SQL Tools :: How To Print Huge Diagram Of Many Tables In SSMS
Nov 19, 2015
I have many tables, and I just want to print the relationships between them. The ones without foreign keys to primary key relations are irrelevant. I made a diagram of all tables in sql server management studio, and it shows the key relations, but its a very large diagram horizontally and vertically. Is there a way to print the whole thing so that it doesn't take endless pages that I don't know how to piece together?
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Mar 20, 2008
Are there any good ER diagram tools which are free or cost less.
I wanted to have the ER diagrams of our sql server 2005 databases.
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Jun 25, 2015
Is there a roadmap for allowing SSMS to connect to a PDW (MS SQL2012 Parallel Data Warehouse) with full functionality? Current support leaves much to be desired without installing third party tools.
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Nov 24, 2015
I have new Dell XPS13 Laptop with Windows 10 Pro, which I plan to use for development. Installed vs2013 and SQL Server 2012. When running SSMS and invoking any of the tools, e.g. create new database, copy database etc. The controls in the dialog boxes are scrambled, i.e. overlaying each other or partially out of the viewport, making SQL Server totally unusable. Uninstalled SQL 2012 and installed SQL2016CTP3 and got the same result.
The display is Intel HD Graphics 5500 using a recommended 3200 x 1800 resolution. It appears that SSMS visuals do not scale correctly. Changing the resolution offers no support and in fact lower resolutions do odd things like leave snail trails and do rapid flashing screen repaints.
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Nov 3, 2015
I am getting an intermittent problem with executing queries on my workstation. Whenever I execute a couple of store procedures that return a large numbers of rows (200,000 to 500,000 rows) I receive an intermittent error message when running the same sp with the same parameters sometimes the procedure runs fine and returns the result, sometimes I get an error message
Error message is: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Error message is: Internal connection fatal error.
Sometimes I get a datetime overflow
I also occasionally get these intermittent messages when I execute the native query that the SP wraps.
I have SSMS 2015 SP1 installed on my workstation, the servers are a range of server from 2008 R2 SP2 to 2014 SP1. It feels like a client problem as there are applications connecting to these servers and running the stored procedures without issue...
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Aug 11, 2015
trying to run ssms.msi failed with code 29506....then i am trying to use command line but i do not know how to do this.
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Sep 27, 2015
Would it be possible to get a multi-database functionality on the same instance option available in SSMS anytime soon?
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Jul 29, 2010
When I run the parse command in SSMS, it merely does a syntax check. When I run through the export data wizard by right clicking on a table, it allows a query as the data source. When I click on the parse button in the window that accepts that query, it resolves object names and notifies me of invalid ones. I'd really like the same thing to happen when I parse in SSMS...
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Dec 2, 2013
is there a way to change SSMS 2012 default query save location?
1. Open SSMS
2. Create new query
3. Click Save
I see "DocumentsSQL Server Management Studio" folder, but I want to change it to be "d:". How do I do this?
I tried:
1. [URL]- in folder "DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioSettingsSQL Server Management Studio" there is a file NewSettings.vssettings, setting it to "d:" or "d:" didn't work.
2. Changing HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsShell VisualStudioProjectsLocation didn't work too. There is no "Shell" under "110Tools"
Did I do something wrong, or is there another way?
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Jan 29, 2008
I have created a database using VB Express 2005 express edition and I have created number of tables and SP's etc.
I am trying to use the database diagram tool but I get an error stating that the database doesn't have a valid dbo. I say yes to the prompt about making myself a valid dbo but I then get a message stating that I do not have permissions to imprersonate the dbo.
How do I overocome this issue?
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Aug 15, 2012
I need to compare if two developers did the job correctly and created identical tables.
The problem is more complex, but I will try to solve it somehow if I solve the problem of comparing two tables (let them be in different SQL Server 2008 databases) and their properties. No data needs to be compared.
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Mar 13, 2007
Actually in my transformation i am transferring huge amount of data.
i have been using oledb command finally to dump my incoming data to respective tables.
For Example :
if you have two tables
table 1,table 2
in my incoming data i have a lookup and check for two unique columns with that of the unique columns in the table 1.if the record does not exsist i try inserting a record into table 2 and get the unique filed of the record and store that in particular column of table 1.
the data is very large an is this the better why or any suggesstions do let me know..
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,I've the following table with a PK defined on an IDENTITY column(INSERT_SEQ):CREATE TABLE MYDATA (MID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,MYVALUE FLOAT NOT NULL,TIMEKEY INTEGER NOT NULL,TIMEKEY_DTTM DATETIME NULL,IID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,EID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,INSERT_SEQ NUMERIC(19,0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL)GOALTER TABLE MYDATAADD CONSTRAINT PK_MYDATAPRIMARY KEY (INSERT_SEQ)GOThe TIMEKEY_DTTM field is generated, from the value actually insertedinto theTIMEKEY field, by the following trigger:CREATE TRIGGER TIMEKEY1ON MYDATAFOR INSERT ASBEGINDECLARE @M_TIMEKEY_DTTM DATETIMESELECT @M_TIMEKEY_DTTM = DATEADD(SECOND, INS.TIMEKEY +EP.GMT_OFFSET * 0 ,'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000')FROM INSERTED INS, LOCATIONINFO EPWHERE INS.EID = EP.EIDUPDATE MYDATASET TIMEKEY_DTTM = @M_TIMEKEY_DTTMFROM INSERTED INS, MYDATA MDWHERE MD.INSERT_SEQ = INS.INSERT_SEQENDGOThere is also a composite, non unique, index defined on thetuple:(MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)CREATE INDEX IX_METDATA ON MYDATA (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)GOAs a consequence of an application design change, I would also changethis index to be UNIQUE, but when I try to drop and create it I get anerror, because the tables stores some duplicated rows...In order to succesfully upgrade the index definition, I wrote some DMLstaementsto lookup and remove the duplicated rows, keeping only the firstrecord inserted, i.e. the one with the lowest INSERT_SEQ:---- This table stores then umber of duplicated records eventuallydiscovered-- into the MYDATA table; the initial value for the NUM_DUPLICATESfield is-- 0 (no duplicated record)--DROP TABLE DUPLICATESGOCREATE TABLE DUPLICATES (TABLENAME VARCHAR(17),NUM_DUPLICATES NUMERIC(19,0) )GOINSERT INTO DUPLICATES VALUES ('MYDATA',0)GOINSERT INTO DUPLICATES VALUES ('CATEGORIESDATA',0)GO---- ///////// CLEAN UP OF MYDATA TABLE--DROP TABLE TMP_MYDATAGOCREATE TABLE TMP_MYDATA (MID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,TIMEKEY INTEGER NOT NULL,IID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,EID NUMERIC(19,0) NOT NULL,INSERT_SEQ NUMERIC(19,0) )GO---- Insert into the TMP_MYDATA table all the duplicated records for-- the tuple (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID) and NULL for the INSERT_SEQ field--INSERT INTO TMP_MYDATA (MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EID)SELECT MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EIDFROM MYDATAGROUP BY MID,IID,TIMEKEY,EIDHAVING COUNT(*)>1GO---- Updates the INSERT_SEQ field to the lowest value in the group-- of duplicated records--UPDATE TMP_MYDATASET TMP_MYDATA.INSERT_SEQ = (SELECT MIN(INSERT_SEQ)FROM MYDATAWHERE TMP_MYDATA.MID = MYDATA.MID ANDTMP_MYDATA.IID = MYDATA.IID ANDTMP_MYDATA.TIMEKEY = MYDATA.TIMEKEY ANDTMP_MYDATA.EID = MYDATA.EID )GO---- Updates the value of NUM_DUPLICATES for the MYDATA table.--UPDATE DUPLICATESSET NUM_DUPLICATES = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TMP_MYDATA)WHERE TABLENAME = 'MYDATA'GO---- Delete from the MYDATA table all the duplicated records,-- keeping only the row with the lowest INSERT_SEQ-- The delete is performed only if there are duplicated recors;-- this is achieved using a "short circuit" AND on the number ofrecords-- stored into the NUM_DUPLICATES field of the DUPLICATES table for-- the MYDATA table...--DELETE FROM MYDATAWHERE ( SELECT NUM_DUPLICATES FROM DUPLICATES WHERE TABLENAME ='MYDATA') > 0 ANDEXISTS ( SELECT 1FROM TMP_MYDATAWHERE MYDATA.MID = TMP_MYDATA.MID ANDMYDATA.IID = TMP_MYDATA.IID ANDMYDATA.TIMEKEY = TMP_MYDATA.TIMEKEY ANDMYDATA.EID = TMP_MYDATA.EID ANDMYDATA.INSERT_SEQ > TMP_MYDATA.INSERT_SEQ )GOThis tecnique works fine on a normal table (1M recs) but is not veryperformanton huge tables (>10M records)!Do you know a better way to achieve the task of removing all theduplicates records, preserving the lowest INSERT_SEQ betwee theduplicates and also preserving the sequence seed, so that a new recordinserted at time t1>t0 is enumerated with an INSERT_SEQ|t1 >max(INSERT_SEQ)|t0 ?Thanks a lot for your help!PatrizioPS. sorry for such a large post!
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Oct 12, 2006
I have a situation where I have 4 tables:
1. 2 Dimensional tables(Parent), DIM1 with 50000 rows, and DIM2 with 1000 rows
2. Fact 1 with 50 columns, 25 Million rows and with FK to DIM1 and DIM2
3. Fact 2 with 40 columns, and 25 Million rows and with FK to DIM1 & DIM2 tables.
Actually the fact 1 and fact 2 have same related data but since our Analysis cube person wanted the fact table not to have more than 50 columns we divided the tables into 2, but they have the same compound key.
Above said, I have a situation where I have to select all the columns, in both fact tables, and do a group by. I wrote the query and ran "Analyze Query in the Database Engine Tuning Advisor" for it. It gave bunch of recomendations about the statistics and indexes which I created. When I executed the query the result came up in matter of seconds, which was good.
In the query I had a condition having MarketName='Bridgeview' and DateID = 344 (FK of today-1).
When I wanted the data for last 30 days I changed to DateID in ( > FK of today -32 and < FK of today), the query responded and worked fine.
But when I changed the query to get MarketName='Aurora' (other than I used when I ran Tuning Advisor), the result returned is empty set. When I removed the MarketName condition, it is supposed to return all markets' data, but it returns only Bridgeview data.
I know the data is in the table for all markets, since reports are rendered from these fact tables for all of these markets(also ran queries to check the fact table data).
I am unable to point out the reason why the query behaves like this. It responds to the date change, but not to the MarketName change.
I really appreciate if anyone can help me point out the problem.
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May 4, 2004
Hi all,
I have a big problem. I have many tables with constraints, with foreign keys. I need to create a ordered list of tables, on the top must be the basic table what has no parents, then the second level tables (those depends on the first level) the the names of third level etc.
for example:
Table A[id]
Table B[id, idc]
Table C[id, ida]
Table D[id, ida]
Table E[id, idc]
I tried it by using information_scheme but I was unsuccesfull.
The result should be:
Thank you,
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Apr 16, 2007
I am trying to retrieve tables name for a database diagram within SQL database 2000 using T-SQL .I did some search Found that using dtproperties table I can get the diagrams name. but there is no information about the tables within these diagrams.
I wonder if there is any one can help on that
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Apr 16, 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to retrieve tables name for a database diagram within SQL database 2000 using T-SQL .I did some search Found that using dtproperties table I can get the diagrams name. but there is no information about the tables within these diagrams.
I wonder if there is any one can help on that
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Apr 21, 2007
I am in the process of designing a SQL 2005 database with tables that may hold several hundreds of millions of rows.
Due to various constraints, I am trying to save as much space as possible by optimizing the size of a row. Currently one row contains the following columns:
byte(4), byte(3), byte(3) = 10 bytes.
Adding 4 bytes for the row header, plus 3 bytes for the null bitmap (as described in BOL) I am ending up with 17 bytes/row. In a real world test it was an average of 18.3 bytes/row.
There are no indexes, no primary key and all columns are not NULL. Hence my question: since no column allows a null value, is there a possibility to "remove" the 3 bytes Null Bitmap?
Is there any other way to shave off one or two more bytes by using a clustered index etc?
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Feb 22, 2015
I need to create a few select queries based on an er diagram.
These are my Create Table statements and import statements:
Create Table Agent (Aid integer primary key, Pid integer, aName text);
Create Table Product (Pid integer primary key, pName text);
Create Table Supplier (Sid integer primary key, sName text);
Create table Supplies (Sid integer, Pid integer, price decimal(8,2));
.import agent.txt Agent
.import product.txt Product
.import supplier.txt Supplier
.import supplies.txt Supplies
I think I got all my create table statements are correct.
I need to Find the number of agents for each supplier that has at least one agent. The result should be tuples of the form (sid, sName, number of agents)
-Select Sid, sName, count(Aid) from Agent A join Supplier S on (S.Sid = A.Sid) group by S.Sid, S.sName, Aid;
But it gives me this error: no such column: A.Sid
Im thinking I might have a problem with my create table statement and/or primary key statements?
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Jun 9, 2015
In last week my database was crashed and some how i managed to restore it back on SQL2K12 but after restoration all the relationships are removed and sql server is showing below message when i open diagram of the database.Table(s) were removed from the diagram because privileges were removed to these table(s) or the table(s) were dropped.how to get back all the relationships of the tables.
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Apr 23, 2007
I have created a database with several tables. I want to create a database diagram to show the relationshipbetween the tables. Below are the steps from the SQL Server 2005 documentation on how to create a database diagram. The problem is that when I right click on the Database Diagrams folder I am only given two options. They are:"Working with SQL Server diagrams" and "Refresh"There is no menu choice to create a new database diagram. Can anyone tell me what the problem here is?
To create a new database diagramIn Object Explorer, right-click the Database Diagrams folder or any diagram in that folder.
Choose New Database Diagram on the shortcut menu.
The Add Table dialog box appears.
Select the required tables in the Tables list and click Add.
The tables are displayed graphically in the new database diagram.
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Aug 26, 2014
Granted there are nearly 8000 tables in this particular database. What needs to be installed or what bit needs to be flipped so the user can see all tables in SSMS?
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Mar 15, 2007
Where can I see system tables in SSMS?
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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Oct 3, 2007
I need to script all the tables in our 2005 database with SSMS. I see no way to do all tables, just one at a time...
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Mar 20, 2007
Hi to all,
doe's anybody know how to print all the tables and schemes from the Microsoft SQL Management studio?
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Jun 27, 2007
Hi All,
I have a report which has four tables in it. But I have only one
Dataset. Since this dataset has more then 30 fields, I have divided
this into four tables to be shown in a report. This will help the user
to take print of the report and place each print out side by side for
Showing each table in a new page is just fine. It works. But when we
take print out some times rows of second table are printed in same
page that shows rows of first table.
With this user can not put each print out side by side for view.
Is there any way to set option like print each table in new page? I
mean to say after printing first table, second table print should
start at new page.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 29, 2007
I just started a new job and 1st time on sql server, how can i print list of queries, tables, views, stored procedures and functions?
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Mar 25, 2008
How can i print or export all fields for all tables in my sql 2005 db?
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Jul 20, 2005
Does anyone know if there's an SQL command i can run that will listthe tables in a database that have an identity column set to NOT FORREPLICATION?Many thanksDan Williams.
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Jul 23, 2007
I have a fairly large report with multiple matrix tables. They grow to a fixed width horizontally and may grow to various heights vertically. I have the interactive height set to zero so that it displays on the web page on one screen. When I go to print this report, I am getting a blank page between each page with data. Here are my dimensions:
height: 15 in
width: 8.5 in
interactive height: 0 in
interactive width: 8.5 in
left margin: .5 in
right margin: .5 in
top margin: .5 in
bottom margin: .5 in
height: 13.3875 in
width: 6.9 in
Would this problem be due to the fact that my matrix tables span an area greater than a normal page height in design mode even before they grow dynamically? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Apr 18, 2008
I am new to sqlserver.
1)I created a linked server to a oracle database, works fine. Now I am writing queries, using "Query Desgner", when I do a "Add table" linked server tables do not appear. Is this a limitation. I can get around the problem by creating a view.
2) When I use "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" for linked server, some times connection seems to get lost. On one occassion, the next day it was fine, it re-established itself.
Any ideas thnx.
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Apr 3, 2000
I have a TRANSACTION table with 150 million rows.
I have a USER table.
Each user has about 600 records in the TRANSACTION table.
The TRANSACTION cluster index is on USERID + RECID . The second index is on USERID + Fieldx + Fieldy.
The TRANSACTION table gets about 1.4 million inserts in a normal day and about 40,000 updates.
I want to go through the USER table and delete all users who have not visited me in a while.
I want to do this without substantially hindering performance in a production environment. I can perform this over a week period or two if needed.
The best way I thought of doing this was to grab x amount of users in a cursor and loop through deleting their corresponding TRANSACTION records.
Does anyone have any ideas on a better way. What is going to happen to my indices during this time ?
Thanks !!!
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Oct 2, 2014
I have the following setup:
- An MSSQL 2014 Standard server that houses multiple small databases (in excess of a hundred).
- These databases are frequently dropped and restored by an application that uses this SQL Server.
- There is a business need for this setup at this time, so I can't get away from it. Therefore answers like "don't have so many small databases that are frequently dropped and restored" would be somewhat unuseful
This is the problem I have:
- When I connect SSMS 2014 to the server and expand the "Databases" node, it takes forever to display. In comparison, SSMS 2008 connected to SQL 2008R2 server with the same number of databases displays the Databases tree very quickly.
I ran a trace to see what exactly SSMS 2014 is doing. When the "Databases" node is expanded, it runs a query that checks each database for Memory-Optimized Tables (new and wonderful feature of SQL 2014 for sure, but I'm not using it, at least yet). Naturally, when you have to loop through over a hundred DBs, it takes time. Worse yet, if one of these DBs is in process of being restored, the query sits and waits to time out before proceeding to the next DB. Sometimes this causes outright timeouts. Here is the query:
use [MyDatabase]
ISNULL((select top 1 1 from sys.filegroups FG where FG.[type] = 'FX'), 0) AS [HasMemoryOptimizedObjects]
To be sure, this is NOT a SQL Server performance issue. This server processes a rather heavy workload and has been doing so for over a month, and the workload completes within expected time limits or better. Even so I've done some basic performance measuring, and the server itself is quite all right.
Moreover, if I connect SSMS 2008 to it, I get an error message (Index out of bounds or somesuch), but SSMS 2008 does connect, and displays the Databases tree much faster than SSMS 2014.
I'd like to turn off the option to check for Memory Optimized Objects altogether, as I'm not using the feature.
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