SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Server Level Trigger To Log Activity And Rollback After Logging Information

Sep 8, 2015

I use following trigger to stop user "smith" if he try to connect through SSMS to My Server:

create TRIGGER [trg_connection_MyServer]
if exists (SELECT 1 FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE (program_name like 'Microsoft SQL Server%' and original_login_name = 'Smith') )

I want to log this information or send emal incase, this user try to connect through SSMS, so that I can catch it. How can I do this, if I use insert command it rollsback everything and I can't do any activity.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Audit All Server DDL Level Events?

Mar 6, 2015

I have been tasked with auditing all DDL and selected DML events on a production server and logging them to a table. My solution is to use CDC for the DML and a Server-Level trigger for the DDL. Because there should never but much DDL activity on the server (except when performing update tasks) I don't need to worry about the trigger consuming too many resources.

My question is this: Is there any single specification such as DDL_LEVEL_EVENTS that can capture all DDL activity or do I need to specify each and every DDL action in the trigger?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Dynamic Trigger Logging

Oct 13, 2015

I would like to have a dynamic trigger on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. (each their own trigger).

What i want, is the trigger to log what has happened with the record. For the insert trigger, i would like to select all columns and put them in 1 column to my logging table. For the update trigger, i need the same, however for both of the old and new items.

For example:

[COLUMNB] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[COLUMNC] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
[COLUMND] [date] NULL,
[COLUME] [decimal](2, 2) NULL,

[Code] ....

When I insert an item in TRIGGER_TEST, i would like to see what is inserted in the TRIGGER_LOGGING table.


I would like to see in my TRIGGER_LOGGING table in NEW:

COLUMNB='test'|COLUMNC='hello'|COLUMND='2015-10-13 16:04'|COLUME=0,10

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Column Level Data Encryption

Jun 17, 2015

I need to encrypt some column level data in multiple tables in SQL server 2014. I've never tried encryption in SQL server 2014. How can I achieve it?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AlwaysOn And Instance-level Items

Jul 16, 2015

How you are handling the replication of the many instance-level objects/items (logins, linked servers, server roles, database mail, operators, on and on) to the replicas in an AlwaysOn topology.

I'm especially curious about DBAs managing larger SQL Server environments. In my current environment, we have approximately 80 production SQL instances containing about 650 databases that require high availability and disaster recovery.

We use mirroring today and have a solid, home-grown solution for replicating the instance-level items from production to disaster recovery. AlwaysOn changes things a bit since we'll have multiple replicas and of course the database could be active on any one of those at any time. So my concern is about instance-level items being created in one instance but never deployed to the other instances participating in the AG group.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Changing Compatibility Level Of System Databases

Jun 27, 2014

I have just upgraded a test server from sql server 2008 sp3 to sql server 2014 inplace upgrade. The compatability level of master database has not upgraded. It was showing 90 and the rest of system databases got updated to 120. Is it fine to update the compatibility level of master database ? Any precautions need to taken??

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SQL Server 2014 :: Transaction Rollback When Multiple Threads Are Inserting Records Into Table Because Of Trigger

Jun 18, 2014

I have two tables called ECASE and PROJECT

In the ECASE table there is trigger to get the max value of case_id column in ecase based on project and increment one to that case_id value and insert into ecase table .

When we insert a new record to the ECASE table this trigger calls and insert the case_id column value.

When i run with multiple threads , the transaction is rolled back because of trigger . The reason is , on the project table the lock is happening while getting the max value of case_id column based on project.

I need to prevent the deadlock .

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: INSERT Failure After DDL Trigger Creation

Jan 6, 2014

We have created a DDL trigger on SQL server 2005 database for DB audit purpose. Following is the script used for trigger creation

USE [master]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ChangeLog](

[Code] ....

After the DDL trigger creation. Application team started reporting following error while executing a stored procedure.

Error 1:
INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "exec sp_drop_indexes_EnhLeaseData delete from dbo.leases where vin_num='XXX' and lease_acct_num='XXXX' delete from dbo.leases where vin_num='XXX' and lease_acct_num='080066225' " failed with the following error: "INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Master Table With Insert Trigger

Feb 4, 2015

I have a master table with after insert trigger on it.. When record is inserted into master table, the trigger fires and is captured in the backoffice table. In case the trigger fails, my record is neither in the master table nor in the back office table..

Is there anyway to capture the record either in the master table or in a separate table.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Trigger On A View If Any Insert / Update Occurs On Base Table Level

Apr 21, 2015

I have a situation where I have Table A, Table B.

View C is created by joining table A and table B.

I have written a instead of trigger D on view C.

I do not insert/update/delete on the view directly.

For every insert/update in table A /B the values should get insert/update in the view respectively. This insert/update on view should invoke the trigger.

And I am unable to see this trigger work on the view if any insert/update occurs on base table level.

Trigger is working only if any operation is done directly on the view.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Logon Trigger Executing Multiple Times For Single Connection?

Jan 30, 2015

I am trying to create a logon trigger. As I am testing this, I discovered that each time I do a connection, I get 19 rows, inserted into my audit table. I ran profiler, and I see it is going through the logon trigger multiple times, for a single connection. So, what am I doing wrong? The code is fairly simplistic, and the profiler doesn't give a clue, as to what is going on. When I look at the output, I see the spid for the first couple of connections are different, then a spid, that is different from those 2 is in the next 17 rows. But, when I do an sp_who2, that spid does not exist.

This issue was noticed on a 2012 version, that I was first testing on, then had the same issue on a 2008 R2. I am currently testing on a 2014 version, that is doing the same thing. Is the logon trigger itself, firing, and causing this?

I also tried using the After Logon option, and got the same issue.

Here is the code:

CREATE TRIGGER LogonAuditTrigger


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using (Try-Catch) And (Rollback) On Read Only Stored Procedure?

Apr 30, 2015

In general as understand if we have a stored procedure that does operations like inserts or updates, it makes perfect sense to use a rollback operation within a transaction.

So, if something goes wrong and the transaction does not complete, all changes will be reverted and an error description will be thrown for example.

Nevertheless, does using a rollback within a try catch statement, make sense in a read only stored procedure, that practically executes some dynamic sql just to select data from some tables?

I have around 100 Stored procedures, all of them read only. Today a colleague suggested adding try-catch blocks with rollback to all of them. But since they are just selecting data, I don't see a clear benefit of doing so, compared to the hassle of changing such a big number of SP's.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Capture THROW For Logging

Aug 14, 2015

Is it possible to capture the contents of THROW within a CATCH into a variable so that it can be written to a logging table?

I can capture ERROR_MESSAGE() to a variable but unfortunately it only writes the last error rather than the previous one that is informational.

I realize that THROW can be multiple lines so it may not be possible to do through TSQL but thought I should ask.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change IP Address Of Server Which Is Locally Hosted And Is Not On Cluster?

Sep 3, 2014

I am asking about a virtual IP for SQL Server, is there a way we can assign a different IP to SQL Server other than the server's(host) IP address? like the same what we do in a clustered env.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Access Physical Server To Backup Transaction Log

Dec 5, 2014

I've recently started working with a public sector organisation who have 4 clustered sql instances that has 80% of it's db mirrored.

Looking at the transaction log - it seems that a transaction log backup is a good idea as the log is 4x larger than the data file.But I'm not allowed access to the physical server to check onto which drive I can create the trn. No RDP, no vmware - let's be honest I'm not even allowed to launch cmd line Also the Server Manager informs me "We will need to carefully look at database backups if you guys want to start doing these backups on box, as that will break our off box backup routine (it will screw the transaction chain)."

I don't understand how backing up the transaction log could break the "transaction chain"?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: No Objects Listed For Server Performance Condition Alert

Jan 25, 2015

We are trying to create some alerts in our SQL Server 2014 BI edition.Issue is that, after I chose "Type" as "SQL Server performance condition alert" nothing is listed in the "Object" list box.SQL Server event alerts are working. Issue is only with "SQL Server performance condition alert".

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Failed To Prepare Storage For Testing On Node Server Name

Feb 23, 2015

I Run All checks for Validation cluster.I get Error On Disk Lists And Validation failed.With This error : Failed to prepare storage for testing on node "server name" The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Database Mail Fails At Email Server Alert

Apr 23, 2015

We recently had a problem with DB Mail. SQL jobs that sends an email succeeded but the email in the job fail to sent. There was a problem with the email server. The error is included. We fixed the problem with the email server. How can I get an alert when a DB Mail email fails send?

Date4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
LogDatabase Mail (Database Mail Log)

Log ID5907
Process ID13204
Mail Item ID5702
Last Modified4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
Last Modified Bysa

The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2015-04-23T10:01:06). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Insufficient system storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Unable to accept message because the server is out of disk space.).

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Error While Updating Data Using Oracle Linked Server

Sep 11, 2015

We have oracle linked server created on one of the sql server 2008 standard , we are fetching data from oracle and updating some records in sql server . Previously its working fine but we are suddenly facing below issue.

Below error occurred during process .

OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "<linkedservername>" returned message "".
Msg 7346, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "<linked server name>".

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Analysis Services Tabular AND Multidimensional On Same Server

Jul 24, 2014

Is it possible to have Analysis Services in both modes or are they mutually exclusive?I have a machine setup with Multidimensional AS and would like to know if it's possible to add a Service in Tabular mode.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Determine Which Server Is Currently Active For Availability Groups

Nov 25, 2014

I want two write a small script to determine which is the currently active (primary) server in the AG.

Right now, I see that using SELECT * FROM SYS.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states I can determine the role. However, when the server goes down and switches to the secondary node, I don't believe that the role changes (or does it?). How do I determine which is the active node?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Multiple Database-collation Running On One Server?

Mar 30, 2015

We are consolidating some old SQL server-environments from 'OLD' to 'NEW' and one of our vendors is protesting on behalve of the collation we use on our 'NEW' SQL server.

Our old server (SQL 2005) contains databases with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

Our new server (2014) has the standard collation Latin1_General_CI_AS

Both collations have CI and AS

From experience I know different databases can reside next to eachother on the same Instance.

The only problem could be ('could be !!') the use of TempDB with a high volume of transaction to be executured in TempDB and choosing for Snapshot Isolation Level ....

The application the databases belong to is very static, hardly updated, and questioned only several time per hour (so no TempDB issue I guess).

using different databases using a different collation running on the same instance?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Using ReportSync To Migrate Reporting Services To New Server

Apr 14, 2015

I need to migrate Reports from a SQL Server 2008 R2 Server to SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services.

Reporting Services is installed on one Server and the Reporting Services is installed on another Server.

On the existing Server the Encryption was never backed up.

What do I do with the key?

The following article provides some good information but it does not identify what to do with the Destination URL.

It mentions to download the files but it does not specify how to identify the path and it does not state where to upload them.

Do you restore the existing Reporting Services Databases to the new Server?

[URL] .....

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Capturing Connection Coming From Outside In Server Using Profiler

May 14, 2015

I need to do testing on capturing connection coming from outside using Profiler. Basically I need to do something from other SQL servers connecting to this SQL server and test if it is captured by profiler.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Add Datafile To Mirrored Database In Primary Server

Aug 5, 2015

I need some clarification about adding file in to mirrored dataabse in primary server without downtime and breaking the mirror server.

In our environment we are using monutdisks in both the servers. in primary for ex we have F drive for data files under mount disk 3 in mirror server also we have same drive but in mount drive2.

As per my knowledge if it is same drives we can add the ndf files in the primary that will reflect on mirror. but in current situation i am confusing about mount points with different names.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Correcting Server Connection In Maintenance Plans?

Aug 11, 2015

In SQL 2008 R2, if we clone an environment including SQL server, the maintenance plans retain a connection string to the source/original server they got cloned from and are not editable. But, I was able to use a work around by editing them in BIDS and saving them back on the server. But now with 2014, I am facing two issues:

1.I still can edit the package to correct the server connection, with SSDT; but the option to save back to the server is not available any longer!

2.I used to be able to see all my plans under SSIS in 2008 R2 but not in 2014 now. Although, they are listed in SSMS!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To List The Target Servers Associated With A Master Server

Sep 9, 2015

I'm looking for a way to list the target servers associated with a master server. The reason is that we're moving to another master server, and I'd prefer not to move the targets manually.

I've got most of the T-SQL already (sp_msx_enlist, sp_add_jobserver), but I'd like a scripted solution instead of a wizard.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Add Server In Multi Subnet To Cluster

Oct 6, 2015

I am setting up SQL 2014 always on. I was able to set up the replicas between 2 servers in the same subnet.Their IP addresses are say like this:

When I am trying to introduce another node into the cluster which has IP address like, I am getting an error that the server isn't reachable.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Central Management Server Doesn't Support Multi Domains

Jun 3, 2015

As CM doesn't support SQL authentication, and if access SQL Server on another domain with no trust, we cannot use Windows authentication as well.

CM only supports Windows authentication, but for large organizations which will have multi domains.

I am thinking if there is no proper way/tool, we will develop one then.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore Encrypted Server Backup Via GUI

Feb 10, 2015

I have an issue to restore an encrypted backup via GUI.I can restore an encrypted backup on another instance using t-sql command, but cannot do the same using the GUI of sql server 2014. The message error is: No backupset selected to be restored.I have restored the master key from the instance where the encrypted backup was created on the instance where I want to restore the encrypted backup, then restored the certificate. I managed to open the master key. I have the following versions:

On the instance where the encrypted backup is taken:
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)
Feb 20 2014 20:04:26
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: )

On the instance where I'm trying to restore the bakcup via GUI:
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)
Feb 20 2014 20:04:26
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: )

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Patching Server Configured In AlwaysOn

Mar 12, 2015

How to update the windows patch on sql server where the server is configured in always on ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Find Report Server Database Name?

May 8, 2015

Is there any way to find Report server database name using T-SQL?

I have SQL server report server instance and authentication credentials.

I can use sys.databases but in case of user had changed ReportDb name at the time of configuration this approach will not work then How I can find?

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