SQL Server Used As A Client Running Slowly

Apr 18, 1999

I have and SQL server that had NamedPipes, Multiprotocol,IPX/SPX and TCP/IP all loaded. It is running on a 10Mbps network.
I have run setup and turned all other protocols off except TCP/IP to increase speed. This has increased speed on all the workstations but the server now runs very very very slowly.
If anyone out there has any ideas please let me know.

Thanks in advance
Joe Gentile

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SQL Server V7 Running Slowly - CPU Hogging

Jul 7, 1999

I've just had a call saying that their SQL Server v7 box on a Compaq 7000 that has been installed for about 6 months is now running slowly,
a look on the CPU shows that SQL server is grabbing 50% upwards of the CPUs (dual processor) even when the front end application is not running
, is there anything that I should be checking



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DB Engine :: Stored Procedures Running Slowly When Encrypted On New Server?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a strange situation when I try to execute the same Stored Procedure on servers with different processors. Both servers are running the SQL SERVER 2008 R2 version with all updates.

All updates bios, disk controller, firmware, were applied on the new server.

New Server: (considerable difference in processing time)
 Stored Procedure without encryption, runs at about 02:16hs
 Stored Procedure with encryption, runs at about 08:00hs
Server Processor:

Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU @ 2.60GHz E5-2697 v3
Old Server: (There Are No difference in processing time)
 Stored Procedure without encryption, runs at about 01:00hs
 Stored Procedure with encryption, runs at about 01:00hs
Server Processor:
Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU @ 2.7GHz E5-2697 V2

In terms of configuration, the server 2, have lower technology, lower bus, lower number of processors.

I believe that combination of Hardware/SO/Sql Server has a potential performance loss when running encrypted SP.

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Report Running Really Really Slowly!!

Jun 11, 2007

Hi, I have a report with 18 cascading report parameters. Each report parameter has a unique dataset which passes the value of the previous parameter into the sql string. As I am selecting the report parameters it is taking longer to query the further down I go. I think this is because of the number of where conditions that are being passed through the sql query. The last report parameter is passing 17 where conditions.

In access when I have done this the parameters near the bottom were being refreshed quicker than the top ones - why is it the opposite way round in reporting services??? Any ideas of how to speed this process up?

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Sproc Running Soooooo Slowly. Cant Figure Out Why

Jul 27, 2006

i have a sproc that is taking 5 hours+ to run. that was on 40000 rows. even on 25 rows it takes over an hour. the sproc calls a sproc or two with a cursor or two ( sorry for being so vague) . the sproc stil should not take an hour for 25 rows. i have checked what db objects are locked, and there are no other processes going on at the time, as i have killed all them off. would lack of space on a hard disk or something. any ideas of some strange things that could cause a sproc to run slowly?

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Running Scheduled Task In SQL Server 6.5 Client

Jun 12, 2001


I just wonder if it is possible to run a scheduled task from a SQL Server 6.5 Client. Whenever I would try to run a scheduled task from a SQL Server Client a would get the error message that says "The SQLExecutive service is not currently running on server 'POFDS1099'. This prevents task 'ACORS2 FS90 People Pull' from being run", but when I would try to go the server itself, the service is runnning. Can anybody please tell me what could be the possible cause of this or perhaps 6.5 doesn't really support running scheduled task using SQL Server client. Thanks.
By the way, I also have SQL 2000 Client running on my local.

Thanks again,


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Does The Client Have To Be Running IIS??

Jul 23, 2005

I guess I don't fully understand what IIS does/is! I can appreciate the needfor the host/server to be running IIS but it 'appears' restrictive for yourclients to need to do the same. I have created two web projects, both withhost and client apps. One is a web service and the other using .NETRemoting.When I try to install the client app. (web app) of either, it attempts toinstall to the (localhost), whereby if the machine is not running or similarthen it fails to install. I cannot change the destination folder because itautomatically tries to create a 'virtual directory' in the localhost folder.So my question is.....Is this correct? If so, is there a way toautomatically install (or attempt to) IIS through running some sort ofscript during installation? I know VS.Net setup projects allow you to check'Launch Conditions' and run 'Custom Actions'. Has anyone done this or gotany info.?Cheers for now.Phil

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From Client, How Can I Detect Which Services're Running Or Not?

Aug 4, 2000

From client, how can I detect which services're running or not? Example for SQLAgent, MS DTC..

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ADO Client Disconnects After Running A Long Query

Jul 20, 2005

I am having a problem executing long running queries from an ASP applicationwhich connects to SQL Server 2000. Basically, I have batches of queries thatare run using ADO in a loop written in VBScript. This works pretty welluntil the execution time of a single query starts to exceed some threshold,which I am trying to narrow down. I can typically run 2 - 10 queries in aloop, with the run time being anywhere from under a minute to an hour ormore. Now that this application is being subjected to run against some largedatabases (25 - 40G), I'm having problems getting the application tocontinue beyond the first query if it takes a while to run.I used SQL Profiler to try to diagnose what was going on. I can see thequery executes to completion, but immediately after completing I can see an"Audit Logout" message, which apparently means that the client hasdisconnected. The query durations vary from 45 or 50 minutes to up to over90 minutes. I have the ADO connection and query timeouts set to very largevalues, e.g. 1000 minutes, so I can't think its that. My guess is that thereis some IIS setting or timeout that I am running up against and theconnection to SQL Server is just dropped for some reason.The configuration isNT 4.0 SP6SQL Server 2000 SP3IIS 4.0Internet Explorer 5.5I'm only running into this problem on the very largest databases we runagainst. The vast majority continue to function properly, but this is goingto happen more often as time goes on the databases continue to grow in size.Any advice is appreciated,-Gary

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SSIS Package Not Running From Client Management Studio

Oct 24, 2007

I migrated a few stored procedures from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. When the packages are run from the box where the SSIS and SQL Server (Windows server) is installed it is running fine without any issues. When run from my local machine (client) where I have installed the SQL Server Client, the same package would not execute and gives me some weird error messages. I am a local admin on the box. Is this a issue with SSIS? Do we have to log onto the box (server) and then execute the packages?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks !

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Client Unable To Establish Connection Encryption Not Supported On SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

May 2, 2006

On Windows XP systems I get the following issue when trying to browse the MSDB folder in SSIS

Client unable to establish connection
Encryption not supported on SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

I have noticed another post where several others have noticed the same issue. It appears to only occur on Windows XP installations. Is there a workaround or fix for this?

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Sql Server 2005 Loads Data Slowly

Oct 1, 2007

This is the code i use.

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};" & "server=SCHS-SQL;uid=sa;pwd=sa;database=Library"

Call loadrst

End Sub

Public Sub loadrst()
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql1 As String
sql1 = "select * from Books order by srno"
rst.Open sql1, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

If rst.EOF = True Then
MsgBox ("No records are present")
Command1.Enabled = False
Call display
Command1.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

This is the code i use basically to connect my vb6 application to sql server 2005. I had started out lately trying to use sql server instead of access. So far none of the program have given any problems as the databases has a max one of 120 records. But the one which this code connects to has about 5200 records. I had imported the tables from access into sql server. The size of the database was around 17.67mb so i shrank it and it became 4mb. But still it takes roughly 2 minutes for the user to see the records in the grid. Could you tell me what to do?


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How SQL Server Handles Slowly Changing Dimension

Apr 3, 2006

In our application we have created a SSIS package which extracts data from staging table and places the same in destination table. We have created a slowly changing dimension for the same. Slowly changing dimension uses a composite business key of two columns to decide whether it is a old record or a new record.

Problem : On execution of the package it copies duplicate records with same business keys instead of updating the same. Also the same does not happen for all records. For few records update works fine but for others it inserts a new duplicate record.

I will appreciate if anybody can guide me where I am doing something wrong.

Thank you

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SQL Server 2014 :: Columnstore And Slowly Changing Dimension

Sep 30, 2014

I have an existing SSIS that uses SCD on a rather large table. I am also migrating to SQL2014 Enterprise. My question is, is it possible to use SCD and Columnstore(CS) together? I know that I can drop the CS and add a business key then insert data. Then drop the business key and add the CS back.

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SQL Server Named Instance Starts Slowly - Error With Resource Manager

Oct 26, 2007

We have two instances of SQL Server 2005 - SP1 installed on one server. The default instance starts very slowly. When looking at the log I can see the delay is due to Resource Manager based upon the following error.

Resource Manager Creation Failed: 0x8004d102

What does this mean?

What would cause this to happen?

How do I resolve the problem?

Thanks, Dave

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Client With Tcp/ip Produce "time Out Error" While Same Client While Switced To Named Pipes

May 28, 2001

We have 15 clients running our applicaton
14 of then conected to SQL server using TCP/IP and it runs fine

1 of 15 when connected using TCP/IP produce "..Time out error "
but runs fine when swiched from TCP/IP to Named pipes

1.What area should we look to correct problem with Time out using TCP/IP ?
2. Where to get information about using TCP/IP via Named pipes ?

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Install SQL Server2005 Error:[Native Client]Encryption Not Supported On The Client

May 10, 2006

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29515. SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

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Setup Error : [SQL Native Client] Encryption Not Supported On The Client

Nov 1, 2006


I have SQL2000 installed as the default instance, and now I'm trying to install SQL 2005 standard edition as a named instance.

I receive this error :
SQL Server could not connect to database service for server configuration.. [SQL Native client] Encryption not supported on the client. However I'm able to install client tools

The setup works fine on other box with the same config : SQL 2000/Windows XP, is there any work around for this issue ?

In my SQL 2000 client network utilty "Force proctocol encryption " is desabled and did not find the setting for SQL 2005 !

Thank you

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Upgrade Client Connectiviity Tools On Client Machines

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Is it necessary to upgrade the Client Connectivity Tools on all clientmachines after the SQL Server database server is upgraded from Version7.0 to 2000?Thank you in advance!Eddy

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Why Would This Query Run Slowly?

Jan 20, 2005

Why could the following query be going slowly (over 30 minutes and running)? The ID is the PK and clustered index on the table. The estimated execution plan is a basic clustered index seek.

select * from recipients where id = 3006392307

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Astonishing Slowly

Apr 12, 2007

hi everyone,

Primary platform XP Sp2 RAM 2gb. Sp2 for sql25k not applied yet.

Does anyone have any tip about how to speep up the development when you have plenty of tasks? My dtsx owns several loop container, for each, and ten tasks between sql and script tasks.

Indeed, is difficult work this way.


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Why Is My Data Import Going So Slowly?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi group,I have a 175MM record table, with a record length of 200 bytes (about 20columns).Sometimes when I run a very simple DTS to import our monthly text fileof new records (about 10 million records) it really flies (takes lessthan an hour or 45 minutes).However, sometimes it takes forever...running over 6 or 7 hours beforefinishing.When it takes forever I run sp_who and don't see any blockingprocesses...To ensure that things move as quickly as possible I always drop theprimary key and the indexes before importing, so it shouldn't be gettingtied up trying to update the indexes.What sort of things could be holding up what I would expect to be a verysimple process of appending the records to the end of the currenttable...?Thanks,Warren WrightExperian-Scorex*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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COUNT And COUNT_BIG Are Too Slowly, What To Do?!

Mar 31, 2007

I used COUNT_BIG to get the number of rows but it was too slowly.
I have 100,000 rows in the table.

select COUNT_BIG (*) from topicstbl where partID like '" & PagePartID & "'

the first execute for this query taked 5 secondes. and in another times it taked 1 second.

this mean when the rows count will be 1 million it will take 10 secondes or more!

what I have to do?

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Slowly Changing Dimensions

Jan 29, 2007

I am new to SSIS and I am investigating using the Slowly Changing Dimension transform.

The data source that I receive is a daily snapshot of the external source system table. I need to store the history of the entity attributes (Type 2 SCD) and I am using the Start / End Date mechanism.

When an entity (identified by the business key) is no longer received in the source snapshot, I would like the data flow to update the End Date of the current row to show that the entity has now expired.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to achieve this ?

NB: Changing the source system extract to include and flag expired entities is not an option for me.

Many thanks


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About Slowly Changing Dimension

Oct 25, 2007

I have one question regarding Slowly Changing Dimension component in SSIS. Does SCD also delete records in warehouse if they does not exist in source anymore, or does SCD only insert new and update existing records? Can someone explain me a little bit more about inferred members? Thanks.

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Slowly Seek In Access

Nov 30, 2006


I have a frontend Access and backend SQL
works fine but when i in my customer table seek in name
it takes very very long time . I use ODBC to my connection

is there anayway to this better.?



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Type I Slowly Changing Dimension

May 16, 2008

I have a Type I SCD situation, ie, insert if new (by checking the business ID) and update if any attributes for a given business ID has changed.

The way I usually do this, (and I believe this is how most people do it), is I use a LOOKUP TASK to determine if the business ID exsist in the target table. If it doesn't then I insert. If the business ID exists, then I bring back the associated attributes and use a CONDITIONAL SPLIT TASK to compare if any of the incoming attributes are different. If there are changes, then update.

In doing this comparision, I often run into situations where I end up comparing a NULL value to something, which does not result in FALSE, but a NULL result. To get around this, I first check for NULLs and convert them into something valid before I do the comparision, but this results in a messy comparison expression, especially if I have to compare a lot of attributes.

So, how do you guys handle this?

As an alternative, I am looking into the SLOWLY CHANGING DIMENSION TASK, which I also have some questions on, but I would like to first address the above. Thank you.

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Package With Slowly Changing Dimension.

Jan 15, 2008

I have a package using Slowly changing dimension in the data flow task. It works fine if the number of records are less but for a large file the package fails with the "Violation of Primar Key" error even though there are no duplicate records in the table.
for eg i have a table with employee database with a composite primary key comprsing of Name and Employee Id. I need to do an UPSERT depending on the Name and Employee Id combination. I have a file with 100,000 records and when i try to execute the package it gives an error 'cannot insert duplicate data' even though the combination does not exist in the database.

Please help.

Aashna Behl

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Slowly Changing Dimension With 600,000 Rows

Jan 17, 2006


We have been using tasks generated from the SCD wizard. We have smaller dimensions (< 30,000 rows) that work well. Our Product Dimension package is giving us performance problems (taking 7 hours to do 600,000 rows when 80,000 records are updated; the rest new inserts). It is similar to the smaller dimensions. Several columns are type 1 and are doing update statements; several are type 2 doing updates and inserts. The package had a complicated view as the initial task, but we have since modified to use a SQL command with variable and now the initial read appears quick, but is chunking in 10,000 record increments and taking the 7 hours (never let finish previously). So the package is pretty basic now (reading a source, a small derive and data conversion, a small lookup (cached 30,000 records) for a description, then the SCD). Before I start replacing what the SCD generates with stored procedures, anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the issue? We believe we have increased the number of type 2 columns and the SCD definately has more to do than just an insert or update, but 7 hours for 600,000 records seems excessive. Interestingly, the source task never turns green. Previously when we had a Merge Join it completed the read and bottlenecked at a sort and a Merge Join. Now that has been removed and simplified, and all tasks remain yellow with the 10,000 (actually 9,990 I think) chunks appearing at the source, then the SCD before the next chunk appears to be read. On the general release (not the beta). Thanks in advance!

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Why Does Report Manager Open So Slowly

Apr 22, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and have created several reports, deployed them to SQL Server and tested them.

Everything works correctly, but when I open the Report Manager using localhost/Reports, the page takes several minutes to connect and open. I am doing this on a new laptop I use for development and testing, so I can see where it would be a little slow, but a few minutes seems extreme. I don't have any problem with SQL Server itself, nor with VS 2005.

Are there any tips or setup issues which might affect the startup speed?

Many thanks
Mike Thomas

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Slowly Changing Dimension [58] Error

Sep 21, 2006

i am using SCD to insert or update .my source and destination table are Oracle and i am using Orcale OLEDB provider . i am getting the following error while executing the package.what could be the solution

[Slowly Changing Dimension [58]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E5D. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80040E5D Description: "Parameter name is unrecognized.".



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Parent ID In A Slowly Changing Dimension

Dec 7, 2006

Hi There,

Just wondering if any of you implemented a (Kimball type 2) dimension structure, in which a ParentID column exists which points to a record from the same dimension table, using a SCD objects in SSIS. The ParentID column would have to be "Historical".

The challange here is that you would need to go through the table twice somehow, because if I would do a lookup of the parent record in the first run, I wouldn't be sure if I got the right parent record.

Thnx, Jeroen.

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Slowly Changing Dimension Wizard

Jun 6, 2007

I have a Company Dimension table that consists of various sources. One source will provide me address information, another source will provide industry info, etc. I created a historical load package that will pull all of this together so that I have all the necessary data related to a company in one record. All is well.

Since my company data is coming from various sources, how can I tell the SCD to update certain fields but not others for a type 2 change. In essence, I would like to "pull forward" the data that was in the original database row and then update it with only the changes coming from the proper source data. For example, if an address changed I will get the new address from the source but will not have the industry info. I would like to create the new record with the new address but also keep the industry data in tact. Is this possible?

Currently I will get the new record with the new address but will have null values for the industry data.


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