SQL- How To Compare Max Date Across Fields

Jan 4, 2006

Hello, I am wondering how to select the max date from a database view containing multiple date fields for a particular record. I am rusty at SQL and can't seem to get started. Here's an example of the data:


I need to be able to compare the max date for each PRCL_ID record ("where prcl_id="). In the example above, prcl_id 124 has a max date of 3/5/2006, and prcl_id 520 has a max date of 8/2/2006, etc. The results of the SQL query should return the PRCL_ID and the max date.

Example query results:

124 3/5/2006

Please let me know if you can help or if I can provide more info.


View 6 Replies


Compare Fields In 2 Tables

Jan 30, 2008

For example, I have 2 tables that have very similar fields

Table 1 Table 2
ShipRpt ShipRpt
invoice invoice
total sold total sold

Is it possible to compare each of these fields and return any record that has non matching data? I would join the tables on the shipping report or invoice and only compare the total sold field. If the invoices match and the total sold is different in each table, can I just return the 1 record?

View 2 Replies View Related

To Compare Fields Between Two Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I would like to create a stored procedure that would compare the fieldsof two tables and their types. If they are different the user iswarned.How can I do that ?thx

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Compare Fields From Two Datasets

Jan 9, 2007

How can I solve this problem.
For example, I have two databases. db1 and db2.
I want to compare two float fields from tables from db1 and db2 and the present the difference between these fields in a column in reporting services.

ex. loop1
value from db1.table_db1

value from db2.table_db2


ex. loop2
value from db1.table_db1

value from db2.table_db2



Should I create 2 datasets and 2 datasources? Must I write custom code for this?


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Super Urgent Codes To Compare Datafield Date With Today's Date

Nov 15, 2007

Hi, I really need this help urgently.
I need to send an email when the dueDate(field name in database) is equal to today's date... I have come out with this code with the help of impathan(jimmy i did not use ur code cos i not very sure sry)... below is the code with no error... but it jus wun send email...
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load, Me.Load
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.CommandText = "select * from custTransaction where convert(datetime,dueDate,101) = convert(datetime,GetDate(),101)"
'Set the connect the command object should use
cmd.Connection = con1Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)Dim ds As New DataSet
If Not ds.Tables(0) Is Nothing ThenIf ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
 Dim objEmail As MailMessage = New MailMessage
objEmail.From = New MailAddress("my@email.com.sg")objEmail.To.Add(New MailAddress("my@email.com.sg"))
objEmail.Subject = "Due Date Reaching"objEmail.Body = Session("dueName")
objEmail.Priority = MailPriority.Normal
Dim SmtpMail As New SmtpClient("servername")
End If
End If
End Sub
Note: I am veri sure that database has the data field dueDate with the value 11/16/2007 smalltimedate(mm/dd/yyyy)
Realli veri urgent Thanks so much for ur'll help

View 8 Replies View Related

Update Fields With Searched First Date Record Fields

Jul 23, 2005

Hello !I'm trying to update one table field with another table searched firstdate record.getting some problem.If anyone have experience similar thing or have any idea about it,please guide.Sample case is given below.Thanks in adv.T.S.Negi--Sample caseDROP TABLE TEST1DROP TABLE TEST2CREATE TABLE TEST1(CUST_CD VARCHAR(10),BOOKING_DATE DATETIME,BOOKPHONE_NO VARCHAR(10))CREATE TABLE TEST2(CUST_CD VARCHAR(10),ENTRY_DATE DATETIME,FIRSTPHONE_NO VARCHAR(10))DELETE FROM TEST1INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+5,'11111111')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+10,'22222222')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+15,'44444444')INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+16,'33333333')DELETE FROM TEST2INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE(),'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+2,'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+11,'')INSERT INTO TEST2 VALUES('C1',GETDATE()+12,'')--SELECT * FROM TEST1--SELECT * FROM TEST2/*Sample dataTEST1CUST_CD BOOKING_DATE BOOKPHONE_NOC12005-04-08 21:46:47.78011111111C12005-04-13 21:46:47.78022222222C12005-04-18 21:46:47.78044444444C12005-04-19 21:46:47.78033333333TEST2CUST_CD ENTRY_DATE FIRSTPHONE_NOC12005-04-03 21:46:47.800C12005-04-05 21:46:47.800C12005-04-14 21:46:47.800C12005-04-15 21:46:47.800DESIRED RESULTCUST_CD ENTRY_DATE FIRSTPHONE_NOC12005-04-03 21:46:47.80011111111C12005-04-05 21:46:47.80011111111C12005-04-14 21:46:47.80044444444C12005-04-15 21:46:47.80044444444*/

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Cannot Compare NVarChar(Max) Fields Over 4000 Chars

Oct 24, 2006

I had a post a week or so ago with this issue, I found the cause, but cannot figure out how to fix it... The problem is the comparison on the NVarChar(Max) fields when one of them exceeds 4000 chars. If I comment out the following lines of the stored proc, everything works. I tested without using COALESCE and it still does not work. COALESCE(Comments, '') = COALESCE(@o_Comments, '') ANDCOALESCE(SpecialNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_SpecialNotes, '') ANDCOALESCE(IAppComments, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAppComments, '') ANDCOALESCE(MgmtNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtNotes, '') AND  set ANSI_NULLS ON

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_updateAppraisal]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@OrderId INT,
@FileNumber NVarChar(25),
@OrderDate DateTime,
@ClientID NVarChar(25),
@ClientFileNumber NVarChar(25),
@PropertyTypeID INT,
@EstimatedValue money,
@PurchaseValue money,
@LoanOfficer NVarChar(50),
@ReportID INT,
@ReportFee money,
@FeeBillInd bit,
@FeeCollectInd bit,
@CollectAmt money,
@Borrower NVarChar(50),
@StreetAddrA NVarChar(50),
@StreetAddrB NVarChar(50),
@City NVarChar(50),
@CountyID INT,
@StateID INT,
@Zip NVarChar(50),
@ContactName NVarChar(50),
@PhoneA NVarChar(50),
@PhoneB NVarChar(50),
@PhoneC NVarChar(50),
@ApptDate DateTime,
@ApptTime NVarChar(25),
@AppraiserID INT,
@InspectionDate DateTime,
@DateMailed DateTime,
@TrackingInfo NVarChar(50),
@ReviewedBy INT,
@PreNotesID INT,
@PostNotesID INT,
@StatusID INT,
@Comments NVarChar(MAX),
@SpecialNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@MgmtName NVarChar(50),
@MgmtContactName NVarChar(50),
@MgmtAddress NVarChar(50),
@MgmtPhone NVarChar(50),
@MgmtFax NVarChar(50),
@MgmtFee money,
@CheckNumber NVarChar(25),
@MgmtNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@SentAppraiser DateTime,
@InfoReceived DateTime,
@CheckReceived DateTime,
@CheckMailed DateTime,
@INumFamilies NVarChar(10),
@IStyle NVarChar(15),
@IUnit NVarChar(15),
@IConstruction NVarChar(15),
@IBasement NVarChar(10),
@IBFinished NVarChar(10),
@IGarage NVarChar(10),
@INumCars NVarChar(2),
@IGarageType NVarChar(10),
@IContactHas NVarChar(10),
@IAvailable NVarChar(10),
@IInformedAmt NVarChar(5),
@IRealtorContract NVarChar(10),
@IContractContact NVarChar(50),
@IPermitCO NVarChar(10),
@ICORenewal NVarChar(10),
@IRenewalInt NVarChar(15),
@IAppComments NVarChar(MAX),
@IKitchen1 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen2 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen3 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen4 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchenB NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom1 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom2 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom3 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom4 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroomB NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom1 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom2 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom3 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom4 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroomB NVarChar(5),
@AppraiserPerc NVarChar(6),
@AppraiserFee money,

@o_OrderId INT,
@o_FileNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_OrderDate DateTime,
@o_ClientID NVarChar(25),
@o_ClientFileNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_PropertyTypeID INT,
@o_EstimatedValue money,
@o_PurchaseValue money,
@o_LoanOfficer NVarChar(50),
@o_ReportID INT,
@o_ReportFee money,
@o_FeeBillInd bit,
@o_FeeCollectInd bit,
@o_CollectAmt money,
@o_Borrower NVarChar(50),
@o_StreetAddrA NVarChar(50),
@o_StreetAddrB NVarChar(50),
@o_City NVarChar(50),
@o_CountyID INT,
@o_StateID INT,
@o_Zip NVarChar(50),
@o_ContactName NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneA NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneB NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneC NVarChar(50),
@o_ApptDate DateTime,
@o_ApptTime NVarChar(25),
@o_AppraiserID INT,
@o_InspectionDate DateTime,
@o_DateMailed DateTime,
@o_TrackingInfo NVarChar(50),
@o_ReviewedBy INT,
@o_PreNotesID INT,
@o_PostNotesID INT,
@o_StatusID INT,
@o_Comments NVarChar(MAX),
@o_SpecialNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@o_MgmtName NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtContactName NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtAddress NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtPhone NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtFax NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtFee money,
@o_CheckNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_MgmtNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@o_SentAppraiser DateTime,
@o_InfoReceived DateTime,
@o_CheckReceived DateTime,
@o_CheckMailed DateTime,
@o_INumFamilies NVarChar(10),
@o_IStyle NVarChar(15),
@o_IUnit NVarChar(15),
@o_IConstruction NVarChar(15),
@o_IBasement NVarChar(10),
@o_IBFinished NVarChar(10),
@o_IGarage NVarChar(10),
@o_INumCars NVarChar(2),
@o_IGarageType NVarChar(10),
@o_IContactHas NVarChar(10),
@o_IAvailable NVarChar(10),
@o_IInformedAmt NVarChar(5),
@o_IRealtorContract NVarChar(10),
@o_IContractContact NVarChar(50),
@o_IPermitCO NVarChar(10),
@o_ICORenewal NVarChar(10),
@o_IRenewalInt NVarChar(15),
@o_IAppComments NVarChar(MAX),
@o_IKitchen1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchenB NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroomB NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroomB NVarChar(5),
@o_AppraiserPerc NVarChar(6),
@o_AppraiserFee money

SET FileNumber = @FileNumber,
OrderDate = @OrderDate, ClientID = @ClientID,
ClientFileNumber = @ClientFileNumber, PropertyTypeID = @PropertyTypeID,
EstimatedValue = @EstimatedValue, PurchaseValue = @PurchaseValue,
LoanOfficer = @LoanOfficer, ReportFee = @ReportFee,
FeeBillInd = @FeeBillInd, FeeCollectInd = @FeeCollectInd,
CollectAmt = @CollectAmt, Borrower = @Borrower,
StreetAddrA = @StreetAddrA, StreetAddrB = @StreetAddrB,
City = @City, CountyID = @CountyID, StateID = @StateID, Zip = @Zip,
ContactName = @ContactName, PhoneA = @PhoneA, PhoneB = @PhoneB,
PhoneC = @PhoneC, ApptDate = @ApptDate, ReportID = @ReportID,
ApptTime = @ApptTime, AppraiserID = @AppraiserID,
InspectionDate = @InspectionDate, DateMailed = @DateMailed,
TrackingInfo = @TrackingInfo, ReviewedBy = @ReviewedBy,
StatusID = @StatusID, Comments = @Comments,
SpecialNotes = @SpecialNotes, CheckNumber = @CheckNumber,
MgmtName = @MgmtName, MgmtContactName = @MgmtContactName,
MgmtAddress = @MgmtAddress, MgmtPhone = @MgmtPhone,
MgmtFax = @MgmtFax, MgmtFee = @MgmtFee, MgmtNotes = @MgmtNotes,
CheckMailed = @CheckMailed, CheckReceived = @CheckReceived,
InfoReceived = @InfoReceived, SentAppraiser = @SentAppraiser,
PreNotesID = @PreNotesID, PostNotesID = @PostNotesID,
INumFamilies = @INumFamilies,
IStyle = @IStyle, IUnit = @IUnit, IConstruction = @IConstruction,
IBasement = @IBasement, IBFinished = @IBFinished,
IGarage = @IGarage, INumCars = @INumCars,
IGarageType = @IGarageType, IContactHas = @IContactHas,
IAvailable = @IAvailable, IInformedAmt = @IInformedAmt,
IRealtorContract = @IRealtorContract, IContractContact = @IContractContact,
IPermitCO = @IPermitCO, ICORenewal = @ICORenewal,
IRenewalInt = @IRenewalInt, IAppComments = @IAppComments,
IBedroomB = @IBedroomB, IBedroom1 = @IBedroom1, IBedroom2 = @IBedroom2,
IBedroom3 = @IBedroom3, IBedroom4 = @IBedroom4, IKitchenB = @IKitchenB,
IKitchen1 = @IKitchen1, IKitchen2 = @IKitchen2, IKitchen3 = @IKitchen3,
IKitchen4 = @IKitchen4, IBathroomB = @IBathroomB, IBathroom1 = @IBathroom1,
IBathroom2 = @IBathroom2, IBathroom3 = @IBathroom4, IBathroom4 = @IBathroom4,
AppraiserPerc = @AppraiserPerc, AppraiserFee = @AppraiserFee
WHERE OrderID = @o_OrderId AND
COALESCE(FileNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_FileNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(OrderDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_OrderDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(ClientID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ClientID, 0) AND
COALESCE(ClientFileNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_ClientFileNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(PropertyTypeID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PropertyTypeID, 0) AND
COALESCE(EstimatedValue, 0) = COALESCE(@o_EstimatedValue, 0) AND
COALESCE(PurchaseValue, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PurchaseValue, 0) AND
COALESCE(LoanOfficer, '') = COALESCE(@o_LoanOfficer, '') AND
COALESCE(ReportID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReportID, 0) AND
COALESCE(ReportFee, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReportFee, 0) AND
COALESCE(FeeBillInd, 0) = COALESCE(@o_FeeBillInd, 0) AND
COALESCE(FeeCollectInd, 0) = COALESCE(@o_FeeCollectInd, 0) AND
COALESCE(CollectAmt, 0) = COALESCE(@o_CollectAmt, 0) AND
COALESCE(Borrower, '') = COALESCE(@o_Borrower, '') AND
COALESCE(StreetAddrA, '') = COALESCE(@o_StreetAddrA, '') AND
COALESCE(StreetAddrB, '') = COALESCE(@o_StreetAddrB, '') AND
COALESCE(City, '') = COALESCE(@o_City, '') AND
COALESCE(CountyID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_CountyID, 0) AND
COALESCE(StateID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_StateID, 0) AND
COALESCE(Zip, '') = COALESCE(@o_Zip, '') AND
COALESCE(ContactName, '') = COALESCE(@o_ContactName, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneA, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneA, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneB, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneB, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneC, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneC, '') AND
COALESCE(ApptDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_ApptDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(ApptTime, '') = COALESCE(@o_ApptTime, '') AND
COALESCE(AppraiserID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserID, 0) AND
COALESCE(InspectionDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_InspectionDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(DateMailed, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_DateMailed, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(TrackingInfo, '') = COALESCE(@o_TrackingInfo, '') AND
COALESCE(ReviewedBy, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReviewedBy, 0) AND
COALESCE(PreNotesID , 0) = COALESCE(@o_PreNotesID, 0) AND
COALESCE(PostNotesID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PostNotesID, 0) AND
COALESCE(StatusID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_StatusID, 0) AND
/*COALESCE(Comments, '') = COALESCE(@o_Comments, '') AND
COALESCE(SpecialNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_SpecialNotes, '') AND*/
COALESCE(CheckNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_CheckNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtName, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtName, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtContactName, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtContactName, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtAddress, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtAddress, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtPhone, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtPhone, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtFax, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtFax, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtFee, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtFee, '') AND
/*COALESCE(MgmtNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtNotes, '') AND*/
COALESCE(SentAppraiser, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_SentAppraiser, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(InfoReceived, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_InfoReceived, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(CheckReceived, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_CheckReceived, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(CheckMailed, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_CheckMailed, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(INumFamilies, '') = COALESCE(@o_INumFamilies, '') AND
COALESCE(IStyle, '') = COALESCE(@o_IStyle, '') AND
COALESCE(IUnit, '') = COALESCE(@o_IUnit, '') AND
COALESCE(IConstruction, '') = COALESCE(@o_IConstruction, '') AND
COALESCE(IBasement, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBasement, '') AND
COALESCE(IBFinished, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBFinished, '') AND
COALESCE(IGarage, '') = COALESCE(@o_IGarage, '') AND
COALESCE(INumCars, '') = COALESCE(@o_INumCars, '') AND
COALESCE(IGarageType, '') = COALESCE(@o_IGarageType, '') AND
COALESCE(IContactHas, '') = COALESCE(@o_IContactHas, '') AND
COALESCE(IAvailable, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAvailable, '') AND
COALESCE(IInformedAmt, '') = COALESCE(@o_IInformedAmt, '') AND
COALESCE(IRealtorContract, '') = COALESCE(@o_IRealtorContract, '') AND
COALESCE(IContractContact, '') = COALESCE(@o_IContractContact, '') AND
COALESCE(IPermitCO, '') = COALESCE(@o_IPermitCO, '') AND
COALESCE(ICORenewal, '') = COALESCE(@o_ICORenewal, '') AND
COALESCE(IRenewalInt, '') = COALESCE(@o_IRenewalInt, '') AND
/*COALESCE(IAppComments, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAppComments, '') AND*/
COALESCE(IKitchen1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen1, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen2, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen3, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen4, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchenB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchenB, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom1, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom2, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom3, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom4, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroomB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroomB, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom1, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom2, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom3, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom4, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroomB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroomB, '') AND
COALESCE(AppraiserPerc, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserPerc, 0) AND
COALESCE(AppraiserFee, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserFee, 0)

View 13 Replies View Related

Cursor To Compare/report On The Same Fields In 2 Tables

Sep 20, 2006

I have the following cursor that I am comparing 2 tables, theproduction table and a copy of the production table, I want results ofall address's that are like the address1 field...the problem is...myresults are giving me every field and if there is more than one, it isputting it in a grid....I only want to see results if they are 1 for the same address fieldthis is what I have so far....declare @address1 char(61),@city char(61)declare address_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT address1,city FROM test.dbo.testaddOPEN address_cursorfetch next from address_cursor into @address1,@citywhile @@fetch_status = 0BEGINselect * from testadd where @address1 like '%' + address1 + '%' and@city = cityFetch next from address_cursor into @address1,@cityPrintENDCLOSE address_cursorDEallocate address_cursor

View 4 Replies View Related

How To Get Todays Date In Format YY/MM/DD And To Compare It To Another Date Passed Into The Sql

Dec 11, 2007

I need to do the following and am hoping someone can help me out.
I have C#(asp.net app) that will call a stored procedure. The C# will pass in a date to thestored procedure. The date is in the format YY/MM/DD. Once inside of the stored procedure, the datepassed into the stored proc needs to be compared to todays date. Todays date must be determined inthe SQL.
So basically here is my pseudo code for what I am trying to accomplish. Basically I just am afterthe comparison of the two values:
If @BeginDate < TodaysDate
The difficult part is how to obtain the value for "TodaysDate"
Taking into consideration that "TodaysDate" should probably be in the format of YY/MM/DD considering that is how the date it is to be compared with is being passed in.
Can someone please code this out for me in Microsoft SQL. I would be forever grateful.

View 1 Replies View Related

Rank Query - Compare 2 Total Income Fields?

Apr 24, 2015

I have a query that ranks. Once I get the ranked fields is there a way to compare the 2 total_income fields?

Here's the query:

select * from
select cardholderid, appcnum, total_income ,Rank() over (PARTITION BY A.APPCNUM
) tmp
where Rank in (2,3) and CARDHOLDERID = '704355'
--------------and rank ((2),total_income) <> rank (3),total_income))

Looking to do something like this to see if the income is different

View 17 Replies View Related

Compare Fields-two Flat Files-load Data

Jul 13, 2007

Hi All,

I am totally new to SSIS and im in the learing phase. I have a requirement as below,

I have two flat files (mainframe files), the structure i have given below,





1st row is header record which has got date in YYMMDD format and remaining rows have emp no and emp name






contains 4 records which are dates.

The requirement is to compare the header date in file1 with the 4 dates in file2, if they are equal then it should load all the records in file1 except the header into a table and if they donot match then it should log an err msg. Please could someone provide a lead on this.

The files have same record length and fixed field delimited.

Thanks in advance


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DB Engine :: Compare Two Tables And Log Difference In New Table With Fields?

Apr 21, 2015

I want to compare two tables and log the difference in new table with the fields as (old value,new value, column name). The column name should be the changes value column.

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Outlook 2003 Filter SQL Tab To Compare The Values Of Two Fields In A Given Contact.

Sep 28, 2007

Hello and Thank You in advance:

I would like to Use the SQL Tab in the Filter Selection of the View-Modify Current View Option in Outlook 2003.
I am specifically trying to create a statement that only displays those Contacts that have a Modified Date that is different than the Created date. In other words I want to view all the records that have been modified at any time after the date of their creation.

I have been unable to create a SQL statement that compares the Created and Modified fields in the Contacts. Would you please explain and show what the correct syntax is in order to compare the values of two fields within a given Contact?

These are all examples of what I have tried and that have not worked. I cannot find documentation for this anywhere only small articles here and there that are not enough for me to develop a complete answer from:

(("urnchemas:calendar:created" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"urnchemas:calendar:created" <= '12/31/2001 12:00 AM')
AND ("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "urnchemas:calendar:lastmodified" ))
("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "urnchemas:calendar:lastmodified" )

(("urnchemas:calendar:created" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"urnchemas:calendar:created" <= '12/31/2001 12:00 AM') AND
("DAV:getlastmodified" >= '1/1/2001 12:00 AM' AND
"DAV:getlastmodified" <= '12/31/2007 12:00 AM'))

("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> "DAV:getlastmodified")
("DAV:getlastmodified" <> "urnchemas:calendar:created")
("DAV:getlastmodified" <> 'urnchemas:calendar:created')
("urnchemas:calendar:created" <> 'DAV:getlastmodified')

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How Do I Compare Date In MS Sql

Jun 13, 2008

I have a table with 3 columns inside
- record_id (int)
- user_id (varchar)
- login_date (date)
it is  a many-to-many relationship table that record login date of users
Now, I want if I want to COUNT the users who login before 31 May 2008, I would use
FROM table1
WHERE login_date < '2008-31-05'
That's works
But the problem is I want to split the result to
- How many people have login in the last 0-5 days (based on the input (31 MAY 2008))
- How many people have login in the last 6-10 days (based on the input (31 MAY 2008))
How do I do that?
Please help

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Compare Date Value In SQL SP

Jun 20, 2008

I have table:ArticleIDSubjectBodyDateThe Date field have data:12.02.200512.02.198912.02.156314.09.134530.12.345I need to show Articles wiich have date today. Example:If today is 12.02.2008 I should show only Date with value 12.02. The results:12.02.2005
12.02.1563 I try something with DAY, Returns an integer representing the day datepart of the specified date but it's doesn't work.Help :)

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Date Compare

Feb 2, 2005

How do you compare date in sql, it is giving me errors,

I want to view all that logged onto my system Today
(*Yes I want to use dyn query for this *)

LastLogin is of type DateTime

SELECT @myStatement = ' SELECT LastLogin, surname
FROM #TEMP WHERE ((LastLogin ='+CONVERT(datetime, @LastLogin)+')


Thanks in advance

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SQL Compare Date

Nov 4, 2005

I want to know how can I write a sql to compare 2 dates which can run in SQL Query Analyzedeclare @date1 datetime, @date2 datetime
set @date1 = '2005-01-22 12:00:05'set @date2 = '2005-01-22 13:05:01'how can I compare whether @date1 = @date2 in terms of (YYYY-MM-DD) only?

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Find The Newest Date Of 2 Date Fields

Aug 20, 2007

I've 2 date fields clidlp,clidlc in my data base table. How do I find the newest dates between the fields? Thanks for your help!

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How To Compare 2 Date By Month?

Jul 30, 2007

I'm doing DTS, Here is one of my Sql Query in DTS
Select * From ZT_DailyRpt_Detail Where isNumeric(TenDayDate) = 1 And TenDayDate < Convert(varchar(10),DateAdd(Month,-CAST                              ((SELECT         keepmonth                                  FROM             zt_databackup a, zt_biller b                                  WHERE         a.companycode = b.companycode AND                                                             zt_DailyRpt_Detail.biller_code = b.billercode) AS int),GetDate()),112)
the sub query ă€?SELECT         keepmonth                                  FROM             zt_databackup a, zt_biller b                                  WHERE         a.companycode = b.companycode AND                                                             zt_DailyRpt_Detail.biller_code = b.billercode) AS int】will return a value 6 or 12
for the reason, every month have differnet days, ( some have 31 days , some are 30 days ) I don't want to check the day of date , only to compare month 
if sub query return "6" and I do DTS on 2007/07/29 , will select  date which TenDayDate< 2007/01 not  TenDayDate<2007/01/29 ( don't want to check the day of date)
does my query correct? if not can you correct it for me? thank you very much

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SQL Statement To Compare Between Date

Nov 30, 2007

Hi Guys,
I have a table "HOLIDAY" with column "HOLIDAYSTART" and "HOLIDAYEND" in date/time type.User can apply new holiday on a form with value "STARTDATE" and "ENDDATE", but how do I check if the new holiday dates already exist in the table??
I looked around and found you can use something similar to following to check for single date,select * from holiday where ('1-12-2007' >= HOLIDAYSTART) AND ('1-12-2007' <= HOLIDAYEND)
but how would I do it with my situation above with between 2 dates? any help? Thanks in advance.

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How Do You Compare Date Values

Aug 2, 2004

I'm stuck trying to compare date values from users selection against a database. I also need to add a condition statement on if the results return no match. How would I do that?

Also, I'm not even sure if my SELECT statement is right. The user will hit a date that will be in format m/d/yyyy and that will be compared to see if it exist in the database. The datebase column "date_created" is default with date/time( 8 ). But when I compare the to together, nothing returns back. The page loads successfully, but no results from the database.

Here is my code:
dim conpubs as sqlconnection
dim cmdSelectAuthors as sqlcommand
dim dtrAuthors As sqlreader

conpubs = New sqlconnection(configurationsettings.appSettings("STD"))
cmdSelectAuthors = New sqlcommand("Select * From HotNews WHERE date_created=" & y, conpubs)
dtrAuthors = cmdSelectAuthors.ExecuteReader()

While dtrAuthors.Read()
Response.Write(dtrAuthors("title") & "<br>")
End While



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Compare Date Range

Aug 2, 2000

I want to write a query to retrieve all the items that are
order between 2 dates range, 07/30/2000 to 08/02/2000, any suggestions are
greatly appreciated,

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Compare Varchar Date

Jan 10, 2006

I have a preexisting database that has dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy but it is set up as varcar. How can I apply numeric operators to it to find how old someone is from todays date? I then need to take that value and populate another column on the same row.

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How Do You Compare Date Values

Aug 2, 2004

I'm stuck trying to compare date values from users selection against a database. I also need to add a condition statement on if the results return no match. How would I do that?

Also, I'm not even sure if my SELECT statement is right. The user will hit a date that will be in format m/d/yyyy and that will be compared to see if it exist in the database. The datebase column "date_created" is default with date/time( 8 ). But when I compare the to together, nothing returns back. The page loads successfully, but no results from the database.

Here is my code:
dim conpubs as sqlconnection
dim cmdSelectAuthors as sqlcommand
dim dtrAuthors As sqlreader

conpubs = New sqlconnection(configurationsettings.appSettings("STD"))
cmdSelectAuthors = New sqlcommand("Select * From HotNews WHERE date_created=" & y, conpubs)
dtrAuthors = cmdSelectAuthors.ExecuteReader()

While dtrAuthors.Read()
Response.Write(dtrAuthors("title") & "<br>")
End While



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How To Compare Date Periods ?

Oct 10, 2005

I need to compare 2 periods (start date / end date) in order to find out if the first period overlaps or in included in the second period.

any idea ???


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Compare With Current Date

Sep 25, 2013

From my table:

convert(varchar,Rec.expdate,101) as exp:


I only want record is >= the current date but looks like my syntax is not working right because I got nothing return instead of 01/19/2038.

and convert(varchar,Rec.expdate,101) >=convert(varchar,getdate(),101)

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How To Compare The Date In SQL Server 2000?

May 16, 2004

Hi all,
I have encountered a problem that I can't compare the date in SQL Server 2000.
But I know that maybe I have used "datetime" as data type for that field.
My question is that, how can I get ONLY the "date" in stead of "datetime" from the database?
Your attention is appreciated!
Thank you.


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Compare The Date Column

Mar 30, 2015

I need to compare the date column. The date column is 2012-01-22 in this format.

So I need to convert getdate() into this format yyyy-mm-dd.

What is the style number I have to use?

I used the link [URL] but I didn't see this format.

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How To Compare Current Date With Sql Db Datetime Data Type

Nov 2, 2003


I am using one datetime data type ( name: date_added ) and getdate() as default value. I want to display only those records added today. How I can compare current date with date_added.


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SSIS - Conditional Split, Date Compare Problem!! Please Help

Nov 6, 2007

Right the answer is probably simple but the Internet and books and everything has been no joy to me whatsoever.

I want to split my data stream based on the date. So I want to use a conditional split object to do this.

I entered the following as my case date_created > (DT_DBTIMESTAMP)"01/10/2000"

When I move off the line it stays black so appears to be okay, yet when I run my package it says it is not a boolean result and fails. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong.

Also I cannot filter in the source call due to the sheer amount of work being done on the data before the split.

Thanks in advance for any help

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Transact SQL :: Compare Two Table With Multiple Date Comparison

Oct 20, 2015

I need to take all records from table @A where ID = 1. Also i need to process the records with datewise from table @A. Here is the table structure

INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'BBB','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'CCC','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'AAA','2015-10-05')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (1,'DDD','2015-10-01')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'AAA','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'BBB','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'CCC','2015-10-02')
INSERT INTO @A VALUES (2,'DDD','2015-10-02')


how to achieve this in SQL query, i cannot use CTE or temp table as i need to use this code in another tool, it has to be single query, can use subquery or join would be better.

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Compare With Multiple Date Values Passed Into Stored Procedure?

Dec 14, 2012

I have a scenario where I need to compare a single DateTime field in a stored procedure against multiple values passed into the proc.So I was thinking I could pass in the DateTime values into the stored procedure with a User Defined Table type ... and then in the stored procedure I would need to run through that table of values and compare against the CreatedWhenUTC value.I could have the following queries for example:

WHERE CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue1 OR CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue2 OR CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue 3

The <= is determined by another operator param passed in. So the query could also be:

WHERE CreatedWhenUTC > dateValue1 OR CreatedWhenUTC > dateValue2 OR CreateWhenUTC > dateValue3 OR CreateWhenUTC > dateValue4

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Transact SQL :: Two Row Serial Number Date Compare And Take More Than 5 Hours Between Two Rows

Jul 1, 2015

A vehicle loading confirm after that what time its gated out so i want to take the time duration between finish loading and gate out, find sample table records , i want to take more than 5 hrs difference between finish loading and gate out.



[Code] .....

I want to take the result like this 

Finish Loading
Gate Out
Date and Time difference

2015-05-11 19:58:00
2015-05-12 08:42:00

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