SQL Server To Generate XML Instead Of Redendant Query..file Open During Write Problem Or Job Not Running...

Jul 23, 2005

Here's a challenge that is killing me:

I've got 2 web servers and a SQL Server and about 5,000 'users' who
stay connected to the site all day. I have a page that is supposed to
be 'real-time', so to do this, I have a 1px frame that refreshes every
15 seconds (so the other frame doesn't have to reload all the time--the
top only reloads when a new record or a changed record hits the db).
The real time data can be filtered in about 8 different ways.
Currently, I have each user querying a table that contains 1 record,
including the max ID and the most current insert/update posting date.
The browser contains a cookie with that date. When the browser receives
notification that there is some new info on the server, it refreshes
the top page and reloads the data. This is happening for all users. So,
I thought to eliminate the 5,000 users running the same (or close
variations) of the same query each time a records is inserted/updated,
that I would generate an XML file with the current day's data.

In a dev environment this works 'ok'. I'm doing this by running an
ActiveX job on the SQL Server that calls a stored proc (FOR XML) and
writes the content to a file. Then from the web servers, I'm querying
this file for the new timestamp and then if newer than the cookie,
grabbing the XML (using the httprequest in the ASP XMLDOM) and using
XSLT to transform the data instead of parameterizing the queries.
Theoretically I love this solution. Problems happen in a LIVE
environment where either the file is being written to or the job isn't
able to run. When 2 records are trying to be written within the same
second, the file isn't being written (or maybe that the http requesting
the XML is keeping the file locked?)....anyway...this is a HUGE proble
that I can't seem to solve. Once we roll to .NET I think storing the
dataset in cache and updating cache (still don't know how I'll trigger
that without each user checking the db)....
Long winded, sorry...help?

View 8 Replies


SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Query To Generate A Report?

Mar 25, 2014

I want to write a query to generate a report. I have a date column which will be holding all the business dates. No dates of Saturday and Sunday are allowed. What I am looking for is, I want to get the result of every 5th business day of each month. A month could start with any day. I just want only the 5th business day.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Open Data File When Running Agent Job

Apr 30, 2015

I recently installed standalone version of SQL 2014 Standard on my work computer. I used Access before but I want to use a SQL server instead.

We have a shared drive that a file gets deposited every day at midnight. I want to be able to get this file and import it to the server (its basically a list of names).

Here what I have done so far:

I created the database

Created the file and successfully imported data into it using the Import Data feature.

I saved the SSIS package

Scheduled an Agent Job for this package to run at certain time,daily

At first the jobs would fail with a Access is Denied. I added a user under Credentials with my network account ( have admin rights on the work computer).Also added a Proxy for the Credential user I made.

Jobs fail with a “Cannot open data file” error. I tried changing things here and there, but I can’t get it to work.

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Cannot Open Data File Error While Running SSIS Package Through SQL Server Job

Mar 10, 2008


I created a SSIS package which will generate an output file and place it on a remote fileshare location which will look something like this


The package is executing fine when I am executing it through BIDS or through execute package utility and writing the output file to remote file share location.

I created a SQL job for the package and ran the Job. Then, its throwing an error saying

Executed as user: DomainUser. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 10:33:06 AM Error: 2008-03-10 10:33:22.22 Code: 0xC020200E Source: DFT_Generate Output File Description: Cannot open the datafile "
\RemoteServerNameRemoteFilePathOutputFileName.txt". End Error Error: 2008-03-10 10:33:22.34 Code: 0xC004701A Source: DFT_Generate Output File DTS.Pipeline Description: component "FF_DST_Output" (160) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020200E. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 10:33:06 AM Finished: 10:33:22 AM Elapsed: 15.891 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.

DomainUser have all the permissions on the remote file share location.
SQL server agent is running with the log-on account DomainUser(same as the above).

Could anyone help me in resolving this issue.

Thanks & Regards,

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How To Write Query To Generate Result Like This?

Mar 21, 2008


For example, i have a query result like this:
UserID Key
1 AN
1 AC
1 MN
2 KK
2 VC
I would like to generate result like this:
UserID Keys
Is there any way to do it in sp?


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Transact SQL :: Write Query To Generate Customized Result?

May 24, 2015

I have a dataset which is like:

Month, Day, Location, TotalSales
Jan       1         A  100 
Jan       1         B  200 
Jan        14       A  120 
Feb        2         A  130 
Mar        5         B  150 

I want to transform the dataset using sql query into the following format:

Month, Day, LocationATotalSales, LocationBTotalSales, TotalSales
Jan       1            100                       200                          300
Jan       14           120                        0                             120
Feb       2             130                        0                             130
Mar       5                 0                     150                          150

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Backup Master Key, Cannot Write Into File 'c: Empmaster'. Verify That You Have Write Permissions, That The File Path Is Valid.

Jul 12, 2006


I tried to backup the master key by the following syntax :



but it failed and i got the following message:

Cannot write into file 'c: empmaster'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.

NB: I am using the "sa" user to execute this command.

I know that we have a security permission issue , but where and how ?


Tarek Ghazali

SQL Server MVP

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Open Query File Dialog Box

Oct 7, 2007

When I load up Query Analyzer and click File -> Open to open up a query
file, the open file dialog is always sorted by - i don't know
How can I set the default to open up with files ordered alphabetically?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Process To Get File Size In Kb And Record Count In A File?

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a process to get file size in kb and record count in a file. I was planning on writing a c# console app that takes the file path and name as a param however should i use a CLR?

I cant put a script in the ssis when it's bringing the file down because it has been deemed that we only use ssis for file consumption.

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Generate A Xml File From Sql Server 2000?

Jul 10, 2006

hi there.
i'm using asp.net 2 page i'm accessing a table consists of 100 thousands rows and its slow and i'm wondering instead of accessing directly to the table how about if i access via xml ?
generate xml and cache it and use the xml file rather going to sql server database?
has anybody have any help on this?
the steps invloved:
1) first generate a xml file from table something like this:
which one should i use and how do i access after i gnerate a xml file

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Generate A Text File From SQL Server

Feb 23, 2006


I need to generate a text file from SQL Server. The task automatically runs daily.

The format of the text file use "/" to separate the field and the row. At the end of the file, it adds number of char  and uses "". The number of char includes the data parts and excludes a few word of "the number of char".

For example,
The underline fonts mean the first row record. The Bold fonts mean the second row record. The Italic fonts mean the third row record. The red fonts mean the number of char and the end of file.


I am no idea about this problem. Please give me some suggestions. Thanks a lot


For your information

I use SQL Server 2000 in Windows 2000 Server environments

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Running SQL Query From Batch File- MS SQl 2000

Mar 25, 2008

I am looking for some way to run a sql query from a batch file on the SQL server. The query needs a user entered parameter, if that can be accomodated it would be great.
I read about some osql command & tried to run it but it kept saying "Server does not exist or access denied."
Please give me the steps to go about this.

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Shrinking LDF File - Query Running Indefinitely

Jul 7, 2004

My intention is to include a sql job to schedule for shrinking log files to half of its original log file size (if half of their original size is greater than 5MB)

The code is below. But while executing the code it is keeps on running indefinitely. can somebody throw some light what cause it to go into an indefinite loop.


SELECT name , ceiling(size/128.0) * 0.5
FROM master..sysaltfiles
Where rtrim(lower(filename)) like '%.ldf'

DECLARE @f_name varchar(128), @new_f_size int

OPEN db_file_name
FETCH NEXT FROM db_file_name INTO @f_name,@new_f_size
If ( @new_f_size > 5)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ( @f_name, @new_f_size )
FETCH NEXT FROM db_file_name INTO @f_name,@new_f_size
CLOSE db_file_name
deallocate db_file_name

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Write File To DB From Server

Aug 27, 2006

Hi, How can I read a file on the server and insert it into my SQL Server database.  The user is not uploading the file, but it already exists on the Server. Thanks

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Generate Excel-html File From SQL SERVER

Feb 10, 2004

Generate an html-excel file with any table. Does not need Excel to generate , because does not use Excel automation.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Code To Generate XML File Based In XSD

Aug 2, 2015

I have data in Sql table , I want to convert it to xml using xsd using script component in ssis.

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Why Cannot Sql Server Open The File

Dec 1, 2006

I created a comma-seperated text file by exporting an Access table. I tried to bulk insert into into a SQL Server table using the following code:

BULK INSERT databasename.dbo.tablename FROM 'C:commaseparatedfilename.txt'

but it returns the following error:

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "C:commaseparatedfilename.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(error not found).

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How To Open A .bup File In SQL Server/2005

Aug 14, 2006

I have been given a .bup file which I am told contains a database I need to access. How do I open this .bup file. Please help !

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How To Open Or Read SQL Server Log File .ldf

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,
How to Open Or read SQL Server log file .ldf

When ever we create database from sql server, it's create two file. (1) .mdf (2) .ldf.
I want to see what's available inside the .ldf file.


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Using A Link To Open A .csv File On A Server

Feb 5, 2008

I have a report that returns a field with the location of a .csv file on the network. The value of the field looks like this:


I need to let the user click a link to open the file. Simply making the Jump To Url under navigation the field value doesn't work; it's not clickable. I've tried a javascript new window command, but I'm no good at javascript.

All my google results turn up unrelated items because I'm searching "ssrs open file" or "ssrs open file in windows explorer".

Any ideas?


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Write Data From A SQL Server Table Into An Excel File

Apr 30, 2007


I need to export data from a table of SQL server 2000 database, into an Excel 2000 sheet. I tried following query from the sql query analyzer

Code SnippetSELECT * INTO [Excel 4.0;Database=F:ew.xls].[sheet1] FROM tab1

It gave me following error

Code SnippetServer: Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Specified owner name 'Excel 4.0;Database=F:ew.xls' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.

The F:ew.xls file is present and it has no additional security applied, hence I think it should be writable.

Please tell me where am I doing wrong.

I don't know if this is the correct news group or not. Let me know if I have to post to some other news group.

- Abhijit

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Unable To Open New Query Window Or Open Any Table

Nov 3, 2014

Post installation of SQL Server 2014 Express edition, I am able to connect to the Database Instance.

But while opening a new query window in SSMS or opening a table getting the error:

Package 'RadLangSvc.Package, RadLangSvc, Version, Culture=Neutral, Public Token=89845dcd8080cc91' failed to load

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (mscorlib)..Have already tried installing the componentsDACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi, TSql LanguageService_enu.msi, DACFramework_enu.msi from path VS 2010 WCU DAC.

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Generate A Email Using Smtp Server (was Help With Query....)

Jan 21, 2005

Help with query: I currently cannot be alerted by SQL Mail so I would like to take the script that was generated by SQL server and using the store procedure sp_sqlsmtpmail to generate a email using smtp server to alert me. The store procedure does work. I would like to know if this is possible.



-- Script generated on 1/21/2005 10:04 AM
-- By: MAMSIsa
-- Server: (local)

IF (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts WHERE name = N'Demo: Full tempdb'))
---- Delete the alert with the same name.
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert @name = N'Demo: Full tempdb'
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'Demo: Full tempdb', @message_id = 9002, @severity = 0, @enabled = 1, @delay_between_responses = 10, @include_event_description_in = 5, @database_name = N'tempdb', @category_name = N'[Uncategorized]'


Exec sp_sqlsmtpmail
@vcTo = 'lwilliams@Huc.com',
@vcBody ='Check out problem Immediataly.',
@vcSubject ='DOCSITE01FDK - Full Tempdb Log'


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Help! I Can't Write This SQL Server Query ... Can You?

Jul 20, 2005

Take the following tableID Shipment ETA Updated01 123 3/1/04 2/12/0402 123 3/2/04 2/13/0403 123 3/1/04 2/14/0404 154 3/2/04 2/12/0405 456 3/1/04 2/17/0406 456 3/1/04 2/16/0407 456 3/1/04 2/15/04I need a query that will return the 2 most recently updated rows foreach shipment. So the results would look like the following:ID Shipment ETA Updated02 123 3/2/04 2/13/0403 123 3/1/04 2/14/0404 154 3/2/04 2/12/0406 456 3/1/04 2/16/0405 456 3/1/04 2/17/04Thanks,Teknari

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SQL 2012 :: How To Force Server To Generate A New Query Plan

Oct 30, 2015

Select A.* from A inner join B on ( A.ID= B.ID )

I know there is some key word that you use to force SQL server to generate a new query plan ?What can that be ?

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How Many Open Connections Does SQL Server 2005 Express Allow To .mdf File

May 17, 2007

Hi Guys, how many connections does sql 2005 express allow to .mdf file. I stumpled on info on a microsoft site (actually a forum post on msdn) that sql server express allows only a single connection to an .mdf file.
Iam intrested in this because i developed reporting services reports in BIS and iam having problems. If i run a report from report manager, i have to wait for close to 20 minutes before i can be able to run my asp.net application agian. Else if i insert data or retrieve data from my asp.net application, then i have to wait again for 20 minutes or more before i can be able to run my reports else i will get an error that a connection can not be made to the database or that the database is being used by another process.
So in all cases, i have to wait for 20--30 minutes before a connection can be made to the .mdf file. i.e after running a report or after inserting or retrieving data from the database through my asp.net application. 
Iam using sql sever 2005 express with advanced services and visual web developer on windows server 2003. 
Any ideas or help.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Unable To Open Database File (MDF)

May 6, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2005 database file (a .mdf file) that I am trying to open in SQL Server Management Studio so I can add a field to a table, but I am unable to open the file. I can't say that I really understand how SQL Server handles these databases. I especially don't understand the "attaching" and "detaching" operations.

I am working in VB.Net 2008 now, but my background is with VB6 using the JET engine. It was just so straightforward using the JET engine, but seems so much more complicated with SQL Server. I am trying to use .mdf files the same way I used .mdb files. I want my application to find the database file, "attach to it", and let me manipulate it.

At one time I was able to open my database in Sql Server Management Studio and edit the design of the database. The application still works but I am no longer able to modify the database because I cannot attach to it in Management Studio.

Here is a big clue: the files are no longer in the special folder anymore, which is c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATA. I might have deleted the files, stupidly, thinking they were redundant. I still have the .mdf file (and the _log.ldf file) on my hard drive and the application can still open it, but when I try to use Management Studio to attach to the .mdf file, I get this error:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

An error occurred when attaching the database(s). Click the hyperlink in the Message column for details.

here are the details:

Unable to open the physical file "c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATAHEALSExamsSQL.mdf". Operating system error 2: "2(The system cannot find the file specified.)". (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Indeed the file is not there, but why is Mgmt Studio looking there? Why doesn't it just open the file where it is? What can I do to get it back? I even copied the files to c:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATA? I get the same error.

Here is another clue: In Management Studio, when I right-click Databases, and chose Attach, it brings up a dialog. There I click "Add" to get another dialog in which I will select a database, but before the dialog appears I get this error:

Locate Database Files - KURANT-WIN7SQLEXPRESS
C:UsersJason KurantDesktop
Cannot access the specified path or file on the server. Verify that you have the necessary security privileges and that the path or file exists.

If you know that the service account can access a specific file, type in the full path for the file in the File Name control in the Locate dialog box.

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Use MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Version To Open MDF File?

Mar 1, 2006

Hello,We do not run SQL Server in our shop, but I'm starting to be tasked withanalyzing SQL Server databases from outside shops. I will need toopen .MDF files sent to me. Can I do this using SQL Server 2005Developer version? Or do we have to spring for the Workgroup version?Thanks, in advance, for your help.T

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How To Open Sdf File(2.0) With Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition?

Apr 11, 2006

I have an embedded pc which runs windows ce 4.2. I have created an amplication which use sdf file 2.0 version. So i want to copy this database into Desktop PC and open it with Sql Server 2005. Should i upgrade this database? Will i have problems after upgrade?

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SQL Server Express Ability To Open Sybase File

Jun 13, 2006


Can SQL Server Express open/read a .db database file that is Sybase?

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How To Write Command For Insert Data With Running Number

Jan 11, 2008

My table has a running number primary key. I want to insert data to this table and automatically generate running number pk. I try to write SQL command like this.
SELECT MAX(ID) AS MaxId from test
INSERT INTO test (ID, data1, data2, data3) VALUES (MaxId+1, @data1, @data2, @data3)
but it fails. How should I do? Thank you in advance

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Generate Report Of Locked Account

Jan 9, 2011

Just wondering if there is any query which can give me report of locked account in SQL 2008. I know there are options like:-

1) Can go in ssms--security--account and right click and select status. This is applicable to individual account.

2)SELECT LOGINPROPERTY('accountid', 'IsLocked'). Also applicable to individual account

3) SELECT name,type_desc,is_disabled,modify_date,default_database_name from sys.server_principals order by type_desc

Generate the report but give the informatio as is_disabled. But I think is_disabled <> is_locked.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Open EDI File And Insert Data Into Tables

Sep 27, 2012

Is there a way to open EDI file in SQL Server and insert the data into tables?

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