SQL Query History Table To Return Only Active Rows
Mar 5, 2008
Given the following data how do I make a SQL query that returns only 1 row per product?
The returned rows need consist of only currently active products (that is WHERE (DateEffective <= { fn NOW() }).
The twist: Sometimes a product will have duplicate DateEffective records. In that case, only return the record created latest because that's the most current data that exists for a product. RowTimeStap is when the record was created.
Example Data:
HistoryID ProductID Name Color DateEffective RowTimeStamp
(auto-number PK)
1 1 Wheel Red 2/1/2008 2/1/2008
2 1 Wheel Blue 3/5/2008 3/1/2008
3 1 Wheel Orange 3/5/2008 3/2/2008
4 1 Wheel Black 1/1/2010 3/3/2008
5 2 Knob Blue 3/2/2008 3/2/2008
6 2 Knob Green 3/3/2008 3/3/2008
Query should return:
3 1 Wheel Orange 3/5/2008 3/2/2008
5 2 Knob Green 3/3/2008 3/3/2008
The query I've created fails on the twist part. I have to allow duplicate DateEffective to keep a history of changes.
Can anyone help?
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Nov 8, 2007
Hi All,
I am using sql server 2005. I stuck out in a strange problem.
I am using view in my stored procedure, when I run the stored procedure some of the rows get skipped out means if select query have to return 10 rows then it is returning 5 rows or any other but not all, also the records displyaing is randomly coming, some time it is displaying reords 12345 next time 5678, other time 2468.
But if I run seperately the querys written in SP then it returns all the rows. Please give me solution why it is happening like this.
There are indexes in the tables.
Once I shrink the database and rebuild the indexes, from then this problem is happening. I have rebuild the indexes several time, also updated the statistics but nothing improving.
But nothing is improving
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Nov 3, 2015
I have order history table that tracks who worked on a order
ID. ColA. ColB. ColC
1. Process 1234
2. Work. 7666
3. Return. 6789
4. Work. Null Role1
5. Return. 6538
I want a query to return recent colB or ColC where colA or colB are not null. In this case row 4
I have order history table that tracks who worked on a order
Another example
ID. ColA. ColB. ColC
1. Work. 1234
2. Process. 7666
3. Return. 6789
I want a query to return most recent colB or ColC where colB or ColC are not null. In this case row 2
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Apr 8, 2006
Does sql server have a mechanism (aside from count()) that for any given SELECT query will tell you only how many rows it will return without actually returning the data?
The reason for this is that we have a generic lookup form in an application that is used on almost every screen (we have a lot of screens, so it gets a lot of different, sometimes complicted, queries passed to it to use for the lookup, and having to manually edit the query to use count over all the select clauses doesn't seem like the best way to handle this. If we could do a kind of 'trial run' against the server just to get the number of rows and use that to help set up the form, that would be ideal.
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Apr 4, 2001
When querying any of our database tables (returning all rows from within the enterprise manager) we are getting the following error message:
"The query cannot be executed because some files are either missing or not registered" Can anyone help me with this....
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Apr 27, 1999
When running a query with a table from another SQL7 Server that is linked, if only 1 table from each server is specified, the query runs fast and returns only the data rows needed from the linked server. When another table is added on to query (on the server running the query) the query processor tries to run a remote query and return over 400,000 rows over the network. Any suggestions?
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Sep 9, 2004
I have three tables X,Y,Z. Table 'Y' is having foreign key constraints on tables 'X' and 'Z' (which happen to be primary key tables).
I would like to run a query in which I can retrieve rows from Table 'X' only if the matching rows in Table 'Y' have "ALL" their matching rows available in a simple query being run on Table "Z".
The "All" part is very important.
For more clarification, let me give you an example. Table "X" is equivalent to a mathematical "Equation" table which consists of an equation made up of several "Fields". These fields are stored in Table "Z". Table "Y" contains the primary keys from Tables "X" and "Z". i.e. Table "Y" determines what fields are required for an equation to be complete.
I am having a query "Q" on Table "Z" (Fields table) which returns me a bunch of Fields. Now, on the basis of these fields, I want to retrieve only those Equations (Table "X") which have "ALL" their required Fields present in the bunch retrieved by the Query "Q".
I hope I am clear enough.
Does anyone have any solutions???
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Feb 14, 2007
HI there,
Can someone please help with a query I have? Basically I want to return all rows in a table that have multiple date entries that are different. For example:
163610737464753422005-12-30 00:00:00.000
163610737464753592006-03-10 00:00:00.000
This security 1636 has two entries in the DB with different dates. They are lots of securities with multiple entries with the same date but I need a list of the ones with different dates. Any ideas please?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello SQL gurus!I am trying to write a query that will return a set of continguous rowsfrom a table, and limit the number of rows returned when a maximumtotal has been reached by adding a value in one of the columns.For example, the two columns below represent 2 columns in a table.a 2b 2c 2d 3e 4f 5g 5I want to start at, say "c", and return all the rows after it as longas the sum of the numbers in column 2 (starting at "c") don't exceed10. The result I'm after would be thusc 2d 3e 4....because 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 < 10Any ideas? Many thanks.
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Dec 9, 2007
Im am trying to return the number of rows in a table and i only can get a response of true thanks for any help
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Jul 30, 2000
Help, is something wrong with my SL Server? I am unable to return any rows from all tables in all databases (user and system)on My SQL 7.0 SP2 machine. Whne i right click on the table in E.M and select design or open table i get no results. Does anyone know why this is happening? It did not always happen either.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,I need to create a stored procedure almost like "Current_user()" to returnto me the total rows in a table.. Is this possible? plz helpRudi
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Jan 22, 2015
I have a table with the following columns employeeSessionID, OpDate, OpHour, sessionStartTime, sessionCloseTime. I need to see how many users remain active per hour. I can calculate how many logged in per hour, but I am stumped on how to count how many are active per hour. I have a single table that stores login data. I have created a query that pulls out the only the data needed from the table into a temp table using this query. Also note it is possible that the sessionCloseTime is null if the device has not been logged out this would need to be counted a active.
TABLE NAME #empSessionLog Contains the time stamp data OpDate, sessionStartTime and sessionCloseTime.
2015-01-202015-01-20 14:32:59.1302015-01-20 14:33:14.6299166
2015-01-202015-01-20 06:58:33.7302015-01-20 15:27:16.9133442
2015-01-202015-01-20 09:56:22.8402015-01-20 17:56:29.7555853
2015-01-202015-01-20 05:59:18.6132015-01-20 14:05:19.0426707
can see how many sessions logged in per hour with the following statement:
FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00') AS opHour,
Count(*) AS Total
FROM #empSessionLog
Group BY opDate, FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00')
Order BY opDate, FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00') ASCResults:
Where I am stuck is how do I count the sessions that remain active per hour until the session is closed with the sessionCloseTime.
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May 9, 2006
Some automated tools use sp_columns to find out the columns for a table, view or UDF that returns table.
In SQL Server 2000 it gives columns back but in SQL Server 2005 it does not, compat level set at 80 and 90.
Does anyone have an idea what id going on here?
Repro script below. I expect the script to return information about the two columns in the table defined in fnTestColumnsFromFunctions().
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions')
and type in ('IF', 'FN', 'TF'))
drop function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions;
create function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions()
returns @TestTable table
ttID int,
ttName varchar(50)
declare @dbname sysname;
declare @n int;
set @dbname = db_name();
exec @n = dbo.sp_columns
@table_name = 'fnTestColumnsFromFunctions',
@table_owner = 'dbo',
@table_qualifier = @dbname,
@column_name = null,
@ODBCVer = 2;
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions')
and type in ('IF', 'FN', 'TF'))
drop function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions;
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Dec 20, 2007
I was thinking of using a CTE to return history, have you ever done this?
I know this can be done in other ways but I wanted to wrap this CTE in a view so people could join to it.
Here is an example table:
A 1/1/2007
A 3/1/2007
B 1/1/2007
B 2/5/2007
B 3/6/2007
I want the results to look like:
A 1/1/2007 3/1/2007
A 3/1/2007 NULL
B 1/1/2007 2/5/2007
B 2/5/2007 3/6/2007
B 3/6/2007 NULL
This would be even better:
1 A 1/1/2007
2 A 3/1/2007
3 B 1/1/2007
4 B 2/5/2007
5 B 3/6/2007
I want the results to look like:
1 A 1/1/2007 3/1/2007
2 A 3/1/2007 NULL
3 B 1/1/2007 2/5/2007
4 B 2/5/2007 3/6/2007
5 B 3/6/2007 NULL
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Sep 16, 2015
How to design at database level such a way so that when I implement a SQL query that returns one hundred thousand rows only display 25 rows at the client (Web page at a time). How can I accomplish this?
Once I display first 25 rows then how do I bring next 25 rows and so on. Can it be done via paging or there are other techniques. However I asked to design this in the database level. I am using MS SQL Server 2008. Front end Visual Studio 2010. I use C# for coding.
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Sep 3, 2015
I have several databases to deal with, all with + 250 tables. The databases are not identical and do not conform to a specific naming convention for table names. Most but not all tables have a column called "LastUpdated" containing a date/time (obviously). I'd like to be able to find all rows within a whole database (table by table) where the date/time is greater than a specified date/time.
I'm looking for a reliable query that will return all the rows in each of the tables but without me having to write hundreds of individual scripts "SELECT * FROM [dbo.xyz] WHERE LastUpdated > '2015-01-01 09:00:00:000'", or have to look through each table first to determine which of them has the LastUpdated field.
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Nov 22, 2004
I want to add a carriage return in ActiveX to seperate lines... IE:
This currently appears in 1 line in the email message.
Mail.Body = "Error creating template : " + DTSGlobalVariables("DirectoryOut").Value + " Error Message: " + DTSGlobalVariables("ErrorMessage").Value
I want it to appear in seperate lines... like so.
Error creating template : templatename
Error Message: Message
backslash n doesn't work, can I put an ASCII character in there? (code 13?)
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Feb 13, 2008
I have two tables that share a common identity row. I need to build a query where data that exists in one table does not contain data in the other table. For example, table 1 has columns of Owner_ID, LastName, FirstName and table 2 has columns Auto_ID, Owner_ID, AutoMake. Both tables are joined by the Owner_ID column. I need a query that provides all owners from table 1 who do not have an entry in table 2.
Thanks in advance,
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Nov 10, 2005
For each blog entry viewed in my web app, a (IPNumber, Date, BlogID) row is inserted into table "BlogViews"
How can I fetch the BlogID which has been most often visited, that is has the most number of rows?
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Nov 25, 2004
how do i query a table and if it doesn't have a value for a field return something anyway?
(table 1)
id title
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 (null)
e.g. if null return 'not assigned'
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Sep 16, 2015
I don't know why this is so difficult. What I want to do is take a table name as a parameter to build a query and get an integer value from the result of the query. But from all of the research I have been doing, Dynamic SQL is bad in SQL server because of SQL Injections. But my users are not going to be supplying the table names.
Things I have learned:
- SQL Functions cannot use Exec to execute query strings.
- SQL Functions can return a concatenated string that could be used by a stored procedure to Exec the query string.
So how can I write a stored procedure that will
1. take a parameter
2. Pass the parameter to a function that will return a string
3. Execute that string as SQL
4. Get a return value from that SQL statement
5. Then finally, from a View, how can I pass a parameter to the stored procedure and get the returned value from the stored procedure to be used as a field in the View?
Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are where I am really stuck. I guess I don't know the proper syntax and limitations of SQL Server.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have
Customer table, tblCust: ID; Name
1 Peter2 Mary
Product table, tblProduct: ID; Name
1 Banana2 Orange3 Apple
Order tblOrder, tblOrder: CustID; ProductID; Amount
1 ;2 ;$20 – means Peter ordered $20 oranges
How do I write the SQL query so that the values in tblProduct become column, currently I have 20 items in that table. So, it will return something like this according to the information that I provide above?
Name Banana Orange Apple
Peter 0 20 0
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Feb 13, 2015
comparing UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns..This query returns several rows where the [ReportId] and [LastRunDate] columns are both NULL:
SELECT [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
, MAX([TimeStart]) [LastRunDate]
FROM [dbo].[Catalog] [c]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] [xl] on [c].[ItemID] = [xl].[ReportID]
WHERE [c].[Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
group by [c].[Name],[c].[ItemID],[xl].[ReportID]
order by 4
However, trying to just list catalog reports with no execution history returns 0 rows, but I'm expecting it to return a row for every NULL [ReportId] from the above query:
FROM [dbo].[Catalog]
WHERE [Type] NOT IN (1,5) -- Not a folder or a data source!
AND [ItemID] NOT IN (SELECT [ReportID] FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage])
I even tried casting [ItemId] and [ReportId] columns in the 2nd query to VARCHAR(255), and still got no rows, but the following queries return 0 rows and 1 row (respectively).
select * from [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] where [ReportID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'
select * from [dbo].[Catalog] where [ItemID] = '0BB2209C-7736-46C8-AD02-4614EBA4F0F1'
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May 8, 2006
we are using
select distinguishedname, employeeid, sn, middlename, givenname, displayname, samaccountname, mail, cn, telephonenumber
from OpenQuery( ADSI, 'SELECT telephonenumber, distinguishedname, employeeid, sn, middlename, givenname, displayname, samaccountname, mail, cn, telephonenumber
FROM ''LDAP://DC=domain,DC=xxx,DC=xxx''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass= ''user''
But it only returns 1000 rows which i read all around that is the default.
How do you set this to be higher.
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Oct 26, 2006
Can Somebody please show me how to acheive this, using the order details in Northwinddatabase or any other good example. as much details as possible. Many Thanks!
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May 6, 2008
what is query to get top 100 rows from the table x
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Apr 19, 2014
I have written this sample query to search a full-text indexed table and return the results. If the word occurs more than once I want it to return as a new record and the results show a short summary of the location. I was using 'like', but the full table scans were really slowing it down. Can performance be improved for the following (The results returned by my query are accurate)
DECLARE @searchString nvarchar(255);
DECLARE @searchStringWild nvarchar(275);
SET @searchString = 'first';
SET @searchStringWild = UPPER('"' +@searchString+ '*"');
SELECT id, '...' + SUBSTRING(searchResults.MatchedCell, searchResults.StartPosition, searchResults.EndPosition - searchResults.StartPosition) + '...' as Result
[Code] ....
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Jul 20, 2005
I know this table is designed wrong for what I am doing but I hope Ican do it. I have a table like this.Prod_A_Jan, Prod_A_Feb, Prod_B_Jan, Prod_B_FebI want a query that returns data like this (two rows of data)"ProdA", Prod_A_Jan, Prod_A_Feb"ProdB", Prod_B_Jan, Prod_B_FebI know two queries can get it but I want one. Any Help would begreat!!!Sheila T.
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Mar 10, 2012
how to join these 3 tables but there are duplicate rows in the results. How can I get all the unique rows to only show up once.
My query is:
SELECT tbl_rate.rate_ID, tbl_rate.rate_site_IDref, tbl_rate.rate_rank_IDref, tbl_rate.rate_dollar, tbl_rate.rate_ot, tbl_rate.rate_dt, tbl_rate.rate_loa,
tbl_employee.employee_name, tbl_LEM.LEM_date, tbl_LEM.LEM_reg_hrs, tbl_LEM.LEM_ot_hrs, tbl_LEM.LEM_dt_hrs, tbl_LEM.LEM_tt_hrs, tbl_LEM.site_IDREF,
tbl_LEM.LEM_LOA, tbl_LEM.LEM_Expenseinfo, tbl_LEM.LEM_workorder, tbl_LEM.LEM_posted, tbl_LEM.LEM_Expense, tbl_LEM.LEM_tagnumberREF,
tbl_LEM.LEM_reg_rate, tbl_LEM.Lem_ot_rate, tbl_LEM.Lem_tt_rate, tbl_LEM.LEM_dt_rate, tbl_LEM.Lem_loa_rate, tbl_LEM.LEM_ID, tbl_LEM.LEM_equip_days
tbl_employee ON tbl_rate.rate_rank_IDref = tbl_employee.employee_rankREF INNER JOIN
tbl_LEM ON tbl_employee.employee_ID = tbl_LEM.employee_IDREF
The results somehow need to be distinct by tbl_lems.lem_ID
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a table named LEDGER
LEDGER has two columns named PATID and CODE
Example data:
1 Z1110
1 D3330
1 Z0330
2 Z1298
2 Z0987
2 Z0330
2 D1092
I need a query that returns PATID if they have CODE Z0330 but not Z1110. I only want one PATID to return if this condition exists.
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Dec 10, 2007
I have a database with 150 tables. I want to make a query ranking those tables by table size and/or number of rows.
Is this possible?
Many thanks
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Aug 27, 2015
I need to clear my query history. I wrongly select top 1000 rows from menu and this 1000 rows listed in 01.46 minutes. But,there are 11 million rows in the table and ı need to get the elapsed time.when I use the select * from "table name" , this 1000 rows automatically listed in 0 times.Now I need to clear all the history to get elapsed time correctly.
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