how to convert float to timestamp in single select query..for exp. i have float as 1.251152515236 ,i want to convert this to datetime and from datetime to timestamp... i.e. 26:11:00
With all the new functionality, can 2014 now restore a single table from a standard backup without using any third party tools? I have looked, but can't see this listed as a feature (though that doesn't mean it's not there, maybe I've just missed it).
I am trying to create a logon trigger. As I am testing this, I discovered that each time I do a connection, I get 19 rows, inserted into my audit table. I ran profiler, and I see it is going through the logon trigger multiple times, for a single connection. So, what am I doing wrong? The code is fairly simplistic, and the profiler doesn't give a clue, as to what is going on. When I look at the output, I see the spid for the first couple of connections are different, then a spid, that is different from those 2 is in the next 17 rows. But, when I do an sp_who2, that spid does not exist.
This issue was noticed on a 2012 version, that I was first testing on, then had the same issue on a 2008 R2. I am currently testing on a 2014 version, that is doing the same thing. Is the logon trigger itself, firing, and causing this?
I also tried using the After Logon option, and got the same issue.
Here is the code:
I have a database it is 50 gb with hundreds of columns. I would like to choose a certain column and convert the data in it to .csv or excel file. How can I do that I am very new to MSSQL...
We have a SQL 2014 AlwaysOn availability group running on two Windows 2012 R2 servers that are in the same subnet. We created a new server in a second subnet, installed SQL, joined the server to the Windows cluster, added a new IP resource for the new cluster, and performed the other remaining steps to add a new AG replica to the SQL instance on this new server. When we try to move the core cluster resources to the new node to test failover, we get an error. Here's the command we've been using:
Move-ClusterGroup "Cluster Group" -Node node3
and it returns the error: The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the group, or the node is not a possible owner of the group...I've checked the ownership of the cluster groups and the cluster resources and it looks like they are set appropriately:
>Get-ClusterGroup | Get-ClusterOwnerNode Cluster Object Owner Nodes ---------------- --------------- Available Storage {} Cluster Group {node1,node2,node3} SQLAG {node1,node2,node3}
We've double-checked that all IP resources are in the right subnets and that the dependencies for the Cluster Name resource and the Listener Name resource are set appropriately. I'm not sure what else to check since the PowerShell commands seem to indicate that node3 is an owner of the appropriate resources. What other things need to be checked or if the ownership being checked isn't the same as what PowerShell is checking?
When viewing an estimated query plan for a stored procedure with multiple query statements, two things stand out to me and I wanted to get confirmation if I'm correct.
1. Under <ParameterList><ColumnReference... does the xml attribute "ParameterCompiledValue" represent the value used when the query plan was generated?
2. Does each query statement that makes up the execution plan for the stored procedure have it's own execution plan? And meaning the stored procedure is made up of multiple query plans that could have been generated at a different time to another part of that stored procedure?
I can easily query multiple servers using the multi-server query function in Central Management Server and write some of the results to logging tables. I would like to be able to do this via a scheduled job. So far I am finding that even setting up Master/Target Servers this may not work and the only workaround is either using SSIS, SQLCMD (by basically hard coding the servername) and possibly Powershell.
tell me if they have been successful just using standard jobs and querying against multiple servers?
If I can't save the results to a 'central' database/table (I can do this when in SSMS), but can still query against multiple servers I was thinking I could write the results to a CSV file that a SSIS job picks up.
I have attempted using SSIS to iterate through servers and have been plagued with intermittent connection issues when using a For...Loop container.
Is there any single TSQL query which provides below info.When did my AlwaysOn Availability group failed over and from which node it failed to which new node(i.e. replica)?
This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.
I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure1 AS DECLARE cursor_1 CURSOR FOR SELECT 'This is a executable query' FROM table_1 DECLARE @table_2 DECLARE @stoptime DATETIME = NULL;
I just ran into an issue with cascading locks due to a SPID on one of my production servers. When researching the lock, I noticed that there was no sql text. SP_Who 2, nor the following query captured anything,
I spoke to the user causing the lock and he ran into a visual basic error when this occurred and didn't close out that window. So my guess is that it's due to an uncommitted transaction. However, shouldn't I still see something if that was the case?
I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.
I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.
I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).
So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.
I can't take full credit for this. I want to share this with Jeff Moden who did the important research for this calculation here.
All I did was just adapting some old code according to the mantissa finding Jeff made and optimized it a little
Some test codeDECLARE@SomeNumber FLOAT, @BinFloat BINARY(8)
SELECT@SomeNumber = -185.6125, @BinFloat = CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))
SELECT@SomeNumber AS [Original], CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8)) AS [Binary], dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Converted], @SomeNumber - dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Error]
And here is the code for the function.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float ( @BinaryFloat BINARY(8) ) RETURNS FLOAT AS BEGIN DECLARE@Part TINYINT, @PartValue TINYINT, @Mask TINYINT, @Mantissa FLOAT, @Exponent SMALLINT, @Bit TINYINT, @Ln2 FLOAT, @BigValue BIGINT
WHILE @Part <= 8 BEGIN SELECT@Part = @Part + 1, @PartValue = CAST(SUBSTRING(@BinaryFloat, @Part, 1) AS TINYINT), @Mask =CASE WHEN @Part = 2 THEN 8 ELSE 128 END
WHILE @Mask > 0 BEGIN IF @PartValue & @Mask > 0 SET @Mantissa = @Mantissa + EXP(-@Bit * @Ln2)
SELECT@Bit = @Bit + 1, @Mask = @Mask / 2 END END
RETURNSIGN(@BigValue) * @Mantissa * POWER(CAST(2 AS FLOAT), @Exponent - 1023) END Thanks again Jeff!
create table [where] ([where] char(5)) go insert into [where] ([where]) values ('where') go select [where] from [where] where [where] = 'where' go drop table [where] go
I am developing an application for a big office which uses SQL Server 2000. Apart from my database, on that server, there are two databases by other companies. The administrator also has access to server but the client only wants him to backup the database.
I have two questions:
1) First of all (if it is possible) I would like to protect my own database from the other companies.
I don't want them to:
see the data in the tables (around 20 tables) make changes to the stored procedures (more than 100 stored procedures) be able to backup the database
2) The client will save sensitive data to the database (mainly currency amounts, salaries etc) which he wants to keep hidden. I am using float type for these fields and I would like to make the data encrypted. I could do it for nvarchar fields but changing these float to nvarchar would be time consuming.
can someone please supply some information to help with this??
I am moving data from db2 8.1 for windows. the dates in db2 are defined as timestamp. i want to convert these to sql server datetime format in sql server 2000 using dts and sql.
Here the SELECT query is fetching the records corresponding to ITEM_DESCRIPTION in 5 separate transactions. How to change the cursor to display the 5 records in at a time in single transactions.
CREATE TABLE #ITEMS (ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #ITEMSVALUES(NEWID(), 'This is a wonderful car'),(NEWID(), 'This is a fast bike'),(NEWID(), 'This is a expensive aeroplane'),(NEWID(), 'This is a cheap bicycle'),(NEWID(), 'This is a dream holiday') --- DECLARE @ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier DECLARE ITEM_CURSOR CURSOR
In SQL Server I've created a linked server to an Oracle database. I am trying to insert (within the context of an sql server table trigger) an SQL Server datetime to an Oracle column with similar precision. Oracle timestamps are not compatible with sql server datetimes and I don't know how to convert the data (or if I should use a different type of column to store the data in Oracle). I have full control over the structure of the Oracle table so I can use a different type if timestamp is not best, but I need the destination column to have at least the same precision as the sql server datetime value. What is the easiest way to do this?
If I install an instance with Windows Only authentication, and then change it to Mixed Mode, if I enable the sa login, the password has already been set. What is the default? If it's generated, how secure is it? Is the password generated? What algorithm is used for that?
My sql databases in SQL Server 2014 has the status "suspend" as I saw in SQL Management Studio. I can't restore to serviceable condition sql databases through standard procedures. I need to restore .mdf file.
I am using a monitoring system where I can monitor a numeric SQL result assuming the result is one field and one row.I would like to do this to say monitor the free available space or percentage on say the Master database. DBCC SQLPERF gives me a few columns and results for all databases on the server.
In our environment applications are using a DNS name which points to the physical server ip address. Now we are planning to move to 2014. We are planning to have servers in different subnets so we will be having two ip adresses for listener. How we can point the DNS to the listener ips? If failover happens can the DNS point to the exact ip address of the listener where it's primary node?