SQL Server 2000 - Xp_sendmail

Aug 16, 2007

I have no idea about how can I use xp_sendmail
when I try to use it this error displayed on the screen.
There is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail ..

and I want to know how can I test xp_mail_mapi_profile

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Xp_sendmail At SQL Server 2000

Sep 11, 2002


I have database at Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and I successed to set SQL MAIL profile.

But when I run this query :

EXEC xp_sendmail 'susan',
@subject = 'Test'

Then this result appeared :

Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80040111

I don't know why this result can't run success. I hope somebody want to tell me how to solve this problem.


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Exec Xp_sendmail Error On SQL Server 2000

Apr 23, 2007

I have try to send a mail via xp_sendmail in Query Analyzer and it succeeded.
So I try to have it executed in a trigger but it failed.

Here is the trigger creation script and error message

use mlcb
if exists (select name
from sysobjects
where name = 'test' and
type = 'TR')

CREATE TRIGGER test on mlcb.dbo.trans_errlog
for insert
declare @email_subject varchar(100),
@email_content varchar(4000),
@email_recipients varchar(50)

set @email_subject='SQL Mail test mail'
set @email_recipients='some@world.com.tw'
set @email_content='this is a test mail, don't reply this mail'

exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients=@email_recipients,@subject=@email_subj ect,@message=@email_content

Error Message:
Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 6
Could not find stored procedure 'master.xp_startmail'.
The statement has been terminated.

Appreciate any prompt reply.


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Sql Server 2000 - Xp_sendmail Stored Procedure

Aug 15, 2007

I have no idea about how can I use xp_sendmail
when I try to use it this error displayed on the screen.
There is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail ...

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Xp_sendmail And Outlook 2000

Feb 6, 2004

I'm sending data from a simple query using xp_sendmail and the @query variable to send via Outlook 2000. Everthing is fine data-wise, but the font of the data is wrong in the e-mail causing the columns of data to be justified all over the place.

I would like it to send in 'courier new' font to fix this problem, but SQL server defaults to use plain txt so the e-mail client receiving the information is not forced to use the font and uses its own default (which again throws the alignment out). I need to make it use the 'Rich Text' format to enforce this but SQL seems to bypass this when sending via sp_sendmail.

I know this is more an Outlook problem, but it is the way SQL 2000 uses it that is my issue here



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XP_SENDMAIL Problem After Windows Trust With Exchange Server Established

Jul 23, 2005

After a trust with exchange server established the xp_SendMailgives the following error:xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005Prior to the trust everything worked fine.I have tried the following:1)Checking SQL and SQLAgents accounts all match up with default mailprofile.2)Confirmed I could send from outlook logged in under the account.3)xp_stopmail and xp_startmail4)restarted the SQL Agent5)Confirmed outlook settings as defined in:kb153159 -http://www.sqlnewsgroups.net/link.a...b/153159/EN-US/I also tried a pop3 account just to test, but no luck.I think what is happening is now that the trust is established when SQLmakes a mail contection it thinks it is user admin@<otherdomain> ratherthan admin@<normaldomain> and therefore thinks that agent account isdifferent than the mail account.Please help if you can.Thanks.

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Can I Keep Sql Server 2000 If Upgrade Win 2000 To Win 2003 (was Sql Server 2000)

Feb 24, 2005

Hello, i have a question that the sql server 2000 is install in window 2000 server. If i want to update to window 2003. Is that any problem in sql server 2000. I am worry about whether we will have problem after update. What i need to do? Many thanks.

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Jul 22, 2002

I am trying to use xp_sendmail with no luck. My SQL mail works fine and I am logged in as sa. Here is the csript that I am using. The script works on my local box(which is running Win 2K Advanced Server and SQL 7). It will not work on my production boxes. Any suggestions?

EXEC master..xp_sendmail
@recipients = 'Richard Peoples,
@message = 'Test',
@subject = 'Long-Running Job to Check'


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Mar 27, 2001


I am using xp_sendmail in a stored procedure.I need to update the fields after the mail sent. Is there a way to capture the errors or server messages that occurs. I am using the following code.....

select @myquery= 'Execute LeadDistribution..sp_sendmailB ' + convert(char,@AssToID) /*calling the sp_sendmailB procedure */

execute master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients='lakshmip@oasisnetwork.com', @message='Leads Information',@query=@myquery

Select @send_Mail=@@Error

If @send_Mail=0
update MasterleadPool/*Updates the MasterleadPool table once the mail sent */
Set EmailSent='Y', Dateout=getdate()
where AssToID=@AssToID and EmailSent='N' and AssToFlag='Y'

I used @@error to capture the error but it does'nt work. I got server message as follows.... So the problem is it should'nt go to update statement if there is any type of errors in sending a mail..

Server: Msg 17903, Level 18, State 1, Line 0
MAPI login failure.

(1 row(s) affected)

Please help me if anyone knows....


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Dec 21, 2000


I am trying to utilize xp_sendmail passing a variable as the @recipients value.

EXEC master..xp_sendmail
@recipients = @EMAIL_ADDRESS_LNK,

However in doing this, it never works (go figure or I wouldn't be submitting this). I have defined the variable @EMAIL_ADDRESS_LNK appropriately to reference a field in a table and I'm positive that the value in the field is valid.

What am I missing? If this is not possible, is there a workaround. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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Jan 9, 2001

Is there anyway to format the message text when using xp_sendmail ?? E.g. making some of it bold or in italics ??

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Jan 18, 2001

I am using xp_sendmail in stored procedure and sending query using @query option. Is there a way to format the query output?

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Feb 8, 2000


How robust is xp_sendmail? I would like to roll thru 10 - 20 thousand records, strip the email and send a newsletter...

I'm a definite newby when it comes to mail servers (and how they interact with SQL Server 7.0)...so I'm not sure whether this type of processing would crash/stall the server.

can xp_sendmail handle this type of processing?

I appreciate your help,

p.s. can u point me to any good articles on the subject?

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Mar 14, 2000

can the receiver list (xp_sendmail parameter) be a query. Becuase i must to concatenate. Thanks

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Mar 6, 2003

I have a query that works on its own, however when I put
it into xp_sendmail it fails. It appears that the "set"
command does not work. Here is the query. Any suggestions?
Can you use variables within xp_sendmail @ query section?

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = 'Richard Peoples',
@subject = 'The following Budget Checked items need
@query ='DECLARE @A1 CHAR (20)
SET @A1 = 'Yvette Palomo'
SET @A2 = 'N'
IF (select COUNT (*)

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May 15, 2003

i'm executing this statement:

exec xp_sendmail @recipients='[email add]', @message='hello'

and i get an error 0x80040111

what does that mean? what am i doing wrong?

i'm already using SQL Server authentication. it was working last week, but now it isn't.

help please

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Jul 18, 2001

Is it possible to set the "From" address using the xp_sendmail procedure?

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Jul 7, 2005

Dear Friends,

I need to configure SQL Server to send mails automatically. How to configure this?

Also what all are required for this? Is exchange server a must?

Hoping to get reply


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Jun 10, 2004

i'm trying to send email using sql server, but every time i try to run xp_sendmail i get this message:

xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80040111

can anyone tell me what this error means???

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Jun 23, 2004


I want to use xp_sendmail like this

declare @user varchar
select @user = user
from users
where userid =1

exec.xp_sendmail @user, 'The master database is full.'

But I get an error message saying ambiguous recipient

Is there any way I cn do this?

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Sep 22, 2004

I'm using XP_Sendmail on an NT Server and it works fine. We have a new Windows 2000 server, which the SQL Mail has been set up correctly, and the test passes.

When I use execute xp_sendmail in the query analyzer on the 2000 server, it just sits there and processes for over an hour, without any error messages.

Has anyone seen this before?

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Dec 23, 2005

Hi All,

I have the following script that checks the amount of free space on the drive:

declare @MB_Free int

create table #FreeSpace(
Drive char(1),
MB_Free int)

insert into #FreeSpace exec xp_fixeddrives

select @MB_Free = MB_Free from #FreeSpace where Drive = 'J'

if @MB_Free < 550
exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = 'test@yahoo.com',
@message = 'Running low on free space'

I can run it as a job step. However, the problem is that we don't have Microsoft Outlook to run xp_sendmail proc to get notify when the free space on the drive is low. I can run mailsend which is os command and add that as a job step. But I don't know how to combine the code above and mailsend, since one is the t-sql and the other one is command script. Any help is appreciated.

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Mar 11, 2004

I have recently added columns to a table that is part of a xp_send mail script. meaning i run a query off of the table that had the columns added. I am now getting the error:
failed with operating system error 32

I have no idea what this means. This is a copy of the script.
exec xp_sendmail 'dionne, jim;eddens, david;Wiggs, Alexander;Miller, Debbie;conmdi', '(scrbbususcnc01) Failure 322 Load', @Attachments = '322Error.txt;\scrbbususcnc01archive322msg322M SG.txt;', @query = 'Use [maersk data warehouse]
create table #Duplicate_Records (Equipment_Number varchar(10)
,Activity_Date varchar(6)
,Activity_Time varchar(4)
,Sighting_Code varchar(2)
,CountOfEquipment_Number int)
insert into #Duplicate_Records
Count(STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number) AS CountOfEquipment_Number
HAVING (((Count(STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Numbe r))>1))

create table #None ([Equipment_Number] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Equip_Nbr_11_Digit] [varchar] (11) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Activity_Date] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Activity_Time] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Sighting_Code] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[filler] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Location_City] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Location_State] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Status] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Train_Junction] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Send_Date] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Send_Time] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Road] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Destination_City] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Destination_State] [varchar] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Source] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Flag] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Flatcar_Number] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Chassis_Number] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Work_Order_Number] [varchar] (13) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[BKG_BL_Number] [varchar] (9) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Train_ID] [varchar] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Last_Free_Date] [varchar] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Process_Date] [datetime] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[splc_code] varchar(50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS null,
[Origin_SPLC] [varchar] (6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Operator] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Shpt_Type] [varchar] (3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Pickup_Number] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL )

insert into #None
FROM [#Duplicate_Records] INNER JOIN STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL ON ([#Duplicate_Records].Sighting_Code = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Activity_Time = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Activity_Date = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Equipment_Number = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number)

create table #Real (Equipment_Number varchar(10)
,Activity_Date varchar(6)
,Activity_Time varchar(4)
,Sighting_Code varchar(2)
,CountOfEquipment_Number int)
insert into #Real
SELECT [#None].Equipment_Number,
Count([#None].Equipment_Number) AS CountOfEquipment_Number
FROM [#None]
GROUP BY [#None].Equipment_Number, [#None].Activity_Date, [#None].Activity_Time, [#None].Sighting_Code
HAVING (((Count([#None].Equipment_Number))>1));

FROM [#Real] INNER JOIN STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL ON ([#Real].Equipment_Number = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number) AND ([#Real].Activity_Date = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date) AND ([#Real].Activity_Time = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time) AND ([#Real].Sighting_Code = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code)

drop table #Duplicate_Records
drop table #None
drop table #Real', @subject = '(scrbbususcnc01) Failure 322 Load' , @Attach_Results = true, @width = 3000, @Separator = '|'

any thoughts would be great.

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Mar 31, 2004

I am trying to send a resultset via email using xp_sendmail.
I need to send the email when an earlier executed query has any results.

Got the query results into a table variable/temp table and then
in xp_sendmail, using

"Declare @table_var table(...)

..query excution..

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'xx@xx.com',
@query = 'select * from @table_var'"

it gives error saying that @table_var must be declared.
even if i use temporary table, the message i get is "cannot reference object in tempdb database."

any ideas on this.

Thanks in advance.

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XP_Sendmail Help

Jun 19, 2008


I want to send a reslut as a xls file. so I did it throug BCP. The same time i need to send file in mail. Here i am stucked. Could any one please advise me to solve this problem?

Declare @date varchar(100), @SqlBcp Varchar(1000)
Select @date = Convert( varchar, getdate(),112)+Replace (Convert(varchar, Getdate(),114),':','')
Set @SqlBcp = 'Master..Xp_CmdShell '+'''bcp "Select * from KK_TEST..JobStatus" queryout "C: esting'+@date+'.xls" -c -T'''

EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = N'xxxx@xxxxxxxxx.com',
@query = N'Exec ('+ @SqlBcp +')',
@subject = N'Failed Job Details',
@message = N'The contents of JobStatus ',
@attach_results = 'TRUE',
@width = 250 ;


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Jul 20, 2005

when creating a sp in SQL 2K that uses xp_sendmail i get a messagesaying:Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current stored procedure becauseit depends on the missing object 'xp_sendmail'. The stored procedurewill still be created.does this mean that only dependencies involving xp_sendmail will notbe stored? the other dependencies appear to be fine. i'm not surewhy sql would even bother telling me this info. thoughts?

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Jan 28, 2008

I am having a problem sending an email using the stored procedure "xp_sendmail".
This query is good.

SELECT h.order_id, h.order_date, h.responsible2 as "requested by", sum(d.cur_amount) as amount

FROM table1 as h inner join table2 as d

on h.order_id = d.order_id

where h.accept_flag = 0

and h.order_date > ' jan 1 2006 '

GROUP BY h.order_id,h.order_date, h.responsible2

ORDER BY h.order_id

The same query used to send an email does not work, don't know why.

master.dbo.xp_sendmail 'email@domainname.com,

@subject= 'POs that need approval',

@dbuse= 'database',

@query = '

SELECT h.order_id, h.order_date, h.responsible2 as "requested by", sum(d.cur_amount) as amount

FROM table1 as h inner join table2 as d

on h.order_id = d.order_id

where h.accept_flag = 0

and h.order_date > ' jan 1 2006 '

GROUP BY h.order_id,h.order_date, h.responsible2

ORDER BY h.order_id


Here is the error msg

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 10

Line 10: Incorrect syntax near 'jan'.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Nov 23, 2007

I migrated dts pckg into ssis . In that pckg i have one activex script for xp_sendmail.
exec maseter xp_sendmail,
@subject='member load validation',

above code run in ssis or i have to change if i have to chang then tell me where should i have to change.


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Apr 16, 2008

I am trying to use xp_sendmail with operator instead email id.

it is not taking operator

is there anyway to use operator with xp_sendmail

I have valid operator it is working with jobs


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Oct 1, 2006

Ok all...I'm not having much luck with this.

I'm using SQL Server 2005 MSE

I try to run

xp_sendmail 'adam@getpaid4spam.biz', 'This is a test'

And I get the following error...

Msg 17750, Level 16, State 0, Procedure xp_sendmail, Line 1

Could not load the DLL sqlmap90.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).

Any ideas?


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Need Assistance In Using Xp_sendmail

Feb 5, 2008

I'm using SQL 2000 and would like to send a generated email using this stored procedure:
select Libraryrequest.LoanRequestID, Titles.Title, requestors.fname+ ' ' + requestors.lname as [Name], libraryrequest.requestdate,libraryrequest.shipdate,libraryrequest.duedatefrom libraryrequestjoin requestors on requestors.requestorid=libraryrequest.requestoridjoin Titles on Titles.Titleid = Libraryrequest.titleidwhere duedate < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '20010101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20010101')
I know I need to go to Management, SQL Server Agent, Jobs,  New Job.  Do I put the stored procedure in the descriptions part?  After that I'm lost what do I do.

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Excuting Xp_sendmail

May 10, 2004

When excuting the xp_sendmail in the Query analyzer, my mail gets send. When doing this in my code it doesn't work eventhough I explicitly use startmailn then xp_sendmail and then sp_stopmail? I think this is a problem of user rights? I gave my user as parameter but even then it didn't work. Any suggestions? I'm pretty sure, the used code is correct.


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Xp_sendmail Error

Nov 21, 2004

Hello Pros

I am using xp_sendmail to send mail messages from SQL Server
Everything is ok on the development box, but on the production box ,
Am getting "xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80004005"

Help Please

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