I have an SQL server with several (100) users connected. When I run a long running process, it severely impacts user performance. The long running process is a store procedure with several cursors.
Are there SQL configuration settings that would reduce the impact of these long running processes on other Users?
We are facing lot of problems with Blocking,can any one help us in this matter,The problem is as follows
We have SQL Server 7.0 running on Nt4.0, and three web servers and 5 application servers are accessing SQL server. Till Yesterday everything was fine,Suddenly today more than 18 processes were blocked by other(Like chain),First i killed some blocking process,then it was fine,once again it started and continuously some processes are blocked by other,and i found that all blocking process are running from webservers.I ran SQL Profiler to get some information,but no use. I am not understanding why suddenly it happend,because we have't modified anything.Is there any way to overcome this situation,this is production server. because of this users are getting slow responce/no responce.
----Here i want to know why it happend? ---How to trace the problem and fix it
I have upgraded a MS SQL database from 6.5 to 7.0. The database functioned fine in 6.5, now I have a table that is locking due to a blocking process. If I kill the process all is fine, but am trying to determine what is causing the process to hang. Has anyone experience any similar situations.
Very long story and I will not bore you with it. What I need to do is call a stored procedure and from within that stored procedure, initiate other sp and get out before those other sp are finished running.
I know I can execute a job but my volume would be about 1 job per second with a life of 2-5 seconds. So in a very short period of time, I can stack up a large volume of jobs.
How to kill process??? I turn off workstation but the process still available in the sysprocesses table and in the Curent activity window. I can't to kill this (and I can't to restart serever, because the users) .
If anyone know something about this problem. Thanks
/* The Following Stored Procedure helps to Kill All Processes in a Particular DataBase With Out Current Process */
Create Proc Sp_KillAllProcessInDB
@DbName VarChar(100)
as if db_id(@DbName) = Null begin Print 'DataBase dose not Exist' end else
Begin Declare @spId Varchar(30)
DECLARE TmpCursor CURSOR FOR Select 'Kill ' + convert(Varchar, spid) as spId from master..SysProcesses where db_Name(dbID) = @DbName and spId <> @@SpId and spId > 50 and dbID <> 0 OPEN TmpCursor
Exec (@spId)
end /* The Above Query Helps TO Change a Database in Single USer Mode Quickly*/
I have been needing to disconnect users often, before backing up a database or setting it to restricted users. Each time, I have to go to Current Activity & kill one process at a time. Is there a way, by which I can kill all processes on a database or force out all coonections to it?
Can you kill processes in SQL Server 2K without stopping SQL Server and restarting it? I am using sp_who2 to get a list of active users and I see some accounts that are logged off but still showing up and I am trying to find a way to Kill these accounts and the processes they are doing.
When i see the result of Sp_who2, i see the status of a process as "SUSPENDED" for some of the processes like logwriter, checkpoint etc. and also found the same status for "IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 COMMIT TRAN"
Please let me know what does it mean in the context of SQL 2005
I need to know exactly what VBA lines Create and Destroy SQL ServerProcesses - i.e. those visible in Enterprise Manager under Management[color=blue]> Current Activity > Process Info.[/color]Why?I am experiencing strange behaviour with Processes that are createdwhen I create a DAO Database Object with the following line:Set m_ResDatabase = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strDSN, False,False, strODBC)This creates the process as expected.However the following lines don't always close the ensuing Process:If Not m_ResRecordSet Is Nothing Thenm_ResRecordSet.CloseSet m_ResRecordSet = NothingEnd IfIf Not m_ResDatabase Is Nothing Thenm_ResDatabase.CloseSet m_ResDatabase = NothingEnd IfIf Not m_ResWorkspace Is Nothing Thenm_ResWorkspace.CloseSet m_ResWorkspace = NothingEnd IfIt seems as if SQL Server keeps hold of the first two Processes andthen will release any subsequent ones.Can anyone shed any light in this - or any good web pages where Imight find some answers?Regards Chris
I have a foreach loop which contains a call to an Execute process task. I want the Execute process task to run once for each element in my foreach, but I need to run as many Execute process tasks as my server can handle. What is the best way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had to move my developed software onto another computer in order to demo this. The new computer has IIS installed as well as VS2005 and SQL Server 2005. When I try to execute I get this error.
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
I have worked on this problem for two days now and have to demo it first thing Monday. Any help would be appreciated.
I am receiving an error from my ODBC driver “Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated.”
I confirmed that there are 25 connections and that this is the default. This is caused by error message 10029, SQLEDBPS, when the maximum number of simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures exceeds the current setting. I would like to increase this maximum.
I have found only two ways to do this. One is using dbsetmaxprocs using C and the other is using SqlSetMaxProcs using Visual Basic. My problem is that I am interfacing to SQL Server using a third party tool that is doing the lower level programming.
Is there some way that I can increase the maximum number of DB processes for all databases that are part of the SQL Server 7 environment, or can I set this value using a program that is called from a stored procedure?
Any ideas in this area will be greatly appreciated.
I wish to select processes from sysprocess that are SLEEPING and more than a certain time old (say 10 minutes) so that I may KILL them. I can get the query to do the select, but how do I KILL the process? I have tried selecting the SPID into a local variable and then trying KILL @var_name, but I get "Incorrect syntax near '@var_name'".
I have tried all of the resources that I can find, but without success. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about doing it?
Sorry, didn't quite know where this should go. I'm reading Kimball Group's "Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit" Has anyone got any experience in defining business processes? I'm struggling a little to look at my employer's recruitment busines and work out exactly what the real processes are. Or maybe one of you has read something somewhere about this specific skill?
------------------------ Me: What do you want to know from your data warehouse? Client: Err...Emm...Everything Me: OK, that's great. That's all I need to know. I'll see you when it's done.
We currently have a routine that "forks" out (to use the unix term)TSQLcommands to run asynchronously via SQL Agent jobs. Each TSQL commandgets its own Job, and the job starts immediately after creation.Sometimes we can have too many of these jobs running at the same, andthe box crawls to a slow speed until the jobs finish up.Is there a way we can limit the number of active jobs running under theSQL Agent at one time? Or is there away to limit the number of active(runnable) processes on SQL Server, in general?
Is there a common way to document ETL (packages / data flows)? I looked for documentation templates in the internet but didn't find anything which was useful.
I'm just a newbie with XML. Now we're moving all our DTS to SSIS packages. Most of them are simply processes that takes a plain file and loading these data into Sql table or in inverse way. So that I wonder what role will play XML here.
I mean, are there big differences between store data as XML format and nvarchar?
Dear, Our ASP.NET scripts send SQL statements (as inline SQL or SP) to process the requested job. After the job execution, the process ID stays in the server and waits for next command with sleeping status.Since this process does not go away, next job adds another process and eventually, the server is overloaded with these processes and dies. How can I kill this sleeping processes?Regards,Echo
I am having some difficulty with data-driven processes in an internal web application using ASP.NET framework 2.0 with SQL Server 2000.
I have a facility where the user enters search criteria to retrieve a list with the idea being that when they click a button the list set is migrated to a table as a batch. The SQL Server processes to perform the database operations can take up to 5min because of volume of data and relational complexity, which is fine.
The only problem is that I'm having trouble managing the SQL Server process if the user closes the browser or go to a new URL etc. If this happens on the client side it's like the HTTP request is terminated but the SQL statement left on the SQL Server still running, eventually it runs to completion but I would prefer the SQL process to also be abandoned and rolled back.
Any idea what is happening here and how it can be handled?
I'm relatively new to ASP.NET coming from ASP. I've created a new, relatively simple ASP.NET application using WebMatrix with various controls and pages accessing an SQL Server database.
3 people are trying to use this app. After a short amount of time, the server starts kicking back an error message that it can not open a connection. I go in with Enterprise Manager to the SQL Server and I can see a long list of processes there almost as if each page is opening a connection and not closing. I'm explicitly closing all connections in my code where I open them for use by a data reader. What about data grid controls. Do they leave connections open? How about the drag and drop insert/update/delete functions. Unless I'm mistaken, this should close the connection when the function completes, shouldn't it:
Try rowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery Finally dbConnection.Close End Try
I originally did this app connecting to an Access database but had the same problem. I figured it was due to the known connection issues with Access via ADO so I upsized to SQL Server and over time, get this same problem.
I have a scheduled job that will do a database restore at given time every day. Sometimes I run into a situation where some people leave themselves logged on to the database, which prevents the job from running.
Is there a way that I can set up my job to include killing any open processes against the database that I'm restoring prior to the restore being done?
Currently using SQL Server 2000 (SP4). The following condition started occurring last week:
- Server has excessive blocking - Majority of the processes are in runnable state - Excessive blocking happens for a few mins. and repeats again during the day. Does not happen at night. - Nothing on the server errorlog, profiler - CPU averages 40 - 50% at that point of excessive blocking
I restore a backup every week. It serves a couple of purposes. One, to verify the backup and secondly, to give us a current testing/training environment. As things evolve, it would be nice to script this and then schedule it as a job.
I can write the restore statement, but it fails if any sessions are open on the db. I thought about using sp_who and the the kill statement. But I was having trouble using the recordset returned by sp_who.
Now I'm thinking the sysprocess table is a better place to look. Does anybody have some experience in this area and can point me in the right direction?
While I'm going down this path, does anybody have a script to look at the master database and dynamically manage their backup strategy? That would be super cool?!?!
Hello all,I'm using SS 2000 and NT4 (and Access97 as front-end on another server)Well, probably by lack of knowledge about table locks, I don't really knowwhere to start to present this problem. In Enterprise manager, section"Management->Current activity->Locks/Objects", we have a couple (5-7) of"forever runnable" processes, all related to two specific situations. Eachof them are for "SELECT" statements. It's been a long time since it's likethat. I've always been curious about them but the weren't causing anyproblem. Now, after a modification, a third situation happened ("SELECT"again)... and sometime a lock created by this new "forever runnable" processblocks other functions that use the same table. All my table are linked withan ODBC link.Any help or suggestion where to search would be appreciated.Thanks.Yannick
So I setup a flat file csv connection with comma as column delim, CR/LF as row delim, etc. Everything works as planned and the package executes.
Now lets say the file comes in wrong and has two columns instead of three. It looks like this. R1C1, R1C2 R2C1, R2C2 R3C1, R3C2
The SSIS file manager reads the file as two rows vs failing. So it reads the above as this... R1C1, R1C2, {LF/CR}R2C1 R2C2, {LF/CR}R3C1, R3C2
This is obviously not right. You get similar issues if they send an extra column where data is just added to the last column. How do you get SSIS to fail or error out if the column count is wrong?
Wanting to know how do you detect and kill orphaned spid in SQL Server left behind by an XML service which was not completed normally. The client requests an XML service which open a connection, and due to network problem the client did not manage to call the another service which suppose to end the connection. Thus leaving behind in SQL Server orphaned spid which continue to hold locks. This created problem when the next user wants to access the resource.
The simplest way is to get all spid which are holding locks for more than a certan period and kill them. Is there a better way to actually detect orphaned spid?