SQL Server As Content Store

Dec 29, 2003

Okay, moving to developing a small site that will be storing articles - that is a site largely consisting of html marked up articles with images. We already have an SQL Server so it is becoming the back-end.

So, since I'm not an SQL Server expert, some general advice on this would be appreciated? The articles, as I say in HTML (largely just markup for titles, and general text) would be stored in the DB? As Text datatypes?

How about the images...on disk or in SQL?

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How To Store A Content Into Database

Aug 22, 2006

Hi everyone,
I'm just using TEXTBOX control to save data into my DB. My question is, if I have multiple lines of sentences, it does not store as what it looks like. For example;
Hello, Mike
It stores into the database as "Hello, Mike" and if I read from the database, it does not have seperate lines and shows it like this;
Hello, Mike
How can I store the contents into database and make the contents as original? (Sorry for the poor English, but I hope you understand it.)

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How To Store File Binary Content

Dec 3, 2007


I have never use sql server to store binary data. Now, I need to store a .doc file into it. Which column type I should adopt?

In addition, could you provide me related articles to study?


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Store Blog Post Content In Text File Or Database?

May 21, 2006

    Hi. I am currently building a blog application, and I need some advice... I have the post title, post date, post by, etc stored in a database table, however I was wondering whether I should store the actual post content in the database as well or in a text file. For example, if the posts get really long would it slow down database performance or would there not be much of a difference? Furthermore, if I wanted to keep the posts private, a text file would not be ideal as it can be accessed easily by surfers... What do you recommend?Thanks a lot

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How To Copy A Database's Content Into A New One On The Same Server?

Aug 29, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express.
I have a database used for an application and I need another copy of that database so I can fix some bugs.
I tried attaching the mdf to the second database but it gives an error.(a database is allready attached)
I need the 2 databases on the same server.


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Error Using Join To Access Sql Server Content

Jun 15, 2006

Why would this error? The join works in Query Analyzer.
GridViewShowA.Visible = true;String objConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ToString();String strSQL = "SELECT x.office as Office, x.email as Email, z.fname as 'First Name', z.lname as 'Last Name', ";strSQL += "z.title as Title ";strSQL += "FROM db1.dbo.tblA X ";strSQL += "JOIN db2.dbo.tblA Z ";strSQL += " ON x.email = z.email";strSQL += "WHERE x.office = '" + DropDownListoffice.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";strSQL += "AND z.email = x.email";SqlDataAdapter objAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objConnection);DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();objAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "myData");DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];GridViewShowA.DataSource = dataTable.DefaultView;GridViewShowA.DataBind();
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'x'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'x'.Source Error: Line 101:        objAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "myData");

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I Cannot View Table Content In MS SQL Server Express

Mar 19, 2007

I was able to view table content easily before, but after Ireinstalled everything, I cannot find the option to view table contentin MS SQL Server Express. I can define table with no problem. Checkout the screen snapshot below, from which you'll see that the popupmenu frrom right-clicking on the table name does not have the "Opentable" option. What is going on?http://farm1.static.flickr.com/167/...839620d0b_o.png

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Feedback Requested - What Content Do You Want To See For SQL Server Express?

Dec 14, 2005

We€™re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express.  This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine.  So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!  We€™ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content.  Please be as specific as you can.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Search Content Of Files

May 7, 2014

I want a mechanism that search the content of all files in my upload folder, then return the address of the file that contains that keyword...

The content of the files are not in the table,just the addresses are saved in table...

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Sql Server 2005 Express: Export/Import Content Of A Table

Apr 3, 2008

 I want to export data in a table from one database to another database. And I would like it bo be clone of the source table, if it's possible. Is there any tools out there that can help me with this or do I have to write my own code?Is it possible to query the database to get all columns and datatypes for Ã¥ requested table? If possible, can you give me an example?If I have to write a tool myself I guess I would do something like this: Export - Query the database for columns and datatype for the requested table. Dynamically generate a query to retrieve all rows from the table and save it to an xml file. Import - Turn off the Identity Increment, loop through the xml file and generate insert queries to insert a clone of each row, turn off the Identity Increment. Viola! If programming only could be that simple :-) Regards, Sigurd 

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Importing Report Content Direct To SQL Server For Testing Purposes

Jan 8, 2007


I have what seems a simple requirement. We want to import the contents of a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report into a SQL Server 2005 database, in order to perform some checks on reports displayed to users. Is there an easy way to achieve this? XML would seem appropriate, but I can't find a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. Any pointers/suggestions would be appreciated.



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Can I Implement A File System With SQL Server Similar To Oracle Content Services?

Apr 29, 2008

I need to implement a file system for an application that allows me to roll back to a point in time. I can do this with either a journaling file system (Unix based such as JFS) or with a database file system such as Oracle Internet File system (now Oracle Content Services). I would MUCH prefer to use SQL Server but cannot find anything that supports this other than a 2000 ppt referencing the then up and coming SQL Server .NET File System.

The application(s) in question are older and store data in proprietary data files and need to access a local (or mapped) drive in standard form (d:programsmyprogram).

Does SQL Server 2005 or 2008 support this type of access? I have searched but cannot find anything to support this.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Huge Traffic Between Share Point Front End Servers To Content Database?

Feb 20, 2014

We have a Customized share point application with Very minimal data usage and we have used only 5 to 6 lists and libraries only in the share point.

Configuration is

Clients -- fire wall --- Load Balancer ---- WF1 and WF2 --- SQL DB



Checked with the firewall Team and they stated its fine from their end & even we have verified the counters, CPU, Memory & Page life expectancy, buffer counters all looks good and even we do not have huge data in the database. We have only 50 concurrent users are working...

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SQL Server Management Studio Express: Object Explorer - How To Re-attach The Content Of User-defined Database

Nov 21, 2007

Hi all,

I just found that the content of my Database "ssmsExpressDB" is gone, but the name "ssmsExpressDB" remains in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express. If I delected the name "ssmsExpressDB" and executed the following .sql:

exec sp_attach_db @dbname = N'ssmsExpressDB',

@filename1 = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf',

@filename2 = N'C:Program filesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB_log.LDF'


I got the following error message:

Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 1

Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".

And I have closed all my projects and I do not know what " The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is all about!? Please help and tell me how I can re-attach the content of my "ssmsExpressDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Chang


I found the "ssmsExpressDB" is being used by my VB 2005 Express project "Hello-SQLCLR-1": in the Database Explorer, Data Connections place. How can I put it back to the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express? Please help and advise.


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Read Text File From SQL Server, Read Its Content, And Load It In RichTextBox (Related Component: Context.Response.BinaryWrite(), And StreamReader)

Nov 26, 2007

OBJECTIVE: I would like to read a text file from SQL Server 2000, read the text file content, and load its conntents in a RichTextBoxTHINGS I'VE DONE AND HAVE WORKING:1) I've successfully load a text file (ex: textFile.txt) in sql server database table column (with datatype Image) 2) I've also able to load the file using a Handler as below: using System;using System.Web;using System.Data.SqlClient;public class HandlerImage : IHttpHandler {string connectionString;public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NWS_ScheduleSQL2000"].ConnectionString;int ImageID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["id"]);SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);string Command = "SELECT [Image], Image_Type FROM Images WHERE Image_Id=@Image_Id";SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Command, myConnection);cmd.Parameters.Add("@Image_Id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = ImageID;SqlDataReader dr;myConnection.Open(); cmd.Prepare(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();if (dr.Read()){ //WRITE IMAGE TO THE BROWSERcontext.Response.ContentType = dr["Image_Type"].ToString();context.Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dr["Image"]);}myConnection.Close();}public bool IsReusable {get {return false;}}}'>'>
<a href='<%# "HandlerDocument.ashx?id=" + Eval("Doc_ID") %>'>File
</a>- Click on this link, I'll be able to download or view the file WHAT I WANT TO DO, BUT HAVE PROBLEM:- I would like to be able to read CONTENT of this file and load it in a string as belowStreamReader SR = new StreamReader()SR = File.Open("File.txt");String contentText = SR.Readline();txtBox.text = contentText;BUT THIS ONLY WORK FOR files in the server.I would like to be able to read FILE CONTENTS from SQL Server.PLEASE HELP. I really appreciate it.

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How To Set-up Sql Server 2000 In Win2k3 Server To Store Big-5 Chinese Data

Jul 23, 2005

I am using Windows 2003 Server English Version. I wanna store the big-5data so I install the sql server 2000 as if i install it in the Windows2000 with Server Collation of the Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CL_AS.However, the data are stored into the database server in unicodeinstead of big-5 in that of windows 2000 OS.I would like to ask how i can set so that the Sql Server 2000 can storethe big-5 data

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SQL Server - Store Procedure

May 23, 2008

Greetings mate, 
I'm new to sql server stored procedures
- I have 2 tables tasksTbl and staff_TasksTbl
- tasksTbl primary key is an identity column
- When inserting a row into tasksTbl I want to get the ID for the new inserted row using SCOPE_IDENTITY() and use it into a new insert command that will add a row into staff_TasksTbl
I need to know whats the problem in this procedure
(@TaskName varchar(20),
@TaskDescription varchar(20),@Rating int,
@Status varchar(20),@StartAt varchar(20),
@EntAt varchar(20),@EventID varchar(20), @StaffID varchar(100)
AS declare @TaskID int
insert into TasksTbl(TaskName, TaskDescription, Rating, Status, StartAt, EntAt, EventID)values(@TaskName, @TaskDescription, @Rating, @Status, @StartAt, @EntAt, @EventID)
 select @TaskID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
insert into staff_TasksTbl(TaskID,StaffID)values (@TaskID, @StaffID)
Thanks in advance.

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How Data Store On Server??

Feb 15, 2004

Hi all,
please, show me How to data is store on the server ?
thanks for reading.

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Store Images In SQL Server Using ASP.net

Mar 9, 2004

Hey guys,

Can someone guide me how to store images in SQL Server using ASP.net?


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SQL Vs XML Page Content

Apr 2, 2008

I want to create the most effective way (google) to have content displayed on a web page. 
Currently, we are updating to SQL and populating to web via calling SQL statements hardcoded to page.  I want to know if this is ok to do, or should we be reading from a static XML file that is updated? 
 I think the XML is the way to go being that i may have answered my own question, but i was curious to what the experts on asp.net had to say.

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Moving Content From One Db To Another

Mar 9, 2007

an outside developer has sent us a mdf file that contains the need updates to a database.

here is where the problem comes in, how can i append the contents of the mdf file to an existing db?

there are about a dozen tables, 50 stored procs, and one new user.

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Copy Store Procedure One Server To Another Server

Jan 30, 2008


is it's possible by script or t-sql that i can use, to transfer/copy store procedure from one server database to another server database.

Thanks and looking forward.

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How Do I Store An XmlDocument In SQL Server 2005

Oct 23, 2006

Hi, I have  xmldocument type that stores xml data. I would like to able to store that data in sql server 2005 as a xml data type. How can I accomplish this using ado sqlcommand? XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString);conn.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn;cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;cmd.CommandText = "spStoreApp";cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PersId", "222-22-2222");cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AppData", xdoc);try{cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();Response.Write("Storage of application successful");}catch (SqlException sqlx){Response.Write(sqlx.Message);}conn.Close();thanks in advance.

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How To Store An Email On SQL Server 2000?

Jul 30, 2007

Is it possible to store an email in SQL server 2000? Do we need to define our own data type for that, if yes then how? or do we have to store it as an object, again how? I want to save email after sending it by my ASP .NET application and then retrieve it at a later stage.......Anyone please help?

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How Can I Store A Text File Into SQL Server?

Apr 6, 2004

Can some one give me some suggest?

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Store Objects In Sql Server 2000

Oct 25, 2004

How can we store native .NET objects like arraylists, hashtables in Sql Server? Is this possible? If so, can anybody provide some insight on how to do this?


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Can't Seem To Connect To A Store Procedure On SQL Server

Dec 1, 2004


I am trying to get a page to call on a store procedure in SQL server and can seem to get it right. Any advice would be appreiated

<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
<script runat="server">

Dim Conn as new OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=*;Database=WEST1;User ID=*;Password=*;Trusted_Connection=False")
Sub Submit(Sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
Dim objCmd as OleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand ("vendorPending 10031,85140109", Conn)

Dim objReader as OleDbDataReader

objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

response.write ("opening data")
objReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader

catch ex as OleDbException
Response.write ("Error retrieving data.")

end try

DataGrid1.DataSource = objReader


End Sub

<form method="post" runat="server">
<br />
Login :
<asp:textbox id="user" runat="server"></asp:textbox>
Password :
<asp:textbox id="Pass" runat="server" textmode="Password" MaxLength="10"></asp:textbox>
<br />
<asp:button id="Button1" onclick="submit" runat="server" text="submit"></asp:button>
<br />
<br />
<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left" Font-Names="Arial" ItemStyle-BackColor="#FFFFFF" AlternatingItemStyle-BackColor="#CCCCCC" Font-Size="10pt" Font-Name="Arial" width="755px" cellpadding="2" gridlins="vertical" BorderColor="Black" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<HeaderStyle font-size="Small" font-names="Arial" font-bold="True"></HeaderStyle>
<EditItemStyle horizontalalign="Left"></EditItemStyle>
<AlternatingItemStyle backcolor="#CCCCCC"></AlternatingItemStyle>
<ItemStyle horizontalalign="Right" backcolor="White"></ItemStyle>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="invnum" HeaderText="&lt;b&gt;Invoice Number&lt;/b&gt;"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="invdate" HeaderText="Invoice Date" DataFormatString="{0:MM-dd-yyyy}"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="duedate" HeaderText="Due Date" DataFormatString="{0:MM-dd-yyyy}"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="invamt" HeaderText="Invoice Amount" DataFormatString="${0:N2}"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="payamt" HeaderText="Pay Amount" DataFormatString="${0:N2}"></asp:BoundColumn>

The store proceudure takes 2 int parameters. I have coded it inline in order to test it. I also will implement validation once I get this working


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How Can I Store Image (.jpg , .gif) In A Database (SQL SERVER)

Jan 27, 2006

hi to all !!!!
i want to store the image file from user click in SQL Server , so how can i ??
How can i Store image (.jpg , .gif) in a database .
pls send me Code or any thing which helps me ...

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How To Store Only Date In MS SQL Server 2000

Feb 2, 2006

i am taking date and time from user as input in different screen.
some times i need only date to be stored and some time only time.
as we have data type datetime in MS SQL Server 2000, it takes both date and time in one field.
so how to take only date or only time from user and store in database.

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Looking For Opinions.....want To Use SQL Server To Store Images

Apr 25, 2006

I have a client who wants to be able to upload images to his website for his customers to access.  It will probably max out at 100 images a month...so not a huge amount of data.  I am using asp.net 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. 
Does anyone have thoughts or opinions on why I should or should not take this approach?

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Central Store Of SQL Server Registration

Nov 7, 2000

I am attempting to centrally register all of my sql server so I can go to any workstation and open enterprise manager and select to read the sql server registration from the remote server.

I followed all of the steps in books on line about going to the central server, turning off the store/user independent option, registering all of the servers and then going to a workstation and selecting the option to read from the central server.

I get error messages like registry read error: 5 and registry read error: 2

This is getting frustrating because we have a lot of servers in our environment and re-registering them everytime is getting to be quite a pain. If the central store will not work, is there a way to write a script to register all servers in an enterprise.



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How To Store Japanese Text In MS-SQL Server?

Oct 6, 2006

Dear All,

I am using JDK 1.5 with MS-SQL2000 as backend. I am try to store japanese text/charachters in the MS-SQL using jdbc. But whatever the japanese charaters are getting stored in MSSQL as ?????(which I think are corrupted-as read from internet.).
1. My problem is I want to store them exactly in the Japanese language formats(Kanji/or so).
2. In the same way when I am retriving it from database I am getting ???? only. Not the actual Japanese charaters which I have inserted.

P.N.: I am using:
mssqlserver.jar ---Driver DB connectivity

Can anyone suggest me the solution for the same?

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,

email: bnhsniranjan@gmail.com

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How Can I Store Flat Files In SQL SERVER??

Sep 25, 2005

How can I store flat files in SQL SERVER??

Actually I am planning to prepare a repository of different files like .xls, .pdf, .doc, .ppt etc and then i will have a web interface to access these files. Can anybody guide me, How can i store these flat files in datbase.

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