There is an issue at my company that creates a lot of confusion. Some people blame the slowness of queries on the FoxPro database, so we're considering to migrate to MS SQL Server.
What is the real difference between MS SQL Server and MS FoxPro?
Isn't MS SQL Server supposed to be faster? (It's a high-performance and very mainstream database, where I personally never knew anybody who used FoxPro). Some people claim that FoxPro performs faster in benchmarks. Is it true? If it is, why don't most people use FoxPro?
Also, when buying the database software for the server, which one is more expensive?
I didn't want to maintain similar/identical tables in a legacy FoxPro system and another system with SQL Server back end. Both systems are active, but some tables are shared.
Initially I was going to use a Linked Server to the FoxPro to pull the FP data when needed. This works. But, I've come up with what I believe is a better solution. Keep in mind that these tables are largely static - occassional changes, edits.
I will do a 1 time DTS from FP into SQL Server tables.
I then create INSERT and UPDATE triggers within FoxPro.
These triggers fire a stored procedure in FoxPro that establishes a connection to the SQL Server and fire the appropriate stored procedure on SQL Server to CREATE and/or UPDATE the corresponding table there.
In the end - the tables are local to both apps.
If the UPDATES or TRIGGERS fail I write to an error log - and in that rare case - I can manually fix. I could set it up to email me from within FoxPro as well if needed.
Here's the FoxPro and SQL Server code for reference for the Record Insert:
I want to know if there is an way to SET an index when send a query using the OpenQuery function to a FoxPro database using a linked server in the MS-SQL that points to a System DSN with the MS ODBC Driver to FoxPro.
Today was my first day to use DTS. I tried to transfer a Visual FoxPro Database to my SQL Server. I noticed that I am getting errors on the data that contains date fields. So, for testing purposes I transformed the Visual FoxPro fields that contained datefields into char fields. And this works, but obviously I cannot hunt around in a huge database looking for datefields in tables and change them manually. Plus, by changing to char fields I noticed that those fields that are empty are transformed as 1899-12-30. :p
Hi all, I'm having issues with a FoxPro linked server.
I've set up a linked server to a FoxPro dbc using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro. When I'm on Management Studio on my server the link appears to be working fine and a stored procedure I've created to get the indo from the dbc and put it into a temp table works fine.
However, when I try to execute the sp on management studio on my local machine I get the following error:
OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "tern" returned message "Invalid path or file name.". Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_SSRS_007, Line 28 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "tern".
And I also get a similar error when I try to test the connection of the linked server on my local machince.
This is now driving me nuts , so many many thanks in advance for any help!!!
I need help to import data from FoxPro tables to SQL server 2005. I want to be able to use SSIS Pkgs in 2005. We already have Foxpro Drivers installed on the 2005 Server. Pl let me know what data source connections shud I use to be able to extract data from Foxpro .dbf tables into sql server 2005?
I have a question and hope that someone can help me. I use of accountview application and now that are stored in the Foxpro database. I want to copy the data in my sql server, but not with ODBC but with SSIS. But I dotnow how this works. Can someone explain me step by step? if I with the OBDC do see only virtual tables and I do not want that. I want the complete bases tables in my sql-server copying Please Help me!!!!!!!!!
Hello, I have a question and hope that someone can help me. I use of AccountView application this application use of the Microsoft Visual FoxPro database. We have on another server Sql-server. Me question is how I am possible foxpro and Sql-server to each other cross-belt Len (linken) Or can I import the database from foxpro in sql-server?
I know that the DTS Wizard is supposed to be able to handle heterognous data imports but I can't get it to work with a free FoxPro table. I have to export to a text file and then import from the text file and spend an hour renaming columns and farting around with datatypes.
I don't fully understand some of the questions the DTS Wizard is asking. Can anybody give me a blow by blow account before I ring the Samaritans?
Thank you and Happy Christmas - it may be my last if I can't speed up these imports. Either I'll jump under a bus or my boss will make mince pies out of me.
i have an old database in foxpro. The table in foxpro now has been broken into more than tables in sql server 6.5 . how do i append the data to sql server database to the respective tables from the foxpro database. vineet
Hi,I have a large FoxPro table with an index that I need to be Queried from SQLServer by OLE.DB or ODBC. If I query the DBF directly a search takes 1Minute +. Is there a way I can call the data from the table and use theexisting FoxPro Index?ThanksSteve
I have worked soley with Sybase for almost ten years! Now I have been tasked with converting a bunch of data currently in a FoxPro database to a Microsoft SQL Server database. Short of writing some routines myself (which I don't mind doing), is there a shortcut for doing this? Any specifics would be great as it seems this could be mind boggling as far as dates go and so many other things!
I am trying to add a FoxPro linked server to MS SQL 2005, and I can't seam to create a linked server that works. What am I doing wrong in linking the server?
I have an ODBC connection that worked but not OLEDB; how can I do this with OLEDB (either VFPOLEDB or Jet, if it will work) and not ODBC.
This is what I thought was right
Code Snippet
sp_addlinkedserver 'test',
But it gives the error:
Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "test".
Also I know in MS SQL 2000 once you linked a server you could view it in EM, but when I linked the VFP via ODBC I could query agianst it, but I could not open it in Mangament Studio.
I've downloaded and installed the latest VFPOLEDB (12/04) on 2 separate SQL Server boxes.
In both cases, If I connect to SQL Server with Query Analyzer as (local) while on a box, the linked server to my foxpro database works fine with openquery().
However, If I'm at one box and attached to SQL Server on the other box, the openquery() fails.
--this works on either (local) box SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(VFP, 'select * from tislists') Go
--but, the same openquery() above doesn't work if the box I'm running it from is attached to the SQL Server on the other box. I get:
Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'VFPOLEDB'. OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for VFPOLEDB returned 0x80040154]. ===================== One other approach I tried that works while on the (local) box, but fails when attached to the SQL Server on the other box:
select * from openrowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver;SourceType=DBF;SourceDB= \hdmcpdctis1 isrnddata ', 'select * from [tislists.DBF]')
With error: Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. [OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function] OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: ]. ===========================
Using the Import/Export Data Wizard, I'm trying to export a FoxPro 2.5 DOS (as dBase III) table of 15,000 records to SQL Server 2000. I keep getting this error message: Insert Error, Column 32 ('PROG_START',DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), Status 6: Data Overflow. Invalid character value for cast specification.
I have SQL Server create the table each time I run the wizard. The new table allows NULLS in this column and I made sure to overwrite the empty date fields in the FoxPro table with blanks to make sure it would result in NULL. Originally SQL Server tried to put this as SMALL DATETIME, but when I got the message earlier, I changed it to DATETIME.
How can i create a linked server for Microsoft Visual Foxpro databases ?
I'm using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver.
I success create a linked server, and can browse all tables from linked server connections, but why when query data using
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(PIP_TEST,'select * from tbctrl')
It getting error message
Cannot process the object "select * from tbctrl". The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "pip_test" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.
I€™ve been working on getting a linked server through SQL 2005 to work with VFP 9. I get access denied for any and all security set ups on the linked server. I€™ve checked the folder-level security settings and see that the user I€™m logged in as, and have tried through security settings, and they seem to have access. What other security settings should I be checking?
I am unsure if this is the correct forum to send this question, but I can't seem to find any information regarding this problem. If this is the wrong place, please direct me to the correct spot.
I am attempting to import data from a free tables FoxPro database to SQL 2000 using a DTS Package which has worked correctly every day for the past 2 years. Yesterday, I got an error.
The package has around 10 tables that it deletes, re-creates, and populates with data from the Foxpro. All of the tables except one work correctly.
When I try to do an explicit import using the ODBC connection to populate that one table, I get the following error: Context: Error calling Openrowset on the provider.
I created an access database on my local computer and setup an ODBC connection and link tables to the database to see if it would work, and it did. So I thought there might be something wrong with the ODBC data source on the SQL Server, so I deleted it and created a new one, used it and I receive the same error.
I thank you in advance for any assistance or direction you can provide me for finding an answer.
I'm having problem with an OpenQuery statement in stored procedure, which should be run on FoxPro linked server. I'm getting either an error messages or not the result I expected. I know that the problem is with WHERE part, without this part it works.
Here is the code: ------------------------------------- DECLARE @LastDate datetime SELECT @LastDate = MAX(DateChaged) FROM tblPersonel WHERE ACTIVE IN( 'A', 'T')
1. I tried: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(FoxProLink, 'SELECT ACTIVE, EmpNumber FROM tblPersonel WHERE DateChanged >=''+@LastDate+''')
This line gives me an error msg:
Could not execute query against OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. [OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Operator/operand type mismatch.]
2. I tried to use CTOD() - FOXPRO function to convert character to date.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(FoxProLink, 'SELECT ACTIVE, EmpNumber FROM tblPersonel WHERE DateChanged >=CTOD(''+@LastDate+'')')
-this doesn't give any error, but doesn't limit the result set as it should.
I'm posting this because I found this solution after much digging.
The goal here is to incorporate a variable parameter within a OPENQUERY and, ultimately build a dynamic Where clause for use within a OPENQUERY linked server routine. I'm posting because I spent a lot of time trying to get this to work and also, have seen other posts here that hinted it wasn't doable.
First of all - there a good quick article that gets close for FoxPro and possibly works as is for ACCESS:
SET @TSQL = 'select cov,family,model from vinmast where family='+'['+@FAMILY+']'')'
All shown are single quotes.
In Visual Foxpro, ' ' or " " or [ ] can be used a delimeters
In addition, if wanting to build a dynamic where clause, you could do something like:
SET @TSQL = 'select cov,family,model from vinmast ' IF <some condition met to include FAMILY filter> Begin SET @TSQL=@TSQL+'where family=['+@DUTFAMILY+']''' SET @TSQL=@TSQL+ ')' End ----------------- Here's the entire Stored Procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ewo_sp_DUTLookup ( @DUTPROJECT char(25)=NULL,--Project @DUTFAMILY char(10)=NULL,--Family @DUTMODEL char(20)=NULL,--Model @DUTYEAR char(4)=NULL,--Model Year @DUTBEGIN char(25)=NULL,--Beginning of COV/DUT number @DEBUG int=0 )
DECLARE @OPENQUERY varchar(4000), @TSQL varchar(4000), @TWHERE varchar(4000), @intErrorCode int
IF @intErrorCode=0 Begin SET @OPENQUERY = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(VFP,''' SET @TSQL = ' select dut_pk,cov,family,model,project,modelyr from vinmast ' End
set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
IF @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTFAMILY is not NULL or @DUTMODEL is not NULL or @DUTPROJECT is not NULL or @DUTYEAR is not NULL or @DUTBEGIN is not NULL set @TWHERE=' where '
-- Check for Family criteria If @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTFAMILY is not NULL and Len(@TWHERE)>0 SET @TWHERE=@TWHERE+' family=['+@DUTFAMILY+'] AND ' set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
-- Check for Model criteria If @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTMODEL is not NULL and Len(@TWHERE)>0 SET @TWHERE=@TWHERE+' model=['+@DUTMODEL+'] AND ' set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
--Check for Project criteria If @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTPROJECT is not NULL and Len(@TWHERE)>0 SET @TWHERE=@TWHERE+' project=['+@DUTPROJECT+'] AND ' set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
--Check for Model Year If @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTYEAR is not NULL and Len(@TWHERE)>0 SET @TWHERE=@TWHERE+' modelyr=['+@DUTYEAR+'] AND ' set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
--Check for beginning of DUT If @intErrorCode = 0 and @DUTBEGIN is not NULL and Len(@TWHERE)>0 Begin SET @DUTBEGIN=RTRIM(@DUTBEGIN) SET @TWHERE=@TWHERE+' substr(cov,1,'+cast(len(@DUTBEGIN) as char(20))+')=['+@DUTBEGIN+'] AND ' End set @intErrorCode = @@ERROR
IF @intErrorCode=0 AND substring(@TWHERE,Len(@TWHERE)-3,4)=' AND ' Begin set @TWHERE=Substring(@TWHERE,1,Len(@TWHERE)-3) select @intErrorCode=@@ERROR End
IF @debug<>0 and @intErrorCode=0 Begin print @intErrorCode print @OPENQUERY print @TSQL print @TWHERE print @OPENQUERY+@TSQL+@TWHERE End
I have a report that accessed a Visual FoxPro 6.0 database via ODBC. Since I upgraded to Visual FoxPro 9.0, now I am getting the error:
Query Server Error DMS-E-RBI_TABLE The table or view <table name> was not found in the dictionary
I've verified that the right path is setup and I've tried installing about every driver and none of them are working. I created a new database in 9.0 and the I can access it fine. Also, there are old tables that are accessible in the same path, just not the ones I need. Any ideas would be helpful..
Is it possible to use SSIS to synchronize the data between a Foxpro .dbf and a compatible SQL Server table on a near realtime basis?
I have succesfully created an SSIS package that will insert data into the SQL Server Table but this is only useful for migrating data. What I need is a way to insure that the data in the SQL Server table matches that in the .dbf on a near realtime basis.
Or is there a way to link from SQL Server to the .dbf (similar to an Oracle DBLink).
Hi all,I am fairly new to using triggers and was seeking some help from thosethat have experience with them. I am looking to transfer data from aSQL 2000 database to a Visual FoxPro database on another computer. Iwould like to transfer about three fields of data to a VFP table eachtime an insert is made on the SQL table. I am some what familiar withthe structure of creating the trigger but here is what I would likehelp with: Selecting the SQL data to transfer, Connecting to VFPdatabase, Insert SQL data into VFP table.CREATE TRIGGER [xyz] ON [dbo].[AAA]FOR INSERT??? Select a,b,c from SQL table??? Connect to VFP Database and Table??? Insert into VFP table Values a,b,cAny information, tips, or even an example Trigger procedure would helpand be greatly appreciated.Thank you,Brett
The DTS works perfectly when I run it manually. However, when I run itas a job it fails. Before you ask if i'm running it under differentsecurity context. I have already made sure of that. I was logged intothe server through remote viewer, when I created and ran the package,as well as scheduling the job. So the accounts they're running underare consistent. They're the same accounts as the SQL Agent is runningunder and it's the sys admin account.The data source is a Fox pro database with a pull of two tables. I amusing Microsoft OLE DB Foxpro driver as my source connection and OLE DBConnection for SQL Server as my destination. I am doing a simple tableto table transformation. The path of my connection is a mapped Drive:E:Main. There are other packages and jobs within my job queue that arepointing to the same database and they seem to run fine using the abovemapped drive. The ONLY difference between this package and otherpackages are that, they're few months old and this one was created lastnight. I have also enabled logging on this package and here is thebelow error when the job fails:Package Steps execution information:Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failedStep Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxProStep Error Description:Invalid path or file name.Step Error code: 80040E21Step Error Help File:Step Error Help Context ID:0Step Execution Started: 9/23/2006 11:39:17 AMStep Execution Completed: 9/23/2006 11:39:17 AMTotal Step Execution Time: 0.031 secondsProgress count in Step: 0
I have taken on a contract to improve reporting for an old HR database that was developed using FoxPro (Visual FoxPro, I think) with the data stored in SQL Server 2000. There are no foreign keys in SQL Server 2000 so the relationships are maintained inside FoxPro.Is there a way of extracting the relationships from the FoxPro code and generate foreign keys in SQL Server, so that I can do proper design?
After installing sql2005 sp2 a simple select query to a linked server reports the following error message:
Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded. Before installing SP2 we used sql2005 without any service packs, the linked server worked fine.
The linked server is a Visual FoxPro database.
After uninstalling and installing the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro 9.0' the issue stil remains.
i have a old database in foxpro and it has to be converted to sql server 6.5 database . the table in the foxpro has been broken into more than 1 tables in the sql server . so how can i transfer the data from 1 foxpro table to different tables in sql server 6.5. vineet
Currently, I'm using the following steps to migrate millions of records from Foxpro tables to SQL Server tables:
1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables in a dummy database. All the SQL tables have the same columns as the Foxpro tables. 2. Manipulate the data in the SQL tables of the dummy database and save the manipulated data into the SQL tables of the real database where the tables may have different structure from the corresponding Foxpro tables.
I only know the following ways to import Foxpro data into SQL Server:
#1. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then bcp to SQL Server tables #2. Transfer Foxpro records to .dat files and then Bulk Insert to SQL Server tables #3. DTS Foxpro records directly to SQL Server tables
I'm thinking whether the following choices will be better than the current way:
1st choice: Change step 1 to use #2 instead of #1 2nd choice: Change step 1 to use #3 instead of #1 3rd choice: Use #3 plus manipulating in DTS to replace step 1 and step 2
I found toll for migrating FoxPro( 2.6 and 3.0) databases to Oracle but I need one for FoxPro DB to MS-SQL. Any idea where to find it( if there is any ?)
Hello everyone,My company uses a FoxPro database right now as an interfaceand a database. For our situation, I have come to the conclusion thatit would be a better choice for us to move to an SQL server of somesort. I have been given the task of overseeing the overhaul on theprogram. I am paranoid about security and uptime, and so is the CEO andthere is more and more demand for the company to get on the interactiveinternet. I'd like our clients to be able to submit data to ourdatabase and pull data from it (only certain data of course). My ideais to convert the FP tables to and SQL server and write an internalapplication(or web-based - advantages? I dunno) for the interface. Forthe internet side of things, my idea is to have seperate web database(SQL) that will put information from web clients. Through the internalinterface, internal users would then be able to pull data from the webdatabase to the internal SQL. And through the internet (authenticatedof course), the web users would pull data though the web database, whopulls information from the internal SQL database. Would someone pleasetear this idea apart w/ advantages and disadvantages. Also, if this isthe best route, tell me how I can sell this idea to my boss. What's sogood about using SQL vs. FP over the internet? What about internally?What about security? Cost is going to place a big role on the what theCEO decides, unless I can sell him otherwise. Should I tell him that weshouldn't do it now and save some money to do it right? Or what? Somehelp please. Thanks.Alex
Any suggestions on the least slowest way to import a large Foxpro table file into SQL Server? I'm looking for ANY suggestions. I'm not sure if I changed a setting, but I get an "out of disk space: can't create file " error message when I try to run my standard data pump DTS (with a Fox ODBC datasource to a SQL table, no tranformations, straight copy). Thanks for the help.