I fire up SQL Express and view Security option - the installation program has set up an sa login with a random password. I did not set this password, but think this might be a reason why I can't connect. To rectify the problem I tried creating a new user in SQL Server Express with a password that I specified. On going in to check the settings, I notice SQL Server Express has gone and changed it from the password that I set up.

Now when I try and connect to SQL Server Express I specify the following in the connection paramaters


Database The database name that I've created

User: the new user that I created

Password: the password I created as part of new user setup

Now I get error message Server does not exist or access denied

Is the problem to do with passwords or perhaps one of the many parameters one seems to have to set up? How can I change a password if I didn't create it? Is there anywhere I can reset it?

PLEASE HELP - I have literally spent 3 days attempting to get this working and am about to give up entirely. Due to my lack of experience, I need very specific step by step instructions..

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SQL Server Job Fails When SSIS Package Is Having Excel Connection On 64 Bit Machine

May 29, 2008


I've SQL Server running on 64 bit. When I schedule a package to run every night which has excel data transformation, it fails. Initally I had a problem running through BIDS also but then I found in project properties you can switch this off by specifying property Run64BitRuntime by false. After going through some forums, many have suggested that when scheduling a package, modify the command arguments to run as 32bit runtime. These command argumnents can be generated from making use of tool DTExecUI.exe Even after using generated command arguments from this tool, it doesn't help.

Below is my command argument and the error message generated.

/FILE "D:DevDWLoadAll.dtsx"
/CONFIGFILE "D:DevDWdevCongig.dtsConfig"
/CONNECTION "customers.dtsx";"D:DevDWcustomers.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Addresses.dtsx";"D:DevDWAddresses.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Counties.dtsx";"D:DevDWCounties.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Countries.dtsx";"D:DevDWCountries.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "ExcelLoad.dtsx";"D:DevDWExcelLoad.dtsx"
/CONNECTION Test;""Data Source=TestDW;Initial Catalog=TestStagingDW;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

Executed as user: DWUserSQLServiceAcc. ...0.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 00:05:00 Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: Excel Load Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered". End Error Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Copy Data Excel Source [5052] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End... The package execution fa... The step failed.

Any suggestions???


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ASP.Net Pages And SQL Server Not In The Same Machine. Login Failed For The User, Not A Trusted Sql Connection

Jun 16, 2008

I am having an asp.net web site hosted in my machine's IIS (5.1). This aspx files are accessing data from an sql server 2000 database located in another machine. While i am trying to open a connection from the aspx files to the database, an error showing login failed for that user. Not a trusted sql server connection. so i unchecked the "allow anonymous access" in the directory security. But now its working from my machine (the web server, localhost). but when i try to access the aspx files from another machine with my system ip, the same error exists-Login failed for the user and not a trusted sql server connection. 

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SQL Server Configuration Manager: Connection To Target Machine Could Not Be Made In A Timely Fashion

Dec 5, 2007

I have a SQL Server 2005 box that was moved from a domain environment to a non-domain environment and was never dropped from its original domain before moving over. Subsequently a new domain was created at the data center this SQL Server box now resides in. The machine was dropped from its old domain and joined to the new one.

All the while the service accounts were set to the local admin account. When I tried to start the Configuration Manager I got the message "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fashion.". I read some blog entries and tried changing all the service accounts to Local System and the error message still came up.

All of the SQL Server services run fine. It is just this management console that I cannot open. I wasn't with this employer when this box was moved to the data center so I do not know if it worked prior and there isn't anyone here that could give me its history.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Connection Attempt Failed With Error: '10061(No Connection Could Be Made Because The Target Machine Actively Refused It.)'.

Sep 7, 2007

I am working in a distributed environment, I verified msgs have been successfully send from server1 db1 to server2 db2, but I still get the following error msg from the sender server through SQL profile:

Connection attempt failed with error: '10061(No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)'.

Does anyone experienced the samething?

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Copying Database From 2000Server Machine To 2003 Server Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All;We are going to change our application server. We will copy all of ourDatabase from Mic 2000 Server OS to Mic 2003 Server OS. I found anarticle that how to move all the folders from same OS. My question isthat Would the 2003 OS be a problem when we copy all of the MC SQL 2000folders to New OS ? Has anybody done this before? Could you gimme yoursuggestions please?ThanksASA

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GetDate() - From Server Machine Or Client Machine ?

Oct 23, 2006


If I use GetDate() function from client machine (using "\ServerMachineSQLExpress" instance from client machine "ClientMachine"), then from where I will get the DateTime value ?

From "ServerMachine" or from "ClientMachine"


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Cannot Make OLEDB Connection To .dbf

Jan 7, 2008

Hi there,

I know this has been a topic of discussion before and I have read and tried the suggestions to no avail. I have a few .dbf files to import into my sql database and I know that one needs to make a oledb connection to these files.

I am using the Jet provider and have tried setting the extended properties to all of the DBASE versions and still cannot get it to connect. These files' names are shorter than 8 chars so that issue is no problem in this case.
I can actually get these files to show in a Microsoft Access 2008 database when I import it from there so I know that I must be missing something in my SSIS project.

After doing some reading on this topic, it would seem that this shouldn't be such a schlepp but, here I am

Maybe I need to install some driver or somethin?


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How To Make Genric Connection To SQL Database

Jun 16, 2003

I want to remove hard codings like below




I am using this in views

how we do it can somebody send me links on this ASAP.

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Connection Problems SQL2000 On Local Machine

Jun 19, 2006

This may be a stupid newbie question, but being that I'm not a DBA I'm going to ask it anyway.

We discovered a problem with a clients server (Windows 2003 SBS) when we tried to install Veritas Backup Exec. Backup Exec requires an instance of either SQLMSDE or full SQL. This server has full SQL 2000 sp3a installed on it with a working account application. When backup exec trys to create it's instance it fails.

Investigating further...when I go into Enterprise Manager (logged in as Domain Admin) I get an error when I select the local server.

"A connection could not be established to (LOCAL).
Reason: Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties. blah blah blah.

Okay the server is running. The accounting application (client/server) is still working. I right click on the server and select "New Server Registration" for the field "server" I click the browse button and the "Active Servers" box is empty..:shocked:

I went to check the "Data Sources" under drivers, that field is blank. (no drivers installed). I downloaded MS's component checker and it says "MDAC 2.8 on Windows server 2003 sp1" is installed.

At this point I have exhausted my knowledge of MS-SQL server. My goal is to get BackupExec installed and NOT break the existing accounting application.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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ADO Connection String Not Working When SQL On Local Machine

Apr 3, 2007

Here is the connect tring from table properties:ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=VICRAUCHSRVRVGSMISC;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;WSID=VICRAUCH;DATABASE=vgs_prod;TABLE=d bo.USysCandidatesHere is the connect string from the ADO .Open connect string:"ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=VICRAUCHSRVRVGSMISC;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;UID=sa;PWD=xxxXX99X;WSID=VICRAUCH;DATAB ASE=vgs_prod"Here is the ADO .Open code. Set CNN = New ADODB.ConnectionDim strDEFConn As StringstrDEFConn = FixConnStr(DEFCONN)CNN.Open strDEFConn The last line fails with the CNN.Open strDEFConn with this message:Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)';[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified This code works when the SQL Server is on it's own server, but for testing at my own office, I have SQL Server on the same machine as the Access application. I'm getting the above error where SQL Server and the Access app are on the same machine. I can open a linked SQL table from the user interface, and VBA code that deals with the tables as Access tables works. It is the ADO .Open statement where the error happens. Thanks for any help you can give me on getting this to work.

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Deployment - Cannot Acquire Connection In Production Machine

Nov 22, 2007

i can install and run my package in my development system work fine.

The same package when i was installing in the production system error

error: the acquire connection method call to the connection manager "con name" failed with error code

I used sql server authentication and

tried the protection level
both encrypted password protected and sensitive with user key


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Retreiving Connection Strings From Machine.config

May 12, 2006


I'm trying to figure out how to retreive connection strings from the machine.config instead of storing the conn strings in a *.dtsconfig file. The reason that I'm trying to use the machine.config is for the simple reason that I'll be able to manage all of the conn strings in one location on each server. (Instead of mutliple dtsconfig files.) Is it posible to utilize the machine.config in SSIS? If so, could someone explain how, or better yet, have an example?

thanks for the help!

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Storing Connection Strings In Machine.config In SP2?

Mar 8, 2007

Is there now any way to store connection strings for use in SSIS packages in the machine.config with SP2?

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DTS - How To Make ActiveX Script Open A Connection In The Diagram?

Feb 5, 2004

I have a simple question but I'm having a really hard time finding an answer.

Let's say I'm designing a DTS package, and I have a connection to a SQL Server called ConnSQL. How do I reference this connection in my ActiveX script? (so I can run SQL queries and such)


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Make Connection To SOAP Endpoint Without Integrated Login?

Feb 10, 2007

I have a endpoint on our SQL Server and I've written a test .Net app to access it and it all works great. It uses the Integrated Login for Authentication.

My project in the end will have connections made to the endpoint via some custom code on a Non Windows/Linux platform. My concern is that there is no Authentication method that I can use from this client. Integrated is out since it not something you log into. SSL is out since there is no Cert store. Isn't there a way to use the SQL Authentication in a Mixed mode SQL Authentication install?

What are my other options? I need to be able to get data from our SQL server from this custom platform. We looked into using TDS protocol, but would rather not have to license it and develop a client on our platform. We wanted to just generate the HTTP Packets to send and receive the data.

Thank you,


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How To Make DB2 Connection String Dynamic, Password Problem

Jun 27, 2007

Hi All,

The problem I am facing is related to dynamic configuration of package one of the package connection is DB2 connection, I tried to set the expression connection string for that connection to the variable which contains the connection string to the DB2 but when I set connection the String property then i get the error message in transformation that password is missing, I dont want to write password in connection String for security reasons so I tried to save password in connection which is not helpful I am getting the same error message package security setting I changed to "Encrypt Sensitive Data with User Key" , anywayout to overcome this problem?


Manoj Kumar

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[HELP!] How Do You Make The Database Path Relative In The Connection String?

Oct 10, 2006

Hi everyone,

I am working on a Hospital Information System project with a team of 6.Each one of us builds or modifies a part of the system and shares the project over a common repository. The problem here is that we use the absolute path of the database in our connection string. Although the directory structure of our project is the same for each member, since the main project folder itself is stored in different locations on each person's computer (for example, one may have it stored in c:My Documents and the other in d: My Documents), we are forced to modify the connection string manually each time someone else from the team updates the repository with the database. How do we make the path of the database relative so that we don't have to modify the connection string manually each time after receiving an update from the repository?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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No Connection Could Be Made Because The Target Machine Actively Refused It

Nov 17, 2006

 I am not sure if this is the right forum.
This is the first time that I have seen this error,
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I have a web app that when some one inserts text in a text box and clicks a button it creates a new web page and a new table in the database.  Up until this point it has always worked.  A datalist returns the data.  In the datalist there is a hyperlink that when clicked takes the client to the new webpage.  But for some reason it is not working now and that is the error above.
I am lost.  Any help appreciated.
Thanks Matt

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Connection To Target Machine Could Not Be Made In A Timely Fasion

Apr 28, 2008

I installed SQL 2005 Developer Edition on a Small Business Server 2003. It worked properly for a period of time. However, I cannot open the Management Studio today and it shows a message "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fasion.".
Initially, I installed the SQL 2005 Evaluation Edition. After passing the evaluation period, I un-install the Evaluation Edition and then install the current Developer Edition.
What's thing can I do?


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Integration Services :: How To Make File And DB Connection Passing In Job As Parameter

May 6, 2015

I have following job script. I need to make file connection and db connection passing in job as parameter.

where in following script is should pass it.

if i am passing here but when i change path it still getting old path in package.what i needs to change in package.also how to make connection dynamic so in each env when we deploy it will automatically change. We have sql job script for each env.

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OLE DB Error - TCP Provider: No Connection Could Be Made Because The Target Machine Actively Refused It.

Apr 26, 2006


-> SQL Server 2005 Standard set as a named instance, runs as a local system
-> SQL Server protocol enabled: TCPIP (configured to listen on port 1433 with use of dynamic ports disabled)
-> Remote connections through the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration.

Server starts successfully.

But, I received the following error on trying to process a cube from BI studio is -

OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login timeout expired; HYT00; An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.; 08001; TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
; 08001.

Any hints on how to resolve this problem?


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Service Broker Getting Error '10061(No Connection Could Be Made Because The Target Machine Actively Refused It.)'.

Jul 17, 2007

Hi All,

I have created an application using service broker.i have a source database which in a particular server say server A and want to send message to target database which is in another server say server B.

i have configured all the service broker objects and advanced service broker objects in correct way by reffering the site --http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/sindukuri/2797.asp

but when i am trying to send message from my source server to target server , i am getting the following error in sys.transmission_queue.

Connection attempt failed with error: '10061(No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)'.

I have enabled the tcp port in both the server.

Note-My source server is an XP and Target Server is an windows server 2003.

can anybody please tell do i need to set any extra configuration in windows server 2003 or any thing do l need to do which i have left.

please do help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot in advance.....................................

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Integration Services :: How To Make SSIS Prompt For Connection Values When Running A DFT Or Package From Visual Studio

Jul 15, 2015

Our project is on SSIS 2012 and we are using the project deployment model. We have parameter the connection managers, created environments, environment variables and configured the references. Hence, when we deploy the solution to higher environments, the connection strings are picked from the environments and not the ones stored in the connection manager.

However, we face issues when in development environment, we need to run the same package but by entering the values manually in the connection manager. Even though the connection details are correct, when we execute the package from Visual Studio, SSIS is not able to connect to the database. Is there any way to have SSIS prompt for the connection details after we have click on "Execute Task" or "Start" from Visual Studio? 

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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