SQL Server Dropping Comma In German Language

May 14, 2007


I've a VB6 application that writes data to a SQL Server database using ADODB in the VB6 code. My market has been the United States. My application is written for the English language.

I've a new user in Germany. Unfortunately, every number that contains a decimal is now stored in the SQL Server database with the decimal dropped. For example, 29.15 gets stored as 2915. I've done some searching and found the culprit is probably the OS Regional Language setting. The Germany user is using German. So it seems ADODB is expressing "29.15" as "29,15", and SQL Server is having a fit when ADODB is trying to write to the database.

My client is reluctant to changing all their user profile language settings to German (or the other option, changing their German language setting decimal symbol option to "."). They fear other applications may be affected.

Can anyone suggest a solution on my software end? Does ADODB have some options of which I'm unaware that will ignore the regional language setting and express decimal-containing numbers simply as "."? Or is there a setting in SQL Server to compensate?

I appreciate all and any help. Thanx!

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MS SQL Server EE For German Language

Jul 12, 2006

Hi All,

In MS site, There is a option to download MSDE 2000 Rel A for German. But i could not find SQL Server 2005 EE for German. There is only one download in MS site. Could you please tell me where can i download German version of SQL Server 2005 EE.

Thanks in Advance.



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German Language In SQL Server 2005 ?

May 14, 2006

hi all,
i need to know how to enable my database that is stored on SQLServer 2005 to be able to store German characters, because as you know that when it finds a unique character that is not supported by the Collation language it puts instead a "?" character.
so i need to know the correct Collation item that is equivelant to the German language or if there is any extra download or package i should get to make it work.
Thank you very much.

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Microsoft Dropping Support For Language

May 1, 2002

Has anyone heard that microsoft is dropping support for their sql language and going just with the ansi standards?

Just curious.

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German Database On Engl. Server

Feb 16, 2007

How ca i use a english database on a german SQL Server ?
Wher can I find some tips and trick about this config??
I have many problems with e.g. date format, with . and , and so one.


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DB Engine :: How To Pass Values With Comma To Comma Separated Param In SP

Apr 27, 2015

I have one sp which has param name as cordinatorname varchar(max)

In where condition of my sp i passed as

coordinator=(coordinatorname in (select ltrim(rtrim(value)) from dbo.fnSPLIT(@coordinatorname,',')))

But now my promblm is for @coordinatorname i have values as 'coorcinator1', 'coordinato2,inc'

So when my ssrs report taking these values as multiselect, comma seperated coordinator2,inc also has comma already.

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German Special Characters

Apr 13, 2003

I have a problem inserting German special chracters into a MSSql table.

üöäÖ works fine, but ßÜÄ are reduced to "_". I'm using a html form and a php script to enter the data into the database. Any idea why this isn't working? Funny thing is, when I use a german version of the SQL Server it also works without a problem... but I need this to work on ANY mssql server. Any help would be very much appreciated.


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German Umlaut 'ü','ä' .. From ORACLE To MS SQL

Mar 10, 2005


I fetch data from a SAP-Oracle-database into SQL via DTS-package.

Customernames, Streetnames, .....

ü will result in |
ß in _
and so on.

looks like a common problem.

thanx for any help


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English And German Collations

Apr 10, 2007

I have developed a tool to allow project developers to easily re-create the entire schema for our base product. The current issue involves setting the correct collation for the customers' region. Our brother company in Germany uses the same db creation tool and scripts, and we here in the US also have customers in South America. My ultimate question is "what subset of collation names would be necessary to provide the project developer?" I could query the database to get all the collation names, but I think it was around 1000 names. Can I query to get a smaller subset of the most relevant collation names?


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Comma Delimited File With Comma Inside A Column

Nov 9, 2007

Using Flat File Connection Manager, I am specifying Text Qualifier = Double quotes{"}, and i have TXT file with one column for lastname and first name as "LN,FN", and settings are set to comma delimted, now the connectin manager is creating two different columns for LN and FN,

it was never a problem in DTS 2000.

any work around.


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Getting English Column Names Into A German Database

Jul 23, 2005

I'm currently implementing a German ERP system and I'm having aterrible time writing reports/SQL statements. The database is MS SQLServer 2000. I want to set permanant aliases for the columns that Ican use in SQL statements. Is this even possible? All of the researchI've done implies that you can only alias column names in the output ofa SQL statement.

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BCP Utility Replaces German With Junk Characters

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I am using command line bcp utility of SQL Server to import data from a textfile to database.I have some german words in the text file and afterimport the German characters are lost.see eg below.Input : Kühner, Klaus -> Text file valueOutPut: K?hner, Klaus -> Table data, after import.I am using unicode in the commad line.The collation setting is LATINcan anyone show some light.Thanks in advanceManoj.

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How To Deplay Reports Using Rs.exe With Special German Chars Within The Name

Feb 19, 2008


im using a rss script and the rs.exe tool to deploy about 100 reports to several reporting server. The problem now is, that a lot of the reports a named with special german chars like Ö Ä Ü.

I am using the folowing function:

Code Snippet
rs.CreateReport(reportName, parPath, True, definition, props)

If I deploy a report name "Verträge" (=contracts), i will get an error that the report definition could not be found. But after that the report i viewable in the report server but could not be rendered.


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SQL Server Language

Feb 13, 2008

Just curiosity ... never pick up this since beginning. Our box is setted the language to English (United States) while the local machine setted as English (Australia) which I thought it's corresponding to locale machine not sql box.

Will this language setting effecting date issue stuff (DD-MM-YYYY)? Can someone clarify on this?

This thing brought up my attention cause we've just ran a trace and there is a warning which is:

User Error Message - Changed language setting to us_english.

Thank you.

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Dropping SQL Server Connections

Jul 17, 2001

I am using Access 2000 to link tables from SQL Server. The tables are linked using ODBC DSN`s. I am running a query to return some rows to Access, but once I have returned the rows, I want to drop the linked table connection to SQL Server, because it is locking a table on the server. I think I need to write a bit of VBA code, but I don`t know where to start. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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MS SQL Server 7 Dropping Indexes

Mar 2, 2000

Has anyone heard of MS SQL Server 7 dropping indexes?
I had created an index on a table. The next day
the index had disappeared. Has anyone expirienced such
a problem?

Thanks in advance


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Comma In Value Within Comma Separated File

Apr 10, 2006

I have a file which contains comma separated columns. One of columns contains names of companies. Sometimes the names of the companies have a comma as part of the name. For those, the value is surrounded by double-quotes.

But it seems that SSIS ignores the double quotes and ONLY looks for the column separator. This causes my value to be split in half.

Traditionally, I thought parsers that deal with this type of import do not automatically take the first comma following the double-quote as the column separator but instead look for the first comma following the ending quote. (i.e. Look at how Excel performs imports...)

I cannot set the column separator of the column to double-quote comma since only those values that HAVE a comma in them are qualified.

Any ideas?

Here is sample fie content to see what I mean:

342123, Jason, 12345
21, Kim,4567
32.43, John Paul, 1245
23, "Mr. T", 98764
12, "Peter, Paul, Mary", 09643

The last entry should be imported as 12 in the first column, "Peter, Paul, Mary" in the second column and 09643 in the third but instead ends up as 12 in the first, "Peter in second column and Paul, Mary", 09643 in the last.

(Oddly enough, if I remove the first column of numbers the import works like it is supposed.)

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SQL Server Set Up In Forieng Language

Jul 14, 2005

Hi, I would like to set up SQL server in Germany language. Could you give me instruction for this requirement.
Thanks. :confused: :p

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Dropping Current Server Registration In SQL 6.5

Oct 1, 1999

Are there any issues with dropping registration of a SQL 6.5 database and then registering it again. I think this is what I am going to have to do because a consultant we are using decided to change the security from standard to Integrated. Now we are getting the following error when we are in the SQL Enterprise Manager and trying to open TAP:

A connection could not be established to TAP[SQL Server]Login failed:Reason:Not associated with trusted SQL Server connection.

Thanks for any help

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Dropping Database On Another Server Instance

Oct 2, 2015

I have managed to successfully connect to another SQL Server instance using a linked server.

I can then do my select statement like this: select * from [servernameinstancename].[databasename].[databaseowner].[tablename]

I just wanted to know how I can drop the database on the other instance?I have tried doing: DROP DATABASE [servernameinstancename].[databasename].

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Dropping The Indexes On Production Server

Jun 24, 2008

Dear All,
i'm planning to drop all the non clustered indexes (as they are not congigured well) on production database, and run the latest script to create fresh non clustered indexes on specific columns.

now my doubts are
1)will the replication affect with dropping and recreating of indexes?
2)query to drop all the non clustered indexes on that database....
can i use the query delete from sysindexes where indid>1
will the query works for me to drop all the non clustered indexes?
3)is it necessary to generate a snapshot again after creating the new indexes? or can i drop and run at subscriber also?

please guide me in this regard

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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How Do You Code The Dropping Of A Linked Server Def?

Nov 8, 2007

There are procs to add linked servers, and procs to add and delete linkedserver logins, but I dont see a proc to delete the actual linked server definition. And yet EM will drop the definition of a linked server. So the obvious question is "How do you code the dropping of a linked server?



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Change Sql Server Express Language

Jan 3, 2007

i am using sql server expressnow, i need to change database default language from US_English to british Englishhow to change ......anyone can help?

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SQL Server Multi Language Support

Jan 17, 2008

This is chirag patel.
we are going to develop web application which can disply data (Search Results) in different language.
if user selected country Japan, then search results should be in Japanese.
if user selected country Chian, then search results should be in Chinese.
now i want to store all these read only data in Database. how and where i can store it?
do i need to have different Databases? or with single database also i can achive?
I means what is advisable approach to achieve this?

if Single Database for all countries then how i can store same data in different languages in single table?

please guide me if anyone know how to achive such kind of scenario in SQL Server?

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SQL Server Is Writen In Which Programming Language

Dec 7, 2006

Any one know the SQLServer is written in which programming language C++ or C?

I know the rival DB Oracle is written in C programming language.



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Can't Change Language In Server Properties

Apr 27, 2006


I'm running SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 on a Danish PC, and I need to have the server language set to Danish.

However, when I want to change the language in server properties (the current language is English (US) using Management Studio Express, I can't - all of the properties on the General page are greyed out.

I know that the SQL Server Express SP1 download is available in several languages (Danish not being one of them) - does that mean that I can't get my SQL Server Express SP1 installation to "speak" Danish at all?

Please help - it's driving me up the wall.

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What Programming Language(s) Is Best Coupled With SQL Server?

Jun 2, 2008

I am currently working through an SQL Server book, and I am curious to know what programing language would be best to familiarize myself with if I become certified in SQL Server? Obviously SQL is important, but in addition to that... Visual Basic? VB.NET? ASP.NET

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SQL 2012 :: Server Is Dropping Time From DateTime

Aug 4, 2015

I have an asp.net 4.5 webpage that has a detailsview on it that has a bound field that points to a SQL Server 2012 datetime field (CompDate). This field is supposed to capture date AND time of completion of a record (this is a data gathering project).

<asp:BoundField DataField="CompDate" HeaderText="CompDate" SortExpression="CompDate" Visible="False" />

The code that inserts the datetime:

If e.NewValues.Item("Complete") = True Then
Dim dt As DateTime = Now
e.NewValues("CompDate") = dt
e.NewValues("UNAME") = Membership.GetUser.ToString
End If

Everything works great, except when the captured date/time is sent to sql server, the time portion is getting dropped and only zeros are getting stored in the time portion.

1 CarlR 2015-08-04 00:00:00

I've tried different formatting options and converting to string..

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Differant Language OS And Data Storage In SQL Server

Oct 11, 2001

Dear Friends,

I am using SQL server 7 with ASP. I have two working environment means one is korean and second it english.
- one Korean OS server have SQL server 7.0 and it is my database server
- second Korean OS server is only webserver
- English OS is win2k and it is only Web server.

1) When i used both Korean server as my webserver + database server then there is no problem to add Korean Data to SQL server On korean OS.

2) But when I try to user English OS server as my webserver and Korean Os server as my database server then I am not able to store Korean Data in Database server insted of it stored some mis/junk/acssi characters in database.

-- I allready try with Korean version of MDAC of English os
-- I also try with OEM feature in SQL server client network utility
-- When I am use CODEPAGE in my .ASP page then data storage work fine .. but at the time of getting it back there is problem.

If u need any more information about problem then let me know.

So please help me in this regards.

Thanx in advance
Anis Vora
Global SoftWeb Solutions

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SQL Server 2008 :: Determining Language In SSRS By URL

Oct 1, 2015

I have a report that I want to render in different languages. Easy enough. However, the way I want it to work is for the user to go to a particular URL, and depending on whether the URL is, say, .fr for France, or .uk for the UK, it will recognize the URL and render the report in the correct language.The problem is, in testing, I've been trying to use the global &ReportServerURL but it does not seem to work.

Do I take it, then, when I put the report live, it will not recognize the URL that appears in the browser, and so won't be able to tell whether the URL is .fr or .uk and so forth?

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Move Sql Database To Different Sql Server Language Version

Jan 29, 2007

HI guys!

I have a Japanese sql server installed in one server..
I want to transfer everything to an English SQL Server version.
Will this be no problem?
Hope you can enlighten me on this one...


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To Get Multi Language Data From Oracle To SQL Server

Jan 31, 2008


I have transfer data from Oracle to SQL Server the data contains english and some german charactor and the data in oracle has UTF-8 unicode format

Please tell me how i can import the data as SQL Server 2005 is not supporting UTF-8


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SQL Server 2012 :: Dropping Rows With Duplicate Column Name

Feb 13, 2014

I have a query that produces unique rows. However, some of the unique rows have the column called testname that has the same test listed more than once. All I want to do is drop the older testname and keep the testdate column.


From third.test

I want to keep testdate in the query....guessing I need to put in to a temp table then drop the oldest one somehow by doing a subquery using Select Max....

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