SQL2000 Log Shipping Copy Issue
Oct 10, 2007
I am testing log shipping on SQL2000 and am having an issue with the log shipping copy job on the destination. Using the log_shipping_monitor_probe, no trn log files are ever copied to the destination share. I even granted full access to everyone on the primary and destination share folders and using NT authentication uses the ANONYMOUS USER account (not sure why). My error returned from xp_sqlmaint is:NULL
Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version 8.00.2039
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1998
Starting copy for plan BOCAVSQLD1.pubs_logshipping
Source database - pubs
Copied 0 files
Finished copy for plan BOCAVSQLD1.pubs_logshipping
(14 row(s) affected)
Any help would be appreciated!
Todd P.
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May 11, 2007
After try and error for several months, finally my SQL2000 LS works.
i gave my self a little celebration for that.
but after running well for a day, just one day !
this morning it give me Out of Sync.
error messages:
failure /4305
activity : Load
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)]
Error 4305: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The log in this backup set
begins at LSN 7000000026200001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier
log backup that includes LSN 6000000015100001 can be restored.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.
activity : Copy
failure / 32
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
i just dont understand, how come the load & copy process failed, after it works for a day.
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Apr 3, 2003
The above mentioned script by Ron Craig was put on the SWYNK site on 22 February 2002. When all the SQL Server scripts were moved from SWYNK to Jupiter, this article and scripts were lost. I have contacted Jupiter and they admit that it has been lost. If anyone has downloaded this article(prior to the move from SWYNK), please can you forward it to me. If Ron Craig should read this, please can you forward your article to me and ask Jupiter to put it back.
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Jul 15, 2015
I have issue with Logshipping copy job,Below is the Error. What was the mistake in configuration. Which stage it is failing copy or Paste ?
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Log Shipping Agent
[Assembly Version =, File Version = 11.0.2100.60 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )]
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
2015-07-15 09:28:35.58 ----- START OF TRANSACTION LOG COPY -----
2015-07-15 09:28:40.22 Starting transaction log copy. Secondary ID: '117c7df2-09c7-42b1-a8fb-1f06641f8a01'
[Code] .....
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Jul 9, 2007
I have an application which stores records on a local SQL Express and I need to move the records to a SQL 2000 database. I have the SQL 2000 server linked in the Express Management Console (under Linked Servers). I'm trying to use a stored procedure to accomplish this, but get an error "Invalid object name 'ngtxa4-rsmsz-01.newpurchase.tblRequest'." Express uses a table named tblTRequest in the TempPurchase database, while 2000 uses a table named tblRequest in a NewPurchase database. Here is the stored procedure I'm using:
USE [tempPurchase]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[InsertRequestToMain] Script Date: 07/09/2007 08:54:56 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertRequestToMain]
INSERT INTO [ngtxa4-rsmsz-01].newpurchase.tblRequest
(fldRequestDate, fldRequiredBy, fldUserID, fldWorkAreaID, fldVendorID, fldClassID, fldEstimate, fldMemo, fldStatusID, fldStatusDate, fldSystemID,
fldtmpRequestID, fldUpdateCode)
SELECT fldRequestDate, fldRequiredBy, fldUserID, fldWorkAreaID, fldVendorID, fldClassID, fldEstimate, fldMemo, fldStatusID, fldStatusDate, fldSystemID,
tmpRequestID, UpdateCode
FROM tblTRequest
WHERE (fldHold = 0)
Any assistance with this would greatly be helpful. Thank you.
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Jan 27, 2008
Hi experts.
Challenge: Datapumping. To copy daily production data from N x 100 SQL 2k servers to one central SQL2k5 server.
Sometimes copying task might demand transferring schema objects like temp tables and procedures from sql2005 to sql2000.
Since system organisation is different, what would be the best approach ?
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May 13, 2007
I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.
Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?
We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.
Is there any possibility of loosing data ?
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Jun 8, 2006
I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?
I did the failover as follow:
I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following
1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)
2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)
3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)
4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)
5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.
I appreciate any suggestion.
Thanks in advance
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Sep 17, 2006
i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?
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May 13, 2008
i am in the process of Migrating SQL 2000 to my new SQL2000 server i want to know the what would the best way for me to migrate one SQL server to another SQL server on the same network and rename the new server to the old server and bring it up for use in our ecommerce website.
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May 11, 2006
I set up DB mirror between a primary (SQL1) and a mirror (SQL2); no witness. I have a problem when I issue command:
alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL2.mycom.com:5022';
The error message is:
The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy of the database log.
I have the steps below prior to the command. (Note that both servers' service accounts use the same domain account. The domain account I login to do db mirror setup is a member of the local admin group.)
1. backup database DBmirrorTest on SQL1
2. backup database log
3. copy db and log backup files to SQL2
4. restore db with norecovery
5. restore log with norecovery
6. create endpoints on both SQL1 and SQL2
7. enable mirror on mirror server SQL2
:connect SQL2
alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL1.mycom.com:5022';
8. Enable mirror on primary server SQL1
:connect SQL1
alter database DBmirrorTest
Set Partner = N'TCP://SQL2.mycom.com:5022';
This is where I got the error.
The remote copy of database "DBmirrorTest" has not been rolled forward to a point in time that is encompassed in the local copy
Thanks for any help,
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Feb 28, 2008
I did:
alter database mydb set single_user with rollback immediate;
exec sp_detach_db @dbname='mydb', @keepfulltextindexfile='true';
then I tried to copy files to new location on other drives, same server but got
>>Cannot copy <myfile>: Access is denied
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use<<
I also tried rename of file without success.
I also tried with db service stoppet (not preferred) without success.
How to find out, which process locks the files?
Best regards
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Aug 30, 2005
How do I transfer/copy the stored procedures in my Test DB to my LIVE DB? IT won't allow me to export keeps giving me an error.
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Nov 4, 2006
if i have a given database (a model) and i want to copy this database in the same database instance. Is it ok to copy the mdf and ldf file and attach the files with a new database name in the same instance.
Or is the datebase name part of the .mdf file?
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Jan 23, 2012
I am attempting to use the copy wizard to copy databases from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2 w/ FP1.
The copy fails with a login failure to SQL Server 2005. I have a user id & password under Windows for both servers. I have a user id and password under SQL security with the called for admin security rights.
The 2005 server has two instances, 20 databases, two dozen maintenance plans, and over a hundred users. I really would like to use the utility so I don't have to recreate everything manually.
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Feb 1, 2007
Before implementing memory based bulk copy insert with IRowsetFastLoad interface of SQL Server 2005 OLE DB provider, I want to know some considerations.
- performance : compared with T-SQL's "BULK INSERT ..." and bcp utility
- SQL Server's resource usage : when running memory based bulk copy, server resource's influence
- server side action(behavior) : when server is busy, delayed-update means IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true) method can insert right after?
- row-count : The rowcount limitation can be inserted by IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit
- any other guide lines
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Feb 15, 2007
Hi~, I have 3 questions about memory based bulk copy.
1. What is the limitation count of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true)?
For example, how much insert row at below sample?(the max value of nCount)
for(i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++)
pIFastLoad->InsertRow(hAccessor, (void*)(&BulkData));
2. In above code sample, isn't there method of inserting prepared array at once directly(BulkData array, not for loop)
3. In OLE DB memory based bulk copy, what is the equivalent of below's T-SQL bulk copy option ?
BULK INSERT database_name.schema_name.table_name FROM 'data_file' WITH (ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch, TABLOCK);
My solution is like this. Is it correct?
// CoCreateInstance(...);
// Data source
// Create session
m_TableID.uName.pwszName = m_wszTableName;
m_TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
DBPROP rgProps[1];
rgProps[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;
rgProps[0].colid = DB_NULLID;
rgProps[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;
rgProps[0].vValue.bstrVal = L"ROWS_PER_BATCH = 10000,TABLOCK";
PropSet[0].rgProperties = rgProps;
PropSet[0].cProperties = 1;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
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Jun 21, 2002
Could somebody please guide me on how best to Implement SQL Server Log Shipping. I have gone through BOL without luck. Thanks.
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Aug 1, 2000
I need to create a RO copy of a production DB owned by an outside company. We are connectd via a WAN link, but cannot use replication. They are proposing using an initial load via tape, and sending us a text file nightly with the days changes to the DB. We will then need to load that data using BCP, DTS or some other method. Does any one have any ideas on using log shipping instead of the text file. It would only be practical to get a fresh load of the entire DB once a quarter or once a month at most. It is a 40+ GB database and we are expecting 100 to 200 MB of logs per night. For business reasons, we are limited to some type of file transfer mechanism for the data transfer, and cannot really change their backup schedule which is nightly fullbackups and tlogs every 30 minutes.
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Nov 28, 2000
Can anyone point out me , What does Log shipping mean ?
Is it backup of Log file ? or moving backup logs to any other destination ?
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Mar 27, 2002
Hi all,
I am using SQL 2k EP Editions with SP2 on Win 2k Advance servers. Since more than week or so I am trying to establish log shipping between two servers. But its not working.
I am using database maintainence plan wizard to set up log shipping. Every thing works fine as far as wizard is concern, it creats plan for log shipping. But my log shipping is not working. The plan to back up log on source database is working fine. I can see the job history and the log files in the backup folder. But I have found that the job on the standby server to copy log file on network folder is failing and so the job to restore log on stand by server. I get the following message
"sqlmaint.exe failed with error state....."
Little reaserch on the standby server found that sql server is using maintainence plan to copy and restore log files, but i do not see any database maintainence plans on standby server as well as I have checked that there is no plan id in sysjobs table on either server.
I have sa rights. The account used by sql service and sql agent have admin rights and they do have rights to access the network folder for both the servers. So there is no rights problem.
I have followed all steps published in white paper for setting up log shipping on microsoft web site.
I have searched microsoft KB but it is of no use for sqlmaint.exe.
Any help is highly appreciated.
thanks in advance.
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Sep 6, 2000
This might end up being fairly lengthy...I'm in the midst of implementing log shipping as a "warm stand-by" solution at my company. All the components appear to be in place: I'm using cmd shell to copy the backup device file to a remote server and then execute a RESTORE stored procedure on the remote server.
The copy and restore work just fine. The problem I'm having is with the transaction log dumps and restores.
We normally dump transaction logs (and then truncate) every hour. With the log shipping being implemented, we're going to want to do separate log dumps every ten or fifteen minutes, copy that dump over to the remote server, and then apply that log to the database.
Here's the question: for the log ship portion, I don't truncate the log. But after the "normal" log dump occurs, things get tossed out of whack. When you try to apply a log, I get the message "database has not been rolled forward enough....".
Has anyone encountered this type of issue and if so, how did you work around it? I'm assuming it's a simple of issue of certain options you set on your dumps and scheduling....
I'd appreciate any help....
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Sep 24, 2002
Does anyone know if Log Shipping in SQL 2000 Ent also ships over database schema changes?
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Oct 14, 2002
We are considering implementing log shipping. Do the sql server logs keep track of the logs that are shipped and applied through log shipping? Or is there some other way to make sure that all logs have been shipped and applied?
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Jul 25, 2004
I have been successful in getting log shipping working but still have some nagging questions that I cannot find answers to.
1. I had a situation where the copy for one TranLog took much longer than the 15 minute interval I have it setup for. It seemed to get stuck on that copy. Is that how it is supposed to behave.
2. Related to the question above, weekly, I have jobs that reorganize, check integity, recalc statistics. Would these jobs create very large log files? If so, how do others deal with this?
3. Is there any documents available that discuss testing converting your secondary server/database to your primary and back again?
4. Is there a way to setup Email notification to report out-of-sync conditions?
Any other gotcha's that people have run into.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ken Nicholson
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Feb 2, 2005
While configuring log shipping, if i choose the "allow database to assume primary role" then the "ceate and initialise new database " option is selected by default..Does this happen all the time or am i missing something.What if i have already initialised the destination database.
Madhukar Gole
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Aug 18, 2006
Hi all,
I am testing my log - shipping strategy. I have tried with northwind database and it was successfully created and is operating. However in order to test I have created a new Test Table in the primary database to see whether it is working. From now on database shows that it has been loading and I cannot see any tables it is grayed and it says loading. What would be the problem? When I checked the logs it has been copying to the secondary database and it doesn't show any error in the log-shipping monitor. It seem everything is cool accept this loading part. If some one help me I really appreciate it.
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Mar 27, 2002
Hi all,
I am using SQL 2k EP Editions with SP2 on Win 2k Advance servers. Since more than week or so I am trying to establish log shipping between two servers. But its not working.
I am using database maintainence plan wizard to set up log shipping. Every thing works fine as far as wizard is concern, it creats plan for log shipping. But my log shipping is not working. The plan to back up log on source database is working fine. I can see the job history and the log files in the backup folder. But I have found that the job on the standby server to copy log file on network folder is failing and so the job to restore log on stand by server. I get the following message
"sqlmaint.exe failed with error state....."
Little reaserch on the standby server found that sql server is using maintainence plan to copy and restore log files, but i do not see any database maintainence plans on standby server as well as I have checked that there is no plan id in sysjobs table on either server.
I have sa rights. The account used by sql service and sql agent have admin rights and they do have rights to access the network folder for both the servers. So there is no rights problem.
I have followed all steps published in white paper for setting up log shipping on microsoft web site.
I have searched microsoft KB but it is of no use for sqlmaint.exe.
Any help is highly appreciated.
thanks in advance.
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Apr 3, 2002
Hi All,
I failed to configure the Logshipping in
SQLServer2000, through database maintenance plan wizard,
at last step I got the following error.
Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState:42000)
Error 50007:xp_repl_encrypt:Error executing
I am running SQLServer2000 Enterprise Edition with
Servicepack2, and Windows2000AdvancedServer with
Servicepack2 on both machines and bothe machines are in
the domain, both SQLServerservices are running under
Domain account.
thanks in advance,
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Jun 19, 2002
Is there any effect on taking full backups on Primary Server while log Shipping is in place? If we take a full backup is that applied to the secondary server?
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Jul 18, 2001
We would like to use log shipping for a Near Real Time (5 min delay)reporting server. SQL 2000 requires exclusive use of the database when the logs are applied. This presents a problem since there may be a couple of hundred users on the NRT server. Even if they only make connections when running the reports there could be some contention issues. Has anybody used log shipping in this type of scenario?
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Oct 17, 2001
Is it possible to log ship a database from server A (source) to server B (read only) when the database on server A is partly replicated (transactional repl) to several other servers ? All hints and advices are highly appreciated.
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Jan 26, 2001
Does anyone know why some databases in SQL 2K Enterprise are not available for log shipping? In other words when you select a database Log Shipping this option is not available (grayed out). Other DB's on the same server log ship without problem.
Any ideas?
I think Microsoft has an answer to this but their site is not working so I can't get to the Q270006 which supposed to discuss that. If you do a search in KB for "Log Shipping is disabled" you will see the WebCast link which references Q270006 but then if you click on the link to go to the Q link does not work and search Q270006 is not found in KB..
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