I'm a .net developer creating applications that depends on SQL Server as a back end database engine.
I read about the features and pricing options of the different SQL Server 2005 editions here, I also read the SQL Server 2005 express EULA and knew that it's now alright to use it in commercial applications.
I use the SQL Server express engine only for the purpose of development and testing, is this use is lawful?
And if the answer is yes, what's the need for the "Developer Edition" mentioned in the page referenced above?
Do I need a license to use the SQL Server Express in a production environment ?? I thought I needed an existing SQL Server license such as SQL 7 ?? Please let me know. :)
I have a VERY Legitmate use to install sql 4 workgroups on a pc without licensing it. I am making a disk image for MANY pcs to be imaged and load licensing after the imaging is completed.
I have been able to do this with Windows XP Professional, MS Office 2003 and a couple non-Ms programs. The information for MS software even came from their KB, so I know what I am doing is legit. I just can't find any information on doing this for my sql app.
Hello Everyone,I have been searching hard to get an answer on this question, I hope someone here can help me!Here is my situation:I am planning to build a website for them, that would be used for some event registration (by people outside my company). I also plan to use SQL Express Edition as the database backend for the site. Now this is where I have a question, can I use SQL Express and pay nothing? (It is free right?) There would be a maximum of 600 registrations over a period of 1 month. I don't expect more than 50 concurrent users. The administration side of the application would be used by internal employees (So, the application would be used by internal employees and external people). Where can I find more information about the license?I would be very thankful if someone can guide me on this.ASP_Newbie
I wonder is SQL express free to "hobby developer" or to "anyone".... I am thinking to install a SQL express edition on my client's computer, and install our software on my client's other computers, the software will remote connect to the SQL express server.
Is it *legal* to do so? if it is legal, then who would pay for a copy of SQL full-version 2005 ?
Currently, i am planning to develop a small system for my client by using SQL database. However, i am not sure is it legal to use SQL Express 2005 in this project? I mean setup the SQL Express 2005 in their server then my application will access this database. Is it legal? or Do i need to purchase any license in order to do that? or I need to purchase a SQL Server 2005 Standard or Enterprise version?
I am working to develop an application using dotnet framework 2.0 that requires loading tab delimited text file (generated on each user action) in to table of SQL Express database. I am thinking to use SSIS library (Managed DTS) to call my SSIS package from within my application to load this data on each user transaction. This should be noted that I am not hosting my packages in to SQL Express.
Microsoft allows redistribution of SQL Express for free. Do I need any SQL Server or any other type of license for using SSIS library from my application?
If I install an instance of SQL Server on a box with 4 processors but specify in the licensing part of the installation procedure that it's a '2 processor license', does that really mean that SQL Server will only use 2 of the 4 processors? I ask because, having done this, if I check the SQL Server instance's properties, on the Processors tab, there are 4 processors ticked - giving the impression that 4 processors are being used by this SQL Server instance. Can anyone throw some light on this?
Another question... If I wish to reconfigure the same SQL Server instance from a 2 to a 4 processor 'per processor' license, how can this be done?
Hi all,I am performing a consolidation of all SQL servers in my environment. Ihave run the tool to find out what level patching they have and whatedition they are running on, but is there a tool so I can scan thenetwork and find out what licensing they are setup for (processor vs.seat)?Even if I have to enumerate each one, one at a time I would be OK withthat. I just don't want to have to login to each server and go toControl Panel and click on the Licensing.Command line is super-duper.Thanks,Josh
Hi, We have MSDN subscription and got VS2005 and SQLServer2005. Our developer develops applications bey using them. One of the application that he has runs periodically and export data from SQLServer2005 to xml files in development machine. We are wondering if we need to buy SQLServer 2005 license for this process. Thanks for your help.
Hello.After searching Microsoft's website for hours and confusing myself morethan I was before I started...Can anyone explain to me what the current state of affairs is for SQL2000 licensing?In particular with a server that has multiple processors and multipleinstances of SQL Server 2000 running - for both Standard and EnterpriseEditions of SQL Server 2000.Please help!Regards,Taz
Today many applications (SAP, SIEBEL, MANUGISTICS, PEOPLESOFT, and soon) does not have a client direct access to connect to the database.They use an Application Server that has only one connection to thedatabase and the users get connected to this application server.THE QUESTION: How to control SQL Server User License in this new model,automatically?You cannot enable SQL Server Audit because users are not connecteddirectly to the database.You cannot use Identity Management applications because they do notwork on NOT Enterprise Business software.How to do that if you have hundred of applications and database?Regards,Marcio
We have a .NET Remoting application whose "server instance" connects to SQL Server Express and send data via remoting to its client application. There is no need for other direct access to SQL Server except for the "server instance". Now my software vender advices us to upgrade to SQL Server WorkGroup edition and now we are facing the question which license to buy. Could you advice us?
I'm setting up SQL Server 2005 Replication. I have purchase a processor license for SQL Server 2005. Do I need a Windows CAL for each device that will be accessing the replication via IIS?
We have installed the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise trail version for 180 days. As it specifies in the documentation that it exprires after 180 days and in the mean time we have actually made a purchase of the License. Now...do we need to uninstall the trail verision and reset/restart everything again? Please advise.
I would like to setup about 20 websites (each with database search engines) and would like to use SQL Server 2005. This setup will be run by myself (i.e. single user)
I'm a little confused about which license I need. Do I go for the $23k full version or free license (Express) or something in between??
Could someone please advise. Would be happy to submit further details if required
How do we determine on a SQL 2005 server what license type was selected during the install? Where is the informationkept and how it is tracked by SQL Server 2005.
I have a SQL server installed in per server license mode... I am getting some error saying
can someone tell me how to go from per server to per seat....
I am looking for the SQL Server 2000 Licensing Setup Utility Programand cannot find it. Everything I read says, goto ControlPanel->Administrative Tools->SQL Server License Utility. When I gothere, I do not see... Any help would be Greatly appreciated!Setup:Win 2000 ServerSQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Svc Pk 3.Thanks.
I have one cluster (two machines) of sql server 2005 active/passive called "ClustA" with one Ent. server edition license and another separate server called "STDA" as warm standby server for "ClustA".
I'm trying to open an SDF file. After many searches on the net, it appears that there are two ways to do this:
Open the file in VS 2005 Open the file in SQL Server Management StudioI don't have, and don't plan to purchase, a license to full SQL Server 2005. I do have Visual Studio 2005 Pro. When I open an SDF file in Visual Studio, I get the following (oh so informative) error:
The operation could not be completed. Unspecified error
Since I don't have full SQL server, I downloaded SQL Server Management Studio Express. There's one major problem: the Server type combo box is disabled in the "Connect to Server" dialog. Try as I might, I can find no mention anywhere as to why this is the case. I'm guessing that functionality isn't supported in the Express version of the tool, but as far as I can tell, nobody thinks it might perhaps be reasonable to document why this combo box is disabled. It certainly doesn't show up in the document that shows up when I click the help button on this dialog.
Could somebody at Microsoft please tell me if it is even possible to edit these files without buying a full SQL Server license? I'm trying to use SQL Server Compact Edition to replace legacy code that uses an MDB file (via ADO) for a desktop application. From everything I have read, this is the officially recommended thing to do. But if I now have to buy a full SQL Server lincense to accomplish what used to be a simple double click on an MDB file, then there's something seriously wrong.
I need to find all information about distributing SQL Server XE and applications using it . Is it legal ?? should it be used just for educational use?!!! could it be used to develop a commercial software !! what limitations are controlling this ??
I'm trying to find the SQL Server License Number used to install the software on the server. Does the installation program stores the information on the Registry or not? Looking through registry I found the ProductCode but I'm not sure if that is the valid License Number ... It does looks more like the unistall code ...
We have a product which uses SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition with Per Seat licensing option. Going forward with a new release of the product, we intend to upgrade to SQL Server 2005. Till now our product was being used in non web based scenarios so the Per Seat licensing option helped our case. In the upcoming release which would use SQL Server 2005 we need to break off from the non web based scenario as the product would use SQL Server over internet. So isn't it correct to go for the Processor based licensing instead of the Per seat licensing ?
If so then what would be the ideal manner to upgrade the license from Per Seat (in SQL Server 2000) license type to Processor based (in SQL Server 2005) license type ?
I have heard of Software Assurance providing assistance in version upgrades. Would it help in case I need to upgrade from one license type to another ? Or is it applicable only in case of upgrade where the license type is fixed ?
The wrong Cd set was used to install Sql Server 2005 enterprise edition. I need to ensure the license for Sql server is the license from the other CD. is there a way to switch the license without un-installing SQL Server?
Hello, This is chirag patel. we are going to SSRS with our asp.net application to generate reports and charts. i having query about license of SSRC.
Is it completely free with SQL Server ? i mean if my web application will have SQL server 2005 as Database on production server , then do we need to purchase anything else to use SSRC ??
can anyone please let me know brief detail about license of SSRC if we want to use SSRC with web based application ??