I've recently installed SQL Server 2005 Express on my PC (winXP).
I'm finding that SQL Server Management Studio Express runs very slow. Every simple task takes 10-60seconds (open table, creating a table, saving anything etc). I can't find an answer to this anywhere. I've read neumerous articles that people wern't online therefore it was running slow because a certificate was trying to verify in the background... but I'm online and I've disabled the certificate so it can't be that.
This is a fresh install so I can't understand why it runs so slowly! When I used to use enterprise manager with SQL Server 2000 it worked at lighting speed.
I'm working within VS2005/Business Intel studio environment. I've got one master package, which loads about 18 sub-packages as tasks.
After openin the master package (and waiting 5-10 minutes for the packages to open and validate), maneuvering within the IDE is nearly impossible, it is so slow. Context menus can take 30 seconds to open. Certian operations, like closing a window, seem to hang the environment.
Does anyone have any feedback about this kind of ide performance problem?
I've got a new machine at work here running Vista 64 bit....when I use SQL Management Studio to connect to a server it "Stops Responding" for a period of time and eventually comes back to life. When I check the server registration properties and click "Test Connection" it takes 13 seconds to succeed. Anyone else have this...it's God awful slow. Other devs on XP don't have this problem. What gives?
I'm currently working on my first project which is using SQL express. The performance of the queries is really quick with management studio closed. But when I have it open to test queries, my program seems to take longer to connect to the server. Is there something I haven't set up right or is this to be expected when using the express edition?
When I open a large table (say more than 1,000,000 Rows) in the SSMS by right clicking on the table name, it takes a very big time to fully open the table.More than 20 minutes for 1,000,000 records on a local instance.
SQL Server 2000 EM was extremely faster. Does any one knows a work around?
I need to be able to view and edit the data in SSMS.
I have a parent package which executes 14 child packages in parallel, which on average take ~10 seconds each to complete when I execute the parent packege using BIDS or DTEXEC.
However, if I run the parent package using SQL Management Studio (Integration Services > Stored Packages > MSDB > Right Click > Run Package) each package takes in excess of 10 minutes to run, getting progressively slower as each package starts.
Surely the package is executing in exactly the same way as BIDS/DTEXEC, just a differenct UI?
I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project. I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution. However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program. When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes. I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again. Any suggestions? ThanksJason
I have recently installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I do not find Management Tools in order to create scheduled backups and shrinking of the databases. I was under the impression that this should be included in the Management Studio. I use the SQL 2005 Express for smaller customers who run the SQL on a desktop unit. I need a way to backup the data to a server machine for backup purposes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.
I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.
I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?
I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?
I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.
How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.
Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.
My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.
How do i get the database that i am using in visual studio into my SQL server management studio? i need to create some scripts to create stored procedures on a live server.
I have a DTS package ON SQL 2000 which transfer data from AS400 to SQL 2000 using an ODBC Client Access 5.1 (The DSN was configured by a sysdmin on the AS400 so it is configured properly). When i execute the package manualy (by right click and "execute package") the package runns fine and ruterns data in no time (Eproximatly 30000 rows in 15 sec).
The problem starts when a job executes the same packagee!!! When i start the job, the DTS package is running Very Very Slow!!!! sometime it takes Hours to return a few rows! and it seems that it is stuck.
The SQLAgent is running as a NT Account with Administrator rights, and has full access to the AS400!! so the problem is not the Agent.
by monitoring the AS400, i have noticed that the job/DTS is retreaving the first fetch quickly , and then it is in a waiting status
i have tried everything and cant seem to get this problem fixed
Does anyone know what could be the problem? I Need Help Quick!!! Thank You
I have a huge speed issue on one or two of my SQL Tables. I have included the basic design below.
Structure Id ParentId Name
Group Id ParentId Name Weight
Products Id Name
StructureProducts StructureId ProductId Imported
StructureGroups StructureId GroupId
GroupProducts GroupId ProductId
AnswerDates Id AssessmentDate
Scores <-- This table is the slow table AnswerDateId StructureId GroupId (nullable) ProductId (nullable) Score >= 0 && <= 100
Ok, Structures are the start of everything. Structures, have children. If a group/product is Linked to a parent or child structure then that group/product is visible along the structure tree flow path. Groups, like structure have children. And also like structures, if a group is given a product, then that product is visible through the structure tree flow path.
Example: Earth [Structure] - Asia [Structure] --- China [Structure] --- Japan [Structure] ----- Computer Stuff [Group] ------- Desktops [Group] ------- Servers [Group] ------- Laptops [Group] --------- HP [Product] --------- Dell [Product] --------- Fujitsu [Product] - Europe [Structure] --- Germany [Structure] ----- Berlin [Structure] --- Italy [Structure] ----- Rome [Structure] ----- Venice [Structure] - America [Structure] --- United States of America [Structure] ----- New York [Structure] ------- Computer Stuff [Group] --------- Desktops [Group] --------- Servers [Group] --------- Laptops [Group] ----------- HP [Product] ----------- Dell [Product] ------- Home Stuff [Group] --------- Kitchen Stuff [Group] --------- bedroom Stuff [Group] ----- Washington [Structure] ------- Computer Stuff [Group] --------- Desktops [Group] --------- Servers [Group] --------- Laptops [Group] ----------- HP [Product] ----------- Dell [Product] ----------- Acer [Product] ------- Home Stuff [Group] --------- Kitchen Stuff [Group] --------- bedroom Stuff [Group] ----- Chicago [Structure] ------- Computer Stuff [Group] --------- Desktops [Group] --------- Servers [Group] --------- Laptops [Group] ------- Home Stuff [Group] --------- Kitchen Stuff [Group] --------- bedroom Stuff [Group] - Africa [Structure] --- South Africa [Structure] ----- Johannesburg [Structure] ------- Computer Stuff [Group] --------- Desktops [Group] --------- Servers [Group] --------- Laptops [Group] ----------- Acer [Product] ------- Home Stuff [Group] --------- Kitchen Stuff [Group] --------- bedroom Stuff [Group] ----- Durban [Structure] ----- Capte Town [Structure] - Australasia [Structure]
So the initial steps that happen (with regards to Scoring) are as follows. 1. Insert root score (which would be for a structure, a group, an answer date and either a product or no product 2. Score the next group up along the treeview, using the scores for the groups at the same level as the original group (0 score if no score exists). 3. Continue this till GroupTree is at root (parentid == null) 4. Using the next structure up along the treeview, repeat steps 2 & 3. 5. Continue steps 4 until Structuree is at root (parentid == null)
Example Scoring a product for Johannesburg Acer Laptop would go as follows 1. Initial score for [Acer] product against Group [Laptop] for Johannesburg. 2. Calculate Score for all products (productid = null) against Laptop for Johannesburg 3. Calculate Score for [Acer] product against Group [Computer Stuff] for Johannesburg 4. Calculate Score for all products against Group [computer Stuff] for Johannesburg 5. Calculate score for [Acer] product against all root groups for Johannesburg 5.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] 6. Calculate score for all products against all root groups for Johannesburg 6.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] 7. Calculate score for [Acer] Product against Group Laptop for South Africa 8. Calculate Score for all products (productid = null) against Laptop for South Africa 9. Calculate Score for [Acer] product against Group [Computer Stuff] for South Africa 10. Calculate Score for all products against Group [computer Stuff] for South Africa 11. Calculate score for [Acer] product against all root groups for South Africa 11.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] 12. Calculate score for all products against all root groups for South Africa 12.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] 13. Calculate score for [Acer] Product against Group Laptop for Africa 14. Calculate Score for all products (productid = null) against Laptop for Africa 15. Calculate Score for [Acer] product against Group [Computer Stuff] for Africa 16. Calculate Score for all products against Group [computer Stuff] for Africa 17. Calculate score for [Acer] product against all root groups for Africa 17.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] 18. Calculate score for all products against all root groups for Africa 18.1. Group [Comptuer Stuff] and [Home Stuff] etc. etc. etc...
This basicly coveres the concept behind the basic scoring methodology. Now the methodology splits into 2. The first Methodology 1, say it should do these calculations using the Exact same date as the original scored date. (Ie. if i do a score today, only scores on today will be used in the calculations). The other, Methodology 2, says that it should do the calculations on the latest available date. (Ie. If i do a score today, only scores from today and the latest before today will be used in the calculations).
Now to add another problem to this already complex process, is that each Group and each product within a structure can have either of the 2 scoring methodologies assigned to it. Also, products can only be scored against the structures and groups that they are assigned to. Ie, Acer exists in Laptop Group, in Johannesburg or South Africa or Africa, but doesnt exist in New York.
Ok, so now that i've explained briefly how this scoring works, let me get to the heart of the problem. Basicly its speed (can clearly see why), though the speed issue only comes up in 1 Place. And that is where it has to look backwards for the latest available score for the required group, structure and product.
For this to happen i wrote a function ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetLatestAnswerDateId] ( @StructureId INT, @GroupId INT, @ProductId INT, @AnswerDateId INT ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @Id INT DECLARE @Date DATETIME
SELECT TOP 1 @Date = [Date] FROM [dbo].[AnswerDate] WHERE [Id] = ISNULL(@AnswerDateId, [Id]) ORDER BY [Date] DESC
SELECT TOP 1 @Id = ad.id--gs.[AnswerDateId] FROM [dbo].[Scoring] gs INNER JOIN [dbo].[AnswerDate] ad ON ad.Id = gs.AnswerDateId WHERE [StructureId] = @StructureId AND ISNULL([GroupId], -1) = ISNULL(@GroupId, -1) AND ISNULL([ProductId], -1) = ISNULL(@ProductId, -1) AND [Date] <= @Date ORDER BY [Date] DESC
Now on small amounts of data (1000 rows or so) its quick, though that is due to the fact that the data is minimal, but on large amounts of data this function runs for along time. Specificly in the context of the following when there is 6 months of scoring data (100 000+ rows) to peruse.
SELECT [StructureId], [GroupId], [AnswerDateId], [ProductId], [Score] FROM [Scoring] WHERE AnswerDateId = GetLatestAnswerDateId([Structure], [GroupId], [ProductId], null) AND [StructureId] = South Africa AND [GroupId] = Computer Stuff AND [ProductId] = Acer
Any idea's on how to make this quick? or quicker?
My Current runtime for calculating the 2500 base scores (totals 100 000+- rows) takes 15 hours. Though this is an initial calculation and is only supposed to be done once. Also, this calculations are all correct, so my only issue itself is the speed of the entire process.
Hi,I have a table defined asCREATE TABLE [SH_Data] ([ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Date] [datetime] NULL ,[Time] [datetime] NULL ,[TroubleshootId] [int] NOT NULL ,[ReasonID] [int] NULL ,[reason_desc] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[maj_reason_id] [int] NULL ,[maj_reason_desc] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[ActionID] [int] NULL ,[action_desc] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[WinningCaseTitle] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[Duration] [int] NULL ,[dm_version] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[ConnectMethod] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[dm_motive] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[HnWhichWlan] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[RouterUsedToConnect] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[OS] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[WinXpSp2Installed] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[Connection] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[Login] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL,[EnteredBy] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASNULL ,[Acct_Num] [int] NULL ,[Site] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_SH_Data] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TroubleshootId]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOWhich contains 5.6 Million rows and has non clustered indexes on Date,ReasonID, maj_Reason, Connection. Compared to other tables on the sameserver this one is extremely slow. A simple query such as :SELECTSD.reason_desc,SD.Duration,SD.maj_reason_desc,SD.[Connection],SD.aolEnteredByFROM dbo.[Sherlock Data] SDWhere SD.[Date] > Dateadd(Month,-2,Getdate())takes over 2 minutes to run ! I realise the table contains severallarge columns which make the table quite large but unfortunately thiscannot be changed for the moment.How can i assess what is causing the length of Query time ? And whatcould i possibly do to speed this table up ? The database itself isrunning on a dedicated server which has some other databases. None ofwhich have this performance issue.Anyone have any ideas ?
Hello! I have a query that join five tables and returns around 45000 rows that takes no more than a minute to execute, in management studio, on a SQL Server 2005, 2CPU 32 bit(dual core), 4GB and RAID5 disk system. The O/S is Windows 2003 sp2 Standard Edition.
When the same query is executed in SSRS2005, with some drilldown and summary of drilldown levels, it never stops to execute.
Looking at the hardware in the performance monitor reveals nothing strange except that % CPU-time is around 40 percent. Memory resources over 2 GB are available all the time.
Any suggestions is appreciated!
Any problems with SQL Server 2005 source database running on SQL Server 2000 compatibility level?
I am trying to connect to a sql server 2005 server using either windows auth or sql server auth but I can not. When I click on the connect button to connect to a server it never connects. I can not cancel once I press connect. It never times out after I press connect. I removed all registered servers that were registered previously. I have uninstalled all software that involved sql server (and sql2000) run a registry cleaner(not microsofts), installed the software to a new directory and still I can not connect to the sql2005 server (the only db).
Any ideas?
I am running Windows XP with latest services packs for both windows and sql server. I have visual studio 2005 installed on my machine and I have had sql express installed on it previously.
I have a package that reads the contents of 11 Excel files into various tables. Opening this package in the designer, or with DTExecUI is extremely slow. In both cases when I open the package is takes over 10 minutes to do anything. Visual Studio gives the "Visual Studio is Busy" message for 10 minutes and DTExecUI just hangs. DTExecUI actually hangs twice, once when opening the package and a second time when clicking "Execute" (totalling over 20 minutes). It seems like no matter how I try to run the package it will always hang for 10 minutes before running with no status message or anything. Once it runs it completes quickly with no errors.
The various tasks in the package are fairly simple, most being Source > Data Conversion > Destination.
Hi,My webhost (1and1) is running SQL Server 2000 and their web tool supports the import of .bak files. However, when I try to import my .bak files created in SQL Server Management Studio Express I get the following error:"The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database. RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally."I have Googled this error and learnt that 2005 .bak files are not compatible with 2000 .bak files. I'm just wondering if there are any work arounds to this or alternative tools that I can create 2000 compatible .bak files from from 2000/2005 .mdf files.Thanks in advance.
I am trying to connect to a remote sql server 2005. So I have install the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. When I try to connect I get the error below.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53). Can some one please help. I have even port no 1533 on my pc. Thanks.
Can I connect to remote SQL 2005 server through SQL Server Management Studio Express? I always get a error code 18456 when I try to connect to SQL 2005 server through SQL Server Management Studio Express. I'm sure I enter correct username and password!
I just installed SQL Server Compact Edition, since I am considering using it instead of SQL Server Express for a local database in my application. The documentation mentioned that I could use SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to the Compact Edition and create and manipulate databases.
To try to connect, I run Management Studio and bring up the "Connect to Server" dialog. Unfortunately, the pull-down list of "Server name"s does not include the SQL Server Compact Edition server. I do not know how to type in the server name manually, so I cannot connect.
To install Compact Edition, I downloaded it and ran "SQLServerCE31-EN.msi". This installed, and I assume registered, a number of DLLs in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1".
Is there perhaps an additional step that I left out to complete the installation?
Might I need an upgrade to some other components? My Management Studio Version is:
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.2047.00
Which tool can I use for structure editing of SQL Server Compact 3.5 databases? I'm installed SQL Server Compact 3.5. I have SQL Server Management Studio Express which was installed with SQL Server 2005 Express. Unfortunately this SSMS can create and open only 3.1 databases.
Hopefully a simple question: Is it possible to use Maintenance Plans created on SQL Server Management Studio (installed as part of an instance of SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed.) to back up databases running on an instance of SQL Server Express Edition with Advanced Services? I don't need directions, just whether or not it is permitted.
I've been able to create the plans including establishing connections to from SSMS to the the SQL Express instance, but they keep erroring out. I just need to know if this is actually permitted since Maintenance Plans are not available on Management Studio Express Edition.
I just installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition from my company's DVD. It was installed with the setting of using both Integrated windows authenitication as well as basic named authenication. I installed all the options too: Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server compact edition, and Integration Services. When I look at services there are: SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, and SQL Server Browser. All of which are running. Something that took me offguard was the installation did not ask me to provide an SA password. Other than that, the install looked like it went good.
I was able to connect to the local instance of the SQL Server 2005 using the SQL Server Management Studio. I could connect with SA, or connect with Integrated Windows Authenication. Whoohoo. Off and running! As a matter of fact, for the SA account I could use any password and it would still log me in.
First thing I did was I went in to the copy wizard to attempt to copy a database from a server on our network to my local box. First it asked me for the remote server. Then when I specified my local instance in the wizard, the wizard complained that my local instance was NOT SQL Server 2005. Doh! This I didn't understand. I figured maybe I need to check for MS updates. Sure enough, I found that ther was a SP2 and then a hot-fix for that SP2. I applied both. Now I cannot connect from SQL Server Management studio to my local instance of SQL Server 2005 database server. I get the following error:
"An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)"
However, I went in to see what other services I could connect to, and here's the results:
Analysis Services : OK! Reporting Services (Windows Auth/Basic/Forms) : NG "The reporting Services Instance could not be found (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)" SQL Server Compact Edition : NG "The database cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [ File Name = CCG092 ] (SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider) Integration Services : OK!
I can connect to other SQL Server databases on our network. However, just not my local one. No one on the network can connect to me either.
I even turned off my windows firewall and still no luck connecting to my own.
So something really went wrong when I applied SP2, however, admittedly from the error message when I tried to use the copy wizard, something was probably already wrong.
Hello: I have an old database created in SQL Server 2000, now I can open, access it in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, but I can't create Data Diagrams. Please advise on how to make it work.... Thank you
Can't connect to local server instance MSSQLSERVER in SQL Server Management Studio (SQL2005 sp2/Vista).
SQL Server Configuration Manager reports SQL Server2005 services: SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Running. This would indicate the name of the SQL server is "MSSQLSERVER" correct? I chose "default" instance during the install and that is the name it gave itself.
I tried connecting to the server using the following for the Server Name: MSSQLSERVER and .MSSQLSERVER neither works.
The only thing that works for my installation is just plain "." (no quotes) and nothing else. Can this be correct because I can't find any reference to this. Thanks.
I just upgraded my Sql Server to 2008 and I was hoping that the link found in this page would provide the download to SSMSE for Sql Server 2008, but it redirects me to 2005 version. I don't any instances running with Sql Server 2005 that I could access through SSMSE 2005, so I can't use it. Does anyone have the link for download to SSMSE 2008? Or should I downgrade? And if, how can I downgrade? Thank you very much, sorry by my misspellings.
I have recently installed SQL Server 2005 (Developer Ed) + SP1 onto a VMWare based Windows 2003 + SP1 server. SQL Server works fine when connecting to it using Mangement Studio on Windows XP. However, I have noticed strange CPU usage on the server which seems to be caused by Management Studio (either directly or indirectly). When no-one is connecting to the server using Management Studio, the server happily ticks along with CPU usage around 1-5% range. However, as soon as someone connects to the SQL Server instance using Management Studio the CPU usage begin to go up and down constantly. The CPU usage ranges from 5-50% and it goes up and down (fairly regularly) every few seconds. It does this even when nothing is actually being done in Management Studio. The moment Management Studio is closed, the CPU usage goes back to normal. The processes on the server that appear to be causing the CPU spikes are services.exe and wmiprvse.exe. On a possibly connected note (though possibly not), the Security log in the server's Event Viewer shows that there are logins occuring every minute or so (most of the logins are from my account). Any ideas?
I am very new to SQL Compact. I am trying to create one database which can work on the desktop application and also on a pda application. I want to create the database but I am unable to start without Management Studio. Can you guide me to the right tools so that I can create database, view it and manage it use something like Management Studio Express.
Also one more question is if my database needs to be at both places on the desktop and on pda how can i synchronise them. PDA will take using c# application data from RFID scans and then i need to sync that database on the desktop so that reports and other info can be generated from the desktop c# application. How to do this?
Please can you guide me to any webcasts or labs so i can clarify my doubts about the design.
Hello, How do I clear the Recently Used Server list in SQL Server Management Studio? I am talking about the "Server Name" field that is part of the "Connect To Server" drop down when you initially open SQL Server Management Studio. Thanks.