I seem to have a problem with one of my SQL Server Express databases. I started a restore task from a SQL Server 2005 BAK file (that included full-text data), which couldn't continue so I cancelled. Now, the database I attempted to restore to has the status "(Restoring...)".
This is a tiny database and a restore should (if it could) take only a few seconds.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio (v9...).
Anyone know how to either cancel the restore or get the database into a good state again? I've tried stopping and starting (and restarting) the express instance, with no joy.
I'm new to this forum but was wondering if you could advise me on getting the DB back to an accessible state. I tried restoring the DB but unfortunately I don't have enough disk space. The error message appeared instantly informing me of the lack of disk space. Now it says its in (Loading state) and I cannot access the DB. Is there anyway I can manually change it back??
I'm testing log shipping locally and had it running between two boxes. I tried to remove log shipping so on the primary I unchecked "Enable this as a primary database in a log shipping configuration" as per another thread. The primary stopped after a bit but the secondary never came out of the (Restoring...) state.
I'm obviously missing a step that needs to be run on the secondary because what I did wouldn't work if site A exploded but I can't figure out what the last step is.
As I said in the subject I've a problem trying to restore a backup of a previous db created in sql 2000 server
When I try to do it I recive the following message:
____________________________________________________________________________________ System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Il set di backup include il backup di un database diverso dal database 'musica2007' esistente. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
------------------------------ For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&LinkId=20476
------------------------------ Program Location:
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteNonQueryWithMessage(StringCollection queries, ServerMessageEventHandler dbccMessageHandler, Boolean errorsAsMessages) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupRestoreBase.ExecuteSql(Server server, StringCollection queries) in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore.SqlRestore(Server srv) ____________________________________________________________________________________
What should I do? What's the probem? I've already tried to look for the solution in other messages but I didn't find anything..... Thanks for help,,, by Luke
Hello Everyone, I am trying to restore a bak file which came with code for a tutorial. I think it is safe to restore, but sql server 2005 express has the following problem when I try to restore it. TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express------------------------------ Restore failed for Server 'BOBSQLEXPRESS'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Restore+Server&LinkId=20476 ------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(Access is denied.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDashboard.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo) For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&LinkId=20476 The links given for help have no information about the problem and I'm not really sure where I should be looking to solve this. I'm a newbie to databases so if you could provide a step-by-step answer that would be best. Thanks in advance. Robert
SQL 2005 Express - Database Restore size problem Was this post helpful ?
I'm trying to restore a SQL Server DB Backup from a SQL Server DB Server on to my Laptop (SQL 2005 Express)
When I execute a restore filelistonly command on the backup file, It seems that the Database included is 1GB, but the Log file is 91 GB in size, which exceeds my diskspace.
I can restore the Data on its own without the log file, but the the Database stays in "restoring" mode. I've tried to switch the restore flag off (update sys.databases set state = 0 where name = 'G001'), but I can`t seem to be able to do it, even if I try to allow updates via:
sp_configure 'allow updates', 1
Any ideas how I can restore the database without restoring the enormous logfile?
When I try to restore my SQL Server 2000 backup file to a newly installed copy of SQL Server 2005 Express using Studio Express, I get the following error:
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'UpperBridge' database. (Microsoft.sqlservfer.Express.smo)
The backup is made from an SQL Server 2000 database called 'UpperBridge'
I am trying to restore to a database called 'UpperBridge' which I created under 'New databases' in Studio Express.
Hi All, I have an issue that's stopping me restoring a database on SQL Server Express 2005 running under Windows Vista. I'm installing a system that I've used several times before on other systems and part of the installation procedure is to use the 'restore' function to install a database from a backup file. So I'm essentially restoring but to a db that doesn't yet exist in my SQL Server, this normally goes without a hitch. However on attempting this on a Vista system, I get the following error message -
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(error not found)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLiCasework.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
where iCasework is the name I've given in the restore dialogue as the DB to restore to (which as I said, doesn't exist at the moment).
Things I've tried so far: - I have a feeling this is down to a permissions problem, so I've tried the following already 1) Running Management Studio Express as Administrator - exact same error message 2) During the initial install, I set up the default admin user to use SQL Server authentication, having read threads about vaguely similar errors I used the Surface Area Config tool to add my windows login as an admin with admin rights and tried connecting to the Server with those credentials then running the restore - exact same error message
3) I also tried manually creating an empty db called iCasework and then restoring the external backup into that existing backup, which just gave a different error stating that the backup file didn't match the structure of the existing db. I could create the whole db structure manually but that would entirely negate the purpose of restoring from the backup and, more to the point, has never been necessary on any other system we've done this one.
Has anyone got any ideas that I could try next please?
I'm a beginner w ith SQL Express and am having some problems. I am using 2005 SP1 and installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express as well. I have a backup from a SQL Server 7.0 database that I am trying to restore into my database using the management studio. When I try to restore from the file into my database, I get the error,
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of the system database on the device D:GMBeta2Local.bak cannot be restored because it was created by a different version of the server (7.00.1063) than this server (9.00.3033). (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
Is this true? Is there any way for me to get this data into my SQL Server 2005 express on my laptop?
i wanted to test routines using my local sql server engine and thought I could backup the mdf ldf file on the true network sql server in which I am listed as a dbowner with full permissions. In fact i can add users for the at db etc.The backup allows me to browse to a local folder
with the following being the default C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.CMS_PROJECTMSSQLBackup
i name the file and it executes properly but when i try to restore that file to my local db that path is not even visible to me.In fact when i use exploreer I cannot even find the folders after Microsoft SQL Server!I search for .bak but nothing.How can I see that folder construction in the sql browser but never in explorer -
Hello,If I backup and restore an express database to sql server 2005 standard, will there still be limitations in regards to the database size, cpu...etc.? Thanks,Jon
i'm trying to set up one of the asp.net website starter kits and part of the process is to backup the sql express db and then import it into the sql 2005 at the web hosting account. it's not working and i'm wondering if there's any difference between the backups they make. the sql express makes a file with a .bak extension and the sql 2005 at the host makes a file with a .sqlbak extension. i was assuming that was just a naming thing and not a structural thing but the host's tech support has said: "This sort of thing happens when the database being imported is not properly formatted. You can try downloading and using sql express from microsoft to see if you can do it manually, but most likely you will need to save your database again properly set for import to an mssql server rather than however you did." all i had done was rename the .bak file from express to .sqlbak as that was the choice for backup files. i will note that it also failed importing the .mdf, which works fine locally with the site but i did make some changes to it from the original that came with the starter kit. should a backup file made with sql express (using sql management studio express, by right clicking on the file and choosing tasks > backup) normally be importable by sql 2005? or, i suppose, does it make sense that a db that works fine locally with sql express (within a visual web developer express project anyway) would actually be "formatted" in a way that would cause it to fail to import into sql 2005? thanks much for any assistance.
Hello, Does anyone else ever experience this problem, and if so do you know what causes it: When ever I restore a database called say XXX.mdf, it restores OK and I can view via MSE as XXX.mdf. Then when I visit MSE again there is another database called C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataXXX.mdf - both are linked to the same .mdf file, however if you try to expand XXX.mdf nothing happens as though the database has been detached? Cheers MArco
I would like to restore SQL Server Express and its databases from a tape backup to the same server. This is a disaster recovery senario.
I backed up the Master, Model, MSDB and my own test database using SQLCMD scripts. I have no problem restoring these using task scheduler on the server before the disaster recovery.
However, in my real disaster recovery testing, When the server is restored by tape drive (HP one button disaster recovery), I try to run my SQLCMD restore scripts in task scheduler and I cannot connect to the sql server. Also I cannot connect with Management studio. I have recieved the following error in event viewer.
Event Type: Warning Event Source: SQLBrowser Event Category: None Event ID: 3 Date: 9/15/2006 Time: 8:16:36 AM User: N/A Computer: COPLEYNEWS Description: The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance SQLEXPRESS is not valid.
Event Type: Error Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7024 Date: 9/15/2006 Time: 8:16:36 AM User: N/A Computer: COPLEYNEWS Description: The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service terminated with service-specific error 3411. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinn>sqlcmd -S.SQLExpr COPLEYNEWSDATABASEscriptsMASTERFULLRESTORE.sql" HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1 Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred whi shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Serve allow remote connections.. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.
My question is, what is the correct procedure to follow when I want to do a disaster recovery and restore SQL Server Express from tape backup using the Simple Backup method and scripts.
Is it always required to reinstall sql server express from the original program file or is it possible to reinstall from back up tape.
I know my backup and restore scripts work because I tested them on the server before I do the disaster recovery and rebuild that server from tape.
This is some kind of issue with SQL Server Express being restored by tape backup.
I tried to restore a database which I backuped from MS SQL 2000 to SQL Express 2005 but it always failed with the following error message. What could be the problem?
Restore failed for Server 'SERVSQLEXPRESS'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
Additional information
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'gtp' database.
I have backup of data from SQL Server 7.0 and now when i'm trying to restore it into SQL Express 2005, I'm getting following error......
-------------------- Msg 3154, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'GOSLDW' database. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. --------------------
Here is SQL i'm using to restore database,
Why i'm getting this error? Am i missing anything here?
Is there some special settings, permissions, or special choices I have to make when install SQL Express SP1 Advanced on Vista Beta 2 to allow me to restore DBs?
I have a user, which is the user during Vista Beta 2 install that it created as 'Administrator' account.
With this user, I have righ-clicked and Run As Administrator the SQL Express SP1 Advanced install..
All my attempts as an Administrator or with this user to restore a DB, results in a DB that the user can't connect to and run a simple select on. I either flat out can't restore the DB, or if I can somehow through lots of messing around get the DB restored, I then get a SQL permissions on object error from SQL Server Express on a simple select.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, does anyone have any experience with this and any pointers on where I could be getting hung-up?
I have a Win 2003 server running 3 instances of SQL 2000 Enterprise. The problem is I can only start 2 of the 3 Job Agents at a time, as the 3rd gets stuck in a starting state. Has anyone struck this problem before?
Sql server 2008R2 (SP2) Ent, PROD DB myDB was encrypted. During Release mistakenly (Vendor created script blames some settings in ...- actually does not matter) Decryption started (ALTER .. SET ENCRYPTION OFF) as we got from ErrorLog.
For some reason initial encryption scan was aborted and then mentioned command: ALTER ... OFF was issued again. What we have now (after 60 h of decryption- encryption took only 2.5 h)- is_encrypted = 0 in sys.databases, encryption_state = 5 (decryption in progress) in sys.dm_database_encryption_keys (percent_complete= 0). But it seems myDB is still encrypted- I made a backup of myDB and tried to read it (restore filelistonly) from other server (with no encryption)- failed- asked for key. Seems metadata was changed when initial scan during decryption started but then stuck and (if I am correct) decryption was never completed. Question- any similar experience? How we can fix meta- data, i.e. assuming that myDB is still encrypted we should have is_encrypted = 1 and encryption_state = 3 (encrypted).
We had to failover our primary db server for maintenance to our secondary replica. The primary was rebooted during maintenance. We failed back after the maintenance and one of the databases is not synchronizing.
I checked sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states, and it is showing that it is INITIALIZING.
It has been in this state for more than 45 mins now. The last_sent_time, last_received_time, last_hardened_time and last-redone_time are all stuck with a time stamp 45 mins ago.
They haven't changed. How do i resume this database and bring it back in sync?
I tried suspending and resuming the data movement, but hasn't worked.
I did a full backup of a db from one server(Express2005) and trying to restore it to a different instance of SQL2005 on the same development machine. (Also had some fulltext columns if that means anything)
Many failures but finally got it to report all was successful except the icon in Object Explorer shows (Restoring...) with no indication of any real activity going on. It's a tiny database with hardly any data in it.
Just not sure what the heck is going on there. It also won't let me into the database until this the (Restoring...) goes away.
if you can restore a database to Server B using Server A as the service. Meaning we would issue the command on Server A but somehow point to Server B as where we want the restore to happen.
The backup file would be in a location independent of both servers.
I have a database that I am restoring from a different server. I have created the devices and the database to match that of the original. However, on clicking restore I get the following error:
[SQL Server] User specified volume id 'SS0001' does not match te volume id ' SQL001' of the device <database path>.
This seems to imply that I cannot restore to a different server, but from what I have read about other problems here, this isn't true. Can anyone shed any light as it is most frustrating.
Hey guys We currenlty have SQL Server 2000 installed inhouse for testing. A client has given us a backup of their 2005 database and i'm wondering if the restore will work into 2000, or any issues i should be aware of. Should i just install msde locally on my machine and restore the database? thanks
Can U help me? Have a MDF file from SQL7 and I attempt to attach the databse to sql 2000. However, keep getting this error when Accessing the database.
Cannot Open Database 'dbname' from version 524. Upgrade database to latest version.
I have another question : 1) Restoring SQL Server Databases after uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server.
Two days ago there was some problem with Norton Antivirus, so Windows 98 restored itself to a previous state. The SQL Server name was not available when I tried to start again, so I had to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server. I started a new Database just a week before this happened (the change from Access to SQL Server as I stated in the other thread http://www.dbforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=987880) and after reinstallation I could not access the Database any more - even while it is in the Data directory. I did not have any backup to restore from - I just started creating tables, so there was only the Log file created and the MDF database file. I tried to import it for a while to the new server, but as the database is not shown in the new server, it was unable to import like I hoped. So how do you restore it back to SQL Server when you have no backup and only the (undamaged) MDF database file if you only have one server? I had to recreate the Database from scratch again - I don't want it to happen again.
Hi I have a .db file from another server and i am trying to install it at home and get this lengthy error message ( 9 lines long ) Microsoft SQL-DMO ODBC SQL STATE 42000 The physical name ( path blah blah may be wrong) how do i change the physical path of the .db file i'm trying to restore?? thx
When I restore db from backup on another server, it always remebers the source db path. This is very annoying as drive mappings are different. I have to go and manually change those paths each time to point to the existing mdf... Is there any way so I do not have to do this???
I have two servers (same config) I am trying to restore a database that I backed up on one server to the other. The method I used was as follows: I backed up the database to disk. Copied to the Disk of the second server. When I try to restore I get the following message. "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing "database name" database. What am I doing wrong?
i'm attempting to restore a 7.0 database to a new server useing the sql server enterprise manager. If i choose to restore from device, i get an ODBC SQL State 42000 error and a suggestion to use the "WITH MOVE OPTION". If i choose to restore via the database option, it doesn't recognize my backup file in the dropdown list of backup files to restore. I would like to use the enterprise manager if possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi! I attempted to backup a database on server x and restore it on a database on server y. The details are as follows.
Server X Database name : dbx Size :263.88MB (Unrestricted filegrowth option set) Logical files : dbx_data, dbx_log Physical files : e:mssql7datadbx_data.mdf, f:databaselogsdbx_log.ldf
Server Y Database name : dby Size :1MB (Unrestricted filegrowth option set) Logical files : dby_data, dby_log Physical files : d:mssql7datadby_data.mdf, d:mssql7datadby_log.ldf
I created a full database backup of dbx on server x at the location, f:ackupsdbx_083099_10.30AM. The size of the file is 272MB. I zipped the file. Copied the file, dbx_083099_10.30AM.xip over to d:ackups of server y. I unzipped the file at server y to the location, d:ackupsdbx_083099_10.30AMdbx_083099_10.30AM.
I now tried to restore this backup on server y using the statement, restore database dby from disk = 'd:ackupsdbx_083099_10.30AMdbx_083099_10.30AM with replace, move 'dbx_data' to 'd:mssql7datadby_data.mdf', move 'dbx_log' to 'd:mssql7datadby_log.ldf'
I get the following errors :
Server: Msg 3257, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 There is insufficient free space on disk volume 'd:' to create the database. The database requires 3219128320 additional free bytes, while only 2047102976 bytes are available. Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.
Error log shows, 1999-08-30 10:28:54.68 kernel BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'd:ackupdbx_083099_10.30AMdbx_083099_10.30AM' failed to open. Operating system error = 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).
Cannot open backup device, 'd:ackupdbx_083099_10.30AMdbx_083099_10.30AM'. Device error or device offline. See SQL Server error log for more info. Backup or restore operation terminated abnormally.