SQL Server Viewing A Table Causes PC To Crash

Jan 13, 2007

This is a new problem to me, I have been running SQL Server 2000 with VS 2003 and last summer upgraded to SQL Server 2005 with VS 2005 - (both evaluation copies)  all was fine

I bought the full upgrade of VS 2005 and SQL server dev edition in Dec 2006 and recently I have started to get a total system fallover dreadful noise followed by black screen and reboot.

This happens only when I view the Table Data "Show Table Data" in "Server Explorer" in VS2005, viewing design is OK, stored prcredures OK

I suspect this is either a hardware impending failure or software conflict but I would like some pointers please

I am using XP Pro sp2 with 1GB ram, F Secure Internet security, the Database is hosted externaly

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SQL 2012 :: SSMS Crash When Viewing XML Output?

May 21, 2014

While working on a forum posting on this site, I came up with this code:

WITH JoinedTables(UserGroup, UserName) as (
SELECT 'UG1', 'Harry' UNION all
SELECT 'UG2', 'Albert' UNION all
SELECT 'UG3', 'Jim' UNION all
SELECT 'UG3', 'Sam'
SELECT UserGroup "@name"
, (SELECT UserName "User" FROM JoinedTables T2
Where t2.UserGroup = t1.UserGroup
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UserGroup FROM JoinedTables) t1
FOR XML PATH('UserGroup'), ROOT('UserGroupsInfo')

The code does what I want but SSMS seems to have problems with the results. Every so often, if I click on the results, instead of opening a tab showing the XML, SSMS crashes.

I'm running SP1, version 11.0.3000.0.

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Viewing A Table In Oracle As A View In Sql Server

Aug 9, 2000

Any idea on how I do this?
Any advice welcome.........

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Bigint From A SQL Server Table And Viewing With Access

Mar 17, 2008

HI all, we have a table that has it's primary key data type Bigint. Isthere any way with Access to view this table? I find it hard tobelieve that two tools from MS don't play nice with each other, may beI should.SQL Server 2005Access 2003TIA

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Table Columns Expand Horizontally When Viewing Report Through Report Server

Jan 10, 2008

I have an interesting problem to report that I'm hoping someone will be able to assist in solving.

I have a report that contains a table inside of a list. When I view this report on my local machine via Visual Studio, everything appears normal, the columns are all the correct size. However, as soon as I publish this report to the report server and attempt to view it via Report Manager, one of the columns expands horizontally!

From all of the documentation I have read, I understand that Reporting Services does not provide the ability for columns to expand horizontally, only vertically. Can anyone help explain why this is happening or a possible solution to turn this automatic expanding off?

Many thanks,

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Viewing A Table From Another Db

Dec 13, 2004

Holy MOLY I've been banging my head up against the wall on this matter for months now. I have two databases and I need to be able to see the tables from different different databases. Usually I create a view like this


But it wasnt working kept telling me that the License_Suspensions table didnt exsist and at the time the name was in all caps. So I decided to change the name, and low and BEHOLD IT WORKS. The funny was that I wasnt having that problem any of the other tables just that one. Well live and learn. Just thought I'd share that with you guys

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Viewing A Table's Constraints?

Apr 10, 2008

This is an SQL Server 2000 question. Without having access to the "Design Table" option in the pop-up menu of a table, is there another way to see what constraints, indexes, primary key, etc. that a table has?

Thank you.

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Viewing Last Table Used (not Modificated) Date Sql

May 15, 2006

Hello, I'm Hernan I wonder if someone knows How to query the last table used date in sql server. Note that I'm interested in "used date", not "modification date".


I hope someone can help me.

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Viewing The "inserted" Temp Table During Trigger?

Apr 6, 2001

Having probs debugging trigger ... need to view the "inserted" table contents, how do I do this? Manuals are pants, any tricks folks?

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Viewing #temp Table Contents While Debugging In .NET Debugger

Apr 17, 2003

I am using MSSQL 2000 and trying to debug a stored procedure that has a #temp table in it. I am using the .NET SQL debugger and I would like to display or view the contents of the #temp table while debugging. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Server Crash

Mar 27, 2001


My Sql server went down last night. Is there a way to find out what could have caused system to crash?
Is there any way to notify the DBA when sql services have stopped running?

Any hint/suggestion is highly appreciated..


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SQL Server Crash

Jun 29, 2001


Recently my computer had a crash on which SQL Server was installed. And if that wasn't enough, the backup failed to. Now I've installed SQL Server again, but I have these *.mdf and *.ldf files, which contains my data and my tables etc. So my question is, how do I get this data into my newly installed SQL Server? Maybe it's quite simple, but I can't find it.
Im using SQL Server Enterprise version 7.0 on Win2k Advanced Server.

Many thanks in advance,

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Server Crash

Apr 3, 2000

My sql server stopped unexpectedly and restarted itself today, and I have no clue why. The NT Event Viewer provides this "insight":

The MSSQLService terminated unexpectedly.

The event id is 17052, which isn't documented in BOL. Does anyone have any explanation, and some suggestions on how to avoid this in the future?

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Server Crash

Oct 18, 1999

Hi Folks,

I got the following message in the error log when SQL Server 6.5 crashed.
''Stored function 'xp_runwebtask' in the library 'xpsqlweb.dll' generated access violation; SQL Server is terminating process 60''
Source:spid 60
Anyone know what this means ? If you think you know of have come across it before, please inform me.


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SQL Server Crash

Feb 16, 1999

I need help. I am facing following problems since days
here you have the errors messages:

Mesg 18264 : DATABASE dumped with following info: Database Name:IITMSDB, Creation Date and Time:Feb 12, 99(23:00), Pages dumped:3898618, Current Sequence:36201 19370307, Sort Order:52, Striped:NO, Number of Dump Devices:1, device info:(VOLID=SS0001 NAME=iitmsdb_dump TYPE=DISK FILE=1)

Mesg 17562 : Checking space allocation for database 6

Mesg 18109 : Recovery dbid 10 ckpt (590112,18) oldest tran=(590112,0)

Error : 0, Severity: 19, State: 0
SQLDumpExceptionHandler: Process 49 generated access violation; SQL Server is terminating this process

Error : 0, Severity: 19, State: 0
SQLDumpExceptionHandler: Process 102 generated access violation; SQL Server is terminating this process

Mesg 17309 : The current contents of process' input buffer are '_cursoropen'.

Error : 925, Severity: 19, State: 1
Maximum number of used databases for each query has been exceeded. The maximum allowed is 8.

Thanks a lot. Bangaly

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SQL Server Crash

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all,

I'm running on Windows Server 2000 datacenter with sp4 and SQL Server 2000 SP4 on 16 GB AWE and /PAE enabled. Apparently the SQL Server service stops intermittently.

Below is the error I got on the application log.

"SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 788 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process."

Below is a part of the SQLdump that was created.

BugCheck Dump

This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server 8.00.2040
upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.
Bios Version is Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 1.1.0
Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 1.1.0
Current time is 10:27:18 07/02/07.
4 Intel x86 level 6, 2992 Mhz processor(s).
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 CSD Service Pack 4.

MemoryLoad = 82%
Total Physical = 7903 MB
Available Physical = 1373 MB
Total Page File = 11795 MB
Available Page File = 5311 MB
Total Virtual = 2047 MB
Available Virtual = 296 MB

*Dump thread - spid = 72, PSS = 0x41d77260, EC = 0x41d77590
* User initiated stack dump. This is not a server exception dump.
*Stack Dump being sent to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLlogSQLDu
* *****************************************************************************
* 07/02/07 10:27:18 spid 72
* ex_raise2: Exception raised, major=79, minor=87, severity=22



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Weekly Server Crash

Nov 1, 1999

Been trying to send this all week...

-----Original Message-----
From: Driggers, John
To: 'SQL Discussions'
Sent: 10/27/99 9:10 AM
Subject: FW: Weekly server hang

I also see the one below prior to another crash....going through tech
net now...but not seeing anything that reflects the messages below. The
results from searching on "Exception_Access_Violation" I'm not sure
apply in my case...also looks like I have at least two causes of crashes
(how can one interpret the below statements???)

Thanks, John

99/10/24 10:38:00.06 spid10 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION raised,
attempting to create symptom dump
99/10/24 10:38:00.06 spid10 Initializing symptom dump and stack dump
99/10/24 10:38:02.61 spid10 ***BEGIN STACK TRACE***
99/10/24 10:38:02.61 spid10 0x00404CD9 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
rm_ods_handler() + 0x0329
99/10/24 10:38:02.64 spid10 0x00405571 in SQLSERVR.EXE, st_do_enlist()
+ 0x00C1
99/10/24 10:38:02.64 spid10 0x004071CA in SQLSERVR.EXE,
CDTCState::init() + 0x033A
99/10/24 10:38:02.65 spid10 0x005A70A3 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
lddb_fixdbosuid() + 0x0423
99/10/24 10:38:02.68 spid10 0x005A6CC2 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
lddb_fixdbosuid() + 0x0042
99/10/24 10:38:02.68 spid10 0x005963CB in SQLSERVR.EXE, textalloc() +
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x00463F4B in SQLSERVR.EXE, agghaving() +
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x00409829 in SQLSERVR.EXE, opencheck() +
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x00427B09 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
tbswritecheck() + 0x0969
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x00250FED in opends60.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x0025055B in opends60.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x002414D1 in opends60.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x00241384 in opends60.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x10219D84 in MSVCRT40.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 0x77F04F3E in KERNEL32.dll
99/10/24 10:38:02.71 spid10 ***END STACK TRACE***

************************************************** **********************

Cindy, nothing in the NT logs but found this in the SQL logs:

99/10/25 09:25:15.45 spid71 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION raised,
attempting to create symptom dump
99/10/25 09:25:15.45 spid71 Initializing symptom dump and stack dump
99/10/25 09:25:20.45 spid71 ***BEGIN STACK TRACE***
99/10/25 09:25:20.46 spid71 0x00404CD9 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
rm_ods_handler() + 0x0329
99/10/25 09:25:20.52 spid71 0x005725C1 in SQLSERVR.EXE, stuff() +
99/10/25 09:25:20.54 spid71 0x0056D35F in SQLSERVR.EXE, ncrid_update()
+ 0x057F
99/10/25 09:25:20.57 spid71 0x0051DD35 in SQLSERVR.EXE, prRESOURCE() +
99/10/25 09:25:20.57 spid71 0x00464C65 in SQLSERVR.EXE, genbuiltin() +
99/10/25 09:25:20.59 spid71 0x00427B09 in SQLSERVR.EXE,
tbswritecheck() + 0x0969
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x00250FED in opends60.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x0025055B in opends60.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x002414D1 in opends60.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x00241384 in opends60.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x10219D84 in MSVCRT40.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 0x77F04F3E in KERNEL32.dll
99/10/25 09:25:20.62 spid71 ***END STACK TRACE***

This proceeds my 'crashes', which it looks scary enough to do the trick!

Any idea what could be causing this exception?

Thanks, John

ps. someone else mentioned backup software - we use BackupExec and I
have a sched. task that dumps one of the databases to a network drive 2x
day. But these are running throughout the week...looking over the logs I
really don't see a correlation...(ie. these same processes run on days
that no crash occurs and successfully later in the day that the crashes
do occur (some hours earlier).

-----Original Message-----
From: Gross, Cindy [mailto:CindyGross@hmhs.com]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 2:14 PM
To: SQL 6.5 Discussions
Subject: RE: Weekly server hang

Did you check the SQL Server errorlog (sometimes things are written here
that don't go to the event viewer) and the NT event viewer (application

You could try turning on SQL Trace to see if you can capture a "bad"
but depending on how SQL goes down it may not be captured.

If you are auditing successful logons you could take a look to see if
is any pattern in who logs in just before SQL restarts.

Any chance someone is actually stopping it on purpose? Or maybe a
that is stopping it (maybe a backup system trying to backup the device
instead of the dumps)?

Cindy Gross
SQL Server MCP
Texas Health Resources

> -----Original Message-----
> From:Driggers, John [SMTP:John_Driggers@spspay.com]
> Sent:Monday, October 25, 1999 12:26 PM
> To: SQL 6.5 Discussions
> Subject: Weekly server hang
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> X-Message-Id: <06F417B00B8CD1119BA400008322DF6D03515E78@spsgex01>
> Sender: bounce-mssql-14964@ls.swynk.com
> Precedence: bulk
> This one is bugging the tar out of me. Running SQL 6.5 sp5a, NT4 sp4
> the
> server. Either on the weekend or Mon. mornings (happened all 3 days
> past week) the SQL service stops on the server. This is during low
> times. The box is a DELL 4300 dual 450 w 512 RAM (250 dedicated to
> All
> other services on the server are ok, except for SQL.
> I'm thinking maybe a bad query hitting the server (I've seen this
> before) but the programmers claim there is nothing special about these
> time
> periods that something "unique" would be happening. After I restart
> server it may not happen until the next week (this past weekend being
> exception). I thought maybe I had a memory leak but running perf.
> before a crash once revealed 99+% data cache, available proced. crash,
> CPU usage, low swapping....anything else I could check?
> Maybe reinstalling the sp5a? Any suggestions on things to try would be
> most
> appreciated...
> Thanks, John
> ------
> FAQ: http://www.swynk.com/faq/sql/sqlserverfaq.asp
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Simplest Way To Crash A Sql Server

Jul 10, 2006

What is the simplest way to crash a sql server?
Somebody asked me that question, and I was unable to give the best answer. Please help me to find it.

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SQL Optimization Server Crash

Jun 9, 2008

Hi all, I was wondering if you's could help me out.
We run sql optimization on 2 of our databases and when they run they cause our server to crash - system log reports: unexpected shutdown. When we take these jobs out of action the server does not crash.

I'm not sure if this could be a CPU or memory related issue or if its a SQL configuration issue?

Any comments/ideas would be great.


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Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,Our SQL Server just crashed with the following messages:The Scheduler 5 appears to be hung. SPID 85, ECID 0, UMS Context 0x06C22478.Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0We are running SP3 on cluster on a SAN.Any ideas?ThanksMichael

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Server SQL-Server 2005 Crash While Indexing By The Server SharePoint 2007

Feb 7, 2008


I have an intranet environment consists of two servers:

- An application server windows 2003 server with 64-bit server Sharepoint 2007 SP1 (Standard version for search)
- A database server windows 2003 server with 64-bit SQL Server 2005 SP2 64-bit (Standard - 9.0.3054)

It happens regularly that the database server crash (frozen black screen) while the application server indexes (crawl) the content of the intranet site based on sharepoint. There is no alert / error in the observer of events, nor in the sql logs.

The crash is uncertain: dice once all goes well, soon after that crash. When i set the parameter search service (service management research), I can define a regulatory impact of the robot to change the number of documents at the same time : "Request 2 documents at the same time, the crash is more rare, "ask 64 documents at a time, the crash is more common.

My Intranet under sharepoint is composed of a collection site with a dozen sub-sites. There are 3 large library of PDF document. All done in the 4 go in terms of volume.

My problem for about 3-4 months. (Maybe more. Before, indexing was not yet in place).

Someone could help me? Thank you

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How Can I Restore My Data After Nt Server Crash?

Jan 22, 2001

NT server 4.0 crahsed. And there was no emergency repair disk. So, I copied all MS SQL server7.0 data files. After that i created new partition, formatted and installed Nt Server and SQL server 7.0. But how can i restore my old data? Please tell me what to do now?

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Sql Server 2000 Causing TCP/IP To Crash?

Nov 23, 2005

I installed Sql Server 2000 on a Windows 2003 machine and everythingappeared to be fine. It has Sql Server SP4 and Windows 2003 SP1 installed.The problem occurs whenever I use Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer formore than a few minutes. After a while, all internet connectivity on theserver machine is broken. I cannot connect to it through Enterprise Manager,and on the machine itself, nothing related to the internet works at all.There are no errors in the Windows log or the Sql log. Disabling andenabling the Ethernet adapter fixes connectivity, until the next time I useEnterprise Manager for a while. What is going on?The machine is a Dell PowerEdge SC420 with a BroadCom NetXtreme Gigabitadapter and Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.

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HELP - SQL Server Crash ? Memory Leak ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everybody !I´m maintaining a large intranet (approx 10000 concurrent users) running onone IIS box and one DB box with sqlserver 2000.Currently there is 2,5 GB Ram, 1 1400 mhz cpu and 2 scsi disks installed onthe db box.Sqlserver is set to use max 1,4 GB RAM, and the sqlserver does not seem tobe using it all.Currently SQLSERVER 2000 crashes at least once a day.Its very weird, I run performance monitor with counters on, memory, diskusage, num users, locks and such.There is no indications in the counters before the crashes, they just happenvery sudden.Only indication is that sqlserver makes some huge jumps in memory usage andmostly the sqlserver then crashes an hour or 2 later.The only thing that peaks a lot are the locks/sec counter.My analysis of disk usage, queues etc. tells me i got no kind of i/obottlenecks.Can anybody give me a clue as to what i should do ?Best regards, Thue

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Server Crash Help Follow Up URGENT HELP Needed

Nov 20, 2000

Follow up for previouse message

I had only 40 mb of disk space in the c drive. could that be the reason. if so, how can I turn on the server and get into win NT and make the server up and running.
I hope someone can reply as soon as possible


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Sql Server Project Visual Studio Crash

Dec 9, 2006

I'm having trouble with CLR based user-defined functions.

When I create a database C# project in Visual Studio 2005, the dialog to
pick the database connection doesn't apprear. Except for that, the project
seems to be created normally. I am able to write and build my project
without a problem.

When I try to release, it says that the connection isn't defined. I do a Project ==> <projname> and then select the database tab on the side. I am unable to type in a connection string because it's grayed out. When I hit the browse button. Visual Studio crashes.

I have one thrid-party Visual Studio installed, Sybase PowerDesigner. I also have the SQL Server 2000 and 2005 client tools installed.

I tried uninstalling the PowerDesigner module. I tried reinstalling and repairing the SQL Server client tools and Visual Studio 2005. I tried uninstalling SQL Server 2000 and 2005 client tools and then intalling Visual Studio 2005 fresh.

Nothing seemed to fix the problem.

Has anybody seen this before? Any ideas on how to fix this? I found a work around to install the dll from SQL Server, but I would really like to deploy from Visual Studio.

Any help is appreciated.

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Linked Server To Oracle Causes SQL Server Instance To Crash

Mar 3, 2007

When running a linked server to Oracle using the MSDAORA driver using in-process option checked, I'm getting the following error:

"A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)"

This then causes the instance to crash.

In the Event Log, it shows:

SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).

When using the out-of-process, it shows the column names in the query results window, but doesn't show any data then immediately in the message window it shows:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

The OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "smtest" reported an error. Access denied.

Msg 7350, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "smtest".

We're using:

SQL Server 2005 SP1 with hot fixes (9.0.2153) 32-bit on 64-bit o/s Windows 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition Sevice Pack 1

We use lots of linked servers to Oracle on other servers, and can't find anything different on this one.

Appreciate any thoughts, insights!



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Viewing Sql Server

Jun 17, 2007

why can't i see SQL server 2005 the same way i see Visual Basic 2005 Express edition. i'm able to see VB by going under the all Programs menu and select it, when i try to find SQL 2005, i see configuration tools and some submenu of configuration tools. is that the way it is? if not, how do i get SQL 2005 to open up like VB so i can play with it. Also, at home i do not have a server, do i have to have a home server to play with SQL


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SQL 2012 :: Memory Usage Extremely High And Causes Server To Crash

Jun 11, 2015

I have been having issues with our SQL server for awhile now. It seems to run out of memory every few days and when I look at the memory dump, the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER seem to take over memory and eventually cause the server to crash.

Here is the SQL verison we are using: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3460.0 (X64) Jul 22 2014 15:22:00 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)..It is on a VM on Windows 2012 server. It has 20gb of RAM allocated to it and the MAX Server Memory is set to 16.5gb.

I have seen the MEMORYCLERK_SQLOPTIMIZER grow to about 11gb at the time of the server crash. Why that is happening? What is causing the memoryclerk_sqloptimizer to get so high? I have looked it up and it looks like it has to do with ad hoc requests, but is there something I can do to bring that memory down when it gets so high so that I can prevent a server crash?Do we just need to add more memory or is there a memory leak somewhere?

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Viewing Sql String Passed Into Sql Server

Mar 8, 2004

I have a stored proc that has several parameters. (using SQL server)

i call this proc and add the parameters etc and execute it etc

the problem is that how can i see the string that is being passed to the db? eg the calling command?


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Problem Viewing Reports On Server

Jan 23, 2007

Hello, we're having a bit of an issue getting Report Server to display reports. We've published via the web-interface and Visual Studio. After we publish, it gives an error and it looks as if it's trying to find the data source that we used to create the report. We've changed the datasource names to match that of the local machine too. Here's the error...

An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot create a connection to data source 'LocalDataSourceName'.

Keyword not supported: 'driver'.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Viewing And Writing Data On An SQL On A Seperate Server.

Jun 29, 2007

I have a project were I will have it so that users can sign in and change information on an SQL server. The catch is that this site will be from a different domain name and from a different hosting company then where the SQL database is located. Sorry if this is a dumb question but how can I utilize asp.net to change and view an SQL database that is located else-where.
For example: a user logs into www.something.com and he/she can view and edit SQL tables from www.somethingelse.com's database.
Thanks in advance.

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Viewing Transactions In SQL Server 2005 Express

Aug 22, 2006

Hello,I'm trying to follow some sql sentences that my system send to SQL 2005express and I don't have a deep knowlegde of databases. I know thatthere's a transactions log that keeps all sentences that go intodatabase motor. Is it correct? in case yes, is there a way to look atthis archived sentences?Thanks in advanceIgnacio

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