SQL Setting Command

Jul 20, 2005


Is there a sp command I can issue which will show me what the "sort
order" etc for my MSsql server.

I need to re-install it, but need to record what custom setting it has
if any before I wipe it.

I have to reinstall to reconfigure the RAID arry under it


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Setting Command Parameters For SQLDataSource

Dec 26, 2007

I have an SQLDataSource. The SQL is
 SELECT UserName, Category, ItemDescription, Size, Price, Reduce, Donate, Sold, ItemNumber, SoldDate, SoldPrice, PrintedFROM Tags WHERE (Printed = @Printed1 OR Printed = @Printed2 OR Printed = @Printed3) ORDER BY ItemNumber DESCThe bit field "printed" can be NULL, True or False.In the Selecting event of the SQLDataSource I have the following to show ALL records. But it does not work. If I remove these parameters it show ALL records.
e.Command.Parameters("@Printed1").Value = Nothing           'ASP.NET 2.0 using Visual basice.Command.Parameters("@Printed2").Value = Truee.Command.Parameters("@Printed3").Value = False
What am I doing wrong???

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Setting The Datasource Select Command

May 22, 2008

Can someone tell me why the syntax checker is choking on the following code? It doesn't like the SQLDataSource1 reference. Protected Sub cmdSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubmit.Click
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + Trim(txtUsername.Text) + "' AND password='" + Trim(txtPassword.Text) + "'"
End Sub


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Simple ALTER Command Setting DEFAULT Help

Apr 21, 2008

Hi all, I am trying to do a very basic ALTER Command and am trying to change its DEFAULT value. Code below is what I currently have:

Code Snippet



Thanks, Onam.

*UPDATE* I found this code but are there alternative methods? Additionally, if I was to update its DEFAULT value again how would I go about doing that? Do I first have to remove the CONSTRAINT and then run the command?

Code Snippet


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Setting SqlDataSource Update Command And Parameters Dynamically C#

Aug 31, 2007

Hello all,
Ok, I finally got my SqlDataSource working with Oracle once I found out what Oracle was looking for. My next hurdle is to try and set the Update Command and Parameters dynamically from a variable or radiobutton list. What I'm trying to accomplish is creating a hardware database for our computers by querying WMI and sending the info to textboxes for insertion and updating. I got that part all working nicely. Now I want to send the Computer name info to a different table column depending on if it is a laptop or desktop. I have been tossing around 2 ideas. A radiobutton list to select what it is and change the SQL parameters or do it by computer name since we have a unique identifier as the first letter ("W" for workstation, "L" for Laptop). I'm not sure what would be easiest but I'm still stuck on how this can be done. I posted this same question in here a few days ago, but I didn't have my SqlDataSources setup like I do now, I was using Dreamweaver 8, it is now ported to VS 2005. Below is my code, in bold is what I think needs to be changed dynamically, basically i need to change DESKTOP to LAPTOP...Thanks for all the help I've gotten from this forum already, I'm very new to ASP.NET and I couldn't do this without all the help. Thanks again!
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CAT %>"ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CAT.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand='SELECT * FROM "COMPUTER"' UpdateCommand="UPDATE COMPUTER SET DESKTOP = :DESKTOP, TECH = :TECH, SERVICE_TAG = :SERVICE_TAG WHERE USERNAME=:USERNAME">
<asp:ControlParameter Name="USERNAME" ControlId="txtUserName" PropertyName="Text"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="SERVICE_TAG" ControlId="txtServiceTag" PropertyName="Text"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="TECH" ControlId="txtTech" PropertyName="Text"/>
<asp:ControlParameter Name="DESKTOP" ControlId="txtComputerName" PropertyName="Text"/>

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Setting Service Account To LocalSystem Via Command Prompt

Dec 5, 2007


I was wondering if there was any way to set the service account on sql server 2005 express to Local System via command prompt.

To giva some background to this issue, I am installing 2005 express via command prompt, however, the default service account is network I believe. However, when running this, I keep getting an "error 3415" whenever I try to attach a database, which states that the files are "read only", which they are not. However, when setting the service account to local or set the security mode to windows authenticaiton, I can attach just fine.

The parameters I use to install are pretty standard:


So I was wondering if there was some way to set the service account to local system to local using some command prompt parameter. OR if there was another way around the error 3415 that will enable me to attach a database, that I do not know about that I can use, preferrably via command prompt, but anything will be fine at this point.

Thank you all in advance.

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Programmatically Setting Package Variables In Job Step Command Line

Mar 1, 2007

We are trying to start a server job running an SSIS package and supply some parameters to the package when we start the job using SMO.

What we have now is this:

string cmdLine = job.JobSteps[0].Command;

cmdLine += @" /SET PackageGetGroupRatingYear_Id.Variables[User::RatingId].Value;1";

cmdLine += @" /SET PackageGetGroupRatingYear_Id.Variables[User::GroupId].Value;1";

cmdLine += " /SET \Package.Variables[User::period].Value;"" + periodEndDate + """;

job.JobSteps[0].Command = cmdLine;


It appears that when the job is run, the modified command line is not used.

What is needed to supply runtime parameters to a job step when starting the job via SMO?


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Rsconfig Command Format For Local Named Instance - Setting Up An Unattended Account

Dec 27, 2007

my local instance of reporting services is named and therefore I think causing me a problem when I issue the following command to set up an unattended account...

rsconfig -s localhostinstance name -e -u domain nameuser name -p password

the message I keep getting is "No Reporting Services instance found on local host.". I tried a couple of things including replacement of the word localhost with my computer name but to no avail. I tried single and double quotes around the -s parameter but no success.

Anybody know how to do this?

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Defining Command,commandtype And Connectionstring For SELECT Command Is Not Similar To INSERT And UPDATE

Feb 23, 2007

i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL 2005 with VB as the code behindi am using INSERT command like this        Dim test As New SqlDataSource()        test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString1").ToString()        test.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text        test.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO try (roll,name, age, email) VALUES (@roll,@name, @age, @email) "                  test.InsertParameters.Add("roll", TextBox1.Text)        test.InsertParameters.Add("name", TextBox2.Text)        test.InsertParameters.Add("age", TextBox3.Text)        test.InsertParameters.Add("email", TextBox4.Text)        test.Insert() i am using UPDATE command like this        Dim test As New SqlDataSource()        test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString()        test.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text        test.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE try SET name = '" + myname + "' , age = '" + myage + "' , email = '" + myemail + "' WHERE roll                                                         123 "        test.Update()but i have to use the SELECT command like this which is completely different from INSERT and  UPDATE commands   Dim tblData As New Data.DataTable()         Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated                                                                                Security=True;User Instance=True")   Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM try WHERE age = '100' ", conn)   Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(Command)   da.Fill(tblData)   conn.Close()                   TextBox4.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("name").ToString()        TextBox5.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("age").ToString()        TextBox6.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("email").ToString()       for INSERT and UPDATE commands defining the command,commandtype and connectionstring is samebut for the SELECT command it is completely different. why ?can i define the command,commandtype and connectionstring for SELECT command similar to INSERT and UPDATE ?if its possible how to do ?please help me

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Using A Variable In SSIS - Error - Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object..

Nov 4, 2006

Hi All,

i am using a OLE DB Source in my dataflow component and want to select rows from the source based on the Name I enter during execution time. I have created two variables,

enterName - String packageLevel (will store the name I enter)

myVar - String packageLevel. (to store the query)

I am assigning this query to the myVar variable, "Select * from db.Users where (UsrName = " + @[User::enterName] + " )"

Now in the OLE Db source, I have selected as Sql Command from Variable, and I am getting the variable, enterName,. I select that and when I click on OK am getting this error.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E0C.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object.".

Can Someone guide me whr am going wrong?

myVar variable, i have set the ExecuteAsExpression Property to true too.

Please let me know where am going wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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Do Somebody Know How Long (in Chars) Script(command) Can Be Solved By SQL Command?

Aug 30, 2004

Do somebody know how long (in chars) script(command) can be solved by SQL Command?

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What Command Is Used To Get Back The Privileges Offered By The GRANT Command?

Mar 10, 2007


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Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object Error

Sep 19, 2006

Hi. I am writing a program in C# to migrate data from a Foxpro database to an SQL Server 2005 Express database. The package is being created programmatically. I am creating a separate data flow for each Foxpro table. It seems to be doing it ok but I am getting the following error message at the package validation stage:

Description: An OLE DB Error has occured. Error code: 0x80040E0C.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object".


Description: "component "OLE DB Destination" (22)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

This is the first time I am writing such code and I there must be something I am not doing correct but can't seem to figure it out. Any help will be highly appreciated. My code is as below:

private bool BuildPackage()


// Create the package object

oPackage = new Package();

// Create connections for the Foxpro and SQL Server data

Connections oPkgConns = oPackage.Connections;

// Foxpro Connection

ConnectionManager oFoxConn = oPkgConns.Add("OLEDB");

oFoxConn.ConnectionString = sSourceConnString; // Created elsewhere

oFoxConn.Name = "SourceConnectionOLEDB";

oFoxConn.Description = "OLEDB Connection For Foxpro Database";

// SQL Server Connection

ConnectionManager oSQLConn = oPkgConns.Add("OLEDB");

oSQLConn.ConnectionString = sTargetConnString; // Created elsewhere

oSQLConn.Name = "DestinationConnectionOLEDB";

oSQLConn.Description = "OLEDB Connection For SQL Server Database";

// Add Prepare SQL Task

Executable exSQLTask = oPackage.Executables.Add("STOCK:SQLTask");

TaskHost thSQLTask = exSQLTask as TaskHost;

thSQLTask.Properties["Connection"].SetValue(thSQLTask, "oSQLConn");

thSQLTask.Properties["DelayValidation"].SetValue(thSQLTask, true);

thSQLTask.Properties["ResultSetType"].SetValue(thSQLTask, ResultSetType.ResultSetType_None);

thSQLTask.Properties["SqlStatementSource"].SetValue(thSQLTask, @"C:LPFMigrateLPF_Script.sql");

thSQLTask.Properties["SqlStatementSourceType"].SetValue(thSQLTask, SqlStatementSourceType.FileConnection);

thSQLTask.FailPackageOnFailure = true;

// Add Data Flow Tasks. Create a separate task for each table.

// Get a list of tables from the source folder

arFiles = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(sLPFDataFolder, "*.DBF");

for (iCount = 0; iCount <= arFiles.GetUpperBound(0); iCount++)


// Get the name of the file from the array

sDataFile = Path.GetFileName(arFiles[iCount].ToString());

sDataFile = sDataFile.Substring(0, sDataFile.Length - 4);

oDataFlow = ((TaskHost)oPackage.Executables.Add("DTS.Pipeline.1")).InnerObject as MainPipe;

oDataFlow.AutoGenerateIDForNewObjects = true;

// Create the source component

IDTSComponentMetaData90 oSource = oDataFlow.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();

oSource.Name = (sDataFile + "Src");

oSource.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBSource.1";

// Get the design time instance of the component and initialize the component

CManagedComponentWrapper srcDesignTime = oSource.Instantiate();


// Add the connection manager

if (oSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)


oSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = oFoxConn.ID;

oSource.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(oFoxConn);


// Set Custom Properties

srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 0);

srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage", true);

srcDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowset", sDataFile);

// Re-initialize metadata




// Create Destination component

IDTSComponentMetaData90 oDestination = oDataFlow.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();

oDestination.Name = (sDataFile + "Dest");

oDestination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.OLEDBDestination.1";

// Get the design time instance of the component and initialize the component

CManagedComponentWrapper destDesignTime = oDestination.Instantiate();


// Add the connection manager

if (oDestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)


oDestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = oSQLConn.ID;

oDestination.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(oSQLConn);


// Set custom properties

destDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);

destDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage", false);

destDesignTime.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowset", "[dbo].[" + sDataFile + "]");

// Create the path to link the source and destination components of the dataflow

IDTSPath90 dfPath = oDataFlow.PathCollection.New();

dfPath.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(oSource.OutputCollection[0], oDestination.InputCollection[0]);

// Iterate through the inputs of the component.

foreach (IDTSInput90 input in oDestination.InputCollection)


// Get the virtual input column collection

IDTSVirtualInput90 vInput = input.GetVirtualInput();

// Iterate through the column collection

foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 vColumn in vInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)


// Call the SetUsageType method of the design time instance of the component.

destDesignTime.SetUsageType(input.ID, vInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READWRITE);


//Map external metadata to the inputcolumn

foreach (IDTSInputColumn90 inputColumn in input.InputColumnCollection)


IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 externalColumn = input.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.New();

externalColumn.Name = inputColumn.Name;

externalColumn.Precision = inputColumn.Precision;

externalColumn.Length = inputColumn.Length;

externalColumn.DataType = inputColumn.DataType;

externalColumn.Scale = inputColumn.Scale;

// Map the external column to the input column.

inputColumn.ExternalMetadataColumnID = externalColumn.ID;




// Add precedence constraints to the package executables

PrecedenceConstraint pcTasks = oPackage.PrecedenceConstraints.Add((Executable)thSQLTask, oPackage.Executables[0]);

pcTasks.Value = DTSExecResult.Success;

for (iCount = 1; iCount <= (oPackage.Executables.Count - 1); iCount++)


pcTasks = oPackage.PrecedenceConstraints.Add(oPackage.Executables[iCount - 1], oPackage.Executables[iCount]);

pcTasks.Value = DTSExecResult.Success;


// Validate the package

DTSExecResult eResult = oPackage.Validate(oPkgConns, null, null, null);

// Check if the package was successfully executed

if (eResult.Equals(DTSExecResult.Canceled) || eResult.Equals(DTSExecResult.Failure))


string sErrorMessage = "";

foreach (DtsError pkgError in oPackage.Errors)


sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Description: " + pkgError.Description + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "HelpContext: " + pkgError.HelpContext + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "HelpFile: " + pkgError.HelpFile + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "IDOfInterfaceWithError: " + pkgError.IDOfInterfaceWithError + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Source: " + pkgError.Source + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Subcomponent: " + pkgError.SubComponent + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Timestamp: " + pkgError.TimeStamp + "";

sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "ErrorCode: " + pkgError.ErrorCode;


MessageBox.Show("The DTS package was not built successfully because of the following error(s):" + sErrorMessage, "Package Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

return false;


// return a successful result

return true;

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Setting Timeout In ASP.NET Vs Setting Timeout In SQL Server

Oct 22, 2007

In my ASP.NET app, I'm executing a stored procedure via a SQLCommand the searches a customer database. I believe the default timeout is 90 seconds. I'm curious of what happens to the SQL Server Stored Procedure after timing out from the ASP.NET application. Does it timeout at the same time or do you have to set up a value in SQL Server?

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Setting Up SQL

Jan 31, 2004

Hello, I am a SQL rookie. I have followed the tutorial and installed MSDN as it says. However, I am unable to create a database with WebMatrix. I keep getting an error that reads "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())."

When I loaded the SQL, everything seemed to go well. I got all of the results that the tutorial said I should.

Please advise on my next steps. Thank you in advance.


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Setting Up SQL To Use A SAN.

Jan 17, 2006

If you have a SQL server setup that isn’t using a SAN but just a normal raid array and you wanted to utilize a SAN now.

What are the steps, I'm guessing that you will need to start the services under a domain user correct?

Is it as easy as detaching the DB and then reattaching the DB on the SAN?

I'm assuming you need to map the data and log arrays from the server to the SAN correct?

I can’t seem to find any documentation on moving a server to a new SAN. Can someone post links if you have them?

Do you need ENT edition or is Standard OK .

Thanks for your help.

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Setting Up A New Job

Feb 20, 2006


I'm trying to set up a new job to update a field in the table, I've managed to get the select syntax to work, but when I added an IF statement and Update syntax it didn't like it and the following error was shown:-

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'BEGIN'.

This is the syntax I'm trying to use for the job:-

USE EmployerEngagement

FROM tblEmployer LEFT OUTER JOIN tblWP_Details
ON tblEmployer.Emp_ID = tblWP_Details.Emp_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN tblVetting
ON tblWP_Details.Record_ID = tblVetting.Record_ID
WHERE tblEmployer.On_Stop = 0
AND tblVetting.Next_Vett_Date <= GETDATE())
UPDATE tblEmployer
SET On_Stop = 1

Basically I just want to change the On_Stop value from 0 to 1 if the Next_Vett_Date is before or on todays date.

Am I using the wrong syntax for this?


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Setting Up Ith IIS

Jul 30, 2007

How do i do it? do i have to set up an ODBC?

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Setting DTS To Use TCP/IP

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I've noticed on my DTS that it is connecting to the remote SQL Servervia Named Pipes. Not sure why I've been getting the following error:[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).] but I wanted to changethe DTS from using Named Pipes to use TCP/IP. How to do it?Also, if anyone has any clues on what this error means, please let meknow!Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) DataPumpStep Error Description:The number of failing rows exceeds the maximumspecified. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80004005):[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error.Check your network documentation.)Step Error code: 8004206AStep Error Help File:sqldts80.hlpStep Error Help Context ID:0Tnks!

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Setting Up A Dsn

Oct 10, 2006

I am trying to connect to my database in SQL SERVER EXPRESS via dreamweaver. I am trying to create DSN connection but when i click on sql server in the optionlist it lists about 100 options of the sql server i want to connect to. How do I find out which one is the one I have my tables in and the sql server express that I use.


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Setting An SqlParameter

Jun 20, 2006

I am unable to set the value of my SqlParameter unless it is to a string.sqlCmd.Parameters.Add('@myParameter', SqlDbType.Bit).Value := false;
 Setting it to false or 0 results in error: "Incompatible types: 'Object' and 'Boolean' (or 'Integer')"
I've tried to cast them as objects and that didn't work.  I don't understand why something like 'false' (as a string) will.
FYI: I'm using Delphi.NET and hating it.

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Aug 27, 2006

sry im an idiotbut how do u take like "SELECTbla FROM blar WHERE blam=blfda" and make the thing it "selects" into a variable thnx 

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Setting SQL @ Variables From Within ASP

Dec 30, 2006

Hi, I have just started with ASP, and have a problem. I have created a stored procedure which looks to a specific tablename for information, based upon the users choice from a dropdown list.
The control works fine when executed from within visual web developer, and I manually enter the value that the variable expects. However I can not get the dropdown listbox value to be written to the SQL value. I have tried for days, traweled the net for answers, borrowed 3ft in height of SQL books! so either I am doing something fundamentally wrong, or I am missing something. My SP is:
ALTER Procedure GenericTableSelect
@tablename VarChar(20)
Declare @SQL VarChar(1000)
SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT [base model] FROM '
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + @tablename
Exec ( @SQL)
and from the page the command to call it is:
But this fails to compile and comes back with "@tablename not defined"
any pointers in the right direction would help.
The object of this is for two drop down boxes - the first is populated from one database of categories, the selection of which populates the second drop down list with items from within that category.

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Setting Up A Cluster

Jan 8, 2007

Hello all,
I've gotten approval at my work place to implement a new web server cluster. We currently have one web server running Windows 2003 and one SQL 2005 box. I've gotten approval to purchase 2 new web servers that will eventually become our primary servers.
I've browsed Microsoft's site but can't seem to find any FAQ's or How-Tos on clustering that are of any help. Is there anyone out there who has some info that could help me get started?
Richard M

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Setting Up SQL Database

Apr 7, 2007

I have been using MySQL as the back end of my .Net 2.0 applications for a while using a custom membership provider without any problems.Having now switched to a new webhost which supports both MySQL and MS SQL Server 2005 and also creating a new site thought I should set up the new site to use MS SQL..... I am having trouble however setting up the SQL server to act as the membership provider. Following the advice on here I tried using aspnet_regsql.exe...  Firstly, when trying to get the list of databasses on the remote server I get the following error: Failed to query a list of database names from the SQL Server. Invalid object name 'Sysdatabases' If I then just type in the name of my database and go through to the end I get the following error:Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated.   I can connect to my MS SQL server remotely without any problem using the likes of MS SQL Server Management Studio Express. Is there any other way I can setup the databases needed for user and roles access control or is the usage of MS SQL much more complicated than what MySQL was?  

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Setting Up MSDE

Jun 11, 2007

I've received the error - Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs

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Setting Up Ent. Manager With Fix IP

Jan 19, 2004


my host required to have a fix IP in order to access his SQL Server database.

I got the fix IP, but I don't know where to define the port number while creating a SQL Server connection in Enterprise Manager.

Anyone knows ?

Thanks a lot


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Need Help Setting Up Msde2000

May 23, 2005

hey guys heres my problem iam trying to install SQL server2000 but i keep on running into problems....??
here is what iam having problems with
it keeps saying the instance name specified is invalid there has to be an easyer way to run the program...??
i have all ready set up an instance name and the SAPWD.
any suggestions?? please help

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T-SQL Setting Default Value

Feb 2, 2006

I have the following to create a new table....
CREATE TABLE dbo.test (Id varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,    Name varchar(256) NOT NULL,    visible bit NOT NULL                                          )
I need to set the default value of the bit visible to 1.
How can this be done using a T-SQL statement?

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Setting Default

Jul 15, 2002

Hi all:

How can I change the Default value of a column in a table using sql?
for instance I have a table called Phone and I have a field called AreaCode and the default now is '123' . I would like to change it to '456'.


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Setting Up SQL Mail

May 2, 2000

Can someone point me in the direction of a good place to find out how to set this up properly please.


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Setting Up SQL Mail

Dec 4, 1999


I am using Windows NT 4.0, SQL Server 6.5 and Exchange 5.0. I would like to setup SQL mail.
I tried to create mail login, NT expects for MS mail server name and login.
When i enter my exchange server/login name does not recoganise.

Any guide please.. Thanks in advance


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Lock Setting

Apr 26, 2006

I am getting the message
DESCRIPTION: Error: 1204, Severity: 19, State: 1 The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users or ask the system administrator to check the SQL Server lock and memory configuration.

it is a 3rd party app I can't change with some ugly sql.
My current lock setting is

min max config run
locks 5000 2147483647 0 0

Do I need to change the min value to higher? What would be a good value to try, I have 16 gig of memory on the server

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