SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Memory Is 70% And Growing Fast

Mar 5, 2014

My database server memory utilisation is growing faster from past 1 week. it remained same for 1 week around 55% and now it is going to 70% and increasing.

Total OS memory is 32GB and I kept cap for sql server memory upto 29GB. Dont know what to do..

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Availability - Job Error

Aug 18, 2015

I am trying to create a job that runs against my High Availability listener server.

It is a fairly simple SQL statement in the job - execute tsql.

When I try and run the job I get the error:

Executed as user: NT SERVICESQLAgent$SQL2014A. The target database ('BB_Prod') is in an availability group and is currently accessible for connections when the application intent is set to read only. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 978). The step failed.

I thought there was a way to run a select statement as a job against the listener? The tsql step is only a select.

Is there a way to pass in the application intent = readonly as part of my SQL statement?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Number Of VLFs

Oct 7, 2015

I have heard that high numbers of VLF's aren't good. It can impact performance and can delay recovery time, so I wanted to test that.

I created 2 DBs with 100MB datafile and 50MB logfile.

TestDB log file had 100MB autogrowth
TestDB2 log file had 1% growth.

I inserted 1048576 records, took the backup

Ran DBCC loginfo and
TestDB had 40 VLFs and
TestDB2 had 165 VLFs

But when I restored both DBs, this is what I got.

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 42258 pages in 4.420 seconds (74.691 MB/sec).
SQL Server Execution times:
CPU Time = 125ms, elapsed time = 8323 ms.

RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 42257 pages in 3.943 seconds (83.724 MB/sec).
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 109 ms, elapsed time = 8314 ms.

Question is: Where is the difference? How TestDB which has 40 VLFs are better than TestDB22 which has 165 VLFs.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Availability Index Rebuilds

Jul 9, 2015

I have a situation where I need to rebuild indexes on a large DB (500G).

When I do a test run of the rebuilds in my test environment it uses 100G of space - which is fine with me.

When I do a rebuild in my High Availability environment - same DB, same script - it eats up over 600G of space and fills the volume.

What can I do without removing my DB from H/A to rebuild the indexes?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Disabling MSDTC For High Availability AlwaysOn

Nov 3, 2015

We are looking at going down the High Availability Always On route. However we have some concerns around the lack of support for MSDTC. In short we are concerned that developers may introduce functionality either on purpose or by mistake that uses the or escalates the Query’s to the MSTDTC. As this could result in database splitting.

Understand that this will be a moot point in SQL 2016 but for 20122014 is it possible to disable the MSDTC to protect against this and run High Availability Always On. ? Does it just need to be disabled on the SQL Server or does it need to be done on the application server ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: In-Memory Processing - Existing Tables

Nov 11, 2014

Is there a method of forcing existing tables into the in-memory filegroup so the table data can benefit from in-memory processing.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Find Memory Usage By Index

Oct 4, 2015

I want to create a lot of index for my database for performance.

But I need find memory usage by indexes.

How to find memory usage by index in sql server?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Analysis Services Not Taking Allocated Memory?

Mar 14, 2014

We have run into an issue on a dedicated SSAS 2012 SP1 server where the allocated memory is not being utilized, causing some slowness in use, connections, and queries.

Total Memory on the server is 512, and after startup, the utilized memory gets up to a max of 60GB and stops there. Checking the Resource Monitor, msmdsrv.exe is only taking around 39GB overall. With the current properties, that should be at 330GB. Am I missing something in the settings or in configuration that should be changed?

Version: SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise (11.0.3000)
OS: Windows Server 2012 Datacenter - Fully patched and up to date
Databases: 2 Tabular models
Server: 512GB RAM

Current memory configuration:

Hard Memory Limit - 0 (Default)
LowMemoryLimit - 65% (Default)
TotalMemoryLimit - 95% (Default is 80)
VertiPaqMemoryLimit - 60% (Default)
VertiPaqPaginingPolicy - 1 (Default)
MemoryHeapType - 2 (Default)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Quorum In AlwaysOn And Enabling Memory Optimization?

Nov 26, 2014

We are planning to 2014 migration in few days.

ServerA----- ServerA1

ServerB---- ServerB1

In serverA we have 5databases. And making 5databases as availability group. The replica is ServerA1

In server B we have 3 databases. And the making those 3 databases as an availibility group. The secondary replica is ServerB1.

What is the best option to configure the quoram drive in this situation.

Also Server A1 & Server B1 also we use for reporting purposes.

We have some sensitive data. Is it possible to delete the data while reading the data?

How the memory optimization feature work with always on?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Find Used Space In Memory Optimized Filegroup

Jun 11, 2015

How do i find Total allocated space and used space of a memory optimized filegroup?

use memory_optimized_db
select (SUM(size)*8.0)/1024.0 as Space,
FILEGROUP_NAME ( data_space_id ) , type_desc from sys.database_files
group by data_space_id,type_desc;

above query gives "current used size of the container " of memory optimized file group but doesn't give Total space detail.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: In-Memory Previous Transaction Aborted Exception

Sep 21, 2015

I'm working on a large scale project that is currently in production. We have a big process that recently changed to use In-Memory Tables with SQL 2014 for performance efficiency.

The Process uses:

51 In-Memory SQL Tables.
50 Stored Procedures (not native) that loads data(Insert) from about 150 regular Tables and IM tables.
300 Validations (short stored procedure not native) Selecting from those 50 In-Memory Tables (And insert to In-Memory table that save the validation errors if exists on In-Memory table).

At the end of this process we clean the table from the data that relavnt to etch prosses(DELETE FROM WHERE)

No UPDATE STAT on In-Memory are used-when we test the prosses it slow as down and cause some locks.

We are calling this process from ADO.Net, loads stored procedure first and then validations, each SP use different SQL Connection. In normal use, everything works fine and takes about 1.5 second.

Under stress test (6 Clients X 100 Tasks) for 30 minutes. After several minutes we are starting to get this SQL Exception (1 SQL Exception for every 20 tasks):

41301. A previous transaction that the current transaction took a dependency on has aborted, and the current transaction can no longer commit.

Transactions in Memory-Optimized Tables

The Exception is not clear. We are not using BEGIN TRANSACTION in the process. The SQL Exception occurs in different stored procedures each time.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSMS - Disable Check For Memory Optimized Tables?

Oct 2, 2014

I have the following setup:

- An MSSQL 2014 Standard server that houses multiple small databases (in excess of a hundred).
- These databases are frequently dropped and restored by an application that uses this SQL Server.
- There is a business need for this setup at this time, so I can't get away from it. Therefore answers like "don't have so many small databases that are frequently dropped and restored" would be somewhat unuseful

This is the problem I have:

- When I connect SSMS 2014 to the server and expand the "Databases" node, it takes forever to display. In comparison, SSMS 2008 connected to SQL 2008R2 server with the same number of databases displays the Databases tree very quickly.

I ran a trace to see what exactly SSMS 2014 is doing. When the "Databases" node is expanded, it runs a query that checks each database for Memory-Optimized Tables (new and wonderful feature of SQL 2014 for sure, but I'm not using it, at least yet). Naturally, when you have to loop through over a hundred DBs, it takes time. Worse yet, if one of these DBs is in process of being restored, the query sits and waits to time out before proceeding to the next DB. Sometimes this causes outright timeouts. Here is the query:

use [MyDatabase]
ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.filegroups FG where FG.[type] = 'FX'), 0) AS [HasMemoryOptimizedObjects]

To be sure, this is NOT a SQL Server performance issue. This server processes a rather heavy workload and has been doing so for over a month, and the workload completes within expected time limits or better. Even so I've done some basic performance measuring, and the server itself is quite all right.

Moreover, if I connect SSMS 2008 to it, I get an error message (Index out of bounds or somesuch), but SSMS 2008 does connect, and displays the Databases tree much faster than SSMS 2014.

I'd like to turn off the option to check for Memory Optimized Objects altogether, as I'm not using the feature.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Giant Logfiles (LDF) During Loading Data Into Memory Optimized Table

Aug 26, 2013

I try to load data into a memOpt table (INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ...). The source table has a size about 1 Gb and 13 Mio Rows. During this load the LDF File grows to size of 350 GB (until the space if the disk is run out of space). The Server has about 110 GB Memory for the SQL Server reserved. The tempdB doesn't grow. The Bucket Size in the create statement has a size of 262144. The Hash key as 4 fields`(2 fields have the datatype int,1 has smallint, 1 has varchar(200). ) The disk for the datafiles has still space for the datafiles (incl. the hekaton files).

How can I reduce the size of the ldf files during the load of the data ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Server In Memory OLTP

Apr 24, 2014

SQL Server In Memory OLTP 2014?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Server Min And Max Memory On Cluster

Oct 9, 2015

I have the following SQL FCI configuration:

NODE1 -256GB
INST1 - 64GB min/64GB max
INST2 - 64GB min/64GB max
NODE2 - 256GB
INST3- 64GB min/64GB max
INST4- 64GB min/64GB max

With this configuration and if all instances are running on the same node there will be enough memory for them to run. Knowing that normally i ll have only 2 instances in each node wouldnt it be better the following config?

NODE1 -256GB
INST1 - 64GB min/128GB max
INST2 - 64GB min/128GB max
NODE2 - 256GB
INST3- 64GB min/128GB max
INST4- 64GB min/128GB max

With this configuration and in case all the instances (due to a failure) start running on only 1 node, SQL will adjust all instances to just use Min memory specified?

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TempDB Growing Fast

Sep 10, 2003

I notice this morning that my tempdb grows very fast. I have 26GB in my
hardrive and all the space occupied by tempdb and finaly the qeury got failed due to 0 space in hardrive and there is no space to grow tempdb.
The select query supposed to bring about 40000 rows.
I ran this same query in different server that is not growing even 1 mb.
I checked the tempdb option the Trunc log on checkpoint is true.

Why this problem happening ?.
I have just dbo permission to access all the database.
Do you have any advice regarding this?.

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Templog Is Growing Too Fast

Dec 1, 2007

Templog is growing 1 GB per hour.

I've read some articles about this issue, that talk about how to shrink it.

In this case I need to find out what and why this is happening

How can I monitore it?

I know, sometimes, I exaggerate in using temporary files, in order to make reports faster.

The Tempdb size is normal.


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SQL2K: MDF File Size Growing Fast

Jul 30, 2007


I have got another annoying problem. The MDF file size on one of the machines is growing really fast. We zip the mdf/ldf files every day from all the machines in the dataentry dept. On this particular machine, the mdf file size is growing by about 1GB per day. However, when the file is zipped, the zipped file size comes closer to the zipped files from the other machines.

I have tried doing this:


on it as well, but didn't solve my problem.

Any ideas as to what it might be? and how to solve this problem?

Thanks in Advance.

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SQL 2012 :: MDF File Size Is Growing Fast?

Jul 28, 2014

I have a Problem like the Following ..

On 24th my Mdf size was 10GB,when i checked now the Mdf size was increased suddenly to 30GB.

solution to decrease the Size and as well as where can i check the reasons behind that..

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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SQL Server High Memory

Jan 29, 2008

I have a 2003 server with sql 2005 on it and the sqlservr.exe is using 880 meg of memeory and it will climb to 1.4 gig. if i reboot server it will go back to 100 meg and slowly climb back up. any ideas i am not a sql guy.

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SQl Server Using High Virtual Memory

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,We have a prod server running on SQL server 2000 64 bit. It is a4cpu server with 16GB of RAM. we have a maxmemory setting of 15.5GBfor sql server. Inspite of 15GB being available for sql server, itstill uses paging file space, a lot. When looking thru task maanger wecan see sql server using 15.5GB of Memory usage and 22GB of Virtualmemory usage. I don't understand why it should even be using closer to7GB of Paging space, when it has so much memory. How does SQl serveruse Virtual memeory vs Physical memory?HAs anyone seen this before.ThanksGG

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SQL 2012 :: Memory Usage Extremely High And Causes Server To Crash

Jun 11, 2015

I have been having issues with our SQL server for awhile now. It seems to run out of memory every few days and when I look at the memory dump, the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER seem to take over memory and eventually cause the server to crash.

Here is the SQL verison we are using: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3460.0 (X64) Jul 22 2014 15:22:00 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)..It is on a VM on Windows 2012 server. It has 20gb of RAM allocated to it and the MAX Server Memory is set to 16.5gb.

I have seen the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER grow to about 11gb at the time of the server crash. Why that is happening? What is causing the memoryclerk_sqloptimizer to get so high? I have looked it up and it looks like it has to do with ad hoc requests, but is there something I can do to bring that memory down when it gets so high so that I can prevent a server crash?Do we just need to add more memory or is there a memory leak somewhere?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Encryption Key Not Known

Apr 14, 2015

I inherited a lot of Servers to upgrade to 2014 to include an SSRS Server.

The encryption Key was never backed up and it seems that no one knows what the password is?

Do I have to manually load the reports? There are a lot of Reports.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: BCP Aborts On First FK Violation

Sep 26, 2013

I want to use BCP to load data from a text file.

By default, constraints are turned off in bcp, so I use the CHECK_CONSTRAINTS hint.

bcp aborts if ANY of the rows contains a FK violation. No data get loaded.

So if I add the -b 1 batch size option, it loads all data UNTIL the first FK violation, but nothing after that.

I want to load EVERYTHING ... except for the violations. But bcp won't let me. Is there a way?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: What Is The Default SA Password

Jan 13, 2014

If I install an instance with Windows Only authentication, and then change it to Mixed Mode, if I enable the sa login, the password has already been set. What is the default? If it's generated, how secure is it? Is the password generated? What algorithm is used for that?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Restore MDF File

Mar 21, 2014

My sql databases in SQL Server 2014 has the status "suspend" as I saw in SQL Management Studio. I can't restore to serviceable condition sql databases through standard procedures. I need to restore .mdf file.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Return One Field / One Row

Jun 18, 2014

I am using a monitoring system where I can monitor a numeric SQL result assuming the result is one field and one row.I would like to do this to say monitor the free available space or percentage on say the Master database. DBCC SQLPERF gives me a few columns and results for all databases on the server.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: DNS Pointing To A Listener

Jun 25, 2014

In our environment applications are using a DNS name which points to the physical server ip address. Now we are planning to move to 2014. We are planning to have servers in different subnets so we will be having two ip adresses for listener. How we can point the DNS to the listener ips? If failover happens can the DNS point to the exact ip address of the listener where it's primary node?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Schedule A Job To Run At Different Intervals

Jul 31, 2014

Is there a way to schedule a sql job to run at different intervals

For eg:
The job should run at
7:00 Am
8:00 AM
and then at 10:00 Am

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Non-yielding On Scheduler

Nov 19, 2014

We installed the Sql 2014 in Test server.

We observed frequently

"Process 0:0:0 (0x1e10) Worker 0x00000006B6D341A0 appears to be non-yielding on Scheduler 13. Thread creation time: 12906028806348. Approx Thread CPU Used: kernel 0 ms, user 0 ms. Process Utilization 13%. System Idle 84%. Interval: 70189 ms."

Is it better to run the profiler or performan counter?

What are the filters we have to select in the profiler to monitor the Sql server

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Reporting Services Through IIS?

Dec 8, 2014

I have a SQL server box running 2014 reporting services. I have another server running IIS v8.

I would like to be able to connect to the IIS site and be given the SSRS report browser.

So externally if I browse to [URL], I am presented with the report server interface, the same as if I browse to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/reports internally.

What are my options?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: DB Read Only Copy

Dec 11, 2014

What is the best approach for a read only copy of a database that is ~ 1TB. The primary database is fed nightly with an ETL process. We are currently trying to duplicate the ETL to read only server but that process is not going well. So we are looking at other options to let SQL make the copy.

The primary database is on a Win12R2 with SQL 12 or 14, a 2 node A/P failover cluster.

The read only copy will be on a Win12R2 with SQL 12 or 14. It is not a requirement to fail over to the read only copy if the primary should go down.

What would best the approach to accomplish the end result?

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