SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Database Mirroring Connection Handshake Failed
May 9, 2015
I configured a database mirroring on SQL server 2008 R2 on test environment. However It was not working, after some time. I deleted the mirroring configuration and also deleted database on both primary and mirror instance.
few days later I notices, On Primary, Continuous error events logged with message "database mirroring attempt by user 'domainservice account' failed with error 'connection handshake failed, 'domainservice account' does not have permission on the endpoint state 84.
I want to get rid of this message.
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Nov 22, 2014
I have multiple SQL 2008 severs with databases. Also, 1 mirroring server in place.
Since my database count is increasing can i have only 1 mirroring server. Is there any limit of db at mirroring server. I would have approx. 150 databases.
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Oct 27, 2015
I have a 2 node cluster having 4 cores each wherein having 3 instances of SQL 2008 R2 enterprise comprising of 60 databases, 20 on each instance. I need to setup mirroring for each of the databases to a secondary server having 4 cores and 3 instances. What i understand is that in this case the mirror server will be providing max of 512 worker threads and the 60 mirror databases would consume 240 threads.what all needs to be checked for looking into the feasabilty of going ahead with a async mirror setup as mentioned above.
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May 11, 2015
I tried to copy db from server to server by sa user ( sql login) but this error raised and the copy failed
Executed as user: NT ServiceSQLSERVERAGENT. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 11.0.2100.60 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Started: 9:55:24 AM Progress: 2015-05-11 09:55:24.45 Source: 10_32_0_201_10_32_0_202_Transfer Objects Task Task just started the execution.: 0% complete End Progress Error: 2015-05-11 09:56:31.87 Code: 0x00000000 Source: 10_32_0_201_10_32_0_202_Transfer Objects Task
An error occurred while transferring data. See the inner exception for details. StackTrace: at Microsoft.SqlServer. Management. Smo. Transfer. TransferData()The Execution method succeeded, but the
number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. End Warning DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 9:55:24 AM Finished: 9:56:32 AM Elapsed: 67.892 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.
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Mar 30, 2007
Full message:
Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (8009030c) 0x8009030c(The logon attempt failed). State 66
Under these conditions, setting trustworthy on on the sending and receiving databases will solve this issue
1) Communicating between multiple instances
2) Using Kerberos security (NT Authentication, i.e. not certificates)
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Oct 29, 2015
I have a Windows NT group that is used to delegate certain database responsibilities to other members of staff and I am trying to grant permissions for the members of the group to be be able to establish database mirroring sessions, as in run the following:
SET PARTNER = 'tcp://principal_server.domain.com:port';
Although the group has db_owner role membership to the user database which grants the ALTER permission on the database, the following is being generated in the error log when they get to this step on the intended Mirror instance after restoring the database correctly in preperation:
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 59 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
* *******************************************************************************
* 10/29/15 11:16:15 spid 59
* Exception Address = 00007FF9A6AF838C Module(sqlmin+000000000003838C)
* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000000000D8
* Input Buffer 210 bytes -
* alter database <redacted> set partner = '<redacted>';
As you can see, the statement is denied to the user. There are no issues with the database as I am able to run the same query successfully using my own sysadmin account after the failed attempt. What other minimum permissions the group might need to successfully enable them to setup a mirroring session?
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Mar 7, 2006
Hello, I have a sql 2005 server, and I am a developer, with the database on my own machine. It alwayws works for me but after some minutes the other developer cant work in the application
He got this error
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]
and When I see the log event after that error, it comes with another error.
SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
He has IIS5 and me too.
I created a user on the domain called ASPSYS with password, then in the IIS on anonymous authentication I put that user with that password, and it works, on both machines.
and in the connection string I have.
<add key="sqlconn" value="Data Source=ESTACION15;Initial Catalog=GescomDefinitiva;Integrated Security=SSPI; Trusted_Connection=true"/>
I go to the profiler, and I see that when he browses a page, the database is accesed with user ASPSYS, but when I browse a page, the database is accesed with user SElevalencia.
Thats strange.
The only way that the other developer can work again on the project is to restart the whole machine. He has windows xp profession, I have windows 2000.
If you want me to send logs please tellme
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Aug 17, 2006
I created two instances of SQL Server Dev Edition on the same machine.
The two instances acted as the sender / receiver.
However, when the message is transmitted from "Sender" to "Receiver", the following errors are
displayed in "SQL Profiler".
「Connection handshake failed. There is no compatible authentication protocol. State 21.�
How should be dealt with with this?
My best regards.
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Jun 1, 2006
Hi there!
Often discussed, but not really solved in my opinion - the connection between the partners and the witness causes problems.
My case: Three Servers in the same domain, three endpoints on 5022 with windows negotiation, all endpoints can be reached by telnet from each server. Mirrorring works. So far so good.
But one of these partners is not able to connect to the witness. The witness' error log is full with that:
"2006-06-01 13:45:20.32 Logon Database Mirroring login attempt failed with error: 'Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (8009030c) 0x8009030c(Der Anmeldeversuch ist fehlgeschlagen.). State 67.'. [CLIENT:]"
My Endpoints are created like
AUTHORIZATION [code1dephbrsaa1-sys108]
What catches my eyes is that
GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT::EASYRIS_Mirroring TO [code1dephbrsaa1-sys108];
doesn't cause these user to appear in the result set of
CONVERT(nvarchar(38), suser_name(SP.grantor_principal_id))
FROM sys.server_permissions SP , sys.endpoints EP
WHERE SP.major_id = EP.endpoint_id
ORDER BY Permission,grantor, grantee;
By the way, these mentioned user is sysadmin and grantor.
Has anyone an idea?
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Nov 11, 2005
When I configure SSB in two machine to send message, I get a error message in target machine SQLProfiler:
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Sep 13, 2007
I am unable to send a message to a target service on a different SQL Server instance. Using the SQL Profiler, I get the following error from the target machine:
Broker::Connection: Connection handshake failed: An OS call failed: (80090326) 0x80090326(The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.). State 106.
On the initiator side, the transmission_status shows the following error:
An error occurred while receiving data: '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)'.
Any ideas on why the target thinks the message is "unexpected or badly formatted"? Btw, I am specifying the default message type and contract for the services.
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Jun 27, 2015
I setup an availability Group. (Only 2 servers - Primary And secondary) -- 21 , 22
I also define an listener . IP .. 23
1- In First step I connected To Listener (23) And in a while I inserted A record to a table .
While 1=1
insert into Tbl_T1(f1,f2) Values (1,2)
2- in second, I Stop the primary .
- I expected this while whitout disconnect, continue.
3- The while code stopped whit this message :
Msg 64, Level 20, State 0, Line 0 A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)
4- I execute again the script, And it worked in new primary.
My questions :
1- is the listener disconnected between switched primary and secondary ? OR have we data loss between switching?
2- I did some huge update on Primary that fill the Log fiel space. And in last Update I got this error :
Msg 9002, Level 17, State 2, Line 27
The transaction log for database 'Your_DB' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'.
Is this (Fill All space) a reason to switch primary? Or not ?
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Feb 23, 2015
I Run All checks for Validation cluster.I get Error On Disk Lists And Validation failed.With This error : Failed to prepare storage for testing on node "server name" The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.
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May 12, 2015
Is it possible to make window authentication using Connection String.
Data Source="Remote Host"; User ID="user1"; Password="Password"
Integrated Security=SSPI'
user1 have rights on SQL server.
Is it possible user2 logged in on different machine can access SQL server.
user2 does not have rights on SQL Server.
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Dec 9, 2014
we have roughly 22 people connected to one database. But after a while, their applications begin to drag due to in and out communication with the server. When i check the active connections on the sql server, some times i see 157 active connections, please how to i set a timeout or connection interval close, so as reduce the heavy load being put on the server. Or how can i automatically close connections when they get higher than 50 connections.
This settings should be sql server 2008 related.
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May 14, 2015
I need to do testing on capturing connection coming from outside using Profiler. Basically I need to do something from other SQL servers connecting to this SQL server and test if it is captured by profiler.
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Aug 11, 2015
In SQL 2008 R2, if we clone an environment including SQL server, the maintenance plans retain a connection string to the source/original server they got cloned from and are not editable. But, I was able to use a work around by editing them in BIDS and saving them back on the server. But now with 2014, I am facing two issues:
1.I still can edit the package to correct the server connection, with SSDT; but the option to save back to the server is not available any longer!
2.I used to be able to see all my plans under SSIS in 2008 R2 but not in 2014 now. Although, they are listed in SSMS!
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Jan 30, 2015
I am trying to create a logon trigger. As I am testing this, I discovered that each time I do a connection, I get 19 rows, inserted into my audit table. I ran profiler, and I see it is going through the logon trigger multiple times, for a single connection. So, what am I doing wrong? The code is fairly simplistic, and the profiler doesn't give a clue, as to what is going on. When I look at the output, I see the spid for the first couple of connections are different, then a spid, that is different from those 2 is in the next 17 rows. But, when I do an sp_who2, that spid does not exist.
This issue was noticed on a 2012 version, that I was first testing on, then had the same issue on a 2008 R2. I am currently testing on a 2014 version, that is doing the same thing. Is the logon trigger itself, firing, and causing this?
I also tried using the After Logon option, and got the same issue.
Here is the code:
CREATE TRIGGER LogonAuditTrigger
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Sep 3, 2014
I did tried the encryption on server "A" for database "AdventureWorks2012". Then I tried to restore to server "B". There was the certificate issue, and I thought "of course : it's encrypted ! Let's deactivate it". So here I go "ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 SET ENCYRPTION OFF".I look at sys.databases : not encrypted.I backup using no encryption, I verify using msdb.dbo.backupset : not encrypted.
I move my backup to my other server where encryption was never configured (so no certificate, nothing...), and I have the error :
Msg 33111, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '0xFA130E58C999C4919B8975999C83A75A403B11D8'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
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Dec 4, 2013
And have chosen the destination - unstructered (flat) file. But the wizard proposes to export only one table (dbo.Acocount) and all the others from the list are not exported. How can I export ALL the data into one file.I need to do this to edit the syntax in the editor and then import this data and database structure into Postgresql
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Mar 14, 2014
I have two databases like each other that one is the backup of another. Each DB have 2 filegroups. I want to replace one filegroup from one db to another. How do I do this? Or how do I backup and then restore?
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Nov 3, 2014
Query to show logins that don't have any permissions within the SQL instance? I'm tasked with doing some cleanup and have found some cases where the database was deleted or moved to another server but the logins that used it were not deleted. I'd like to identify them to research.
For instance a query to show logins that have no permissions in any of the existing databases would be handy. I'm thinking it would be complicated by the need to loop through all of the existing databases and then outer join it to the list of instance level logins. Going to try to write something like that but was hoping that a script already exists.
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Jan 31, 2015
I want to Replace The Big Log database with A new one ( A database with same structure).But current DB has many connection .
This is my plan :
1- Create a new database with same structure.
2- Rename current database to olddb with this code :
USE master
EXEC sp_dboption CurDataBase, 'Single User', True
EXEC sp_renamedb 'CurDataBase', 'OldDataBase'
3- Rename Newdb to current DB.
USE master
EXEC sp_renamedb 'NewDataBase', 'CurDataBase'
is it true ? and Tsql code is ok ? (dont forget many of connection to curdatabase (that Is a log db) and loss some seconds data is not problems)
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Apr 13, 2015
My database went into suspected mode. and after we had run some script, it came out from the suspected mode. but we encountered this error while opening table in database.
2009-11-02 15:46:42.90 spid51 Error: 824, Severity: 24, State: 2.
2009-11-02 15:46:42.90 spid51 SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect pageid (expected 1:43686; actual 0:0). It occurred during a read of page (1:43686) in database ID 23 at offset 0x0000001554c000 in file 'H:MSSQL.SQL2008MSSQLDATAmy_db.mdf'.
Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
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Apr 14, 2015
I have a job under the SQL Server Agent, which is configured to send an email notification on failure.
The job is scheduled to run every 30 minutes.
Is it somehow possible to configure it so that it only sends one email in case of subsequent failures instead of "spamming" my inbox every half hour?
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May 20, 2015
Is there a better way to deal with the virtual log files?...I see several approaches in dealing/decreasing the virtual log files for a database..want to know what's the best n safest approach, from the masters here?
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Jun 15, 2015
in my environment I am running the SQL Server agent job.i am getting below message.
create a master key in the database or open a master key in the session before performing this operation” errorÂ
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Oct 29, 2015
I have an environment with MS-SQL Server 2014 and always-on availability group configured (on 2-nodes).
I'm writing a Powershell Script which removes the database from the availability group (on the primary server) and then SHOULD drop the database on the secondary Server.
That works most of the time, but not always...
When it fails I get the error message:
Cannot drop database "Customer_2" because it is currently in use.
When i check the secondary DB-Server (sp_who2) while the script is running, i see that there is a process for the DB "Customer_2" with Status="background", Command="DB STARTUP" and LastWaitType="REDO_THREAD_PENDING WORK".
As soon as the script fails, this process for "Customer_2" disapears.
This happens always only on the second database in the availability group.
Why is the process still there, even after I removed the database from the Availability Group on the primary node.
If I remove the database from the availability group manually, the "background" process on the secondary node for that database disappears..
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Jun 3, 2014
1) We are providing a e governance solution for an organization,where we are providing a centralized database,Client have provided 5 Database server for the same.how can we position the Database Server? there are 5000 Concurrent users and 25000 users,SAN Storage for approx. 60 TB,Database size of 2 TB and growth of 1 TB every year
2) How many instance can we have for above said Case?
3) How much RAM Required ?
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Apr 17, 2014
We are in web site development company,Previously we don't have proxy configuration, after implementing Proxy , we have an issue to connect a remote database.
The error pops "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. Error 53".
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Jun 25, 2014
I am actually very new to SQL databases, I have received an .MDF and .LDF for a database of size 50 GB...
I need to create or attach these files to a new database and extract some columns then convert them to .text or .csv...
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Sep 8, 2014
I've got reporting services on a different box from the database and I can see all the reports, but when I try to setup a subscription, I get this weird error:
The SQL Agent service is not running. This operation requires the SQL Agent service. (rsSchedulerNotResponding)
The same error happens when I connect to the database server via management studio and try to run a job.
I can confirm that SQL Agent service is running.
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Sep 23, 2014
While doing the restore of the database is it better to copy the backup file locally and restore or restore from the network path is good option?
What kind of the problems we may get restoring the backup from the network path?
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