SQL Installs, But Not Found In All Programs (vista)

Dec 17, 2007

I am trying to install SQL 2005 that came with my Visual Studio 2008 on my Vista Machine, it will install successfully, but when I want to get to say, the Management Studio, or the Configuration Manager, there is no "Microsoft SQL 2005" node in my All Programs. what gives? you kind of need those. thanks.

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VB6 Programs Using ADO Do Not Run In Windows Vista

Apr 13, 2007


my VB6 programs that use ADO to access SQL or Access databases do not work in Windows Vista. While they run smoothly in all older Windows versions, they fail in Windows Vista environments. Especially, the ADO connection does not work anymore. The same connection strings that work perfectly in all older Windows versions, do not work in Windows Vista. The error message sent by ADO is this: Runtime error -2147217887 - "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors". And, not only I get this error message on my development systems, but all other users of my programs on all Windows Vista systems.

I have been playing around with alternative connections strings, but no alternative works.

Can anybody explain this? And is there a remedy?

Any help is highly appreciated.


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Vista Installs SQL Server 2005 SP1 Every Night!!

Jan 12, 2007

With Vista Ultimate (release), I installed SQL server 2005 Developer edition. I installed SP1, apparently successfully. But my Windows update history shows the SP being installed successfully every night. I have automatic updating turned on (via AD policy).

Has anyone seen this, and does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


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Vista MYSQL ODBC Manager Data Source Not Found

Nov 26, 2007

I am testing an application that uses mysql that works 100% fine with Microsoft Windows XP on Windows Vista Premium Home Edition.

Using Vista's ODBC Data Source Administrator I have set up and successfuly tested the DSN Connection to the Database.

However, when I call the set up DSN with the application I get [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

I am using the mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.

I have tried editing the registry DSN files - the problem still persists.

Does anybody know a way to solve this problem

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Install SQL 2005 Ent Eval Edit On Vista X64 User Not Found ...

Jul 14, 2007

Details: OS Vista Ultimate (64-bit), Harware: Intel Core Duo 2 2.13 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Serial ATA WD Raptor 150GB.

Installed all the service packs for Vista. All hardware configured and running. IIS is running, .Net 2.0 is running. During the install I get green flags across the board for all items. Regardless of what I install, when it gets to installing the DB Engine it throws an error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group 'MARK-PCSQLServer2005MSSQLUser$MARK-PC$MSSQLSERVER' not found. Check the name again.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=29521&EvtType=lib%5codbc_statement.h%40Do_sqlScript%40OdbcStatement%3a%3aexecute_batch%40CnfgSQL%4080%40x3c29



The url above takes me to a web page with this:


I have tried not using the built in system account locally on my machine which I am logged into as with Admin rights. I have tried creating another Admin level account, and using it. I have tried using the accounts listed above specified as "domain account", and have always specified Multi Mode Authentication and set a password for the "sa" account.

No matter what, I get the error above.

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Dec 17, 2006

i repaired my problem with the SQLserver Express.....now i know how to use....but nowadays i have some problems with my DataBase....i would like you people share your DataBase to see what is my problem......mi msn is jmontes32@hotmail.com .......if you give some programs....i will learn more about SQL server..

sorry if you find some grammmathical mistakes....i'm learnig english

see you


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ODBC Installs

Jan 28, 2000


Do we have to manually install the ODBC 3.70 drivers for SQL server 7.0, or do they get automatically installed during the SQL server 7.0 installation. I did not see anything when I installed. So I am thinking that the drivers have to be installed separately


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SP3a Installs SP1

Oct 20, 2005

I really don't understand this, in an attempt to upgrade/install SP3a, I download the file sql2kdesksp3.exe, which from the documentation, you can either use for upgrading or new installs. I run a new install; in the new instance, I execute "select @@version" and get "Service Pack 1"??

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EM + QA Installs Corrupted

Mar 19, 2007

this may well be the wrong place for my post, if so please move it.

I have a variety of boxes with SQL tools installed on them. For some reason last week several of them seem to have gone a bit squif.

Server 1. Enterprise manager fails to run, giving message MMC could not create the snap-in. QA runs fine.

Server 2. Load EM click on a database and try Tools --> QA it comes back with File Not Found. Add isqlw as an external tool and you can run that ok, but still File Not found on the QA tab.

I know its not data corruption, but I hope someone can give me a clue on this!


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Trouble With Installs...

Jul 27, 2006

I am currently attempting to install SQL Server 2005. I had to install once due to a faulty install now when I try re-install it says all components are installed and won't continue install procedure and shuts itself down. Anyone else have this issue and know the work around or fix?

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Sqlexpr32.exe Only Installs At 2nd Try

Nov 22, 2007

Hi everyone,

I can't figure out what this problem may be:

At my application I'm installing sqlexpr32.exe by doing this:

Code Block

System.Diagnostics.Process proc1 = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(
Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%SQLHome%")+ @" sqlexpr32.exe", "/norebootchk /qb reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all " + "instancename=SQLEXPRESS SQLAUTOSTART=1");
when I do this for the first time the sql setup runs but gives me an error saying that the file sqlncli.msi (Native Client) was not found

but if I go to the temp directory the msi is there..

when I run the app for the second time the sqlexpr32.exe detects the Native Client setup file and does the installation perfectly..

What could it be? Some thread issues?

Thanx in advance

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SQL Backup Programs

Apr 30, 2007

Help Please!!!!

Anyone has an idea on how to call the back up and restore feature of SLQ server using Visual basic. Please help......Thanks

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Third Party Backup Programs

Feb 27, 2002

Currently we are using SQL Servers Backup utility to backup our databases to disk and then the files to backup tape during a nightly backup.
The time it takes for the backups to disk to complete for the databases is becoming prohibitively long and performance problems on the DB server are manifesting.
I am interested in other solutions. However, the propaganda listed at the various companies sites are less than insightful.
I was wondering if anyone used a third party Agent like Brightstor Enterprise SQL Server backup agent, or Veritas NetBackup for SQL Server, that would be willing to give some recommendations. If you use something that isn't listed here and it works well, I would be interested in hearing about it.
Do these backup agents significantly slow down the database performance? Do they create any locking issues? Some insight into your backup hardware configuration would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Invoking Database Using C Programs

Apr 16, 2008

we have an existing .c file and we have to include sql statements in it...

if we include sql statements it has to be stored as .ec file...

so we have to create a .ec file separately and include this into the .c program

but only .c and .h files can be included in .c programs so we converted .ec to .c file using esql command

now after incluing the .c file into the program we dont get any error but we are getting some junk output....

can someone help me in this

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Will SqlExpress Conflict With Any Programs?

Mar 10, 2006

I need to install a sqlexpress on a company's server computer, but they are worried about whether it will cause any problems they said they got a Exchange Server installed, they wonder if that is gonna cause any problems?

Personally I never try that, but I dont' think microsoft will let this kind things happen...

do anyone can confirm that ? 

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SQL 2k5 Installs To The Incorrect Drive??

Mar 27, 2007

I had a working SQL 2005 that I had to uninstall. I tried to verify things were cleaned up appropriately after the uninstall and rebooted afterwards.

When I went to reinstall I choose to install on another logical drive under raid 5 (lets say H:) in the EXACT same configuration as it was previously installed sans some of the services. Post-installation the data, Install etc folders you would expect to be under H:Program FilesSQL Server are actually under C:Program FilesSQL Server and the only thing installed under the H: selection was the 90/ folder. We uninstalled again and went back through the process and confirmed the selection of drive H: and AGAIN it installed it all to C:.

Please help!!!!!!!

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Third Party Installs With Sql 2005

Feb 10, 2008

I completed an install of SQL 2005 SP2 on Windows Server 2003. Everything worked fine I can connect while logged into the box, while connected thru RDP. I can create databases add users without any issue. Until!!!!

I have a third party application (Tririga) which I run the install and indicate the SQL database (in this case local) The application begins to install but when I get to the point of adding the SA password the install fails.
"login fails for sa) 18456 sev 8 (wrong password) but it is the same password I use to connect to the DB. So I change the sa assword and try again and it still fails.
any suggestions would be nice. by the way on machines on which I have run an upgrade from 2000 (sql) to 2005 (sql) the install does not fail.

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Howto Use COM Objects In CLR. NET Programs

Aug 11, 2006


i have a vb.net progi which i want to run under sql server 2005 as CLR.

the prob is that when i want to create the assembly in sql 2005 it says

that the create of the Interop.FC_COM.dll (this is the COM interop object) failed.

when i try to create the Interop.FC_COM.dll as an assembly in sql 2005 it fails because this dll is not follwing the structure of a CLR dll.

i've heard somewhere that MS is not supporting COM objects under CLR directly. is that true?

any comments welcome,


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Different Behavior Between 2 Installs Of SQL Server 2000 !

Jul 19, 2005

Hi,anyone could explain this : I have installed the same asp.net application on 2 distinct hosts, each with its own SQL Server 2000 database.However, in some SQL queries in Stored Procedures, the results do not come out the same.For example, on one server the query "select @value = (select ....)-(select ...)" works and on the other one it returns a null valueAny hint ?Thanks for your helpJohann

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Unattended SQL Server 2005 Installs

Sep 10, 2007


I have a quick question about automating installation of SQL 2005. This question doesn't relate as much to SQL 2005 as it does setting up a database server.

I know that it's usually standard practice to allow SQL to "lock pages in memory". What I am trying to do is find a command line utility that will allow me to add this step to the SQL install script. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Start Service Programs From Triggers?

Nov 21, 2007


I am planning to start working with Service Broker.

I got two applications from different providers. They use the same data; I mean both of them have a table €œOrders€?. They also provide a table called €œorder interface€?. This interface reflects the changes made in the table €œOrders€?.

I need to synchronise both applications. For this propose I would like to use the Service Broker and stored procedures as Service programs. Is it fine, if I start the stored procedure (Service programs) from a trigger in the tables (order interface)?

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Any User Access Audit Programs Available?

Jul 9, 2007

Hello all, does anyone know of a SS2005RS user audit program that an administrator can run on a RS server to show which userids have access to folders? I have in mind a pgm that would show:

folder users

Home user01, user02, user03

folderA user01,user02, user05

folderB user02, user06

Is there a pgm available as a download, or does someone have a home-grown pgm whose source they would let out?

Has anyone else faced this need?

Thanks in advance

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Launching Visual Studio Express Under All Programs

Oct 24, 2007

I apologize up front since this question seems so basic but I'm really running into difficulty with it. Should there be a Visual Studio Express program to launch under Start - All Programs or do you simply have to select one of the pieces such as Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition? I have seen documentation telling the user to launch Visual Studio Express yet I have nothing for that. Also, since I'm trying to become familiar with Reporting Services I suspect it's somewhere I haven't located yet, leading me to believe perhaps I'm missing something very, very basic. Thank you in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: How Useful Are Saved Configuration INI Files For Automating Installs

Jul 17, 2014

I nabbed a couple from some recent installs I did, and, assuming I can get my SAN guy to always give drives the same letter assignment, it looks fairly useful.

There's still a bunch of additional stuff to do, like turn on instant file initialization, size/create additional tempdb files, and set up alerts and database mail, etc.

Can the configuration file be expanded to handle any of that? Do you use something else to template/automate your SQL installs? The more I do it, the less I want to keep doing it.

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Uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express Without Add/Remove Programs

Mar 26, 2008

I am having trouble installing SQL Server 2005 Express. I was told to uninstall and reinstall clean but now SQL Server does NOT show in the Add/Remove Program list but when I try to install, my system says I already have SQL Server installed. I get error messages every time. Any ideas???

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Access SQL Server 2005 From C++ Programs In UNIX/LINUX

May 17, 2007


Is there as way to access SQL SErver DB for DML Operations from C++ programs in UNIX/LINUX. The current approach is by uisng Pro C to connect to ORACLE from C++. But I want to connect to SQL Server 2005.



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Sql Server Express Setup Installs The Silent Instattion, Can This Be Customized

May 25, 2007


I have created a setup in visual studio and set the sql server as a pre-requsites.

now when the setup is run from


it checks whether sql server is installed... if installed then continues otherwise install sql server express edition, now this installation is silent,

I need to set the sa password during installation of sql server . i have no option to set the password during installation, can any one help

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SQL 2005 Failover Cluster Installs But Sql Server Service Will Not Start

Nov 26, 2007

Hello all,

I am intsalling SQL 2005 in an activepassive cluster. The OS is Windows 2003 with SP1. Everything installs OK but the sql server service cannot start afterwards. There are many access errors in the Security Event log - see example below - and numerous "SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. " errors in both the SQL and Application event logs. I have tried installing SQL in both mixed mode and under Windows Authentication and get the same errors. I can install SQL 2005 outside of the cluster on both nodes. Other items of note: This was a SQL 2000 cluster. I uninstalled SQL 2K, the virtual name was changed (IP remained the same) and the DNS entry was updated to reflect the new name. Early in the installation process - 3 or 4 days ago - I got a few errors about the Server Principal Name had to be updated but when I do a setspn -l the both nodes are listed and the entries look fine, though there are no entries for the sql service (MSSQLSvc). Not sure if there should be entries for the virtual name, but there aren't any for either the old or new name. Does the new virtual name need to be added to AD? Here is the security error - Event ID is 560 and it looks like there's a problem with Remote Access and is generated when trying to access either node:
Category: Object Access
Type: Failure Audit
Event_ID: 560
User: NT AuthorityNetwork Service
Object Open:
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: RemoteAccess
Handle ID: -
Operation ID: {0,134558507}
Process ID: 1516
Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
Primary User Name: CM-OHCO-DS006B$
Primary Domain: SWNA
Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)
Client Domain: NT AUTHORITY
Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E4)
Accesses: Query status of service

Privileges: -
Restricted Sid Count: 0
Access Mask: 0x4

One other informational message that may be of use - looks like there's a problem with dll's for remote access, though this isn't pertaining to SQL:
The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( srmservice ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: srmservice error: 0, Started the agent (srmagent.exe)..

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SQL Server 2005 SP1 Installs Successfully But Microsoft Update Still Showing It As Needed?

Jun 3, 2006

I have successfully installed SQL Server 2005 SP1 but when I go to the "Microsoft Update" site it is still shown as required. I have tried going back to an old image of the PC and installing SQL Server 2005 and SP1 again but still the "Microsoft Update" page is not picking up the fact that SP1 has installed successfully. Anyone had the same problem or know of a fix?


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Error Connecting To Report Server Database After Several Installs And Uninstalls Of SSRS.

Mar 20, 2008

I've had some problems with Reporting Services and getting connected to the database server after configuration. I am now getting the following error message:

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) (rsRPCError)

In my Database Setup everything runs fine when I click apply except for the Setting Connection Info for Reporting Server this has a yellow triangle with a ! and says that the report server cannot access internal information.

I also have not been able to Initialize as there are no instances to initialize and none are created when I go through setup. Is there something I need to delete from the registry or the file system that does not get removed upon uninstall?



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SQL Server Express SP2 Advanced Services Shows Up Incorrectly In Installed Programs

Apr 5, 2007

Could someone from the SQL Server Express team confirm that SQL Server Express SP2 w/Advanced Services shows up as "SQL Server 2005" in the installed programs list? The "Express" portion seems to be missing. And how would one tell the difference between the Standard Edition and the Express Edition based on this?


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Unistall Unsuccessful And Can Not See Microsoft SQL Server 2005 In Installed Programs List

Jul 7, 2006

I went through the install of the MS SQL Server 2005 Std Edt only to find that I can not open up the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" since I was missing the exe to run it that should have been located at "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe".  Due to this happening it seemed to me that some of the install failed, so I went about trying to uninstall the SQL Server setup.  Within the "Add or Remove Programs" tool I selected the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" from the list and clicked on the button that said "Remove".  This did not seem to do anything except for remove the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" selection from that tool selection list.  It went way to quick and did not display any dialogs as it removed the engine.  Also I can still opent the Management Studio and see all the normal stuff and I can query the data within the databases.  The two part question is...

1)  How do I get the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 program relisted in the "Add or Remove Programs" tool's selection list?

2) How do I get the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" installed correctly?

The only warning message I received during the install was in regards to the hardware not being quite up to par with amount of RAM.  I saw no errors within the install tool.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!!!  Please let me know if anything else is needed to answer this question.

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What Is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile [ENU] Developer Tools In Add/Remove Programs?

Nov 27, 2007

"Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile [ENU] Developer Tools"
equal to
"Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition"?

If not, what is it?

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