Every morning our sql server runs very slowly which means our log on
page times out on a simple query. If we stop and start the sql server
everything runs fine for the rest of the day until the follwing
morning. the server is not used out of business hours excpet for a few
very small and simple jobs to delete records, These all run to
completion. Any help with this would be much aprreciated! Thanks.
We have noticed that quite frequently, SQL Server Management Studio is somewhat sluggish with expanding lists for tables, opening stored procedures, opening files, etc.
Executing queries seems to be very quick though.
The machine that has SQL 2005 is 2.8 GHz with 512 MB of RAM.
Any idea why SQL Server Management Studio would seem somewhat sluggish?
Hello all, I'm working on an ASP.NET with a SQL server for database. Some of the tables, for example, contain information such as different types of Fabrics (silk, cotton, etc..) . I'd like to have this table localizable (English and French for instance). Is this possible ? Is there an equivalent of resource files in SQL server ? Or do I have to do this manually ? (have 2 separate fields in the table for those 2 locales)
I have two servers both with different collation. Server A being SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and the live server and Server B being Latin1_General_CI_AS and a dev server. Now i have a load of data on the dev which i'm query to see if its on the live server. select * from ServerA.Table1 where Col1 in (select Col1 from ServerB.Table1)
I get this Error message. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
In a previous post, someone helped me with creating stored procedures, and I am grateful because I am transitioning from the Access World. Anyway, I get an error at .ExecuteNonQuery in visual studio 2005 when I run the following code: Dim strsql As String Dim strconn As String strsql = "sp_Roster" strconn = "server=xxxx; user=xxxx; pwd=xxxx; database=xxxx;" With comm .Connection = New SqlConnection(strconn) .CommandText = strsql .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure With .Parameters.Add("TeacherID", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = "DawsMark@aol.com" End With With .Parameters.Add("ClassID", SqlDbType.Int) .Value = classid End With With .Parameters.Add("sID", SqlDbType.Int) .Value = ssID End With With .Parameters.Add("sLastName", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = lastname End With With .Parameters.Add("sFirstName", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = firstname End With With .Parameters.Add("sMiddleName", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = middlename End With With .Parameters.Add("Student", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = fullname End With With .Parameters.Add("Password", SqlDbType.Char) .Value = password End With .Connection.Open() .ExecuteNonQuery() With comm.Connection If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then .Close() End If End With End With The error was: Error converting data type char to int. The stored procedure in sql server was as follows CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Roster -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@TeacherID varchar(50),@ClassID int,@sID int,@sLastName varchar(50),@sFirstName varchar(50),@sMiddleName varchar(50),@Student varchar(50),@Password varchar(50)ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here INSERT INTO Roster (TeacherID, ClassID, sID, sLastName, sFirstName, sMiddleName, Student, Password) VALUES (@TeacherID, @ClassID, @sID, @sLastName, @sFirstName, @sMiddleName, @Student, @Password)ENDGO The error also says "sqlexception was unhandled by user code. This is strange because this code worked perfectly when connecting to Access and when I used oledb. So how is it the code's problem? Is the stored procedure causing the error or the code. Can someone please help. thanks. <Edited by Dinakar Nethi> Please mask your useird/pwd info in the connection string when posting to a public forum like this </Edit>
I would like to write a fun or stored procedure to do some operation. It require me to know that what category is currently belong to certain people(people_table: category_table1 to Many)However, when i use the select statement in stored proc, it return a set of result, not a scalar , therefore, i cannot use the variable to hold it. In addition, there are no array in SQL server.Question:1. Is there any way to hold the collection of result(like array)?2. Also, how to determine to use fun or stored procedure?(Since a integer is need to return by them)Thx
OK, the thread's name is not very self explanatory so here I go:
The fact I'm working on a simple APP where I store the date of a transaction. I use in my Stored Procedure the getdate() as the default (and untouchable) value for the transaction date
The problem: These transactions are made all day long and there are transctions made on the morning and afternoon. Now, when I make a report of the transactions for one specific range of days, all the transactions made in the morning of the start date are ignored completely.
Say I have these transactions TCode TType TDate 45 REQ 03/09/2007 08:20:16 a.m. 46 REQ 03/09/2007 11:59:43 a.m. 47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m. 48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.
and I make this query SELECT * FROM <Table Name> WHERE TDate BETWEEN <Start Date> AND <End Date> (where <Start Date> && <End Date> are 03/09/2007 selected from a DateTimePicker control)
I only get these results 47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m. 48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.
if I make a cast as integer I get these results: TCode TDate TCast 46 2007-09-03 11:59:43.000 39326 47 2007-09-03 12:01:30.000 39327
so my question is Why are the Morning Transactions from the start date ignored (or interpreted as part of previous day transactions) ?
dear friends, i started using Asp.net for developing webparts, web parts automatically connect to a database to be created and saved in the database. i had already Sql Server 2005 Express Edition installed so my webpart page ran and automatically created the database "AspNetDb" in the "App_Data" folder. but when i uninstalled Sql Server 2005 Express Edition and then installed the Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, it gave me the following Error 26 as below :
--------------------------------------------------------- Beginning of Error Message -------------------------------------------------- An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. SQLExpress database file auto-creation error: The connection string specifies a local Sql Server Express instance using a database location within the applications App_Data directory. The provider attempted to automatically create the application services database because the provider determined that the database does not exist. The following configuration requirements are necessary to successfully check for existence of the application services database and automatically create the application services database:
If the applications App_Data directory does not already exist, the web server account must have read and write access to the applications directory. This is necessary because the web server account will automatically create the App_Data directory if it does not already exist. If the applications App_Data directory already exists, the web server account only requires read and write access to the applications App_Data directory. This is necessary because the web server account will attempt to verify that the Sql Server Express database already exists within the applications App_Data directory. Revoking read access on the App_Data directory from the web server account will prevent the provider from correctly determining if the Sql Server Express database already exists. This will cause an error when the provider attempts to create a duplicate of an already existing database. Write access is required because the web server accounts credentials are used when creating the new database. Sql Server Express must be installed on the machine. The process identity for the web server account must have a local user profile. See the readme document for details on how to create a local user profile for both machine and domain accounts. --------------------------------------------------------- End of Error Message -------------------------------------------------- then when i checked the Machine.config file, i found this.... <connectionStrings> <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> then i thought it's becoz, of the datasource thing that the Machine.Config file supports by default the default free edition of Sql Server 2005 which is the Sql Server 2005 Express Edition. but friend in my company we use Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, so can anybody pls guide me and get me out of this soup on helping me to use Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition by modifying either 1) Machine.Config File and/or 2) Web.Config file and/or 3) any other way, but please help i want to do this, please...... regards and thanks Gurjit Singh
As a burgeoning SQL developer I have never really understood the need for SQL Server / Enterprise Manager to show us the whole dbo.Table name thing. What is dbo, and why do we need to know deal with it?With that said, in my SQL 2005 Express database all of my project tables for my project management demo were named guard.pgUsers for example and not dbo.pgUsers.How come? Why did they get named different on their own?
SELECT row_number() over (order by MAX(HeadlineDate)) as Number, COUNT(ArticleID) AS [Count], MIN(DATEADD(dd, - (DAY(HeadlineDate) - 1), HeadlineDate)) AS HeadlineDate FROM dbo.ZMArticle WHERE PortalID=0
GROUP BY MONTH(HeadlineDate), Year(HeadlineDate) ORDER BY MAX(HeadlineDate) desC
SELECT row_number() over (order by MAX(HeadlineDate)) as Number, COUNT(ArticleID) AS [Count], MIN(DATEADD(dd, - (DAY(HeadlineDate) - 1), HeadlineDate)) AS HeadlineDate FROM dbo.ZMArticle WHERE PortalID=0 AND Expiredate <> Null GROUP BY MONTH(HeadlineDate), Year(HeadlineDate) ORDER BY MAX(HeadlineDate) desC
it doesn't return anything....
How can I change that
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. (Einstein)
Hi,I have a corporate database with about 60 different tables that spansmanufacturing, accounting, marketing, etc.It is possible, but unwieldy, to establish a relationship for eachtable in the entire database through critical fields like customer_idor product_id.But should I do that?My question is: Is there such a thing as too many relationships? CanI establish referential integrity via relationships with criticaltables like Accounting, but leave the rest unconnected and simply useJOINS in my business code?Thanks,HC
Hey all,I have a datagrid with populated by this query: SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE (TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE')I have paging, sorting and selection enabled.Now I am looking for a way to use a wild card as a placeholder for the table name in my select statements so I can use the valued selected from the datagrid.Example : SELECT * FROM %TABLENAME%TIAWOOHOO! my first post.
i got this stored procedure. i tried to modify it and now its giving me this scaler error.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure insertuser, Line 4 Must declare the scalar variable "@seller_id".
USE [DBCars] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insertuser] Script Date: 05/23/2008 20:44:37 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertuser] (@Make nchar(10),@Model nchar(10),@City nchar(10),@SellerID varchar(50),@MileAge nchar(10),@Year_Model int) as insert into tbcar values(@make,@model,@city,@seller_id,@mileage,@year_model);
I'm have a stored procedure that iterates through a list of numbers and adds an item for each number (user id) some of these ids are duplicates which is fine even necessary for the first part of my query but for the last I need to ensure that no duplicates id's are passed to the stored procedure, in this case called 'spInsertForBackupNote'. My thoughts here was to do something like this:
SET @Note_Buffer = @UserID -- @Note_Buffer being some kind of array?
IF @Note_Buffer = @UserID -- If its been added to the buffer we dont execute sp BEGIN Do Nothing here END
BEGIN EXECUTE spInsertForBackupNote @FK_UserID, @FK_NoteID END
I know this would never work because it would always be false since I just added the same userid to the buffer that I want to add. But I think you see my problem. I know it should be an easy one but my TSQL is limited. I've posted the whole sp. Hope someone can help.
I have a DTS Package that I am running from a command line via .bat file. Does anyone know if there is a command to have the command window minimized or running in the background? I used the /Rep N command but that still leaves the window open until the package has executed.
Hi .. i am SqL beginner. i having trouble output what i want from table. table contain 3 columns ________________________________ |(names)|(item)|(location)| 1.| Jimmy | pizza| TX | 2.| Joe | ball | CA | 3.| Joe | ball | WA | 4.| Jim | shoes| AZ | ________________________________
i try to select all records out from this table. but column 2 and 3 contain same information in names and item only different is location. how can distinct one of them?? and display like the below, please advise.
|(names)|(item)| 1.| Jimmy | pizza| 2.| Joe | ball | 3.| Jim | shoes| ________________________________
tblDocumentApprovals userID INT documentID INT approvalDate DATETIME
If I want to get a list of documents, and the users who've signed them off (if any), I'd do something like:
SELECT [tblDocuments].[documentName], [tblUsers].[userName ], [tblDocumentApprovals].[approvalDate ] FROM [tblDocuments] LEFT JOIN [tblDocumentApprovals] ON [tblDocumentApprovals].[documentID] = [tblDocuments.id] INNER JOIN [tblUsers] ON [tblUsers].[id] = [tblDocumentApprovals].[userID]
...which is lovely. Except - I don't want a row returned for each user that's signed it off. I want one row for each document, with a field containing a list of the people who've signed it off.
I know that it's bad design. I was reading an article only yesterday on how they're putting this kind of thing into the latest version of Access, and how it's a bit of a kludge. But it'd really, really help me.
Hi, I have seen many examples at MSDN library related to SQL Querries in all queries one thing is same the way they use tables in there queries. BUT wht is this really i am not getting this, can anyone tell me.. the code and the problem is as follows:
Code Snippet FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor JOIN Purchasing.Vendor ON (ProductVendor.VendorID = Vendor.VendorID)In the above code u see "Purchasing.ProductVendor", I want to ask that wht is this Purchasing Stands for, If we suppose that purxchasing is the database name then also normally we use database name as Purchasing.dbo.ProductVendor BUT I am not getting that what is this, Please if someone knows then explain it to me, Thanks.
I have a query stack that uses local variables that I declare & set at the top. That stack takes a minute & runs the processor at 100%. If I substitute actual values in place of the variables the stack runs in 10 seconds! Why!?.. I need it to run that fast with variables!
I found a very strange problem with the OLE DB connection in SSIS package though.
What happened was when I set the connection type to be OLE DB, whenever I declare a package variable it still gives me the error saying: please declare the scalar variable.
Once I changed the connection type to be ADO.NET, then it works fine.
Why is that? Anything wrong with OLE DB connection?
Looking forward to hearing from you for any ideas on it.
...we understand that perhaps some xp's might come with the product, but for sp's that we author ourselves, are they two different things in 2005, and if so, why would one be chosen over the other?
I have a table which contains suppliers that can supply certain articles. There can be many suppliers to each article, and therefore there is a field that tells you if this supplier is the main supplier for the article, this field is called "arthuvudavt". However, you aren't forced to use this field in the table. As a alternative you can use priority. Each supplier has given priority where 0 means "most preferred" and any other means "less preferred" What I want to do is to pick the right supplier for a given article in one SQL-statement regardless of if you choose to use the priority or if you choose to use the main supplier field.
In the above case, I'd like the statement to return supplier 10202 for article A-10 (the one that has the arthuvudavt checked), and only one row for B-10, which one doesn't really matter, since someone has been making a fault here, this should not happen, but my SQL-statement should break because of this scenario. For C-10 supplier 10303 should be returned.
Is there any way this could be done?
The reason I ask is that I try to learn new ways of solving things, and this problem was kind'a easily solved using variables, but I was wondering if it was possible to do it without it.
Thanks in advance Jonas
Sorry for the poor formatting, I didn't have the time to make it right.
1) I have the Beta Preview of Roger Wolter's book on the subject. Has anything major changed from the beta version to the full version (of the book as well as the product)?
2) I want to build a front-end that queues requests for processing that is ultimately done by a standalone console application. The console app knows nothing about SQL Server 2005, so the database will have to fork/execute this app, pass it arguments on its command line, and pick up the result (written to either standard output or standard error) when it finishes. Is this possible with Service Broker? If so, how?
My server is a dual AMD x64 2.19 GHz with 8 GB RAM running under Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with service pack 1 installed. We have SQL 2000 32-bit Enterprise installed in the default instance. AWE is enabled using Dynamically configured SQL Server memory with 6215 MB minimum memory and 6656 maximum memory settings.
I have now installed, side-by-side, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition in a separate named instance. Everything is running fine but I believe SQL Server2005 could run faster and need to ensure I am giving it plenty of resources. I realize AWE is not needed with SQL Server 2005 and I have seen suggestions to grant the SQL Server account the 'lock pages in memory' rights. This box only runs the SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 server databases and I would like to ensure, if possible, that each is splitting the available memory equally, at least until we can retire SQL Server 2000 next year. Any suggestions?
We have an old machine which holds SQL server 2000 database. We need to migrate a whole database to a new machine which has SQL server 2005.
When we tried to move whole database using Import and Export Wizard, only tables can be selected to import/export. However we want to import/export the whole database, including tables, stored procedure, view, etc. Which tool should we use?
We have an old machine which holds SQL server 2000 database. We need to migrate a whole database to a new machine which has SQL server 2005.
When we tried to move whole database using Import and Export Wizard, only tables can be selected to import/export. However we want to import/export the whole database, including tables, stored procedure, view, etc. Which tool should we use?