SQL Server CE Encountered Problems In Creating The SQL Sever CE Database.
Apr 24, 2007
My exploit environment:
VS.net 2003, SQL Server 2000 SP4, SQL Server CE 2.0 SP4
I write next codes:
Private cn As New SqlCeConnection("data source=my documentsSQLCECF.sdf")
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not System.IO.File.Exists("my documentsSQLCECF.sdf") Then
Dim en As New SqlCeEngine("data source=my documentsSQLCECF.sdf")
en.CreateDatabase() 'create a blank database to subscribe
End If
Catch err As SqlCeException
Catch err As Exception
MsgBox("There was an error:" & err.ToString())
End Try
End Sub
Sub Synch()
Dim rep As SqlCeReplication = New SqlCeReplication
With rep
.Publisher = ""
.PublisherDatabase = "CFLab"
.PublisherLogin = "sa"
.PublisherPassword = "sa"
.Publication = "CFLab"
.Subscriber = "SQLCENETCF"
.SubscriberConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLServer.OLEDB.CE.2.0;Data Source=My DocumentsSQLCECF.sdf"
.InternetUrl = ""
' Create the Local SSCE Database subscription
rep.Synchronize() 'subscribe
End With
Catch err As SqlCeException
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub ShowErrors(ByRef e As SqlCeException)
Dim errorCollection As SqlCeErrorCollection = e.Errors
Dim bld As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim inner As Exception = e.InnerException
If Not inner Is Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show(("Inner Exception:" & inner.ToString()))
End If
For Each err As SqlCeError In errorCollection
bld.Append("/n Error Code: " + err.HResult.ToString("X", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
bld.Append("/n Message : " + err.Message)
bld.Append("/n Minor Err.: " + err.NativeError.ToString())
bld.Append("/n Source : " + err.Source)
For Each numPar As Int32 In err.NumericErrorParameters
If 0 <> numPar Then
bld.Append("/n Num. Par. : " + numPar.ToString())
End If
For Each errPar As String In err.ErrorParameters
If String.Empty <> errPar Then
bld.Append("/n Err. Par. : " + errPar)
End If
Private Sub btnShow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnShow.Click
Dim query As String = "select * from FlightData"
Dim dap As New SqlCeDataAdapter(query, cn)
Dim dataset1 As New DataSet
dap.Fill(dataset1, "FlightData")
End Sub
Sub connect()
Catch err As SqlCeException
End Try
End Sub
Sub Disconnect()
Catch err As SqlCeException
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub dgdResults_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgdResults.Click
End Sub
End Class
I want to synchronize the data from a SQLCE SERVER 2000
When i run the code above, the errors show:
Error Code:80040E17
MessageQL Server CE encountered problems in creating the SQL Sever CE database.
Error Code:80040E17
A data source with the specified name already exists.
I do not know what's going wrong..=(
Who can help me??!!! HELP~~~~~~~~~
Is it possible to connect SQL Sever 2005 Express from SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Manager? Tried to connect but got the error message "must use SQL Server management tools to connect this sever"
The application uses Merge Replication. The error occurs in the Synchronise() Method of the SqlCeReplication object.
"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database."
repl.AddSubscription(AddOption.ExistingDatabase) repl.Synchronize() I also checked the the connection string and it seems to be fine. Both my device and server can ping each other. Moreever I can also access the Web syncronization folder(on server) from the device.Is anyone having a resolution for this?
Hello! I'm trying to connect a sql ce database from a PPC with WM 2003 to a sql server 2005 database.
I discover the class SqlCeRemoteDataAccess, so i've been trying, unsucessfuly, to get things working.
I googled a lot, i read Ms Articles from MSDN, i read some posts here, but can't find solution for my problem. As you can see in my code, i already tryed different aprroaches, differente connections strings, with "provider", without "provider", with "sspi", without "sspi", you name it...
I configure the sql server agent like i read in msdn, and he's working well, i'm able to see the message. ("Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent" when i open the url).
The sql database credentials are correct, i already check that.
I did everything i knew and i read, unfortunately i still can't manage to find a solution for an error message:
"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database." The native error is 28559
That's an Exception error message, that appears to me.
The application uses Merge Replication. The error occurs in the Synchronise() Method of the SqlCeReplication object.
"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database."
repl.AddSubscription(AddOption.ExistingDatabase) repl.Synchronize() I also checked the the connection string and it seems to be fine. Both my device and server can ping each other. Moreever I can also access the Web syncronization folder(on server) from the device.Is anyone having a resolution for this?
I'll try and ask one more time. Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?
"A SQL Server Compact Edition DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition. [ DLL Name = sqlceca30.dll ]"
"SQL Server Compact Edition encountered problems when opening the database" "Internal error: The database is not initialized."
I've been fighting this for well over a week now. My XP based version works fine but this error occurs routinely on my CE4.2 device. I cannot find anything meaningful using Google other than 'look for non disposed' replication objects which I've done. Is this bad hardware? I don't believe I'm out of memory as the app is about 1.2MB including about 8 DLL's and GC indicates I have about 300KB of objects at the time of the failure. I also use a bunch of static (global) objects that I use throughout the code.
It would be nice if I could get the lower level error messages causing these failures but that is probably too much to ask.
The odd thing is that it's only the replication engine that fails as even after the failure, the app can reopen the DB and work with the data just fine.
My basic order of the application is...
1 Open DB SqlCEConnection 2 Create/Prepare any SqlCECommand objects 3 Do work here 4 Dispose any SqlCECommand objects 5 Close DB 6 Dispose SqlCEConnection object 7 Create SqlCEReplication object 8 BeginSynchronize 9 ... error here.. 10 Dispose SqlCEReplication object 11 Reopen DB SqlCEConnection
I've tried creating the Replication object at program start and that does not help. I'm guessing there is something about .net that I don't understand either with stack space, # dll's or whatever. I've rearranged the order of the Dispose, Create, SQL CE objects to include just about every permutation but still am hitting this same problem.
Are there any tools that can help me profile this app for memory problems or usage? Everything seems geared for .Net and not .NetCF.
Using the following code we are having a problem connecting a clients WIndows Mobile device to the SDF under IIS. We have success elsewhere. Does anyone have any clues ?
Is there a way we can programatically create a SQL server Alias name (SQL 2005 - SQL Native client configuration) using either T-SQL, C# etc. - Manmeet
I would like some help in uploading a database from my harddrive to a server using sql server management studio express.
If I try to attach it to the server, this program only looks at the files on this server and not on my harddrive. So how can I copy a sql database to my folder on the server.
I am sure it must be a simple problem, but I've been bizzy with it for about a day now. So, please advice.
hi I have two questions: 1. I want a code to save data typed in a textbox during runtime using SQL server database. The database has a table with several colums where i have to reference the necessary column. 2. Can i use a Gridview to enter data during runtime and save the same data to the database? that is, INSERTING data to the database.
Does anyone know a way (a query perhaps?) to determine which logins have write permissions to a specific database on SQL Server 2005? Ive thought about joining sys.syslogins & sys.sysusers but looking at the columns, not sure which one would render me that info.
I'm trying to re-enable replication back on the server, it used to work, then we disable it for a while, then I.T. decided to change the server name, NOW, it encounters a bunch of problems when trying to configure replication....
there are a bunch of stored procedures are missing from teh MASTER database, is there are way to restore them without trashing our current production server???
also, when I try to create a missing stored procedure by copying the code from another server, sp_adddistributiondb, it gives me this error, "Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not enabled", what do this mean and how can i enable it.
thanks in advance with any answers/suggestions......
I have a sql sever 2005 express edition database but when i run my backup command from the command prompt, i get this error message . The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 11 error number 911 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'DATABASE1'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 1 error number 3013 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. DATABASE one is the name of the database i want to backup. Now it looks there so many databases some of which i have no idea where they are. It looks like there some system stored procedures i have to run first before my database file can be located by my commands. It would be wonderfull if some one pointed me to an article that covers this initial part thoroughly.
I encountered an error when attempting to install Visual Basic Express Edition RTM. During the setup, I selected MSDN Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Specifically, the SQL Server 2005 EE part of the installation failed. Here's the error I received:
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Setup Error occurred during setup Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition has been successfully installed. The following component failed to install: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86
I had not installed any betas on this particular PC; however, I had already installed Visual Studio 2005 Pro and SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.
(I selected SQL Server EE during the VBEE install because the VBEE readme said that the VSEE Editions (except for VWD) only work with SQL Server EE--so I figured I had to install SQL Server EE if I wanted to do any database work with VBEE. Is that the case?)
The following two log files were the only ones containing any error messages. How should I proceed?
C:Program Filesmicrosoft sql server90setup bootstraplogfilesSQLSetup0003_US05046_Core.log: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Mon Dec 19 14:40:32 2005 Process ID : 5824 c:211395ac6e4ed715363fsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:31 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:31, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:31 Loaded DLL:c:211395ac6e4ed715363fxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32, returned true Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__5824" returned false. Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2005/11/19 14:40:32 Loaded DLL:C:WINNTsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435 Loaded DLL:C:WINNTsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435 Complete: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2005/11/19 14:40:33, returned true Running: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2005/11/19 14:40:33 Complete: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2005/11/19 14:40:33, returned true Running: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2005/11/19 14:40:33 Complete: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:6, returned true Running: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:6 Complete: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:6, returned true Running: LaunchLocalBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:6 Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run: "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 1706 Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed Message pump returning: 1706
C:Program Filesmicrosoft sql server90setup bootstraplogfilesSQLSetup0003_US05046_Core(Local).log: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Mon Dec 19 14:41:10 2005 Process ID : 5476 c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0 Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9, returned true Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0 Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9, returned true Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9, returned true Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9, returned true Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9, returned true Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:9 Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:10, returned true Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:10 Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:10, returned true Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__5476" returned false. Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true. Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2005/11/19 14:41:10 Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2005/11/19 14:41:12, returned true Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2005/11/19 14:41:12 Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0 <Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'> Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope' Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [US05046] Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform If possible, determine install id and type Trying to find Instance Name from command line. No Instance Name provided on the command line If possible, determine action Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0) Machine = US05046, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0) ******************************************* Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: US05046 ******************************************* Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed <Func Name='PerformDetections'> 0 <EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> Loaded DLL:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0 <EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'> Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2005/11/19 14:42:59, returned true Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2005/11/19 14:42:59 Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:1, returned true Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:1 Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5, returned true Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5 Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5, returned true Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5 Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5, returned false Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution. Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5 Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5, returned false Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution. Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions: Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false. Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5 Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5, returned true Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:5 SQL_Engine = 3 SQL_Data_Files = 3 SQL_Replication = 3 SQL_FullText = -1 SQL_SharedTools = 3 SQL_BC_DEP = -1 Analysis_Server = -1 AnalysisDataFiles = -1 AnalysisSharedTools = -1 RS_Server = -1 RS_Web_Interface = -1 RS_SharedTools = -1 Notification_Services = -1 NS_Engine = -1 NS_Client = -1 SQL_DTS = -1 Client_Components = 3 Connectivity = 3 SQL_Tools90 = -1 SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = -1 SDK = 3 SQLXML = -1 Tools_Legacy = -1 TOOLS_BC_DEP = -1 SQL_Documentation = -1 SQL_BooksOnline = -1 SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1 SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1 SQL_Samples = -1 Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:11, returned true Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:11 Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:12, returned false Error: Action "CreateProgressWindowAction" failed during execution. Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:12 Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2005/11/19 14:43:13, returned true Skipped: InstallASAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallASAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.12 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallNSAction.9 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.11 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:14 Installing: sqlsupport on target: US05046 Complete: InstallSqlAction.11 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:26, returned true Running: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:26 Installing: sqlncli on target: US05046 Complete: InstallSqlAction.12 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:40, returned true Skipped: InstallSqlAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:40 Installing: sqlwriter on target: US05046 Failed to install package Fatal error during installation. Setting package return code to: 1706 Complete: InstallSqlAction.21 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:50, returned false Error: Action "InstallSqlAction.21" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Target collection includes the local machine. Invoking installPackage() on local machine. Skipped: InstallSqlAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:50 Installing: msxml6 on target: US05046 Complete: InstallSqlAction.9 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:54, returned true Running: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2005/11/19 14:43:54 Installing: sqlsupport on target: US05046 Complete: InstallToolsAction.11 at: 2005/11/19 14:44:2, returned true Running: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2005/11/19 14:44:2 Installing: sqlncli on target: US05046 Complete: InstallToolsAction.12 at: 2005/11/19 14:44:11, returned true Skipped: InstallToolsAction.13 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.13" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "PPESku", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.18 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.20 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.20" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "BOL", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallToolsAction.22 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallToolsAction.9 at: 2005/11/19 14:44:11 Installing: msxml6 on target: US05046 Complete: InstallToolsAction.9 at: 2005/11/19 14:44:15, returned true Action "InstallSqlAction" will return false due to the following preconditions: Condition "Action: InstallSqlAction.21 has finished and failed." returned true. Installation of package: "sql" failed due to a precondition. Step "InstallSqlAction" was not able to run. Skipped: InstallNSAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result. Running: InstallToolsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:44:15 Installing: tools on target: US05046 Complete: InstallToolsAction at: 2005/11/19 14:44:26, returned true Skipped: InstallToolsAction.10 Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Error: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchMSDE2000" failed due to a precondition. Error: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run: Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be marked as failed due to the following condition: Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false. Condition context: sql failed to upgrade and so the uninstall of the upgraded product will not occur. Installation of package: "patchLibertySql" failed due to a precondition. Skipped: InstallASAction Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: InstallRSAction Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis: No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result. Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis: Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition: Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true. Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2005/11/19 14:44:27 Error: Action "ReportChainingResults" threw an exception during execution. One or more packages failed to install. Refer to logs for error details. : 1706 Error Code: 0x800706aa (1706) Windows Error Text: The endpoint format is invalid.
Source File Name: sqlchainingsqlchainingactions.cpp Compiler Timestamp: Thu Sep 1 22:23:05 2005 Function Name: sqls::ReportChainingResults::perform Source Line Number: 3097
Ive seen this asked all over but am yet to find a fix for my case.
I have 1 SharePoint 2007 server 1 SQL 2005 SP2 server with Reporting services running
Reporting services is configured and running all with ticks in SharePoint integration mode, the reporting services section shows up in Central Admin ok.
When I try to access reporting services I get the error :
Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error. (rsSharePointError) Get Online Help
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors Looking thru the logs I get the error :
w3wp!library!d!04/04/2008-13:54:20:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/). w3wp!library!d!04/04/2008-13:54:20:: Call to ListParentsAction(/). w3wp!library!d!04/04/2008-13:54:20:: Call to ListChildrenAction(/, False). w3wp!library!d!04/04/2008-13:54:20:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.SharePointException: Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error., ; Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.SharePointException: Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointDBInterface.internalFindObjectsNonRecursive(String wssUrl, CatalogItemList& children) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointDBInterface.FindObjectsNonRecursive(String wssUrl, CatalogItemList& childList, Security secMgr, IPathTranslator pathTranslator, Boolean appendMyReports) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
I setup a new website called RS Web Site in IIS on the SQL box, I then set this in the Configure Report Server. I have made sure Annonymous access is off.
Does anyone know how on earth I can resolve this ..
I am unable to debug the first Script Task (not Script Component) since adding a second Script Task in one of my packages. The script completes successfully and goes green but the above error is displayed followed by another which is not mentioned here as I'm sure it's because of the first error. The second script task debugs fine so I know this is not the problem. But if I delete the second Script Task the first task starts debugging.
I have moved the breakpoint around in the first script and the only line that seems to work is the first line within the main method. It's irrelevant what this first line of code does. I know there is nothing wrong with the script tasks themselves as I have an exact copy in another package that debugs just fine.
I am using SQL Server 7.0..When I go to the Enterprise Manager and try to Create a New database, the Datafile defaults to C:MSSQL7 and the Transaction Log Defaults to C:MSSQL7 folders...
Is there some setting on the Server itself so that the defaults are different..Like D:Data etc....
I know I can type in the correct folder but my main question is that is there some setting in Enterprise Manager or some System Table so that a new database and its Transaction Log is created on a different default drive..
This is the first time I ever touched on SQL database. Is there any tutorial or guide online that I can read on. Because at the moment I don't even know where to begin. I don't even know how to create the tables in SQL server.
Basically I need to transfer data from MS access tables and save them in the SQL server. Say, hourly basis. But I only want the new data at every hour. So how should I go about the procedure?
By the way, is there a limit to the size of the SQL server? or I can have unlimited amount of data?
I see the following error on the sql server log of one of our sql servers running sql 2000 with sp4. SQL Server has encountered 1964 occurrence(s) of IO requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [h: empdb.mdf] in database [tempdb] (2). The OS file handle is 0x00000534. The offset of the latest long IO is: 0x0000002b09e000
Any idea as to what might be causing this error. Appreciate any comments.
I have two problems on creating new SQL server database in Visual Web Developer 2005 Express using SQL server 2005 Express.
The 1st problem: (It is resolved)
After installed SQL Server 2005 express and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express. When I tried to create a SQL server database in VWD the following error occurred:
"connection to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL server express 2005 to function properly. please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkId=49251"
I was stuck with this problem for few days. I did several times of install/reinstall of VWPExpress and SQL server Express, made very sure following proper de-installation sequence as specified in the release readme. But it did not resolve the problem.
Latter I found out that if I login with another Windows XP user account, I don't get the problem.
Changing the security authority of XP file systems and IIS didn't help.
And to prove that I was doing the installation correctly, I tried a new installation of the VWDExpress with SQL server 2005 express in another machine, it worked and I could create new empty SQL database.
After 2 days of frustrating changing of options, parameters, server names, messing with the registry etc.... Finally, I found a way to overcome this problem.
The solution is:
In Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, select:
Tools -> Options -> Database Tools -> Data Connections,
Change the setting: "SQL Server Instance Name (blank for default)" to "SQLEXPRESS". (where SQLEXPRESS is the default server instance name)
That solved this 1st problem.
I still don't know the exact reason for this problem. But I recalled I did installed the VWDExpress few weeks ago, I might have installed it without selecting SQL server 2005 express at that point. I guess the subsequent install/re-install did not clean up those junk in the registry.
I still have the 2nd problem:
The "Create new SQL database..." option is always grayed out when I right click on the Data connections in the "Database Explorer" tab.
I have a bypass for this difficulty for time being:
I have to do it by using the "Add connection....", put in the server name: "myserver/SQLEXPRESS" and a new database name.
can i create a table within the aspnetdb.mdf??? I created a database from SQL server set up wizard, and the database i make copy exactly what a aspnetdb.mdf(from tables to stored procedure) has..Can i change or add some files,tbles and stored procedure to it... I'll using SQL Express Edition... can i know what is the best way to implement the database i created if im going to setup ,manually my database (without set up wizard)can I copy the tables and stored procedure in aspnetdb.mdf in my database?? thanks for the answer... thanks and more power...
I have created a new server registration called 'MASTECH' with this registration I have created a database called 'youngerNow' As far as I am aware, no username nor password have been created.
I wish to access the database through asp.
I attempt to create connection with below code
strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=mastech; Initial Catalog=youngerNow" Set Conn=Server.createObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open strConn Conn.Close
however I am getting the below error.
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005) Login failed for user 'IUSR_MASTECH'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. /younger now/books.asp, line 199
Hello all, I am new to MS SQL Server and am having troubles figuring out how to create a new database file. I have installed everything I can and and still cannot find any where to add a database file. I am upgrading from Access to SQL and feel like I am missing something... I will eventually need to create a couple of SQL databases and connect from Classic ASP and ASP.net in different applications. Before I worry about how to connect I need ot create something to connect to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Panhead
Hi all, I'm new to sql server ce and would like to know how can I create the sdf file?
Is it the sdf file have to be published from sql server 2005? Are there any other ways to do? Coz I planned to write a win32 application to create the sdf file then deploy it the mobile device, but I found I cannot add the System.Data.SqlServerCe reference into the win form in Visual Studio.
I have a newbie question here. I have a SQL Server Database and I need to create a column that displays the row number. I tried adding an Identity Primary Key which worked until a row got deleted and the count was off. How do I create a column that displays the row number and recounts when a row is deleted. Thanks!
In one of my applications running on a MSSQL database, I need to issue a select call to an Oracle database to pull information into my application.
To accomplish this,
1. the ORacle Admin has created a view of the Oracle database for me. 2. I have installed the Oracle client on the SQl server box. 3. A friend has told me that one way to accomplish this is create a linked server from SQL to use OLE/DB for Oracle to connect to the Oracle database 4. So I create the linked server successfully; create the server login sp_addlinkedsrvlogin successfully 5. When I go to query the database, I get the error below:
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 OLE DB provider 'MSDAORA' reported an error. [OLE/DB provider returned message: The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 (or greater) client software installation.
You will be unable to use this provider until these components have been installed.]
Hi All,I want to use MS sql server edition 2000. I have installed the server. Now iwant to create the database on this server with tables and triggers. Canplease someone suggest me how to do this ?Thanks a lot,Dinesh
We have recently been looking into creating our SQL Server 2005 database as a unicode database using UTF-8 encoding. However initial search's suggest that SQL Server 2005 does not support the creation of UTF-8 db's and only supports UCS-2. Is this the case? If so then why is it not supported as most other vendors (Oracle, IBM) support it. If it is possible to create a UTF-8 database could you provide some details on how to go about this?