Is there a way to set SQL Server 2005 Express so that I can return null values? For example, the following query will not return any values:
FROM tbl_form_values
where fldVALUE IS NULL;
it does return values with:
FROM tbl_form_values
where fldVALUE = '';
I have an Oracle background and all null values are true nulls not empty strings. I would like to be able to use the first query. Also other functions such as COALESCE work very nice with nulls. I can do the following in Oracle but not in SQL Server:
SELECT fldID, fldMID, fldFID,
COALESCE(fldVALUE, 'n/a');
FROM tbl_form_values
This will return the values in fldVALUE if they are available and n/a for all NULL values.
All- Please assist: In this SELECT statement: 1 SELECT person_id, (last + ', ' + first + ' on ' + CASE f.address_1 WHEN NULL THEN 'none' ELSE f.address_1 END) as last_first_address 2 FROM person 3 4 LEFT JOIN family f 5 ON person.family_id = f.family_id
I'm finding that the compound column last_first_address returns <null> when f.address_1 is null, even though it seems like it should return the string "none" per my CASE statement. If f.address_1 is not NULL, then it the statement works as expected. Please advise as to how I can fix the statement so that "none" is returned as the final string in last_fist_address if f.address_1 is null. Note: I tried removing the parens. No effect on result. Thanks! -Kurt
Hi I have a query, what I would like to do is create a column that takes the results in two coulms and add them together: Col A Col B Col C Row1 1 1 2 Row2 2 3 5 Here is the query declare @t table( player_name varchar(100), BuyIn int, TopUp int, ReBuy int, Winnings int, Events int, Test int) INSERT INTO @t (player_name, TopUp) SELECT Player_name, SUM([Top-ups]) AS TOPUPS FROM (SELECT Event_data.Transaction_type, Players.Player_name, Events.Top_up, Event_data.Transaction_value, Events.Top_up * Event_data.Transaction_value AS [Top-ups] FROM Event_data INNER JOIN Events ON Event_data.Event_id = INNER JOIN Players ON Event_data.Player_id = Players.Player_id WHERE (Event_data.Transaction_type = 2)) AS Topups GROUP BY player_name INSERT INTO @t (player_name, ReBuy ) SELECT Player_name, SUM([Re-buys]) AS REBUYS FROM (SELECT Event_data.Transaction_value, Players.Player_name, Events.Rebuys, Event_data.Transaction_value * Events.Rebuys AS [Re-buys] FROM Event_data INNER JOIN Events ON Event_data.Event_id = INNER JOIN Players ON Event_data.Player_id = Players.Player_id WHERE (Event_data.Transaction_type = 3)) AS REBUYS GROUP BY Player_name Insert into @t (player_name, BuyIn) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, SUM(dbo.Events.Buy_in) AS BuyIn FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id INNER JOIN dbo.Events ON dbo.Event_data.Event_id = GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name, dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type HAVING (dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type = 1) ORDER BY SUM(dbo.Events.Buy_in) DESC
Insert into @t (player_name, Winnings) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, SUM(dbo.Event_data.Transaction_value) AS Winnings FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name, dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type HAVING (dbo.Event_data.Transaction_type = 1) insert into @t (player_name, Events) SELECT dbo.Players.Player_name, COUNT(dbo.Event_data.Place) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Players INNER JOIN dbo.Event_data ON dbo.Players.Player_id = dbo.Event_data.Player_id INNER JOIN dbo.Events ON dbo.Event_data.Event_id = GROUP BY dbo.Players.Player_name HAVING (NOT (COUNT(dbo.Event_data.Place) IS NULL)) insert into @t (player_name, test) select player_name, ((TopUp) + (Rebuy)) as Test from @t SELECT player_name, min (BuyIn) as BuyIn, min(TopUp) as TopUps, min(ReBuy)as ReBuy, min(Winnings) as Winnings, min(Events) as Events, min(test) as test FROM @t GROUP BY player_name ORDER BY BuyIn DESC --ORDER BY TOPUPS DESC
THis is where I attempt to add the coloms but I get a null result
insert into @t (player_name, test) select player_name, ((TopUp) + (Rebuy)) as Test from @t
I am trying to emulate the "Find unmatched Records" Access Query using DTS. I have a small table with a list of codes that I need to use to exclude records in my text export.
I have created a left outer join and set the criteria for the joined field in the 'right' table to be null. I am repeatedly getting no records as a result.
Wouldn't the joined field in the right table for unmatched records by default be null? I'm stumped as to why this seamingly simple process won't work for me. I have attached the select statement for your review.
I have a table called "alert" and in this table, for each columns there are data as 1 , or 0 or NULL. how do I write a query to just give me data's with "1" in them not the NULLS or 0?
This is my problem, i have 2 tables: one table that hold data, having id as identity, say table (id, content), the other table have 2 columns: (id, number). The second table number column refer to the id in the first table. i want to build a query that get the data from the first table that correspond to a specific id in the second table, not only this i want to get the previous, the current and the next item.
For example: if table_data, table_info is first and second tables, something that can do it is :
DECLARE @i int
SELECT * FROM table_data WHERE id in (@i -1, @i +1, @i)
The problem here if @i, @i+1 or @i-1 doesn't exist the column will not be returned, i want to get a result similar to
id, content
25 null 26 null 27 #some content#
34 #content1# 35 #content2# 36 #content3#
so my problem is that nulls doesn't appear, i thought about using OUTER JOIN, but the problem is that outer join take tables, not (@i -1, @i +1, @i), so if only i can make somehow the outer join use these values, i think it works.
When i do a select on my emplee table for rows with null idCompany i dont get any records
I then try to modify the table to not allow a null idCompany and i get this error message:
'Employee (aMgmt)' table - Unable to modify table. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'idCompany', table 'D2.aMgmt.Tmp_Employee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
is there an elegant way to use one equals sign in a where clause that returns true when both arguments are null, and returns true when neither is null but both are equal and returns false when only one is null?
I have two SSIS packages that import from the same flat file into the same SQL 2005 table. I have one flat file connection (to a comma delimited file) and one OLE DB connection (to a SQL 2005 Database). Both packages use these same two Connection Managers. The SQL table allows NULL values for all fields. The flat file has "empty values" (i.e., ,"", ) for certain columns.
The first package uses the Data Flow Task with the "Keep nulls" property of the OLE DB Destination Editor unchecked. The columns in the source and destination are identically named thus the mapping is automatically assigned and is mapped based on ordinal position (which is equivalent to the mapping using Bulk Insert). When this task is executed no null values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file. Empty string values are inserted instead of NULL.
The second package uses the Bulk Insert Task with the "KeepNulls" property for the task (shown in the Properties pane when the task in selected in the Control Flow window) set to "False". When the task is executed NULL values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file.
So using the Data Flow Task " " (i.e., blank) is inserted. Using the Bulk Insert Task NULL is inserted (i.e., nothing is inserted, the field is skipped, the value for the record is omitted).
I want to have the exact same behavior on my data in the Bulk Insert Task as I do with the Data Flow Task.
Using the Bulk Insert Task, what must I do to have the Empty String values inserted into the SQL table where there is an "empty value" in the flat file? Why & how does this occur automatically in the Data Flow Task?
From a SQL Profile Trace comparison of the two methods I do not see where the syntax of the insert command nor the statements for the preceeding captured steps has dictated this change in the behavior of the inserted "" value for the recordset. Please help me understand what is going on here and how to accomplish this using the Bulk Insert Task.
I have the following query. select top 3 dbo.oncd_incident.open_date,dbo.onca_product.description,dbo.onca_user.full_name,dbo.oncd_incident.incident_id,email, dbo.oncd_contact.first_name,dbo.oncd_contact.last_name,dbo.oncd_contact.contact_id from dbo.oncd_incident inner join dbo.oncd_incident_contact on dbo.oncd_incident_contact.incident_id=dbo.oncd_incident.incident_id inner join dbo.oncd_contact on dbo.oncd_contact.contact_id=dbo.oncd_incident_contact.contact_id inner join dbo.oncd_contact_email on dbo.oncd_contact_email.contact_id=dbo.oncd_contact.contact_id inner join dbo.onca_user on dbo.oncd_incident.assigned_to_user_code=dbo.onca_user.user_code inner join dbo.onca_product on dbo.onca_product.product_code=dbo.oncd_incident.product_code where dbo.oncd_incident.incident_status_code='CLOSED' and email is not null and dbo.oncd_incident.open_date>DateAdd(wk,-2,getdate()) and dbo.oncd_incident.completion_date>=DateAdd(dd,-2,getdate()) and dbo.oncd_incident.assigned_to_user_code in (select user_code from dbo.onca_user) order by newid() I want the query to be executed for each row returned by the sub query.If I use IN keyword it returns top 3 rows for any 3 of the users.But I want top 3 rows to be returned for each of teh user.Please help.
Hi, My Select query returing the one column: Options 1 2 3 Form this Options column I have to check the Checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 out of total 6 checkboxes in form. I am getting the Options column from database. How to store that resultset. Thanks in advance.
Hi! I have a sql query in stored procedure: SELECT Salutation + ' ' + FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS fullname Ok, this returns a value if salutation is not null, but if the salutation is null it doesn't return any value, I was thinking if the saluation is null then I would atleast get the firstname and last name. Any help appreciated on this.
so I know how to use tsql to print a value in just the query, but when I insert a column, I want it to return the value of the ID that was just created. I don't know how to do this and send the value back to so that I can move on with that value. Can any body help me with this? this is what I have so far. thanks for the help!@title varchar(40) = null,
I need to run a select statement that only returns 50 rows. How do I limit the amount of rows returned? Normally the query will return hundreds of rows but all I need is the first 50 it retrieves. I have looked in the BOL and can only find help with a block cursor not just a query.
I set up a View in SQL Server 2005. The syntax checks ok, however, when I execute it, it doesn't return any data. This is my Query:
SELECT DATEPART(hh, Time) AS Time, COUNT([Recipient-Address]) AS [CountOfRecipient-Address], ROUND(SUM([Total-bytes]) / 1048576, 2) AS [SumOfTotal-Bytes] FROM dbo.TrackingLog WHERE (RIGHT([Recipient-Address], LEN([Recipient-Address]) - PATINDEX([Recipient-Address], '@')) IN (SELECT Domains FROM dbo.Domains)) GROUP BY DATEPART(hh, Time)
The part that I am most concerned about is the WHERE section. If I remove it, I get some data returned. If I don't, obviously I don't get anything back.
Table has 10 fields and I need to return them all. The three most importaint, at least for the filter I need are:
id, studentid, date, canceled.
I need to return the last max(date) grater than or equal to @dateparam which is not canceled for each studentid
I have worked out some solutions but am not happy with them. Specially woried about performance when the table grows. I am expecting in full production a table growth of about 3 million records per month.
what would be grate is if there where a way of returning a the coresponding id like in:
select studentid, max(date), related(id) as ids from tablea where canceled=0 group by studentid
then I could do:
Select * from tablea inner join (select studentid, max(date), related(id) as ids from tablea a where canceled=0 group by studentid ) b on (
I'm building a db to collect equip fault data in SQL 2005 and need to modify my query to be able to select/display "ALL" records. I'm currently using a sp to assign a shift to each record and then have a query to select all records by shift. I'd like to add an option to the query to be able to select ALL records, regardless of shift. I've included the sp & query I am currently using. Any help would be appreciated.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_dtu_Store_Line_Fault_Data] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @AssetID int, @Timestamp datetime, @FaultCode int, @State int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; IF @State = 3 BEGIN INSERT LineFaultData (FaultCode, AssetID, StartTime, Duration, Shift) VALUES (@FaultCode, @AssetID, @Timestamp, 0, CASE WHEN DATEPART(hh,@Timestamp) BETWEEN 7 AND 14 THEN 'DAYS' WHEN DATEPART(hh,@Timestamp) BETWEEN 15 AND 22 THEN 'AFTERNOONS' ELSE 'NIGHTS' END) END
IF @State <> 3 BEGIN DECLARE @Count int SET @Count = (SELECT Count(*) FROM LineFaultData WHERE AssetID = @AssetID AND Duration = 0) IF @Count <> 0 BEGIN DECLARE @StartTime datetime SET @StartTime = (SELECT Top 1 StartTime FROM LineFaultData WHERE AssetID = @AssetID and Duration = 0) UPDATE LineFaultData SET Duration = DateDiff(s,@StartTime, @Timestamp) WHERE AssetID = @AssetID and Duration = 0 and StartTime = @StartTime
SELECT TOP (1000) dbo.LineFaultDescription.Station, dbo.LineFaultData.StartTime, dbo.LineFaultData.Duration, dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultDescription, dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultCategory, dbo.LineFaultData.Shift FROM dbo.LineFaultDescription INNER JOIN dbo.LineFaultData ON dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultCode = dbo.LineFaultData.FaultCode AND dbo.LineFaultDescription.AssetID = dbo.LineFaultData.AssetID and (StartTime < '{@End Date}' and StartTime > '{@Start Date}')
WHERE (dbo.LineFaultData.AssetID = {Asset_ID}) AND (dbo.LineFaultData.Shift = '{@Shift}') ORDER BY dbo.LineFaultData.StartTime DESC
I need some help. I have a function that used to use ADO.NET to return a dataview. Now I'm using linq, and I don't know how to make this work original function looked like this: public DataView getIssue() { //do some ADO, return the dataview return ds.Tables["Articles"].DefaultView; } With this I could write Gridview1.dataSource = getIssue();I want to do the same thing with Linq, but I'm running into some trouble:Here's my function now:public DataView getIssue() { var query = from a in db.Articles join i in db.Issues on a.IssueID equals i.IssueID select a; DataView dv = new DataView(); dv = query.asdatatable(); return query; }OK, first off I can't use asdatatable since I am using a join, so I can't make the results of my query a dataview. I can't return the results of my query in this function, something that seemed simple to do in Linq now seems like something that may only be possible in ADO.Thanks for your time
This question has been posted on the site before but I could not find any resolution....I want to return rows 11 - 20 from a query that returns 100 records without using a cursor or temp table.
The closest query I have found is a query that numbers the rows, but I can't seem to use rownumber in a between clause...
Use Pubs SELECT emp_id, lname, fname, job_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee e2 WHERE e2.emp_id <= e.emp_id AND e2.job_id = 10) AS rownumber FROM employee e WHERE job_id = 10 ORDER BY emp_id
I'm trying to write a query that will return rows within a specified range and print to a Crystal Report. When I run the query, it produces 2 row of everything. I would use the SELECT DISTINCT clause, but Crystal Reports will not let me edit the Select statement. But I can edit the FROM, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. I think the problem is in my INNER JOINS but I'm having a problem figuring it out. Can someone please guide me in the right direction.
SELECT DrawingVouchers."PlayerID", DrawingVoucherNumbers."PromoID", DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber", DrawingVoucherNumbers."IssueDate", DrawingVoucherNumbers."UserID", CDS_PLAYER."LastName", CDS_PLAYER."FirstName", CDS_ACCOUNT."Address1A", CDS_ACCOUNT."City1", CDS_ACCOUNT."State1", CDS_ACCOUNT."Zip1" FROM { oj (("WinOasis"."dbo"."DrawingVouchers" DrawingVouchers INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."DrawingVoucherNumbers" DrawingVoucherNumbers ON DrawingVouchers."PlayerID" = DrawingVoucherNumbers."PlayerID") INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."CDS_PLAYER" CDS_PLAYER ON DrawingVoucherNumbers."PlayerID" = CDS_PLAYER."Player_ID") INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."CDS_ACCOUNT" CDS_ACCOUNT ON CDS_PLAYER."Player_ID" = CDS_ACCOUNT."Primary_ID"} WHERE DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber" >= 37806 AND DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber" <= 37813
In some of our business object reports we have to create variables to decode values to what we want. I am trying to replicate this in SQL Server and remember doing this in SQL server 2000 years ago back can't remember the exact way to do it. I remember running a query and calling stored proc within query which would return the value I wanted but not sure if I can still do this in SQL server 2008 and by that I mean doing it within query or have to do it another way.
Basically what I want is to have a procedure with all the variables replicated within that procedure so that when I run a query I can just call the appropriate bit of code by passing a specific name like
select job.dept, dbo.decodevariable('ShowJobDesc' job.jobtitle), job.salary from job
so 'ShowJobDesc' and the job.jobtitle would be used to decode each job title to return job description.Just a bit unsure and can't remember if I am doing this the right way, is this possible?
I have a query with a nested query that is used as an in line view. When I run the whole query I keep getting slightly different results each time (10000, 10002, 10001, 9999 etc.), nothing is being changed, no jobs are running on the DB to affect the tables etc.
When I run the inline view query with the nested query, or nested query on its own, it returns same number each time.
What could potentially be the cause of this?
Using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition on local W7 PC
I am new at SQL and am using SQL server express edition and im a bit stuck! I am using ASP.NET and C# in my website which is using sql database back end.
String SQLroom = "SELECT DISTINCT RoomName FROM Room INNER JOIN RoomCalendar ON Room.RoomID = RoomCalendar.RoomID WHERE Capacity = '" + reqCapacity + "' " + " AND NOT ('" + newRoomEnd + "' <= roomStartDateTime OR '" + newRoomStart + "' >= roomEndDateTime) AND (OHP = '" + ohpYesNo + "' AND AV = '" + avYesNo + "') ";
This is my SQL string... what it is trying to do is:
find the room where the capacity is the reqcapacity entered by user and the startdatetime and enddatetime entered by the user are not present in the table for that room capacity and then look at whether the user requires OHP or AV facilities, which are stored in the database as either yes or no values. The problem i am having is with the condition in the sql query... because the user may require an OHP and not AV, but then the room returned "`could" have AV facilities, as it wouldnt make a difference to them if it was there or not, basically, the yes condition has to be satisfied.
Not sure whether i should be using AND, or OR? or a combination.
I havea 2 part issue with a query I'm trying to run for a report.
I have an incident report that needs to show results based on dates from the week before. In addition, This report should run every Monday morning, with the exception of a Monday holiday, where in that case, the report will run the next business day. I have an idea to use a case statement, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Any suggestions?
Also,part of the query I have is pulling back the right data, as long as I don’t include parameters. When I do add values to the parameters the query includes all the dates. I need to see either/or - not both. I just want to either see dates without the param values or see only dates that I ask for in a parameter. Does that make sense?
FROM activities AS activities INNER JOIN incident AS incident ON activities.incid_id = incident.incid_id INNER JOIN activity_result_master AS activity_result_master ON activities.result_id = activity_result_master.result_id INNER JOIN security_users AS security_users ON incident.incid_assigned_to = INNER JOIN incident_priority_master AS incident_priority_master ON incident.priority_id = incident_priority_master.priority_id
WHERE incident.tagged_delete_flag = 'N' AND activities.result_id = '6' AND (incid_received_date_time >= DATEADD (d,-7,GETDATE()) AND incid_closed_date_time <=DATEADD (d,-3,GETDATE())) OR CONVERT(varchar,incident.incid_received_date_time,101) >= @StartDate AND CONVERT(varchar,incident.incid_closed_date_time,101) <= @EndDate
ORDER BY incident.incid_assigned_to, incident.incid_id
Hi,I wanted to know if this is possible and if so, how do Ido it. Say, I have a query "SELECT * FROM Table WHEREColumn="some_value". This executes on a very large dataset and I would like to return the results as they queryexecutes rather than wait for the whole query to execute.Basically, I want to get the results as they are preparedby the database. Any way to do this?Regards,San
Hello, I have a C# application that adds records to a SQL Server database using a query something like this one:
INSERT INTO table_name (first_name, last_name, date_added) ('john', 'smith', '1/1/2005 12:00:00pm') ; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS [Scope_Identity]
This works fine unless there's already a John Smith in the database. When that happens, Scope_Identity is null even though the date_added is different. About half the time the record is added even though Scope_Identity is null. I've added code to notify me when this happens, but it's a pain in the neck to re-run my import utility for individual records.
(The table I'm adding to does have a autonumbered key field)
Hello, I have a query that works in query analyzer; it looks that a certain date is between the start and end date of a certain value. I also have a status field, which can be null, but if provided, provides the appropriate status to filter by. Again, the query works in QA, but not in the application. I test in SQL by using start date = '1/1/1900', end date = '12/31/9999', and status = null. Results are returned. But, not when the results are done through code. In code, I set the begin date to new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), the end date to DateTime.MaxValue, and the status to a null string. But, no results are returning. Why isn't that mapping over correctly? In the function, it has the two dates as Nullable(Of DateTime), which I provide a date, and the string is getting passed Nothing. Any ideas? Can't post any code on this one... Thanks.
I am trying to return the number of records found by the query but keep seeing -1 in label1. This query should return many records. sub findcustomers(sender as object,e as eventargs) dim connection1 as sqlconnection=new sqlconnection(...) dim q1 as string="select * from tblcustomers where store='65'" dim command1 as sqlcommand=new sqlcommand(q1,connection1) dim a as integer a=command1.executenonquery() label1.text=a.tostring() command1.connection.close() end sub What am I doing wrong?
I've got this sql statement that keeps returning the wrong data. (it's related to a previous post, but is different)