SQL Server Express Login Issue With Large Databases
Feb 6, 2007
My company works with SQL Server 2005 express locally with Visual Studio to develop websites. Everything works very well.
We use SQL Server 2005 express on our production server as well. We change the database over to a non-User Instance when the site is ready to go live. Everything works fine here as well.
We run into issues when databases get near 100 MB. This is well below the stated database size limit for Express of 4GB.
At that point, about once a day, a site with a "large" database will stop responding. The error that we'll get is "Cannot open database 'DBNAME' requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'DBUSER'
The only way we've found to fix this is to restart the SQL Express service. Obviously, that isn't a very useful alternative.
Has anyone run into anything like this? Could we have some setting wrong?
Would moving to the full version of SQL Server 2005 fix this?
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Feb 5, 2015
Currently our database size is around 350G. It will grow up to 1.5 TB
We have the
Auto create statistics option :True,
auto update statistics option :True,
auto update statistics asynchronously option : False
at database level
we have a weekly job, update statistics running very long time. It is created through maintenance plan using the option full scan.
Previously they tested with sampling but instead of full scan running with the sampling effected the queries.
Is there option to avoid the long time job duration.
If we didn't run the statistics manually what will happen? How do you maintain statistics with large databases
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May 30, 2006
I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.
this are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production
principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.
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Jun 1, 2006
I am trying to enable database mirroring for 100 database.
It goes error free till 59 databases (some times 60 databases) with the
status (principal, synchronized) on principal. on the 60th or 61st database
it gave the status (principal, disconnected). Also mirror starts acting
abnormal. connection to mirror starts to give connection timeout and it is
not enabling database mirroring on any more databases. I have SQL SERVER
2005 Enterprise with SP1 on the servers. witness is not included yet.
these are my test servers... i have more than 500 databases on my production
principal and mirror both are using port 5022 for ENDPOINT communication.
All of the databases are critical and all must be included in the Database Mirroring.
so, after that I tried to implement database mirroring again......
System has 3 GB of RAM, SQL SERVER (Mirror) using 85 MB of RAM but still
giving this error while trying to enable database mirroring for 37th
"There is insufficient system Memory to run this query"
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Oct 27, 2015
I have a 2 node cluster having 4 cores each wherein having 3 instances of SQL 2008 R2 enterprise comprising of 60 databases, 20 on each instance. I need to setup mirroring for each of the databases to a secondary server having 4 cores and 3 instances. What i understand is that in this case the mirror server will be providing max of 512 worker threads and the 60 mirror databases would consume 240 threads.what all needs to be checked for looking into the feasabilty of going ahead with a async mirror setup as mentioned above.
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Nov 24, 2005
create login dave with password='abc', default_database=tempdb
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Mar 8, 2008
Dear all,
I wrote the below script to add a SQL server login account that is the db_datareader, db_datawriter, and granted permission on all stored procs, functions, and views on all databases within a server.
Code Snippet
USE master
DECLARE @database_name sysname
DECLARE @object_name sysname
DECLARE @object_type char(2)
CREATE TABLE #databases (DATABASE_NAME sysname, DATABASE_SIZE int, REMARKS varchar(254))
INSERT #databases EXEC sp_databases
-- ++++++++++++++++++ add SQL Server Login ++++++++++++++++++
SELECT 1 FROM master.dbo.syslogins
WHERE [name] = 'WEB_USER2'
OPEN db_cur
WHILE 1 = 1
FETCH db_cur INTO @database_name
EXEC ('USE ' + @database_name +';
SELECT 1 FROM sysusers
WHERE [name] = ''WEB_USER2''
EXEC sp_revokedbaccess ''WEB_USER2''
CLOSE db_cur
EXEC sp_droplogin 'WEB_USER2'
EXEC sp_addlogin
@loginame = 'WEB_USER2',
@passwd = 'password'
-- ++++++++++++++++++ loop thro' all User-Databases ++++++++++++++++++
WHERE DATABASE_NAME NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', 'distribution', 'ASPState')
OPEN db_cur
WHILE 1 = 1
FETCH db_cur INTO @database_name
PRINT 'Current database=' + @database_name
-- add user to databases
EXEC ('USE ' + @database_name +';
SELECT 1 FROM sysusers
WHERE [name] = ''WEB_USER2''
EXEC sp_revokedbaccess ''WEB_USER2''
EXEC ('USE ' + @database_name +'; EXEC sp_grantdbaccess ''WEB_USER2''; ')
-- add user to db_datareader
EXEC ('USE ' + @database_name +'; EXEC sp_addrolemember ''db_datareader'', ''WEB_USER2''; ')
-- add user to db_datawriter
EXEC ('USE ' + @database_name +'; EXEC sp_addrolemember ''db_datawriter'', ''WEB_USER2''; ')
-- grant permission on Stored proc, Scalar function, Inlined table-function, Table function, View
-- !! coz EXEC is a self-contained batch, so must use GLOBAL
EXEC('USE ' + @database_name +';
SELECT [name], [type] FROM sysobjects
WHERE [type] IN (''P'', ''FN'', ''IF'', ''TF'', ''V'')
OPEN obj_cur
WHILE 1 = 1
FETCH obj_cur INTO @object_name, @object_type
-- PRINT 'object=' + @object_name + '; type=' + @object_type
IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@object_type)) = 'P' OR @object_type = 'FN'
-- EXEC on Stored proc, Scalar function
EXEC('USE ' + @database_name +'; GRANT EXEC ON dbo.' + @object_name + ' TO WEB_USER2 ')
-- SELECT ON table function, View
EXEC('USE ' + @database_name +'; GRANT SELECT ON dbo.' + @object_name + ' TO WEB_USER2 ')
CLOSE obj_cur
CLOSE db_cur
DROP TABLE #databases
plz revise it if you have better idea! Thx!
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Feb 9, 2015
I have migrated over 700 databases to another server and now I have to add a specific user to all these databases and sync , looking for script to add this user at once to all these databases.
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Jul 31, 2006
SQL 2005 Express - Database Restore size problem
Was this post helpful ?
I'm trying to restore a SQL Server DB Backup from a SQL Server DB Server on to my Laptop (SQL 2005 Express)
When I execute a restore filelistonly command on the backup file, It seems that the Database included is 1GB, but the Log file is 91 GB in size, which exceeds my diskspace.
I can restore the Data on its own without the log file, but the the Database stays in "restoring" mode. I've tried to switch the restore flag off (update sys.databases set state = 0 where name = 'G001'), but I can`t seem to be able to do it, even if I try to allow updates via:
sp_configure 'allow updates', 1
Any ideas how I can restore the database without restoring the enormous logfile?
Thanks in advance...
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Feb 12, 2006
My MSQSQL 2000 application inone company has a backup file of more than 6 GB. The total number of tables are more than 280 while the number of fields are more than 8000.
The last months I noticed that the backup database file is increasing rapidly. Is there a particular reason or anyone fas an idea why?
My largest table consists of more than 160 fields and has amore than 1,2 million records and 32 indexes. I know this is not very good, and I'm thinking methods to fix it since I have noticed performance problems. Can you have some advices?
I read that with MSSQL 2005 I can partition my table horizontally and vertically. However I think that this option is available with the enterprise edition which costs more than 10,000 Euros. Is this correct?
Is there another way to increase performance? My server is Windows 2003 with 4 GB memory. I think that Windows 2003 doesn't support more than 4 GB memory. Is this true?
Are there some advices for my case from the experienced users of this forum??
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Dec 30, 2007
I have been working as a SQL Server 2000/2005 db administrator (small-medium dbs), in the near future I am going to work as a DBA for large DB on SQL Server 2005 (200 - 300 GB and over) but I have not experences.
Do you have any suggestions, Recommendations or useful docs, books or web links and everything else to suggest me on how to administer large databases.
Thank a lot
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Feb 23, 2007
For anyone with a larger number of databases (500+): How many do you have in a single instance. If you are using multiple instance on a single server, how many dbs per instance. This is why I'm asking
We are experiencing 701 "out of system memory" and temporary (usually) system freezes when the error occurs. We have 32bit 2005 version 9.00.2153.00, 32GB of memory, AWE enabled, quad dual-core 3GHz hyperthreaded server. Nether the bPool or VAS show any pressure when the "out of system memory error" occurs. Since this error usually indicates a VAS problem we tried increasing VAS to 1GB w/the -g flag. It made no difference. PSS has been working on the case for 3 weeks. They dont seem to be finding any evidince of memory pressure either. When I last spole to the escalation engineer yesterday it seemed that they are going to recommend reducing the number of databases on the server. I asked for clarification as to whether we are hitting a 32 bit barrior, an instance limitation, or both. I am awaiting the answer. How many databases do you have on your server? We had between 1700 and 1900 (the number varies) at times when the error occured. We are now at 1500, and have not had the error in the 2 days since reducing the number of databases...
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Jun 19, 2007
We are going to be getting a new system to house our large databases. Some of these databases will need to be encrypted. Ideally we'd like to set up encryption in SQL server rather then have to purchase an appliance to encrypt the data. What is the trade off of using SQL server 2005 to encrypt data? Does performance suffer a great deal with a large database (500g-4tb)? Also, how much more/less sure is the encryption for SQL Server? Some of our users need to be able to read the data as unencrypted while working, but we need to keep the system as secure as possible. Answers to any of these questions would be incredible helpful.
Robb S.
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Mar 6, 2008
I have been looking into mirroring a large amount of small databases approx 150 databases.
As I understand this won't be feasible because of the way mirroring threading works, http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=441900&SiteID=1
As I understand it for every database being mirrored sql will ping the mirror second, causing a network bottleneck?.
Also that the amount of threads generated for each mirrored database will cause also cause a bottleneck?
At the moment our database servers are under very little pressure and as an estimate use about 10% of the resources allocated to them such as CPU utilization, memory, disk IO and network. Our server hardware is Dual Quad core Xeons with 4 - 8 gig of memory and variety of 10k SCSCI raid configurations from raid 5 or 1,0 and sql 2005 32bit.
Ive done some calculations on the log file generation rate compared to network bandwidth there is more than enough network bandwidth.
Has anybody had any luck in mirroring many small databases?
My concerns is how much traffic is caused by the pinging of the mirror for each database?,
How many threads will the mirroring cause and what is the max amount of threads sql can handle?
How much memory will be consumed by each one of these mirroring threads?
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Jan 20, 2007
The Classifieds starter kit supplied by microsoft has 2 databases - aspnetdb.mdf & classifieddb.mdf.
How do I combine the two into one. I understand that there is now need to have two databases. I also understand that most hosting co's do not support Sql Server Express
Any help offered is appreciated. Please offer help in a Dummies format - I might understand that
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Mar 23, 2008
This is my connection string : <add connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;User id=sa;password=*******;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|serdarmuh.mdf;Initial Catalog=serdarmuh;" name="connString"/> but it says :Login failed for user 'sa'.I adjust the password for "sa" during the setup and set the authentication moded to "Sql Server and Windows Authentication Mode". But it does not work.... If I tried "Integrated Security = True", then it says :Login failed for user 'Administrator' what should I do? Is it better to re-install sql server?
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Aug 29, 2013
For large databases is it a good idea to create indexes for fields that are used in Where statements? Does that improve performance and reduce overhead?
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Nov 6, 2006
Two Windows 2003 server,one with SQL 2005 server,another with SQL Express.Is it possible to copy databases from SQL 2005 to SQL Express?Thanks.
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Feb 27, 2008
I have a small client installable web application which used to work great on 32 bit machines. Well now clients are starting to use x64 Windows 2003 servers and things have begun to unravel. W2K3 x64 does not have any of the JET database drivers needed to communicate to the Access databases and it doesn't look like they're coming anytime soon.
Is SQL Server Express the new replacement for Access databases on x64 machines. Does Microsoft intend on moving some of the JET drivers over from 32 bit servers. I know that you can run IIS in 32 bit mode and everything is fine, but I can't ask everyone to do that.
Is SQL Server Express something that I can expect people to have installed, it sure doesn't sounds like it. After reading some posts, it sounds like it's a bit of a hastle to install.
Thanks in advance for your time.
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May 9, 2008
I just installed Visual web developper 2008 express with all options including SQL srvr express 2005!
This is from default iso image on the official website.
I create my first project and when I want to do ASP.NET configuration from web site menu, i got this error:
"Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed."
I am just trying to learn here so i even did not create any dB or something, it is 1st time I run configuration to add security roles and users for testing!
I also un-installed all and re-installed, still the same...
pleas help and give me details as i am new.
kind regards,Golgot
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Nov 23, 2006
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition act as publisher and distributor.
All subscribers are SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
According to 2005 book online, "MSMerge_History table exists in distribution database". Howevey I found this table in Subscriber database which is in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
The problem is this table (MSMerge_History) and other two tables (MSMerge_genhistory, MSRepl_errors) are quite large. We want to keep SQL Server 2005 Express database as small as possible so we can put more data into it.
Is there anyway (Manually or automatically) to clean those tables in SQL Server 2005 Express? Please help.
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May 7, 2008
Hi all
Which tool can I use for structure editing of SQL Server Compact 3.5 databases? I'm installed SQL Server Compact 3.5. I have SQL Server Management Studio Express which was installed with SQL Server 2005 Express. Unfortunately this SSMS can create and open only 3.1 databases.
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Aug 11, 2006
I have built a page with the login control using the default sql server express database that is integrated into the application. I have got it working on my development machine and want to post it on the web with a web hosting company. I did not know if they had to have sql server express installed on that machine for my database to work properly or will it work with sql server 2005 installed. Most web hosting companies that I have called say they only support sql server 2005 and not sql server express. I was unsure if the login would work or not. Please help with this issue. I am new at ASP.net and really enjoy it. However, I want to ensure that my site will work on the web as it does on my machine.
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Oct 10, 2007
For the life of me I've had nothing but trouble using SQL Server Express. My latest problem sprung up out of nowhere, I all of a sudden begin getting the following error, when I know my app was working last time I ran it: "Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user 'PINCHCPUBrad'."I get this error in an auto-generated file App_Code.1voqxxpd.18.cs. What kills me is, I can connect to the database through Server Explorer and SQL Management Studio, but for some reason my application cannot. I really don't understand how logging-in works with SQL Server Express as I've never even set up a login. When I look at my database properties in Server Explorer is shows Owner as the exact entity my application says it can't find: 'PINCHCPUBrad'. The database I'm trying to connect is in my App/Data folder and my Connection String says: "LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=False;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> I honestly don't get why attaching to and maintaining a simple database is unbelievable difficult and unpredictable, but I constantly get screwey errors like this that pop up out of nowhere.
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Aug 27, 2007
I'm attempting to connect to a SQL server database from the code behind in an ASP.net 2005 page. I am receiving the error:
"Cannot open database "Fastaff" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'DEBASER1\Carlo'."
My web.config connection string is:
<add name="FastaffConnectionString2" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Fastaff;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
The odd thing is when I login to the the same database from the management console using windows authentication I am able to login and the connection info shows:
DEBASER1Carlo is the admin on the machine.
Any ideas?
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Apr 28, 2008
After a successful install, when I try to Login I get:
"The initializer for 'System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection' Three an exception . (System Data)
'The type initializer for System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionfactory' threw an exception.
'Unrecoginzed configuration section system.serviceModel.
(C/WindowsMicrosoft.NetFrameworkv.2.0.50727Configmachine.config line 136) (System.Configuration)
I've tried uninstalling and re-installing. What do you think this is telling me?
Ed Hansen
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Mar 28, 2007
I borrowed some code from a colleague to login into SQL Server:
public static SqlConnection GetConnection()
string dbNameSvr = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("DataBaseServer");
string db = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("DataBase");
string userId = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("UserId");
string password = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("Password");
string connStr = "Data Source=" + dbNameSvr + ";" +
"Database=" + db + ";" +
"User Id=" + userId +";" +
"Password=" + password + ";";
SqlConnection aConn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
return aConn;
It works but someone has commented that it is very insecure. I don't really understand why but I'll take his word for it. So I'm wondering what approach most people use to have a web app login to their database?
Robert W.
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Nov 21, 2007
I am using and learning Visual Basic 2005 Express edtion
I have created a project and wriiten/adapted code, as below, to connect to sql server 2005 express edition, that works well.
Dim ConnectionString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" + "Initial Catalog=JIMDbase2;" + "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;"
conn = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
' Open the connection
If conn.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
Catch ae As SqlException
End Try
End If
Later and in the same Project, via Database explorer I 'Add connection' to the same sql database to review tables etc.
After this when I run the same code, as above, I get an error that the database is in use
If I then 'Close Connection' or even Delete the connection via Database explorer I receive the error
"Cannot open Database, "JimDbase2" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for User "..".
Can anyone help on this matter?
Thanks and regards,
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Dec 5, 2007
This post is an extension onto the one below....
Please read my question at the bottom... cheers
Sept. 26th 2006
Hello all,
I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,
- Noble Bell
I'd be interested in knowing how VS doesn't allow you to create a database. What error are you getting?
There are two ways to create databases, depending on your goal:
To just create a database on your server, do the following:
Open the Server Explorer
Right-click on Data Connections
Click Create New SQL Server Database
Specify Server Name and Database Name
Your database will be created and you can start working with it.
Embed a database in your project:
On the Project menu, click Add New Item.
Select SQL Database from the list and give it a name.
Click OK
This will run you thorugh a wizard to create the database.
If your having problems doing either of these, you may not have SQL Server installed on your computer or VS might be pointing to the wrong Instance Name. Check out the Option dialog under Database Tools:ata Connection and verify that the correct instance is specified.
- Mike Wachel - MSFT
I am trying to create a similar project and I also recieve an error while trying to create a database...
"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection to SQL Server."
Now let me explain what i am trying to do ...
I am trying to create a web interface for the data that I want to store in the SQL database. I have installed VS2005 & SQL Server Express 2005 on my local machine. I want to develope this project on my local machine and then transfer it to a server once i have finished the project.
If i am doing this all wrong, please let me know !
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Sep 15, 2006
I would like to restore SQL Server Express and its databases from a tape backup to the same server. This is a disaster recovery senario.
I backed up the Master, Model, MSDB and my own test database using SQLCMD scripts. I have no problem restoring these using task manager on the server before the disaster recovery.
However, in my real disaster recovery testing, When the server is restored by tape drive (HP one button disaster recovery), I try to run my SQLCMD restore scripts in task manager and I cannot connect to the sql server. Also I cannot connect with Management studio. I have recieved the following error in event viewer.
Event Type: Error
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 3411
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
Configuration block version 0 is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.
0000: 53 0d 00 00 15 00 00 00 S.......
0008: 16 00 00 00 43 00 4f 00 ....C.O.
0010: 50 00 4c 00 45 00 59 00 P.L.E.Y.
0018: 4e 00 45 00 57 00 53 00 N.E.W.S.
0020: 5c 00 53 00 51 00 4c 00 .S.Q.L.
0028: 45 00 58 00 50 00 52 00 E.X.P.R.
0030: 45 00 53 00 53 00 00 00 E.S.S...
0038: 00 00 00 00 ....
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: SQLBrowser
Event Category: None
Event ID: 3
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance SQLEXPRESS is not valid.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7024
Date: 9/15/2006
Time: 8:16:36 AM
User: N/A
The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service terminated with service-specific error 3411.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn>sqlcmd -S.SQLExpr
HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred whi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Serve
allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.
My question is, what is the correct procedure to follow when I want to do a disaster recovery and restore SQL Server Express from tape backup using the Simple Backup method and scripts.
Is it always required to reinstall sql server express from the original program file or is it possible to reinstall from back up tape.
I know my backup and restore scripts work because I tested them on the server before I do the disaster recovery and rebuild that server from tape.
This is some kind of issue with SQL Server Express being restored by tape backup.
Any suggestions, thanks.
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Aug 23, 2006
I am programming in VB6 using ADO 2.8. This connection and query works in MS access, SQL server 2000 and Sql Server 2005. does not work in Sql server 2005 express. Any Suggestions?
Connection String #1 Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;AttachDBFileName=C:Program FilesMaterial_Management_SystemDATAMain.mdf;Data Source=Steve_Laptopsqlexpress
Connection String #2 Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;AttachDBFileName=C:Program FilesMaterial_Management_SystemDATAItems.mdf;Data Source=Steve_Laptopsqlexpress
Error: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'Items.PFMS'
Error: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'Items.dbo.PFMS'.
I am running the queries directly from the 2005 Mgt window to take as many variables out of the equasion. I get the same error in Visual basic
How am I supposed to reference a join of 2 databases? Any suggestions
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Sep 27, 2006
Hello all,
I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,
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Jan 10, 2007
In SQL Server 2005 Express I currently have 2 databases which I€™m working on, my problem is I want to transfer a table from one of the databases to the other but don't know how to go about achieving this? I want the table structure and all the info held within the table transferred across. Any ideas are welcome.
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