SQL Server CE Doesn't Show In Reference Dialog

Jan 29, 2007

I already have VS2005 SP1 installed and after installing :


When I create a Smart Device project and and try to add a reference to SQL Server CE only the old version (3.0.3600.0) shows up. How do I get the new one (3.1) to show up?

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Cannot Show Requested Dialog

Dec 17, 2007

Hi,when i try to see the properties of database "sales" (sql server express 2005) in  Management Studio Express, i get this error message: (besides, when i try to expand the database, i get the error that it's emty)Cannot show requested dialog.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Cannot show requested dialog. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.SqlMgmt)------------------------------An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)------------------------------The server principal "Myserveradmin" is not able to access the database "sales" under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916)But the webapplication still runs: i can insert records, update, delete ... from asp.net.Any way to recover it?ThanksTartuffe

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Attach Databases Dialog Doesn't Give Mw Access To My VWD Folders

Mar 25, 2007

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio eExpress and I'm tryng to link to a database created in Visual Web Developer Express. My problem is that I can't see large parts of my file system when I try to attach a database in SQL Server Express. Web Developer Express likes to put its databases in C:Documents and Settings<User Name>My DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSites<Site Name>App_Data. However, when I try to attach a database in that location to SQL Server Express (Right Click Databases node, select Attach from the shortcut menu then Add from the Attach Databases dialog) I get a folder tree that won’t let me go any further than C:Documents and Settings<User Name>. There seem to be large parts of my folder structure that I cannot access with this dialog.
Just in case this is a permissions issue, I am using Windows XP Pro on a stand alone machine. I log on as Administrator, and the <User Name> in the above paths is Administrator. The Administrator is a member of the Administrators group. I have never logged on as anything else and never made any changes to the way permissions are set. When I start SQL Server express I select Windows Authentication.

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SQL Express Error Cannot Show Requested Dialog, And Missing Tables

Dec 30, 2005

Two of my databases are still listed under the "Database" folder in SQL Express, yet all objects are now gone. Tried detach/attach and says it works OK - yet no tables, etc.

The odd thing is that I CAN access the tables from Visual C++ Express, and all looks well (data, etc).

When I look at Properties for one of the DBs, and then click on "View Connection Properties" under the "Options" section, the error message pops up:

"Cannot show requested dialog.----------------------------

Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinnVSShellCommon7IDESqlManagerUi.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (mscorlib) ".


Also still throwing an error upon startup, "Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this error...Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent"




PS It would help to enable right click Copy and Paste in this forum -

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Linked Table From Server To Access Doesn't Show Data?

Oct 25, 2013

I linked an SQL server table into Access, but when I open the table in Access, no data shows. Do I need to set some permissions on the sql table?

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Report Sometimes Just Doesn't Show

Jan 18, 2008


Since a week we have a strange problem.
We are using SQL Server 2005 with SP2 on a Windows Server 2003 updated last time in November. We have 2 servers like this, one is a virtual machine and the second one, a physical one.

Since a week, sometimes, the reports in the web report viewer just don't show. They keep loading for hours without showing anything. Beside, everything's fine, the server has plenty of free resources (CPU, RAM...), Visual Studio works normally, SSMS too. We can even go in http://localhost/reports and http://localhost/reportserver and see the folders, files etc... but when trying to load a report (what ever it is, even a small one) nothing comes, not even the message "Report is loading".

It happens not every day, sometimes two or three times a day at different hours.
In the Windows event viewer, nothing.
In the SSRS logs, nothing (as far as I can understand these logs).

It looks as if a job or a process was running and was blocking the reports or a service which would stop automatically.
To have it work again, a reboot of the server works or within 2 or 3 hours, it comes back to normal state.

If someone has an idea of what can be the problem or some tips, please feel free because we are running out of ideas.

Thanks in advance

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Chicken And Egg Problem: FOREIGN KEY Reference To A Table That Doesn't Exist Yet

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to create a local copy of a popular CRM database calledSalesforce.com. Many of the tables in the DB have FOREIGN KEYreferences that I want to preserve, but I've run into a chicken and eggproblem. Table "A" has a reference to table "B," and table "B" has areference to table "A." So I can't CREATE one until the other exists.Is there a way to disable these checks until I've created all theschema?Here's what I see (error first, then SQL that caused it):Server: Msg 1767, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Foreign key 'FK__UserRole__LastMo__48CFD27E' references invalid table'User'.Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Could not create constraint. See previous errors.CREATE TABLE salesforce3.dbo."UserRole" ("Id" varchar(18) PRIMARY KEY ,"Name" varchar(40), "ParentRoleId" varchar(18) REFERENCES"UserRole"(Id), "RollupDescription" varchar(80),"OpportunityAccessForAccountOwner" varchar(40),"CaseAccessForAccountOwner" varchar(40), "LastModifiedDate" datetime,"LastModifiedById" varchar(18) REFERENCES "User"(Id), "SystemModstamp"datetime);CREATE TABLE salesforce3.dbo."User" ("Id" varchar(18) PRIMARY KEY ,"Username" varchar(80), "LastName" varchar(80), "FirstName"varchar(40), "CompanyName" varchar(80), "Division" varchar(80),"Department" varchar(80), "Title" varchar(80), "Street" text, "City"varchar(40), "State" varchar(20), "PostalCode" varchar(20), "Country"varchar(40), "Email" varchar(80), "Phone" varchar(40), "Fax"varchar(40), "MobilePhone" varchar(40), "Alias" varchar(8), "IsActive"bit, "TimeZoneSidKey" varchar(40), "UserRoleId" varchar(18) REFERENCES"UserRole"(Id), "LocaleSidKey" varchar(40), "ReceivesInfoEmails" bit,"ReceivesAdminInfoEmails" bit, "EmailEncodingKey" varchar(40),"ProfileId" varchar(18) REFERENCES "Profile"(Id), "LanguageLocaleKey"varchar(40), "EmployeeNumber" varchar(20), "WirelessEmail" varchar(80),"LastLoginDate" datetime, "CreatedDate" datetime, "CreatedById"varchar(18) REFERENCES "User"(Id), "LastModifiedDate" datetime,"LastModifiedById" varchar(18) REFERENCES "User"(Id), "SystemModstamp"datetime, "UserPermissionsMarketingUser" bit,"UserPermissionsOfflineUser" bit, "UserPermissionsWirelessUser" bit,"UserPermissionsSuperCssUser" bit, "UserPermissionsAvantgoUser" bit);

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After The Restore, Db Users Doesn&#39;t Show Up

May 28, 2002


After doing a database restore on my development server, It only shows DBO As the db user..When I query SYSUSER all other users are still there..But doesn't show up in enterprise manager...

Anybody came acrosss the same situation ?

Thanks for you help in advance.

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&<Long Text&> Doesn't Show Up

Mar 21, 2006

I have a question that has a co-worker and myself confused. We are using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. When I select return all rows in my tables, any content that is too long will appear as <Long Text> on my co-workers machine, but the column is blank on my machine. Is there a property or configuration that enables/disables <Long Text>? I am confused as to why it appears on other machines, but not mine.

Your help is appreciated.

Live Life.

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Input Parameter Doesn't Show.

Oct 10, 2006

when i pass a input parameter, the SP doesn't recognize it.


exec SP 00004

it will print:
select * from table where idname = 4

i want it to print
select * from table where idname = '00004'

how can i do that?

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Securables Doesn't Show Permissions

Jan 28, 2008

SS2005 question.
Why doesn't securables show when I add a user to have select permission on a table?
Like after adding a user I click ok to close the window then double click on the user to open it up, go to securables but it doesn't show. It's empty.


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Report Doesn't Show Up Any Values

Jan 28, 2008


I've designed a report and assigned it a datasource that binds with a SP with a parameter. In the XML code of the dataset I can see the input parameter has been recognised by the wizard. Then, I built a report with that Dataset as the source. Everything is fine till this time. Now through my aspx code I pass on the value of the parameter to the report. But the report doesn't show any values at all. The aspx code is like

Code Snippet
Dim reportParameter As New ReportParameter("@UserID", Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text), True)
Dim test() As ReportParameter = {reportParameter}

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
VS 2005 & SSRS 2005.

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ADO Table Schema Doesn't Show Primary Key

Jan 8, 2007

I'm trying to use the following code to examine table schema for SQL 2000. But when I do, the IsKey value is null or blank. I tried this on two different tables - a State table with a char(2) primary key containing the state abbreviation and a Trend table which has an identity column as the primary key. Public Shared Function GetSchema(ByVal sTable As String) As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder

Dim oConn As SqlConnection = OpenConn()
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " & sTable, oConn)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly)

Dim dt As DataTable = dr.GetSchemaTable()


For ic As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
sb.Append(ic & ":" & CNull(dt.Columns(ic).ColumnName) & " ")

For ir As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
For ic As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
sb.Append(ic & ":" & CNull(dt.Rows(ir).Item(ic).ToString) & " ")

Return sb.ToString
End Function
Here's the output from the function:

? datahelper.GetSchema("State")
"0:ColumnName 1:ColumnOrdinal 2:ColumnSize 3:NumericPrecision 4:NumericScale 5:IsUnique 6:IsKey 7:BaseServerName 8:BaseCatalogName 9:BaseColumnName 10:BaseSchemaName 11:BaseTableName 12:DataType 13:AllowDBNull 14:ProviderType 15:IsAliased 16:IsExpression 17:IsIdentity 18:IsAutoIncrement 19:IsRowVersion 20:IsHidden 21:IsLong 22:IsReadOnly 23:ProviderSpecificDataType 24:DataTypeName 25:XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase 26:XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema 27:XmlSchemaCollectionName 28:UdtAssemblyQualifiedName 29:NonVersionedProviderType
0:StateCode 1:0 2:2 3:255 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:StateCode 10: 11: 12:System.String 13:False 14:3 15: 16: 17:False 18:False 19:False 20: 21:False 22:False 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString 24:char 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:3
0:State 1:1 2:50 3:255 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:State 10: 11: 12:System.String 13:False 14:22 15: 16: 17:False 18:False 19:False 20: 21:False 22:False 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString 24:varchar 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:22
0:CountryCode 1:2 2:2 3:255 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:CountryCode 10: 11: 12:System.String 13:False 14:3 15: 16: 17:False 18:False 19:False 20: 21:False 22:False 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString 24:char 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:3
? datahelper.GetSchema("Trend")
"0:ColumnName 1:ColumnOrdinal 2:ColumnSize 3:NumericPrecision 4:NumericScale 5:IsUnique 6:IsKey 7:BaseServerName 8:BaseCatalogName 9:BaseColumnName 10:BaseSchemaName 11:BaseTableName 12:DataType 13:AllowDBNull 14:ProviderType 15:IsAliased 16:IsExpression 17:IsIdentity 18:IsAutoIncrement 19:IsRowVersion 20:IsHidden 21:IsLong 22:IsReadOnly 23:ProviderSpecificDataType 24:DataTypeName 25:XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase 26:XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema 27:XmlSchemaCollectionName 28:UdtAssemblyQualifiedName 29:NonVersionedProviderType
0:TrendID 1:0 2:4 3:10 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:TrendID 10: 11: 12:System.Int32 13:False 14:8 15: 16: 17:True 18:True 19:False 20: 21:False 22:True 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 24:int 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:8
0:Description 1:1 2:50 3:255 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:Description 10: 11: 12:System.String 13:False 14:22 15: 16: 17:False 18:False 19:False 20: 21:False 22:False 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString 24:varchar 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:22
0:Length 1:2 2:4 3:10 4:255 5:False 6: 7: 8: 9:Length 10: 11: 12:System.Int32 13:False 14:8 15: 16: 17:False 18:False 19:False 20: 21:False 22:False 23:System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 24:int 25: 26: 27: 28: 29:8
Column 6 is IsKey but just displays 6: whereas IsIdentity displays correctly for Column 17. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

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Custom Connection Manager Doesn't Show Up In VS?

Dec 16, 2005

I've created a very simple custom connection manager, and I followed the deployment instructions at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345276.aspx.  Basically, that was just copying the assembly to %programfiles%Microsoft SQL Server90DTSConnections, and then registering the asssembly in the gac.

However, when I open VS, right-click on the connection manager pane, and then choose new connection, my custom manager does not appear.  What am I missing?

Here is the class:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Xml;

namespace MyCoolCompany


[DtsConnection(DisplayName="Sharepoint Connection Manager",

Description="Connect to Sharepoint lists",


ConnectionContact="My Cool Company",

UITypeName="SPDataFlowComponent, MyCoolCompany.SharepointConnectionManagerUI")]

class SharepointConnectionManager: ConnectionManagerBase




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Custom Connection Manger Doesn't Show Up In VS

Sep 28, 2006

I have created a custom connection manager and it was showing up fine as was the UI I created for it. For some reason now no matter what I do I cannot get it to show up in the list when right-clicking and choosing New connection...

I have also created two custom tasks. One of them works perfectly. The second was working but now causes an error when you open the package. Here is the error message:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

There were errors while the package was being loaded.
The package might be corrupted.
See the Error List for details.
There are no additional errors in the list only this one. I have tried everything I can think of to fix these two issues. Both problems emerged at the same time so may be related but that would not explain why the second custom task I have created works fine and doesn't cause errors.

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Subreport Doesn't Show On The Main Report

Jun 5, 2007

Here's my problem. I have a subreport that shows data and labels if data is returned. However, if no data is returned, the subreport doesn't show at all. I have a message on the subreport I would like to show if no data is returned, but the subreport won't show at all. Any ideas??


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Report Builder Doesn't Show Models

Apr 30, 2007


When I open Report Builder I do not see any of the models that I've created. The "Select Site or Server" is blank and I cannot get to any of the models. I can't change the dropdown from "Recent Sites and Servers."

I am not sure what I did, because it used to work. I did install SP2 but that did not cause a problem originally.

I can create new models (on both the BIDS and the ReportServer site) and I see that they were created just not in Report Builder. At this point Report Builder is non-functional for me.

The other thing that may be related is that I've never been able to run Report Builder from the website. When I click the button nothing happens. I made a shortcut to ReportBuilder.exe to get around this.

Thank you for the help.


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DTSWizard Doesn't Show New ODBC Data Source?

Oct 19, 2006

I've installed SQL Express SP1 on a Windows 2003 server and I'm trying to get a new MySQL datasource to be recognized in the DTSWizard.  A MySQL database needs to be moved over to a MS SQL server due to software requirements (which weren't looked at before the site was created).  I've installed the ODBC Connector/MySQL software and created the System DSN (named "MySQL DB Import) in the Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC) tool.  When I start up the DTS wizard for SQL Express however, I do not get my new data source in the selection options for data sources. I am following the instructions on this page: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/deploy/mysql.mspx#ERJAE  What am I missing?  

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Where Clause ISNULL Problem, Doesn't Show Nulls

Jun 11, 2007

Hi All,
Can somebosy help with this dilema in my where clause I've got the followingWHERE (Customers.Owner = ISNULL(@Contract,Customers.Owner)) AND (Workorders.DateReceived = ISNULL(@DateReceived,Workorders.DateReceived)) AND (Workorders.DateRequired = ISNULL(@DateRequired,Workorders.DateRequired)) AND
(Workorders.EngineerID = ISNULL(@EngineerID,Workorders.EngineerID)) AND (Workorders.DateFinished = ISNULL(@DateFinished,Workorders.DateFinished)) AND (Workorders.JobTypeID = ISNULL(@JobTypeID,Workorders.JobTypeID)) AND
(Workorders.JobStatus = ISNULL(@JobStatus,Workorders.JobStatus)) AND (Workorders.PriorityID = ISNULL(@PriorityID,Workorders.PriorityID))
This is so if one of the parameters passed is null you still get a result is trouble is if the substitute value of the ISNULL statement is null no result is shown how can I get round this.
Any help much appreciated

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EM Doesn&#39;t Show Database Space Allocated Info , Etc

Mar 26, 2001

Hi, all,
I found that the SQL2000 EM does not show database space allcoated information, as well as tables and indexes size while SQL 7.0 does.
Someitmes these information are fairly handy.
is there any other easy ways to find out the same info from SQL2000
through Em, or elsewhere ??

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Log Shipping Wizard Doesn't Show Up In Enterprise Manager

Jul 20, 2005

I thought I'd give the SQL Server 2000's log shipping wizard a try (inthe past I've always done it with Perl scripts), so I attemted to setit up on one of my servers. But in the maintenance plan wizard, Idon't get the checkbox at the bottom of the window to "Ship thetransactions logs to other SQL Servers (log shipping)" as it shows inthis article:http://www.microsoft.com/technet/pr...n/logship1.mspxCan anyone tell me what's wrong here? Please post to the newsgroup.Thanks,Steve

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A Recordset Obtained Via ADO Doesn&#39;t Show The First Record Using Data Report

May 30, 2001

Te first record of a Recordest obtained from a Command Object executing a Stored Procedure, doesn't show the first record when I asociate this to a data report.(VB6 - SQL7) (ADO 2.1)

If I execute the stored procedure directly from query analizer, I have obtained the right resultset.

Does anyone Knows what could be happening?

Thank You ...

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Integration Services :: Excel Column Doesn't Show In Preview

Oct 26, 2015

We are running 2014 enterprise. I noticed recently that my spreadsheet's column A, while not being used by user, doesn't show up in excel source preview. F1 is column B and so on. 

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Microsoft Exel Doesn't Show Up As A Data Source In The Import/export Wizard

Oct 12, 2007

I am trying to import an Excel file into SQL Server 2005 using the SSIS import/export wizard; however, Microsoft Excel doesn't show up in the list of the data sources. I am assuming that something else must be install from either Microsoft Office or SQL Server 2005. I am using Microsoft Office 2003 on a Window XP machine. Does anyone know what I need to do to correct this.


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Connect To SQL Server Dialog

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Is it possible to avoid the last used server being in Query Analyzer'Connect to SQL Server' dialog by default(when I click on File/Connectin Query Analyzer) - I don't want to apply 'truncate table' scripts toa production server by mistake!Thanks

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Add Locations To Open File Dialog Box In SSMS

Apr 20, 2010

When I go to open a file in SSMS, the Open File dialog box appears. In the left side of that box, there is a panel containing shortcuts to various locations: Desktop, My Projects, and My Computer. I would like to add some shortcuts to folder that I use in this area, but I haven't been able to figure out how. how to do this?

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Cannot Open Connection Dialog When Starting SQL Server Management Studio

Jul 18, 2007

I start SQL Server Management Studio on my workstation and get the following message.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Failed to open connection dialog.


Could not load file or assembly 'SqlMgmt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) (mscorlib)



I had SQl Express version installed previously and everything worked. I could connect to one server running SQL Express and a different server running full up SQL 2005 enterprise version.

I uninstalled All SQL express programs and installed tools from SQL 2005 developer.

I have rebooted, started the program directly (not using a link of any kind) and all attempts fail. After dismissing the error msg the tool opens and I can run queries agains the DB but the database engines and related tables do not show.

My work station is Windows XP with SP2 installed.

I have googled the problem extensively and tried solutions found but none have solved the problem.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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Unable To Edit Windows Password In Connect To Server Dialog

Jan 15, 2007


I think my description says it all. I have just installed Studio Express for the first time.

I want to attach a database. When the connect to server dialog is displayed the user name and password text box is greyed out. The Password box is blank and I need to edit this. I switch to SQL authentication they are enabled but if I switch back to Windows authentication they are both greyed out.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled but still no luck,

Any help would be great.

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SQL 2012 :: DTSX Giving Errors - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Reference

Sep 10, 2014

I am using vs 2010 to write my dtsx import scripts.I use a script component as a source to create a flat file destination file.Everything have been working fine,but then my development machine crashed and we have to install everything again.Now when i use the execute package utility to test my scripts i get the following error:

Error system.NullReferenceException: Object refrence not set to an instance reference.

In PreExecute section
TextReader = new system.io.streamreader(" file name")
In the CreateNewOutputRows:
dim nextLine as string
nextLine = textReader.ReadLine


is there something which i did not install or what can be the error?

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Add Reference To SQL Server Project?

Jun 16, 2008

I'm creating a trigger in an Sql Server Project that needs to execute some code.  Is it possible to reference any assembly?  When I click "add reference" to the project I cannot browse to an assembly. 
What are the limitations of this feature?  I was under the impression you could execute any .net code.

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Reference For SQL SERVER 2000

Jul 27, 2007

Hello there everyone!!

I've just joined this community and already feel alot better in doing so!!

My question is aimed at SQL Server 2000. Part ofmy job role has swicthed to SQL Developer to Database Administrator.
To learn SQL Server 2000 (latest version available to me) I wanted to find out about courses (based in London, UK) which help teach along the lines of the following topics:

Fundamental concepts
SQL Server installation and upgrade
Database management
Backup and recovery
Alerts and jobs
Monitoring SQL Server
Converting and migrating data

This is what I understand to be prior importance for the role.

My main question to you guys: Can anyone recommend a reference book which is a good desktop companion which covers all of these topics to detailed depth??

I'm running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2003 Server. I'm aware some books may be old, but the later they are the better?

I've studied SQL at uni, covering RDMS, OLAP, Data manipulation, Data Definition. But now its to be applied to SQL SERVER 2000

Any suggestions please?

Thank you for your support


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Sql Server CLR Integration Reference

May 16, 2006

I have a DLL coded in C# which has a one Function which returns 0 or 1 depends on the operation. I am using SQL 2005 and same functionality I want to reuse in SQL. So I have decided to use new functionality of 2005 CLR integration to avoid code redudancy.

I will create a function and that function will call internally this DLL and return value. But my problem is here that I am not able to set a reference to the C# dll. I am getting messages Sql Server Projects can refer only other sql Server projects.

I think there must be some other way to set reference. Please let me know if any one know how to achieve.

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No Help Dialog In Vs Ssis

Mar 10, 2006

At this point in time, I can think of nothing more annoying than a button that doesn't work. Especially when that button is the HELP button.

Inside SSIS designer, say I add a "derived column tool" to the data flow task. Now if I double-click on the "derived column tool", and then click on the help button in the dialog box that appears, NO help is displayed. What gives?

I am using 64 bit editions of win2k3 and ss05.

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