SQL Server Error Tracing

Jan 24, 2000

Hi There,
I hope someone can assist me in tracing the cause of a problem I am experiencing. I have a Web Server with ASP's querying the SQL Server 6.50.416 database. There is only one user db on this machine and yet I am running out of User Connections (current setting 2000) and memory (128MB RAM). Also, NT repeatedly experiences Stack Dumps. I have used the PRINTDMP utility to try and trace the cause of the error. The "Input Buffer" section of the Stack Dump (symptom dump) contains the following:


Is this SQL Statement the cause of the Stack Dump? Does anyone have any other ideas on what may be causing my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Profiler Only Tracing One Server

Feb 4, 2002

There is a bug in one of the service packs where Profiler (7.0) only traces one server (regardless of the server you tell it to trace). Can anyone tell me how to fix this or point me to a KB article? I thought this was fixed in SQL 7 SP 3, however I'm experiencing this problem with SP3 installed.

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Fun With Tracing

May 24, 2001

I would greatly appreciate any help with this problem, as I've been digging thru every resource I can find looking for a solution with no luck.

I'm going to be monitoring a database for all SQL statements containing INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE. I'm grabbing the user name, time, and the entire text of the query. I can already do this programmatically, no problem. The problem lies in this. When I set up a trace on SQL Server 2000 using the system stored procedures sp_trace_create, sp_trace_setfilter, etc, and set the trace to save to a trace file, I find that I must first stop the trace then close the trace before I can use fn_trace_gettable to get the information that I want. However, this is undesirable, because this database may be accessed worldwide, and stopping the trace to read the data could cause the trace to miss some users making changes. Does anyone know how that I could get my trace data into a table so that I can just run queries on that table to get my data? It's very important that I not stop the trace to do this. Thanks for your help!
JR Rickerson
Software Engineer
Infinite Software Solutions, Inc.

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May 20, 2008

What are different kind of traces we can take regarding the performace and how traces can be used for improving performance ?


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Tracing The Deadlock

Jul 12, 2006

I need to trace deadlock, one of article was mentioning “QL Server Profiler's Create
Trace Wizard to run the "Identify The Cause of a Deadlock" for SQL Server 7.0, is there any way I can do this in Sql Server 2000?

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Tracing UDFs

Jun 6, 2006

How would I go about tracing UDF performance in profiler? I'd like to
specifically know the impact of the UDF without having to dig into the
execution plan of the statement containing it. Is this possible?

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Tracing Sql For Locks

Jul 20, 2005

I am fairly new to SQL Server. I am writing a tool in stored procedureto identify locks in a table. I have already written the basic frameworkof the SP. It will reside in master database and take two inputs. Databasename and table name. From that it will show all locks at that instanton that table of that database. If table name is omitted, then it will showlocks on all tables.I am using syslockinfo, spt_values tables and joining with SP_WHO procedureto get the table name, user name and the session id.Now what I need is to find out which SQL is causing the lock and since whenlock is being held on the table. Which tables in master database holds therequired information.TIA.Ravi

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Tracing Sql From Code

Jul 20, 2005

HiI want to trace all the selects/deletes/modifys whatever on a databasein an application that are performed in a seperate application.I need to look into this, any ideas?- Can triggers do this kind of thing- Can you somehow access the profiler via OLE or similiar to do this?- Anything else?TaF

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Tracing The Deadlock

Jul 12, 2006

I need to trace deadlock, one of article was mentioning €œQL Server Profiler's Create
Trace Wizard to run the "Identify The Cause of a Deadlock" for SQL Server 7.0, is there any way I can do this in Sql Server 2000?

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Tracing The Sp_executesql

Oct 17, 2006


I am using sp_executesql to get some data but it is not working. Is there a way to actually see the actual statement where subsituted variables are replaced with the actual values.

SET @SQLString = N'SELECT Top(1) @Passenger_OUT = Name, @Ticket_OUT = TicketNumber , @TAN_OUT= [TAN] '

+ N'FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE 1 = 1 '

+ Case @MatchAmount When 1 Then N' and Amount = @BillingAmount ' Else N'' End

+ Case @MatchTicket When 1 Then N' and LTrim(TicketNumber) = STUFF(STUFF(@TicketNumber,Len(@TicketNumber)-@RemoveRight+1,@RemoveRight,''''),1,@RemoveLeft,'''') ' Else N'' End

+ Case @DaysDiff When 0 Then N'' Else N' and DATEDIFF(d,@BillingDate , InvoiceDate) <= @DaysDiff ' End

+ Case @MatchName When 1 Then N' and Left(Name,@CharsToMatch) = Left(@PassengerName, @CharsToMatch) ' Else N'' End ;

SET @ParmDefinition = N'@BillingAmount decimal, @TicketNumber varchar(15), @RemoveRight tinyint, @RemoveLeft tinyint, @BillingDate datetime, @DaysDiff tinyint, @CharsToMatch tinyint, @PassengerName varchar(35), @Passenger_OUT varchar(35) OUTPUT, @Ticket_OUT varchar(15) OUTPUT, @TAN_OUT varchar(25) OUTPUT';

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,@BillingAmount=@BillingAmount, @TicketNumber=@TicketNumber, @RemoveRight=@RemoveRight, @RemoveLeft=@RemoveLeft, @BillingDate=@BillingDate, @DaysDiff=@DaysDiff , @CharsToMatch=@CharsToMatch, @PassengerName=@PassengerName, @Passenger_OUT=@Passenger_new OUTPUT, @Ticket_OUT=@Ticket_new OUTPUT, @TAN_OUT=@TAN_new OUTPUT;

Print @SQLString will gives the statement with variables and I need to see the actual data plugged in during runtime.

If I take the ouput of @SQLString and run it myself by adding variables it works fine



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Tracing Failed Logins

Jul 19, 2001

SQL 7 profiler has an event in the Misc. category of Failed Login. It does not, or at least I cannot get it to, produce any output when a failed login occurs. Any hints?

I tried this because every week or so I get this in the error log:
Login failed for user 'Admin'.
It occurs several hundred times within a minute or so. It obviously has to be an automated process as you couldn't click a button or press a key 13 times a second.

The login does not exist as a SQL login so I can't tell which database it is trying to get at. Any suggestions gratefully received.


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Tracing Or Debugging A Procedure

Dec 21, 2005

I have a very simple piece of code (see below) which when executed sometimes takes around 7 minutes and sometimes around 3.5 hours. the difference is that during the 3.5 hours there is a lot of querying of the table being updated. But I don't know how to find out if this is the case. How can I find out whether my process is waiting (for locks or for any other reason) - is there a trace or debug facility within the tandard Microsoft Toolset which I can use.


Problem code below
print 'Updating stm_brnline - Start time is ' + convert(char(25),getdate(),113)
update m
set m.branchpgrade = s.branchgrade
from stm_brnline m, tmp_brngrades s
where m.traddiv = s.traddiv and
m.contcode = s.contcode and
m.merchsect = s.merchsect and
m.branch = s.branchcode
print 'Updating stm_brnline - End time is ' + convert(char(25),getdate(),113)

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Actual Syntax By Tracing

Feb 3, 2004


I am running 6.5 sql and work with a traffic and billing software ( called NOvar) from another company(encoda system) which does a lot of scheduling, reporting etc

I dont know the contents of table (100 table ) and their column
or which table its querying to take out reports

Can i create a trace to know the syntax each time some thing is executed.

I also need to create customized reports, can this be done by sql reporting or does i need to go from crystal reports or someone else
For i dont know any language except sql and HTML


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Tracing Users Of A Database

Jun 13, 2007


As a newbie to DBA type tasks, how can I trace who has accessed the server/database. I know there is a SPID in the Server log but what does this represent?


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Tracing Query Time

Oct 5, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure that execute some queries on link server. It takes so long to complete so my application get timeout error. There was no problem until last week. I suspect, remote queries that qorks on link server takes long. How can i trace the time of queries. Any idea about link server timeout problems?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Profiler And Single Client Tracing

Mar 10, 2000

I have a client which makes about 50 connections to my SQL Server using a non-unique username. Under SQL 6.5 I could trace all SQL activity by PC name, is this possible using the SQL Profiler in SQL 7?


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Tracing The Actual Syntaz As Is Excuted

Jan 30, 2004

I am using 6.5 and on this i used different program
and people execute query

Can i place a trace to show what query is being executed from which program and at what time

Meaning the syntax of it and by whom

I start tracing and it paging file becomes to large


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Question On Tracing Data Change

Jul 11, 2007

I have an issue where i have a field that changes data and i need to trace what it is that is changing it. I have setup a trace for the database but i would like to be able to narrow it down even further to the table and even the column if possible. Is there a way that i can trace data changes on such a granular level

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Tracing , History And Analyzing DTS Package

Nov 15, 2007

Hi guys,
We have 2 databases: DataBaseSource and DatabaseDestination. We need to truncate all the data in DatabaseDestination and put all the data from DataBaseSource into DatabaseDestination.

What is the best way to do that, we have a lot of data?
And what is the best way if we also need to keep a trace of what happened in case we wanna go back and see what happened.

Also , pls, if we use DTS, is it possible that if someone wants to see what the DTS does, is it possible to read the DTS? I mean if I give a dts to sompeone, a new DBA guy in 2 years for example, how can he know what a certain DTS does? I mean does SQL 2005 put the DTS packaege scripts somewhere or is there a friendly way to know what a DTS dsoes exactly?

Also the trace to see if something went bad is important for us?

Sory if i didn t express myself well enough, and thanks a lot for your help.


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Tracing Stored Procedure (SP) Usage

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,what I am trying to discern is if there is any way of logging SPactivity on a SQL server 2k DB. Ideally I would want to log SP name,parameters, user and time.I found sp_monitor in MSDN but that just gives overall statistics.Not specific enough to aid debugging.Thanks in advance,Finlay Macrae

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Optimizer Logic Tracing Tool

Jul 20, 2005

Guys,what I need is a tool which gives details on the choice of anexecution plan by the SQL Server. For example, the cost for a hashjoin might be 200 and 100 for a nested loop, and therefore a nestedloop is used. Same thing for the access paths for each table/viewinvolved. In Oracle, we turn on event 100053 to see this kind of info.ThanxDaniel

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Tracing HTTP/SOAP Endpoints

Mar 23, 2008

Has anyone worked out how to trace SOAP/HTTP Endpoints in SQL 2005 SP 2?

I'm not having a particular problem, just want to know how things work, such as which layer is responsible for the HTTP Authentication. I've traced the HTTP.sys stack using logman.exe (see http://www.thelastpickle.com/2008/03/22/tracing-sql-soap-endpoints-through-httpsys/) .

I cannot see any SQL Profiler events, and I've tried setting trace 7801 and 7803 as described in http://www.sqljunkies.com/Article/5CCAC423-1407-4A36-AF71-ED6A67D9646A.scuk#_Toc52964195 but they do not result in any logging.


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Tracing Values In DTS Package/stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm currently working on debugging a very large DTS package that wascreated by someone else for the purpose of importing data into mycompany's database. The data is mainly user/contact-related data forour customer base.We ran into problems when one import, of about 40,000 rows, tookupwards of six hours to complete. Many of the stored procedures usedby this package were written using XML. I've re-written many of themusing native SQL to see if that improves the performance, but I'mgetting some errors that I haven't been able to diagnose.Instead of asking about my specific errors, I'd like to know moregenerally what ways are there to debug DTS packages and storedprocedures? I'm aware of, and experienced with SQL Profiler but it'snot giving me the info I need. I need the ability to see exactly whatvalues are being passed to every call to a stored procedure fromwithin the DTS package or another stored procedure.I've used it very successfully to debug .asp, .aspx, .vb and the like,but right now I'm running it while running this huge stored procedurethat is called by the DTS package and does the lion's share of thework, including multiple updates and inserts into about 10 tables.The problem is, I see the calls to the "sub-procedures" from the mainone, but I can't see the values of any of the input or outputparameters. Instead ofInsert_Contact 'John', 'Q', 'Smith', '333-333-3333'......etc.I seeInsert_Contact @FirstName, @Initial, @LastName, @PhoneNumber......etc.My trace includes Stored Procedure events:RPC: CompletedRPC: StartingSP: StartingSP: StmtCompletedSP: StmtStartingand TSQL:Exec Prepared SQLPrepare SQLSQL: BatchCompletedSQL: StmtStartingI figured with these I would've covered the bases but I don't see anyof the parameters, which is critical for my debugging, as some of themare not being properly set.Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!TIA,Mike

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Tracing Insert, Update Or Delete For Entire Database

Jul 16, 1999

I need to create some kind of log file or table that will record whenever an insert, update or delete is made to any table in a database. I have seen triggers that do this kind of thing on a table level. Can this be done with a trigger or a stored procedure on a database level? If so some kind of example or syntax would be great.



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DB Engine :: Event Tracing For Windows Failed To Send Event

Oct 25, 2011

My SQL Server 2005 SP4 on Windows 2008 R2 is flooded with the below errors:-

Date  10/25/2011 10:55:46 AM
Log  SQL Server (Current - 10/25/2011 10:55:00 AM)
Source  spid
Event Tracing for Windows failed to send an event. Send failures with the same error code may not be reported in the future. Error ID: 0, Event class ID: 54, Cause: (null).
Is there a way I can trace it how it is coming? When I check input buffer for these ids, it looks like it is tracing everything. All the general application DMLs are coming in these spids.

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Error :(provider: Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection To SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

Mar 1, 2007


I am trying to connect to my SQL Server 2005 but it gave me following error message.

TITLE: Connect to Server


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

So, Please help me to solve this problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Install Error (Error 29528. Unexpected Error While Installing Performance Counters. )

Jun 12, 2007

I'm currently receiving the following error message whilst attempting to install SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on Windows Server 2003 (32 Bit):
Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The system cannot find the file specified.

This server already has an install of SQL Server 2000 as the default instance. I'm attempting to install a new named instance of SQL Server 2005.

Extract from log:

<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlPerfmon2
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Tue Jun 12 10:20:02 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2'>
<EndFunc Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2' Return='0' GetLastError='2'>
PerfTime Stop: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Tue Jun 12 10:20:02 2007
MSI (s) (4C:FC) [10:20:02:833]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Rollback_Do_sqlPerfmon2.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,Description=Removing performance counters,)
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (4C:FC) [10:20:02:849]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=Rollback_Do_sqlPerfmon2.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,ActionType=1281,Source=BinaryData,Target=Rollback_Do_sqlPerfmon2,CustomActionData=100Removing performance counters200000DTSPipelineC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSPERF.INI)
MSI (s) (4C:FC) [10:20:02:849]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Do_sqlPerfmon2.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,Description=Installing performance counters,)
MSI (s) (4C:FC) [10:20:02:849]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=Do_sqlPerfmon2.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,ActionType=1025,Source=BinaryData,Target=Do_sqlPerfmon2,CustomActionData=100Installing performance counters200000C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSPERF.INIC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSPERF.HC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSPipelinePerf.dllDTSPipeline0DTSPipelinePrfData_OpenPrfData_CollectPrfData_Close)
MSI (s) (4C:94) [10:20:02:864]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINDOWSInstallerMSI1683.tmp, Entrypoint: Do_sqlPerfmon2
<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlPerfmon2
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Tue Jun 12 10:20:02 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2'>
<EndFunc Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2' Return='2' GetLastError='2'>
PerfTime Stop: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Tue Jun 12 10:20:02 2007
Gathering darwin properties for failure handling.
Error Code: 2
MSI (s) (4C!F0) [10:23:46:381]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The system cannot find the file specified.Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The system cannot find the file specified.

You can ignore this and it will complete the installation, but subsequently trying to patch with SP2 will fail on the same sections - Hotfix.exe crashes whilst attempting to patch Database Services, Integration Services and Client Components (3 separate crashes).

I've removed SQL Server 2005 elements and tried to re-install, but it's not improved the situation.

Any ideas?

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An Internal Error Occurred On The Report Server. See The Error Log For More Details. RsInternal Error)

May 20, 2008

We have reports deployed in the Report Server. While connecting from client, we are getting the error
"An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. rsInternal Error)"

Then we went to Report Server, Reporting Service and SQL Server service are all are running fine.

Important thing is some time the reports are working fine, sometimes i am receiving this error. Please help.

We predict whether the services are automatically restarted or transaction logs exceeding the limit or any other parameters to set to avaoid this error?

Please help.

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I Have The Dreaded Internal Error Occured On The Report Server. See Error Log For More Details No Error Log

Apr 9, 2008

I have the error above, but no error log. I can preview the sub report - but this main report fails after working this morning. This is for internal company reports and I rebuilt this one after converting from access.
I have looked where the error logs should be, but there are no error logs.
I rebuilt the query as I needed to change this, but this did not help.
Is there someone who could point me in the correct direction.


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Tracing SQL User To An NT User

Dec 21, 2004

User connects via SQL Server authentication.

Is there anyway to trace an SQL Server user back to an NT accont from which they connect via?

or put another way how do you find out which NT user is using the SA account?

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Link Server Error: Login Failed For User 'Domainuser'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

Oct 18, 2007


I am trying to create a linked server between 2 SQL Server 2005 boxes.
When I create the linked server I specify a login for the connection.
The strange part is that I get the following error when it goes to test the connection:

The test connection to the linked server failed
Login failed for user 'Domainuser'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

I can use the SQL mangement studio to conenct to the database using this same login.
The login has all the server roles assigned to it also.

Can anyone shed some light as to what may be the problem?


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Just Started Getting This Error When Trying To Connect To SQL From ASP.NET--error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

Apr 3, 2007

This has worked fine for weeks, and months.

I'm running Vista Ultimate. SQL 2005 is set as my Default instance, and SQL2000 is set as (local)SQL2000.

Today, actually half way through today, I restarted my computer after installing Photoshop Updates.

Upon getting my computer back up and running, I cannot access SQL2000 from any website on my computer, nor can I access it from SQL2005 Management Stdio. I CAN access it from Enterprise Manager (SQL2000 tool).

Whenever I run an web app that connects to it I get this error:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

Now I usually get these when ASP.NET can't point to the right spot, but in this case I'm pointing exactly where I need to go. Any thoughts?


I should also add my password got changed a few days ago on our Domain. This was the first time restarting after the PW change.

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Unable To Connect To SQL Server 2005 (error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

Jun 5, 2007

I've installed SQL2005 on a server already running SQL2K on my laptop. SQL2K is the default instance, so I'm trying to connect to SQL2005 using MYSERVERSQL2005 as the instance.

The steps that I've taken are to apply SP2 and enable remote connections (TCP & Named pipes). I've also made sure the SQL Server Browser service is running and enabled.

The error message that I get via SQL2005 client tools is "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)"

I dont understand as to why i am unable to connect to 2005.

Any ideas?

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