I'm using SQL with Access as a front end.
When the forth user tries to access the same data I get an ODBC connection failed error.
I'm new to SQL and have no idea what to do about this.
Please help!!!!
I have log shipping setup at a client site (it is their network). Log shipping runs fine until midnight, and then stops processing files. What I notice on the primary server (where the files are backed up to), all the files after midnight are set to A attribute, none of the files before midnight have this. The short of it it does not process these files and log shipping dies and has to be rebuilt. Any network admins have any ideas (I did have them stop backing up these files with their backup software) still dies
When processing my very large cube, after 6 hours, the service dies and the ASCMD returns an error saying it can't find the server / service. The rest of the server is fine and I just have to restart the Service. But the ASCMD keeps killing the service. Can anyone offer some ideas of when I should be looking?
Hello all.I have quite disturbing situation where I am not happy about the way how SQLhandles the query. Situation is related to using user function in INNER JOINselect. Although the problem occured in more complex situation the query canbe simplified to following example with same results:There is an user function, that can be as simple as:FUNCTION IsItSo (@text1 nvarchar(255), @text2 nvarchar(255))RETURNS integerBEGINif isnull(@text1,'')=isnull(@text2,'')return 1elsereturn 0return 0ENDIt can be any function returning integer, this is just for example.Then there is a query as simple as that:SELECT person, formula FROM(SELECTa.person, v.code AS formulaFROM rows1 AS aINNER JOIN rows2 AS v ON a.type=v.typeAND dbo.IsItSo(a.type,v.type)=1)as formulastables rows1 and rows2 can contain as little as two columns for thisexample - rows1 have [person] and [type], rows2 [code] and [type]. Allcolumns are of nvarchar type.So the AND clause after INNER JOIN is an obvious mistake. That is not theproblem, problem is how SQL reacts. On SQL 2000 SP4 the result for runningthe query is following error:Server: Msg 913, Level 16, State 8, Line 1Could not find database ID 101. Database may not be activated yet or may bein transition.On SQL 2000 SP3 the result is even more dramatic - SQL service will consume100% of all available processors and become unresponsive. Only solution isto restart either SQL service or the server.My question is if this self-destructive behavior of SQL server can beprevented by some configuration parameters or patches. I am a bit annoyed bythe fact that developer can kill the server by little bit of poorprogramming that is syntactically acceptable for server.One more curious bit - the section of the query located between parenthesiscan be run separately without any ill effects and get actual meaningfulresults:SELECTa.person, v.code AS formulaFROM rows1 AS aINNER JOIN rows2 v ON a.type=v.typeAND dbo.IsItSo(a.type,v.type)=1
I'm trying to install "SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2".
I downloaded "SQLEXPR32.EXE" (38,220,656 bytes) from the Microsoft site.
At the beginning of the setup the installation program scans my system -- no problems or warnings. Everything looks fine.
During installation I uncheck, "Hide advanced configuration options" simply because I want to change the default instance name. I make no other changes to the default installation.
The installation starts up but when it tries to install the "SQL Native Client" I get the following error dialog message:
"An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'sqlncli.msi'."
That's an odd message to receive since I am *not* even trying to install the SQL Native Client.
Does anyone have an idea of what might be causing this to happen. I've install SSE many times in the past with no problems.
I have written a package that archives off old orders over night, it appears that this package is failing after about 10000 second every time it is run. I don't think it is memory as I am running it and checking for memory leaks.
Basic run down of package is
EXEcute SQL task to get orders to delete
If a for loop, loop each ordernumber
within the for loop there are 2 dataflow
dataflow 1
find related records in child tables (oldb connection using query)
using a mutli split first
check (with lookup) for records already in archive database
Replication Distribution Agent often dies with the following log entry. At that hour little is ever going on so I am surprised that the error occurs.
Failed Job -> JobName: Instance1-DB1-Instance2-33, StepName: Run agent., Message: Timeout expired. NOTE: The step was retried the requested number of times (10) without succeeding. The step failed..
it's my laptop, i try to install sql server 2005. the installation program dies at the first stage. the program seem cant finish the Native Client installation and stops for ever. theres no error msg. the installation program works well on my desktop. does anyone knows what goes wrong?
We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.
I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.
Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?
I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!
I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.
hi alli've got two tables called "webusers" (id, name, fk_country) and "countries" (id, name) at the meantime, i've a search-page where i can fill a form to search users. in the dropdown to select the country i included an option which is called "all countries". now the problem is: how can i make a stored procedure that makes a restriction to the fk_country depending on the submitted fk_country parameter?it should be something like SELECT * FROM webusers(if @fk_country > 0, which is the value for "all countries"){ WHERE fk_country = @fk_country} who has an idea how to solve this problem?
I have moved several SQL 7 databases from one server to another. The databases are attached, and I can see all the tables,etc. However, I can only see 1 user, that being dbo, therefore users cannot log into the db. HELP
I'm using SQL 2000 and I'm the database owner. I have been running tests with stored procedures to add logins, revoke logins, add db access, revoke db access etc.
Now I can't seem to add users to the database. I've tried using 'dbo' and 'domainmy_username' but I'm denied permission to run any stored procedures to try and add myself to the db_accessadmin or sysadmin roles.
I've tried the New Database User dialog and choose <new> under login name. I browse for the user name on my domain, click OK, and I get the message 'You must be logged in as 'sa' or a member of sysadmin or securityadmin to perform this operation.'
I thought the dbo always had full permissions on his database. This doesn't make sense to me. :confused:
The only thing I can figure is my permissions have been revoked on the master db.
hi can you tell me how to creat users in MS SQL Server 2005 ?? i tried but i cannot.. my server name is : TOOLSBOXSQLEXPRESS can you guide me to lesson or book talking about how to creat users ?? and can you guide me to book talking about how to creat users and roles ... etc thank you
My database is being moved from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. Is there a way to copy a User from the old database to the new one, call it a different name and let it have all the same rights as the old one.
I am using sql server express edition. I have centralised database running in windows XP home edtion version. I can connect only 5 clinet computers at a time to the main database. I need to connect 8 clients to the main database. Each client is running with windows xp home edition. Thanks in advance
Hello, I am new to this forum, and ASP .NET 2.0. I watched the tutorial on how to use the login control with SQL Server 2005 Express, and was able to duplicate it easily. However, I tried to see if I could do the same thing with SQL Server 2005 that is hosted by my hosting company, and I was unable to get it to work. I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, at least until I get VS 2005 in a few weeks, and I am able to connect to the SQL Server. I tried following the tutorial on this site step by step, and some of the things they used to set it up I could not use. In the tutorial VWD creates the table automatically. If I use the hosted database, do I need to create the table, or is there a way for VWD to do it that I haven't figured out yet. Any help and additional information that I might need to know would be great. Thank you for your help. Ben
I recently moved my .NET project out to production, the server is Windows 2003 running SQL 2005. My developement server was a Windows XP running SQL 2005. Here is my issue. Under development I created a specific user to log in as, created a role and specified exactly what application specific stored procedures etc. that user was allowed access to. Everything worked fine. Backing that database up and restoring it to the new server, when I attempt to log in as the user (and yes I re-created the login, with the user, just as I did on the development server), I get this error... EXECUTE permission denied on object 'aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion', database 'MoldKit', schema 'dbo'. So I attempt to login as SA, and everything works... so I assign the db_owner role to my user and login, everything works... problem being they shouldn't be db_owner. And they're most definitely not assigned this role on development. I even went so far as to delete the database, and recreate it from scratch using the aspnet_regsql.exe and I get the same error. Anyone have any idea why this is happening, or the proper roles I need to assign so the user isn't a dbo, but can still call all the required aspnet procedures. Or could this be some other issue caused by 2003? I've seen this error in a lot of posts, but never once saw a definiative answer to what causes it and and what the fix is.
Hi there, When conecting to a MS SQL Server 2005, I could define in my connection string Windows Authentication. What account it will be used? The one used by IIS (I still don't know the user ASP.net runs, if it is independent of IIS or not)? And if I whant that some aspx pages have diferente acess rights? I need to use SQL Server Authentication with diferent users created in MS SQL Server right? In ASP.net, what is best practice: Have one SQL account, and make users access rights in Business Logic, or have different SQL Accounts por the diferent access rights I whant in every page? Sorry if this are basic questions, but In the find's I made, I saw very confusion ideas. Thanks in advance, and sorry my english. Alberto Ferreira
Hi All, Probably this is an easy question to many of you, but I'm not quite sure. I have imported a database to my local, and there are a lot of (system) users attached to it. My goal is to update the password for the system user. I have researched for a while, I find a way to update the Master.. sysxlogin. So I wonder it is ALWAYS the users who have added to individul databases, their username will always in the Master..sysxlogin table? As I have imported the database from my client, so the username are not in the sysxlogin table. Thank you for your help.
Hi there! I'm developing an application and i need to do the next thing: I need to make a process, but this process just need to be done, when nobody else is modyfing datas in the database.
Is there anyway i could check this? I have read about the sp_who stored procedure but this one return all the activity in all the databases, and i just need to check in one specifically. And there's another issue, we all access with the user dbo to the database...
Does anybody have a job where it will disconnect certain users from the database
What I would like to do is schedule a job that will run at 11:00pm that will disconnect certain users (not all of them). This program should also kill any jobs that these users may be running.
I running into a problem occasionally, where a certain program hangs up and will not release its DB locks. This then keeps a couple of the nightly batch jobs from running.
Have small network of NT workstations, A PDC and BDC. We have one SQL database on the PDC and two others on the BDC. I added a new machine to the network, added users to that machine. When I try to add the new user, (Not Machine) to the database on the BDC, using security, add new user, I get the following message: Microsoft SQL-DMO ( ODBC SQL Statement 42000) Error 15401: Windows NT user or group "domainnameusername" not found Check the name again.
The user 01 is listed on both the PDC and the BDC. I am totally baffled by this. Any help would be appreciated.