SQL Sourcesafe Equivalent?
Aug 15, 2006
Recently, my company's deveolpment machine crashed. We had to format the harddrive which meant we lost some of our databases.
We managed to restore the databases, but we do not know in what state, i.e. which stored procedures were written between the restore point and the point the machine crashed.
Tow questions related to this:
1. I was wondering if there is any product that is similar to soursesafe but appied to databases, so that this problem will not happen again. Does Enterprise manager do something like this?
2. I was also wondering if there was anyway to undo an sql command. e.g. my colleague recently ran a command to update a database, but forgot to write the where clause!! That data was recovered aswell, but it would be nice to have some sort of undo button.
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 20, 2007
When adding a SSIS DTSX package solution to Sourcesafe the SSIS Package Configuration file (.DTSConfig) is not included. We are using sourcesafe version 6.0d and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Developers.
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Feb 20, 2007
How is it possible to link the stored procedures in sql server to Source Safe?
The idea is that if anyone goes to sql server and wants to change a stored procedure, he has to check out/in, etc... Just like the way it is done is Visual studio with Source safe.
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Apr 24, 2006
Where can I find information about how to integrate a SQL 2005 database with either SourceSafe or Team Foundation Server Version Control?
I would like to have database changes for tables, views, stored procs, etc. under source control. Is this even possible?
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Jul 23, 2005
I've ready many of the posts on this and other newsgroups in whichpeople describe working practices for source control of databasescripts. We are looking to implement something similar in my currentworkplace.We have agreed that developers should not modify objects such as viewsor stored procedures directly, they should check the script out of VSSfirst, modify it, run it, and then check it back in.The problem we are having is finding a quick, easy way to run all thescripts in VSS in the right order, to create a new database. If wedon't run them in the right order the sysdepends table will beincorrect.If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.Regards,Ross NeilsonSoftware DeveloperInteractive Products Ltd.
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Jan 5, 2007
Hi All... Well, another old c++ programmer has found the Lord - I've just written my first stored procedure. And yes, as I've always heard, it's quite cool...
The thing I've never really cared for though is that they sit way out there in the database, far away from all the "other" code. I'm presently involved in an asp.net project and we use SourceSafe. I've seen some mention of VSS with SQL Server on this site and am quite pleased to see it! But for the sake of an old c++ programmer, what are the basics about getting things like stored procedures (and even the database schema for that matter) into sourcesafe? That is what's the easiest way to do it? ; )
For what it's worth, we're using .Net 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, SQL 2005 and VSS 6.0. Thanks for the tips! -- Curt
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Apr 25, 2007
I've figured out how to store new SSIS projects in SourceSafe, but is there a way to configure an agent job to execute a package from SourceSafe, or do I have to maintain a copy outside? (Which doesn't seem to make sense...)
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Jul 23, 2005
HiIs it possible to use Visual Source Safe with SQL Server inorder to keep track of all modifications done to stored procedures?What are the pros and cons ?Thanks, Eugene
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Apr 21, 2007
In SQL Express SP2, when I select Tools > Options, there is a place where I am supposed to be able to specify the source control plug-in. I have SourceSafe 2005 installed on this machine, so I see these choices in the drop-down:
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (Internet)
The problem is that whenever I select one of the SourceSafe options, it goes back to "None".
I'm not even sure how the source control intergration works, but I figured I have to select the plug-in before doing anything else.
How can I select the SourceSafe plug-in under SQL Express SP2?
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Mar 14, 2007
Imagine opening SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), drilling into adatabase, and seeing all objects with little lock symbols in front ofthem. That would be true SS integration.Maybe next version?I know about creating a project in SSMS and managing connections,queries, and misc there, but come on, that seems a far cry from what Ilong for.I searched for 3rd party tools and found SQLSourceSafe and Apex SQLTools. Does anyone have experience with those?-Tom.
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Aug 10, 2007
I get errors when I check out an SSIS package from source control (both Source Safe and TFS) relating to the connection objects where I was not the original developer who checked it in. Is there a solution to this other than altering the connection loginpassword for every connection object in the package before deploying?
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Jan 12, 2007
The develpment team where I work is using Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005 and Team Fundation Server. We want to somehow track changes of the stored procedures. We could create a Solution/Project in the SQL Server Management Studio, add all stored procedures to it and add that Solution/Project to the SourceSafe but nothing will stop developers from directly altering stored procedures.
Any ideas on how to prevent developers from making changes to the stored procedures directly?
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Jan 16, 2008
I've added an XML package configuration file to my SSIS package and it appears to be working fine.
The XML file is located in the same folder as the solution file.
I've recently added the entire solution to Visual Sourcesafe 2005, and I achieved this by doing the following:
1. Right-clicked on the Project name in the solution explorer and selected "Add to source Control".
2. When prompted, provided my Sourcesafe login credentials and clicked "OK"
3. Accepted the default VSS project name and clicked "OK"
4. Clicked "Yes" to allow VSS to create a new project
Problem: The XML configuration file hasn't be added to sourcesafe along with rest of the solution.
I'm able to add the file manually myself, but this doesn't seem right to me. Am I missing something? Should the config file show as part of the Solution in Visual Studio 2005?
Any answers/help would be appreciated greatly.
Jon Derbyshire
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Nov 23, 2005
I have looked around and found the equivalent for IIF (Access) to be aSELECT CASE in SQL. I have tried this with no success. I am also lookingfor the equivalent of MAX and have had no luck. The portion of thestring I am trying to SQL'ize is:SELECT Max(IIf([ADCN.ADCN] Is Null,0,[ADCN.ADCN])) AS ADCN FROM ADCNINNER JOIN Sheet ON ADCN.RecordID = Sheet.RecordID WHERE (Sheet.Drawing= '" & x & "') AND (Sheet.SheetNumber = 0);This portion is the most important:SELECT Max(IIf([ADCN.ADCN] Is Null,0,[ADCN.ADCN])) AS ADCN*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
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Dec 28, 2006
Is there anyway I can return only the last row of a query, like TOP does for the top most items?I would like to return something like this:SELECT BOTTOM 1 Column_CFROM Table1WHERE Column_A = somethingAny help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Jan 7, 2008
Hi everyoneI have a table 'users' with column 'residence' New York, NY Houston, TXSan Antonio, TX In MySQL I can select the city by running the following command SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(residence, ',' , 1) FROM users. How would I accomplish the same thing using ms sql? Thanks in advance
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Jul 10, 2004
Is there and equivalent of rs.getrows in asp.net? I want to fill an array quickly from a datareader?
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Jun 20, 2001
What is the equivalent to autonumber in SQL 7? I ported over some data into SQL but when I bring it up in Access 97 as linked tables it shows that
what used to be autonumber in Access is listed only as number in SQL. So what is the equivalent to Autonumber in SQL?
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May 6, 2008
How do i structure my script to do the same thing in SQLExpress as in MySQL. My MySQL statement goes like:
ALTER TABLE groups ADD Last_Updated timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER Report_List
SQL does not recognize the ON UPDATE part, but i want the same function out of that collumn.
Any help here is greatly appreciated,
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Mar 12, 2007
In this sql syntax
Quote: "SELECT table1.ID, table1.Catagory, table1.PostCount, table1.LastPostDate, table1.Description, table2.Username, table2.ID AS UserID FROM Catagories AS table1 INNER JOIN Users AS table2 ON table1.LastPostBy = table2.ID"
Is this the equivalent?
Quote: “SELECT table1.ID, table1.Catagory, table1.PostCount, table1.LastPostDate, table1.Description, table2Username, table2ID AS UserID FROM Categories AS table, Users AS table 2 WHERE table1.LastPostby = table2.ID”
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Jun 16, 2004
There is a concept called INDEXTYPE in Oracle, Is there any equivallent for the same in SQL Server ?
Oracle example :
What is the SQL Server equivalent query for the above ?
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Jul 8, 2004
What is the SQL Server equivalent for "set autocommit on" of Oracle ?
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Jul 9, 2004
I have 2 SQL statements in Visual Basic(with sybase as backend)
1) "set option DBA.MAX_STATEMENT_COUNT = 1069999900"
2) "set option DBA.MAX_CURSOR_COUNT = 1069999900"
And when I migrated the DB from Sybase to SQL server and try to run the vb code it is giving me error in that SQL statement as MS SQL server might not be recognising the above two statements. Is there an equivalent of this in SQL server.
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Aug 16, 2004
Rownum returns the serial number for the records in Oracle.
Id there an equivalent for the same in SQL Server ?
select rownum from test_table;
Please advise,
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Oct 27, 2004
Oracle query :
create table test(sno int, sno1 int) NOCACHE
Is there any equivalent in SQL Server for the above (specifically for the NOCAHE syntax)
Please advice,
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May 16, 2006
Hi everyone, I am new to SQL, and would really appreciate help with this.
I have a database with the following fields:
IDNumber: sequential running from 1 to approx 50000
SURNAME: Surname
FNAME: Forename.
I want to return the last 100 IDNUmbers and return the surname and fname associated with the IDNumbers.
When I try TOP it gives me IDNumbers 1 to 100, is there an equilvant for the bottom 100 numbers.
Please help if you can.
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Apr 11, 2008
is there a C# equivalent to system_user?
I asked my dev team but they all work from home on Fridays (read sleeping on their couches), and I have not heard back yet.
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Nov 16, 2006
...For Oracles DECODE function?
I am trying to get a conditional output RETURNed to the Grid output and have not found it in SQL Help. Help!!!
Here is Oracles example:
Select Distinct City,
DECODE (City, 'Cincinnati', 'Queen City', 'New York', 'Big Apple', 'Chicago',
'City of Broad Shoulders', City) AS Nickname
From Cities;
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Dec 18, 2006
jess writes "Hi,
IS there a component/way of retrieving a list of SQL Servers or databases on your local network for SQL 2005/Express. The same way sqldmo worked for a .net project.
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Feb 15, 2007
What is the sql equivalent of to_char?
Here is a line of code I am trying to fix.
Is there anything else in this line of code that I might need to change?
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Feb 22, 2008
I'm creating a view in SQL and am looking for something equivalent to the IIF ststement in Access.
Basically I want to create 2 new columns, which are based on the result of 1 of the other columns.
So if in my columns I have :
11 - Fred - 0 - 09:00 - 10:30
12 - John - 1 - 11:30 - 15:30
etc, etc, etc
I want to add the first new column saying something along the lines of "If Flag = 0 then DateTo - DateFrom, otherwise Null"
and then add a second column saying "If Flag = 1 then DateTo - DateFrom, otherwise Null"
Therefore the above would show :
11 - Fred - 0 - 10:00 - 10:30 - 0:30 - Null
12 - John - 1 - 11:30 - 15:30 - Null - 4:00
etc, etc, etc
This in turn would give me 2 new columns which would show value 1 and value 2 - 1 being where the flag is not checked, and 2 being where the flag is checked.
Does this make sense ?
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Feb 4, 2006
Hi.I'm a casual sql user. I have found a situation where I need to convert anoracle statement to tsql, one I can just fire off in any sql tool against anms sql server database.I studied the exists statement and I think I understand it somewhat, however Iwas not sure how to get it quite right. If you have an idea and a minute ortwo I'd appreciate any insight or tutorial.insert into authorization (program, optiontitle, usergroup, authorizationid)select 'EVERYWHERE','NAVIGATOR',usergroup, authorizationseq.nextvalfrom allgroups where exists (select * from authorizationwhere authorization.USERGROUP = allgroups.USERGROUP andauthorization.optiontitle = 'READ' and authorization.program = 'EVERYWHERE')I believe that because in my data, three values of usergroup from allgroupsreturn true from the exists, that this is supposed to insert three rows intoauthorization.But I can't figure out what to do about the authorization.nextval.. I triedvarious max(authorization)+1etc but nothing seemed to compile/workthanksJeff Kish
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Jun 28, 2006
Hi everyone,Please excuse me if this has been asked before or sounds a bit dim.This is a question asked on another forum but the solutions beingoffered are focussing on programming rather than letting the DB serverdo the work, which I'm not sure is the most efficient solution.However, my confession is I dont use SQL server so can't help themdirectly with the syntax. Hopefully you can help me help them and learna little about SQL Server in the process.Trying to right pad a first name field so the padded string is a totalof 30 chars. It will be output concatenated with the last name field,and each field separated with a "|". So that when output it readssomething like:fname | mylastnameSyntax given was:select id,substring((last_name+','+rtrim(' '+isnull(level,'))+''+rtrim(isnull(first_name,'))+space(30)),1,30)+ ' | ' as student_namefrom studentIssue: It appears this is padding correctly but the spaces are notrendering in the browser. (I have no way to check this as I don't usesqlserver. However, I can understand that multiple spaces are not goingto render in the client browser, if indeed the query is padding withspaces.Question: Instead of using space(), can replicate() be used and aunicode space representation rather than an actual space be used? Or,is there a better way that will ensurethe padding shows in browser?I guess a fixed width font would also need to be used otherwise the30-char blocks could wind up being different widths, which would defeatthe purpose.If there is something I've missed, or you have any suggestions, I'mkeen to learn.TYhanks in advance,Lossed
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