SQL Server Personal Ed - Licencing?

Feb 27, 2004

I just found that one of the SQL Servers I support shows it is 'SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition'. I've checked and there is a spare SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition' licence in the organisation.

Do I need to re-install SQL Server 2000 with the correct media so that it shows 'Standard Edition' in the SQL Server properties? Or is it ok just to leave Personal Edition on there?


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SQL Server Licencing

Jul 4, 2001

I want to to purchase SQL Server 7.0 standard Edition. But I am having difficulty sourcing it.

If I purchase SQL Server 2000 standard Edition, am I covered.

Is there an article which covers this topic

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Personal SQL Server

Feb 4, 2000

Does anyone know about a product called "Personal SQL Server" or similar, which would provide your the services of SQL Server, but running on W95, 98 or NT? Is it included in Backoffice Server? Where can I get it? Is it there a demo available?

Thank you.

Alvaro de Le�n

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SQL Server Personal Edition

Mar 31, 2004

Does anyone have any pointers on where I can find out exactly what we're allowed to do with this product? For example, we sell systems based on Microsoft Small Business Server 2000, which includes SQL Server standard edition. If I want to have, say, a branch system which replicates data to the main SBS system, but run it on XP Pro and use a couple of PCs for workstations, can I use SQL PE, or do I have to use SBS on the branch as well? What about if I have two branches? Or five? Does the fact that we're using SBS make any difference? At the moment, where possible, our branch in that scenario might use the MSDE, but that is limited to a 2Gb database which isn't always useful.

Your thoughts would be most welcome. The Microsoft web site doesn't specifically say what we can and cannot do here, or if it does I haven't found it yet. We're in the UK, if that affects licensing information.

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Deployment Of SQL 2000 Server Personal

Mar 28, 2008

Hi everyone,

I would like to know how I can deploy Microsoft SQL 2000 Server Personal edition using SMS 2003 Sp2.

When I map a drive and I execute my batch file it install SQL 2000 correctly but when I try to deploy SQL 2000 server personal edition using SMS 2003, It said that I deployed successfully sql 2000 server but when I look into my client computer, it didn't install SQL so this is the problem I have.

anyone can help me?

Best regards

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SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition

Feb 6, 2008

One of my clients has an application that only requires ��SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition�? (the new versions of SQL are not supported). Tried going to Microsoft��s download center to get ��SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition�?, but all I found were the service packs. I also talked to the client about getting an updated version of the application he is using, but it is not cost effective. Does anyone know where I can get/buy a copy of ��SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition�?? Thanks for your help and time.

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SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition

Nov 20, 2007

May i know whether SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition is a freeware?
If i install it with the Analysis Services, will it still be considered as freeware?
Thank you.


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SQL Server 2000 Std Ed/Personal Ed Install Problem

Jul 1, 2004

I already had MSDE installed on my laptop and I was trying to load the Client Tools. I stopped the MSDE service, then tried to install the Client Tools from the SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition (Personal Edition) CD. Near the end of the install, I received an error telling me that the C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedSQL Debuggingsqldbg.dll file was in use and it would not complete the install.

So, I removed the MSDE thru Add/Remove programs, rebooted, then tried to install SQL Server 2000 Std Ed (Personal Ed) and the Client Tools from the CD. Same error message. I used My Computer to try to go to that folder and see the sqldbg.dll file, but when I try to open the folder it tells me "Access is denied".

Obviously, something is using this file, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?



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Networking With Personal Edition Sql Server 2000

Apr 26, 2002

I am using the personal edition of sql server 2000 and i have a number of databases stored on the harddrive, how would i set up a connection with other PC's to be able to view/modify/delete the data through an access 2000 front end. The other PC's will not have SQL server on them but will have Access 2000, they will need to go via the network which is non-microsoft compliant.

Thank you very much for you help it would be very much appreciated.


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SQL Server Personal Edition Error 1069

Apr 1, 2004

I have just installed the personal edition on a win xp pro PC, the installation seemed to work ok but when I try to start SQL in the Service Manager I get the following error:

"service did not start due to login failure - error 1069"

I have already got the Enterprise Edition installed on a win 2000 server which has been working nicely and used the same settings on the new xp PC, could this be the problem. I installed it using the domain user accout and SQL server authentication.

Anyone know how I can fix this?


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Problem In Installing SQL Server 2000 Personal

Aug 23, 2007

Hi... I recently reformatted my pc due to a very slow operation. Then I reinstall SQL Server 2000 Personal to my PC running Windows XP OS....As I run the setup, it will display INTERNAL ERROR and won't continue... What seemed to be the problem there? Before I reformatted the PC, it was installed well...

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SQL Server Error - Trying To Deploy Personal Website Package

Apr 20, 2007

After using FTP to transfer my site to Dotster, I get an error upon running the site. Here are the source error and stack trace respectively:
Line 5:  void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {Line 6:  SiteMap.SiteMapResolve += new SiteMapResolveEventHandler(AppendQueryString);Line 7:  if (!Roles.RoleExists("Administrators")) Roles.CreateRole("Administrators");Line 8:  if (!Roles.RoleExists("Friends")) Roles.CreateRole("Friends"); 
[SqlException (0x80131904): An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)]
The host provider says I must create the database [on their server] using their on-line utility, Is this true? Or do I need to configure the server to allow remote connections? If the latter is true, how is it accomplished?
Thanks in advance.... any help is appreciated.

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Installing SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition On Windows XP SP1

Jul 20, 2005

I have a need to become familiar with SQL Server 2000 for work.Needless to say I am new to SQL Server any version, but not IT ingeneral. My employer has provided me with the SQL Server 2000Personal disk from the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise kit as this isreported here on the MSDN web site to be the version that is supportedon Windows XP. In fact so many of you kind people confess to havingsucceeded in doing it.I have tried several installs using various custom componentcombinations as well as the default "typical" install.All start of trying to install the MDAC component, then after severalminutes display a dialog with the following text:"The software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testingto verify its compatibility with Windows XP. The software will not beinstalled. Contact your system administrator"Before anyone asks, yes I am logged on as the administrator of theWindows XP machine.The setup program then displays a dialog with the following text:"Installation of the Microsoft Data Access Components package failed.(-1)"Setup then shuts down and the PC needs to be restarted before the SQLServer setup can be run again.For the techos that might have an insight, I have included detailsfrom the following logs below. SQL.MIF, SQLSTP.LOG, DASETUP.LOGSETUPAPI.LOG.Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you.Only the log files follow from here.DASETUP.LOG: ****************************************: * Beginning of Install *: ****************************************Starting Install: Current Date/Time (U.S. Local Time): 09/07/2003 :18:25:09Path: C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32;Localization: Machine Locale set to: English_Australia.1252Command Line Parameters:Suppress Reboot: 0Quiet/Silent Mode: 1Logging Level: 3Windows Directory: C:WindowsProgress: Loading Resource Library.Progress: Parsing INI File.*************************:** Begin INI File Dump **:*************************:Ini Section: General: ProductName = Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6: ProductBuild = 2.60.6526.2: ProductUrl = http://www.microsoft.com/data: ProductVersionKey = SOFTWAREMicrosoftDataAccess: ProductVersionValue = FullInstallVer: InstanceName = MDAC: CheckInUseFiles = 1: EULAFile = MDACEULA.RTF: EULAType = rtf: BackupSize = 10: InstallSize = 20: SupportsTS = 1: SupportsMUI = 0: CheckForDiskSpace = 1: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: Packages: A = SETUP_LIBS: B = C_RUNTIME_LIBS: C = MTX_FILES: D = SETUP_RSP_FILES: E = DASETUP_FILES: F = WDSETUP_DOWNLEVEL: G = WDSETUP_MILLENNIUM: H = WDSETUP_W2K_MIGRATION: I = MDAC_DOWNLEVEL: J = MDAC_MILLENNIUM: K = MDAC_W2K_MIGRATION: L = MSXML_FILES: M = SQLXMLX: N = SQLNET_DOWNLEVEL: O = SQLNET_MILLENNIUM: P = SQLNET_W2K_MIGRATION: Q = SQLODBC_DOWNLEVEL: R = SQLODBC_MILLENNIUM: S = SQLODBC_W2K_MIGRATION: T = SQLOLEDB_DOWNLEVEL: U = SQLOLEDB_MILLENNIUM: V = SQLOLEDB_W2K_MIGRATION: W = JET_FILES: X = NEW_MUI_ENGINE: Y = REG_MDAC_VERSIONIni Section: SETUP_LIBS: Name = Microsoft Setup Libraries: ComponentName = SETUP_LIBS: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = setupapi.cab: InfFile = setupapi.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 1: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 3Ini Section: C_RUNTIME_LIBS: Name = Microsoft C/C++ Runtime Libraries: ComponentName = C_RUNTIME_LIBS: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = msvcrt.cab: InfFile = msvcrt.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: MTX_FILES: Name = MTX System Files: ComponentName = MTX_FILES: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = mtxfiles.cab: InfFile = mtxfiles.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: DASETUP_FILES: Name = MDAC Setup Files: ComponentName = DASETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = dasetup.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: SETUP_RSP_FILES: Name = MDAC Setup Response Files: ComponentName = SETUP_RSP_FILES: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = rspfiles.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 4294967295Ini Section: WDSETUP_DOWNLEVEL: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSET_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: WDSETUP_MILLENNIUM: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSETUPM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: WDSETUP_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = WebData Setup Files: ComponentName = WDSETUP: Dependencies =: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = WDSETUP.CAB: InfFile = WDSETUP.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 12Ini Section: MDAC_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPDL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: MDAC_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPKM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: MDAC_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = MDAC_CORE: Dependencies = C_RUNTIME_LIBS,MTX_FILES,WDSETUP: InstallType = xpak: CABFile = MDACXPAK.CAB: InfFile = MDACXPAK.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%mdaccore.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOS = 12Ini Section: MSXML_FILES: Name = Microsoft XML Parser: ComponentName = MSXML: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = MSXML.cab: InfFile = MSXML.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLXMLX: Name = XML Extensions for Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: ComponentName = SQLXMLX: Dependencies = WDSETUP,MDAC_CORE,MSXML: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLXMLX.cab: InfFile = SQLXMLX.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLNET_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNETDL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLNET_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNETM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLNET_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server Network Libraries: ComponentName = SQLNET: Dependencies =: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLNET.CAB: InfFile = SQLNET.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOL_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOLDBM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLOLEDB_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider: ComponentName = SQLOLEDB: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,SQLXMLX,SQLNET: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLOLDB.CAB: InfFile = SQLOLDB.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: SQLODBC_DOWNLEVEL: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLOD_DL.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: SQLODBC_MILLENNIUM: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = inf: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLODBCM.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 16Ini Section: SQLODBC_W2K_MIGRATION: Name = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver: ComponentName = SQLODBC: Dependencies = WDSETUP,SQLNET: InstallType = xpak: CabFile = SQLODBC.CAB: InfFile = SQLODBC.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%sqlclnt.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31Ini Section: JET_FILES: Name = Jet Expression Service and String Sorting Libraries: ComponentName = JET: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = JETFILES.cab: InfFile = JETFILES.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall.NT: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 1: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 7Ini Section: NEW_MUI_ENGINE: Name = Microsoft MUI Setup Engine: ComponentName = NEWMUI: Dependencies =: InstallType = inf: CabFile = NEWMUI.CAB: InfFile = NEWMUI.INF: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd =: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 8Ini Section: REG_MDAC_VERSION: Name = Microsoft Data Access Components: ComponentName = REG_MDAC_VERSION: Dependencies = MDAC_CORE,WDSETUP,MSXML,SQLXMLX,SQLNET,SQLOLEDB,SQ LODBC: InstallType = inf: CabFile =: InfFile = noop.inf: InstallSection = DefaultInstall: InstallSection.NT = DefaultInstall: PostInstallCmd = %11%odbcconf.exe /S /Lv odbcconf.log /F%11%
edist.rsp: ExtractCab = 0: UseRollback = 0: RebootAfter = 0: ValidOs = 31*************************:** End INI File Dump **:*************************:Progress: Loading EULA.Progress: Loading Strings.Debug: Loaded string resource: 13. Characters = 8Windows Version:Major Version: 5Minor Version: 0Windows NT: 1SP Level: 1Terminal Services: 0Progress: Loading Setup Engine Library.Entering function: LoadAdvPack()Parameters:*phInstance = 0x00000000pAdvPackLib = 0x0013EEF0Exiting function: LoadAdvPack()Return value: (BOOL) 1Progress: Loading ODBCConf Library.Entering function: LoadODBCConf()Parameters:*phInstance = 0x00000000pODBCConfLib = 0x0013EEFCExiting function: LoadODBCConf()Return value: (BOOL) 1IE Version:IE 6.00 and greaterVerifying System Language: The system LCID and the LCID of the setupresource DLL do not match.Entering function: BuildJobList()Parameters:pContext = 0x0013EEE4Entering function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Parameters:hHive = 0x80000002szRoot = ???????????????spContext = 0x%08XExiting function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: BuildJobList()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Progress: Creating Setup Wizard.Creating Wizard Page: 0Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 1Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 2Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 3Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 4Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 5Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Debug: Loaded string resource: 10. Characters = 104Creating Wizard Page: 6Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 7Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 8Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 9Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 11Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 12Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 13Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard Page: 14Debug: Loaded string resource: 1. Characters = 10Debug: Loaded string resource: 2. Characters = 129Creating Wizard: Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 SetupProgress: Running in Silent Mode. Suppressing UIChecking for disk space: Drive C: requires 12316672 bytes, there are17936592896 bytes available.Detecting in-use files: Setup is checking for in-use files.Detecting in-use files: Start time: 08:25:12:25Detecting in-use files: Setup has detected a locked file:C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dllDetecting in-use files: Setup has detected a locked file:C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dllDetecting in-use files: Finished building filelist. CheckPoint time:08:25:15:259Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: winlogon.exe, ProcessID 600 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: WINDOWS, Process ID556 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: Process requires reboot: Program Manager,Process ID 556 (System Process: 1)Detecting in-use files: End time: 08:25:15:900Detecting in-use files: Elapsed time: 00:00:03:875Detecting in-use files: In-use file check complete.Progress: Running in Silent Mode. Starting Install...Entering function: InstallPackages()Parameters:hWnd = 0x00000000pContext = 0x0013EEE4hMessageTarget = 0x00000000pParam = 0x00000000bAsync = 0Entering function: InstallPackagesThread()Parameters:pParam = 0x009C29C0Entering function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Parameters:hHive = 0x80000002szRoot = ???????????????spContext = 0x%08XExiting function: CJob::InitializeJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP
spfiles.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPWDSETUP.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 4pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x01000003Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMDACXPAK.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 4 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMSXML.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLXMLX.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 548pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Reboot Required: Job number 6 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 3. Characters = 21Debug: Loaded string resource: 5. Characters = 14Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 4hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLNET.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 36pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x80004005Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 5hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLNET.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x80004005Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPSQLXMLX.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Debug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 1hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMSXML.infpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstall.NTpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 5 requires rebootDebug: Loaded string resource: 4. Characters = 23Debug: Loaded string resource: 6. Characters = 16Entering function: ExecuteInstall()Parameters:nDirective = 5hWnd = 0x00000000pwcsInfFile = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPMDACXPAK.INFpwcsCabFile = (null)pwcsSection = DefaultInstallpwcsExtractPath = C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdwSetupFlags = 68pContext = 0x0013EEE4Exiting function: ExecuteInstall()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000BC2Reboot Required: Job number 4 requires rebootEntering function: CJob::DestroyJobQueues()Parameters: None.Exiting function: CJob::DestroyJobQueues()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: InstallPackagesThread()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000Exiting function: InstallPackages()Return value: (HRESULT) 0x00000000State after Install:Setup was Successful: 0Setup Requires Reboot: 0Setup Will Reboot the Machine: 0Exiting: Setup is shutting down..Ending Install: Current Date/Time (U.S. Local Time): 09/07/2003 :18:38:30Errors collection: Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005, Title:(null), Text: Unspecified errorErrors collection: Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005, Title:(null), Text: Unspecified errorError: The following error was encountered during setup:*** (null):Unspecified error(Severity: 100, Type: 2, Code: 0x80004005)SQL.MIFSTART COMPONENTNAME = "WORKSTATION"START GROUP NAME = "ComponentID"ID = 1CLASS = "DMTF|ComponentID|1.0"START ATTRIBUTENAME = "Manufacturer"ID = 1ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "Microsoft"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Product"ID = 2ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "Microsoft SQL Server 2000"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Version"ID = 3ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "8.00.194"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Locale"ID = 4ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(16)VALUE = ""END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Serial Number"ID = 5ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = ""END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Installation"ID = 6ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(64)VALUE = "DateTime"END ATTRIBUTEEND GROUPSTART GROUPNAME = "InstallStatus"ID = 2CLASS = "MICROSOFT|JOBSTATUS|1.0"START ATTRIBUTENAME = "Status"ID = 1ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(32)VALUE = "Failed"END ATTRIBUTESTART ATTRIBUTENAME = "Description"ID = 2ACCESS = READ-ONLYSTORAGE = SPECIFICTYPE = STRING(128)VALUE = "Installation of the Microsoft Data Access Componentspackage failed. (-1)"END ATTRIBUTEEND GROUPEND COMPONENTSETUPAPI.LOG[2003/09/07 18:25:11 3916.11]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E077 Could not locate a non-empty section [DefaultInstall] whencalculating disk space in "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPoop.inf". Error0xe0000102: The required line was not found in the INF.[2003/09/07 18:25:16 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"c:windows empixp000.tmp
spfiles.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-024 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP
spfiles.inf" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetup
spfiles.inf".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP
spfiles.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP
edist.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32
edist.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET14.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMP
edist.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdaccore.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32mdaccore.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET17.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdaccore.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPsqlclnt.rsp" to"C:WindowsSystem32sqlclnt.rsp" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPsqlclnt.rsp" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.[2003/09/07 18:25:19 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"c:windows empixp000.tmpdasetup.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-024 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.inf" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetupdasetup.inf".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.inf" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.#-336 Copying file "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.ini" to"C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shareddasetupdasetup.ini"via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoftShareddasetupSET22.tmp".#E361 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.ini" will be installed(Policy=Ignore). Error 1168: Element not found.[2003/09/07 18:25:21 3916.1]#-199 Executing "C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPdasetup.exe" with commandline: /Q:D /N#-340 Extracted file "ds16gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SETF4.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SETF4.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SETF6.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32ds16gt.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.510.3711.0. Versionof target file: 3.510.3711.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "ds32gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SETF7.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SETF7.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SETF9.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32ds32gt.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0. Versionof target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadce.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET106.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET106.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET108.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadce.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcer.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET109.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET109.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET10B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcer.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcf.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10C.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10C.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET10E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcf.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcfr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10F.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET10F.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET111.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcfr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadco.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET112.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET112.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET114.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadco.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcor.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET115.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET115.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET117.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcor.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadcs.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET118.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET118.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET11A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadcs.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadds.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11B.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11B.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET11D.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsadds.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msaddsr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11E.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET11E.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET120.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsaddsr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msader15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET121.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET121.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET123.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsader15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET124.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET124.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET126.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado20.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET127.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET127.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET129.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado20.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado21.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12A.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12A.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET12C.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado21.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msado25.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12D.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET12D.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET12F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsado25.tlb" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadomd.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET130.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET130.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET132.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadomd.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msador15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET133.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET133.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET135.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsador15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadox.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET136.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET136.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET138.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadox.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msadrh15.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET139.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET139.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET13B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsadrh15.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "mscpxl32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET13C.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET13C.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET13E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32mscpxl32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.511.3.20. Versionof target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdadc.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET13F.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdadc.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET13F.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdadc.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET141.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdadc.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaenum.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET142.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaenum.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET142.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaenum.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET144.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaenum.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaer.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET145.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaer.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET145.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaer.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET147.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaer.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaora.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET148.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaora.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET148.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaora.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaora.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaosp.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14B.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaosp.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET14B.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaosp.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET14D.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaosp.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaprsr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET14E.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET14E.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET150.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprsr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaprst.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET151.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET151.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET153.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaprst.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaps.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET154.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaps.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET154.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaps.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET156.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaps.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdarem.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET157.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET157.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET159.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdarem.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdaremr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET15A.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET15A.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET15C.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdaremr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.70.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdart.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET15D.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET15D.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET15F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msdart.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Versionof target file: 2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored.The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdasc.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET163.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasc.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET163.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasc.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET165.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasc.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdasql.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET166.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasql.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET166.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasql.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET168.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasql.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdasqlr.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET169.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdasqlr.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET169.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasqlr.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdasqlr.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.70.7713.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdatl3.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16C.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdatl3.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET16C.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatl3.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET16E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatl3.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdatsrc.tlb" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET16F.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET16F.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET171.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msdatsrc.tlb" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 9.0.6526.0. Versionof target file: 9.0.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored.The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msdatt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET172.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdatt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET172.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatt.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET174.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdatt.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdaurl.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET175.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsdaurl.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET175.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaurl.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET177.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsdaurl.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 9.1.6526.0. Version of target file: 9.1.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "msdfmap.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET178.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCSET178.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemMSADCSET17A.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemMSADCmsdfmap.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed)file. Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msjro.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET17D.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOSET17D.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll" via temporary file "C:ProgramFilesCommon FilesSystemADOSET17F.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemADOmsjro.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file.Version of source file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file:2.71.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existingtarget file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msorcl32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET183.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET183.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET185.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32msorcl32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 2.573.6526.0.Version of target file: 2.573.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "msxactps.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET186.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBmsxactps.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET186.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsxactps.dll" via temporary file "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET188.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBmsxactps.dll" was overwritten by an older (signed) file. Version ofsource file: 2.60.6526.0. Version of target file: 2.71.9030.0. TheSP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag was ignored. The existing target file wassigned.#-340 Extracted file "odbc16gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET199.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET199.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET19B.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc16gt.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.510.3711.0.Version of target file: 3.510.3711.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbc32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET19C.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET19C.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET19E.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" was overwritten byan older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0. Versionof target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#W190 File "C:WindowsSystem32SET19E.tmp" marked to be moved to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32.dll" on next reboot.#-340 Extracted file "odbc32gt.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET19F.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET19F.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A1.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbc32gt.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbcad32.exe" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A2.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A2.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A4.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccp32.cpl" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A5.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A5.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A7.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.cpl" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccp32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1A8.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1A8.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AA.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccp32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccr32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AB.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1AB.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AD.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccr32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbccu32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1AE.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1AE.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B0.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbccu32.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "odbcint.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B4.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B4.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B6.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.7713.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#W190 File "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B6.tmp" marked to be moved to"C:WindowsSystem32odbcint.dll" on next reboot.#-340 Extracted file "odbctrac.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B7.tmp" (target is"C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:WindowsSystem32SET1B7.tmp" to"C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll" via temporary file"C:WindowsSystem32SET1B9.tmp".#W025 A newer file "C:WindowsSystem32odbctrac.dll" was overwrittenby an older (signed) file. Version of source file: 3.520.6526.0.Version of target file: 3.520.9030.0. The SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER flag wasignored. The existing target file was signed.#-340 Extracted file "oledb32.dll" from cabinet"C:WINDOWSTempIXP000.TMPmdacxpak.cab" to "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBSET1BA.tmp" (target is "C:Program FilesCommonFilesSystemOLE DBoledb32.dll").#-336 Copying file "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBSET1BA.tmp" to "C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOLEDBoledb32.dll" via temporary file

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Has Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition Any User Limits?

Jan 7, 2008

I have installed Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition (Version: 8.00.2039 SP4 Personal Edition), it runs over Windows XP.
Has Sql Server 2000 Personal Edition any user limits?
Thanks for reply

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Sql Server Express And Sample Personal Web Site Start Up

Mar 5, 2006

I have installed sql server express 2005 and also visual studio express developer when i run the personal web site sample I get the folowing error

Shared Memory Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server

How do I correct this please does any one know ?

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SQL && Licencing

Sep 29, 2006

I know this is supposed to be a help forum, but the company I work for are looking to produce a DB using Microsoft SQL server, the DB will be accessed by approx 20 / 25 people and we will need one developer licence...and will be held on a dedicated server...

Can some one please help me work out what version of the sortware we need to purchase and what we require in the way of licences....???

Many Thanks

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Licencing Issues

Oct 26, 2000

I have installed SQL Server 7, but in error I set the licencing protocol to 'concurrent users' rather that 'number of seats'. Is there an easy way to change this over? The only option I am aware of is to back-up the DB,re-install SQL Server and then restore the DB.
Is there a better option?


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I Don't Understand Licencing

Apr 19, 2007

Hello, i just bought sql server 2005 with 5 cals (previously i was using a shared sql server with my previous host)... I probably should have asked this question before i bought it... i don't understand how the cal licencing works... the sql server is for running our ecommerce site, i just got a dedicated server to put this on... but from reading the licencing does this mean that only 5 internet users can access my website(or the information in the database) at a time???

any help with this would be appreciated

~ Moe

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Instance Licencing

Nov 11, 2006

Hi,We are have a 5 user licenced microsoft sql server 2000 cd. We need toset this up to run two instances of the server, as we need differentsetups on both databases. Does anyone know if with one cd you can dothis, so that the user licences installed are shared between the twoinstances? Also do you need a aeperate server licence per instance orif using the user license model we can install both instances from thesame cd.Thanks for your help & timeDavid

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SQL Licencing Problems

Jan 4, 2007

It seems as though our last administrator has installed Enterprise Licenses (SQL 2005) We need these to be Standard, can I down grade some how with minimal to no disruption to our databases?

If so How, if not (which i almost positive that you are going to say NO) then i assume I am going to have to reinstall the SQL server. What is the best way going about this with out having to restore all of the databases? Can i copy all of the MDF and LDF files else where and then once the new installation has completed create the users, then databases and then replace the MDF and LDF?

Is there a better way then this if so it would be a huge help.



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SQL Server Express 2005 / ESRI ArcSDE Personal- How Do I Import/Export Data?

Nov 21, 2007


Our company is planning to upgrade to ESRI's brand new ArcSDE Personal edition and SQL Server Express 2005 platform to do GIS work for our clients. We are not in a position at this time to migrate to the full ArcGIS Server and SQL Server 2005 platform. We currently use a Microsoft Access 2003 relational database, and have no intention to move to Access 2007.

ArcSDE Personal cannot connect to SQL Server 2005, but it is able to connect and work with SQL Server Express 2005.

In SQL Management Studio Express, we were unable to find any feature that would allow us to import and export data to/from SQL Server Express. This is rather unusual, as we need to test how SQL Server Express will handle import and export data. In Microsoft Access we simply right click and choose import or export in the database window. Easy as pie. We ran the upsize wizard in Microsoft Access to migrate our data. But after that, our GIS team was pretty much stuck.

My question is, how does one import/export data to/from SQL Server Express? Do we need to install a missing component? Is scripting required? Or should we wait until we are able to acquire the SQL Server 2005?

D. Schmid, M.Sc.
North/South Consultants Inc.
Winnipeg, Canada

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Question Regarding Licencing And Pricing

Jun 1, 2004

Can someone please explain me how much does it cost for Per CPU license and how much /Server for an enterprise edition


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SQL Licencing For Application Software

Jan 30, 2008

Just looking for some clarification. I have written an application that uses SQL Server 2005 to host all the data. The system uses MVC so a data connection is open, data requests are made and then the data connection is closed. All users connect to the database using the same database credentials. If I then want to sell this application and the client has 10 users, do I need a Server licenes + 10 Cals, even though there is in effect only 1 database user? There are only ever likely to be 3 users on the system working at the same time.



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Licencing In Sqlserver Mobile Edition

May 28, 2007

I am working on a Mobile Area project.

The employees go to markets and collect information about the goods.(Collect the datas using pocketpc's) and synchronise the data with SQLSERVER.

At this point how many CAL I need?

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Installation And Licencing About MSSQL 2005 Standard Edition And Clustering Mode

Feb 8, 2007


I have a question about using MSSQL server 2005 standard edition in Clustering mode.
I would like to build a msql cluster with only 2 servers (2 nodes).

I read here -> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=818234dc-a17b-4f09-b282-c6830fead499&DisplayLang=en
page 5 that you can use MSSQL server 2005 standard edition in Clustering mode with 2 nodes.

But my question is :
Can I use windows 2003 standard edition (Clustering mode managed ????) or I only can use windows 2003 enterprise edition ?


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Upgrading SQL Personal ED -&&> SQL Std

May 4, 2006

I am currently runing SQL Server 200 (personal edition) and I need to upgrade to SQL SVR Standard Edtion. Do I need to uninstall the personal edition first? Or can I install over it?

Thank You!

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Personal Edition?

Jul 10, 2006

What are the main differences with personal edition compared to standard edition?

Will be grateful for answers!


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Deploying The Personal Web Site

May 15, 2007

Rank newbie to ASP.NET here, so I'm totally "at sea" as to finding a "cookbook" for "how to deploy" a slightly customized version of the "Personal Web Site" project.
My hosting service has an ASP.NET database installed. I can verify from their "SQL Server Web Admin" package that there are 11 "aspnet_" table names present. I have run the "personal-add.sql" script which has defined two (empty) tables -- "Albums" and "Photos".
CONFUSION 1: The hosting service includes a Help fille for "Connecting to a SQL Server Database Using ASP.NET 2.0" which details the way to add 'connectionStrings' for "Personal" and "LocalSqlServer". I have made a "remote" copy of the "web.config" file and supplied the ostensively correct info for my Server, Database, User ID and Password. QUESTION: Why are there TWO names -- "Personal" and "LocalSqlServer"? Since all of the tables are contained now within the ASP.NET database are the details for both of these to be the same?
CONFUSION 2: Error handling. I'm getting "An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine." Huh!? That page then goes on to mention "<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>". I've not a clue as to what "mycustompage.htm" should contain in order to field the error[s] erupting.
POINTERS, anyone? Have I missed some basic part of the manual[s] someplace? I was sort of hoping that there would be a simple "cookbook" around someplace for how to "deploy" a relatively tested group of pages (application) in a relatively idiot-proof manner. I'm not finding it, so ANY pointers, hints, URLs will be greatly appreciated.
Color me "confused in Kauai" ... :)  KevInKauai

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Is It Possible To Migrate From Personal To Standard ?

Jun 18, 2002

is it possible to migrate from personal to standard without reinstalling server ?

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SQL 2000 Personal Editon And XP Pro

Feb 12, 2004

I just installed SQL 2000 personal edition on a win xp pro box and now when it boots I get a SQL service manager error that says service manager has generated errors and needs to be closed.

Is there anything particular with XP and SQL 2000 i need to know?

I thought this would be a no brainer as it was with Win2k, but no.


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Install Error SQL Personal

May 12, 2004

I�m trying to install SQL 2000 personal edition on my XP pro machine, but during installation I get an error _INS5576._MP.exe and the installation stops.
I would appreciate any advice the you could offer me.

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Personal Web Developer Kit SQL Error

Jun 30, 2007

Hi folks,

I get this error message when I try to run my personal web page starter kit (Ctrl + F5) which has come straight out of the box:

Server Error in '/WebSite1' Application.

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

SQLExpress database file auto-creation error:

The connection string specifies a local Sql Server Express instance using a database location within the applications App_Data directory. The provider attempted to automatically create the application services database because the provider determined that the database does not exist. The following configuration requirements are necessary to successfully check for existence of the application services database and automatically create the application services database:

If the applications App_Data directory does not already exist, the web server account must have read and write access to the applications directory. This is necessary because the web server account will automatically create the App_Data directory if it does not already exist.
If the applications App_Data directory already exists, the web server account only requires read and write access to the applications App_Data directory. This is necessary because the web server account will attempt to verify that the Sql Server Express database already exists within the applications App_Data directory. Revoking read access on the App_Data directory from the web server account will prevent the provider from correctly determining if the Sql Server Express database already exists. This will cause an error when the provider attempts to create a duplicate of an already existing database. Write access is required because the web server accounts credentials are used when creating the new database.
Sql Server Express must be installed on the machine.
The process identity for the web server account must have a local user profile. See the readme document for details on how to create a local user profile for both machine and domain accounts.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +173
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +199
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Connect(Boolean& useFailoverPartner, Boolean& failoverDemandDone, String host, String failoverPartner, String protocol, SqlInternalConnectionTds connHandler, Int64 timerExpire, Boolean encrypt, Boolean trustServerCert, Boolean integratedSecurity, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean aliasLookup) +1069
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +606
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +193
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) +219
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) +27
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +49
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +89
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +160
System.Web.Management.SqlServices.GetSqlConnection(String server, String user, String password, Boolean trusted, String connectionString) +67

[HttpException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to SQL Server database.]
System.Web.Management.SqlServices.GetSqlConnection(String server, String user, String password, Boolean trusted, String connectionString) +123
System.Web.Management.SqlServices.SetupApplicationServices(String server, String user, String password, Boolean trusted, String connectionString, String database, String dbFileName, SqlFeatures features, Boolean install) +89
System.Web.Management.SqlServices.Install(String database, String dbFileName, String connectionString) +26
System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.CreateMdfFile(String fullFileName, String dataDir, String connectionString) +388

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210

In my web administration tool, under the Security tab the following error is listed:

There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.

The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database.

and under the provider tab the provider is listed as: AspNetSqlProvider.

So what do I need to do?

(By the way, I wasn't exactly sure where to put this post, but if it gets moved to another forum please may you post the new link? Cheers)

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Installing Personal Edition On NT4 Wkstn

Jul 23, 2002

The rap from Microsoft is that "SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition is not a separate product but rather a client component of SQL Server 2000 (included as part of the Enterprise and Standard Editions) that is designed to bring SQL Server 2000 functionality to non-server hardware, including workstations and laptops."

I have a copy of SQL2K Standard, but when I try to install it on a workstation it tells me it'll install client tools only. I've searched Microsoft and don't see any downloads for SQL2K PE.

I need the server component on an NT4 Workstation; what's the trick in getting PE installed on an NT4 Workstation?


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