SQL Server Vs. Express Behaviour Difference...

Jun 4, 2008

Hi all,

I want to share an experience I made in the last few days and like to hear your comments about it. I am developing an ASP.Net 2.0 Web Application using SQL Server 2005 on my local system. After implementation was done, I had to deploy the application to the production server. Because of license problems, on the server is the express edition of SQL Server installed. The system worked fine for about 2 month. But the last week we noticed, that there was deadlocks in the application. After searching a while I noticed, that there were a lot of open connections. When you open SQL Server Management Studio and look at Management > Activity Monitor, you can see all opened connections in the connection pool.

So the problem was, that with every request, a new connection was created, instead of using the existing ones, even if the state of the connections was sleeping. On SQL Express, if a specific limit of connections is reached, it'll wait for a connection to be released, but there is no release, so it threw a timeout error. But suprisingly, on SQL Server there also were a lot of connections created, but there were never a deadlock, which I can't explain. Also I can't explain, why it also worked for 2 months on SQL Express.

The architecture:

I have data classes, which are implementing IDisposable. In the dispose method, I call Dispose on the connection and set it to null. And in code I instanciate my data classes in using blocks. So on reaching the end of the using block the data class instance is disposed. In the dispose method the connection is disposed. So I thought, that everythink will work fine, but it doesn't.

The problem was solved by calling Close() on the connection in the Dispose method in my data class just before calling conn.Dispose().

So does this make sense to you? The fact, that it solved my problem lets me believe to that solution, but I can't really say why. So if you have any ideas or knowledge, I'd love to hear it.



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Difference Between The SQL Server Express Bundled With C#/VB VS The Downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 With Advanced Services

Aug 31, 2006

What is the Difference between the SQL Server Express Bundled with C#/VB VS the downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 with advanced Services?

I installed C# with SQL Server Express, however I wanted to add the Full Text Searching and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, so I downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1. When I installed it over top of my current installation, it complained of version mismatching, and then C# failed to recognize that I had SQL 2005 Express installed at all.

What I'd like to know is, which version is more current (they have to be different, they had different version numbers, one was 9.xx.xxxx the other was 2005.9.xx.xxxx) The one bundled with C#, or the SP1 downloadable one.

Firstly, I want to be up todate as far as security patches, and Secondly, how do I add the full text searching and SSMSE to the one bundled with C# without breaking it.

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SQL Express' Strange Behaviour

Oct 25, 2007

We have this webiste which uses SQL express as database engine. Sometimes certain features of the website stop working. Like membership provider and other database related things. I have described the problem in more details here: http://forums.asp.net/t/1172253.aspx
In consice the problem is: One query with fixed inputs does not always return the same results, though the data has not changed, you restart the SQL express and the problem resolives!
I think thats a problem with SQL express, because when you restart SQL express everything starts working. Our database is kinda big. Like above 500 MB with up to 50 concurrent users. And our machine got a 3.2 CPU with 512 MB of ram. And our application is the only application runing there.
What do you think please?

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What Are The Difference Between SQL Server 2000 And SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Mar 3, 2006

What are the difference between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.?

Or where i can find the list of differences. ?

Can SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can be used interchangeably for basic database operations?

Hope to get some response soon.



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Difference Between MS Sql Server Management Studio And MS Sql Server 2005 Express?

May 30, 2008

What is the difference between MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? i download SQLEXPR.EXE, do i also need to download the other?

thank you.

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SQLExpress Adv.: Different Behaviour Of Full-Text Search On Express And Enterprise???

Jun 6, 2007

I have 2 machines with SQL Express AS and Enterprise Ed.

I restored the same databse on both.

FT were created on both using this:


CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON [dbo].[strings_catalog] KEY INDEX [PK_strings_catalog] ON [FTSearchCat] WITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO
ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON [dbo].[strings_catalog] ADD ([string] LANGUAGE [English])
ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON [dbo].[strings_catalog] ENABLE

Its Ok. FTC populated and ready to queries.


I did the same actions on both and have the same results:

select id,string from strings_catalog where freetext(string, 'Ice')


767581 Summer test Ice


Now I do the same actions on both:

update strings_catalog set string=N'Summer test Sea' where [id]=767581

1) Enterprise Ed:


select id,string from strings_catalog where freetext(string, 'Sea')


767581 Summer test Sea

1) Express Adv.


select id,string from strings_catalog where freetext(string, 'Ice')


767581 Summer test Sea

select id,string from strings_catalog where freetext(string, 'Sea')


(0 rows)

Also, on Express I have:

SELECT OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFullTextBackgroundUpdateIndexOn'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFullTextChangeTrackingOn'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFulltextFailCount'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFulltextItemCount'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFulltextPendingChanges'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableFulltextPopulateStatus'),
OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(N'strings_catalog'), 'TableHasActiveFulltextIndex')

1 1 2 186 0 0 1

For Enterpirse Ed this query:

1 1 0 188 0 0 1

Please help, how can I resolve this issue?

Note. I installed Express Adv. on another machine and have the same result.

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Wots The Difference B/w SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Express Edition

Sep 23, 2006

Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?

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Difference Between These Two SQL Express

May 17, 2006

Anyone can tell me the difference between

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

I am wondering which one should i install

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How To Tell Difference Between Sql 2005 Express

Oct 15, 2007

HI guys

I installed the SQL server 2005 express edition, but it shows in my add/remove programs as "Microsoft SQL server 2005".

Howcan I tell which version I have installed ?

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Problem: Performance Difference Between MSDE And SQL Express 2005

Feb 4, 2007

Hello, all, I started out thinking my problems were elsewhere but as Ihave worked through this I have isolated my problem, currently, as adifference between MSDE and SQL Express 2005 (I'll just call itExpress for simplicity).I have, to try to simplify things, put the exact same DB on twosystems, one running MSDE and one running Express. Both have 2 Ghzprocessors (one Intel, one AMD), both have a decent amount of RAM(Intel system has 1 GB, AMD system has 512 MB), and plenty of GB offree disk space. MSDE is running on the Intel system, Express isrunning on the AMD system. To keep things fair I use the exact sameDB's and query on both systems. The DB's were created on MSDE so Isp_detach_db'd them from MSDE and then sp_attach_db'd them to Express(this is how MS says to do a "side-by-side" upgrade, so it'sacceptable to do so). After fighting problems in performancedifferences in different situations I have narrowed the problem downto this:Executing a simple select statement with join clause on the databasesyields a difference in execution time that is quite great. Using theExpress Management program I can run the query against either system(MSDE or Express, the two systems are connected via crossover cable toeliminate any network problems/issues). When running the queryagainst the MSDE system (which is over the network) I consistently get<20 ms response times on the query. When running the query againstthe Express installation (which is in shared memory) I consistentlyget 700 ms or longer response times. Both times are for the TotalExecution Time.The query is simply this: select db1.* from db1.owner.tablename as db1inner join db2.owner.tablename as db2 on db1.pkey = db2.someid wheredb1.criteria = 3So, gimme all the columns from one table in one DB (local to theinstallation), matching the records in another DB (also local to theinstallation), where one field in the first db matches a field in thesecond db and where, in the first db, one column value = 3.The first table has a total record count of 630 records of which only12 match the where clause. The second table has a total record countof about 2,700 of which only 12 match up on the 12 out of 630.Even though the data is the same and I've done the detach and attach,and even done the sp_updatestats, the difference in execution time isremarkable, in a bad way.Checking the Execution Plan reveals that both queries have the samesteps, but, on the MSDE system the largest consumer in the process isthe Clustered Index Scan of the 630 record table (DB1 in my queryexample), using 85%. The next big consumer is a Clustered Index Seekagainst the other table (2,700 rows), using 15%.The Execution Plan against the Express system reveals basically theexact opposite: 27% going to the Clustered Index Scan of the 630record DB1, and 72% going to the Clustered Index Seek of the 2,700record DB2.I'm sorry to be stupid but I have this information but I don't knowwhat to do with it. The best that I can tell from this is that thisis the source of my problems. My problems are that on my currentsystems that my clients use the data is returned to them faster thanthey can click the mouse and that the new system (that is, when theychose (or are forced by attrition) to move to Vista and thus Express2005) the screen pop is like 1.5 seconds. This creates poor userexperience. Worse, one process I allow the users to do goes fromtaking 14-30 seconds to over 4 minutes (all on the same machine withthe same OS and version of my program, so it's not a machine or OS ormy app problem).Anyway, I hope someone can shed some light on this now that I've paredit down some.Thanks in advance.--HC

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Weird Behaviour With Logins At Server Level

Aug 27, 2007

This thread is a reformulation of a prior thread. 
I created a login 'Network service' at server level in Management Studio express.I use windows authentification.Then i defined an user for my database which is associated to login 'Network service', because the application asp.net uses that account (IIS 6.0). This user received db_read and db_write roles.This works.Now i experimented a little bit and i removed from the logins at server level the login 'Network service'.Result: the application still works..Then i removed the Builtinusers login from the login list at server level.Result: i get the error: "login failed for Network service".I recreated then the login 'Network Service' at server level but not the Builtinusers login.Result: it works again.My conclusion is: one of the two logins must be in the list: Network Service or BuiltinusersIs this right?Why do i get that error when both logins are removed and not only when Network Service is removed?Thanks

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Can Anyone Give Me A Layman's Explanation Of The Difference Between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP And GETDATE() (if There Is A Difference)?

Oct 24, 2007

Question is in the subject.

Thanks in advance

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Difference Between SQL Server 2005 And SQL Server 2008 SSRS(Sql Server Report)

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all,

Please tell me about difference between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 SSRS(Sql Server report)
Why to upgrade for Sql Server 2008


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Difference Between 64-bit And 32-bit SQL Server??

Mar 12, 2008

We are a medium sized Telecom Company.

I wish to know the performance benifits of using SQL Server 64 bit over 32-bit and under what conditions should one make a transition from 32 bit environment to 64 bit one.

Pls discuss in detail.

Thank you.

P.S: We are presently on Windows 64 bit.

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Difference Between Sql Server And Oracle

Sep 3, 2001

someone tell me what is the difference between oracle and Sql Server.

looking forward for ur reply

Vivek S. Potdar


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Time Difference In Sql Server

May 21, 2007

hi to all,
very urgent query

how to minus the two times(hh:mm:ss)in sql server


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Difference Between The MS SQL And The SQL Server? (was Newbie To MS SQL)

Nov 30, 2005

I am totally a newbie to MS SQL. I have a question regarding the MS SQL: What is the difference between the MS SQL and the SQL Server? Is it the same? and what should be install for MS SQL on the server and the client side???

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Time Difference In SQL Server

Dec 6, 2007

I am new to SQL Server and am trying to write a query that subtracts the time difference in the same column. I need to know the time difference between BatchSequence 2, LoadSequence 1 and BatchSequence 13, LoadSequence 3. Below is an example of the data. Thanks in advacne for the help!

13 1Part Number11/1/2007 6:08:02 AM
13 2Scan Trace11/1/2007 6:08:03 AM
13 3Slot Position11/1/2007 6:08:04 AM
2 1Part Number11/1/2007 5:53:06 AM
2 2Scan Trace11/1/2007 5:53:07 AM
2 3Slot Position11/1/2007 5:53:08 AM

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Difference Between Access And SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following query in Access:SELECT a.interest_parent_id, a.interest_element_id, b.alr_category_id ASinterest_category_id, a.allergy_parent_id, a.allergy_element_id,c.alr_category_id AS allergy_category_idFROM (AllergyDrugPermutation AS a INNER JOIN alr_category_drug_map AS b ONa.interest_element_id = b.drug_id) INNER JOIN alr_category_drug_map AS c ONa.allergy_element_id = c.drug_idand all is well!When I create the same query in SQL sever (using the desinger), I get:SELECT a.interest_parent_id, a.interest_element_id, b.alr_category_id ASinterest_category_id, a.allergy_parent_id, a.allergy_element_id,c.alr_category_id AS allergy_category_idFROM dbo.AllergyDrugPermutation a INNER JOINdbo.alr_category_drug_map b ON a.interest_element_id =b.drug_id INNER JOINdbo.alr_category_drug_map c ON a.allergy_element_id =c.drug_idThe only structural difference I see here is that SQL removed the ( and )from around the first join and created the double join.When I run this query I get stuck in a loop and eventually the sever willtime out. If I only have the first join there is no time out issues but ofcourse the result is not what I desire.Can someone help me out here and tell me what is wrong with the statementused in SQL?Thank you in advance,Eric

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Difference Between The Versions Of SQL Server

Jun 22, 2006

Do you find that there is a big difference between the different
versions of SQL server (6.5, 7, 2000, 2005) as is between Microsoft
programming languages (VB.4, VB5, VB6, .Net and now .Net 2)
Or is the difference in SQL server minimal and very small compared to the programming languages I mentioned.
Thanks a lot

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MySQL Vs. MS SQL Server. What's The Difference?

Jul 19, 2007

I'm a beginner programmer and databases are still a bit of a mystery to me. I have some basic questions that I can't find direct answers for anywhere but which I think should be fairly simple for someone acquainted with using databases in programming.

1. MySQL & MS SQL Server (or Express)...what's the difference? Are they mutually compatible? Are all SQL files written in the same file format?

2. If I write create a MySQL database on my website to store customer data, can my application which was written with VB 2005 Express (and which uses MS SQL Server Express) read those database files? Vice-versa?

3. If I create a MS SQL database in VB express for my application, is that database on some huge central server somewhere or is my computer used as the server, or what? (yeah, I know that's probably a really stupid question but I can find the answer in any of the three programming books I've bought in recent months or online either.)

4. I've read the MySQL is free unless I use the databases within an actual application from which I'm making money, in which case I need to buy a license. What about MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express? Microsoft can be so withholding about what costs money, what is free, and what is temporarily free.

That's all for now...I hope someone can answer my stupid questions.

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Difference Between Running MS SQL Server 2000 On A Desktop PC And A Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi Everyone,Apparently, I was being asked on a question, "Why don't we procure adesktop PC to run MS SQL Server 2000 rather than a buying a server?".From a Management point-of-view, buying a desktop PC is much cheaperthan a server. However, I just wanted to understand that is it aviable solution given the database size is something around 200 GB?Equipping with more memory, more storage and a more powerful CPU on adesktop PC could really taking up the role to support the DBMS?Besides this "sensitive" costing concerns, what will be othersdifference in running the SQL Server 2000 on the two differenthardware architecture? For example, IO rate, reliability, RAID-1support, performance, … etc.(Note: The operating system is Microsoft Windows 2000 EnterpriseEdition)Regards,Ambrose

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Strange Behaviour

Oct 3, 2006

This is the actual statement displayed from Response.Write in classic ASP. INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '06-012497',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'2006-Oct-3',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum = '000002' There are 4 records returned from the SELECT part of the statement. In some situations, 4 records are inserted to WOTasks table, in others, only 1 record is inserted. I can't find out why 1 record, instead of 4, record is inserted. A form page submits the form to the save page using post method. The above statement is contained in the save page. When one of the form textbox is filled, 1 record is inserted. When the textbox is not filled, 4 records are inserted. You may think the textbox has something to do with the behaviour. I also think so but the content of the textbox does not affect the sql statement. In both cases, the insert statement is the same. In the actual codes, only strings in quotes are variables and the rest are hardcoded. When I run the statement in SQL Server, 4 records are affected. No such problem when connected with Access.The actual code belowSub AddTask(ByVal proc, ByVal wonum)   Dim sSQL   sSQL = "INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '" & wonum & _          "',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'" & curDate & "',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum='" & proc & "'" 'Response.Write sSQL:Response.End   conn.Execute sSQL, , 128 End Sub

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Odd Order By Behaviour

Feb 24, 2004

Might be out to lunch, but I can't figure why this is being ordered the way it is:

SELECT '1' as t
SELECT 'A' as t
union all
SELECT '['as t

I'd expect it to be 1, A, [ but instead it's [, 1, A [ is ascii 91 which is greater than both 1 and A, so why does it come first?


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Odd (slow Behaviour Of SQL)

Apr 13, 2006


I am using MSDE and Analysis Services (lastest packs) and the same installation on the same machine has been working great for the last 18 months or so untill yesterday. Whenever I try to open a DTS (in order to edit it) the machine just goes into a coma.... I have tried to re-start many times but of no use.

Can someone kindly guide me what should I look for in order to solve this.

I will be very grateful for your help.

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Weird Behaviour On Net Use

Jul 5, 2004

When I run the command:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE'
from the analyzer the box responds there are no entries in the list.

After that, I run the command:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE Z: /DELETE'
after which the box responds with a "network connection could not be found."
and that's all okay.

The weird thing is:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE Z: \MACHINESHARENAME'
results in a "The local device name is already in use.".

The machine in this particular case is the box itself. I have no problem accessing other disks on other systems. I can see the share using the view command. There's no maximum on the share itself and I can connect to the share using another sql box with the same user.

I don't know why it won't budge, worked before like a charm. After six months or so it just stopped. Anyone seen/solved this behaviour?


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Query Behaviour

Dec 2, 2005

Hi there,
I wonder if one of you worthy folks can help me out with some strange behaviour exhibited by a piece of SQL. Its my first post here , so please be gentle. :)

Here is my simple example :-

<my test table>

create table test
(ind int,
message varchar(255))

insert into test (ind, message) values

insert into test (ind, message) values
insert into test (ind, message) values

The first query is

select * from test t1
where t1.ind in (select max(ind) from test t2
where t2.ind = t1.ind
and t2.message like 'date=%' )

fine.... 2 rows

second query

select * from test t1
where t1.ind =1
and convert(datetime, (SUBSTRING(Message, CHARINDEX('=',Message,0)+1, 10)),103) > getdate()

fine same 2 rows...

but If I try to combine the 2 clauses in

select * from test t1
where t1.ind in (select max(ind) from test t2
where t2.ind = t1.ind
and t2.message like 'date=%' )
and convert(datetime, (SUBSTRING(Message, CHARINDEX('=',Message,0)+1, 10)),103) > getdate()

I get a
Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

Please can anyone help me on this?



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Can Someone Explain This Behaviour?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,The following script is reproducing the problem assuming you haveNorthwind database on the server.Please note it gives you the error message on line 12.USE tempdbGOsp_addlinkedserver 'Test17'GOsp_setnetname 'Test17', @@SERVERNAMEGOIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id =object_id(N'[dbo].[This_works]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[This_works]GOCREATE PROCEDURE This_works@UseLinkedServer bit = 0-- WITH RECOMPILE -- Does not helpASSET NOCOUNT ONIF @UseLinkedServer = 1 -- Linked ServerBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Test17.Northwind.dbo.OrdersENDELSE -- LocalBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Northwind.dbo.OrdersSELECT 1 FROM dbo.Orders_TMP WHERE 1 = 2 -- Why do I need this line?ENDBEGIN TRANSACTIONSelect 'Line 25'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Orders_TMPCOMMITgoIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id =object_id(N'[dbo].[This_does_not]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[This_does_not]GOCREATE PROCEDURE This_does_not@UseLinkedServer bit = 0-- WITH RECOMPILE -- Does not helpASSET NOCOUNT ONIF @UseLinkedServer = 1 -- Linked ServerBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Test17.Northwind.dbo.OrdersENDELSE -- LocalBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Northwind.dbo.Orders--SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Orders_TMP WHERE 1 = 2 -- Why do I need this line?ENDBEGIN TRANSACTIONSelect 'Line 25'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Orders_TMPCOMMITGOPRINT 'This_works'EXECUTE This_works 0PRINT ' 'PRINT 'This_does_not'EXECUTE This_does_not 0Thanks for any help or hint,Igor Raytsin

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Sp_getapplock Behaviour After SP2

Mar 23, 2007

We have an application that executes a few queries against an SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) database. Since there can be several instances of the application running at any given time, and parts of the logic must be serialized, we've been using sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock. This has all been working fine since RC1 on which the system was released. However, after installing SP2 about a week ago, we have been having problems. The serialized portion of the code almost always stall now.

To see what is happening we've been using both Management Studio and Profiler. We have two applications running, let's call them A and B. Both create a prepared statement which begin with a call to sp_getapplock and ends with sp_releaseapplock. In between some tables are queried and inserts may be made in others. The accessed tables are never used anywhere else but in the serialized code. This is what is happening:

Application A: Calls sp_getapplock.
Application A: Queries a table.
Application B: Calls sp_getapplock.
Application A: Inserts a row in a table.
Application A: Calls sp_releaseapplock.
Application B: Waits indefinitely (or at least more than 4 hours, after which we killed the spid).

Profiler cannot detect any deadlocks when this is happening. There are no blocking operations according to Management Studio. I can see the application lock having been set when I look at the spid for Application B in Management Studio.

Since this started to occur frequently after installing SP2 and had not been seen before, we are wondering if any changes has been made that could cause this behaviour? Has anyone else had problems using application locks, where a query would stall indefinitely waiting for the lock to be released? How then did you resolve it?

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome,

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CTE Behaviour In SQL 2005

Feb 17, 2006

I were trying to achive paging through using a CTE etc, but ran into the following weither thing happening. The CTE allows me to use avariable as the ORder By field, although the CTE do not care at all what is in there? Have any one seen this or maybe can explain this?

USE AdventureWorks;


DECLARE @SortExpression Varchar(50)

Set @SortExpression = 'SalesPersonID ASC';

WITH Sales_CTE (RowNumber, SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)




ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order by @SortExpression) RowNumber,

SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

GROUP BY SalesPersonID


Select * From Sales_CTE;

WITH Sales_CTE1 (RowNumber, SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)




ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order by SalesPersonID ASC) RowNumber,

SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

GROUP BY SalesPersonID


Select * From Sales_CTE1

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DBDate - Different Behaviour

Nov 20, 2007

When I run the package from business solution environment, DBdate cast converts my date column (correctly) into a European date format dd/mm/yyyy and as such is inserted into sql server table.

When I run a package as a job, the same date in inserted into the database as mm/dd/yyyy.

So, if I have 3rd January 2007 in the source, in the first case i'll find 03/01/2007 in the database.
When I run the package as a job, I find 01/03/2007 in the db.

The problem comes when I run different select statements - the 01/03/2007 behaves as if 1st March 2007

How can I avoid inserting of American data format into the db?

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Strange Behaviour

Aug 8, 2007


In My report I have 2 drop down list called Cusip and Period as parameters and they are populated using a sproc

I have a list and in my list i have 2 textboxes which have the value First(Fields!FundNameNoFee.Value) and First(Fields!FundDescription.Value)

The Cusip drop list has the following values <All Cusips> whchi takes the Value Null, 33335454, 115544454.

If i give all cusips in preview mode Nothing populates in the report, but i just run the dataset i get 2 records with 33335454,1155445454.

and if i give individual cusip, the data shows up in the report...

So can some one tell me how can i show the values on the reports when All Cusips are selected....

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ADS - A Strange Behaviour

Oct 11, 2007

Hi to all!
i had tried to install ads on a windows 5. i am able to connect to the pocket database. however when i trie to connect to the database that's on desktop i see a little window (probably a message) without anything and when i tap ok i see a message telling that the connection to the desktop database was not done! i had made the configuration before.
can you tell me what is going wrong?

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