SQL Server Auto Increments?

Aug 7, 2005

I have a table that consists of an invoice number, the ordering user's customer number, and current shipping status of the invoice.

What I would like is for the invoice number to auto increment whenever I insert into the table. I'm using SQL Server, but I can't find something to check (or whatever) in Enterprise Manager.

I'm certain it's possible, I just have no idea how. Please help!


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Id (indentity) Is Increments On Faults.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,When i eg. manually ad entries to a table and, cancels the insert Ms SQLincrement the counter on the ID anyway. Is there a way to avoid thisbehavior?RegardsAnders

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Group By Time Increments

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to pull data from a table. I would like to group this dataset by a datetime field.
The result I want is for the records to be grouped together by their create time ( in this case using half hour increments.) All records created from the first half hour get grouped together, all records from the second half hour get grouped together etc. This dataset will contain data from a 24 hour time period (48 groups of data). What is the best way to accomplish? Do I need to use a cursor to accomplish?


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How Create A Field (id) That Increments Autom. ?

Oct 1, 2005

I would like to create a field that increments automatically by 1 - to use it as an identifier for a row. This is so dammed simple but I can not find how to do it !

Thank you very much for any help.

By the way I configure SQLExpress with VS2005 and SQL Express Manager.

Thank you very much,

my favorit hoster is ASPnix : www.aspnix.com !

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How To AVG Values For One Hour Of Five-minute Increments?

Feb 18, 2008

Hello all,

I have the following very simple SQL Query:

SELECT TOP (100) AutoNumber, Date, ZNT, SAT, RAT, RH
FROM HV_Values

This shows the top 100 entries for a table (where there is a date entry every 5 minutes). Here's five sample records:

1 12/4/2006 4:12:11 PM 67.13 70.50 71.56 8.23
2 12/4/2006 4:17:11 PM 67.13 70.50 71.56 8.33
3 12/4/2006 4:22:11 PM 67.19 70.69 71.69 8.19
4 12/4/2006 4:27:11 PM 67.19 70.63 71.69 8.18
5 12/4/2006 4:32:11 PM 67.19 70.69 71.75 8.05

What I'd like to do with the sample query above is take an AVG for one hour for the values ZNT, SAT, RAT, RH...like I stated the records are every five minutes in the table, I'd like to create 60 minute AVGs.

Any ideas or sample queries I can work with?

Thank you very much! gad1

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Identity Column Value Increments By 2 Rather Than 1 On Insert

Jul 26, 2007

I have an issue with a stored procedure activation on a service broker queue. The activation stored procedure simply RECEIVES the top message and then INSERTs a row into a table with an identity INT column. Each row inserted has the identity column value incremented by 2 rather than 1. Only one row is inserted in the table.

If the activation is set to OFF and then manually calling the original stored procedure the insert works fine and the identity column value is only incremented by one.

Do you have any suggestions on why the identity column value increments by 2?


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SQL 2012 :: SSMS Auto-recovery / Auto-save New (unsaved) Queries

Feb 16, 2014

Since upgrading from SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, I've noticed that it no longer autosaves queries that have not been manually saved first. If a file has been manually saved the autorecover files end up in the following directory:

%appdata%MicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio11.0AutoRecoverDatSolution1

However, I have ended up in the situation where I have unsaved queries when my computer has crashed and have not been able to recover them.

I have also found references to .sql files stored in temp files in the following directory, but the files here seem to be very haphazardly caught:


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Auto Increment Auto Non-identity Field

Jan 23, 2004

I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?

Thanks, Justin.

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Auto Restore .bak From Production To Same Server's TEST Db With Other Dbs && .baks In Same Server.

Aug 10, 2007

I've tried this in the 'tools' area, but that didn't work too well. I suspect, I will have to generate a T-SQL code then schedule it as a job. Why I can't just drag and drop with basic desires, is beyond me, but THAT probably does exist.

anyway here is the problem
[this server has many databases, on SQL 2000 sp2]
1. User only wants me to use Monday morning's full backup, which is good in that it doesn't include transaction logs.
2. Restore that data overtop/into Developement db. = good, no data to worry about damaging.
3. User does NOT want me to do this by hand, but schedule it.

a. must do a RESTORE WITH FILELISTONLY from [?] what ?, master? and if I user the *.bak of the production, it has
a coded date field in the name entry SO, I would, I guess, have to generate all sorts of wonderful code to find the date and build a file name. Why, because using the FROM DISK = 'F:MSSQLBACKUPDBPRODUCTION_yyyyddmm.BAK' is not going to work with a wild card.
Can I do a file lookup using a 'PRODUCTION' prefix into a variable, then use that or should I look for latest file date [remember there are several database backups here], or ????

then. How does one schedule such a T-SQL. Do I save it to some text file, and invoke it using a job scheduler.

any help appreciated.

IS there an easier way.

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Auto Incrent Attribute SQL Server 2000 Vs Sql Server 2005

May 14, 2007

In our application we use the ADODB.Recordset.

In SQL server 2000

If there was a view that joined 2 tables and I accessed the view the 2 ID fields in the view would still have the AutoIncrement attribute still set to true so that I knew those were Identity fields.

In SQL server 2005

I dont' know why but if you reference a View that has Identiy AutoInc fields in ADO it doesn't keep those properties.

Also for whatever reason we Set the ID field to 0 to let ourselves know its a new Record. SQL 2000 let it happen and assumed it to be null where as By Setting the ID to 0 in SQL 2005 causes it to blow up on me.

Is there some sort of setting in SQL that can make SQL 2005 work like SQL 2000 in these two instances...

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Auto-restart SQL Server?

Sep 13, 2004

how can I configure the SQL server to automatically restart selected services on a regular basis?

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Auto Start SQL Server By O/S.

Jun 28, 2002

I'm working on some maintenance task. I need some O/S system to start my SQL Service when it found stopped due to error or els any reason. I mean, when due to error if they fail, they have to start automatically by O/S.


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Auto Recompile In Sql Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a question in SQL Server 2K, I use SQL Profile to trace, andfind Stored Procedure was auto recompiled, like this row in thetrace:SP:Recompile151680762004-02-27 16:01:11.610How can I stop the auto recompile.ThanksHarold

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Auto Updates For SQL Server?

Jul 28, 2006

Our IT guy insists that he must be present anytime the SQL Server automatic updates from Microsoft are installed on the server or the server will crash. What has he been tinkering with to cause this to happen or is he just giving us a line?

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Auto Generate IDs In MS SQL SERVER 2005

Apr 1, 2007

Hello,I m creating forms in ASP.Net 2005 using C# language. I'm
using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and my IDs are in A001, A002, A003...and so on. How
can I auto generate this IDs? Like A001 +1=A002? Please help...In SQL server 2005 which datatype i should select and how can i code in ASP.NET with C#??On button click event the data is inserted and been shown onthe grid..Thanks

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Where Did Auto Increment Go In SQL Server 2005

Jun 16, 2008

Can't find "auto increment", sure it is sitting right in front of  me, but can 't find it. 

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Auto Update To Sql Server Tables

Oct 22, 2004

I'm changing data storage for an asp.net project from MS Access to Sql Server. I've got the web site working, but I need to update the sql server tables with data from our Oracle db daily. What is the "best" way to do that?

I've read about DTS, but have never done anything like that. Would it be worth the time and effort to study? (So far I've created a package, with the import wizard, that doesn't work & I don't have the authority to delete :-)

I know I could create a dataset with my Oracle data and use that to update sql server. But is there a way to schedule an aspx to run authomatically? Would this affect performance? The sql server db isn't very big (30-40,000 records), but the Oracle db is & I need to do quite a bit of manipulation to the data.

This is new to me & I'm don't know what I should be searching for to find help. And if there is a more appropriate place to post this question, please let me know.


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Auto Number SQL Server 2000

May 14, 2005

Hi all,
How can i generate auto Number in SQL Server 2000,like AutoNumber Datatype in MsAccess....
Thanx in advance

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Daily Auto Email Using SQL Server

Mar 11, 2001

I want to send auto email to my subscribers(no. of subscribers always vary)
This auto email has to be send daily.
Could it be done by generating certain Stored Procedure ?
if yes then please help me by providing Stored Procedure.

Thank you

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SQL Server Agent Did Not Auto-start

Nov 19, 2007

Hello everyone! We had an issue this week where SQL Server Agent did not restart automatically. Weekly maintenance runs on the server each Sunday in which a reboot of the server occurs. Both SQL Server and SQL Server Agent are set to auto-start when OS starts. SQL started fine, but SQL Server Agent didn't.

Anyone know of a reason why SQL Server Agent wouldn't have restarted? Also, does anyone know of a way to set something up that would alert me (through email) if this service hasn't restarted?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Server Agent - Auto Email Reminder

Jun 17, 2005

Hi Experts,
I have a table with fields:
remindWHO               remindWHEN        remindWHATsomeone@test.com    6/20/05                  do blah blah
I want SQL Server Agent automatically run every morning at 1:00 AM, check against "remindWHEN" date, if match with current date, send out email to "remindWHO" for what they need to do in "remindWHAT"
I was told this can be done by using the "Jobs" feature under SQL Server Agent to do this, but I don't know how to write Transact-SQL-Script under "Job Step".
Please help me. Or any better alternative?I appreciate for any help.

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Auto Start Of SQL Server 7.0 Agent Not Occurring

Nov 16, 2000

I am not successful in getting SQL Server Agent to startup when SQL server starts up.

I believe the problem has to do with a lack of permissions or rights. I will list the steps
below which seem to me to be all that are needed to install SQL Server Agent. I used
Enterprise Manager to get this information.

If anyone can shoot any holes in the process, please do, that may be where my
problem lies.

a. Created NT accounts called MSSQLSERVER for the server and MSSQLSERVERAGENT
for SQL Agent.

b. Each of these accounts has the "right" to logon as a service.

c. Each of these accounts has "admin" rights.

d. Each of these accounts has been added to SQL SERVER under Security and Logins.

e. The properties assigned to each of the accounts are:
(1) on the general tab -- Windows NT authentication is in effect, database is master
and language is English (2) on the server roles tab -- System Administrators is checked
(3) on the database access tab -- the master database is checked

f. Under SQL Server Agent, properties, selecting the General Tab, in the frame
titled "service startup account":
(1) the circle labelled "this account" is clicked (2) the account is filled in using
domain namemssqlserveragent (3) the correct password is filled in taking case
into consideration

g. Under SQL Server Agent, properties, selecting the Connection Tab, in the frame
titled "sql server connection":
(1) the circle labelled "use windows NT authentication" is clicked

h. Right clicking the server and selecting properties show a multi-tab window
(1) the general tab shows that all three autostart boxes are checked
(2) the security tabs shows SQL Server and Windows authentication are in effect
(3) the startup service account shows "this account" selected and the account
is filled in with domain namemssqlserver and the password is filled in (taking
case into consideration)

In all cases above, the domain name is not the domain in which the server resides,
but is in a "trusted" domain.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!!

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SQL Server Service Hangs Then Auto Restarts Later

Feb 3, 2003

Has anyone seen this kind of error message? I pulled it from the SQL Server Logs. In this occurance the error occurs at 1:18am, my jobs begin to fail thereafter, and then the SQL Server Services auto restarts at 3:14am.

2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error: 17882, Severity: 18, State: 1
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error accepting connection request via Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'. Execution continuing..
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0
2003-01-24 01:18:00.15 server Operating system error 1: Incorrect function...

I presume that the SQL Service and/or Server Agent becomes disfunctional, then the SQL Server Service restarts itself and everything is fine again. Once the SQL Server Service comes back up I get notifications that jobs failed, between the time from the error to the restart, and then I can restart the any failed jobs just fine. Also, during that time NetIQ does not think the SQL Service is down so it does not send out any Service outage notifications.

Another tid bit of info is that this server is dedicated to SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and has 5GB of memory with AWE enabled.

I think it could possibly be a memory leak but am not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Auto Database Connetion When SQL Server Restarted In VC++

Mar 7, 2007

How can I connect database automatically when SQL server gets restarted while VC application execution. Any suggestions....


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Custom Auto Generated Sequences With Server?

Aug 31, 2014

can i create Custom Auto-Generated Sequences with SQL Server like DD-0001,DD-0002,DD-0003...... to DD-000........

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Can We Auto Generate Columns In SQL SERVER 2000?

Jun 2, 2006

Can we able to auto generate columns in sql server 2000?
I have a tabe with two fields No and Name. I need to auto generate no for each name i am going to enter. Can any give me a solution for this? If so i will be thankful to u.

This is my mail id suresh@tracy.in

Do reply me as soon as possible.

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Default Auto Close To No For Entire Server?

Nov 27, 2006

I was having this problem:http://groups.google.com/group/micr...78?dmode=sourcewith it taking an inordinate amount of time to enumerate the databaseson my local SQL Server instance, so I went through all the localdatabases and unchecked "Auto Close" on the "Options" tab of theDatabase properties in Enterprise Manager.This cleared up the problem nicely. In EM or through SQL-DMO, thedatabases on the local server enumerate quite quickly now. However, anynew databases that are created have "Auto Close" checked, so eventuallythe original problem will resurface.Is there some way to tell SQL Server to create any new databases with"Auto Close" set to No?

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Sql Server 2005 Auto Number Property

Mar 25, 2006

I have a table with two columns. First column is type and second column is ID. ID column must be unique and I want to give values in ascending order to the new records. For example first record's ID is 1 ,second one's is 2 ... How can I do this in sql server 2005?

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Strange Problem With SQL Server - Auto-numbers Skipped

Mar 15, 2007

Hi There,I am having a strange problem with my identity column...... 1). I have a table of Products that have an identity column auto-incremented by 1. 2). I have my asp program working quite well in which the Data entry operators are adding the products into my database..... and they do not have any interface through which they can delete products........ 3). My Database is running at Web server(MS SQL Server)My problem is that when i cehcked my database.... there were around 1000 records but the auto increment number have reached to 1500. and when i checked in details then i saw that Auto number column is being skipped certain numbers..... like one entry is 1478 then the next one comes to be 1482..... and 1508 to 1516........ Its happening alot of times and it seems that SQL Server is skipping some numbers............Since it is Auto-Number so i do not have control over it through my code.... So i think the coding might not be the problem...... I have set Identity seed as well as Identity Increment both to 1.Is there any thing that you can suggest me to do??(Thanx)

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Auto-generating A DateTime In SQL Server Express 2005

Jul 22, 2007

Is it possible to have a DateTime field in a row automatically generated when a row is created?

INSERT INTO [TableName] ([DateTimeStamp], [UserId], [Title], [Explanation]) VALUES (DateTime.Now(), @UserId, @Title, @Explanation)
or something like that?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Create Auto Relationship Between Tables

May 12, 2014

I would like to create a auto relationship between tables.

Currently I am using Northwind DB with tables (Orders, OrderDetails, Customers)

Orders ( OrderId, Customerid)

Now, if the user wants to generate a relationship automatically based on SAME FIELD Names.

What is the approach?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Auto-growth Configuration Keeps Reverting?

Feb 28, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 database.

I have modified the autogrowth configuration several times. The strangest thing... they keep reverting back to the original configuration.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Auto Recover Files Not Being Created

Aug 15, 2014

I have set the environment set for AutoRecover (for every 3 minutes and Keep information for 7 days under the SSMS 2014 Menu: Tools -> Option ->Environment -> AutoRecover).

I've rebooted the box and restarted the SQL Server service and nothing seems to create the files.

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