SQL Server Concatenation Error

Jul 23, 2005


I am trying to concatenate 2 text fields to update a sql db column by

UPDATE Messages
SET private_messages = private_messages || @newmessage

But the stored procedure I am using doesn't accept ||, I've also tried
CONCAT() and CAT() but so far this has failed. Is there another way I
can do this?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Search :: In DB2 After Concatenation Group By Throws Error

Nov 20, 2015

I have concatenated the two columns in DB2, Concatenation query working fine. I am getting error if I use GROUP BY.

SUM(A)as T
B||'-'|| C as T1

Error message:
FROM INTO was not valid. Valid tokens:*N.SQLSTATE:42601,SQLCODE:-104

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String/Date Concatenation Causes Conversion Error - Streamline Fix Suggestions

Sep 4, 2007

Hi,I'm trying to concatenate a Description (nchar(100)) and Date(datetime) as Description and my initial effort was just"...description+' '+open_date as description..." which throws a date/string conversion error; finally came up with a working string belowbut don't think it's the optimal way to do this - any suggestions?select (rtrim(description)+''+rtrim(convert(char(2),datepart(mm,open_date)))+'/'+convert(char(2),datepart(dd,open_date))+'/'+convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,open_date))) as description fromoncd_opportunity where opportunity_id=?open_date is not a required field at the db level, but it is requiredon the form so it should not be null as a rule.

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Concatenation Limits In SQL Server 2000?

Dec 6, 2005

Is there a limit to how much text you can concatenate (other than datatype limits, of course)? For example, if you write:SELECT 'This is some text from: ' + Convert(char(15), SomeFieldName01)+ 'some more text' + Convert(char(25), SomeFieldName02) + 'yet moretext.' As BigNoteFROM TableIs there a limit on how much you can concatenate into that big notefield, meaning is there a limit other than the size of the data type?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Recursive Concatenation Of Parent Elements

Jul 28, 2015

I have a hierarchical structure for mapping products to categories, categories go 3 levels deep (depth is defined in articlegroups.catlevel, 0 being the main category and traversing down to lower category level 2). Also, a product may be in more than 1 category(!).

product details are stored in `[products]`
articlegroups are defined in `[articlegroups]`
and the mapping of the products to the articlegroups are defined in `[products_category_mapping]`

Now, I want to retrieve index the full category path for each item, so with the data provided below, I'd expect these 2 rows as a result:

id categorystring
2481446 Taarttoppers > Taarttoppers grap'pig
2481446 Bruidstaart > Taarttoppers > Grappig

Now I can get the separate fields via a statement like this:

SELECT ga.slug_nl as slug_nl_0
FROM articlegroups ga
INNER JOIN products_category_mapping pcm ON pcm.articlegroup_id=ga.id
INNER JOIN products gp on gp.id=pcm.artikelid
WHERE gp.id=2481446


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SQL Server 2012 :: String Concatenation Using + Operator With Semicolon Delimiter

Dec 5, 2013

I have 8 fields - I have requirement to concatenate using '+' operator with semicolon delimiter but issues is in the

Output I get semicolons for the fields that are empty below is my code :

when [SLII Request Type] ='Job Posting' and [SmartLaborII Request Status] like 'Pending Approval (Level 4%'
and [New Extension or Replacement Audit Flag] like 'FLAG%'
then 'Reject – New, Extension, Replacement invalid entry' --'it is jp'
else ''
end as [ES Fully approved data 1],

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Sanitizing Inputs When Creating String By Concatenation

Mar 19, 2014

I have a need to create a table in a sql server database from C# code. The kicker is that the user must be able to specify the table and field names via the UI. I can do a bit of sanity checking but as long as they enter something reasonable I need to accept it. Normaly I always ADO parameters to sanitise any user parameters but they can't be applied to table and field names, only values. As far as I'm aware that leaves me needing to concatenate strings and that's something I usually avoid like the plague due to risk of SQL injection.

My actual question : Assuming string concatenation is my only way forward, how can I sanitise the values that would go into the table name and fieldname bits of a CREATE TABLE statement to ensure that injection can't occur? I've been pondering it and I think I just need to check for semi-colons. Without a semi-colon I don't think a user could inject an extra statement could they?

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Jun 12, 2008

I need to concatenate two date fields so they appear in a drop-down list like this:   8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
I'm using MS SQL 2005 and my query looks like this:  SELECT ClinicTimesID, ClinicID, (CTStartTime + ' - ' + CTEndTime) AS TimeSlot FROM Clinics_Times WHERE (ClinicID = 1) and I get this error:  Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Can I strip out the date so that only the time appears or is it even possible to concatenate these fields?  If so, how?

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Sep 8, 2005

Hello all, I'm trying to combine two columns of data into a third column using a formula on the thrid column. Each of the columns could contain nulls and each of the columns could contain padding after or before the data. I'm trying to use the following formula yet SQL is throwing an error. Can someone provide another set of eyes to check this out? ISNULL(LTRIM(RTRIM([user_Define_4a])),’’) + ISNULL(LTRIM(RTRIM([user_Define_1])),’’) Thanks

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DTS Concatenation - Please Help

Nov 17, 1999

I am importing via DTS a .csv file. I have 2 issues:

-One field from the source needs to be inserted into two existing fields.

-Two fields from the source, First_Name and Last_Name need to be
concatenated to a destination field, Full_Name.

I do not know VB but I do know SQL.

Can anyone help?

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Mar 7, 2007

Hi. I want to make a query that concatenate the address of the person with a comma inbetween and neglecting the null value.

table - pspersonaldata
dcno name streetbldg1 streetbldg2 streetbldg3
1 jon santol1 null santol3
2 mike mangga1 mangga2 null
3 jay langka1 langka2 langka3
4 joy null buko2 buko3
5 jean null null null

expected output is:

name address
jon santol1, santol3
mike mangga1, mangga2
jay langka1, langka2, langka3
joy buko2, buko3
jean null


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Oct 3, 2007

I am completely new to SQL and I have some syntax questions. I am trying to concatenate 4 fields and some padded constants to form a new key field to perform joins. The result should be a twelve character field without spaces. My problem is that the current fields use spaces as place holders and I need to replace the spaces with ‘0’.

[RD_ID] nvarchar length 5
[RDWY_ID] nvarchar length 1
[MLGE_TYPE] nvarchar length 1
[OVLAP_MLGE_CD] nvarchar length 1

Concatenate 12 characters

1st ‘0’ (constant)
2nd, 3rd, and 4th, from [RD_ID] (without the suffix)
5th and 6th from [RD_ID] suffix or replace spaces with ‘00’
7th 1 or 2 from [RDWY_ID]
8th Z from [MLGE_TYPE] or replace space with ‘0’
9th 1 – 9 from [OVLAP_MLGE_CD] or replace space with ‘0’
10th ‘S’ (constant)
11th ‘0’ (constant)
12th ‘0’ (constant)

Results should resemble
0001CQ100S00 or 000100100S00

This is the query I used in Access.


Thanks for any help.

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Feb 27, 2008

My file is in this format

Col1 Col2 Col3
Andrews S 93845877712 P
Sylvia 9999876669 J
Bill K 7657654677 L

I need the output like this
Col1 Col2 Col3
AndrewsS 93845877712 P
Sylvia 99999876669 J
BillK 76576546677 L

The character on the left of Col2 has to be joined to Col1 and character on the right of col2 has to be joined to Col3. Can anybody suggest a query for this.


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Apr 8, 2008

I need to concatenate the strings of the grouped result set in my report. Lets say if I have

ID Text
1 text1
1 text2
1 text3

and if I am grouping by ID, the resulted text should be "text, text2, text3". Any ideas on this? Its kind of emergency


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Dynamic SQL - Concatenation!

May 1, 2008

Hi All,
I've been trying to create a dynamic query using the 'Like' clause and '%'.
my code snippet looks like this:
while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)begin   set @likeString = @likeString + ' item_Text LIKE ''%'+@word+'%'' OR '   fetch next from theLike   into @word end
-- strip off last ORset @likeString = ltrim(rtrim(substring(@likeString, 0, (len(@likeString) - 3))))-- ================================================-- create query to find keywords in the index and store in temp table-- ================================================set @query = 'INSERT into #resulttable (itemcount, item_id) SELECT COUNT(d.item_id), d.item_id FROM tp_index_details AS d INNER JOIN tp_index ON d.idx_id = tp_index.idx_id 'set @query = @query +' WHERE (d.idx_id IN (SELECT idx_id FROM tp_index AS i WHERE ( 'set @query = rtrim(@query) + @likeStringset @query = @query + ' ) AND (subscription_id = 1000))) GROUP BY d.item_id ORDER BY d.item_id DESC'
The problem is the @query string gets truncated. My question is how to get the quotes around '%' variables to work in a string?
Thanks for any help!

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SQL And Proper Concatenation Within VB

Jun 9, 2008

Hi all - I have posted inquiries on this rather vexing issue before, so I apologize in advance for revisting this. I am trying to create the code to add the parameters for two CheckBoxLists together. One CheckBoxList allows users to choose a group of Customers by Area Code, the other "CBL" allows users to select Customers by a type of Category that these Customers are grouped into. When a user selects Customers via one or the other CBL, I have no problems. If, however, the user wants to get all the Customers from one or more Area Codes who ALSO may or may not be members of one or more Categories; I have had trouble trying to create the proper SQL. What I have so far:Protected Sub btn_CustomerSearchCombined_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_CustomerSearchCombined.Click        Dim CSC_SqlString As String = "SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CustomerName, Customers.CategoryID, Customers.EstHours, Customers.Locality, Category.Category FROM Customers INNER JOIN Category ON Customers.CategoryID = Category.CategoryID WHERE "        Dim ACItem As ListItem        Dim CATItem As ListItem        For Each ACItem In cbl_CustomersearchAREA.Items            If ACItem.Selected Then                CSC_SqlString &= "Customers.AreaCodeID = '" & ACItem.Value & "' OR "            End If        Next        CSC_SqlString &= "' AND " <-- this is the heart of my problem, I believe        For Each CATItem In cbl_CustomersearchCAT.Items            If CATItem.Selected Then                CSC_SqlString &= "Customers.CategoryID = '" & CATItem.Value & "' OR "            End If        Next        CSC_SqlString = Left(CSC_SqlString, Len(CSC_SqlString) - 4)        CSC_SqlString &= "ORDER By Categories.Category"        sql_CustomersearchGrid.SelectCommand = CSC_SqlString    End SubAny help on this is much appreciated, many thanks -- 

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Problem With Concatenation In SP

Sep 10, 2004

I'm trying to mak emy query dynamic such that depending upon certain conditions, the conditions in the WHERE clause change. I have my SP as shown below and it doesn't seem to work correctly this way and seems like it is not even taking it as a condition. Please advise on what is going wrong here. I'm building the @Condition variable dynamically and appending it to the where clause below. Any help wud be greatly appreciated.


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CabsSchedule_ViewSchedule
@SiteCode smallint = 0,
@YearMonth int = NULL,
@ByYearMonth bit = 1

DECLARE @tempYearMonth int
DECLARE @Condition varchar(1000)
SET @tempYearMonth = 0

IF @YearMonth IS NULL OR @YearMonth = 0
EXECUTE CabsSchedule_GetYearMonth @tempYearMonth, @YearMonth OUTPUT

IF @ByYearMonth = 0
DECLARE @Year int
DECLARE @Month int
SET @Condition = ' DATEPART ([month], FullDate) = ' + CAST(@Month AS VARCHAR(2)) + ' AND DATEPART ([year], FullDate) = ' + CAST(@Year AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' AND '
SET @Condition = ' YearMonth = ' + CAST(@YearMonth AS VARCHAR(6)) + ' AND '

SELECT BillPeriod =
WHEN BillPeriod = 32 THEN 'NB'
WHEN BillPeriod = 33 THEN 'Holiday'
ELSE Convert(nVarChar(7), BillPeriod)
WorkDay =
WHEN WorkDay = -1 THEN ''
WHEN WorkDay = 0 THEN 'Holiday'
ELSE Convert(nVarchar(7), WorkDay)
JulianDate, CalendarDay, CalDayBillRcvd, Remarks, FullDate
WHERE YearMonth = @YearMonth AND SiteCode = @SiteCode

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Aug 28, 2000

I'm trying to implement a system where I want to use something like a group by with a concatenation clause.


Table 1.
ID Field
1 null
2 null

Table 2.
ID Value

Using one query I would like to transform Table 1 to

ID Field

Is there any way of doing this ? At the moment I'm using two cursors to accomplish this task, but this is not really efficient.

Maurice v/d Zwaan

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Concatenation Problem

Dec 18, 2007

i am having data something like this:
number starting point ending point

and i want it to be like this in my new table based on number column:

can anyone suggest me how to write a query for this one?

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Concatenation Of Two Columns

Jun 16, 2004

Hi all,

I am trying to concatenate two columns First_Name and Last_Name to display as Name in a View. I used the following statement but the result only shows the First_Name.

Select First_Name + Last_Name as Name from Address;

How do i combine the two columns??

SQL 2000 running on Win 2000

Thanks in advance.

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Interger Concatenation

Dec 15, 2004


Does anyone know how to do integer concatenation using sql?

Say for instance I have 2004 and 12, I need 200412 and not 2016.

Can this be done?


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Concatenation Of Text

Feb 24, 2005

I have an instance where I need to concatenate some data that is stored in a text datatype. I can't cast it to a varchar/char because that may well truncate the data. I just read about UPDATETEXT, which I think I can use, but I need to use it for a bunch or rows and it looks like this works on one row at a time. Anyone have experience with this?

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NULL && Concatenation

Mar 23, 2006

I am using the following sql statement to concatenate fields from a sql server in my query.

SELECT RTRIM(title) + ' ' + RTRIM(fname) + ' ' + RTRIM(lname) AS name, id FROM contact

2 questions:

1. How can I avoid a Null name field resulting from either fname or lname being Null? One Null field in the contatenation yields a Null field, even though the other field is not Null.

2. Does concatentation in the sql statement reduce performance significanlty?

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Concatenation In Query

Apr 6, 2006

Hi all,

I am using concatenation in Query in Sql Server like,

Select Column1 + ' bla bla ' + Column2 as MyColumn from MyTable

So, here any secruity issure occur or not.... because some one tell to me.. d'not use Concetenation in query bcz it is not secure, worst in performance and helpfull in SQL injection.......
any idea about that ??


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String Concatenation

Jun 19, 2006


Why does this result produce 'Null' and not the expected string of 10 B's?

The var @SecurityString is a VarChar Type.

WHILE @LoopCount <= 10

SET @SecurityString = @SecurityString + 'B'
SET @LoopCount = @LoopCount + 1
SELECT @SecurityString AS SecurityCode

Any pointers would be a great help, thanks.

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String Concatenation

Jan 23, 2004

create procedure ChangePassword(@sUser char(20),@sPassword char(20))
execute immediate 'GRANT CONNECT TO ' + @sUser + ' IDENTIFIED BY ' + @sPassword
grant execute on ChangePassword to public

I m getting syntax error at '+' sign. I saw in BOL and it is exactly the same.
Can nyone help me out?


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String Concatenation

Jan 26, 2004

create procedure CheckSQLErrors( @TheCode integer, @TheState integer, @Routine varchar(40), @Help varchar(40))
{ call LogMsg('SQLA',@Routine,@Help,'sqlstate=' + @TheState +
', sqlcode=' + @TheCode) }

I m getting this error.
"Incorrect syntax near + "

+ is used for string concatenation. I tried to use CAST to convert
@TheState and @TheCode variables to varchar but did not work. Can you help me out?

LogMsg is a sproc

create procedure
dbo.LogMsg( @aAppName varchar(18), @aRoutine varchar(20), @aType varchar(5), @aMsg varchar(255))
insert into MessageLog(strAppName,strRoutineName,strType,strMe ssage) values(


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Concatenation But With A Format...

Apr 15, 2004

Hi Consider a table with a decimal and a string varibale.


I need to concatenate them but with leading zeros such as

Ideas please ??


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Concatenation Problem

May 20, 2008

Hi, i have this query that is perfect on SQL2005 but in SQL2000 it gives me the error: "Column 'D.RevenueCode' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause."

SELECT SUBSTRING(D.RevenueCode, 5, 2) + ' ' +
(SELECT A.sdp_des
FROM vw_UNI_se_girev A
WHERE A.sdp = SUBSTRING(D.RevenueCode, 5, 2)
AND Cast(A.Comp AS Integer) = D.CompanyCode) AS RevenueGrpItem,

SUM(nSign * isNull(ItemAmount, 0)) AS GrandTotal

FROM SIC_Invoice_Header AS H, vw_SIC_Invoice_Detail AS D
WHERE H.CompanyCode = 1
AND H.StockCategory = 'INV'
AND H.CompanyCode = D.CompanyCode
AND H.StockCategory = D.StockCategory
AND H.SaleType = D.SaleType
AND H.TransactionType = D.TransactionType
AND H.SerialNo = D.SerialNo
AND D.RevenueCode is not NULL

GROUP BY D.CompanyCode, SUBSTRING(D.RevenueCode, 5, 2)
ORDER BY SUBSTRING(D.RevenueCode, 5, 2)

It appears that when I remove the + and put a comma it works correctly but that's not what I want !

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


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String Concatenation

Feb 21, 2006

I'm trying to concatenate 3 columns into 1. Can someone provide me w/ the syntax?? :) thx

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Concatenation Of Strings

Mar 10, 2008


I have following table where I need to concatenate varchar column.

For example


I want to be able to group by ID and concatenate COMMENT field to 'JOHN SMITH SURRENDER TO COPS' for ID 1

Is there any way to accomplish this?

Any suggestions and inputs would help


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Concatenation Getting Truncated

May 24, 2006

Hello,Using SQL SERVER 2000I have 4 columns with varchar(80) each that I want to concatenate.When I look at the result, it only gives me 256 characters. What am Imissing on my code?Select Cust_Number, Info = convert(varchar(1000),rtrim(line1) +char(13)+rtrim(Line2) + char(13)+ rtrim(line3) + char(13)+rtrim(line4))[color=blue]>From tableOne[/color]GoThank you for your input.Edgar

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Trouble With Concatenation

Jan 23, 2008

I am trying to write a batch script that basically goes like this:

select customer_num +' '+ customer_code+'|'+customer_name+'|'+customer_country
from customer

and what I think it should spit out is:
ABCD 123|ABC company|USA

but I am getting the following error:
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'ABCD' to a column of data type int.

customer_num is nvarchar
customer_code is int
customer_name is nvarchar
customer_country is nvarchar

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