SQL Data Source Default Timedate Format.
Sep 27, 2007
Hello Everybody,
I have a problem that when I insert a date 06.04.2007 on my
computer it is interpreted in European style (meaning: dd/MM/yyyy)
and the same code on another computer is interpreted in American
style (MM/dd/yyyy). So on one computer 06.04 means 6th on April, and
on others 4th of June. The question is how can I programatically set
that all the SQLDataSources (or en every one of them separately) take
the date from the text box in one or the other way – not depending
on local settings (it does not matter for me too much which one -
just so that it always works the same way. It would be better for me
to use European style though).
All the best,
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Mar 12, 2007
I know this may be a simple problem, but here it is:
I have SQL server express installed on Windows 2003 server (Testing) it works fine;
When I move it to my production server (Windows 2003) I get the error message"Data source name not found and no default driver specified "
The system DSN in ODBC connections works fine, or at least completes the test ok.
My application is written in Classic ASP
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Dec 27, 2006
I have two instances in SQL on my machine. When creating a New Data Source in BIDS, I can only see the default instance. I have checked the SAC manager to make sure the second instance allows remote connections and the setting are exactly the same as the default. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Sep 1, 2015
I have several versions of SQL Server and have been using SQL 2008 on a regular basis due to this issue. Our SQL 2014 when I do the Import Data process, it opens up the dialog window, hit next, and the data source is currently defaulting to ".NET Framework Data Provider for IBM i" - when it does this it immediately errors out with:
"An error occurred which the SQL Server Integration Services Wizard was not prepared to handle.
Additional Information:
> Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation (mscrolib)
>> Failed to find or load the registered .NET Framework Data Provider (System.Data)"
It immediately crashes/closes the Import/Export wizard with me unable to change the data source to what I need it to be.
My 2008 defaults to SQL Server Native Client 10.0 and does allow me to change to that same option (at which point it errors) but it does not close the wizard.
I need a way to either:
> Default the starting Data Source to be something else
> Fix whatever error is causing it to crash - I am at a loss as to what the error is looking for
> Not have the wizard crash whenever it defaults to this source.
Any of the above solutions would work fine - but at the moment I am unable to use the Import/Export wizard at all in SQL 2014.
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Jul 14, 2015
How to set default values for selection list navigator without using parametrized queries for data source view.
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Oct 30, 2006
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specifiedSource Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [OdbcException (0x80131937): ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified]
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode) +35
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionHandle..ctor(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcConnectionString constr, OdbcEnvironmentHandle environmentHandle) +131
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) +98
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) +27
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +47
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +105
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open() +37
DBConnection.open() +12
ASP.global_asax.Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) +35
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.RaiseOnStart(EventArgs e) +2163182
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.CompleteAcquireState() +154
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.BeginAcquireState(Object source, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData) +542
System.Web.AsyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +90
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +155
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42 ODBC version 3.526.1830.0strconn = "DSN=testserver;uid=tester;pwd=tester;DATABASE=Test_Database"I've Test_Database on 2 machines (same data in both machines), one is in SQL 2005 server and another one is in SQL 2000 server.When the website was published, it can't work. (with both database). But it work in debug mode in Visual Studio2005.The website can't work when use ODBC connection but it work when use SqlClient.Help me solve this problem please. T_T Thanks in advance,
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Oct 19, 2006
trying to install sql server2005 on a windows 2003 server box.
getting msg below at the sql server . i looked at other posts on trying to uninstall SQL Native Access Client and norton antivirus. i could never find the snac on the add - remove programs and this server does not have a virus protection program yet.
here's the history of the installs on the server:
wanted to test a 2005 upgrade so:
1) installed sql server 2000 then sp4 then restored some databases to it - all OK
2) tried to upgrade to sql 2005 but ran into problems and left it at that.
had a disk drive crash on the d drive so lost the installs but not the operating system
when the drive was replaced, left alone for a while
then wanted to test a straight 2005 install
1) removed the broken 2005 attempt
2) removed the 2000
3) installed 2005 and got the error on the subject line:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.
i've gone through as many of the forums that i can and have tried several things - like uninstalling 2005 and installing pieces and parts but but nothing seems to work.
Dan <><
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Feb 4, 2008
i am attempting to run phpbb using ms sql 2005 on the same box but get the following error during the setup
Could not connect to the database, see error message below.
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
i am not sure yet if this is an issue with sql, php or phpbb
php is installed in iis and has all the modules installed which the php msi installer supported. i can run php code but in this case when i'm running the install.php file for the phphbb setup, i fill in the values for the database and got that error
phpbb detects all the required server settings and sees that i have ms sql installed
any suggestions on what that error means or how to go about configuring odbc driver?
probably a simple issue. but i'm still new with sql stuff
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Mar 13, 2008
hi ,
i am trying for a drill through report (rdlc)
ihave written the following code in drill through event of reportviewer, whenever i click on the first report iam getting the error like
An error has occurred during report processing.
A data source instance has no
t been supplied for the data source "DetailDS_get_orderdetail".
the code is
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
//using Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using DAC;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ReportViewer1.Visible = false;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = obj.get_order();
ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1_get_order", ds.Tables[0]);
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "C:/Documents and Settings/km63096/My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/WebSites/drillthrurep/Report.rdlc";
ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
protected void ReportViewer1_Drillthrough(object sender, DrillthroughEventArgs e)
DAC.clsReportsWoman obj = new clsReportsWoman();
ReportParameterInfoCollection DrillThroughValues =
foreach (ReportParameterInfo d in DrillThroughValues)
Label1.Text = d.Values[0].ToString().Trim();
LocalReport localreport = (LocalReport)e.Report;
string order_id = Label1.Text;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = obj.get_orderdetail(order_id);
ReportDataSource reds = new ReportDataSource("DetailDS_get_orderdetail", ds.Tables[0]);
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath(@"Reportlevel1.rdlc");
the code in method get_orderdetail(order_id) is
public DataSet get_orderdetail(string order_id)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@order_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters["@order_id"].Value = order_id;
ds = SQLHelper.ExecuteAdapter(cmd, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.get_orderdetail");
return (ds);
}pls help me.
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Jan 17, 2008
Hey, Im trying to find a number of users (members of the site) who have accessed my website on the current day. Im trying to do this by using an SQL statement that selects the Membership_Users table and finds all users who have the current date in the LastLoginDate field. To find the current date im using a piece of vb that finds the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I have added the extra 00:00:00 to the end of the field to match the foramt of the database field. What i cant get working is the SQL statement. What i have is below, but it gives me an arithmetic overflow. I dont understand why?? SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT(Username))AS NUM_USERSFROM [vw_aspnet_MembrshipUsers]WHERE LastLoginDate > @Date The way im figuring it, is that i want to check for any days that are bigger than today at 12:00am. I dont think it likes the greater than symbol much, again i dont know why?!? The Select Parameters are...<SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="LblDate" Name="Date" PropertyName="Text" /></SelectParameters> I would appreciate any advice you could give! Newb
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Dec 20, 2006
Here is an odd problem (to me).
I need to measure the time between timefield_a and timefield_b. So, I used
DATEDIFF (hh, timefield_a, timefield_b)
Now, they said "Our clock starts at 7am, so even if someone enters timefield_a at 5am or 630am, I want that rounded up to 7am, so my clock doesn't start till then".
So, I've been trying to create a case statement that rounds the time up to 7am but still keeps the date in tact. No luck.
Any thoughts?
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Feb 27, 2008
Hi Guys
I am trying to save date and time in sql server using vb2008 with the following line
DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mms ")
but what I see in the database is completely different date about 100 years wrong!!!
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Sep 19, 2001
Hi Kids,
I've just upgraded a 6.5 database to version 7.0 and I'm having a problem with default date output formats.
Under 6.5 the output format was: Sep 2 2001 12:00PM
Under 7.0 the same field is output as: 2001-09-02 12:00:00.000
Is there a way to permanently set the default output format for dates on a database or server wide?
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Jun 28, 2000
Hi Dear All DBAs
Does anyone know whether you can specify date format(EG dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy) for SQL server when you install it?
It seems to me that it always assume US date format when converting a date string to a datatime variable.
You can easily try this by running query
Select convert(smalldatetime, "30/5/2000"). It would say "...out of range..." until you use "5/30/2000". It does not seem to relate to NT regional setting(I already set it to our local setting dd/mm/yyyy).
You can use "set dateformat" in the application to get around it.
But I would like to change the default format to dd/mm/yyyy.
Any solution? (EG reinstall SQL server?)
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Nov 12, 2004
Dear all:
Anyone knows how to set the default fate format at SQL server as dd/mm/yyyy. Thanks for the help!
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Nov 18, 2006
Hi there,
What is the default date format used by transact sql? Would YYYY-MM-DD HOUR:MIN:SECS format work on Mssql?
I am working on a project that needs to work with atleast two databases (Mysql/Mssql). I use the above date format and while it works perfectly on all Mysql databases, it gives me trouble in some Mssql setups.
Most of the trouble arises when I am doing INSERT or SELECT queries.
How do I handle this? Is there some way that I can tell Mssql that I am using the yyyy-mm-dd format or should I find out what format that particular mssql is using and adopt it?
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Apr 17, 2014
Using SQL Server 2008 R2
I'm trying to create a report and chart for a a manufacturing resource's activity for a given period (typically 30-90 days)
Jobs are created for the length of the run (e.g. 4 days). If the weekend is not worked and the above jobs starts on a Friday, the resource's activity needs to show 1 day running, 2 days down, 3 days running without the production scheduler having to make it two jobs. (A job can have multiple interruptions due to downtime). I have the jobs' schedules in one table and the downtimes in another (so think of the downtime as a calendar table--non working hours). Unusually, the end time is supplied with the downtime factored in.
So I need the query to create 3 datetime ranges for this job: Fri running, Sat,Sun down, Mon,Tues,Wed Running. Been going round in circles on this for a while. i'm sure there's an elegant way to do it: I just can't find it. I've found several similar post, but can't apply any to my case (or at least can;t get them to work)
Below is some sample date and expected results. I hope the explanation and example data is clear.
-- Create tables to work with / Source and Destination
ResourceID int
,JobNo VARCHAR(10)
[Code] ....
Below is some sample data
|--------------------------J1------------------------------------| running
|----D1-----| |-------D2-------| down
|--J1--|----D1-----|-------J1------|-------D2-------|-----J1-----| result
|-----------------J1-----------------------| running
|----D1-------| down
|-----------------J1-----------------------| |----D1-------| result
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Feb 2, 2008
In this code how can I create a new data source and new data source view and model and structure that it run dynamic.
In this code I have a lot of errors, that they are about server and database don€™t have in current code,
In this code, first I should definition server or no?
Database dbNew = new Database (databaseName,
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(databaseName, typeof(Database)));
How can I create data source and data source view and model and structure?
Please say code of that, and guide me.
databasename and srv is unknown.
Do I add other reference with analysis services?
Please explain about these codes:
RelationalDataSource dsNew = new RelationalDataSource(
dsNew.ConnectionString = connectionString;
RelationalDataSourceView rdsv;
rdsv = db.DataSourceViews.Add(
rdsv.DataSourceID = ds.ID
OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(ds.ConnectionString);
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(
"SELECT * FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE 0=1", cn);
OleDbDataAdapter ad = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet dss = new DataSet();
ad.FillSchema(dss, SchemaType.Source);
// Make sure we have the name we thought
dss.Tables[0].TableName = tableName;
// Clone here - the original DataTable already belongs to a DataSet
MiningStructure ms = db.MiningStructures.Add(miningstructureName, Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID(miningstructureName,
ms.Source = new DataSourceViewBinding(dsv.ID);
ms.CaseTableName = "Customer";
Add columns:
ScalarMiningStructureColumn smsc;
// From table "Customer" we will add a couple of columns
// CustomerID - key
smsc = new ScalarMiningStructureColumn("Customer ID",
Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Customer ID", typeof(ScalarMiningStructureColumn)));
smsc.IsKey = true;
smsc.Content = "Key";
smsc.KeyColumns.Add("Customer", "customer_id", OleDbType.Integer);
MiningModel mm = ms.MiningModels.Add(miningmodelName,
mm.Algorithm = "Microsoft_Decision_Trees";
mm.Parameters.Add("COMPLEXITY_PENALTY", 0.3);
MiningModelColumn mc = new MiningModelColumn("Customer ID",
mc.SourceColumnID = ms.Columns["Customer ID"].ID;
mc.Usage = "Key";
Please exactly say, whatever I want
Thanks a lot for your answer
Please don€™t move this question because I don€™t know where I should write this.
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Mar 2, 2007
I have set up a new connection as a connection from data source, but I cannot see how to use this connection to create my Data Flow Source. I have tried using an OLE DB connection, but this is painfully slow! The process of loading 10,000 rows takes 14 - 15 minutes. The same process in Access using SQL on a linked table via DSN takes 45 seconds.
Have I missed something in my set up of the OLE DB source / connection? Will a DSN source be faster?
Thanks in advance
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Jul 27, 2015
I have to varchar columns that contain date and time columns.
Date           Time
22-06-2015 Â Â Â Â Â 12:28:29
My output that I want:
2015-06-22 12:28:29
Is there a function that I can convert the date format like I want.
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Apr 5, 2007
Hi, I have report parameter and its values are static lik (ABC, DEF, GHI ) etc. I want to select all as a default for this parameter. How I can do this?
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Sep 30, 2015
I know that SSRS default rendering formats is HTML. is there anyway we can change this behaviour to render in XM format for specific reports.
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May 3, 2007
I have a SSIS package loading a lot of CSV file, which first line is the column head. Some file are ordered differently. However, package still try to load the file use predefined column order (it seems it doesn't check the head of each file see if it matchs the predefined column order).
Any way to force the package the check each file's head? or I had to manually check it using VB.Net script?
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Mar 13, 2008
Not sure why SQL Server displays different date formats for the same date in Enterprise Manager query window vs. SQL Query Analyzer.
When I see table rows through enterprise manager the date field looks like 3/18/2008 12:30:00 PM
Whereas when I run a query a query in Query Analyser/or through any other application the date is shown in a different format: 2008-03-18 12:30:00.000
Is there a setting in SQL Server that can remove the date format inconsistency?
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Apr 12, 2008
I am converting an Access 2003 database into SQL 2005 Express for purposes of evaluating the SQL server environment as a future home for my data. One of the motivating factors in the conversion is the integration of LINQ with VB 2008.
Assuming that there was no conversion tool to migrate Access forms for use with SQL and VB 2008, I converted the Access data table and used the VB 2008 form designer to databind textbox controls to fields in the converted SQL database. Here are some basic questions:
The conversion from Access to SQL apparently did not include the default numeric formatting (currency, percentage, etc.) which was part of the Access data table. Is there a place in the SQL server environment to supply a default data format so that forms and reports referencing the field do not need to be manually formatted for each reference?
After converting the data table and spending 2 hours designing the dataform for the 80+ fields, I inadvertantly changed the table structure and found that the dataform was not happy (oops). I corrected the databindings manually for the few errant field references, but wonder if there is some wizard to do this automatically?
Is there a way to print out the dataform itself? I used the following code snippet in my Access form code-behind and I wonder if there is an equivalent VB 2008 function:
Code Snippet
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
Finally, Access can instantly change from dataform to datasheet presentation screens. Can this be done in VB 2008 with two views simultaneously presenting the same SQL data?
Please excuse my naivete, but in contrast to Access 2003 where program functionality is encapsulated into readily apparent controls, menus, and dialogs, the SQL server environment seems foreign, spartan, and all the words are different. Thanks, -BGood
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Mar 31, 2004
I am trying to do a simple ftp using DTS. I am using a Dynamic properties task as the file name is a bit complicated eg - f2368fd1.ext.040330.2
where 040330 is according to the date and the .2 is the second file for the day.
When i run the task, it fails giving me the error "Invalid format for string source names"
I then tried to use a simple file name such as TD.txt as a constant in the Dynamic properties task but still it fails. Any ideas ??
Thanks in Advance
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Jun 9, 2006
hi siri have table hh .it has two columnsone is hhno is integer datatype another hhdoc is xml data type likehh tablehhno hhdoc---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100<suresh>sfjfjfjfjf</suresh>....................................101<ramesh>hhfhfhf</ramesh>..................................how to convert the xml data format into the general data format plshelp me with examples
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May 8, 2007
hi everybody,
i want to create data source and data source view for data mining, with using C Sharp.
i have create data source and data source view and export to XML file, but when i change to another computer, run those XML file, it return error, when i run statement to create and biuld mining model, what can i change on xml or how to run XML on another computer sucessfully,
and have i build data source and data source view, how to do it.?
thanks for you helps
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Dec 11, 2007
Today I was making a few reports.
When I tested the reports in Visual Studio, they worked great: I got the expected result.
But when I deployed the reports to our reportserver the problem started.
When I click on the directory in which my reports are deployed, I got my 4 reports.
Till now everything worked correct.
But when I click on a report to view the results it went wrong.
I got an error:
"Cannot create a connection to data source 'Live'"
(Live is the name of our data source).
We are using the Windows Logons and I am sure that I have all the rights on the server, I gave myself 'sysadmin' rights, so it should work.
I also have tried it with all the roles assigned on my account, but then it still won't work.
When I modify the data source, and set it to another server en database it works.
The datasource 'Live' exists on a x64 MsSQL server, en the other datasource is on a x86 MsSQL server.
Maybe that is the problem?
Can someone tell me what is wrong?
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May 20, 2007
Hi there,
I'm trying to build a report for Windows Forms (C#) using .rdlc files.
But every time I run it, I get this error message. I've followed the step-by-step from MSDN instructions... but it doesn't work!
Could anyone help me?!
Tks a lot!
Luis Antonio - Brazil
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Dec 13, 2007
I was trying to load data using SSIS, Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source, source was a view to a OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). This view returns 420,591 rows from Query Analyzer in 21 seconds. Row length is 925. When I try to executed the Data Flow Task from SSIS, I had to stop the process after 30 minutes, because only 2,000 rows had been retrieved. I modified the view to retun top 440, 000 and reran. This time all 420, 591 rows were retrieved and written in 22 seconds. Next, I tried to use a TOP 100 Percent. Again, only 2,000 rows were return after 30 minutes. TempDB is on a separate SAN Raid group with 200 gig free, Databases on a separate drive with 200 gig free. Server has 13 gig of memory and no other processes were executing.
The only way I could populate the table was by using an Execute SQL Task and hard code an Insert into table selecting data from the view (35 seconds) from SSIS.
Have anyone else experience this or a similar issue? Anyone have a solutionexplanation?
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Jun 17, 2015
I am looking for a way to load the SQL server table where the source xml file format is not fixed.
It has to dynamically check for the attributes and load into a SQL Server table with changing source xml file format.
The levels of the attribute can change in side the xml tags, the C# code has to parse the file get the attribute name and load the associated value.
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Apr 16, 2008
Hi all, i got this error:
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: "component "Excel Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
and also this:
[Excel Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Fiscal Week" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "Fiscal Year" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "1st level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "2nd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "3rd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "1st Level" (16745)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "3rd Level" (16609)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "2nd Level" (16272)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.
I tried going data flow->excel connection->advanced editor for excel source-> input and output properties and tried to refresh the columns affected.
It seems that somehow the 3 columns are not read in from the source file?
ans alslo fiscal year, fiscal week is not set up up properly in my data destination?
anyone faced such errors before?
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