SQL Statement, Averaging With Out Zeros

Feb 7, 2006

I have a web application/database that is a sort of rating system. right now it accepts 1-5 and then averages all the scores on the results page of my application according to a specific date range. Now here is the problem:

My people want to be able to input a 0 or N/A into the application. Now how can I make the averages correct by skipping the 0s and just averaging the other numbers??  here is a sample of my sql statement.

Dim BIOpbl As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT pbl1v FROM BioPsychSocial WHERE (resident LIKE @resident) AND (date BETWEEN @date AND @date2)", conn)

BIOpbl.Parameters.AddWithValue("resident", ResidentList.SelectedValue)

BIOpbl.Parameters.AddWithValue("date", Calendar1.SelectedDate)

BIOpbl.Parameters.AddWithValue("date2", Calendar2.SelectedDate)
please help,

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Help With Averaging (beginner)

Jan 23, 2008

I have a question that I am sure is an easy answer for the pros, but being a beginner I need a bit of help. My problem is I am trying to average multiple columns and return a single output. Here is an example of the data and layout that I am looking at, and what the intended results would need to be.

TradeAmt TradePrice
100 36.75
200 38.75
100 36.80

The desired results would be the average Trade Price (36.7625 in this case). The problem I am running into is taking into account both columns. I know in other programming languages you can create a loop to multiply the TradeAmt by TradePrice, add the value to the next set of TradeAmy x TradePrice, and ultimately average it out. Since I am new to SQL I am not sure of the best way to proceed, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Averaging String Values?

Jul 6, 2006

SQL neophyte hoping this is an easy answer...

I'm trying to obtain an average for a set of string values. "Huh?" (In an investment portfolio, some securities have ratings, e.g., AAA or Aa2 or BBB, etc., and to obtain an overall rating for the portfolio you have to find a way to average the string values from each individual security.) I figured I'd assign a numerical value to each, average, and convert back to string. My first attempts have been a little futile...can anyone help?

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Leading Zeros In SQL

May 6, 2008

I would like to add leading zeros in the date. Thsi is my existing procedure, it adds leading zeros, but it formats using "yyyy/mm/dd", instead of "yyyy-mm-dd"
Id, Title, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ModifiedON, 111)
--CAST(YEAR(ModifiedOn) AS VARCHAR(4))+'-'+CAST(MONTH(ModifiedOn) AS VARCHAR(2))+'-'+CAST(DAY(ModifiedOn) AS VARCHAR(2))as ModifiedOn
Row between @startRowIndex And @endRowIndex

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Truncate The Zeros

Jan 9, 2004

Hi all,
I have a problem.
The SQL statement I have is like this

select * from table where (convert varchar(25),AMT) LIKE '%0%'
This causes all my data to appear instead of 1 only if I key 77 into the textbox because AMT is a currency type with 77.000.
So is there another way of solving this other than truncating off the zeroes?

If so feel free to assist me, your help is greatly appreciated.

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Trailing Zeros

Jun 27, 2006

Hi All,

Can anybody tell me how to remove the trailing zeros from the numeric field?

The data looks like this:


It should look like this:



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Int And Leading Zeros

Oct 31, 2005

can anyone tell me how to design a table that has an INT value that keeps the leading zeros???

no if i put in


i get



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Removing Zeros

Sep 24, 2007

I have a column cost with sample record as '00003433' . how can i remove all zeros in left side alone?.

Out put : 3433.


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Leading Zeros

Jul 26, 2007

Hi Folks,

I have a situation where I need to display an integer with leading zeros, with a defined length.
Example, 43 appears as 00043 when the length is 5 and 000043 when the length
is 6.

I tried using "=Format(Fields!DirID.Value.ToString)" with different variations to no avail.

Any ideas will be appreciated.


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Trimming Leading Zeros

May 31, 2007

mssql 2000, asp.net(vbscript) 
How am i able to trim leading zeros? Right now i have two values:00000005       500000010      1000000015      15..... etc...
how do i write a query where i can select an argument where 5 = 0000005?
the column with 00000005 is varchar and5 is numeric

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Truncation Of Leading Zeros

Jun 7, 2004

I have a problem while importing data from Excel to SQL Server.The leading zeros in data get truncated.Even if I try and change the excel data column as 'Text' and copy paste the data back into the Text column, the problem persists.Does any one have any thoughts about this problem?

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Add Leading Zeros To Integer?

Jul 1, 2004

I need to cast an integer to a string to append to another string for a barcode.

How can I get 1 -> '0001' OR 100 -> '0100'

Any suggestions?

Mike B

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Display All Look Up Value Groups Even With Zeros

Nov 4, 2004

I have these values in a table:


Then there is another table, which has the description of auth_ids

1In queue
4Checking I
6Checking II

I would like to count the serial_id for each dates for each auth_id with desc and also DISPLAY zeros for auth_ids that are not present.

Is this possible. If so, can someone please tell me how I can accomplish this.


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How To Add Trailing Zeros 2 Decimals

May 18, 2008

In my select query for field ordernumber want to add two trailing zeros in the resultset, how can i add.

Thanks for the info.

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How To Add Trailing Zeros If There Is No Decimals

May 19, 2008

How can i add two trailing decimals if there is no decimals:

for example if it is just 1, then make it 1.00

if it is 1.12 then leave it as it is.

can you please help.

select cast(ordernumber as varchar(10)) + '00' from ordertable

Thanks for the info.

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Padding Fields With Zeros.

Oct 4, 2006

I am trying to create a field in SQL query builder that takes the input number 12345 and formats it 0000012345. In MSAccess there is a great Format() function which allowed this to be done easily, but I cant find an equivalent in SQLServer. Can anyone provide me with a new function and possibly a sample? Thanks in Advance,


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Add Zeros For The Fixed Column

Mar 24, 2008

I would like to add right number of 0 to make the data length of varchar (14)
For example,
before after
1768 -- > 0000001768.000
23456.78 --> 0000023456.780
123679.876 --> 0000123679.876

what is the best way to do this?

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How To Get Rid Of The Zeros In Money Type, Thanks!

Oct 5, 2006

How to get rid of the zeros in money type,

i.e. only show dollars, no cents?

I use:

CONVERT(varchar, Price, 1) AS Price

It gives me the result with 2 digits decimals. like 123,456.00

I only need the dollar part, how to get rid of the zeros, Thanks!

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Need To Retain Leading Zeros

Jan 25, 2008

I have an SSIS routine which uses a simple SQL select statement from a SQL Server 2005 database and then goes to a Flat File destination. The field (dischstatuscode) is a nvarchar(50) and it may contain data with leading zeros.

Code Snippet
Select DischStatusCode
from dbo.pm

...which returns:

When I open up the csv file produced by the SSIS routine, I see the following:

How can I have it retain leading zeros?

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Trim Leading Zeros

Feb 28, 2008

My records are like this.

I want to remove the zeros on the left and the answer should be like this.


How to trim the leading zeros.

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VARCHAR And Binary Zeros

Jun 26, 2007


I'm using DB2 Connect to access an IBM DB2 database, and I'm trying to import a table, having one VARCHAR field, containing multiple binary zeros, to SQL Server.

My problem is the VARCHAR type in SQL Server is defined as a null-terminated string of characters. So everytime I retrieve one of these values, it gets truncated (the first binary zero becames the end of the string).

I've tried using the TEXT data type, replacing the 0X00 character as part of the select , and using the native and .net OLE DB provider with no luck.

If anyone has faced the same problem before, I would appreciate any help.


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Currency Dropping Right Zeros In Sybase

Apr 22, 1999

Going against a Sybase database using ODBC, the numeric data in the amount field (money)
drops all zero's to the right of a whole number when bringing it into MSQL 7. Example:

2,000.00 comes across as 2
2,001.00 comes across as 2,001.00

Has anyone a solution to this? What am I doing wrong? If I run a query against the SYBASE
database, everything looks fine. Once I bring it into SQL, I'm about 9,000,000 dollars off.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Left Pad Zeros To Integer Field

Feb 4, 2004

I have an integer field that ranges from 3 to 6 numbers and I need to left pad leading zeros so the field is always a char(7). What is the syntax to do this? Thanks in advance.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Concatenate With Leading Zeros

Sep 9, 2013

I am creating a view which involved concatenation of 2 int columns.

The data in the columns look like

Column 1 Column 2
1234 1
12345 11

I am trying to get the following output


So the first column should have zeros padded to the front to make 6 numbers, the second column should be 3 numbers long with zeros in front. So when added together it is 9 numbers long.

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Remove Leading Zeros From Output

Feb 25, 2014

What is the best way to change an output of P0123 to 123? i.e. drop the letter 'P' and also any leading zeros. We have a report that outputs terminal ID's which range from P0001 through to P0536.

I can drop the 'P' easily enough, but how I can drop the P000 from terminal ID P0001 for example.

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Varchar Loosing Leading Zeros

Jul 1, 2006

I'm using varchar as a datatype and my leading zeros are chopped-off once ther data reaches my Stored Proc. The table will allow me to store the values with leading zeros if I enter them manually, but I cannot insert them via ASP/StoredProc.

Any ideas would be awesome.

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Auto-incrementing With Leading Zeros

Aug 10, 2006

Hi All,
I need to set up a kind of identity insert that gives an output in the format: 00001, 00002, 00003 etc. Is there a formatting option for this sort of output using normal identity insert features or do I need to write a function to insert these values (perhaps as text) each time a new record is created?
Sorry if this is really simple but it's only my 4th day in this job!

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Leading Zeros Are Trimmed Automatically

Apr 25, 2007

I am reposting this from the VB IDE forum, becaue I received no response

Using VS05 SP1 Pro/SQL Express...

There are two tables, UserIDs and Recordings (which has a foreign key relating it back to UserIDs).

I created a Stored Procedure via Server Explorer that returns the user ID for a given Foreign Key in Recordings table. If the UserID is "0001", then "0001" is return (userIDs are stored as strings). The stored procedure works every time.

I then created a table adpater that uses the above stored procedure. The table adapter is used in code. It has always worked fine, but i have discovered if the user ID starts with 0, those zeros are trimmed by the table adapter .

For example:

UserID = Me.TableAdapter_Recordings.FillBy_StoredProceedure_Return_UserID(ForeignKey_Recordings_Table).ToString

should result in a userID of "0001", but instead results in "1", which, from a string view point, is incorrect. As strings, "0001" and "1" are totally different, and the "1" fails when you do a fill for the table UserIDs.

So, the Stored Procedure and the Table Adapter using the same Stored Procedure return different results, with the Table Adapter being wrong. Why is it trimming the zeros? Is there anyway to stop that so the results are correct?



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How To Change Nulls And Put Zeros In That Palce

May 12, 2008

In my database I have "null" for some values of the data and now I want to change that to zero '0' due to some requirement. So, Is there any function for that?? So that all the "null"s in the database are changed to '0's......

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How To Insert Right Justifies Leading Zeros

Sep 24, 2007

I have a business rule in my environment where I need to insert right justified leading zeros in the column. For example if the value to be inserted is 12 than it should be inserted as 0000012. How can I do this


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Trim Leading Zeros From A Varchar Column?

Aug 10, 2007

 My table has a column named [Liability] varchar datatype which has the data in the format
I want to trim the leading zeros so that the output should be(trim only the leading zeros)
Can someone show my the sql statement for this?

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SQL Server 2000, Truncating Trailing Zeros

Jan 28, 2008

I'm uploading data from a CSV file into SQL Server 2000 using an upload routine in C# (ASP.NET 2.0). I'm using an OleDbDataAdapter to select all the data in the CSV file into a DataTable. I then use a SQLBulkCopy to copy all the data into my SQL Server table. The CSV file maps exactly to the fields in the SQL Server database and I've used a custom delimiter of a '~' (tilda) that is declared in a schema.ini file.
The import works fine and my SQL Server table is fully populated with all the data. However, one source field in the CSV file is getting truncated in my SQL Server table. It is a field containing a value e.g. 32,000, 64,500 but this is getting truncated and losing the trailing zeros in SQL Server i.e. 32,000 (CSV) becomes 32 (SQL Server) and 64,500 becomes 65,5.
I've tried mapping the source field to a varchar, nvarchar and text field, but all data types have the same problem with truncating the trailing zeros (I only need to display the data - no calculations required) and the ',' in the number in the CSV file has prevented me from mapping this to an integer.
Also, locally the code works fine and my local database is SQL Server 2005, but the remote host is using SQL Server 2000 and this is where the problem occurs.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

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Padding An Auto-incremented Int Column To Ten Zeros

May 11, 2004

Good day gentleman,
Is it possible to pad columns of Int data type with zeros?

I currently have a primary key column of data type Int which is auto-incremented by 1. My problem is I need to pad the auto-incremented ID's with ten zeros so, 0000000009 instead of 9.

I can pad the ID's in the c# dataaccess layer, but i need to generate/store them padded in the database to allow direct reporting.

I am using Enterprise Manager and i can see a Formula field when the table is in design view, can i use this? i am just guessing here.

Any comments or pointers would be a big help.

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