SQL XML :: How To Parse Different Sections XML With OPENXML

Aug 26, 2015

I am learning how to parse XML data into SQL table.  Below partial XML data contains multiple sections.  I used OPENXML to parse one section but need to parse the remaining sections into a table.  For example, below openxml code can only retrieve elements under "NewHires/Newhire/EmployeeInfo/PersonName" section.  I also need to parse elements under "NewHires/Newhire/EmployeeInfo/ContactMethod" sections.  Notice that there are three subsections underneath the ContactMethod section ("/Telephone", "/InternatEmailAddress", and "/PostalAddress") sections.  Not to mention there are EmergencyContact section follow behind. 

OpenXML can only extract one section at a time.  Does it mean I have to write multiple OpenXML, store them into multiple temp tables then merge them into a single table?  If that is the case, how to save all these data into a single table? 

parse all the elements in lieu of OpenXML?

Here is the partial XML data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Underlay Following Sections

Mar 5, 2008

Hello there.

With my team we have to convert all our CrystalReports-Reports to ReportingServices-Reports.
Now i have a problem with on functionality in CR.

I just have a table. One group, two columns. like this:

Column1 Column2
GroupTextBox1 empty
empty DetailTextBox1

Now i want to underlay the following DetailRows to the Group.
There can be many DetailRows and the GroupTextBox1 is bigger than one line.
If its possible i dont want to use subreports

Can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance, Tobi

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General SQL - Need Same Inner Select In FROM And WHERE Sections...

Feb 29, 2008

Hi, I've got the query below which works as needed, but it performs the same inner select twice at present. What is the best way of eliminating the second evaluation of the inner select statement?
SELECT TOP 1 condition FROM
  (SELECT condition, COUNT(condition) AS total FROM [JCM].[dbo].[jcmresults] GROUP BY condition)
WHERE total = (SELECT MIN(total) FROM
  (SELECT condition, COUNT(condition) AS total FROM [JCM].[dbo].[jcmresults] GROUP BY condition))

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Cleaning Up Hardcode Sections

Jan 5, 2005


Does anyone know of a neat and easy way to modify this section of hardcode:

SELECT CASE dbo.requestsbyyeartemp.themonth when '1' then 'January' when '2' then 'Febuary' when '3' then 'March'
when '4' then 'April' when '5' then 'May' when '6' then 'June' when '7' then 'July' when '8' then 'August'
when '9' then 'September' when '10' then 'October' when '11' then 'November' when '12' then 'December' end as 'themonth', etc...

Requestsbyyeartemp is a table where the numbers corresponding to the months are stored. This statement is used to make a new table where the months are stored with the proper names and not numbers.

I would sooner not have any hardcode at all if there is a simple way to do it.


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Hiding Sections Of Text

Feb 15, 2008

I'm new at Reporting Services. I need to know if the Reporting Services will meet my needs.

I need to create a report that looks much like a Word document with large sections of text. Is it possible to hide some sections of text based on boolean fields in a SQL table/query?

Alternatively.. will it handle rich text? I could then select the appropreate section to display by query.

Thanks in advance

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Hiding/Collapsing Report Sections

May 16, 2007

I have lot of information to display on one report. I am trying to come up with a reasonable layout, that could include all the information on one page without over whelming the user. Essentially I would like to divide the report in three sections, ideally with a collapse/expand functionality. Is it possible with Reporting services. How?

- Section1 Heading....(Expanded/Visible)

<Table, text boxes, lists go here>

<data region>

<data region>



+ Section2 Heading (Collapsed/Hidden)

<Table and other data regions are hidden>

+ Section3 Heading (Collapsed/Hidden)

<Table and other data regions are hidden>

Any help will be appreciated.



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Multiple Sections In SQL Server Reports..

Nov 15, 2007

Am using SQL Server Reporting service to generate reports.Actually i want is a reports containng two sections,How can i achieve that?

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Creating Sections And Subsections In Report

Feb 26, 2008

I am new to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
Please tell how to create sections and subsections in the report.
Pls provide if any document is there ..

Rajiv Gupta

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Retrieving Random Sections From A Data File

Jun 2, 2007

On my company's website, we have a quote of the day. I would like to be able to type a hundred or so quotes into a mdf file. Then, I would like to have code that randomly selects one of the quotes every day and posts it.
....What I want is very similar to the "Image Of the Day" section on many websites.
Any ideas?

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Nov 19, 2007


I've run into a problem using openxml and would greatly appreciate any help or direction!

The Xml document I am working with contains the following excerpt:

<PostCode>GIR 0AA</PostCode>

My problem is this: There can be a variable number of line elements (between 2 and 5), and in addition each element tag is identical to the others, i.e. Line.

I am trying to populate a SQL Server 2000 table (which contains the columns AddressLine1, AddressLine2, etc.) using OpenXML

Here's the code for my sproc....

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc

FROM OPENXML (@idoc, 'root/data/', 2)
WITH (Number int '//no',
// address line detail here
Postcode varchar(10) '//PostCode')

I'm ok with OpenXML/sp_xml_preparedocument syntax and that, but I can't think how to handle unknown multiple address lines with the same tag name!


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Oct 3, 2005

Hi,My application writes data into sql server.Currently it converts data into XML (an in memory XML string) and writeusing OPENXML.I want to know if i write it to a csv file and use BCP, then will it befaster then OPENXML. (i feel, writing to a csv will create IO operation thatwill slow down the process).Thanks

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Jul 20, 2005

I have a SP set up to take an input param and then fire the followingsp_xml_preparedocumentOPENXML (With a select statement)sp_xml_removedocumentThis works fine with the XML syntax that microsoft provides in itsdocumentation ...<ROOT><Customer><CustomerID>VINET</CustomerID><ContactName>Paul Henriot</ContactName><Order OrderID="10248" CustomerID="VINET" EmployeeID="5"OrderDate="1996-07-04T00:00:00"><OrderDetail ProductID="11" Quantity="12"/><OrderDetail ProductID="42" Quantity="10"/></Order></Customer><Customer><CustomerID>LILAS</CustomerID><ContactName>Carlos Gonzlez</ContactName><Order OrderID="10283" CustomerID="LILAS" EmployeeID="3"OrderDate="1996-08-16T00:00:00"><OrderDetail ProductID="72" Quantity="3"/></Order></Customer></ROOT>The problem I am having is parsing XML data given to me in this format<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><Active_x0020_Directory_x0020_Users><Groups_Duz_x0060_mp><whenCreated>2/13/2004 7:13:21 PM</whenCreated><whenChanged>2/13/2004 7:13:21 PM</whenChanged><sAMAccountname>!WGSyEnBuCoBuDoCG</sAMAccountname><cn>!WGSyEnBuCoBuDoCG</cn><groupType>-2147483646</groupType></Groups_Duz_x0060_mp><Groups_Duz_x0060_mp><whenCreated>2/13/2004 7:12:04 PM</whenCreated><whenChanged>2/13/2004 7:12:04 PM</whenChanged><sAMAccountname>#11SeanTest</sAMAccountname><cn>#11SeanTest</cn><groupType>8</groupType></Groups_Duz_x0060_mp></Active_x0020_Directory_x0020_Users>As you can see the elements are defined differently, I have an XSLfile as follows<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><xs:schema id="Active_x0020_Directory_x0020_Users" xmlns=""xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"><xs:element name="Active_x0020_Directory_x0020_Users"msdata:IsDataSet="true"><xs:complexType><xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs:element name="Groups_Duz_x0060_mp"><xs:complexType><xs:sequence><xs:element name="whenCreated" type="xs:string"minOccurs="0" /><xs:element name="whenChanged" type="xs:string"minOccurs="0" /><xs:element name="sAMAccountname" type="xs:string"minOccurs="0" /><xs:element name="cn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" /><xs:element name="groupType" type="xs:string"minOccurs="0" /></xs:sequence></xs:complexType></xs:element></xs:choice></xs:complexType></xs:element></xs:schema>So now I am wondering how I tell SQL Server to use the new file formatfor XML?Thanks in advance for your help.

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Why OPENXML Returns Only First Row?

Aug 11, 2006

 Whats wrong with the following code,its compiling but returning only first memberid. i want all memberids to be returned
DECLARE @memberList VARCHAR(4000),@hDoc INT
SET @memberList = '<MemberList><MemberID>7136</MemberID><MemberID>7137</MemberID><MemberID>7138</MemberID></MemberList>'exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @memberListSELECT MemberID FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, 'MemberList', 2)         WITH (MemberID BIGINT)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc

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SQL OPENXML: Best Approach

Feb 27, 2008

Hello everyone.
I am new to.Net and here is what I have to do.
 I needto update a SQL table with data coming from a XML file.  I have seen some Microsoft documentation on this (the nice SQL statement that updates and inserts in the same stored procedure) but I don'tknow what is the best approach for passing my XML file to the stored procedure.  The XML contains about 12 000 records, kind of phonebook info (name, email, phone).
 What would be the best approach to do this?  What objects should I use?
 Thanks a million,

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XML - Openxml With SQL-Server

Feb 13, 2004

Im trying to update a row that all collumns are required (can not be null). Let say if i want to remove "No2" from the insert command but by default i want to make sure that in my collumn "No2" in the table of my database i have zero into it.

with tbl_xmltest
My problem is on this line above. When i remove in my XML column No2 i got an error.. "'OpenXML'. This column cannot be NUL". Is there a way to use my sql-command

declare @data nvarchar(4000)
declare @handle int

--select top 1 * from tbl_xmltest for xml auto
set @data = '<tbl_x005F_xmltest No1="1111" No2="234" No3="3333"/>'

exec sp_xml_preparedocument @handle output, @data

begin tran
select * from tbl_xmltest

insert into tbl_xmltest select * from openxml(@handle, '//tbl_x005F_xmltest') with tbl_xmltest

select * from tbl_xmltest
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @handle

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Sep 22, 2005

Hello:I am leaning to use OPENXML in my queries, but I keep encountering problems:This is the code:========================================================DECLARE @xml_text VARCHAR(200)DECLARE @i INT
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @i OUTPUT, @xml_text
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @i====================================================all I want is to return a return a result like this:HAMHEMENHEREGCASLAGIbut it keeps giving me error: "Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 98, Line 129Invalid object name 'CODE'."Could anybody help me pls? thank you

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OpenXML DataType

Sep 30, 2005

Hello, I am using OpenXML to do inserts/updates on Sql Server.
I have a problem with data type, for example, check this example:
DECLARE @record VARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @record = '<tests> <test>  <NumberofChildren></NumberofChildren>  <Name></Name>  <Active></Active> </test></tests>' DECLARE @IndexInXML INT         -- Create an internal representation of the XML document     EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @IndexInXML OUTPUT, @record           INSERT INTO   [test] SELECT   [NumberofChildren], [Name], ISNULL([Active],null) FROM OPENXML   (@IndexInXML, '/tests/test',2) WITH  (  [NumberofChildren] INT, [Name] VARCHAR(50), [Active] BIT )
  -- Remove in-memory table from memory      EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @IndexInXML  I have a table called test, it has the followig fields:1- ID2- NumberofChildren3- Name4- ActiveAll fields but ID are asisgned "Allow Null"I want to add data to this table, but if the value coming from xml is empty, I want to have null, in NumberofChildren, Name, Active.When I try my script, if the data is null, NumberofChildren with 0 value, Name is nothing, Active is 0,How can I make the INT and BIT datatypes have NULL when the input is empty in the xml? Can you helpthank you

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Jan 20, 2006

When I use 'OPENXML' in SQL there is an error message appear, that is: 'XML parsing error: below tag has not been closed: NewDataSet.', is it related to my using LOOP method? how can I solve this problem?
Here my SQL query for your reference: ''select @myn=UserName FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/NewDataSet/Table',2) WITH (UserName varchar(20))"

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Urgent Please Help - OpenXML

Aug 6, 2005

The Code is :

select @pvoSql = 'INSERT INTO ' + @pOrderDB +'.dbo.tx_customer_det '

+ '(s_lastname)' +

+ ' SELECT customer_lastname' +

+ ' FROM ' +

+ ' OPENXML ( '+@DocHandle + ', ''/xml/datacapture/orders/order/generic_customer_info'',2) With (customer_lastname varchar(30))'

exec (@pvoSql)

I get an Error saying : Error converting varchar to int @ docHandle

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OPENXML Question

Oct 10, 2006

I have an text column in a table that was intended to store XML data about queries that users submitted in our database. The problem appears that the application inserting records into the table doesn't do a great job of formatting the XML and I am having a great deal of trouble getting workable results.

The XML data in the table looks like:

Note the groups of three elements (name, oper, value). These always appear sequentially in the data and there are always a fixed number of elements. If an element has no data, then it contains the value 'null' (ie, <value>null</value>).

I want to get a result like:

Col1 Col2 Col3
======== ====== ========
LastName = Smith
FirstName = John
MiddleName = Q

When I execute OPENXML, I specify option 2 (element centric) and the following WITH clause:

WITH (name varchar(10),
oper varchar(10),
value varchar(50) )

I get a single row returned. I have also tried:

WITH (name varchar(10) '@name',
oper varchar(10) '@oper',
value varchar(50) '@value')

I get a single row returned (with null values).

I've tried lots of other permutations, but nothing so far has worked. The only thing that has been modestly successful is to create and Edge Table (exclude the WITH clause), but that's really hard for me to work with. Another option is to insert a <line num="#">...<line> around each group of three elements (name, oper, value). That worked well, but it's a pain to implement (it means going back and updating all rows where the XML data exists and inserting the proper data.

I am by no means an XML guru, so if anyone has a suggestion, I'd love to hear it.



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OpenXML Woes - 2Q's

Dec 16, 2006

Hi everybody.

I don't know if anyone can help me but I have two issues with SQL Server 2000 SP4 (version 8.00.2039 - Desktop Engine) running on W2K and W2K3. I'm also running SQLXML 3.0 (msxml2.dll version is 8.30.9530.0).

Is it me or is sp_xml_preparedocument a crippled fat dog that is blind?...not that I have anything against crippled fat dogs that are blind :)

In all the stored procs I have developed, I pass a text var as an input parameter and return an IStream to ADO (using an sqlxml provider) in COM+. All has been very well and fine...until the passed text parameter resembles a data object of any decent size.

The first error I was noticing was a "XML Parsing Error: not enough storage is available to complete this operation". Well, I thought I would debug logically in a step fashion and just prepare the doc first and then do a return and then do a return on the next segment of code to find out where the issue is. I was amazed to find that sp_xml_preparedocument is taking 7 seconds to load a simple 1MByte text input var and around three minutes to load a 7 MByte file.

I believe these long load times are causing issues with transaction timouts etc so I thought I would try to solve the speed issue with sp_xml_preparedocument and then see if the "XML Parsing Error" continues.

So, my first question is:

Should sp_xml_preparedocument take 7 seconds to load a 1MByte text variable and nearly three odd minutes to load a 7 MByte file? Surely there is something wrong somewhere?

I'm also running these tests on two machines - one is 2 GHz and the other is 2.4 GHz P4's.

Cheers and thanks for any info.


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Performance OpenXML Vs Row By Row

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

I have an variable size XML file currently +/- 5 MB(8000+ records) but may be bigger. I need to INSERT/UPDATE each row. Which is the better way of doing this? Using selectNodes on the XML and INSERT/UPDATE each row via a SP or using sp_xml_preparedocument and OPENXML therefore only calling the SP once?

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Error With OPENXML

Jul 23, 2005

I am getting an error(XML parsing error: Not enough storage isavailable to complete this operation.) while using OPENXML on server,I think the problem is with bad version of MSXML.dll (someone said Imight be using 2.6 and NOT 3.0 Parser).I want to know the service pack version of the SQL 2000 so that I wouldthen decide whether to apply SP3 or SP3a.I would really appreciate if anyone can provide feedback on this.Select @@version gives me this.Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 200000:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation EnterpriseEdition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)xp_msver gives me this1ProductNameNULLMicrosoft SQL Server2ProductVersion5242888.00.1943Language1033English (United States)4PlatformNULLNT INTEL X865CommentsNULLNT INTEL X866CompanyNameNULLMicrosoft Corporation7FileDescriptionNULLSQL Server Windows NT8FileVersionNULL2000.080.0194.009InternalNameNULLSQLSERVR10LegalCopyrightNULL© 1988-2000 Microsoft Corp. All rightsreserved.11LegalTrademarksNULLMicrosoft® is a registered trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of MicrosoftCorporation12OriginalFilenameNULLSQLSERVR.EXE13PrivateBuildNULLNULL14SpecialBuild65630NULL15WindowsVersion1438515255.0 (2195)16ProcessorCount2217ProcessorActiveMask30000000318ProcessorType586PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM19PhysicalMemory20472047 (2146942976)20Product IDNULLNULL

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OPENXML Question

Jul 23, 2005

I've got thousands of XML docs and have to import those to the DB. AndI am having problem with getting some values because of tricky XMLformat.I didn't create this XML format and I don't like this format, OOP snobdid. And I(DBA) have to look after their mess.I've got XML doc like this :<customer><customer_id>12345</customer_id><first_name>Jason</first_name><last_name>Varitek</last_name><location><city>Boston</city><state>MA</state></location></customer>First, I did following :DECLARE @idoc intDECLARE @doc varchar(1000)SET @doc ='<customer><customer_id>12345</customer_id><first_name>Jason</first_name><last_name>Varitek</last_name><location><city>Boston</city><state>MA</state></location></customer>'EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @docSELECT *FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/customer',2)WITH (customer_id int,first_name varchar(50),last_name varchar(50),location varchar(50))Then returned this which is not bad.customer_id | first_name |last_name |location12345 | Jason | Varitek |Boston MABut I need to return city and state in separated columns(I wish OOPsnobs made these as attributes in location element, instead ofelements). And I tried following and returned everything NULL.DECLARE @idoc intDECLARE @doc varchar(1000)SET @doc ='<customer><customer_id>12345</customer_id><first_name>Jason</first_name><last_name>Varitek</last_name><location><city>Boston</city><state>MA</state></location></customer>'EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @docSELECT *FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/customer/customer_id',2)WITH (customer_id int '../@customer_id',first_name varchar(50) '../@first_name',last_name varchar(50) '../@last_name',city varchar(50) '@city',state varchar(50) '@state')Does anybody have any idea to get value of city & state elements inseparated columns?ThanksJimmy

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SQLInjection With OpenXML

Mar 9, 2006

I am researching the use of OpenXml for doing mass updates/inserts.Does anyone know how this procedure works as far as sql injection isconcerned? I've always been taught to use sp's with parameters...doesusing OpenXML open up any holes in that idea?My thinking is that it would be fine (maybe even better), because thefields will still be treated as literals.Alternatively, are there any other suggestions for doing massiveamounts of updates/inserts?

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Alternative To OpenXML

Mar 17, 2006

Hi All,I want to pass XML and the data in the XML should be stored in thetables of the database. However, I do not want to use the OpenXMLstatement. Please let me know.Regards, Shilpa

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OpenXML Query

Jul 20, 2005

The below code is only pulling the outcome_id value, but is pullingback null for the other fields in the xml string, any ideas on what isgoing on?-- Prepare xml data to be transfered into an xml table in sql serverDECLARE @xmlTable varchar(8000)DECLARE @DocHandle intselect @xmlTable = '<DATA><xmlRow outcome_id="35"dt_outcome="12/1/2004" patient_regimen_id="21" regimen_id="2"record_type="existing" /></DATA>'EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @DocHandle OUTPUT, @xmlTableSELECT xmlTables.*FROM OPENXML (@DocHandle, '/DATA/xmlRow') WITH(outcome_id int '@outcome_id',patient varchar '@chvOutcomeDte') AS xmlTables-- Close the xml tableEXEC sp_xml_removedocument @DocHandleI did have this working in another stored procedure, but this one doesnot seem to want to work. I really need some help on this, thanks.

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Different XML Format For OpenXML

Apr 25, 2008

I can do this for this XML :

Code Snippet
DECLARE @idoc int
DECLARE @doc varchar(1000)
SET @doc ='
< ROOT >
< Customer CustomerID="VINET" >
< /Customer >
< /ROOT >
--Create an internal representation of the XML document.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc
-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/ROOT/Customer',1)
WITH (CustomerID varchar(10))

but how for this:

Code Snippet
DECLARE @idoc int
DECLARE @doc varchar(1000)
SET @doc ='
--Create an internal representation of the XML document.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc
-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/ROOT/Customer',1)
WITH (CustomerID varchar(10))

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OPENXML With Dynamic SQL

Sep 5, 2007

I am trying to use OPENXML in a dynamic query and i guess its croaking becaause it starts a new thread and so it does not know about the file handle

any workaorounds

I can paste the snippet of code if needed


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OPENXML Supported In CE 3.5?

Oct 2, 2007

I am viewing a list of the reserved keywords for CE 3.5 and OPENXML is listed. Can you please tell me how I would implement this in CE 3.5? Since only one SQL statement can be sent with a SqlCeCommand then how can you prepare the document, access the xml data with OPENXML, and then close the document handle all in one call? For example, I have the following TSQL code in a SQL Express stored procedure and need to port it over to CE 3.5. Could you please help with some great ideas on how to go about this porting task?

CREATE PROCEDURE [SaveConfigurationMiscs]

(@XmlData Text)




/* Create an internal representation of the XML document. */

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDoc OUTPUT, @XmlData

/* Dump XML Data into an in memory table */

DECLARE @ConfigurationMiscs TABLE (

ConfigurationMiscID Int,

ActiveLaunchMonitor NVarChar(50),

UseModeledShots Bit,

DeleteRecord Int


INSERT INTO @ConfigurationMiscs (ConfigurationMiscID, ActiveLaunchMonitor, UseModeledShots, DeleteRecord)

SELECT X.ConfigurationMiscID, X.ActiveLaunchMonitor, X.UseModeledShots, X.DeleteRecord

FROM OPENXML (@iDoc, '/xml/ConfigurationMisc')


ConfigurationMiscID Int,

ActiveLaunchMonitor NVarChar(50),

UseModeledShots Bit,

DeleteRecord Int

) X

/* Clean up XML resources */

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDoc

/* Update */

UPDATE Table_ConfigurationMiscs


Table_ConfigurationMiscs.ActiveLaunchMonitor = X.ActiveLaunchMonitor,

Table_ConfigurationMiscs.UseModeledShots = X.UseModeledShots

FROM ConfigurationMiscs Table_ConfigurationMiscs


@ConfigurationMiscs X ON Table_ConfigurationMiscs.ConfigurationMiscID = X.ConfigurationMiscID


X.ActiveLaunchMonitor IS NOT NULL AND

X.UseModeledShots IS NOT NULL

/* Insert New */

INSERT INTO ConfigurationMiscs (ConfigurationMiscID, ActiveLaunchMonitor, UseModeledShots)

SELECT X.ConfigurationMiscID, X.ActiveLaunchMonitor, X.UseModeledShots

FROM @ConfigurationMiscs X


ConfigurationMiscs Table_ConfigurationMiscs ON Table_ConfigurationMiscs.ConfigurationMiscID = X.ConfigurationMiscID


Table_ConfigurationMiscs.ConfigurationMiscID IS NULL AND

X.ActiveLaunchMonitor IS NOT NULL AND

X.UseModeledShots IS NOT NULL

/* Delete Old */

DELETE Table_ConfigurationMiscs

FROM ConfigurationMiscs Table_ConfigurationMiscs


@ConfigurationMiscs X ON Table_ConfigurationMiscs.ConfigurationMiscID = X.ConfigurationMiscID


X.ConfigurationMiscID IS NOT NULL AND

X.DeleteRecord IS NOT NULL



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OPENXML Question

Oct 13, 2006


I am trying to import an xml file into a SQL 2005 table using sp_xml_prepareDocument ...OPENXML.

I always get 0 rows affected even though there is data in the file. The table structure is identical to the XML output. The OpenXML qry uses the following syntax:

FROM OPENXML(@xmlHndAdd, '/NewDataSet/Table1', 1)

The XML file format is:

<NewDataSet xmlns="">
<Table1 diffgr:id="Table11" msdata:rowOrder="0">
<object_name />
<Table1 diffgr:id="Table12" msdata:rowOrder="1">

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you!

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OpenXML Multiple Namespaces

Nov 19, 2007


I've been banging my head against this one for a while. There are examples around but I can't seem to find anything that works (or find an explanation).

The problem: The xml document uses an imported common schema to reference common tags/objects (xmlns:cmn) but I can't seem to get openXML working with multiple namespaces. If I remove the primary namespace (emboldened in red) the SELECT returns as expected. Editing the xml document is not an option.

Here's (a simplified version) of my code...


DECLARE @doc varchar (8000)

SET @doc ='
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LHA_DATA xmlns="http://www.trs.co.uk/schema/DataShare.xsd" xmlns:cmn="http://www.trs.co.uk/schema/Common_ed.xsd">

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc, '<LHA_DATA xmlns:cmn="xmlns="http://www.trs.co.uk/schema/DataShare.xsd" http://www.trs.co.uk/schema/Common_ed.xsd" />'

WITH (LACode varchar(10) '//cmn:LACode',
OfficeCode varchar(10) '//cmn:OfficeCode')

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc


Any help greatly received!!!!

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Openxml Rowset Problem

Jan 12, 2004

hi all,

I'm trying to get some xml data into sql server but i ran into this problem: openxml seems to repeat results ...

I simplified my example to this:

Declare @rDoc int,
@sDoc varchar(4000)

Set @sDoc = '

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @rDoc OUTPUT, @sDoc

FROM OPENXML (@rDoc, 'ROOT/Rider', 1)
WITH (RiderName varchar(50) '../Rider')

it returns 3 records for the 'rider' elements, _but_ all the records contain the text 'aaa' :/

does anybody know the solution to this?



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