SQL Server Insert Trigger Question

Jun 5, 2008

Good morning all!

Let us suppose I have a table (tblInfo) with 4 fields.  PK, SSN, Date_Created, and Status.  Let us assume there are currently 4 records in the field, 3 with the same SSN.  Of those 3, the status of 2 are 'inactive' and the other is 'active'.

When I insert a new record into tblInfo, with the same SSN as the other 3, I need the status of those 3 to change to 'inactive' (or stay as inactive if already set) leaving the 4th record with a different SSN alone.

I know I need an insert trigger, but not sure on the actual code of it.


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Trigger And SQL Server Insert

Nov 6, 2005

I'm trying to insert a record into a table and I'm finding that I can only insert the primary key.  When I try to insert only another field only it does not happen which makes me think the primary key is not being auto-created and I think that I have to set up a trigger to do thisExample:<CODE>      oConn.ExecuteMySQL("INSERT INTO tblUsers(strUserID,strName)VALUES(45,'x')", True)</CODE>.The code above works well, but I want to auto-generate a trigger that will insert a unique strUserID (primary Key) each time a user does an insert so that I dont have to specifically indicate strUserID.<CODE>      oConn.ExecuteMySQL("INSERT INTO tblUsers(strName)VALUES('x')", True)</CODE>The code above does not work well because it does not create a strUserID.  How do I create a trigger that will auto-insert a primary key into strUserID?

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Insert Trigger For Each Row In Server

Nov 26, 2014

create or replace
trigger trgRNR_Budget before insert on tblRNR_Budgets
for each row
when (new.BUDGETID is null)
select RNR_BID.nextval into :new.BUDGETID from dual;

How to write above before insert trigger for each row in sql server...

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Mar 22, 2006

Hello,I am learning SQL Server 2005.I need to create a trigger which increments number of book'spublications:CREATE TRIGGER InsertPublicationON PublicationsAFTER INSERTASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @Num smallintSET @Num = SELECT NumPublications FROM Books WHERE ISBN IN(SELECT ISBN FROM inserted);UPDATE BooksSET NumPublications = @Num + 1WHERE ISBN IN(SELECT ISBN FROM inserted);ENDUnfortunately I receive a message:Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.Could you explain me please how to correct the code?I am new to SQL Server.Thank you very much./RAM/

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Problem Using A Linked Server In An Insert Trigger

Aug 24, 2004

I'm writing an insert trigger in one SQL Server database that is supposed to insert another record into a linked SQL Server database. I have the linked server set up and have been using it for a few weeks in queries and stored procedure with no problem. Now that I'm trying to use it within a trigger and it just bombs.

I'm getting the following message in one of my logs and I don't know what it means... "Failed to obtain TransactionDispenserInterface: XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE". I've googled around, but can't really find anything. Any help would be appreciated.


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Linked Server Referred By Insert Trigger

Jul 23, 2005

Hei,We have 2 MS SQL SERVER 2000 installed on 2 different servers (2 separatedmachines).I am triing to connect them så that when one row is added to the table inthe database in main server - then the same row is added to the same tablein the second server database.I made the insert trigger on the table in the first server ( the secondserver is added as a linked server):-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------create trigger ti_myTabe1 on myTable1 for insert asbegindeclare ........BEGINinsert into server2.myDatabase2.owner.myTable2(column1, column2, column3)SELECT column1, column2, column3FROM inserted insEND......end-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When I run the statement in "SQL Query Analyzer"on the first server:insert into Table1 values(va1,val2,val3)then error is coming:Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ti_myTabe1 , Line 19The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'was unable to begin a distributed transaction.[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in thespecified transaction coordinator. ]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB'ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].The straing thing is: if I run the statement in "SQL Query Analyzer"on thefirst server:insert into server2.myDatabase2.owner.myTable2 values(va1,val2,val3)then it works!But not inside the trigger!!! - What I am doing wrong ?Any idea is greatly appeciated.

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Using Trigger To Insert Data To Different Server Database

Sep 25, 2007

i have 2 server named A and B

in A server have database server and B have database server

in A have database named A1 with table TA1 and in B have database named B1 with table TB1

i want if i insert data into database A1 table TA1 in server A, database B1 table TB1 in server B will insert the same data to

how can do that with trigger or other ways

thx u

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Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Oct 30, 2007

Table 1













Table 2































I want to be able to create a trigger that updates table 2 when a row is inserted into table 1. However I€™m not sure how to increment the ID in table 2 or to update only the row that has been inserted.

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Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Feb 5, 2008
















I want to be able to create a trigger so that when a row is inserted into table A by a specific user then the ID will appear in table B. Is it possible to find out the login id of the user inserting a row?

I believe the trigger should look something like this:

create trigger test_trigger
on a
for insert
insert into b(ID)

select i.id
from inserted i
--specific USER

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Trigger For Import Wizard

Mar 11, 2015

I have created an insert trigger to update an address column with a default when it is null, for different clients using a case statement.

When I import data using the import wizard, the trigger doesn't fire.

Doesn't SQL see an import as an insert?

How can I get this trigger to fire for an import?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Delete Before Insert Trigger Statement

Apr 6, 2015

What statement do I use, as part of an insert trigger, to insert xml data from the xml database to a flat file database, to check if a record with a specific ID exists to delete first then insert the changed record, instead of adding the changes or an updated from the original xml database.

What I’m trying to do is take the xml formatted data out of one sql server database and insert the data only in that xml into a another sql database. So I can play with the data.

Problem is if the data in the xml is updated or changed for a specific record on the original xml database then the trigger inserts another copy into the created database (which I don’t want).

This is on SQL Server 2008R2.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: INSERT Failure After DDL Trigger Creation

Jan 6, 2014

We have created a DDL trigger on SQL server 2005 database for DB audit purpose. Following is the script used for trigger creation

USE [master]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ChangeLog](

[Code] ....

After the DDL trigger creation. Application team started reporting following error while executing a stored procedure.

Error 1:
INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "exec sp_drop_indexes_EnhLeaseData delete from dbo.leases where vin_num='XXX' and lease_acct_num='XXXX' delete from dbo.leases where vin_num='XXX' and lease_acct_num='080066225' " failed with the following error: "INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Trigger Inserted Multiple Rows After Insert

Aug 6, 2014

I create a Trigger that allows to create news row on other table.

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TI_Creation_Contact_dansSLX]


But if I create an INSERT with 50 rows.. My table CONTACT and ADDRESS possess just one line.I try to create a Cursor.. but I had 50 lines with an AdressID and a ContactID differently, but an Account and an AccountId egual on my CONTACT table :

C001 - AD001 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C002 - AD002 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C003 - AD003 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C004 - AD004 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C005 - AD005 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001

I search a means to have 50 lines differently on my CONTACT table.

C001 - AD001 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C002 - AD002 - AC002 - ACCOUNT 002
C003 - AD003 - AC003 - ACCOUNT 003
C004 - AD004 - AC004 - ACCOUNT 004
C005 - AD005 - AC005 - ACCOUNT 005

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Master Table With Insert Trigger

Feb 4, 2015

I have a master table with after insert trigger on it.. When record is inserted into master table, the trigger fires and is captured in the backoffice table. In case the trigger fails, my record is neither in the master table nor in the back office table..

Is there anyway to capture the record either in the master table or in a separate table.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Trigger On Master Detail Table

Mar 14, 2015

I have two tables. Order table and order detail table.

What I want to do is send notification to a service when an order is created. And I want to include both header and detail of the order.

I can't get working with on insert trigger . How to go around with trigger ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get A Table Identity Inserted By Instead Of Insert Trigger

May 14, 2015

I have a problem described as follows: I have a table with one instead of insert trigger:

create table TMessage (ID int identity(1,1), dscp varchar(50))
Alter trigger tr_tmessage on tmessage
instead of insert
--Set NoCount On
insert into tmessage


When I execute P1 it returns 0 for Id field of @T1.

How can I get the Identity in this case?

PS: I can not use Ident_Current or @@identity as the table insertion hit is very high and can be done concurrently.Also there are some more insertion into different tables in the trigger code, so can not use @@identity either.

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Interaction Between Instead Of Insert Trigger And Output Clause Of Insert Statement

Jan 14, 2008

This problem is being seen on SQL 2005 SP2 + cumulative update 4

I am currently successfully using the output clause of an insert statement to return the identity values for inserted rows into a table variable

I now need to add an "instead of insert" trigger to the table that is the subject of the insert.

As soon as I add the "instead of insert" trigger, the output clause on the insert statement does not return any data - although the insert completes successfully. As a result I am not able to obtain the identities of the inserted rows

Note that @@identity would return the correct value in the test repro below - but this is not a viable option as the table in question will be merge replicated and @@identity will return the identity value of a replication metadata table rather than the identity of the row inserted into my_table

Note also that in the test repro, the "instead of insert" trigger actually does nothing apart from the default insert, but the real world trigger has additional code.

To run the repro below - select each of the sections below in turn and execute them
1) Create the table
2) Create the trigger
3) Do the insert - note that table variable contains a row with column value zero - it should contain the @@identity value
4) Drop the trigger
5) Re-run the insert from 3) - note that table variable is now correctly populated with the @@identity value in the row

I need the behaviour to be correct when the trigger is present

Any thoughts would be much appreciated


1) - Create the table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[my_table](
[my_table_id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[forename] [varchar](100) NULL,
[surname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[my_table_id] ASC

2) - Create the trigger
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trig_my_table__instead_insert] ON [dbo].[my_table]

INSERT INTO my_table
FROM inserted


3) - Do the insert

DECLARE @my_insert TABLE( my_table_id bigint )

declare @forename VARCHAR(100)
declare @surname VARCHAR(50)

set @forename = N'john'
set @surname = N'smith'

INSERT INTO my_table (
, surname
OUTPUT inserted.my_table_id INTO @my_insert
VALUES( @forename
, @surname

select @@identity -- expect this value in @my_insert table
select * from @my_insert -- OK value without trigger - zero with trigger

4) - Drop the trigger

drop trigger [dbo].[trig_my_table__instead_insert]

5) - Re-run insert from 3)
-- @my_insert now contains row expected with identity of inserted row
-- i.e. OK

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SQL Server 2008 :: Trigger Fire On Each Inserted Row To Insert Same Record Into Remote Table

Sep 9, 2015

I have two different SQL 2008 servers, I don't have permission to create a linked server in any of them. i created a trigger on server1.table1 to insert the same record to the remote server server2.table1 using OPENROWSET

i created a stored procedure to insert this record, and i have no issue when i execute the stored procedure. it insert the recored into the remote server.

The problem is when i call the stored procedure from trigger, i get an error message.

Stored Procedure:

[Code] ....

When i try to insert a new description value in the table i got the following error message:

No row was updated
the data in row 1 was not committed
Error source .Net SqlClient Data provider.
Error Message: the operation could not be performed because OLE DB
provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" returned message "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transaction.".

correct the errors entry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).

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Multiple Insert Call For A Table Having Insert Trigger

Mar 1, 2004


I am trying to use multiple insert for a table T1 to add multiple rows.

Ti has trigger for insert to add or update multiple rows in Table T2.

When I provide multiple insert SQL then only first insert works while rest insert statements does not work

Anybody have any idea about why only one insert works for T1


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SQL Server 2014 :: Trigger On A View If Any Insert / Update Occurs On Base Table Level

Apr 21, 2015

I have a situation where I have Table A, Table B.

View C is created by joining table A and table B.

I have written a instead of trigger D on view C.

I do not insert/update/delete on the view directly.

For every insert/update in table A /B the values should get insert/update in the view respectively. This insert/update on view should invoke the trigger.

And I am unable to see this trigger work on the view if any insert/update occurs on base table level.

Trigger is working only if any operation is done directly on the view.

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Insert Trigger For Bulk Insert

Nov 25, 2006

In case of a bulk insert, the “FOR INSERT� trigger fires for each recod or only once?

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Insert Trigger - How To

Nov 20, 2006

 I would like to have the value of a field to be set the return value of
every time a a row is inserted.
Can you guide with this?
Do you have  some similar sample code?
Thank you very much

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Insert Trigger

Dec 3, 2006

I would like to have the value of a field to be set the return value of
every time a a row is inserted.
Can you guide with this?
Do you have  some similar sample code?
Thank you very much

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Insert Trigger

Nov 12, 2001

Should a insert trigger fire my update trigger as well? it fires it automatically after the insert? Is this a bug?

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Insert Trigger (Help)

Aug 31, 2000

I have to create a insert trigger that calls a stored procedure usp_a
I need to pass two parameters to this stored procedure, value coming from the row inserted...
What is the syntax? Any help will be appreciated?

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Insert Trigger Help

Jan 14, 2005


Replication is not an option for me so I am trying to creat a trigger that will basically copy any new record to another database. I am using an on insert trigger and I get all records from the table inserted to the new db not just the new record.

Any ideas?



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Pre-insert Trigger

Apr 26, 1999

I am trying to write a pre-insert trigger. I want a row to be deleted first and then have the new row inserted. The end result is an insert/update statement. If anyone knows how to do this or has a better way, let me know, Please.

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Insert Trigger

Oct 13, 1998

I am trying to write an insert trigger for the following problem. I have a table that contains a field (amount) that contains currency amount. Each row could be a record from a transaction in a different country. I would like each record to be converted into U.S. currency as it is inserted. So I created an other table that contains that exchange rate. How can I create a trigger that does this?

Tax Detail Table Exchange Table

Account# int Country char
Description char ExchangeRate Money
Amount money
Country char

I am working with MSS 6.5. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Fidencio Peña

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Dec 8, 1998


Is there any way to change some columns on inserted lines in ON INSERT trigger?

My notice: I try to find something about it in SQLBOOKS, but I found nothing.
It's possibly not TRUEEE!!!!! It wants me to grumble.

Thank for your answer.

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Trigger INSERT Q

Nov 28, 2005

Really simple question - I have the following trigger for the INSERT event for Tbl_B:

CREATE TRIGGER calc_total ON [dbo].[Tbl_B]

DECLARE @VATRate AS decimal(19,2)
SET @VATRate = (
FROM Tbl_Numeric_Refs
WHERE Ref = 'VATRate'

SET [Total] = ((@VATRate / 100) * [PriceA]) + [PriceA],
[VATRate] = @VATRateHow can I restrict the UPDATE within the trigger to the record(s) being INSERTed? Or am I over-complicating things, and should use a simple UDF for this instead?

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Trigger On Insert

Oct 22, 2007

Is it possible to pick up the value that is being inserted within the scope of a trigger? For example, if I were to run the following

INSERT INTO people (firstname, lastname)
VALUES ('George', 'V')

Would it be possible to access these values in a trigger before they are inserted?

ON people
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table1 WHERE firstname = <the value being inserted>) BEGIN
Print '1'
Print '2'

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SQL Trigger To Run On Insert Only

Nov 15, 2007

Rightio - this is probably a simple question for you SQL afficionados.I have written a trigger to update a master table with a CreateDate field. Simple enough I thought but it updates this field when the existing record is edited as well - not so good.This is how it looks like:CREATE TRIGGER CreateDateON MasterFOR UPDATE ASDECLARE@idMaster intSELECT @idMaster = idMaster from Insertedupdate Masterset CreatedDate = getdate()where idMaster = @idMasterGOWell I know I can write an IF statement that will basically say if the field is not null then only update - fair enough - but is there a simpler way to do this? Is there a way I need to write my CREATE TRIGGER statement that ONLY makes it run when it is a NEW INSERT ONLY?THANKS!

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Trigger: Before Insert

Jan 27, 2004

Hi, i'm a newbie in writting trigger and stored procedure, need to get help on this:

I cannnot find anyway to run the trigger before insert, anyway to do this?


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