SQL Server Equivalent Of MS Access's "Autonumber" Field
Jan 17, 2001
I have developed a web database application using ASP and MS Access, however the requirement for hosting the application is that it must use an MS SQL Server database. I converted the database to SQL without any problems, and many features of the application work under SQL Server except the 'add record' function. I realised there isn't an 'autonumber' field in SQL Server (which i use as the primary key for many tables), but an 'int' field. I considered pulling out the latest int from the database, incrementing it manually and adding the new record with this number... i also noticed there is a 'unique identifier' field.
Is there a quick solution for this problem?
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Sep 11, 1998
I am building a simple table, populated by ASP form, where every record should be assigned a unique ID. When working with Access I used `autonumber` datatype to keep track of every record. Can something like this be done with MS SQL server, if not what do you think is a good way to solve the problem ??
Robert :)
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Jul 13, 2004
So far, I have only used Access which has an autonumber data type so that in some of my tables the id is automatically generated.
I guess this is a simple question but is there an equivalent data type in sql server?
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 20, 2001
What is the equivalent to autonumber in SQL 7? I ported over some data into SQL but when I bring it up in Access 97 as linked tables it shows that
what used to be autonumber in Access is listed only as number in SQL. So what is the equivalent to Autonumber in SQL?
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May 19, 2005
I have small question regarding ORDER BY clause.
I wanted some value of the fields should come first before other values….Something like:
| code | name |
| UK | United Kingdom |
| US | United States |
| AF | Afghanistan |
| AL | Albania |
| DZ | Algeria |
| AS | American Samoa |
I want to display country UK and US code first and then rest of the countries using SQL statement. I know in MySQL, I can use ORDER BY code IN (...)
SELECT * FROM countries ORDER by code IN ('UK', 'US') desc
But not sure how can I do same thing in SQL Server. Is there any equivalent of ORDER BY [field] IN (…) clause in SQL Server???
Though I can create a new field something like sequence and use it to display these countries but I can not do that…
Please advice.
Firoz Ansari
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May 22, 2007
I've been looking for the equivalent of the MS Access 2003 field caption property in SQL but it appears as though there isn't one.
(The caption property gives a friendly name on form labels rather than the field name)
How would I do this in SQL so I don't have to overtype all the column names? Could it be with Views?
Any pointers appreciated - I'm moving & learning from Access to SQL
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Feb 10, 2000
Is there something similar to Access' autonumber in sql server?
I'm currently using the unique identifier datatype and it creates this looooooong id, anyway to shorten it to start with 1?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,I am facing a problem with a sql what i used in MS Access but its notreturning the same result in MS Sql Server 2000. Here i am giving thesql:SELECT TOP 3 format( MY_DATE, "dddd mm, yyyy" ) FROM MY_TAB WHEREMY_ID=1The above sql in ACCESS return me the date in below format in onecolumn:Friday 09, 2003But in Sql server 2000 i am not getting the same format eventhough iam using convert function, date part function etc.Please if you find the solution would be helpful for me..ThanksHoque
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Sep 11, 2006
what happens when the autonumber field becomes bigger than MAX_INT?
If I get arithmetic overflow, how i can avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 15, 2007
I know this may be in the wrong forum, but I have a question. I am working on a system for a video store. I have rentals and sales for videos. I have set the ID fields for rentals and sales to be autonumbers and increment by 1, but I would like to have an S in front of sales IDs and R in front of rental IDs at all times. It is kind of like a constant in all autonumber ID fields. I want the S and R to be in every ID field, but the number to change. Thanks.
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Feb 23, 2005
Please provide me with this queries solution
"select leadsource_id from Leadsource_Master where trim(ucase(leadsource_name))='" & Address_Module.name_check(Trim(UCase(cmbLeadSource ))) & "'"
It is a query in access, I want to use the same in SQL SERVER 2000 using VB 6.0
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Mar 28, 2006
Hiim new to ms sql server, having previously used mysql. How do i make a auto number field? What datatype shall i use for it? like autonumber for mysql. Ive tried setting my primary key field to uniqueidentifier data type but then i still need to manually add a guid key in there. i want it so it automatically generates a unique key everytime i add a new row. is this possible?!hope someone can help!thanks
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Sep 21, 2006
I'm importing data from an Access table and, of course, one field is a primary key. This field needs to be an autonumber. The problem is the data I'm importing isn't sequential.
Can I import the data, then alter the table to make the column increment or is there a way to create the table and make the field increment, but import non-sequential data?
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Oct 30, 2006
Is there an equivalent in sql server2005 to msaccess autonumber?
I want to be able to insert values into a table and have the pk auto generated. Have tried using NEWID() function as default value for pk field but still have to stipulate NEWID() in the insert statement.
Is there a way around this?
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Jul 23, 2005
HiI wonder if anyone can help with the following:when using an autonumber in access when you use .addnew you automaticallyget the field in an autonumber field i.e.rs.addnewjno=autonofldrs.updatejno will have a value. however in SQL you have to update first and then findthe record (I may be wrong) is there a way to getthe field value before doing the update in SQL Server ?TIASteve
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Mar 20, 2008
what can we do if we have to get the next autonumber to be inserted {before inserting the record} in MS access
It is a simple think to get the max(id) + 1.But if tere is some record deleted then this will not work correctly
for instance i have records
id Employeename
11 a
23 b
31 c
45 d
then if delete 31 and 45 my record becomes
id Employeename
11 a
23 b
now when i get max(id) +1 it will return 24 {rather then 46 which i want's to retrieve}
Is there any way that i can get the next autonumber to be inserted prior to insertion of the record ?
{Although it is questions is not particular to sql server but i think some geek might answer it here}
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Nov 22, 2001
I'm in the process of converting over an Access database - The existing Forms, Reports, etc are staying within the Access front-end and the Tables are now linked to the SQL database. The only problem is, most of the Tables contain Autonumber fields, so although they converted over to Identity fields, existing records work fine. When I try to add a new record, it doesn't automatically enter the next available Autonumber/Identity until I select a record which already exists to force it to update itself. When I add a new record using the original Access database, as soon as you start entering information into the new record, the next available Autonumber automatically appears. Any suggestions on forcing it to automatically appear using the SQL database and an Access form????
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Jul 11, 2005
I'm using DTS to import data from an Access memo field into a SQL Server ntext field. DTS is only importing the first 255 characters of the memo field and truncating the rest.I'd appreciate any insights into what may be causing this problem, and what I can do about it.Thanks in advance for any help!
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Nov 19, 2006
I'm importing an Access database to SQL Server 2000.
The issue I ran into is pretty frustrating... All Memo fields that get copied over (as Text fields) appear to be fine and visible in SQL Server Enterprise Manager... except when I display them on the web via ASP - everything is blank (no content at all).
I didn't have that problem with Access, so I ruled out the possibility that there's something wrong with the original data.
Is this some sort of an encoding problem that arose during database import?
I would appreciate any pointers.
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Aug 20, 2006
Hi all,
i've a reasonable amount of experience with MS Access and less
experience with SQL Server. I've just written an .NET application that
uses an SQL Server database. I need to collate lots of data from around
the company in the simplest way, that can then be loaded into the SQL
Server database.
I decided to collect the info in Excel because that's what most people
know best and is the quickest to use. The idea being i could just copy
and paste the records directly into the SQL Server database table (in
the same format) using the SQL Server Management Studio, for
Trouble is, i have a problem with line feed characters. If an Excel
cell contains a chunk of text with line breaks (Chr(10) or Chr(13))
then the copy'n'paste doesn't work - only the text up to the first line
break is pasted into the SQL Server database cell. The rest is not
pasted for some reason.
I've tried with MS Access too, copying and pasting the contents of a
memo field into SQL Server database, but with exactly the same problem.
I've tried with 'text' or 'varchar' SQL Server database field formats.
Since i've no experience of using different types of databases
interacting together, can someone suggest the simplest way of
transferring the data without getting this problem with the line feeds?
I don't want to spend hours writing scripts/programs when it's just
this linefeed problem that is preventing the whole lot just being
cut'n'pasted in 5 seconds!
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Sep 7, 2006
I have several areas where it will either be yes / no or enabled / disabled in the site I am working on. I remember in ACCESS there was a yes no field. Is their an equivalent to this in SQL2005 and if so, what data type should I use. I know this is a simple stupid question, but I am new to SQL and .NET. Thanks in advance for your help!!!
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May 30, 2008
Hi what is the MSSQL eqivalent for this MSAccess Query
1 UPDATE tbl1, tbl2 SET
2 tbl1.ADJUSTED = tbl2.Code,
3 tbl1.CODE = tbl2.Code,
4 tbl1.OTHER_CODE = tbl2.Other_Code,
5 tbl1.STATUS = 'Check', tbl1.ORGK = Null,
6 tbl1.SOURCE = 'Manual'
7 WHERE (((tbl1.STATUS)='Invalid') AND
8 ((tbl2.Override)=0) AND
9 ((tbl1.Path) Like tbl2.webadmin_path))
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Oct 2, 2007
I'm having some problems importing data from a memo column (Access) into varchar column in SQL Server.
My idea was to use slowly changing dimesion to identify modified and new rows. No matter what data type I use to convert the memo column (using Data Conversion Transformation) and then using the converted column in SCD, I get the following error :
'The SCD transform does not allow mapping between columns of different types except for DT_STR and DT_WSTR.'
What do I have to do to get Memo column 'to behave' as a string?
Same problem with a different data type - decimal (18,5) in sql server - no matter what datatype I use in Data Conversion Trans, I get the same error trying to generate scd.
Thank you for your answers.
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May 30, 2006
Can anyone point me any solution how to export a MEMO field from an Access database to a TEXT field from an MS SQL Server 2000. The import export tool from SQL server doesn't import these fields if they are very large - around 9000 characters.
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Jan 24, 2005
Hello, Does anyone know if there is an equivalent of an autonumber in SQL Server.
I have tried to use the int field which I thought preformed the same function but it doesn't work for me.
The code I am using is as follows
aCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO customers (customer_Name, customer_Id) " + "VALUES (@customer_Name, @customer_Id)";
aCommand.Parameters.Add("@customer_Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = TextBox1.Text;
aCommand.Parameters.Add("@customer_No", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = SqlDbType.Int;
However, when I try this my customer Id is not unique., and my cusomer_Id is always set to to the number 8.
Does anyone know a way around this?
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Jul 10, 2004
hii @ll..
well m havin a probelm with this :S... i ve created a DB in access and then import that db in sql server 2000, but autonumber data type got change to int :S...
well is there any solution... currently m working on JSP which is created to SQL Server 2000 and when i user insert into command.. it shows me err cuz of tht...
plz help me out..
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Apr 18, 2006
Does anyone know how to add an autonumber field into a table? Is this the same as uniqueidentifier?? I have a table and I need to create a field to use as Primary Key. I would appreciate any help.
-Brad B
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Jul 9, 2004
I have 2 SQL statements in Visual Basic(with sybase as backend)
1) "set option DBA.MAX_STATEMENT_COUNT = 1069999900"
2) "set option DBA.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT = 1069999900"
And when I migrated the DB from Sybase to SQL server and try to run the vb code it is giving me error in that SQL statement as MS SQL server might not be recognising the above two statements. Is there an equivalent of this in SQL server.
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Feb 16, 2007
Hi all,
Hopefully I am posting this question in the correct forum. I am still learning about SQL 2005. Here is my issue. I have an access db that I archive weekly into and SQL server table. I have used the dst wizard to create an import job and initally that worked fine. field I have as the primary key in the access db cannot be the primary key in the sql table since I archive weekly and that primary key field will be imported several time over. I overcame this initally by not having a primary key in the sql table. This table is strictly for reference. However, now I need to setup a unique field for each of the records in the sql table. What I have done so far is create a recordID field in the sql table that is an int and set as yes to Identify (auotnumber). That worked great and created unique id for all existing records. The problem now is on the import. When I try to import the access table i am getting an error because of the extra field in the sql table, and the error is saying cannot import null value into this field. So... my final question is how can I import the access table into the sql table with one extra field which is the autonumber unique field? Thanks a bunch for any asistance.
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Apr 21, 1999
In sql server 6.5, standard security......
Will i assign the SA rights to some one/login...?
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Mar 8, 2005
what is the equivalent of val() function in SQL server?
and cstr() function
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Apr 30, 2007
Hello MSSQL professionals,
Please tell me the equavalent of the below MySQL query in SQL Server.
create table temp1(variable1 varchar(24) character set latin1 not null default '')
Immediate help will be highly appreciated
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Nov 3, 2005
In ORACLE, I can use DESCRIBE PS_JOB to see the columns for that record. What is the SQL-Server equivalent?
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