SQL Server Express In A Live Production Web Server

Jan 22, 2006

Do you know of anyone who is running SQL Server Express in a live production web server?



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Is SQL Server Express Designed For Production Use ?

Jan 27, 2007

Per the subject line :Is SQL Server Express designed for production use ?

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Is SQL Server Express Designed For Production Use?

Jan 28, 2007

Per the subject line :

Is SQL Server Express designed for production use?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Set Primary Key And Index On Live Production Databases

Mar 20, 2014

just i see a database and a table 'tbl_OutBox_MT' where there is now primary key and have index (non unique, non cluster). and it store almost 3000000 data per everyday. and wipe out data from their and archive all data to other location and broadcast this table 'tbl_OutBox_MT' by mobile operator everyday from morning to evening. but when it perform broadcast it to mobile operator it takes huge time. because this table gather data from different sources (tables) by using complex query and INSER INTO statement and insert into this table.

I need to perform first, my observation is there is no primary key. when i run any complex query into this table it takes huge time and sometimes shows transaction deadlock error.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_OutBox_MT](
[TRAN_ID] [varchar](36) NOT NULL,
[OUT_MSG_ID_TELCO] AS (CONVERT([bigint],((((CONVERT([varchar](4),datepart(year,[PROCESS_TIME]),(0))+case len(CONVERT([varchar](2),datepart(month,[PROCESS_TIME]),(0))) when (1) then '0' else '' end)


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Enable Production SQL Server Express For SQLCacheDependency?

Aug 1, 2007

Q1: Can I just open these protocols I need (see web links below) and then close them down again after SQLCacheDependency has been enabled? Note: The website (asp.net 2.0/SQL server Express) operates OK right now with asp.net - but it does not have SQLCacheDependency enabled.
Problem: When I try to do this I keep on getting this error message:
"An error has occurred when establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections."
None of these 3 commands have worked (all give the same message above):
 aspnet_regsql.exe -U user1 -P pwd1 -S server1/SQLEXPRESS -d myDBName -ed aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S server1/SQLEXPRESS -d myDBName -ed aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S .SqlExpress -d myDBName  -ed
I am trying to run these commands via a MSTSC connection. Q2: Is that (terminal server) the problem (the "remote connection") complained of above ?
This is the command that worked on my local dev machine:
 aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S .SqlExpress -d myDBName -ed
Q3: Must I really go through the procedure "How to: Configure Express to accept remote connections" at:
I don't really want to have SQL server accepting any connections as the last time it was listening on these ports we had so many attacks being made that it was filling up the logs!
What I can't understand is that every night the database is backed up with the following command line code (operating as a Scheduled Task):
  sqlcmd -s server1/SQLEXPRESS -i MW4BAK.SQL -E
Q4: So if the server is happy receiving commands from 'sqlcmd.exe' why does it have such problems with 'aspnet_regsql.exe'
Q5: If I grouped those statements I need to setup SQLCacheDependency under a Scheduled Task would they work (as there would presumably be no remote connection then) or is it something in the nature of the connection established which allows sqlcmd.exe to work but stops aspnet_regsql.exe?

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SQL Express Database On Production Server Not Working

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all,
I have a site which used a SQL Express database. On my development machine, it works perfectly. As soon as I move it to the production machine, it doesn't work at all. I am pretty confused by what is going on and I really don't want to install Visual Studio on my production machine just to debug it. I am hoping someone might have an idea what could be happening.
Oh, and I have tried setting Everyone to Full Control on the App_Data directory just to test. Still breaks. Below is my web.config connection string:
<connectionStrings>   <add name="database_sqlexpress" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MyDatabase.mdf; integrated security=true; user instance=true"/></connectionStrings> 

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Applying SP1 On Sql Server Express Production Environment

May 30, 2006

How do you apply Service Pack 1 to Sql Server Express 2005?

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Windows Forms - How To Use SQL Server Express Database In Production

Feb 11, 2008

I have a windows forms application that I would like to put in production on several machines. Each machine will contain it's own data and does not need to be networked.

I can use my local connection right now to access the data, but I would like to change my connection so that it will work when installed on a client's machine.

My Current connection string looks like this:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Documents and SettingsMYNAMEMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsInterimApplicationInterimApplicationInterim.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

I believe I could use something like this:

Dim connectionString as string = "Data Source=" & Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) & "/InterimApplication/data/Interim.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

However, I am not sure. Also, if the client does not install to the default directory, then this may cause the application to not work properly.

Lastly, I am not sure if the client machine needs any additional software on their computer in order for the application to be capable of connecting to the data source.

Any recommendations, ideas, comments, or general help is greatly appreciated.

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Transferring Existing SSIS Packages Saved In A Shared Folder Location From Development Server To Live Server

Dec 20, 2007

Please can anybody help me in transferring existing SSIS Packages saved in a shared folder location from development server 2ED to Live server TWD1.
Both has SQL server 2005 running and has visual studio 2005
Currently about 25 SSIS packages are executed from the development server transferring data on Live server TWD1...these ETL process is called from development server but executed on live server.
Now the problem is when i call these packages from the shared folder from live server it crashes.....i need to changes something to shift the whole package to the live server..and execute on live server itself instead of recreating the whole 25 process from scratch.....also i use optimize for many tables ..and run in a single trancastion....so how can i see the mappings of source and destination tables.
Please let me know the process how i can achieve this.

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Keeping Live Server And Development Server In Sync

Aug 17, 2007


Im fairly new to this so apologies if Ive put this in the wrong place.

I have just rented out server for a new asp.net site. Ive been developing the site on my local machine and the database in Sql Enterprise. Ive recently put a copy of the site on the live server and got everything configured.

However everytime I make a change to my local database, or add values into my look up tables I have to go do the same on the live server and its proving a bit of a pain in the ass, so Im guessing there has got to be a much smarter way of doing this. I dont want (if possible) to open up the live sql server to allow remote connections, but if thats what neccesary so be it.

So my question is basically what are my options for keeping my live server up to date with my development server. As I add new features on my local server, should i be saving sql scripts of all the changes I make?

All opinions much appreciated.


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Updates To Live Web Server

May 30, 2006

I'm developing a web app using ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 Express. So far it's all been on my local computer, it hasn't gone live yet, so if I need to add a column to a table or make some other schema change I just do it right in Visual Studio, nice and simple. If I have to delete all the old content and start over, no problem. When I deploy it to a staging server I just overwrite the existing file with my new one, losing its data in the process. But soon enough I'll be deploying this to a public web server, there will be real live data in the db, people using it when I need to make updates.

What are some common strategies for updating the schema of a database on a live server?

It's obvious that when I need to update the db I'll have to shut down the site temporarily. But my biggest question is how to keep the existing data from the live db? I obviously can't overwrite it with my local copy. I want to overwrite its schema, without touching its data. How's that done?

Thanks for some advice!


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SQL Server With Live Communications Server

Aug 5, 2006


I am doing a proof of concept and part of the solution is to configure Common Live Server. However, I am running into problems and do not have that much experience in SQL Server 2005.

I have downloaded and installed the trial version and it seems to be running. I run the configuration manager and see the instance running. When I continue to configure my Live Communications Server - Creating an Enterprise Edition pool, it prompts me for the pool name, FQDN and Instance. I fill these fields in and it fails immediately. I think that I have not completely installed and configured SQL 05. Problem is, I don't know how to connect to the database as well. I found an sqlservr.exe in the MSSQL/Binn directory, but when I run that it pops up with a dialog saying that my installation may be corrupt. I have re-installed the thing again - but same thing happens.

Any clues/tips on how I should approach debugging this even resolving the problem.


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Help Me Understand How To Move The Express Database To Live

Mar 23, 2006

im using the the login controls with asp.net
when i test locally everything works great, its see the ASPNETDB.MDF file, checks the login info and passes the user on to the next page.However when i move the application to the live server it fails, it cant find the datasource that contains users/password etc. here is there error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) So im missing something here, im used to connecting directly to a remote SQL database and accessing the info from there.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Can the MDF file not be used off the server itself without SQL express installed? Do i need to migrate those tables into a real SQL database?Thanks,Sean

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Developer Environment Vs. Live Server

Aug 19, 2007

I am experiencing a situation where certain functions work perfectly when I run it on my local machine under MVS, but when I upload it to the server, then it does not?!
Here is an example:
I am using a drop down box (in a FormView) that is databound in an online submission form. When I run the application in MVS, then I can edit the records by opening the form, and selection the new value in the drop down list. The new value is then also saved to the database when I hit the update button. When I upload the code to the server, then the drop down list shows the correct information (so the databinding to the control seem to work correctly), but the new value is not saved to the database.
Here is the code for the drop down list:
"DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"DataTextField="UserName" DataValueField="UserId" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("UserId") %>'CssClass="text">"SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="&lt;%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [UserName], [UserId] FROM [vw_aspnet_Users] ORDER BY [UserName]">   Here is the code updating the database with the record (I have removed some records as well as the Insert and Delete parts):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:tourism_connect1 %>"UpdateCommand="UPDATE Resorts SET typeid = @typeid, destrictid = @destrictid, UserId = @UserId, WHERE (resortid = @resortid)"OnInserted="SqlDataSource1_Inserted">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="typeid" /><asp:Parameter Name="destrictid" /><asp:Parameter Name="UserId" /><asp:Parameter Name="resortid" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
What I can mention further, is that if I connect to the database that is on the live server (so the application runs in MVS on my local machine, but it then retrieves the info from the online database), then it also works fine. It is just giving this issue when the online application is trying to update the values.
There is also no errors during the process.
I will appreciate any advise on how to overcome this, as I really do not know where to look anymore...
Thanks in advance!

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Saw Debugger In Action At SQL Server Live

May 17, 2002

At Sql Server Live, I saw Sharon Dooley using the debugger in Query Analyzer, but now that I've tried it I can't step an sp, instead, I get....Quote:

SP debugging may not work properly if you log on as 'Local
System account' while SQL Server is configured to run as a
You can open Event Viwer to see details.

Do you wish to continue?

End Quote:

I'm logged in at a W2Kpro box connectig via client tools
to a W2KSVR box via Integrated NT security. SS2K is NOT
installed locally.

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Restarting SQL Server Agent On Live Env.

Jul 20, 2006

I need to restart (becouse of the Database Mail :( ) SQL Server Agent on a live server which acts as a distributor for a lot of replications. I know that it shouldn't cause any problem, but I want to confirm that it want couse a subscriptions to be reinitiated.

Thanks in advance for quick reply

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I Want To Have A Live Link To Data From SQL Server

Jun 27, 2005

This is a bit confusing but here goes:  I need to access data in SAP via OLE DB.  I can't go direct to the back end database (Oracle), we have to use RFC or BAPI calls to access the SAP data.  That's part works, we have a DLL that accesses the SAP data we need.

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SQL Server 2005 September CTP Go-Live

Sep 14, 2005

First, I apologize if this is a dual post; I had a problem with my original posting.

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Sql Server 2005 Full Text Search Not Working As Expected On Production Server

Jan 28, 2008

I have this simple full text search query that works perfectly on my own computer using sql server 2005 express, however, on the production server(shared hosting)when I added the first 50+ rows,  the full text search works perfect, but as the number of rows increases,  the full text search can only see the first50+ rows, but not the new ones. Is there any quick solution for this or it's just a common mistake for developers for not properly indexed columns?Is there a way to re-indexed all rows without loosing data on the live server? search query: SELECT TOP 50 *FROM li_BookmarksWHERE FREETEXT(Keywords,@Keywords)       

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How To Setup A Backup Server For SQL Server2005 For Production (in Case The Primary Server Fails)

Aug 1, 2007

I currently have a SQL Server cluster setup with a Primary DB Server SERVER1 and the Standby server SERVER2. SERVER1 has been failing more than normal is the past few weeks and its takes upto 5 mins for SERVER2 realize that SERVER1 is down. I am looking for a better way to implement a backup server on production with minimum downtime. Please adivse..

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SQL Server 2008 :: Import Table Data From Production To Development Server

Feb 18, 2015

Production and development servers are on different domains and they do not trust each other. How do I import data from the table t1 from a database db1 in production and load it into table t1 inside database db1 in development?

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Help Needed - How Can I Set Up A Backup SQL Server Machine As An Exact Copy Of My Production SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Any help would be greatly appreciated.My problem is that I need to set up a backup SQL Server 2000 machinewhich can be used in case of a failure to my primary. All databases(30 as of now) must be an up to the minute exact copy of productionand include most recent changes in data as well as any structurechanges (Tables, Views, SP's, Triggers, Users . . etc).When I tried this using Transactional Replication, the replicationprocess gets fouled up once I introduce any kind of structure changesto the DB. I've considered the idea of doing periodic backups andrestoring it to my backup SQL server, but this does not give me theconcurrency needed with 0 latency.I've seen articles that recommend using Transaction Replication with'Scheduled Table Refresh', and also doing database dumps to restore onthe backup machine, but I have not been able to find any documentationregarding this to try out. How can I implement this type of backupstrategy in SQL 2000?

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How To Deploy Reports To Production Server, Do I Need To Have Sql Server Reporting Services Installed Or Just Runtime Files Ok

Apr 23, 2008

I would like to deploy several reports to production server, Do i need to install reporting services entire software in order to run the reports or is it possible to just have runtime files installed on it to run the reports.

please help, i have almost 100 reports to be deployed on this server which is located in other country.

Thanks for the helpful information.

(i am using SQL server 2005 / reporting services 2005.)

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Auto Restore .bak From Production To Same Server's TEST Db With Other Dbs &&amp; .baks In Same Server.

Aug 10, 2007

I've tried this in the 'tools' area, but that didn't work too well. I suspect, I will have to generate a T-SQL code then schedule it as a job. Why I can't just drag and drop with basic desires, is beyond me, but THAT probably does exist.

anyway here is the problem
[this server has many databases, on SQL 2000 sp2]
1. User only wants me to use Monday morning's full backup, which is good in that it doesn't include transaction logs.
2. Restore that data overtop/into Developement db. = good, no data to worry about damaging.
3. User does NOT want me to do this by hand, but schedule it.

a. must do a RESTORE WITH FILELISTONLY from [?] what ?, master? and if I user the *.bak of the production, it has
a coded date field in the name entry SO, I would, I guess, have to generate all sorts of wonderful code to find the date and build a file name. Why, because using the FROM DISK = 'F:MSSQLBACKUPDBPRODUCTION_yyyyddmm.BAK' is not going to work with a wild card.
Can I do a file lookup using a 'PRODUCTION' prefix into a variable, then use that or should I look for latest file date [remember there are several database backups here], or ????

then. How does one schedule such a T-SQL. Do I save it to some text file, and invoke it using a job scheduler.

any help appreciated.

IS there an easier way.

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Error With Asp Admin/logins On Live Server

Apr 13, 2007

I have created a site using VWDExpress and now that I’ve finished testing have moved it over to the server which runs SQLServer 2000. Part of the site requires login, so I created the membership using the ASP.net web configuration tool and when testing locally worked well.
Now though that I’ve copied the web site over, when I try to log in I get the error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified
Obviously its some sort of configuration issue, but I don’t know what.
What do I have to change to make this work from a test machine to a live server?

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Transferring Database From Local To Live Server

Feb 5, 2008

Hi,Ive been building a project on a local server and now need to transfer the files and database over to the live server. I have managed to transfer the files quite easily, however I am having a few problems transferring the database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. When I try importing data to the live database, all the data and tables are brought across however some of the values for the fields are lost. For example all the fields which had a primary key no longer have one, and all the set default values for the fields are also lost. Ive been considering just going through every table in the database and re-entering the correct values for the fields, but this seems a bit time consuming and I'm also concerned about possible errors which could arise as there will be an inconsistency.Another method I tried was copying the SQL query across which created all the tables and the correct values for the fields. However when I tried to import the data an error was produced as you cannot import data into a table which has read only fields etc..Does anyone know a solution?Thanks for your time. 

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Data Transfer From Live To Backup Server

May 18, 2000

I have a live server running windows Nt and sql server We brought a new
backup server of higher configuration we wanted to swap the data we installed nt and sql server in the new server will a cut paste of the data directory of the live server to the backup server is sufficient or the data directory to be restored to the respective files through sql enterprise manager please do clarify me


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Moving Just Data Between A Production Server & Test Server

Feb 28, 2000

We have both a production SQL 7 server, QA, and Development. From time to time, I want to move just the data from the production server to the other 2 servers without modifing the objects that may have been changed such as stored procedures and rights. Is there a way using the SQL tools provided that we can just move the data. Becuase also what happens is that the rights to the objects change which means my developers no longer have access to the tables for selects in QA since the changes where overwritten by production where they do not have the rights.


Ricky Kelley

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Development Server Database Refresh From Production Server

Nov 9, 2006

Can we use BCP AND/OR BULK INSERT to do development server databse refresh from production server . I have to do this by following the rules below:

- no truncation of source table
- update of changed or new records only.

I know we can use replication, dts and other methods for this but I need information about this one.


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Viewing LIVE Transactions From AS400 In SQL-Server 2000

Dec 17, 2005

I need to live update my SQL-Server 2000 database from AS400 database.
I usually use Access 2002 database between the AS400 database and the SQL-Server 2000 database to reflect any live update.
I use the (Link Tables...) option when creating a new table in access and link it with the ODBC to connect with the AS400 database.
After that I work with the Access link table.

Is there any tool in SQL-Server 2000 to show the live transactions in AS400 databasee so I can work on it?

Please advise

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Rename A Live Database?

Jan 31, 2015

I want to Replace The Big Log database with A new one ( A database with same structure).But current DB has many connection .

This is my plan :

1- Create a new database with same structure.

2- Rename current database to olddb with this code :

USE master
EXEC sp_dboption CurDataBase, 'Single User', True
EXEC sp_renamedb 'CurDataBase', 'OldDataBase'
3- Rename Newdb to current DB.
USE master
EXEC sp_renamedb 'NewDataBase', 'CurDataBase'

is it true ? and Tsql code is ok ? (dont forget many of connection to curdatabase (that Is a log db) and loss some seconds data is not problems)

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SQL Server Full-text Search Option On ASP.NET Live Applications.

May 29, 2007

Is it advisable to use full text search on asp.net live applications? Will live database servers allow full text search?. If so what are the problems we could face in future.
My DB server is SQL Server2000 and ASP version is 1.1. 
Thanks in advance 
Hamlin Stephen 

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Difference Between &#39;Production Server&#39; And &#39;Development Server&#39;

Aug 22, 2000

Hi everybody,

Can anyone explain to me, what is 'Test Server','Production Server' and 'Development Server'?.

tks in advance,

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