SQL Server Service Always Starts Automatically

May 2, 2008

I have a laptop with vista and sql 2005. When i start my computer, after it boots up and is ready to go, I look in the task manager at the process tab. Some sort of SQL Server component is running and eating up about 50k's worth of memory. What is it and how do set either Vista or SQL Server to not start whatever this is unless I do it manually(oh yeah...how would I turn it on?)and what are the ramifications of not having it start up when i start my laptop?

I know it is a rather rambling question, but its the best I can describe it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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SQL Server Service Starts Then Stops

Mar 30, 2008

I have just installed SQL Server 2005. The machine had an expired version of SQL Express on it which I removed. Now when i go to open the Management Studio it says it can't connect. When I check the service, it is set to automatic using the local account but is not running. When I start it, it throws an error stating that it started and then stopped. The first error record in the log file states:

Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1433]. Tcp port is already in use.

Could this be causing the problem? How do I check to see what is using 1433? In general, what the heck did I do wrong during the install? One article said something about the new installation thinking it was still the expired version. Could there be something left in the registry from the old version of Express causing this?

Thanks in advance for the help

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Service Starts Then Stops-Reporting Services

May 3, 2007


I tried deploying a Report Model Project and received an error:

"TITLE: Microsoft Semantic Model Designer

A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/ReportServer.


The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method not allowed. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.SemanticQueryDesign)


When I checked services I realised that Reporting Services wasn't started. I tried starting it and received a message:

"The Sql Server Reporting Services (MSSQLServer) started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do.........."

I also tried to start the service from Configure Report Server and received an error:

"System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.Panels.ServerInformationPanel.StartStopServiceTask(Boolean start)"

Any idea why this is happening? Should I install SP2?

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Should The SQL Server Express Service Start Automatically Or Manually?

May 13, 2008

Hello all,

We are deploying an application using SQL Server Express to a wide variety of desktop and laptop machines. We are currently trying to decide whether we should install the SQL Server instance service to start automatically at startup or not. In the latter case, our application would start and stop the service.

Starting automatically will make our app load more quickly, which is important to our users. However, our support team is concerned that leaving the service running will leave our databases vulnerable to becoming "suspect" if, for example, a laptop user's battery dies suddenly. Of course this will always be a problem if the app is running, but our support team believes that having the service running all the time will increase the chances of this happening. One reason for their concern is that an older version of the software used MSDE which was running all the time, and they saw a good number of suspect database issues.

What is the best practice for leaving the service running, especially when there are a lot of laptop users?


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MSSQLSERVER Service Shuts Down Automatically

Apr 26, 2006

I am experiencing an issue with the MSSQLSERVER shutting down automically at 6:00 every 3 days. I do have 2 jobs that run at this time, but they run everyday. We did not install anything additional on the server and we are running SP3a. This just started on April 15, 2006. The Windows Event log displays the following message:

4/21/20066:00:08 PMMSSQLSERVERError(2)17052N/A<server name>The MSSQLSERVER service terminated unexpectedly.

The service stops and does not restart. It required me to restart the service manually.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Reporting Services Service Does Not Start Automatically

Aug 25, 2006

I have installed reporting services from SQL Express SP1 package. OS is Windows 2000 SP4. Just after installation "Reporting services" service has StartMode=Automatic and LogOnAS=LocalSystem as shown in SQL Server Configuration Manager. When system is rebooted reporting services state is Stopped and there is 2 errors in System log:
1. Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for the SQL Server Reporting Services (REPS) service to connect.
2. The SQL Server Reporting Services (REPS) service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
If i select "start" from service's context menu then it starting normally and it's state becomes Running.
What can i do to make reporting services starting automatically on system load?

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SQL Server Agent Starts And Then Stops

Jan 13, 2007

SQL Server 2005 installed on Windows Vista Ultimate

When I try to start the agent, it return with the message that the service started and then stopped. On investigation I found that the Windows Event Log service won't start, returning the error:

"error 4201: the instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI
data provider"

(I have posted this on Windows Vista forums but had no response).

Thanks for your help

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SQL Server 2012 :: Check To See If Job Has Finished Before Job Starts?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a job I want to run everyday but before this job starts and I want to check and see if another job has completed before I start this job. i would like to do this in the job steps in SSMS. step 1 is job 'xxxxxxx' running if no go to step 2 if yes exit

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SQL Server Column Name Starts With A Number. C# Throws Error.

Mar 21, 2006

I have a table in sql server 2000 which has a column whose name starts with a number("2ndName").I have a c# code which updates the table by filling a Dataset.When I issue an update, it throws the following error:-"Incorrect Syntax near 2"Query I use to build the adapter is "SELECT id, Name, [2ndName] FROM MyTBL WHERE 1 = 3" and the statement issued to update is "objAdapter.Update(objDSDB, "MyTBL")" when it throws the error "Incorrect Syntax near 2".Any help to resolve this is appreciated.Thanks in advance.Jai

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SQL Server Named Instance Starts Slowly - Error With Resource Manager

Oct 26, 2007

We have two instances of SQL Server 2005 - SP1 installed on one server. The default instance starts very slowly. When looking at the log I can see the delay is due to Resource Manager based upon the following error.

Resource Manager Creation Failed: 0x8004d102

What does this mean?

What would cause this to happen?

How do I resolve the problem?

Thanks, Dave

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I Had Set My Windows Service's Startup Type As Automatic But It Is Not Starting Up Automatically When The System Is Starting.

May 18, 2007


I had created a windows service using C#. I set its Startup Type as Automatic but it is not getting started automatically when my System Starts.

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DTS Designer Gives Error When It Starts

Jul 10, 2002

Thanks in advance for any help you may offer.

I have never seen this error before... When I click on DTS to either open an existing package or create a new one I get the following errors: Error in the DLL, DTS Design Error. When I try to create a new DTS it gives me the errors but still opens but I'm missing all of the connection objects except for MS data link and other connection. I had no problems designing and executing the packages from a development box. I'm not even refering to the typical scheduling problems that exist when SQL Agent is configured incorrectly!

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How To Start A Job When Database Starts In 6.5

Mar 8, 2001

We need to start a job automatically when SQL Server 6.5 automatically starts.
Like adding a user into tempdb.

Is there any clue?

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Run SQL Job Each Time Agent Starts

Aug 22, 2007

In SQL 2000 you can schedule a job to run each time the agent starts. I don't see that option now in 2005.

Does anyone know what happened to that or how to achieve that. I could do a stored proc with the proc option I guess but why did they remove that functionality or maybe I am not seeing it.


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SQLMail On A Cluster Starts But Then Stops

Nov 11, 1998

I am trying to move SQLMail from a standard SQL 6.5 server to a virtual clustered SQL Server. The exchange profile has been set up and the services are running on a domain login. Exchange is also running as a clustered service which is being used successfully from the standalone SQL Server with SQL Mail.

However, when the SQL Mail service is started on the Clustered SQL Server, the service starts for about 5 seconds and then stops. The logs report that SQL Mail started but no messages are recorded to state that why the service has stopped again.

Any clues anyone please?

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Query Analyzer Starts Slow

Apr 16, 2006

why query analyzer is starting really slow on my computer?
i wasnt like this before. what can i do to make it run fast as before.

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How To Insert A Space After Each Manager Starts.

Jul 20, 2005

hi,guysi have query which given below output given belowmanager personlevel person name20851 Howard Wilson120852Howard Wilson220853Howard Wilson320854Howard Wilson420855Howard Wilson560861Andrew Saxon60862Andrew Saxon60863Ian Thompson60864Ian Thompson60865Phil Darganwhat i want is after a manager ends i want a null to be inserted foreach of there columnsso that i can distinguish that when a new manager startsso thatt output looks like thismanager personlevel person name20851 Howard Wilson120852Howard Wilson220853Howard Wilson320854Howard Wilson420855Howard Wilson5null null null60861Andrew Saxon60862Andrew Saxon60863Ian Thompson60864Ian Thompson60865Phil DarganBrlliant minds any solution for this..i know can i loop through the records and do itand check for a new managerbut i want a better solution ..give me your ideads folks..Regards,Navin Mahindroo

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Data Starts To Repeat When I Add A Dimension.

Jun 27, 2006

Hello, I€™m creating a cube with Analysis services 2000 and SQLServer 2000 that has the following structure:
The fact table has a primary key and some measures:


PKFact (the primary key)
Measure 1
Measure 2

And I have some dimensions, but I€™ll put here the one of interest, this dimension has a foreign key to the fact_table, this is because it is really a €œdetail€? of the fact table, the interesting thing here is that this dimension not only has a foreign key to the fact_table, but also is a parent-child dimension:


FKFact (the foreign key to the €œPKFact€? field of the fact table)
PKId (The id of the field for the parent-child relationship)
FKParentId (the foreign key to this same table, this is, the parent of the field)
TheLevel (the data€¦)

So, if I create the cube without the Dimension_Table (of course, I have more dimensions), the cube shows the data correctly, but when I include this dimension, the data of the fact_table starts to be repeated once for each row in the dimension table (once for each row that has the relation PKFact €“ FKFact of course), Somebody knows how I can avoid this data being repeated? I€™ve tried a lot of things but none works.. Please help!!

Thanks in advance.

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Query To See If An Int Field Starts With A Certain Number

Nov 3, 2006

How would I write a query on a table containing a column of ints, where I want to retrieve the rows where that int value starts with a number? I know that you can do this with strings by using "....WHERE thisfield LIKE ('123%')", but if 'thisfield' is an int, how would I do this? Thanks!

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SSIS - When A Packet1 Starts Packet2

Sep 12, 2007


What happensi if packet2 is already running, and at the same time packet1 starts packet2?

I'm just curious

Thank you.

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Full Text Query Starts Slow

May 2, 2006

I've created a FullTextCatalog on one of my Databases and added a full text index on one of my text columns.

The first time I run a query against the data it takes roughly 40-45 seconds to return data. After that it blazes and runs in under a second. If I don't query it for 20-30 minutes, it will take 40-45 seconds again and then fly until the next break.

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I'm missing on this? Currently the Index is only about 5MB so it should take that long to read in when I'm querying it.

I don't think it has anything to do with size because the actual return can contain anywhere from 10-80K rows and the speed is about the same.

I'm using Standard edition on a 2003 Standard Server if that plays into the potential problem at all. We're currently downloading and installing the new Service Pack to see if that fixes it, but for some reason I'm not holding my breath. I'm assuming that there is something we need to change in the configuration.

Let me know if I'm missing any pertinent information. Thanks.

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The Identifier That Starts With...is Too Long. Maximum Length Is 128

Jun 23, 2006

Hi, i'm trying to run a stored procedure:"EXECUTE dbname.dbo.spGid 'KFT', '0000000011,0000000012', 'merch,DSMT','2006-02-01 00:00:00', '2006-02-28 00:00:00'"and gives me this error:The identifier that starts with"EXECUTE dbname.dbo.spGid 'KFT', '0000000011,0000000012', 'merch,DSMT','2006-02-01 00:00:00', '2006-02-28 00:00:00'"is too long. Maximum length is 128.Anyone could help?

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The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) Service Terminated With Service-specific Error 10013.

Jul 12, 2007

I have an almost virgin install of SQLExpres running on a WIN2K Pro system.

Have been able to create and connect db to Access 2000 without problem.

Now I wish to extend to remote connections. Using Surface Area Configuration tool, I changed Remote Connections to Local and Remote.

Whenever this setting contains TCP/IP and I try to restart the service I receive the following errors:

System Log:

The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service terminated with service-specific error 10013.

Application Log:

Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' <ipv4> 0]. Tcp port is already in use.

TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x271d, status code 0xa.

TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x271d, status code 0x1.

Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

If I change back to Local Connections Only or Local and Remote using named pipes only, the service starts up again without a problem.

After five days of investigating, researching, reinstalling and waiting I have to ask for help.

Any suggestions or leads?

Thank You in advance.

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What Permissions Are Required For SQL Server Service Account To Call Web Service Using CLR Integration?

May 18, 2007

Hello! I have the following problem. I developed CLR Stored Procedure "StartNotification" and deploy it on db. This sp calls external web service. Furthermore, this sp is called according with SQL Server Agent Job's schedule. On my PC SQL Server works under Local System account and this web service is called correctly (Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM). But on ther other server the following exception is raised during job running:
Date 17.04.2007 16:42:10
Log Job History (FailureNotificationJob)

Step ID 1
Server MSK-CDBPO-01
Job Name FailureNotificationJob
Step Name MainStep
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 16
Sql Message ID 6522
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

Executed as user: CORPmssqlserver.
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution
of user defined routine or aggregate 'StartNotification':
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type
'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. System.Security.SecurityException:
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand,
StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand()
at System.Net. The step failed.

What is the reason of this behaviour? Unfortunately I do not have direct access to this server.
I have the following guesses:
1) CORPmssqlserver may have not enough permissions to call web service
2) Something wrong with SQL Server account's permissions
2) Something wrong with SQL Server Agent account's permissions
I will take the will for the deed. Thanks.

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Analysis :: Range Function - How To Get Last 60 Days Before A Month Starts

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to get the last 60 days before a month starts. I have a set that is returned from the query below :

   non empty
   [Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count] on 0,
   non empty ([TRANSACTIONS].[Days].[Days],                                                          
                                     [TRANSACTIONS].[Transaction Month].[Transaction Month])  on 1 from [cube]   

I can get the cummulative count of last 60 days before month 2 by hardcoding the day of transaction of start of month like below :

 [Measures].[Cumm Account Count]
    AGGREGATE( [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].CurrentMember:NULL ,[Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count])

   non empty [Measures].[Cumm Account Count] on 0,
   non empty [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3]:[TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3].lead(60) on 1 from  [cube];
and for subsequent months by using the dates that the following month starts. How can I achieve the above result without having to use the day numbers, I tried to use the tail function (to get the months and star date) but it wont work because the range function  accepts members only...

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User Account Per SQL Server Service && SQL Agent Service, Why?

Jul 30, 2007

Hi all,
 I do understand that it is highly recomended to have aserprate user (perfered a domain user account) for each of the SQL Server service and SQL Agent service.
What is the reason behind that? (Someone told me to not run the service with an account that has a powerul privilegs! - I don't undrstanmd this point can you explain it please?)
What is the diffrent between: 1- Local System account 2 -Network Service account
Thanks in advanced!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Load Latest CSV Files From File Server Automatically

Feb 4, 2015

I need to load the latest csv files from file server , The files are placed in a folder called -

Posted 02022015- --> csv files .

I am able to copy the csv files from filserver using bulk insert (manually) , giving the file location

I am having difficulty picking up the latest folder which is posted on the server and import it into database using a stored proc .

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How Can SQL Server DTC Be Stopped From Automatically Enlisting A Remote Server In A Distributed Transaction?

Mar 9, 2007

How do I stop a remote query that INSERTS into a local table from being automatically "upgraded" to a distributed transaction?

I am using Windows 2000 server and SQL Server 2000 SP3a on both machines.

I am executing the following statement in Query analyzer.

INSERT MyLocalServer (col1)
EXECUTE MyRemoteServer.Master.dbo.sp_executesql
@Paramter = 'somevalue'

@RemoteQuery consists of a SELECT four-table join, all tables are on the same linked server.

The Linked server has been set up on MyLocalServer using the "Microsoft OLE DB for SQL Server" provider. In the "Provider Options" for the linked server properties I checked "Non transacted updates" and "dynamic parameters". In the "Server Options" tab I have checked "RPC", "RPC Out", "Data Access".

The EXECUTE part of the query runs great (and returns the data very fast) by itself. But with the INSERT part, the query fails and returns the error:

"Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 17
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a]."

The two servers are seperated by firewalls, so I believe the reason the query is failing is that I haven't followed the procedures for setting up the ports etc described in one of the microsoft support articles: e.g.: 250367.

Configuring the ports involves too much company politics, and besides, for what this query does, it does not need the benefits of a distributed transaction.

How can I execute my query without SQL Server automatically trying to upgrade it to a distributed transaction?

More Info: I can execute the query as a straight INSERT/SELECT linked-server query and it does the INSERT on the local SQL Server just like I want it to, so I assume it is not trying to use distributed transactions; but it takes around 7 seconds to run even though the entire SELECT is executed on the linked server, whereas executing with sp_executesql takes only 1 second.

I thought selected "non-transacted updates" in the provider would solve this problem, but it did not.

Anyone know the answer?

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Transact SQL :: How To Update ItemOrder With Ascending Numbers Starts With 1 For Child Items

Jul 23, 2015

I have a below table,

DECLARE @TBL TABLE (ItemId INT IDENTITY(1,1), ItemName NVARCHAR(20), ParentItemName NVARCHAR(20), ItemOrder INT, ReportId INT)
INSERT INTO @TBL (ItemName, ParentItemName, ItemOrder, ReportId)
VALUES('Item1', NULL, 1, 5),('Item1-Child1', 'Item1', 0, 5),('Item1-Child2', 'Item1', 0, 5),('Item2', NULL, 2, 5),
('Item11', NULL, 1, 6),('Item12', NULL, 2, 6),('Item12-Child1', 'Item12', 0, 6),('Item13', NULL, 3, 6)

1. for all ReportId, child items's ItemOrder  = 0
2. example, for ReportId = 5, both child items ("Item1-Child1" & "Item1-Child1") of parent "Item1" has ItemOrder = 0

I need to,
1. update all child items with ascending numbers starts with 1 against each parent and each report.
2. for each different parent or different report, order by should starts with 1 again.

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Automatically Add Records In Sql Server 7.0

Sep 13, 2001

I have table A and table B. i want if table A add records, automatically table b add records too.


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Get Server Name Automatically In DTS ActiveX

Nov 2, 2000

I'm looking for a way to get the name of the server on which the DTS package lives.

I copy packages between servers. The problem is that everytime a package is copied
to different server, I have to change the reference in the connection strings to point
to the new server name. I'd like to find an automatic way to interrogate the server
name where the package currently lives and dynamically change connection strings
from within an ActiveX task. That would cut maintenance way down.

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SQL Server Will Not Start Automatically

May 7, 2002

I installed SQL Sp2 and at the same time took Carbon Copy off. No when the machine comes up neither SQL Server or the Agent will not come up. If I go to Service manager I can start both just fine. Nothing in either log to show why. Anyplace or any thoughts

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Sql Server Restart Automatically

Feb 18, 2004


I have SQL server running on windows Adv Server 2000. Since last couple days whole computer restart every one hours. Only thing I remember doing was to shrink database db size is 200+GB.

How can I fix this problem.

Any help will be highly appreciated?



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