I would like some help in uploading a database from my harddrive to a server using sql server management studio express.
If I try to attach it to the server, this program only looks at the files on this server and not on my harddrive. So how can I copy a sql database to my folder on the server.
I am sure it must be a simple problem, but I've been bizzy with it for about a day now. So, please advice.
I am very frustrated. Everything works on the local host but when I upload to server I can login to the admin role I created, but when I try to access pages that have role priveleges I get the following error: The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file. The ASPNETDB.MDF database was uploaded using the Database Publishing Wizard. Please help!
I am new with Visual Web Developer SQL Express and for a start I have been using the VWDHosting.net (Trial hosting for VWD 2005 Express) with a test website using login and membership controls. I followed the excellent instruction in the User Guide (for transferring data and adapting the connectionstring) and it worked succesfully. However, I have problems getting the same test website installed with my hosting provider.The VWDhosting.net has a special functionality for uploading the contents of a local database to a database created on the server. In the Restore database section is a field the "Restore database from SQL Server 2005 mdf file". After selecting in that field your local database, you can click the "Attach"-button and then the contents of the local database are transferred to the database on the server. With my hosting provider (using SQL Server 2000) I have to use the same procedure: creating a MS SQL database on the server and then transfer the contents of my local database. How can I do this? (My hosting provider does not offer me a similar "Attach" button).Do I have to use SQL Server Management Studio?Kees
i am trying to upload images from an asp.net or vb.net front end to a sql server db. I can upload the image fine if I first save the image to a file and then upload but my question is whether I can upload the image without first saving the image file. What i would like to do is to capture an image with a digital camera and without saving it first (an extra step for the user), upload it to a sql server db.
Iam currently loading the data using dts by way of exporting the tables in textfile and then importing it at the destination. But this takes hours to do that. So i would like know best way for a big database.
i have developed a website using asp.net, c# with SQL SERVER EXPRESS EDITION 2005. The database is being used both for retreival and updation purpose. the website is working accordingly when i m running it on my system, ie., data is getting retreived from the database and it is also getting updated on button click. But when i m uloading my site on the httpdocs folder of web server, connectivity with database is failing miserably, ie neither getting retreived from the database nor getting updated. The error message displayed by the web server is given underneath. i have used Grid view for displaying data from the database and Details view for updating the database. i have used window authentication for connecting with the database.Please help me with finding out a solution for it. give me proper explanation and i need to do Server Error in '/' Application.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
I have searched the forum for the code and found one. But, I encounter a problem which i can't understand.Can anyone help me with this?I encounter a "Keyword not supported: Provider"But then i have try to take out the provider and the result is they ask for a provider.Help!! ' Create the connection object for the Excel file Dim excelConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & filepath & ";" & "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;") excelConn.Open() ' Get the name of the Excel spreadsheet Dim schemaTable As DataTable = excelConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, _ New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"}) Dim excelSheetName As String = schemaTable.Rows(0).ItemArray(2) ' Create the connection object for the SQL Server database Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(strSqlConnString) sqlConn.Open() Try ' Create new OleDbDataAdapter that is used to build a DataSet Dim excelDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" _ & excelSheetName & "]", excelConn) Dim excelDataSet As New DataSet ' Treat newly added rows as inserted rows, so they will all ' be inserted into SQL table excelDataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill = False excelDataAdapter.Fill(excelDataSet, tablename) Dim excelTable As DataTable = excelDataSet.Tables(tablename) ' Create new SqlDataAdapter that is used to build a DataSet Dim sqlDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from " & tablename, sqlConn) Dim sqlDataSet As New DataSet sqlDataAdapter.Fill(sqlDataSet, tablename) Dim sqlTable As DataTable = sqlDataSet.Tables(tablename) ' Loop through each column name in the Excel DataSet and make sure it matches a ' column name in the SQL Server DataSet Dim excelCol, sqlCol As DataColumn Dim allColsCorrect, matchFound As Boolean allColsCorrect = True For Each excelCol In excelTable.Columns matchFound = False For Each sqlCol In sqlTable.Columns If excelCol.ColumnName.ToLower.Equals(sqlCol.ColumnName.ToLower) Then matchFound = True Exit For End If Next sqlCol 'CloseMonth is a field in the Excel sheet, but not in SQL DB, so just ignore If matchFound = False Then If Not (excelCol.ColumnName.ToLower.Equals("CloseMonth".ToLower)) Then Response.Write("<br>**Column '" & excelCol.ColumnName & _ "' in Excel file does not exist in SQL Server table.") allColsCorrect = False End If End If Next excelCol ' If all columns in Excel table match those in SQL table, then delete current ' contents of the SQL table and insert the data from the Excel table If allColsCorrect = True Then Dim deleteCommand As New SqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE " & tablename, sqlConn) deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() Response.Write("- Deleted old data from SQL Server table.<br>") ' Create the CommandBuilder object to create the Transact SQL (TSQL) commands ' that are necessary to update and to insert records into the data source. Dim x As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(sqlDataAdapter) Try 'sqlDataAdapter.ContinueUpdateOnError = True sqlDataAdapter.Update(excelDataSet, tablename) Response.Write("- Updated data in SQL Server table.<br>") Catch Exc As Exception Response.Write("<br>Error(message): " & Exc.Message) End Try Else Response.Write("<br>(The spreadsheet could not be loaded into the table " & _ "because of the above errors.)<br>") End If Catch Exc As Exception Response.Write("<br>Error: " & Exc.Message) End Try ' Clean up objects. excelConn.Close() sqlConn.Close()
Please bear with me because I am brand new to SQL Server, and I may not be using the correct wording to explain everything...
I`m using Access 97 to upload a table to a SQL Server 6.5 database. I also have SQL Enterprise Manager. The allocated space on the SQL Server for my database is 20 MB and the space for my database log file is 4 MB. The first time I tried to upload a table to the database, I got the following error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Can`t allocate space for object "syslogs` in database `testpropcontdb` because the `logsegment` segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment (#1105)
I went into the Enterprise Manager and right clicked on my database and selected edit. It shows that I have 19.89 of the 20 MB free, and all 4 MB of my log space free.
When I select GET EXTERNAL DATA -> LINK TABLES from the FILE menu in Access, and link to the table I just uploaded to SQL Server, the structure (field names and attributes) is there, even though I got that error message earlier. There is just no data being uploaded.
Could someone please point me in the right direction? I`ve been reading help files and searching the net, but I haven`t figured out what is causing this error message.
Client side: 1. my DSN is CMDB.dsn on a mapped network drive(only way for now that I get a connection) 2. My client does not fail to connect, but I am having a hard time linking my database tables to each other. Through Access 03. 3. My client is remote 4. I can ping the server, 5. but I cannot telnet 6. My application is Access 2003, 7. I am on a different domain 9. I have table names that match, 10. I do not force encryption.
Server side: 1. SQL SERVER 2005 2. Standard Edition 3. TCPIP 4. The server starts fine 5. The SQL browser is enabled YES 6. Domain Account 7. Not applicable 8. NO
Platform: 1. Client runs Windows XP, Server runs Windows Server 2003
My question then is this: Does anyone know of code that can be used to import data from a CSV file to a server on a different domain? This is tricky cause the connection is not really allowing this kind of access. Which is my next question: How do you get these two applications to connect? I don't want to do it with ADP, and linking the tables I always seem to have to place the DSN on a mapped network drive to get results. Then after that I go to link tables from the SQL Server and the tables I created there are no where to be found. Why is this happening? It gives me a list of System tables but none of my
I designed a package in SSIS that loads data from an Excel source into a oledb SQL database table.
The problem I have is that two of the columns that are supposed to be nvarchar type columns sometimes contain numerical strings. These values causes an error when 'Allow Null' is not set and loads as NULL if 'Allow Null' is set.
How can I force these values into the table?
I have a script transformation object in the package with this code:
If IsNumeric(Row.OCCode) Then
Row.ItemCode = CStr(Row.OCCode)
Row.ItemCode = Row.OCCode
End If
ItemCode is of type unicode string and the column in the SQL DB Table it's mapped to is of type nvarchar
Hi, I'm developing a website using VWD 2005 Express, which needs a Membership system and a products database. Using the VWD inherent Web Site Administration tool makes the membership set up easy but by default it creates a 'Local' SQL database in a folder named 'Apps_Data' in the VWD project. My question is: considering I will need to upload my web site to a Hosting Service, would it be better to change the default so that the membership systems, and the product database I need, are created in an SQL 'Server' database instead of a 'Local' database? The hosting service I am considering using is having a bit of a problem understanding this question, I hope it makes sense to someone or am I asking a stupid question? Regards Sean.
Need to change the datatype of existing column which has huge data.
I'm performing below steps
1. Create new column with correct datatype in the same table 2. copy data into new column 3. drop indexes on column 4. <<<>>> now the existing column also has many SP dependent and I do not wish to drop them. 5. rename existing column to xxx 6. rename new column to correct column 7. drop old column 8. make required indexes
All right, I've got a small sample of database-driven code running nicely on my own computer using an MS SQL database with code something like this to connect to it. (passwords and user ID's changed to protect the innocent)
Now, I want it to run on a web server, but there doesn't seem to be any simple "click here to upload your database without tearing your hair out in frustration" button. Only an option to "add ODBC data source" which has the following fields: data source name(dsn): ________ ODBC Driver Name: SQL Server (this value cannot be changed) DSN Description: ________ Associated SQL Server:_________ Default Database Name:_________
Without any option to upload any database files, though if I go into file manager, I notice that there is an MSSQL folder, which I assume I should be uploading the database into. But which file(s) from my database should I upload and what should I fill the blanks above in with? Thanks in advance. Do I have to change the connection code?
Hi There are so many records to upload into sql server DB.we have to use scripts for this?I don't know about script.How it will be usefull and how to implement ?please help me.Thanksswapprose.
hi,my sql database works fine from my desktophowever when uploading it to my web server it does not work.i considered this could be the connection path to the database.in visual web developer i attempted to modify the connection for the actual web address on the server pc like this:C:Inetpubvhostsarcvillage.comhttpdocsApp_Datavillagers.mdf this is the actual path on the server.However visual web developer will not allow this because it says that this connection is not available ON MY PC.... so i cant save this new connection in order to upload it.any suggestions please.... or am i barking up the wrong tree!
I want to upload csv/xls file with more than 65000 of records.But i get an error after sometime 'Timeout Expired' while uploading into database.can anyone help me how to solve this problem.its very urgent.
In my web application I am using tables with more than 100 fields. I build such tables in my PC by means of Server Explorer. If I am not wrong such tables reside in the App_Data folder. When I upload my application to my Web Host I would like not to build hem again. Is there any procedure to easily reuse the already built tables and to maintain them? My Web Host provides unusable instruments to rebuild long tables. To connect to them a new Connection String is required.
i need to upload a database(mssql2000) into a remote server.i usually generate script of the source database and run that script in the sqlanalyser in the server and generate all the tables,sp,views, etc. but not diagram. but currently i am using a diagram with relationship set between different tables in my local machine, i don't know how to upload this diagram to the remote server, if know any method pls reply.......
I have yet to create a query string that works and it is beginning to drive me insane. I am trying to allow a user to upload a word document into my SQL 2000 database. However I always seem to get an error when it comes time to insert the file. The table has 5 fields memnumber, papertitle, and file type are all varchar. Length is an integer and actual_file is of type image. Here is my string command = "INSERT INTO resumes (memnumber, papertitle, length, filetype, actual_file) VALUES ( '" & TextBox1.Text & "', '" & rightname & "', " & length & ", '" & type & "', " & filer & ")" I can't tell you how many different versions of this string I have tried to run with none of them working, so the errors I have gotten have been varied. Most of them tell me either I can't use the & operator with file type image or that string or binary data would be truncated.
Hello!! i need to upload a csv file to sql server, i am trying to load using bcp or bulk load, but the files has null columns, so i guess, that's why the program is displaying error.
my table is as follows:
PK COLUMN TYPE SIZE NULLABLE ----------------------------------------------- PK Object_id int 4 NO SO varchar 4 NO FISY smallint 2 NO Segment_id varchar 3 NO SubSeg_id varchar 3 NO Line_id varchar 4 NO Level smallint 2 NO Type varchar 1 NO WWB_id varchar 3 YES SC_id varchar 6 YES PL_id varchar 9 YES PS_id varchar 12 YES PSS_id varchar 18 YES Material_id varchar 18 YES WWCC_id varchar 2 YES
I'm trying to upload an image to a database along with some other info. I have a form to get all the info from the user that I want to put in the database. Everything's getting into the database except for the actual image data. When I do a "select * from table" query on the database, the Image field reads "err", however I have an imagetype field in the db and it reads "image/jpeg". I have the following code to get the image into the database:
Greetings, Salutations, and Howdy I'm using VWD on the local box and WS 2003/SQL Express on the remote box. The first time I upload the site, the upload works great. Later after uploading updates, new pages, etc. the upload still works great. BUT.....when I try to upload anything in the App_Data folder, I get a copy error, access denied. On a pre-existing site with App_Data ....How do you upload the App_Data folder or it's contents to the remote server? Thanks^2
I was following an example from the book "ASP.net unleashed" in Chapter 14, where it describes how to upload a file directly into the database. I got it to insert the file into my database as described, and with changes created a master and detail form to select the file and display it.. (which I assume had worked). Except, when attempting to access the file it gives two different errors. For a ppt file it gives:
The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:3870/SeminarOrganiser/view_file...
and for a simple txt file:
The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:3870/SeminarOrganiser/view_file.aspx?...SELECT suggestEvent.suggestID, suggestEvent.uID, users.uFirstName, users.uLastName, users.uEmail, suggestEvent.suggestTitle,...From these two errors, I cannot really make sense of what has gone wrong or even why XML has even been mentioned. Looking around on the net has not allowed me any further progress.In any case, would anyone be able to explain to me what might have gone wrong?Alternatively, any links that may help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much in advance.
Hello, I have 3000 images to upload in SQL. I have a page that does it in ASP.net 2.0 1 by 1 but i am looking for a faster way. The targeted table look like this *ID (int) ImgSize (int) ImgContentType (nvarchar 50) ImgFile (image) Thanks for the help.
Can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong or need to do to resolve my issue. I having problems with one of the columns in an excel spreadsheet that I am trying to upload into the system. One of the columns contain values of both text and numbers such as 'ABC123', 'ABC124', '123456' etc. When I try uploading the sheet into SQL Server 2000 using DTS, the system removes all characters from the one column that I am having problems with. So entry 'ABC123' for example would be truncated to '123'. I tried formatting the column that I am having trouble with in excel to 'General' format as well as tried to transform the column to type varchar in SQL Server while using the DTS wizard but still had no luck. The problem is that SQL server thinks that the column is a float type column from the source and therefore truncates any characters.
I have a directory of files that I would like to upload with some datato a table so that I can store the files in the db. I'm not trying toparse files into rows, I want to stick the actual file in the column.Is there some kind of insert script, or bulk copy that I can use?I have about 150 docs and I would rather not go through the whole app,pick the file, upload it. etc.thx,M@