SQL Server Syntax Parsing

Feb 23, 2008

Hi All,

In SQL Studio, there is a really handy option to parse your query prior to running it (that little green tick button next to Execute).

I dont suppose there is a similar thing that can be used on the command line at all is there??


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Parser: The Following Syntax Error Occurred During Parsing: Invalid Token, Line 1, Offset 67, ? .

May 29, 2008

I'm sure I am not undestanding some basic concept here but the following formula always produces an invalid token error at the '-' sign. In this example, I'm trying to subtract out a specific month from the total (this is a simplified example, my actual formula needs to compute a % change over time using lag...)

This produces the invalid token error (it always errors at the '-' in the equation)

with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as [Measures].[MyBaseMeasure]-([Date Submitted].[Date Submitted YQMD].[month].&[2008]&[1],[Measures].[MyBaseMeasure])
select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns,
[MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows
from MyCube

But this works

with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as [Measures].[MyBaseMeasure]
select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns,
[MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows
from MyCube

As does this

with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as ([Date Submitted].[Date Submitted YQMD].[month].&[2008]&[1],[Measures].[MyBaseMeasure])
select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns,
[MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows
from MyCube

What am I missing?

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SQL Server 2008 :: XML Query Parsing

Mar 9, 2015

I want to take this XML and put it into a table with CustomerId and MatchingSetId. With this SQL, each MatchingSetId gets assigned to each CustomerId instead of retaining the relationships in the XML.

declare @myXML XML = '<CustomerMatchings>
<CustomerRecord CustomerId="10600">


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SQL Server 2008 :: Parsing Out XML On Same Level

Aug 20, 2015

I am trying to parse out


Into Hours, minutes, and ampm

I use

,DISCHARGEHOUR.value('(./Discharge_x0020_Time/time/Hour)[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS [hour]
,DISCHARGEMINUTES.value('(./Discharge_x0020_Time/time/Hour:minute)[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS [Minutes]
,DISCHARGEAMPM.value('(./Discharge_x0020_Time/time/Hour/minute/AM_x002F_PM)[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS [ampm]

FROM ...
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('/Data') a(DISCHARGEHOUR)
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('/Data') b(DISCHARGEAMPM)

But minutes AND AMPM come up as NULL I assume I am setting up something wrong with the level on minutes AND AMPM. Also, can I disregard the ":" in the minutes.

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Data Parsing In SQL Server Views

Jul 23, 2005

If column1 in SQL Server column is text: 19980701What is the syntax in the select statement to convert it to a datelike: 07/01/1998Thanks for any helpRbollinger

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SQL Server 2012 :: Parsing XML That Does Not Quite Fit Normal XML Standards

Jan 21, 2015

I have an application that stores xml data in an unusal manor. Basically a SQL Key column and an XML string.The XML string is not really standard XML, but it is what it is, and I'm stuck with it. It is in the format;

<row key="Value.01" xml:space="preserve"><c1>FirstName</c1><c2>LastName</c2><c3>10 Street Address, City ST 012345-1234</c3><c4>5</c4><c5>50</c5><c6>500</c6></row>

I am able to pull values out via
p.value('(./c1)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') AS c1,
p.value('(./c2)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') AS c2
FROM dbo.UserXMLTable
CROSS APPLY XMLRECORD.nodes('/row') t(p)
where p.value('(./c1)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') like 'First%'

However I've been struggling with selecting row with a LIKE clause. Something like ;

FROM dbo.F_UserXMLTable
where XMLRECORD.value('(./c1)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') like 'First%'

I have tried a number of permutations of XML syntax but so far have been stumpled.

Please note "<row key="Value.01" xml:space="preserve">" has a <SP> in the name 'row key' .

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SQL Server 2008 :: Parsing Unstructured CSV File?

Oct 1, 2015

I have a CSV file with roughly 6 million rows. The file is unstructured; that is, some rows have 5 fields, others have 15, and there are as many 50 fields in one row.

I am using bulk insert to read the entire file into a table in database, with each row being a database record. With that, I have one column that contains a row of comma delimited fields. All fields are character string and I want to find a quick way of parsing each row and placing each comma-delimited value in a column. For example:

CSVString varchar(1000),
C1 varchar(20),
C2 varchar(20),
C50 varchar(20),

Column CSVString contains the a CSV row (I don't know how many filelds (no. of commas + 1) in the row, but if the row contains 10 fields, I need to populate columns C1-C10. If the row has 15 fields, I populate columns C1-C15.

How can I do this in a very efficient way? I tried CTE but performance was not very good.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Parsing Data To Select Certain Values From XML

Mar 13, 2015

I have results that are XML data and I am trying to figure out how to parse the data to select certain values from the xml.

<InformationRequest xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" teamid="TEAM003341507" playerid="PL341508" gameid="G000000852" playertype="Starter" FolderName="Test" CurrentYear="2015" Ultimateid="P00000688505" xmlns="http://schemas.sports.com/Messages/Stats" />

I would like to write a statement that just pulls the game id G000000852. So just the id right of gameid=.

Not really sure where to start. Table is GAME, and column is XMLDATA.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Text String Parsing To Apply Operators To Datasets?

Aug 7, 2015

I have a problem at the moment, where the client wants to be able to type in a custom algebraic formula with add/minus operators, and then to have this interpreted, so that the related datasets are then added and returned as a single dataset.

An example would be having a formula stored of [a] + [b] - [c]

and if I were to write the SQL to apply that formula, I might write something like (let's assume 1:1 relationships with the ID's)

select a.a + b.b - c.c as [result]
from z
inner join tblA a on z.id = a.id
inner join tblB b on z.id = b.id
inner join tblC c on z.id = c.id

The formula can change though, maybe things like:

[a] + [b] + [c] + [d]
[a] + [b]

The developer before me wrote something SQL-based where they parsed the string and assigned each value of the formula as either positive or negative (e.g A is positive, B is positive, C is negative, now sum the datasets to get the result), and then created one large table of values then summed them. This does (kind of) work, I'm just contemplating potential alternatives, as it is quite a slow process, and feels like it is quite convoluted, when I get into the details. If I were to do something like this in SQL, I'd normally want each part of the expression to be a column, and then to just apply the operators, but because the formula can change, then the SQL would need to be somehow dynamic for this approach.

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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword CONVERT When The Syntax Is Correct - Why?

May 20, 2008

Why does the following call to a stored procedure get me this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CONVERT'.

Code Snippet

EXECUTE OpenInvoiceItemSP_RAM CONVERT(DATETIME,'01-01-2008'), CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/30/2008') , 1,'81350'

The stored procedure accepts two datetime parameters, followed by an INT and a varchar(10) in that order.

I can't find anything wrong in the syntax for CONVERT or any nearby items.

Help me please. Thank you.

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Incorrect Syntax When There Appears To Be No Syntax Errors.

Dec 14, 2003

I keep receiving the following error whenever I try and call this function to update my database.

The code was working before, all I added was an extra field to update.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'

Public Sub MasterList_Update(sender As Object, e As DataListCommandEventArgs)

Dim strProjectName, txtProjectDescription, intProjectID, strProjectState as String
Dim intEstDuration, dtmCreationDate, strCreatedBy, strProjectLead, dtmEstCompletionDate as String

strProjectName = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtProjectName"), TextBox).Text
txtProjectDescription = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtProjDesc"), TextBox).Text
strProjectState = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtStatus"), TextBox).Text
intEstDuration = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtDuration"), TextBox).Text
dtmCreationDate = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtCreation"),TextBox).Text
strCreatedBy = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtCreatedBy"),TextBox).Text
strProjectLead = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtLead"),TextBox).Text
dtmEstCompletionDate = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtComDate"),TextBox).Text
intProjectID = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblProjectID"), Label).Text

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Update tblProject " _
& "Set strProjectName = @strProjectName, " _
& "txtProjectDescription = @txtProjectDescription, " _
& "strProjectState = @strProjectState, " _
& "intEstDuration = @intEstDuration, " _
& "dtmCreationDate = @dtmCreationDate, " _
& "strCreatedBy = @strCreatedBy, " _
& "strProjectLead = @strProjectLead, " _
& "dtmEstCompletionDate = @dtmEstCompletionDate, " _
& "WHERE intProjectID = @intProjectID"

Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionstring"))
Dim cmdSQL As New SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection)

cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectName").Value = strProjectName
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@txtProjectDescription", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@txtProjectDescription").Value = txtProjectDescription
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectState", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectState").Value = strProjectState
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intEstDuration", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@intEstDuration").Value = intEstDuration
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dtmCreationDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@dtmCreationDate").Value = dtmCreationDate
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strCreatedBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strCreatedBy").Value = strCreatedBy
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@strProjectLead", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@strProjectLead").Value = strProjectLead
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dtmEstCompletionDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 24))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@dtmEstCompletionDate").Value = dtmEstCompletionDate
cmdSQL.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@intProjectID", SqlDbType.NChar, 5))
cmdSQL.Parameters("@intProjectID").Value = intProjectID


MasterList.EditItemIndex = -1

End Sub

Thankyou in advance.

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Which Is Faster? Conditional Within JOIN Syntax Or WHERE Syntax?

Mar 31, 2008

Forgive the noob question, but i'm still learning SQL everyday and was wondering which of the following is faster? I'm just gonna post parts of the SELECT statement that i've made changes to:

INNER JOIN Facilities f ON e.Facility = f.FacilityID AND f.Name = @FacilityName


WHERE f.Name = @FacilityName

My question is whether or not the query runs faster if i put the condition within the JOIN line as opposed to putting in the WHERE line? Both ways seems to return the same results but the time difference between methods is staggering? Putting the condition within the JOIN line makes the query run about 3 times faster?

Again, forgive my lack of understanding, but could someone agree or disagree and give me the cliff-notes version of why or why not?


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Converting Rrom Access Syntax To Sql Syntax

Sep 23, 2007

Ok I am tying to convert access syntax to Sql syntax to put it in a stored procedure or view..
Here is the part that I need to convert:

SELECT [2007_hours].proj_name, [2007_hours].task_name, [2007_hours].Employee,
IIf(Mid([proj_name],1,9) In ('9900-2831','9900-2788'),'II Internal',

) AS timeType, Sum([2007_hours].Hours) AS SumOfHours

how can you convert it to sql syntax

I need to have a nested If statment which I can't do in sql (in sql I have to have select and from Together for example ( I can't do this in sql):
select ID, FName, LName
if(SUBSTRING(FirstName, 1, 4)= 'Mike')
if(SUBSTRING(LastName, 1, 4)= 'Kong')
if(SUBSTRING(Address, 1, 4)= '1245')


Case Statement might be the solution but i could not do it.

Your input will be appreciated

Thank you

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XML Parsing

Jul 24, 2002

I am trying to process an XML document that contains the attribute 'from_x'. However an openxml query can't seem to find any column with a '_x' suffix. For example if I were to execute the following fragment:

declare @hDoc int, @Message varchar(200)
select @Message = '<BACK_FM from_x="12"></BACK_FM>'
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @Message
select from_x from openxml(@hDoc, 'BACK_FM',1) with (from_x int)

I get back a null value from the openxml query. Attribute names 'fromx' and 'from_y' work ok but nothing I have tried with a trailing '_x' will work.

Does anyone know if this is a known SQL Server bug? Is it a bug at all or something about XML that I don't know about?

Wayne King

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Aug 13, 2001

I need to figure out how to parse a comma separated value.

Lets say I have a variable equal to a comma separated list.

SET @Variable = '045, 032, 025, 653'

I need to create a dynamic sql string to look like:

SET @Variable = ''' + '045' + ''' + ',' + ''' + '032' + ''' + ',' etc...

Can someone teach me a optimized query to do this?


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Mar 9, 2005

What is parsing?? can someone give me an example please?? this what I got from BOL

Returns the specified part of an object name. Parts of an object that can be retrieved are the object name, owner name, database name, and server name.

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Help With Parsing

Feb 8, 2007

Hi -

I am new to SQL server and was wondering if someone can help me with this one. Thanks
My table holds 2 columns (SECTOR and TERM) with following example values

Hybrid 6/18
Hybrid 9/19
Hybrid 10/17
Hybrid 3/13

I would like to find out the rows where my values from SECTOR before '/' does not equal TERM

Row 1 where 6<>8
and row 3 where 10<>7


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: OPENQUERY Syntax To Insert Into Server Table From Oracle Linked Server

Aug 28, 2014

I was trying to figure out what the OPENQUERY Syntax is to Insert into SQL Server Table from Oracle Linked Server.

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Parsing A Sql Field

Jul 6, 2007

Can you parse a SQL field? Let's say, FULLNAME field got a TEXT datatype with the following data: <firstname>Norm</firstname><lastname>bercasio</lastname><Color>blue</color>then using a select statement, parse the field to find the lastname then write it to another field called LASTNAME on the same table, same rowID. Can you send a select statement how it can be done? I am using SQL 2003 or 2005. thank you so much.

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Need Help Parsing Out Info

Jul 22, 2004

Hi All,

I'm using a SQL selection to fill a DataGrid. One of the fields I have is called diagnosis. This field in the database can contain multiple diagnosis. But I use a set of characters to divide each diagnosis.
Example : Sick!@#$%Hurt!@#$%Ill!@#$%
My problem is this is how it looks in my Data Grid. Can someone tell me how to parse out each diagnosis.


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String Parsing

Jun 7, 2002

How to remove same repeated string in a column per row from a table? Looked at
replace, stuff string functions, but none take a column name as a parameter.

Help is appreciated.


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Parsing Data

Apr 21, 2000

Do anyone know of any functions I can use to parse the following data eg.
M 3480-7 should be 3480
M 3477-19 should be 3477
M 28-10 should be 28

Thanks in advance,

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Parsing A Name Field Using SQL

Aug 18, 2000

Anybody out there ever take a column containing names and parse it out to salutation, first name, middle initial/name, last name, suffix using Transact-SQL? I think I know how to do it using an array in a procedural language, but using SQL I'm drawing a blank.

Any ideas or help will be appreciated!

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Parsing Strings

Feb 27, 2001

I have a varchar field that contains answers to questions separated by commas. Say there are 4 questions for each user. Here is an example of what the table would look like:
User Answer
1 Good,Fair,Good,Bad
2 Bad,Good,Good,Good
3 Fair,Good,Bad,Fair

I need to write a stored procedure to report off of that separates the Answer field into 4 different columns. How can this be achieved? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Parsing XML Data

Nov 7, 2003

I have a SQL Server table that holds XML documents. Is there a known SQL Server XML parser ?....how can I export XML data into a readable format ?


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Parsing Data

Sep 13, 2005

Does anyone know any good URL's for examples on parcing data using SQL?

As an example, i've got First/Middle/Last name of a person inside a single field, I want to turn that into 3 fields.


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SQL Parsing Challenge!

Nov 9, 2004

Hi guys!

Can anyone tell how I can parse the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to check for special characters such as ''' (single quotes) in fields of type varchar?


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Anyone Know About Parsing An Email?

Mar 20, 2006

Hello everyone

Heres what it looks like:

I have a large file of over 40k email records. The emails are all mixed up and come in various formats but i noticed that most of them are in this format:


For all those emails with the period (.) in between, the (.) actually separates an individuals first and last name.

My task is this, to separate all the emails that are in this format into first and last name fields. I'm stimped folks and I'll really appreciate any pointers or ideas on how to go about solving this task.


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Parsing A Name Field

Aug 9, 2012

I have a name field that has many variations and been fighting with it for a few days. The possible name variations are:

Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike K.
Smith, Mike K., JR.

I would like to parse each of the for pieces in a separate field.

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Parsing Address

Feb 13, 2004

Parsing Address
This is not really a reply, but I saw the problem and the replies look very promissing.
I'm using ss2k, I have a table with an address column.
here is some example of the records under ADDRESS :


What I want to do is to write script that runs daily and parse the street names (RED BARN) and street types (Dr, PL , etc.. ) to 2 colums. As u can see there is no fixed length or fixed number of words ...etc ...
Any help would be really appreciated.

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String Parsing

Apr 12, 2008

I found an article about string parsing but its done using db2


can anybody translate to Transact SQL specifically the example of create function elemIdx i didnt understand how he used recursion may b cuz the language is odd to me i didnt get it

Thanks much

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SQL String Parsing

Apr 18, 2008

I have a string that is coming from a legacy system


How can I convert above string to comma separted values

like one below so that it can be used for IN Clause for my SQL


Thanks in advance

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Dts Parsing Street Name

Aug 1, 2006

hi, im running into a bit of a problem. i will like to string parse the street name into what you see below using DTS. How can i get around this?

12 north plaza boulevard apt.16

12|N|plaza blvd| apt16

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